
LAH 2020
Historical Analysis: The Latin Americans
Winter 2005
Tuesday and Thursday 11:00-12:15
CP 151
Professor Noble David Cook
Office: DM-395B
Ext. 73966
Teaching Assistants: Miguel Costa T Th 12:30- 1:30
and Willie Ramos Office hours: T Th 2:00-3:30 PM
Lecture Topic
11 Jan T The Geographical Determinants
th Introduction to Native Peoples
Penguin, 37-54
T Olmecs to Mayas
Movie: Mesoamerica
th Aztecs
T Early Andean
León Portilla, Broken Spears
th The Incas
01 Feb T Iberian Roots
Penguin, 54-76
th Backgrounds of European Expansion
Penguin, 1-36
Movie: Columbus
T Conquest of the Incas, Andean Resistance
th Conquest of the Aztec Empire
Cook: Born to Die
T The Spanish Colonial System
Penguin, 77-115
th Mestizaje, African Slavery
T The Church and the Missions
Penguin, 116-166
th The Hacienda and Plantation
Movie: The Mission
01 Mar T Mines and People
th Bourbon Reforms
Penguin, 195-232
T Political Independence of Latin America
García Márquez: The General
th Creating Nations
Penguin, 233-284
T Argentina: Liberalism, Conservatism and Rosas Penguin, 459-484 Movie: Camila
th Argentina: Peron and Evita
Fraser: Evita: the Real Life
21-26 March
Spring Break
T Mexico: Political Instability and Caudillismo
Penguin, 378-409
th Mexico: "Order and Progress" the Porfiriato
Movie: Revolución
05 Apr T The Mexican Revolution
Azuela: The Underdogs
th Twentieth Century Issues Paper is DUE
Penguin, 313-377
T Cuba: Colony to Dependency, sugar and tobacco
Penguin, 436-458
th Platt Amendment to 1959
Guevara: The Bolivian Diaries
T Change through Revolution
Movie: Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis
th LAST DAY OF CLASS - - review of papers, quizzes, grades, missing work
Purpose of the course: The aim of this course is to introduce students to the complex histories of
Latin American peoples, and to sharpen skills in research methods and written presentation of
the results to an audience of peers.
Requirements: SIX in class written exercises on the readings, and one final paper. The course is
designed to meet the Gordon Rule writing requirement. Each in class written exercise will focus
on one of the required readings plus the lectures and text readings for the unit. The day of the
exam is in boldface (ex. Broken Spears, class and text 11-25 Jan is on 27 January).
Evaluation: Approximately 60 % of the grade is based on the in class essays, and 40 % on the
final paper. A basic geographical knowledge of Latin America is required.
Final Paper: Women are either a major or minor part of all the assigned texts. Write an essay
in which you analyze the changing role of women from the time of the first encounter between
the Old World and the New to the 1960s. In that essay you should cite specific examples of
women that appear in the narratives as you construct your arguments. When you cite provide the
page number and the source, using the Chicago Manual of Style format. The paper should be
between 1,500 and 2,400 words (please provide a word count on the cover page with your name,
student #, and date). The Paper is DUE on 7 April.
Deadlines: Paper is due in class on the date found in the schedule in boldface. If the paper is
late, the grade will be reduced. The paper will not be accepted by attachment via email.
Plagiarism: F is the automatic grade for a paper that is not prepared by the student according to
the course guidelines. Plagiarism is defined in the FIU Student Handbook. Read carefully!
Note also normal penalties for unprofessional behavior in normal course work.
Attendance: Regular attendance is expected, and class participation is fostered. One make-up
exam during the semester is permitted based on valid reasons for the absence. It must be taken
within one week of the original exam.
Required Texts:
Edwin Williamson, The Penguin History of Latin America Penguin Paperback (1993). ISBN:
0140125590 $18.00
León Portilla: Broken Spears The Broken Spears : The Aztec Account of the Conquest of
Mexico by Miguel Leon Portilla (Editor), Beacon Press (1992). ISBN: 0807055018
Cook: Born to Die Born to Die: Disease and New World Conquest, 1492-1650, by Noble
David Cook, Cambridge University Press (1998). ISBN: 0521627303
Garcia Márquez: The General The General in His Labyrinth by Gabriel Garcia Marquez,
Edith Grossman (Translator), Penguin Paperback (1991). ISBN: 0140148590
Fraser: Evita: the Real Life Nicholas Fraser, Marysa Navarro: Evita: The Real Life of Eva
Peron. Norton (1996). ISBN: 0393315754
Azuela: The Underdogs The Underdogs : A Novel of the Mexican Revolution by Mariano
Azuela, E. Munguia (Translator), Signet (1996). ISBN: 0451526252
Guevara: The Bolivian Diaries The Complete Bolivian Diaries of Che Guevara, and Other
Captured Documents by Ernesto Guevara, D. James (Editor), Cooper Square Press (2002).
ISBN: 0815410565