Archives of the International Secretariat of Amnesty International inventory no. 547-557 IISH 1162/1 AFR 05/01/92 West Africa Regional Action Network (WARAN): feedback and future plans 1162/2 AFR 05/02/91 West Africa Regional Action Network (WARAN): Feedback and future plans - April 1992 1162/3 AFR 05/03/92 WARAN update: June 1992 1162/4 AFR 05/04/92 WARAN update: December 1992 1162/5 AFR 12/01/92 Angola: An appeal for prompt action to protect human rights 1162/6 AFR 12/02/92 MAGRAN 01/92 - Angola: Executions by UNITA of UNITA officials and fears for the safety of others in UNITA-controlled areas 1162/7 AFR 12/03/92 MAGRAN 02/92 - Angola: Appeal for action to protect human rights 1162/8 AFR 12/04/92 UA 194/92 - Angola: death in police custody: Francisco dos Santos Queiros 1162/9 AFR 12/05/92 MAGRAN 03/92: Angola: Ill-treatment of non- political prisoners 1162/10 AFR 12/06/92 UA 208/92 - Angola: arbitrary detention / fear of "disappearance": Bela Malaquias, Germana "Tita" Malaquias, and Nelson Malaquias 1162/11 AFR 12/07/92 Further information on UA 194/92 (AFR 12/04/92, 11 June) - Angola: death in police custody: Francisco dos Santos Queiros 1162/12 AFR 12/08/92 MAGRAN 03/92: update: Angola: Ill-treatment of nonpolitical prisoners 1162/13 AFR 12/09/92 Angola: Will the new government protect human rights? 1162/14 AFR 12/10/92 Angola: Oral statement by Amnesty International to the seminar and training course on human rights organized by the United Nations Angola Verification Mission (UNAVEM II), the United Nations Centre for Human Rights and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute, in Luanda, Angola, 31 August-4 September 1992 1162/15 AFR 12/11/92 UA 287/92 - Angola: arbitrary killings: Teresa Mzovo, Pascoal Pitra, Pedro Mbachi Ngimbi, Placido Tati and others 1162/16 AFR 12/12/92 Further information on UA 287/92 (AFR 12/11/92, 11 September) - Angola: arbitrary killings and (new concern) illegal detention: those killed: Tereza Mzovo, Pascoal Pitra, Pedro Mbachi Ngimbi and others, including (new name) "Incumbio" Macaia; those detained: Placido Tati (previously believed killed) and (new names) Hilario Capita, Francisco Xavier, Zeferino (surname not known) 1162/17 AFR 12/13/92 Angola: Section-level action October to December 1992: recommended actions for home government approaches for use with the external documents "Angola: An appeal for prompt action to protect human rights" (AFR 12/01/92) and "Angola: Will the new government respect human rights?" (AFR 12/09/92) 1162/18 AFR 12/14/92 UA 318/92 - Angola: extrajudicial executions: Joao Maria Taty, Afonso Foumbo Mabiala, Joao Bento and one other person, name unknown to AI 1162/19 AFR 12/15/92 MAGRAN 04/92 - Angola: Inquiries about Tito Emanuel Sebastiao 1162/20 AFR 12/16/92 UA 349/92 - Angola: legal concern / fear of ill-treatment: Godfrey Absalom Nangonya 1162/21 AFR 12/17/92 Angola: Killings and other gross abuses in the context of recent violence: update to Section Level Action (AFR 12/13/92) 1162/22 AFR 16/01/92 UA 05/92 - Burundi: "disappearance": Joseph Bagalwa, Justin Bucumi, Jean Ciiza, Dominique Kazimiri, Paul Mbonayo, Edi- Diomede Nijimbere, Joseph Ntahombaye, Ferdinand Ntamagendero, Joel Ntahonshikiye, Audace Simbizi 1162/23 AFR 16/02/92 UA 06/92 - Burundi: legal / ill-treatment concern: JeanBerchmans Baragunzwa, Charles Mugiraneza and 20 others held at the Brigade speciale de recherche in Bujumbura Republic of Burundi (Republique du Burundi): Government authorities list 1162/24 AFR 16/03/92 1162/25 AFR 16/04/92 CAFRAN 01/92: Burundi: Appeals for an inquiry into army and gendarmerie killings and other recent human rights violations 1162/26 AFR 16/05/92 AI news release: Burundi: Toll of extrajudicial killings reaches at least 1,000, inquiries into human rights violations urged 1162/27 AFR 16/06/92 Burundi: Government authorities list 1162/28 AFR 16/07/92 Burundi: Section level action 28 May to end of July 1992: Appeals for an inquiry into army and gendarmerie killings and other recent human rights violations 1162/29 AFR 16/08/92 Republic of Burundi (Republique du Burundi): Government authorities list 1162/30 AFR 16/09/92 Further information on UA 273/91 (AFR 16/02/91, 9 August) - Burundi: legal concern and note new concern unfair trial: Domitien Hakizumutware, Johnson Hatungimana, Sylvestre Maniraho, Serge Singirizina and Thomas Ntawoturitwotse, Augustin Kubwimana, Emmanuel Sinzumunsi, Nathan Bararunyeretse, Ananias Ntampaka (includes correction) 1162/31 AFR 16/10/92 Burundi: Sectarian security forces violate human rights with impunity 1162/32 AFR 16/11/92 CAFRAN 05/92 - Burundi: Unfair trial of known or suspected supporters of PALIPEHUTU 1162/33 AFR 16/12/92 Group level action and CAFRAN 07/92 action December 1992 - February 1992: Burundi: Reiterating Amnesty International's concerns in 1992 1162/34 AFR 16/13/92 Burundi: Reiterating Amnesty International's concerns in 1992: selected appeal cases (includes order form for photographs) 1162/35 AFR 17/01/92 1162/36 AFR 17/02/92 UA 08/92 - Cameroon: torture / legal concern: JeanMichel Nintcheu, Emmanuel Wato and five others Further information on UA 08/92 (AFR 17/01/92, 8 January) - Cameroon: torture / legal concern: Jean-Michel Nintcheu, Emmanuel Wato and new names: Tafou Martin, Feuneu Feuzing 1162/37 AFR 17/03/92 UA 48/92 - Cameroon: fear of torture / ill- treatment / legal concern: Dr Zama Kimbi Ndefru, Stephen Ndi, Blaise Berinyuy, Gilbert Azeh 1162/38 AFR 17/04/92 UA 118/92 - Cameroon: deaths in custody / fear of further deaths: up to 70 deaths at Tchollire prison camp 1162/39 AFR 17/05/92 Advice to editors - Cameroon: Up to 70 deaths from malnutrition reported at prison camp 1162/40 AFR 17/06/92 Further information on UA 406/91 (AFR 17/11/91, 21 November) - Cameroon: torture / legal concern: Senfo Tonkam 1162/41 AFR 17/07/92 Further information on UA 08/92 (AFR 17/01/92, 8 January and follow-up AFR 17/02/92, 31 January) Cameroon: torture / legal concern: Jean-Michel Nintcheu, Emmanuel Wato, Tafou Martin, Feuneu Feuzing 1162/42 AFR 17/08/92 Further information on UA 48/92 (AFR 17/03/92, 13 February) - Cameroon: fear of torture/ill-treatment / legal concern: Dr Zama Kimbi Ndefru, Stephen Ndi, Blaise Berinyuy, Gilbert Azeh, and some 40 others 1162/43 AFR 17/09/92 UA 172/92 - Cameroon: fear of "disappearance" / legal concern: Sulemanu Paul Tata, Ibrahim Pendap Tata, Kasimo Lemamu, "Che", Oumarou Tata, Ahmadou Tata, Evaristus Eba 1162/44 AFR 17/10/92 Advice to editors: Deaths of criminal prisoners in Cameroon 1162/45 AFR 17/13/92 Further information on UA 118/92 (AFR 17/04/92, 8 April) - Cameroon: deaths in custody / fear of further deaths: Further deaths feared at Tchollire prison camp 1162/46 AFR 17/14/92 Cameroon: Killings and torture in Ndu 1162/47 1162/48 AFR 17/15/92 AFR 17/16/92 CAFRAN 05/92 - Cameroon: Killings and torture in Ndu EXTRA 90/92 - Cameroon: fear of torture / legal concern: John Fru Ndi and over 120 supporters of the Social Democratic Front and at least 200 others arrested in Bamenda, including: Ngalla Nfor, Peter Ngufor, Francis Sama, Ophelia R Sendze, Justice Nyo Wakai 1162/49 AFR 17/17/92 UA 350/92 - Cameroon: legal / medical concern: Dr Victorin Francois Hameni Bieleu 1162/50 AFR 17/18/92 UA 365/92 - Cameroon: torture / death in detention: Ghandi Che Ngwa 1162/51 AFR 17/19/92 UA 412/92 - Cameroon: fear of forcible return: four Chadian nationals in exile: Abass Kotti, Bichara Digui, Bichara Idriss Hagar, Mahamat Souleymane 1162/52 AFR 19/01/92 UA 253/92 - Central African Republic: death in custody: Dr Jean-Claude Konjugo 1162/53 AFR 20/01/92 UA 18/92 - Chad: legal / ill-treatment concerns: Adoum Moussa Seif, Ahmed Mahamat, Ahmed Lamine Ali, Ahmed Seid, Ali Abass Selchi, Assileck Outhman Ali, Bichara Digui, Bichara Idriss Haggar, Djamaldine, Mahamat Outhman, Mahamat Seid Ali Fithy, Mouli Seid, Orozi Fedeibou, Ramadan Waido, Senoussi Ali Haggar 1162/54 AFR 20/02/92 UA 21/92 - Chad: extrajudicial execution concern: Ahmed Seid Ali, Bisso Mamadou, Moussa Mahamat 1162/55 AFR 20/03/92 Further information on UA 18/92 (AFR 20/01/92, 14 January) - Chad: legal concern / ill-treatment: Adoum Moussa Seif, Ahmed Mahamat, Ahmed Lamine Ali, Ahmed Seid, Ali Abass Selchi, Assileck Outhman Ali, Bichara Digui, Bichara Idriss Haggar, Djamaldine, Mahamat Outhman, Mahamat Seid Ali Fithy, Mouli Seid, Orozi Fedeibou, Ramadan Waido, Senoussi Ali Haggar 1162/56 AFR 20/04/92 Further information on UA 348/91 (AFR 20/04/91, 21 October) - Chad: extrajudicial executions / legal concern: Maldom Bada Abbas and an unspecified number of his suspected supporters 1162/57 AFR 20/05/92 UA 57/92 - Chad: possible extrajudicial execution: Joseph Behidi, Vice-President of the Chadian Human Rights League and at least 20 others 1162/58 AFR 20/06/92 Chad (Republique du Tchad): Government authorities 1162/59 AFR 20/07/92 Further information on UA 332/91 (AFR 20/03/91, 10 October) - Chad: death penalty / legal concern: Hazarak Mansour, Ahamat Mouniama, Hassane Souleymane, Hassabalah Abderamane 1162/60 AFR 20/08/92 UA 139/92 - Chad: extrajudicial executions / ill-treatment: More than 40 Chadian nationals forcibly repatriated from Nigeria including: Goukouni Guet, Ahmed Saker Bidon 1162/61 AFR 20/09/92 UA 254/92 - Chad: extrajudicial execution: Faky Ali Ahmat, Abakar Chahadine, Abderkerim Arabi, Abderkerim Hissein, Dahie, Faky Amine 1162/62 AFR 20/10/92 EXTRA 68/92 - Chad: death penalty: Daoud Ahmat Cherif, Awat Abdou 1162/63 AFR 20/11/92 Chad (Republique du Tchad): government authorities 1162/64 AFR 20/12/92 Chad: Extrajudicial executions in Doba (includes correction) 1162/65 AFR 20/13/92 UA 376/92 - Chad: fear of torture / extrajudicial execution: Mahamat Khaled, Mahamat Issak and at least 13 other suspected or known members of the Mouvement pour la Democratie et le Developement (MDD) 1162/66 AFR 23/01/92 Djibouti: Government authorities list 1162/67 AFR 23/02/92 Djibouti: Order form for photographs 1162/68 AFR 23/03/92 EAFRAN 02/92: Djibouti: Action for prisoners of conscience imprisoned after an unfair trial 1162/69 AFR 23/04/92 Djibouti: Prisoners of conscience - unfair trial by security tribunal 1162/70 AFR 23/05/92 Djibouti: Death penalty action 06/92: Adouani Hamouda Ben Hassan 1162/71 AFR 23/06/92 UA 399/92 - Djibouti: hunger strike / health concern / prisoners of conscience: Ali Aref, Mohamed Daoud Chehem, Mohamed Aden Aboubaker, Mohamed Hassanleh Abakari, Adboulkader Mohamed Abass, Mohamed Bouha Ali, Orbisso Mohamed Ali, Mohamed Ali Moumin, Ahmed Dini Moyale, Mohamed Ahmed Adrouh, Bahloul Abdallah Issa, Abdalla Ali Mohamed 1162/72 AFR 24/01/92 Equatorial