Chapter 5 advance organizer


Name _____________________________________________

This will be attached to your Mineral Identification Sheet as part of the

Mineral Lab.

Using your text.

A. Read pages 90-91 “Matter and Atoms”.

Draw a helium atom and a carbon atom below. Identify the protons, neutrons and electrons for each.

B. Read page 93 and draw a water molecule. Identify the atoms, protons, neutrons and electrons.

C. Read page 94 and draw the ionic bond for Sodium and Chlorine. Identify the atoms, protons and electrons. What is the charge on the sodium? _________

Why? _____________________________________

D. Read page 95.

What is the difference between a compound and a mixture?


Circle the mixtures seawater blood gold water air quartz steel magma

E. Use section 5.2

(p. 96-102)

1. Fill in the web using page 96:

All minerals…

2. (p. 97) Complete the statements:

Many minerals form out of ______________ rock or magma.

Many kinds of minerals form out of a _________________________________

The types of minerals formed depend on the types of __________________ in the magma.

Some types of minerals form as ______________ containing _____________ ______ slowly evaporates.

3. (p. 98) Define ‘crystal’ _________________________________________


How many different types of minerals are there? ______________

How many common mineral shapes? _____________

4. (p. 99) Describe and contrast two of the crystal systems:



5. (p. 100) What are silicates? ________________________________________ What percent of minerals in earth’s crust are silicates? ____________

Sketch the silicate tetrahedron and label the atoms:

6. (p. 100 bottom) Define ‘cleavage’ in minerals: ______________________________


(p 101) The ____________________ of a mineral depends on the _________________ or atoms, ion and molecules.

Explain why diamonds are so strong and graphite is not:



What is density? ___________________________________ What is the density of diamond?


F. Use section 5.3 (p. 104-105) to answer the following:


What problem might we find if we try to use color to identify all minerals?



What is meant by luster? __________________________________________________


What is the luster of aluminum foil? ________________________


What 3 types of luster are shiny, but not metallic? ________________________________


What tests allows us to observe the color of the powder of a metallic mineral? _________


What types of minerals usually create a dark or yellow streak? ______________


Minerals that leave a white streak are usually _______________


Why do some minerals cleave only in certain directions? ___________________



What pattern of cleavage does mica show? _____________________________


Quartz can grow pretty crystals, but it fractures when it breaks. What does that mean?


Use p. 106-107 to answer the following:


The hardness of a mineral is its _____________________________________________


The softest minerals on Mohs scale is _______________ with a hardness of _______


The hardness of a fingernail (without tough nail polish ) is ____________, meaning you can scratch ________________ and __________________ with your fingernail.


If you can’t scratch something with your fingernail, you should use a ________________.

Calcite cannot be scratched by your finger, but it can be by a penny.


Name 2 minerals that can scratch quartz: ___________________________________


Why is glass brittle, and yet hard? ___________________________________________


Specific gravity compares the density of a mineral to the density of __________________


If a mineral has a high specific gravity, it will feel heavy or light ?(circle one) and is probably a nonmetallic or metallic mineral?


Caclite is found in what 2 rocks? ______________________________________


What makes calcite really easy to identify? _______________________________


What does it mean to fluoresce? _____________________________________


What makes the following easy to identify: a.

Magnetite _____________________________ b.

Halite _______________________________ c.

willemite ________________________________

G. Section 5.4

“mineral groups” gives us information about the most common types of minerals we would find in the rocks of the earth’s crust. Complete the 3 columns below using pages 109-

111 to help you.

Silicates Carbonates Oxides and sulfides

How common? _________ of crust

Made of ____________ and __________ and

Made of negatively charged

_____________ with positive


Most common and hardest is _____________ 2 common carbonates are

Feldspars make up _________ of crust and

___________ ions.

_______________ and have a __________ luster.

2 major groups of feldspars are

_________________ and


Kaolinite is white and used in



Calcite formula is

_________________ and it will ___________ with acid.

Iron is important in

________________________ and in hematitie the iron is combined with ______________, while magnetite has ____________ with iron and pyrite has

_______________ and iron.

H. After the lab

1.Having completed the identification procedure, please indicate which of the tests seemed to help you identify the minerals the best: (circle)

Streak specific gravity hardness luster color other test

2. Some of the minerals are metallic and some are nonmetallic. On the venn diagram indicate the characteristics they seemed to share and those they did not. Include the types of atoms in their chemical compounds as part of this. metallic nonmetallic
