
Rick Burks
Pick out different brands of clubs
Choose the right shaft flex
Hit 10 golf balls per club
Narrow down your selection
Hit more golf balls
Choose the brand that feels best
When first learning how to play golf, it’s important to learn how to hit the ball
before going out and playing a round at a golf course. No one enjoys slow play,
therefore you must hit at the range and get a feel for how you hit the ball.
Warm up with short shots
Start with wedges and irons
Gradually move to woods
Swing easy
Note the general direction of the ball
End on a good hit
Putting motion is like a pendulum
Eyes should be over golf ball
Smooth and straight take back
Firm and straight follow through
Keep eye on ball through impact
Ball in the back of stance
Small take back
Firm descending blow through golf ball
Play 9-18 holes
Remember all of your practice
Develop a routine hitting the ball
Keep an accurate and honest score
Record your statistics during the round
Work on shortfalls at the range
Mental game is half the battle
Don’t get discouraged by bad shots
Throwing clubs can lead to disciplinary action
Golf takes time to become good
Never give up
Hit golf balls a couple times per week
After 1000 swings becomes muscle memory
Spend equal time practicing every
Keep in mind pros practice several hours daily and hit a couple hundred golf
balls daily**