Guinea: Government authorities list 1162/73 AFR 24/02/92 UA 52/92 - Equatorial Guinea: arbitrary arrest, fear of torture: Placido Miko Abogo, Celestino Bacale Obiang, Jose Antonio Dorronsoro, Arsenio Molonga, Jose Luis Nvumba 1162/74 AFR 24/03/92 Further information on UA 52/92 (AFR 24/02/92, 13 February) - Equatorial Guinea: arbitrary arrests / fear of torture: Placido Miko Abogo, Celestino Bacale Obiang, Jose Antonio Dorronsoro, Arsenio Molonga, Jose Luis Nvumba and new name: Pedro Motu Mamiaga 1162/75 AFR 24/04/92 Update to MAGRAN 04/91: Equatorial Guinea: Political imprisonment 1162/76 AFR 24/05/92 Further information on UA 52/92 (AFR 24/02/92, 13 February and follow-up AFR 24/03/92, 24 February) Equatorial Guinea: arbitrary arrest / fear of torture: Placido Miko Abogo, Celestino Bacale Obiang, Jose Antonio Dorronsoro, Arsenio Molonga, Jose Luis Nvumba 1162/77 AFR 24/06/92 UA 111/92 - Equatorial Guinea: fear of unfair trial: Placido Miko Abogo 1162/78 AFR 24/07/92 Further information on UA 111/92 (AFR 24/06/92, 3 April) - Equatorial Guinea: fear of unfair trial: Placido Miko Abogo 1162/79 AFR 24/08/92 UA 199/92 - Equatorial Guinea: arrest of possible prisoner of conscience / fear of ill-treatment: Pilar Manana Further information on UA 199/92 (AFR 24/08/92, 15 June) - Equatorial Guinea: arrest of possible prisoner of conscience / fear of ill-treatment: Pilar Manana and new name: Cecilia Bechipo Bolope (includes correction: Cecilia Bechipo Bolope never arrested) 1162/80 AFR 24/09/92 1162/81 AFR 24/10/92 UA 285/92 - Equatorial Guinea: arrest of possible prisoners of conscience / torture: Tomas Buechecu, Julio Esono, Pedro Luis Moto (a minor), Felipe Ndong, Pablo Ndong, Gerardo Ngue, Guadalupe Ngue and sixteen others, including another woman 1162/82 AFR 24/12/92 UA 370/92 - Equatorial Guinea: death penalty: Norberto Ndong Abia 1162/83 AFR 24/13/92 UA 373/92 - Equatorial Guinea: fear of extrajudicial execution / torture: Alfredo Bijuan and 40 students 1162/84 AFR 24/14/92 UA 409/92 - Equatorial Guinea: torture and legal concern: over 100 people including: Celestino Bacale, Pedro Esono, Maximio Miko, Arsenio Moro, Angel Obama 1162/85 AFR 25/01/92 Ethiopia: Government authorities list 1162/86 AFR 25/02/92 Limited medical letter writing action: Ethiopia: Yosef Muleta 1162/87 AFR 25/03/92 Ethiopia: Further information on limited medical letter writing action: Yosef Muleta (see AFR 25/02/92, 22 May) 1162/88 AFR 25/04/92 UA 211/92 - Ethiopia: legal concern / arbitrary detention: Tadele Demeke, and over 20 others, including: Shasha Negga, Said Hassen, Said Daoud, Beyene Gura 1162/89 AFR 25/05/92 Further information on UA 211/92 (AFR 25/04/92, 24 June) - Ethiopia: legal concern / arbitrary detention: Tadele Demeke and over 23 others, including: Shasha Negga, Said Hassen, Said Daoud, Beyene Gura and new name: Meshesha Mogus 1162/90 AFR 25/06/92 Ethiopia: Government authorities list 1162/91 AFR 25/07/92 UA 364/92 - Ethiopia: legal concern / fear of ill-treatment: Arega Kitata, Tilahun Hirpassa, Wolde-Yesus Mengesha, Haile Legesse and large numbers of others from the Oromo ethnic group 1162/92 AFR 28/01/92 Further information on UA 399/91 (AFR 28/05/91, 15 November) - Ghana: legal / health concern: Kwesi Armah and new name: George Naykene 1162/93 AFR 28/02/92 Ghana: Two sentenced to death for murder 1162/94/95 AFR 28/03/92 WARAN 01/92: Ghana: Two sentenced to death for murder 1162/96 AFR 28/04/92 Ghana: Addresses of non-governmental organizations and individuals 1162/97 AFR 28/05/92 Update to WARAN 06/91: Ghana: Political imprisonment and the death penalty 1162/98 AFR 28/06/92 Ghana: Government authorities list 1162/99 AFR 28/07/92 Further update to WARAN 06/91 - Ghana: political imprisonment and the death penalty: release of prisoners 20 March 1992 1162/100 AFR 28/08/92 UA 381/92 - Ghana: fear of ill-treatment / legal concern: Johnny Hansen, Belshilsu Damba, Hajia Damba and Hajia Ayeshetu Damba (wives of Alhaji Tahiru Bambali Damba), Musah Damba (brother of Alhaji Tahiru Bambali Damba) and about eight soldiers and commandos 1162/101 AFR 28/09/92 Ghana: Releases of political prisoners and new arrests 1162/102 AFR 29/01/92 UA 337/92 - Guinea: fear of torture / fear of ill-treatment / legal concern: Amadou Oury Bah 1162/103 AFR 29/02/92 Further information on UA 337/92 (AFR 29/01/92, 29 October) - Guinea: fear of torture / fear of ill-treatment / legal concern: Amadou Oury Bah 1162/104 AFR 30/01/92 Guinea-Bissau: Government authorities list 1162/105 AFR 30/02/92 UA 73/92 - Guinea Bissau: arrest and beating of political activists: Dr Balde, Heraclito Carvalho, Braima Dabo, Manuel Mancama Fati, Mario Julio Mango, Joaquim Diniz Sequeira and three others (includes correction) 1162/106 AFR 30/03/92 MAGRAN 05/92 - Guinea-Bissau: death in custody: Ussumane Quade 1162/107 AFR 31/01/92 UA 60/92 - Cote d'Ivoire: legal concern: Martial Ahipeaud, Laurent Akoun, Laurent Gbagbo, Simone Gbagbo, Rene Degny Segui, Francis Wodie and at least 250 others 1162/108 AFR 31/02/92 UA 77/92 - Cote d'Ivoire: legal concern: Adou JeanFrancois, Aka Kouassi, Akassi Thomas, Kalifa Toure, Ouattara Lancina, Teha Emmanuel and at least 109 others 1162/109 AFR 31/03/92 Further information on UA 60/92 (AFR 31/01/92, 19 February) - Cote d'Ivoire: legal concern: Martial Ahipeaud, Laurent Gbagbo, Simone Gbagbo, Laurent Akoun, Rene Degny Segui, Francis Wodie and many others 1162/110 AFR 31/04/92 Further information on UA 60/92 (AFR 31/01/92, 19 February; and follow-up AFR 31/03/92, 10 March) - Cote d'Ivoire: legal concern: Martial Ahipeaud, Laurent Gbagbo, Simone Gbagbo, Laurent Akoun, Rene Degny Segui, Francis Wodie; and new names: Gnato Zerebi, Molle Molle, Louis Dacoury Tabley, Raymond Koudou Kessie, Georges Coffy, Lazare Koffi Koffi, Marius Koutezan (includes correction) 1162/111 AFR 31/05/92 Further information on UA 77/92 (AFR 31/02/92, 5 March) - Cote d'Ivoire: legal concern: Adou JeanFrancois, Aka Kouassi, Akassi Thomas, Kalifa Toure, Ouattara Lancina, Teha Emmanuel, and at least 109 others 1162/112 AFR 31/06/92 Further information on UA 77/92 (AFR 31/02/92, 5 March; and follow-up AFR 31/05/92, 24 April) - Cote d'Ivoire: legal concern: Adou Jean-Francois, Aka Kouassi, Akassi Thomas, Kalifa Toure, Ouattara Lancina, Teha Emmanuel, and new names: Charles Ahipeaud, Michel Gbagbo 1162/113 AFR 31/07/92 WARAN 04/92: Cote d'Ivoire: Appeals for prisoners of conscience 1162/114 AFR 31/08/92 Cote d'Ivoire: Silencing the opposition - 77 prisoners of conscience convicted 1162/115 AFR 31/09/92 Update to WARAN 04/92 - Cote d'Ivoire: prisoners of conscience 1162/116 AFR 31/10/92 Further information on UA 60/92 (AFR 31/01/92, 19 February, and follow-ups AFR 31/03/92, 10 March, AFR 31/04/92, 24 April (and correction)) - Cote d'Ivoire: legal concern: Martial Ahipeaud, Laurent Gbagbo, Simone Gbagbo, Laurent Akoun, Rene Degny Segui, Gnato Zerebi, Rene Molle Molle, Louis Dacoury Tabley, Raymond Koudou Kessi, Georges Coffy, Lazare Koffi Koffi, Marius Koutezan 1162/117 AFR 31/11/92 Further information on UA 77/92 (AFR 31/02/92, 5 March and follow-ups AFR 31/05/92, 24 April and AFR 31/06/92, 11 May) - Cote d'Ivoire: legal concern: Adou Jean- Francois, Aka Kouassi, Akassi Thomas, Kalifa Toure, Ouattara Lancina, Teha Emmanuel, Charles Ahipeaud, Michel Gbagbo 1162/118 AFR 32/01/92 UA 19/92 - Kenya: legal concern: Professor Wangari Mathaai 1162/119 AFR 32/02/92 Further information on UA 19/92 (AFR 32/01/92, 14 January) - Kenya: legal concern: Professor Wangari Maathai, and new names: Josephat Karanja, James Orengo, George Njanja, Wanguhu Ng'ang'a, Matu Wamae, Virginia Wamboi Otieno, Kimani Wa Nyoike, Abdulkadir K Hassan 1162/120 AFR 32/03/92 Kenya: Government Authorities list 1162/121 AFR 32/04/92 UA 74/92 - Kenya: Ill-treatment of peaceful demonstrators: Wangari Maathai and several other women hunger-strikers 1162/122 AFR 32/05/92 Further information on UA 19/92 (AFR 32/01/92, 14 January; and follow-up AFR 32/02/92, 20 January) Kenya: legal concern: Professor Wangari Maathai, Josephat Karanja, James Orengo, Wanguhu Ng'ang'a, Matu Wamae, Virginia Wambui Otieno, Kimani wa Nyoike, Abdi Kadir Hassan (note corrected name); and new names: Luke Obok, Abdi Baricha Ali, Wilson Pyman Onyango; and George Njanja (released) 1162/123 AFR 32/06/92 Further information on UA 74/92 (AFR 32/04/92, 5 March) - Kenya: ill-treatment of peaceful demonstrators: Wangari Maathai, and several other women hungerstrikers 1162/124 AFR 32/07/92 EXTRA 64/92 - Kenya: medical concern: Rumba Kinuthia 1162/125 AFR 32/08/92 Kenya: limited medical letter writing action: Rumba Kinuthia 1162/126 AFR 32/09/92 UA 264/92 - Kenya: legal concern / possible death penalty: Sheikh Khalid Salim Balala 1162/127 AFR 33/01/92 Lesotho: Torture, political killings and abuses against trade unionists 1162/128 AFR 33/02/92 SAN 01/92: Lesotho: Torture, political killings and abuses against trade unionists 1162/129 AFR 33/03/92 Lesotho: Government authorities and other addresses (includes addition) 1162/130 AFR 33/04/92 Lesotho: General options for action (action files) 1162/131 AFR 33/05/92 Medical letter writing action: Lesotho: torture and killings 1162/132 AFR 34/01/92 Rapid Response action on Liberia 1162/133 AFR 36/01/92 Group level action: Malawi: prison conditions, cruel punishment and detention without trial 1162/134 AFR 36/02/92 1162/135 AFR 36/03/92 Malawi: Government authorities and some nongovernment authorities Malawi: Prison conditions, cruel punishment and detention without trial 1162/136 AFR 36/04/92 Medical letter writing action: Malawi: Prison conditions and ill-treatment 1162/137 AFR 36/05/92 UA 86/92 - Malawi: legal concern: Simon Mhone, Sydney Kwelepeta, Sam Chirwa, Mr Chirambo, Archbishop James Chiona, Bishop F Mkhori, Bishop M A Chimole, Bishop A Assolari, Bishop A Chamgwera, Bishop G M Chisendera, Monsignor John Roche, Chakufwa Chihana 1162/138 AFR 36/06/92 UA 90/92 - Malawi: fear of extrajudicial execution: Archbishop James Chiona, Bishop F Mkhori, Bishop M A Chimole, Bishop A Assolari, Bishop A Chamgwera, Bishop G M Chisendera, Monsignor John Roche 1162/139 AFR 36/07/92 Further information on UA 86/92 (AFR 36/05/92, 12 March) - Malawi: legal concern: Simon Mhone, Sydney Kwelepeta, Sam Chirwa, Mr Chirambo, Chakufwa Chihana and new name: Dennis Nkwazi 1162/140 AFR 36/08/92 UA 101/92 - Malawi: death penalty: Winston Kabenthu, Style Phiri, Tobet Kamwendo, Leston Simba, Davison Maponda, George Sukali, Wilson Mwale Ngozo, Thenson Thomas, Lyson Nkhoma, Laurence Zuze, Bonfasio Petro and four others (names unknown) 1162/141 AFR 36/09/92 UA 114/92 - Malawi: legal concern / fear of extrajudicial execution: Chakufwa Chihana 1162/142 AFR 36/10/92 Further information on UA 114/92 (AFR 36/09/92, 6 April) - Malawi: legal concern / fear of extrajudicial execution: Chakufwa Chihana, and new names: William Chisimba, Florence Lungu, Yaredson Ngwira, Lloyd Tembo, Joseph Maribowe 1162/143 AFR 36/11/92 Further information on UA 86/92 (AFR 36/05/92, 12 March; and follow-up AFR 36/07/92, 16 March) Malawi: legal concern: Simon Mhone, Sydney Kwelepeta, Sam Chirwa, Mr Chirambo, Chakufwa Chihana, Dennis Nkwazi 1162/144 AFR 36/12/92 Further information on UA 90/92 (AFR 36/06/92, 16 March) - Malawi: fear of extrajudicial execution: Archbishop James Chiona, Bishop F Mkhori, Bishop M A Chimole, Bishop A Assolari, Bishop A Chamgwera, Bishop G M Chisendera, Monsignor John Roche 1162/145 AFR 36/13/92 Further information on UA 114/92 (AFR 36/09/92, 6 April; and follow-up AFR 36/10/92, 14 April) - Malawi: legal concern / fear of extrajudicial execution: Chakufwa Chihana, William Chisimba, Florence Lungu, Yaredson Ngwira, Lloyd Tembo, Joseph Maribowe 1162/146 AFR 36/14/92 UA 136/92 - Malawi: legal concern: Mervyn Mapenda, George Thaka, two Roman Catholic priests, Reverend Msowoya 1162/147 AFR 36/15/92 Republic of Malawi: adoption and investigation cases: recommended actions 1162/148 AFR 36/16/92 UA 141/92 - Malawi: legal concern: Reverend Aaron Longwe, Chiyenda Mkandawire 1162/149 AFR 36/17/92 Further information on UA 114/92 (AFR 36/09/92, 6 April; and follow-ups AFR 36/10/92, 14 April; and AFR 36/13/92, 30 April) - Malawi: legal concern / fear of extrajudicial execution: Chakufwa Chihana 1162/150 AFR 36/18/92 Further information on UA 141/92 (AFR 36/16/92, 6 May) - Malawi: legal concern: Reverend Aaron Longwe, Chiyenda Mkandawire, and new name: Gift Kaunda 1162/151 AFR 36/19/92 Further information on UA 114/92 (AFR 36/09/92, 6 April; and follow-ups AFR 36/10/92, 14 April; AFR 36/13/92, 30 April and AFR 36/17/92, 8 May) - Malawi: legal concern / fear of extrajudicial execution: Chakufwa Chihana, Yaredson Ngwira, and new name: Frank Mkandawire 1162/152 AFR 36/20/92 UA 163/92 - Malawi: legal concern / fear of torture: Krishna Achutan 1162/153 AFR 36/22/92 Further information on UA 86/92 (AFR 36/05/92, 12 March; and follow-ups AFR 36/07/92, 16 March and AFR 36/11/92, 22 April) - Malawi: legal concern: Sydney Kwelepeta, Sam Chirwa, Mr Chirambo, Dennis Nkwazi 1162/154 AFR 36/23/92 Further information on UA 114/92 (AFR 36/09/92, 6 April; and follow-ups AFR 36/10/92, 14 April; AFR 36/13/92, 30 April; AFR 36/17/92, 8 May and AFR 36/19/92, 12 May) - Malawi: legal concern / fear of extrajudicial execution: Chakufwa Chihana, Yaredson Ngwira, Frank Mkandawire 1162/155 AFR 36/24/92 Republic of Malawi: adoption and investigation cases: recommended actions 1162/156 AFR 36/25/92 UA 196/92 - Malawi: legal concern / fear of torture: Egbert Chiwambo, Ismael Khani, Winfrey Yonam Mphande, Charles Kabubi Mkandawire 1162/157 AFR 36/27/92 Further information on UA 141/92 (AFR 36/16/92, 6 May and follow-up AFR 36/18/92, 12 May) - Malawi: legal concern / health concern (new concern): Gift Kaunda, Chiyenda Mkandawire and new name: Jairos Beza, Presbyterian Church elders (includes correction) 1162/158 AFR 36/28/92 Further information on UA 196/92 (AFR 36/25/92, 12 June) - Malawi: legal concern / fear of torture: Egbert Chiwambo (freed), Ismael Khani, Winfrey Yonam Mphande, Charles Kabubi Mkandawire and 19 new names: Mitinda, Victoria Chirwa, Constance Mhone, Vaida Kaluwa, J Misomali, B Jeremia, Kafatia, Maliketi, Matsimbe, Idi, Msukwa, Ngwata, Kapechatsonga, Chaula, Njirazafa, Mkukumila, Kaime, Chunjira, Kalilombo 1162/159 AFR 36/29/92 UA 227/92 - Malawi: legal concern / fear of torture: Jack Chiutsi, Simon Pandule, Mkandawire, Grey Nkungula, Flora Kapito, Margaret Josephat, Masozi Soko, Gloria Gadama and her baby, Sanga, Chinthenga, Nyenje, Gerald Banda, Kondwani Mtawali, Ignatius (?) Kanyengambeta 1162/160 AFR 36/30/92 Further information on UA 163/92 (AFR 36/20/92, 18 May) - Malawi: legal concern / fear of torture: Krishna Achutan 1162/161 AFR 36/31/92 Malawi: Government authorities and some nongovernment authorities 1162/162 AFR 36/32/92 Further information on UA 114/92 (AFR 36/09/92, 6 April and follow-ups AFR 36/10/92, 14 April, AFR 36/13/92, 30 April, AFR 36/17/92, 8 May, AFR 36/19/92, 12 May and AFR 36/23/92, 5 June) - Malawi: legal concern / fear of extrajudicial execution: Chakufwa Chihana 1162/163 AFR 36/33/92 SAN 03/92 and action for groups in Japan, UK, Germany, USA and Nigeria Sections: Malawi: detention action 1162/164 AFR 36/34/92 Further information on UA 114/92 (AFR 36/09/92, 6 April; and follow-ups: AFR 36/10/92, 14 April, AFR 36/13/92, 30 April, AFR 36/17/92, 8 May, AFR 36/19/92, 12 May, AFR 36/23/92, 5 June and AFR 36/32/92, 13 July) - Malawi: legal concern / fear of extrajudicial execution: Chakufwa Chihana 1162/165 AFR 36/35/92 Further information on UA 163/92 (AFR 36/20/92, 18 May and follow-up AFR 36/30/92, 9 July) - Malawi: legal concern / fear of torture: Krishna Achutan 1162/166 AFR 36/36/92 Further information on UA 141/92 (AFR 36/16/92, 6 May and follow-ups AFR 36/18/92, 12 May, AFR 36/27/92, 3 July) - Malawi: legal concern: Gift Kaunda, Jairos Beza 1162/167 AFR 36/37/92 Malawi: March-July 1992: mass arrests of suspected government opponents 1162/168 AFR 36/38/92 AI news release: Malawi: Mass arrests as police crack down on the fax revolution 1162/169 AFR 36/39/92 Further information on UA 114/92 (AFR 36/09/92, 6 April and follow-ups AFR 36/10/92, 14 April, AFR 36/13/92, 30 April, AFR 36/17/92, 8 May, AFR 36/19/92, 12 May, AFR 36/23/92, 5 June, AFR 36/32/92, 13 July and AFR 36/34/92, 15 July) - Malawi: legal concern / fear of extrajudicial execution: Chakufwa Chihana 1162/170 AFR 36/40/92 UA 329/92 - Malawi: death in custody of prisoner of conscience / fear for physical safety / fear of harassment: Orton Chirwa, Vera Chirwa, members of the Chirwa family 1162/171 AFR 36/41/92 Further information on UA 329/92 (AFR 36/40/92, 22 October) - Malawi: death in custody of prisoner of conscience / legal concern: Orton Chirwa, Vera Chirwa and also: Reverend Aaron Longwe, a schoolboy, a school receptionist 1162/172 AFR 36/42/92 UA 340/92 - Malawi: legal concern / fear of torture / possible extrajudicial execution: Ulaya (first name unknown) and ten other supporters of the Alliance for Democracy (AFORD) 1162/173 AFR 36/43/92 Further information on UA 340/92 (AFR 36/42/92, 4 November) - Malawi: legal concern / fear of torture / possible extrajudicial execution: Ulaya (first name not known) and ten other supporters of the Alliance for Democracy (AFORD) and new names: Chakufwa Chihana, Bazuka Mhango 1162/174 AFR 36/44/92 Further information on UA 329/92 (AFR 36/40/92, 22 October and follow-up AFR 36/41/92, 4 November) Malawi: death in custody of prisoner of conscience / legal concern: Orton Chirwa, Vera Chirwa, Reverend Aaron Longwe, a schoolboy and a school receptionist 1162/175 AFR 36/45/92 Further information on UA 114/92 (AFR 36/09/92, 6 April and follow-ups AFR 36/10/92, 14 April, AFR 36/13/92, 30 April, AFR 36/17/92, 8 May, AFR 36/19/92, 12 May, AFR 36/23/92, 5 June, AFR 36/32/92, 13 July, AFR 36/34/92, 15 July and AFR 36/39/92, 15 September) Malawi: legal concern: Chakufwa Chihana 1162/176 AFR 36/46/92 UA 415/92 - Malawi: fear of torture / legal concern: 50 people arrested, including Harry Chiume 1162/177 AFR 37/01/92 1162/178 AFR 37/02/92 UA 100/92 - Mali: death penalty: Sitan Diallo, Siaka Doumbia, Siaka Kone Idrissa, Bourama Souley Sidibe, Bouramani Sidibe, Daouda Y Sidibe, Idrissa Sidibe, Mamady Sidibe, Moro Sidibe, Noumoury Sidibe, Siaka Sidibe, Soumaila Sidibe, Dramane Traore, Karim Traore Further information on UA 100/92 (AFR 37/01/92, 25 March) - Mali: death penalty: Sitan Diallo, Siaka Doumbia, Siaka Kone Idrissa, Bourama Souley Sidibe, Bouramani Sidibe, Daouda Y Sidibe, Idrissa Sidibe, Mamady Sidibe, Moro Sidibe, Noumoury Sidibe, Siaka Sidibe, Soumaila Sidibe, Dramane Traore, Karim Traore 1162/179 AFR 37/03/92 UA 171/92 - Mali: extrajudicial executions / fear of torture: Rhissa Ag Intekel, Ibrahim Ag Emarwel, Abdou Ag Ibrahim, Alhassane Ag Baye, Bijiki Ag Intekna, Cheick Ag Bendeche, Ahamadou Ag Hamad, Inamoud Ag Amaye, Intalou Ag Ekawel, Abdel Khader, Mouaji Ag Attiyoub 1162/180 AFR 38/01/92 Update on WARAN 03/91 - Mauritania: circular on recent developments and recommended actions 1162/181 AFR 38/02/92 UA 35/92 - Mauritania: legal concern: Alpha Wane, Boubacar Massaoud, Coumba Sy, Yedalli Ould Cheikh, Hamdi Ould Mahjoub, Ladji Tandia and many others 1162/182 AFR 38/03/92 Further information on UA 35/92 (AFR 38/02/92, 31 January) - Mauritania: legal concern: Alpha Wane, Boubacar Messaoud, Yedalli Ould Cheikh, Hamdi Ould Mahjoub, Ladji Tandia and many others 1162/183 AFR 38/04/92 Mauritania: Government authorities list 1162/184 AFR 38/05/92 Mauritania: Government authorities list 1162/185 AFR 38/06/92 UA 292/92 - Mauritania: legal concern / fear of torture: Sarr Alassane N'Dama, Niass Yaya, M'Bodj Hamidou, Diop Ismaila Demba, Dia Hamath Atoumane 1162/186 AFR 38/07/92 Mauritania circular: Prolongation of Action Files 01-77/91 on deaths in custody and Action Files 01-09/90 on extrajudicial executions 1162/187 AFR 41/01/92 Mozambique: death penalty action (follow-up to Africa Death Penalty Action, AFR 01/02/91) 1162/188 AFR 43/01/92 Niger: Summary of Amnesty International's concerns since 10 October 1991 1162/189 AFR 43/02/92 Niger: Government authorities list 1162/190 AFR 43/03/92 UA 275/92 - Niger: legal concern / fear of ill-treatment: Mohamed Moussa, Akoli Daouel, Moctar el Incha, Alhassane Dogo, Elias el Mahadi, Alhadji Kane, Rabdouane Mohamed and many others, including some children (includes correction) 1162/191 AFR 43/04/92 Further information on UA 275/92 (AFR 43/03/92, 2 September) - Niger: legal concern / fear of ill-treatment: Mohamed Moussa, Akoli Daouel, Moctar el Incha, Alhassane Dogo, Elias el Mahadi, Alhadji Kane, Rabdouane Mohamed and many others, including children 1162/192 AFR 43/05/92 WARAN 07/92: Niger: Tuareg prisoners arrested since August 1992 1162/193 AFR 44/01/92 Nigeria: A summary of human rights concerns in 1991 1162/194 AFR 44/02/92 Further information on UA 354/91 (AFR 44/13/91, 25 October and follow-ups AFR 44/14/91, 31 October and AFR 44/15/91, 4 November) - Nigeria: death penalty / legal concern: Paul Iguele, Sunday Tomoloju, Trooper Olajide Adelaku, Trooper Chris Aniebi, Lance Corporal Pullen Blacky, Private Okam Enana, Lance Corporal Lucky Iwiero, Warrant Officer Jomo James, Warrant Officer David Mukoro, Sergeant