African Penguin By: Molly M. Physical Characteristics • The African Penguin has shiny , waterproof feathers. • There are about 70 feathers per square inch. • The animal is about 2 feet tall. • It is also about 6.8-8 pounds in weight. Habitat • They live on islands in between Namibia and Port Elizabeth. • They spend most of their time in the ocean. • They are mostly found off the coast of Southern Africa. Food • The African Penguin is a carnivore. • They hunt in the sea to get their food. • They eat fish such as, Sardines, Sancord, Anchovies, Crustaceans, Crab and shrimp. • They also eat Squid. Babies • The mother lays 2 eggs at a time and it takes up to 40 days of incubating. • Both of the parents take care of the baby. • The baby has to stay close to the nest for the first 2-12 months of life. • They eat half-digested food from their mother. Cool Facts • The African Penguin nests by burrowing in bird droppings and sand. • The eggs take 30-65 days to hatch. • The male Penguins are larger and they have longer bills. Protection/Predators • This animal protects itself by honking like a donkey. • The water predators are, Sharks, Capefur, Seals and Orcas. • The land based ones are , Kelpgull, mongoose, Genets and domestic cats. Lifespan • The African Penguin’s lifespan is about 10-27 years in the wild.