Gatir Ortoo, Trooper Fakolade Taiwo 1162/195 AFR 44/03/92 Further information on UA 354/91 (AFR 44/13/91, 25 October; and follow-ups AFR 44/14/91, 31 October; AFR 44/15/91, 4 November; and AFR 44/02/92, 10 March) Nigeria: death penalty / legal concern: Paul Iguele, Sunday Tomoloju, Trooper Olajide Adelaku, Trooper Chris Aniebi, Lance Corporal Pullen Blacky, Private Okam Enana, Lance Corporal Lucky Iwiero, Warrant Officer Jomo James, Warrant Officer David Mukoro, Serjeant Gatir Ortoo, Trooper Fakolade Taiwo 1162/196 AFR 44/04/92 Nigeria: Death sentences and executions for armed robbery 1162/197 AFR 44/05/92 Nigeria: Death penalty appeal 01/92: Death sentences for armed robbery 1162/198 AFR 44/06/92 Nigeria: State Governors and Commissioners for Justice 1162/199 AFR 44/07/92 UA 176/92 - Nigeria: incommunicado detention of prisoners of conscience: Dr Beko Ransome Kuti, Femi Falana, Baba Omojola 1162/200 AFR 44/08/92 Further information on UA 176/92 (AFR 44/07/92, 28 May) - Nigeria: Incommunicado detention of prisoners of conscience / health concern: Dr Beko Ransome-Kuti, Femi Falana, Dr Baba Omojola, and new names: Chief Gani Fawehinmi, Olusegun Mayegun 1162/201 AFR 44/09/92 Further information on UA 176/92 (AFR 44/07/92, 28 May and follow-up AFR 44/08/92, 18 June) - Nigeria: incommunicado detention of prisoners of conscience / health concern: Dr Beko Ransome-Kuti, Femi Falana, Dr Baba Omojola, Chief Gani Fawehinmi, Olusegun Mayegun 1162/202 AFR 44/10/92 Further information on UA 320/90 (AFR 44/13/90, 3 August and follow-up AFR 44/01/91, 9 January) - Nigeria: death penalty: Augustine Eke, Kiki Francis, Isa Garuba, Mohammed Garuba, Saidu Garuba, Oluwole Jitrey, Mohammed Ibrahim (died 1990), Kabiru Mohammed, Shaibu Mohasu (note corrected spelling), Awuji Roshe, Mohammed Sani, Jubril Sumaila 1162/203 AFR 44/11/92 Nigeria: Death sentences and executions for armed robbery 1162/204 AFR 44/12/92 Death penalty appeal 02/92: Nigeria: Death sentences and executions for armed robbery 1162/205 AFR 44/13/92 Nigeria: Death Penalty Action 03/92: closure of the Nigeria Death Penalty Dossier 1162/206 AFR 46/01/92 Zimbabwe: Government authorities 1162/207 AFR 46/02/92 Zimbabwe: Poaching and unexplained deaths: the case of Captain Nleya 1162/208 AFR 46/03/92 Zimbabwe: Government authorities list 1162/209 AFR 46/04/92 Zimbabwe: Government authorities 1162/210 AFR 47/01/92 Further information on UA 443/91 (AFR 47/16/91, 16 December) - Rwanda: legal / ill-treatment concerns: Adrien Rangira, Obed Bazimaziki, Antoine Mbarushimana, Theoneste Muberantwari (released); Vincent Shabakaka, Jean-Pierre Mugabe, Theotime Kamanayo, Andre Kameya, Edouard Mutsinzi (reportedly in hiding) 1162/211 AFR 47/02/92 Rwanda: Persecution of Tutsi minority and repression of government critics, 1990-1992 1162/212 AFR 47/03/92 Further information on UA 443/91 (AFR 47/16/91, 16 December and follow-up AFR 47/01/92, 2 January) Rwanda: legal concern: Jean-Pierre Mugabe and (not in detention): Adrien Rangira, Obed Bazimaziki, Antoine Mbarushimana, Theoneste Muberantwari, Vincent Shabakaka, Theotime Kamanayo, Andre Kameya, Edouard Mutsinzi 1162/213 AFR 47/04/92 Further information on UA 384/91 (AFR 47/15/91, 11 November) - Rwanda: legal and ill-treatment concerns: Jean-Marie Vianney Mutokambali, Alexis Bizimana, Ernest Ntagara, David Kabera, Bushimire (corrected name), Kayitankore, Ntagengwa, Turgirimukiza, and new names: Mulisa, Gisagara, Mushimire 1162/214 AFR 47/05/92 Further information on UA 382/91 (AFR 47/13/91, 8 November) - Rwanda: legal / "disappearance" concerns: Jean-Bosco Gakwere (note corrected name), Karengera, Gashirabake, Rusanganwa, and new names: Andre Kamana, Karibu, Muzungu, Ruhiza, Rurangirwa, Ruhiza, Sefigi, Francois, Innocent, Simon 1162/215 AFR 47/06/92 Rwanda: (Republique rwandaise): Government authorities list 1162/216 AFR 47/07/92 Further information on UA 443/91 (AFR 47/16/91, 16 December and follow-ups AFR 47/01/92, 2 January and AFR 47/03/92, 10 January) - Rwanda: legal concern: JeanPierre Mugabe and (not in detention): Adrien Rangira, Obed Bazimaziki, Antoine Mbarushimana, Theoneste Muberantwari, Vincent Shabakaka, Theotime Kamanayo, Andre Kameya, Edouard Mutsinzi 1162/217 AFR 47/08/92 Further information on UA 264/91 (AFR 47/11/91, 31 July and follow-ups AFR 47/12/91, 18 October and AFR 47/17/91, 17 December) - Rwanda: fear of torture / legal concern: Jean-Baptiste Gacukiro 1162/218 AFR 47/09/92 UA 84/92 - Rwanda: possible extrajudicial executions: Antonia Locatelli, Italian missionary, and at least 35 members of the Tutsi ethnic group killed by Hutu vigilantes 1162/219 AFR 47/10/92 UA 110/92 - Rwanda: legal concern: Fidele Kanyabugoyi 1162/220 AFR 47/11/92 Further information on UA 110/92 (AFR 47/10/92, 2 April) - Rwanda: legal concern: Fidele Kanyabugoyi 1162/221 AFR 47/12/92 Medical letter writing action: Rwanda: Samuel Masabo 1162/222 AFR 47/13/92 Further information on UA 443/91 (AFR 47/16/91, 16 December; and follow-ups AFR 47/01/92, 2 January; AFR 47/03/92, 10 January and AFR 47/07/92, 13 February) Rwanda: legal / ill-treatment concern: Jean- Pierre Mugabe, Andre Kameya, Theoneste Muberantwari, Adrien Rangira, Obed Bazimaziki, Antoine Mbarushimana, Vincent Shabakaka, Theotime Kamanayo, Edouard Mutsinzi 1162/223 AFR 47/14/92 Rwanda (Republique rwandaise): Government authorities list 1162/224 AFR 47/15/92 UA 228/92 - Rwanda: torture / legal concern: Shabani Gasigwa, Ali Hitimana, Kayiranga, Hadj Haruna Maboyi, Louis Nkusi, Evariste Sissi, Bosco Uwizeyimana, Vianney, son of Mbundi (includes correction) 1162/225 AFR 47/16/92 Further information on UA 228/92 (AFR 47/15/92, 7 July) - Rwanda: torture / legal concern: Shabani Gasigwa, Ali Hitimana, Kayiranga, Hadj Haruna Maboyi, Louis Nkusi, Evariste Sissi, Bosco Uwizeyimana, Vianney, son of Mbundi 1162/226 AFR 47/17/92 Further information on UA 110/92 (AFR 47/10/92, 2 April and follow-up AFR 47/11/92, 14 April) - Rwanda: legal concern and (new concerns) harassment / fear for safety: Fidele Kanyabugoyi 1162/227 AFR 49/01/92 Senegal: Summary of Amnesty International concerns since January 1991 1162/228 AFR 51/01/92 AI News Release: Sierra Leone: Human rights abuses in a hidden war zone 1162/229 AFR 51/02/92 Sierra Leone: The extrajudicial execution of suspected rebels and collaborators 1162/230 AFR 51/03/92 UA 193/92 - Sierra Leone: Dr Moses Brahima Dumbuya, Dr Salia Jusu-Sheriff, Dr Sheka Kanu, Abdul Karim Koroma, S B Marah, Eya Mbayo 1162/231 AFR 51/04/92 WARAN 03/92: Sierra Leone: The extrajudicial execution and detention without charge or trial of suspected rebels and collaborators 1162/232 AFR 51/05/92 UA 416/92 - Sierra Leone: death penalty / legal concern / fear of further executions: 26 people executed, including James Bambay Kamara and Lieutenant Colonel James Yaya Kanu 1162/233 AFR 52/01/92 Somalia: A human rights disaster 1162/234 AFR 52/02/92 AI News Release: Somalia: a human rights disaster 1162/235 AFR 53/01/92 South Africa: Government Authorities list (with an appendix listing some non- governmental addresses) 1162/236 AFR 53/02/92 Further information on UA 381/91 (AFR 53/39/91, 8 November) - South Africa (Ciskei): detention / fear of torture: Reverend Alf Dlamini, Mrs Qabaka, S Bushula, M Sebengu, M Magwaca, M Ramncwana, K Ramncwana, M Tyhala, S Tyhala, Jackson Msuthu 1162/237 AFR 53/03/92 South Africa: Oral statement by Amnesty International to the 48th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights 1162/238 AFR 53/04/92 UA 61/92 - South Africa (Bophuthatswana): hunger-strike / medical concern: Christopher Makgale, Petrus Mothupi 1162/239 AFR 53/05/92 UA 76/92 - South Africa: fear of extrajudicial execution / extrajudicial execution: four residents of Esikhawini township: Willies Mchunu, Enoch Nzuza, Mike Mabuyakhulu, Samuel Nyawo (threatened and attacked); Joseph Mtshali, Pat Mgxonyana, S Khuzwayo, Joseph Mdluli (killed 16 February 1992) 1162/240 AFR 53/06/92 UA 93/92 - South Africa: fear of extrajudicial execution / torture / legal concern: Sipho Cele, Thulane Ngubane, and fifteen youths (names unknown) 1162/241 AFR 53/07/92 UA 97/92 - South Africa: death penalty: Seventeen people under sentence of death (names unknown) 1162/242 AFR 53/08/92 Further information on UA 97/92 (AFR 53/07/92, 23 March) - South Africa: death penalty: 17 people under sentence of death (names not known) 1162/242.1 AFR 53/09/92 South Africa: State of fear: security force complicity in torture and political killings, 1990-1992 1162/243 AFR 53/10/92 South Africa: Section level action 10 June - end September 1992 1162/244 AFR 53/11/92 SAN 02/92: South Africa: State of fear: appeals on behalf of victims of torture and political killings 1162/245 AFR 53/12/92 South Africa: State of fear: Security force complicity in torture and political killings 1990-1992: Photographs and order form 1162/246 AFR 53/13/92 AI News Release: South Africa: Abuses by police and military threaten political reforms 1162/247 AFR 53/14/92 Update to AFR 53/10/92: South Africa: Section level action, 10 June - end September 1992 1162/248 AFR 53/15/92 1162/249 AFR 53/16/92 South Africa: Government authorities list (with an appendix listing some non- governmental addresses) (includes an addition) South Africa: State of fear: questions and answers (includes addition dated 9 June 1992) 1162/250 AFR 53/17/92 South Africa: General options for action (Action Files): torture / deaths in custody / "disappearances" 1162/251 AFR 53/18/92 Further information on UA 76/92 (AFR 53/05/92, 5 March) - South Africa: extrajudicial execution / fear of extrajudicial execution: Willies Mchunu, Enoch Nzuza, Mike Mabuyakhulu, Samuel Nyawo and new names of six people assassinated: Dumisani Shandu, Victor Khumalo, Thembe Shandu, N Mathenjwa, Josiah Nxumalo, Phila Mthiyane 1162/252 AFR 53/19/92 UA 286/92 - South Africa (Ciskei): extrajudicial executions: Thembinkosi Bili, Sipho Cologu, Dyakopu Gadu, Thobani Gola, Sipho Kundulu, Monde Mfenge, Nkosinathi Motmon, Mnyamezili Myeha, Headman Nontshingile, Zanethemba Skepu and at least 20 others 1162/253 AFR 53/20/92 Further information on UA 286/92 (AFR 53/19/92, 10 September) - South Africa (Ciskei): extrajudicial execution and (new concern) fear of extrajudicial execution: Thembinkosi Billy, Sipho Cologu, Hambile King Gadu, Thubani Gola, Sipho Khumdulo, Mondi Mfonkwe, Nkosemtu Motmon, Myna Myena, Headman Nontshinga, Zanathemba Skepu (please note corrected names) 1162/254 AFR 53/21/92 South Africa (Bophuthatswana): The case of Patrick Huma 1162/255 AFR 53/22/92 UA 328/92 - South Africa: fear of extrajudicial execution: Siza Rani 1162/256 AFR 53/23/92 South Africa: General options for action (Action Files): extrajudicial execution / fear of extrajudicial execution 1162/257 AFR 53/24/92 South Africa: Government authorities list (with an appendix listing some non- governmental addresses) 1162/258 AFR 53/25/92 1162/259 AFR 53/26/92 Further information on UA 326/91 (AFR 53/33/91, 4 October) - South Africa: extrajudicial execution / fear of extrajudicial execution: Louis Sibeko, Vusi Tshabalala EXTRA 94/92 - South Africa (Bophuthatswana): fear of execution: Stephen Mashinini, Samuel Mnisi, Jonathan Molema 1162/260 AFR 53/27/92 South Africa: Torture, ill-treatment and executions in African National Congress camps 1162/261 AFR 53/28/92 Further information on EXTRA 94/92 (AFR 53/26/92, 5 November) - South Africa (Bophuthatswana): Stephen Mashinini, Samuel Mnisi, Jonathan Molema 1162/262 AFR 53/29/92 Further information on UA 328/92 (AFR 53/22/92, 22 October) - South Africa: fear of extrajudicial execution: Siza Rani 1162/263 AFR 53/30/92 UA 396/92 - South Africa: legal concern / fear of illtreatment: Morris More, Victor Radebe, Michael Kgaile, Levy Makoe, Oupa Modikoane 1162/264 AFR 54/01/92 UA 09/92 - Sudan: legal concern / fear of torture: Nasr Hassan Bashir Nasr, Zaki Hassan Bashir Nasr 1162/265 AFR 54/02/92 UA 32/92 - Sudan: "fear of disappearance" / extrajudicial execution: Mohamed Bakhit Daldum, Suleiman Fargallah Marfaieen, Ardeib Murfaieen, Gumma al-Theimir, Dafallah Tiya Jeilani, al-Haj al-Nur, Hakim Hamdeen, Haja Karshoum, Kalthum Daldum 1162/266 AFR 54/03/92 Sudan: A continuing human rights crisis 1162/267 AFR 54/04/92 Further information on UA 410/91 (AFR 54/23/91, 25 November) - Sudan: legal concern: Samuel Aru Bol 1162/268 AFR 54/05/92 UA 46/92 - Sudan: fear of torture: Col. Mustafa al-Tay and at least 40 army and airforce officers 1162/269 AFR 54/06/92 UA 67/92 - Sudan: fear of torture / legal concern: Makoi Wuol Manuer 1162/270 AFR 54/07/92 UA 68/92 - Sudan: fear of torture: Awad al- Sharif, Philip Akot Akok, Adnan Zahir Surur, Kamal al-Gizouli 1162/271 AFR 54/08/92 1162/272 AFR 54/09/92 EAFRAN 01/92 - Sudan: A continuing human rights crisis (accompanies external document AFR 54/03/92) UA 95/92 - Sudan: "disappearance": Otto George Dangasuk 1162/273 AFR 54/10/92 Further information on UA 95/92 (AFR 54/09/92, 20 March) - Sudan: "disappearance": Otto George Dangasuk 1162/274 AFR 54/11/92 AI News Release - Sudan: Torture and detention of government opponents despite government claims 1162/275 AFR 54/12/92 UA 107/92 - Sudan: legal concern: Nadia Hassan Ali Karrar, Afifa Hassan Ali Karrar, Layla Hassan Ali Karrar, Haram Ahmad Ali Karrar, Saria Abdelmoneim Karrar, Hana al- Sadiq Abdullah al-Fadl al-Mahdi, Majda Mustafa Awad Khojali, Manal Mustafa Awad Khojali, the mother of Majda and Manal and another woman whose name is unknown 1162/276 AFR 54/13/92 Further information on UA 107/92 (AFR 54/12/92, 1 April) - Sudan: legal / health concern (new concern): Nadia Hassan Ali Karrar, Afifa Hassan Ali Karrar, Layla Hassan Ali Karrar, Haram Ahmad Ali Karrar, Saria Abdelmoneim Karrar, Hana al-Sadiq Abdullah al-Fadl alMahdi, Majda Mustafa Awad Khojali, Manal Mustafa Awad Khojali, the mother of Majda and Manal and another woman, name unknown; and new names: Mhassin Abulgassim, Mona Abulgassim, Awadia Abulgassim, Awatif Mirghani Taha, Samira Hassan Ali Karrar, Manal Mohammed Mahgoub, Hayat, Fathia, Zakia, Fatima, Assia, Mahassin, Salwa, Samira, and the mother of Lt. Col. Mohamed Abdulaziz 1162/277 AFR 54/14/92 UA 113/92 - Sudan: legal concern / fear of torture: Father Constantino Pitia, Father Nicholas Abdallah and over 60 school students 1162/278 AFR 54/15/92 Further information on UA 107/92 (AFR 54/12/92, 1 April and follow-up AFR 54/13/92, 3 April) - Sudan: legal and health concern: Nadia Hassan Ali Karrar, Afifa Hassan Ali Karrar, Layla Hassan Ali Karrar, Haram Ahmad Ali Karrar, Saria Abdelmoneim Karrar, Hana al-Sadiq Abdullah al-Fadl al- Mahdi, Majda Mustafa Awad Khojali, Manal Mustafa Awad Khojali, Muna Mustafa Awad Khojali, the mother of Majda, Manal and Muna, Mhassin Abulgassim, Mona Abulgassim, Awadia Abulgassim, Awatif Mirghani Taha, Samira Hassan Ali Karrar, Manal Mohammed Mahgoub, Hayat, Fathia, Zakia, Fatima, Assia, Mahassin, Salwa, Samira and the mother of Lt. Col. Mohamed Abdulaziz 1162/279 AFR 54/16/92 Further information on UA 107/92 (AFR 54/12/92, 1 April; and follow-ups AFR 54/13/92, 3 April and AFR 54/15/92, 6 April) - Sudan: legal and health concern: Nadia Hassan Ali Karrar, Afifa Hassan Ali Karrar, Layla Hassan Ali Karrar, Haram Ahmad Ali Karrar, Saria Abdelmoneim Karrar, Hana al- Sadiq Abdullah al-Fadl alMahdi, Majda Mustafa Awad Khojali, Manal Mustafa Awad Khojali, Muna Mustafa Awad Khojali, the mother of Majda, Manal and Muna, Mhassin Abulgassim, Mona Abulgassim, Awadia Abulgassim, Awatif Mirghani Taha, Samira Hassan Ali Karrar, Manal Mohammed Mahgoub, Hayat, Fathia, Zakia, Fatima, Assia, Mahassin, Salwa, Samira, the mother of Lt. Col. Mohamed Abdulaziz, and new name: Afaf Mirghani Taha 1162/280 AFR 54/17/92 UA 135/92 - Sudan: legal concern / fear of torture: Mirghani Abd al-Rahman Suleiman, al-Haj Mudawi, Said Haroun, Farouq Ahmad Adam, Musa al-Hussein, Abdel Rahman Idris 1162/281 AFR 54/18/92 Further information on UA 107/92 (AFR 54/12/92, 1 April; and follow-ups AFR 54/13/92, 3 April; AFR 54/15/92, 6 April; and AFR 54/16/92, 16 April) - Sudan: legal and health concern: Nadia Hassan Ali Karrar, Afifa Hassan Ali Karrar, Layla Hassan Ali Karrar, Haram Ahmad Ali Karrar, Hana al- Sadiq Abdullah al-Fadl alMahdi, Majda Mustafa Awad Khojali, Manal Mustafa Awad Khojali, Muna Mustafa Awad Khojali, Awatif Mirghani Taha, Afaf Mirghani Taha 1162/282 AFR 54/19/92 UA 162/92 - Sudan: legal concern / fear of torture: Hassan Osman, Dr Mohamad al-Gadi, Mustapha Zaki Mustapha, Abdallah Barakat 1162/283 AFR 54/20/92 EXTRA 53/92 - Sudan: death penalty: Nasr Hassan Bashir Nasr, Zaki Hassan Bashir Nasr, Fadul Sultan Karkola, Mohamedein Suleiman Bakheit 1162/284 AFR 54/21/92 Further information on UA 113/92 (AFR 54/14/92, 6 April) - Sudan: legal concern / fear of torture: Father Constantino Pitia, Father Nicholas Abdallah, and over 60 school students 1162/285 AFR 54/22/92 Further information on EXTRA 53/92 (AFR 54/20/92, 19 May) - Sudan: death penalty: Nasr Hassan Bashir Nasr, Zaki Hassan Bashir Nasr, Fadul Sultan Karkola, Mohamedein Suleiman Bakheit 1162/286 AFR 54/23/92 UA 234/92 - Sudan: legal concern / fear of torture: Peter Cirrilo, Nicholas Aboya, Alfred Taban 1162/287 AFR 54/24/92 Further information on UA 234/92 (AFR 54/23/92, 15 July) - Sudan: legal concern / fear of torture: Peter Cirrilo, Nicolas Aboya, Alfred Taban (not arrested) 1162/288 AFR 54/25/92 UA 248/92 - Sudan: legal concern / fear of torture: Karabino Majok, Dut Col, Samuel Major, Samuel Lol and one other student whose name is unknown 1162/289 AFR 54/26/92 Sudan: Deaths and detentions: the destruction of Juba 1162/290 AFR 54/27/92 Rapid response action: Sudan: Deaths and detentions: the destruction of Juba 1162/291 AFR 54/28/92 UA 293/92 - Sudan: fear of extrajudicial executions / torture: David Tombe, Joseph Ladu, David Kenyi, Arkangelo Yugu, Pitia Kenyi, Mark Taban, Simon Jada, James Duling, Sarafino Pitya, Kennedy Khamis, Taban Elisa, Mustafa Abdel Gadir, Juma Mohamed and over 200 other detainees 1162/292 AFR 54/29/92 UA 294/92 - Sudan: legal concern / fear of torture: Omar Mohamed Mokhtar, Salah Mohamed Idris, Magdi Mohamedani, Mokhtar Fadul, Shehab Ahmad Gaafar and an unknown number of other trade unionists 1162/293 AFR 54/30/92 Further information on UA 293/92 (AFR 54/28/92, 18 September) - Sudan: fear of extrajudicial executions / torture: David Tombe, David Kenyi, Mark Taban, Arkangelo Yugu, Simon Jada, James Duling, Sarafino Pitya, Kennedy Khamis, Juma Mohamed, Mustafa Abdel Gadir, Taban Elisa, Joseph Ladu, Pitia Kenyi and over 200 others; new names: Andrew Tombe, Aboudwan Talle, Mark Laboke Jenner, Paulino Gamut, Oliver Mori, Sebit Darfur, Katir James, Stephen Daniel, Luis Gore, Tony Ilario, Faustino Modi, Marcello Lado, Cornelio Longoya, Charles Majok 1162/294 AFR 54/31/92 UA 302/92 - Sudan: death penalty: Zo al-Noon al-Tigani, al-Bashir Rahama Obeid, al-Hadi Jar al-Najm 1162/295 AFR 54/32/92 Sudan: Deaths and detentions: the destruction of Juba: follow up to rapid response action (AFR 54/27/92) 1162/296 AFR 54/33/92 UA 375/92 - Sudan: fear of extrajudicial execution / torture: David Koak Goak, Farouq Abdalla Gatkuoth, John Dak, Kueth Kang Deng, Peter Lai Nyibek, Waragak Galuak Paguir, Lulut Kok Deng, Lazarus Lai Puol, Brigadier Gabriel Deng Wuol, Lieutenant Colonel Simon Tut Yat, Major Bakok Galuak Paguir, John Gilla Lul, Peter Pal Poc Mar, Jacob Duong Wuon, Martin Nyang Kic, Pol Bec, Cuang Deng, Paul Kuting Gil, Jimma Bileu Kung, John Laa Kerac and a reported further 115 officials 1162/297 AFR 54/34/92 UA 411/92 - Sudan: fear of torture / legal concern: Salma Abdulla Khalil, Saaida Abdulla Khalil, Nadia Said and 22 other women 1162/298 AFR 56/02/92 UA 70/92 - Tanzania: legal / medical concern: Juma Ngwali, Omar Msellem, Mkubwa Makame, Soud Mohammed Nuhu, Said Abdulla, Ali Nassor, Massoud Ali, Nassor Seif, Othman Makame and six others (names unknown) 1162/299 AFR 56/03/92 Further information on UA 70/92 (AFR 56/02/92, 26 February) - Tanzania: legal / medical concern: Juma Ngwali, Omar Msellem, Mkubwa Makame, Soud Mohammed Nuhu, Said Abdulla, Ali Nassor, Massoud Ali, Nassor Seif, Othman Makame and six others whose names are unknown; new name: Ismail "Kopa" 1162/300 AFR 57/01/92 Togo: Impunity for human rights violators at a time of reform 1162/301 AFR 57/03/92 1162/302 AFR 57/04/92 WARAN 02/92: to accompany external document on Togo (AFR 57/01/92) AI News Release: Togo: AI calls for thorough investigations and reforms a year after the massacre 1162/303 AFR 57/05/92 WARAN 02/92 update: Togo: Impunity for human rights violators at a time of reform 1162/304 AFR 57/06/92 UA 247/92 - Togo: possible extrajudicial execution: Tavio Amorin 1162/305 AFR 57/07/92 UA 277/92 - Togo: fear of torture: Captain Esso Charles Pello 1162/306 AFR 57/08/92 Further information on UA 277/92 (AFR 57/07/92, 4 September) - Togo: fear of torture and (new concern) legal concern: Captain Esso Charles Pello 1162/307 AFR 57/09/92 WARAN 06/92 - Togo: The case of army corporal Nikabou Bikagni 1162/308 AFR 57/10/92 WARAN 08/92 - Togo: The killing of Eklou Thomas, Ayivon Atsupui and Apetsi Koffi 1162/309 AFR 59/01/92 Uganda report and fold out brochure: order form 1162/310 AFR 59/02/92 Uganda limited campaign 9 September - end December 1992: recommended actions for sections and groups 1162/311 AFR 59/03/92 Uganda: The past is no excuse: time to act (fold-out brochure) 1162/312 AFR 59/04/92 Uganda: Government authorities and some nongovernmental institutions 1162/312.12 AFR 59/05/92 Uganda: The failure to safeguard human rights 1162/313 AFR 59/06/92 AI News Release: Uganda: time for action to safeguard human rights 1162/314 AFR 59/07/92 Uganda: The failure to safeguard human rights: questions and answers 1162/315 AFR 59/08/92 Uganda: limited campaign: update no. 1 1162/316 AFR 59/09/92 Uganda limited campaign 9 September - end December 1992: background briefing for meetings with government officials 1162/317 AFR 59/10/92 Uganda limited campaign 9 September to end of December 1992: campaign update no. 2 1162/318 AFR 59/11/92 Uganda limited campaign: campaign update no. 3 1162/319 AFR 62/01/92 Zaire: Government authorities list 1162/320 AFR 62/02/92 UA 42/92 - Zaire: incommunicado detention / ill-treatment concern: about 20 soldiers arrested at Zaire radio station following alleged coup attempt 1162/321 AFR 62/03/92 UA 58/92 - Zaire: possible extrajudicial execution / legal concern: at least 13 people killed by government troops during religious demonstration 1162/322 AFR 62/04/92 UA 78/92 - Zaire: legal concern / fear of torture: Fernand Tala-Ngai 1162/323 AFR 62/05/92 Further information on UA 78/92 (AFR 62/04/92, 5 March) - Zaire: legal concern / fear of torture: Fernand Tala-Ngai 1162/324 AFR 62/06/92 Further information on UA 42/92 (AFR 62/02/92, 4 February) - Zaire: incommunicado detention / ill-treatment concern and new concerns: torture / unfair trial / "disappearance: About 30 soldiers arrested at "La Voix du Zaire" radio and television complex following an alleged coup attempt (please note corrected number of soldiers arrested) 1162/325 AFR 62/08/92 CAFRAN 02/92 - Zaire: Incommunicado detention of 62 soldiers at Irebu Disciplinary Centre 1162/326 AFR 62/09/92 UA 395/92 - Zaire: legal concern / fear of torture: Mukendi wa Mulumba, Major Mpika, Lieutenant Ngbaka, Dieudonne Nyangele, Justin Mobikayi, Michel Kembo, Olenga Nkoy, M Akoy 1162/327 AFR 62/10/92 Further information on UA 395/92 (AFR 62/09/92, 16 December) - Zaire: legal concern / fear of torture: Mukendi wa Mulumba, Major Mpika, Lieutenant Ngbaka, Dieudonne Nyangele, Justin Mobikayi, Michel Kembo, Olenga Nkoy, M Akoy 1162/328 AFR 63/01/92 Zambia: Government authorities 1162/329 AMR 01/01/92 500 years on ... human rights violations against indigenous peoples of the Americas 1162/330 AMR 01/02/92 500 years on ...: recommended actions for using the information pack 1162/331 AMR 01/03/92 500 years on ...: Human rights violations against indigenous peoples of the Americas: appeal cases 1162/332 AMR 01/04/92 Indigenous Peoples of the Americas 1992: order form for photographs 1162/333 AMR 01/05/92 Indigenous peoples in the Americas: report and fold-out brochure: order form 1162/334 AMR 01/06/92 Indigenous peoples in the Americas photo display: order form 1162/335 AMR 01/07/92 500 hundred years on ... : Human rights violations against the indigenous peoples of the Americas (fold-out brochure) 1162/335.5 AMR 01/08/92 The Americas: Human rights violations against indigenous peoples 1162/336 AMR 01/09/92 Indigenous Peoples of the Americas action 1162/337 AMR 01/10/92 500 years on ...: photo display 1162/338 AMR 01/11/92 Indigenous peoples of the Americas action: second action circular 1162/339 AMR 01/12/92 Indigenous peoples of the Americas action: address list 1162/340 AMR 01/13/92/S Causas generadoras de refugiados en America Latina: Declaracion de Amnistia Internacional ante las Jornadas Internacionales sobre Derecho de Asilo y Migraciones en la Comunidad Europea. Madrid, Espana, 22 - 25 de septiembre de 1992 1162/341 AMR 01/14/92 1162/342 AMR 01/15/92 AI News Release: The Americas: Amnesty International calls for end to centuries of abuse of indigenous human rights Indigenous peoples of the Americas 1992: second appeal cases and order form for photographs 1162/343 AMR 01/16/92 Indigenous peoples' campaign: questions and answers 1162/344 AMR 03/01/92 Human rights and refugee protection in the Andean Region: statement by Amnesty International to the Seminar on Forced Migration in the Andean Region, Quito, Ecuador, 23 to 26 February 1992 1162/345 AMR 05/01/92 English-speaking Caribbean: death penalty action file 1162/346 AMR 05/02/92 English-speaking Caribbean: Government authorities lists (consists of lists for: Antigua and Barbuda; Barbados; Dominica; Guyana; Jamaica; St Kitts and Nevis; St Lucia; St Vincent and the Grenadines) 1162/347 AMR 13/01/92 Argentina: Government authorities 1162/348 AMR 13/02/92 UA 117/92 - Argentina: death penalty: possible reintroduction of the death penalty 1162/349 AMR 13/03/92 Argentina: Government authorities 1162/350 AMR 13/04/92 PABRAN 06/92 - Argentina: The outstanding debt: Amnesty International's continuing concerns on the fate of the "disappeared" 1162/351 AMR 13/05/92 Argentina: The outstanding debt: Amnesty International's continuing concerns on the fate of the "disappeared" 1162/352 AMR 13/06/92 UA 307/92 - Argentina: fear of "disappearance": Pablo Cristian Guardatti 1162/353 AMR 14/01/92 Bahamas: Government authorities list 1162/354 AMR 16/02/92 EXTRA 82/92 - Belize: death penalty: Dean Edwardo Vasquez 1162/355 AMR 16/03/92 Further information on EXTRA 82/92 (AMR 16/02/92, 14 October) - Belize: death penalty: Dean Edwardo Vasquez 1162/356 AMR 16/04/92 Further information on UA 334/91 (AMR 16/04/91, 10 October) - Belize: death penalty: Dean Edwardo Vasquez 1162/357 AMR 17/01/92 Bermuda: Government Authorities list 1162/358 AMR 18/01/92 Medical letter writing action: Bolivia: Wilfredo Vela Maldonado 1162/359 AMR 18/02/92 Bolivia: Government authorities 1162/360 AMR 19/01/92 UA 37/92 - Brazil: death threats: mothers of "disappeared" persons: Marilene Lima De Souza, Vera Lucia Flores, Edmeia da Silva Eusebio, Denise Vasconcelos, Euzilar Joana Da Silva Oliveira, Edneia Santos Cruz, Teresa Souza Costa 1162/361 AMR 19/02/92 Further information on UA 295/91 (AMR 19/22/91, 3 September) - Brazil: possible extrajudicial execution: Fausto Ribeiro da Silva Filho 1162/362 AMR 19/03/92 UA 55/92 - Brazil: "disappearances": Domingos Mendes Cardoso, Joao (surname unknown); death threats: Atanagildo de Deus ("Gatao"), Expedito Pinheiro de Castro 1162/363 AMR 19/04/92 Brazil: Impunity and the law: the killing of street children in Rio de Janeiro State: recommended actions for AMR 19/05/92 1162/364 AMR 19/05/92 Brazil: Impunity and the law: the killing of street children in Rio de Janeiro State 1162/365 AMR 19/06/92 PABRAN 02/92: Brazil: Human rights violations against indigenous people: Ticuna four years on: follow-up information: recommended actions for AMR 19/07/92 1162/366 AMR 19/07/92 Brazil: Human rights violations against indigenous people: Ticuna four years on: follow-up information 1162/367 AMR 19/08/92 Further information on UA 119/91 (AMR 19/10/91, 2 April) - Brazil: fear of extrajudicial execution / death threats: Jose Alves de Souza, Antonio Fernandes Pereira, Isaias Mendoca Araujo 1162/368 AMR 19/09/92 UA 131/92 - Brazil: fear of extrajudicial execution: Mariano Domingos Freire 1162/369 AMR 19/10/92 UA 173/92 - Brazil: death in police custody / fear for safety of witnesses: Luiz Alexandre da Silva, Reginaldo Silva, Ironaldo Batista and a minor known only as "Marquinhos" 1162/370 AMR 19/11/92 UA 174/92 - Brazil: death threats: Josefa Batista de Oliveira and her brother, Dimas S Souza Neves, Leila S Jacob Bisinoto 1162/371 AMR 19/12/92 UA 200/92 - Brazil: legal concern: Severo Da Silva (includes correction) 1162/372 AMR 19/13/92 Further information on UA 131/92 (AMR 19/09/92, 27 April) - Brazil: fear of extrajudicial execution: Mariano Domingos Freire 1162/373 AMR 19/14/92 Brazil: Government authorities 1162/374 AMR 19/15/92 UA 209/92 - Brazil: death threats and fear of physical safety: Rafael Jose dos Santos, Cicero da Conceicao dos Santos, Damiao da Conceicao dos Santos and their families, Jose Cosme da Conceicao dos Santos 1162/375 AMR 19/16/92 UA 212/92 - Brazil: Death threats: Carlos Alberto Ivanir dos Santos, Executive secretary of Centro de Articulacao de Populacoes Marginalizadoas (CEAP) 1162/376 AMR 19/17/92 Further information on UA 212/92 (AMR 19/16/92, 24 June) - Brazil: further threats: Carlos Alberto Ivanir Dos Santos and all human rights workers at the Centro de Articulacao de Populacoes Marginalizadas (CEAP) 1162/377 AMR 19/18/92 PABRAN 04/92 - Brazil: Extrajudicial execution of street children in Sergipe 1162/378 AMR 19/19/92 Brazil: Extrajudicial execution of street children in Sergipe 1162/379 AMR 19/20/92 Translations of replies from the Brazilian authorities 1162/380 AMR 19/21/92 UA 273/92 - Brazil: death threats / fear for physical safety: Nivaldo Vieira do Nascimento 1162/381 AMR 19/22/92 UA 290/92 - Brazil: death threats: Luiz Francisco Fartas Moura "Didi" 1162/382 AMR 19/23/92 UA 295/92 - Brazil: death threats: Caco Barcellos 1162/383 AMR 19/24/92 UA 309/92 - Brazil: extrajudicial executions: killing of 111 inmates in Sao Paulo Prison 1162/384 AMR 19/25/92 UA 312/92 - Brazil: torture / fear of "disappearance" / fear for physical safety: Roberto Carlos Da Costa, Natalino Jose Batista 1162/385 AMR 19/27/92 UA 317/92 - Brazil: death threats: Carlos Cabral Pereira, Roberto Neto Da Silva, Orlando Canuto, Sebastiao Vieira 1162/386 AMR 19/28/92 PABRAN 07/92 - Brazil: recommended actions for AMR 19/29/92 "Brazil: Human rights violations against "Brasiguaios" and other landless peasants in Mato Grosso do Sul State" 1162/387 AMR 19/29/92 Brazil: Human rights violations against "Brasiguaios" and other landless peasants in Mato Grosso do Sul State 1162/388 AMR 19/30/92 UA 362/92 - Brazil: possible extrajudicial execution / threats: Jorge Antonio de Oliveira Filho and others working with street children 1162/389 AMR 19/31/92 UA 368/92 - Brazil: possible extrajudicial execution: Jean Alves da Cunha 1162/389.2 AMR 19/32/92 Brazil: "We are the land": indigenous peoples' struggle for human rights 1162/390 AMR 19/33/92 UA 389/92 - Brazil: possible extrajudicial execution / fear of extrajudicial execution: Valdinar Pereira Barros, Francisco Geronimo da Silva "Dequinha" 1162/391 AMR 19/34/92 UA 414/92 - Brazil: possible extrajudicial execution / fear for physical safety: Carlos Henrique Moreira, Carlos Andre dos Santos, Antonio Carlos de Oliveira, Alexandre Silva Neves, Carlos Henrique de Souza Santos, Marcio Pacheco de Oliveira, Valdeci Rodrigues 1162/392 AMR 19/35/92 PABRAN 08/92 - Indigenous peoples of the Americas 1992: action circular to accompany - Brazil: "We are the land": indigenous peoples' struggle for human rights" (AMR 19/32/92) 1162/393 AMR 22/01/92 Chile: Death penalty action 1163/1 AMR 22/02/92 Chile: Members of security forces charged in connection with "disappearance" of Mapuche Indians in 1974 1163/2 AMR 22/03/92 South Andean Action 01/92: Chile: Members of security forces charged in connection with "disappearance" of Mapuche Indians in 1974 1163/3 AMR 22/04/92 Chile: Section level action on the death penalty 1163/4 AMR 22/05/92 UA 38/92 - Chile: death threats / intimidation: Comite de Defensa de los Derechos del Pueblo (CODEPU), Committee for the defense of the rights of the people 1163/5 AMR 22/06/92 Chile: Pisagua: Reopening of investigations into the identity of human remains recovered from a clandestine grave 1163/6 AMR 22/07/92 South Andean Action 02/92: Chile: Pisagua: Reopening of investigations into the identity of human remains recovered from a clandestine grave 1163/7 AMR 22/08/92 UA 195/92 - Chile: death penalty: Juan Domingo Salvo Zuniga 1163/8 AMR 22/09/92 Chile: "Extreme cruelty": the plight of the Mapuche Indians during the years of military rule 1163/9 AMR 22/10/92 South Andean Action 05/92: Chile: "Extreme cruelty": the plight of the Mapuche Indians during the years of military rule 1163/10 AMR 22/11/92 1163/11 AMR 22/12/92 UA 271/91 - Chile: death penalty: Mauro Gonzalez Quispe, Rene Larico Aguilar, Lisbert Fausto Mamani Morales SANDEAN 06/92: Chile: Judicial investigations into "disappearances": the case of Alfonso Chanfreau Oyarce 1163/12 AMR 22/13/92 Further information on UA 271/92 (AMR 22/11/92, 21 August) - Chile: death penalty: Mauro Gonzalez Quispe, Rene Larico Aguilar, Lisbert Fausto Mamani Morales and new name: Rafael Escorza Henriquez 1163/13 AMR 22/14/92 UA 320/92 - Chile: possible extrajudicial execution / illtreatment: Pedro Ortiz Montenegro, Mauricio Gomez Lira, Jose Miguel Martinez, Pablo Munoz Hoffman, Patricio Ortiz Montenegro 1163/14 AMR 22/15/92 EXTRA 84/92 - Chile: "disappearance" / legal concern: Alfonso Chanfreau Oyarce 1163/15 AMR 22/16/92 Further information on UA 195/92 (AMR 22/08/92, 11 June) - Chile: death penalty: Juan Domingo Salvo Zuniga 1163/16 AMR 22/17/92 Chile: Supreme Court continues to block investigations into past human rights violations: the Chanfreau case 1163/17 AMR 23/01/92 UA 31/92 - Colombia: fear of extrajudicial execution: Fabio Velasquez and his sons Luis Fernando Velasquez and Oliverio Velasquez 1163/18 AMR 23/02/92 Further information on UA 456/91 (AMR 23/72/91, 20 December) - Colombia: possible extrajudicial executions and new concerns for new names: fear of extrajudicial execution / "disappearance": Carolina Tombe, Joselia Tombe, Adan Mestizo, Mariana Mestizo, Feliciano Otela, Mario Tilicue, Calistro Chilhueso, Mario Ulcue, Edgar Mestizo, Ofelia Tombe, Domingo Calis, Floresmiro Dicue, Maria Conda, Etiberio Dicue Corpus, Maria Jesus Sustia, Jose Jairo Secue, Dario Coicue, Jesus Albeiro Pete, Severino Dicue, Julio Dagua and new names: Carlos Edgar Torres Aparicio, Rodolfo Alvarez, Etnio Vidardo 1163/19 AMR 23/03/92 UA 34/92 - Colombia: possible extrajudicial execution: Blanca Cecilia Valero de Duran 1163/20 AMR 23/04/92 Further information on UA 335/91 (AMR 23/57/91, 10 October) - Colombia: prisoner of conscience (please note change of concern): Edwar Alvarez Vacca 1163/21 AMR 23/05/92 Further information on UA 363/91 (AMR 23/63/91, 30 October) - Colombia: fear of extrajudicial execution / death threats: Juan Alberto Garay, David Florez Gonzalez, Jose Angel Lasso Sierra, Urbano Barreto Arenas, Enrique Pertuz 1163/22 AMR 23/06/92 UA 40/92 - Colombia: fear of "disappearance" / torture: David Romero Lizcano, Jose Blanco Rojas 1163/23 AMR 23/07/92 UA 44/92 - Colombia: fear of "disappearance": Gustavo Lopez Pineda, Imelda Gonzalez Guerrero 1163/24 AMR 23/08/92 Colombia: Arauca: Human rights violations by the Colombian armed forces 1163/25 AMR 23/09/92 UA 51/92 - Colombia: fear of "disappearance" / torture: Dubadier Rodriguez 1163/26 AMR 23/10/92 UA 63/92 - Colombia: death threats: members of Regional Human Rights Committee in Barrancabermeja 1163/27 AMR 23/11/92 UA 64/92 - Colombia: threats and harassment: Hernando Cruz Modesto 1163/28 AMR 23/12/92 UA 82/92 - Colombia: threats and harassment: Indian community of Vuelta del Rio, including: Anselmo Alape, Vidal Chucuara, Antonio Rodriguez, Raul Moreno 1163/29 AMR 23/13/92 Further information on UA 456/91 (AMR 23/72/91, 20 December and follow-up AMR 23/02/92, 30 January) Colombia: possible extrajudicial execution: Carolina Tombe, Joselia Tombe, Adan Mestizo, Mariana Mestizo, Feliciano Otela, Mario Tilicue, Calistro Chilhueso, Mario Ulcue, Edgar Mestizo, Ofelia Tombe, Domingo Calis, Floresmiro Dicue, Maria Conda, Estiberio Dicue Corpus, Maria Jesus Sustia, Jose Jairo Secue, Dario Coicue, Jesus Albeiro Pete, Severino Dicue, Julio Dagua, Carlos Edgar Torres Aparicio, Rodolfo Alvarez, Etnio Vidardo 1163/30 AMR 23/14/92 UA 99/92 - Colombia: torture / death threats: Cesar Chaparro Nivia, Vladimir Hincapie Galeano, Margarita Agudelo Alzate, Hernando Agudelo Alzate 1163/31 AMR 23/15/92 UA 105/92 - Colombia: fear of torture / "disappearance": Estivinzon Torres 1163/32 AMR 23/16/92 UA 121/92 - Colombia: fear of torture / "disappearance": Adela Acevedo Lombana 1163/33 AMR 23/17/92 Further information on UA 99/92 (AMR 23/14/92, 25 March) - Colombia: torture / death threats: Cesar Chaparro Nivia, Vladimir Hincapie Galeano, Margarita Agudelo Alzate, Hernando Agudelo Alzate, and new individual: an eye witness to detention of Cesar Chaparro Nivia and Vladimir Hincapie Galeano 1163/34 AMR 23/18/92 Further information on UA 335/91 (AMR 23/57/91, 10 October; and follow-up AMR 23/04/92, 4 February) Colombia: prisoner of conscience / death threats: Edwar Alvarez Vacca 1163/35 AMR 23/19/92 UA 147/92 - Colombia: possible extrajudicial execution: Hugo Varela Mondragon 1163/36 AMR 23/20/92 UA 155/92 - Colombia: political killing / "disappearance": Carlos Arturo Ramos Minota, Leonardo Salazar Portilla, William Javier Almario Alvarez, Juan Gustavo Zuluaga, Aldemar Rodriguez Carvajal, Carmen Eliza Pereira 1163/37 AMR 23/21/92 Further information on UA 458/91 (AMR 23/73/91, 23 December) - Colombia: fear of "disappearance": Robinson Lusitante Mendua 1163/38 AMR 23/22/92 UA 158/92 - Colombia: possible "disappearance": Efrain Rincon Ramirez, Efrain Pinzon 1163/39 AMR 23/23/92 Colombia: Killings in Cauca Department by the army 1163/40 AMR 23/24/92 UA 170/92 - Colombia: fear of torture / "disappearance": Arcadio Rios, Aldemar Bermudez, Gustavo Chavarriaga, William Blanco 1163/41 AMR 23/25/92 Further information on UA 369/91 (AMR 23/64/91, 1 November and follow-up AMR 23/70/91, 5 December) Colombia: fear of torture: Estanislao Anaya, Nelson Jaimes Quintero 1163/42 AMR 23/26/92 Further information on UA 51/92 (AMR 23/09/92, 13 February) - Colombia: fear of "disappearance" / torture: Dubadier Rodriguez 1163/43 AMR 23/27/92 Colombia: Government authorities 1163/44 AMR 23/28/92 Further information on UA 158/92 (AMR 23/22/92, 13 May) - Colombia: possible "disappearance": Efrain Rincon Ramirez, Efrain Pinzon 1163/45 AMR 23/29/92 UA 183/92 - Colombia: fear of torture / "disappearance": David Giraldo, Edgar Granada 1163/46 AMR 23/30/92 Further information on UA 183/92 (AMR 23/29/92, 3 June) - Colombia: fear of torture / "disappearance": David Giraldo, Edgar Granada 1163/47 AMR 23/31/92 Further information on UA 456/91 (AMR 23/72/91, 20 December; and follow-ups AMR 23/02/92, 30 January and AMR 23/13/92, 19 March) - Colombia: possible extrajudicial execution: Twenty members of the Paez Indian community of Caloto, Cauca Department; Carlos Edgar Torres Aparicio, Rodolfo Alvarez, Etnio Vidardo, and new name: Oscar Elias Lopez 1163/48 AMR 23/32/92 UA 191/92 - Colombia: fear of extrajudicial execution: William Ocampo Castano, Maria Mercedes Mendez, Rosa Pena Rodriguez, Ernesto Zarralda, Pedro Agudelo 1163/49 AMR 23/33/92 Further information on UA 63/92 (AMR 23/10/92, 20 February) - Colombia: death threats: members of Regional Human Rights Committee (CREDHOS) in Barrancabermeja and new names: Jorge Gomez Lizarazo, president of CREDHOS, Nancy Sanchez and Pablo Arenas 1163/50 AMR 23/34/92 UA 201/92 - Colombia: torture / legal concern: Samuel Fernando Rojas Motoa 1163/51 AMR 23/35/92 UA 205/92 - Colombia: extrajudicial execution / torture: Jose Delfin Torres Castro, Rafael Basto Olivares 1163/52 AMR 23/36/92 Further information on UA 155/92 (AMR 23/20/92, 12 May) - Colombia: political killing / "disappearance": Carlos Arturo Ramos Minota, Leonardo Salazar Portilla, William Javier Almario Alvarez, Juan Gustavo Zuluaga, Aldemar Rodriguez Carvajal, Carmen Eliza Pereira 1163/53 AMR 23/37/92 UA 213/92 - Colombia: fear of torture / "disappearance": Gabriel Florez Oviedo, and two other men (names unknown) 1163/54 AMR 23/38/92 Further information on UA 213/92 (AMR 23/37/92, 25 June) - Colombia: fear of torture / "disappearance": Gabriel Florez Oviedo, and two other men (names unknown) 1163/55 AMR 23/39/92 Further information on UA 63/92 (AMR 23/10/92, 20 February and follow-up AMR 23/33/92, 15 June) Colombia: death threats and new concern: possible extrajudicial execution: members of Regional Human Rights Committee (CREDHOS) in Barrancabermeja and (new name) Julio Cesar Berrio Villegas 1163/56 AMR 23/40/92 Colombia: Human rights lawyer is threatened and attacked 1163/57 AMR 23/41/92 Colombia: Human rights defenders under attack 1163/58 AMR 23/42/92 Colombia: Human rights monitors under attack: section level action 1163/59 AMR 23/43/92 Further information on UA 40/92 (AMR 23/06/92, 5 February) - Colombia: fear of "disappearance" / torture: David Romero Lizcano, Jose Blanco Rojas 1163/60 AMR 23/44/92 UA 240/92 - Colombia: fear of extrajudicial execution / torture and ill-treatment: Luis Ramos Toledo, Pablo Leon, Dario Vasquez, Isaias Monsalve, Jacinta Munoz 1163/61 AMR 23/45/92 UA 246/92 - Colombia: fear of "disappearance" / torture: Manuel Castillo Ruiseco 1163/62 AMR 23/46/92 North Andean Action 04/92 - Colombia: Human rights defenders under attack 1163/63 AMR 23/47/92 UA 249/92 - Colombia: feared "disappearance": William Villalba 1163/64 AMR 23/48/92 UA 250/92 - Colombia: fear of extrajudicial execution: Ligia Patricia Cortez, Parmenio Ruiz Suarez, Rene Tavera 1163/65 AMR 23/49/92 UA 291/92 - Colombia: fear of "disappearance": Armando Rodriguez Parrado 1163/66/67 AMR 23/50/92 North Andean Action 01/92: Colombia: Killing of Arhuaco Indian leaders - an update 1163/68 AMR 23/51/92 UA 314/92 - Colombia: death threats: Oliva Ballona, Avelino Dominguez, Octavio Sierra 1163/69 AMR 23/52/92 UA 315/92 - Colombia: possible extrajudicial executions / fear of extrajudicial executions: Hector Audelo Chaparro, Reynaldo Riveros Chaparro, Ismael Amaya, Rosa Alvarado, Manuel Abella, Humberto Preciado, Dario Bonilla 1163/70 AMR 23/53/92 UA 321/92 - Colombia: fear of "disappearance": Jhon Fredy Triana Beltran 1163/71 AMR 23/54/92 UA 325/92 - Colombia: death threats: Raquel Judith Bernal Duenas, Jorge Ernesto Bernal Duenas 1163/72 AMR 23/55/92 UA 326/92 - Colombia: fear of "disappearance": Eder Yofre Mendoza Villamizar 1163/73 AMR 23/56/92 UA 333/92 - Colombia: fear of "disappearance" / fear of extrajudicial execution: Amparo Torres Victoria 1163/74 AMR 23/57/92 UA 335/92 - Colombia: threats and harassment: Manuel Cepeda Vargas, Aida Abella, Alvaro Vasquez del Real 1163/75 AMR 23/58/92 UA 338/92 - Colombia: fear of extrajudicial execution: Gustavo Chinchilla Jaimes 1163/76 AMR 23/59/92 Medical letter writing action: Colombia: Killing and disappearance of doctors in the Department of Meta: Dr Alvaro Diego Escribano, Dr Edgar Roballo Quintero, Dr Armando Rodriguez Parrado 1163/77 AMR 23/60/92 UA 345/92 - Colombia: fear of torture / "disappearance": Gustavo Salgado Ramirez 1163/78 AMR 23/61/92 UA 347/92 - Colombia: "disappearance": Leonardo Leyva 1163/79 AMR 23/62/92 UA 348/92 - Colombia: Possible extrajudicial execution: Pedro Jaramillo Rueda, Humberto Jaramillo Rueda, Mario Lozado Ortiz, Pedro Guevara, Fredy Prada Vargas, Jose Eugenio Morales and one other (name not known to Amnesty International) 1163/80/81 AMR 23/63/92 North Andean RAN 02/92: Colombia: Killings in Cauca department: an update 1163/82 AMR 23/65/92 UA 360/92 - Colombia: unacknowledged detention / fear of "disappearance": Bertha del Pilar Hernandez Aldana 1163/83 AMR 23/66/92 UA 363/92 - Colombia: torture / death threats: Wilson Mendez and one other, name not known to Amnesty International 1163/84 AMR 23/67/92 Further information on UA 456/91 (AMR 23/72/91, 20 December and follow-ups AMR 23/02/92, 30 January, AMR 23/13/92, 19 March and AMR 23/31/92, 5 June) Colombia: threats / harassment (new concerns): twenty members of the Paez Indian community of Caloto, Cauca department and: Carlos Edgar Torres Aparicio, Rodolfo Alvarez, Etnio Vidardo, Oscar Elias Lopez 1163/85 AMR 23/68/92 UA 369/92 - Colombia: possible "disappearance": John Albert Muneton Pulgarin, Luz Miriam Pulgarin Jaramillo, Astrid Janeth Muneton Pulgarin, Marta Isabel Tamayo Gil 1163/86 AMR 23/69/92 Further information on UA 314/92 (AMR 23/51/92, 9 October) - Colombia: death threats: Oliva Ballona, Avelino Dominguez, Octavio Sierra 1163/87 AMR 23/70/92 Further information on UA 191/92 (AMR 23/32/92, 8 June) - Colombia: fear of extrajudicial execution: William Ocampo Castano, Maria Mercedes Mendez, Rosa Pena Rodriguez, Ernesto Zarralda, Pedro Agudelo and new name: Jose Rodrigo Garcia Orozco 1163/88 AMR 23/71/92 Further information on UA 360/92 (AMR 23/65/92, 18 November) - Colombia: unacknowledged detention / fear of "disappearance": Bertha del Pilar Hernandez Aldana 1163/89 AMR 23/72/92 UA 393/92 - Colombia: fear of "disappearance" / fear of torture: Edgar Antonio Alvarez Martinez, Jairo Alfonso Acuna 1163/90 AMR 23/73/92 Further information on UA 201/92 (AMR 23/34/92, 16 June) - Colombia: torture / legal concern: Samuel Fernando Rojas Motoa 1163/91 AMR 23/74/92 UA 407/92 - Colombia: torture / fear for safety: Luis Fernando Martinez, Sonebia Pinzon Herrera, Marcela Becerra Pinzon 1163/92 AMR 25/01/92 UA 02/91 - Cuba: prisoners of conscience / legal concern: Yndamiro Restano Diaz, and three other members of the Movimiento de Armonia (MAR): Berenice Morales, Jorge Egana, Iraida Montalvo Miranda 1163/93 AMR 25/02/92 UA 16/92 - Cuba: death penalty: Eduardo Diaz Betancourt, Daniel Candelario Santovenia Fernandez, Pedro de la Caridad Alvarez Pedroso 1163/94 AMR 25/03/92 UA 22/92 - Cuba: possible prisoners of conscience / medical concern / legal concern: Bienvenida Cucalo Santana, Joel Duenas, Arturo Garnica Torres 1163/95 AMR 25/04/92 UA 23/92 - Cuba: prisoner of conscience / medical concern / legal concern: Rafael Gutierrez Santos 1163/96 AMR 25/05/92 UA 24/92 - Cuba: prisoners of conscience / legal concern: Gustavo Arcos Bergnes, Sebastian Arcos Bergnes, Jesus Yanes Pelletier 1163/97 AMR 25/06/92 Further information on UA 23/92 (AMR 25/04/92, 16 January) - Cuba: prisoner of conscience / legal concern / medical concern: Rafael Gutierrez Santos 1163/98 AMR 25/07/92 Further information on UA 16/92 (AMR 25/02/92, 13 January) - Cuba: death penalty: Eduardo Diaz Betancourt, Daniel Candelario Santovenia Fernandez, Pedro de la Caridad Alvarez Pedroso 1163/99 AMR 25/08/92 Further information on UA 24/92 (AMR 25/05/92, 16 January) - Cuba: prisoners of conscience / legal concern: Gustavo Arcos Bergnes, Sebastian Arcos Bergnes, Jesus Yanes Pelletier 1163/100 AMR 25/09/92 Further information on UA 16/92 (AMR 25/02/92, 13 January and follow-up AMR 25/07/92, 17 January) Cuba: death penalty: Eduardo Diaz Betancourt, Daniel Candelario Santovenia Fernandez, Pedro de la Caridad Alvarez Pedroso 1163/101 AMR 25/10/92 Further information on UA 24/92 (AMR 25/05/92, 16 January and follow-up AMR 25/08/92, 20 January) Cuba: prisoner of conscience / legal concern: Sebastian Arcos Bergnes 1163/102 AMR 25/11/92 Further information on UA 416/91 (AMR 25/25/91, 27 November and follow-up AMR 25/26/91, 11 December) Cuba: prisoners of conscience / legal concern: Maria Elena Cruz Varela, Fernando Velasquez Medina, Pastor Herrera Macuran, Jorge Aracelio Pomar Montalvo, Gabriel Aguado Chavez, Elvira Baro, Hubert Luis Matos Sanchez, Eliecer Aguiar Lopez (note corrected name), Marco Antonio Abad Flamand, Jorge Crespo Diaz 1163/103 AMR 25/12/92 Cuba: Prisoners of conscience 1163/104 AMR 25/13/92 Cuba: Rapid Response action: fears of increase in the use of the death penalty 1163/105 AMR 25/14/92 CARRAN 01/92 - Cuba: Prisoners of conscience 1163/106 AMR 25/15/92 AI News Release: Cuba - government urged to halt executions 1163/107 AMR 25/16/92 EXTRA 12/92 - Cuba: death penalty: Luis Miguel Almeida Perez, Rene Salmeron Mendoza 1163/108 AMR 25/17/92 Further information on EXTRA 12/92 (AMR 23/16/92, 6 February) - Cuba: death penalty: Luis Miguel Almeida Perez, Rene Salmeron Mendoza 1163/109 AMR 25/18/92 UA 59/92 - Cuba: health concern: Silvio Aguila Yanes 1163/110 AMR 25/19/92 Further information on EXTRA 12/92 (AMR 25/16/92, 6 February; and follow-up AMR 25/17/92, 18 February) Cuba: death penalty: Luis Miguel Almeida Perez, Rene Salmeron Mendoza 1163/111 AMR 25/20/92 Further information on CARRAN 01/92 (AMR 25/14/92): Cuba: Prisoners of conscience 1163/112 AMR 25/21/92 Further information on UA 59/92 (AMR 25/18/92, 18 February) - Cuba: health concern: Silvio Aguila Yanes 1163/113 AMR 25/22/92 Further information on UA 22/92 (AMR 25/03/92, 16 January) - Cuba: possible prisoners of conscience / medical concern / legal concern: Bienvenida Cucalo Santana, Joel Duenas Martinez, Arturo Garnica Torres 1163/114 AMR 25/23/92 Further information on UA 02/92 (AMR 25/01/92, 3 January) - Cuba: Prisoners of conscience / legal concern: Yndamiro Restano Diaz, and three other members of the Movimiento de Armonia (MAR): Berenice Morales, Jorge Egana, Iraida Montalvo Miranda 1163/115 AMR 25/24/92 Further information on UA 02/92 (AMR 25/01/92, 3 January; and follow-up AMR 25/23/92, 30 April) - Cuba: prisoners of conscience / legal concern: Yndamiro Restano Diaz, and three other members of MAR: Berenice Morales, Jorge Egana, Iraida Montalvo Miranda, and new name: Maria Elena Aparicio 1163/116 AMR 25/25/92 Cuba: Government authorities 1163/117 AMR 25/26/92 Cuba: Silencing the voices of dissent 1163/118 AMR 25/27/92 UA 354/92 - Cuba: prisoner of conscience / health concern / fear of ill-treatment / hunger-strike: Luis Alberto Pita Santos, Arturo Suarez Ramos, Jorge Kerr Mitchell 1163/119 AMR 25/28/92 CARRAN 08/92 - Cuba: Silencing the voices of dissent 1163/120 AMR 25/29/92 Medical letter writing action: Cuba: Silencing opponents 1163/121 AMR 25/30/92 UA 392/92 - Cuba: ill-treatment / legal concern: Elizardo Sanchez Santa Cruz, Rodolfo Gonzalez 1163/122 AMR 25/31/92 UA 402/92 - Cuba: fear of ill-treatment / legal concern: Gustavo Arcos Bergnes, Francisco Chaviano Gonzalez, Rene del Pozo Pozo, Angela Herrera, Alvaro Prendes, Vladimiro Roca, Paula Valiente 1163/123 AMR 27/01/92 Dominican Republic: Government authorities 1163/124 AMR 27/02/92 Further information on UA 398/91 (AMR 27/03/91, 14 November): Dominican Republic: fear of refoulement: Bien Amne Ebel, Jean Miradel, Pierre Michel-Ango, Joseph Witny, Sainvi Bruny, Jacques Sabanet, Maxime Carole, Joseph Rene, Joseph Feronet, Toussaint Oles, Peronvil Larose, Peronvil Perette, Vernius Metellus, Val Mitial, Bein- Aime Jean Noel, Mme Georges Delanot, Belzir Duval, Bernaro Dieudonne, Jean Enold, Francis Raymond, Cherelus Adrien, Belizaire Anet, Raphael Jose Miton, and one other child 1163/125/126 AMR 27/03/92 CARRAN 03/92: Dominican Republic: Torture of Professor Felipe de Jesus Medrano Garcia 1163/127/128 AMR 27/04/92 CARRAN 06/92 - Dominican Republic: legal concern: Teudo Mordan Geronimo 1163/129/130 AMR 27/05/92 Follow up to CARRAN 06/92 - Dominican Republic: legal concern: Teudo Mordan Geronimo 1163/131 AMR 28/01/92 UA 106/92 - Ecuador: fear of "disappearance": Marco Antonio Romero Carrasco 1163/132 AMR 28/02/92 Ecuador: Government authorities list 1163/133 AMR 28/03/92 Ecuador: Death in custody and torture 1163/134 AMR 28/04/92 UA 316/92 - Ecuador: fear of refoulement: Oscar Amaris 1163/135 AMR 28/06/92 North Andean Action 05/92 - Ecuador: Death in custody and torture 1163/136 AMR 28/07/92 Further information on UA 316/92 (AMR 28/04/92, 12 October) - Ecuador: fear of refoulement: Oscar Amaris 1163/137 AMR 29/01/92 UA 15/92 - El Salvador: death threats: Rev Victoriano Jimeno, Rev Medardo Gomez and nine other members of the National Council of Churches 1163/138 AMR 29/02/92 Further information on UA 15/92 (AMR 29/01/92, 10 January) - El Salvador: death threats: Rev. Victoriano Jimeno, Rev Medardo Gomez and nine other members of the National Council of Churches and new names: Nuria Esmeralda Melendez de Grande and members of various other popular organizations 1163/139 AMR 29/03/92 El Salvador: Killing of trade unionist Nazario de Jesus Gracia 1163/140 AMR 29/04/92 CASA 02/92: El Salvador: Killing of trade unionist Nazario de Jesus Gracia 1163/141 AMR 29/05/92 El Salvador: Government authorities list 1163/142 AMR 29/06/92 El Salvador: Observations and recommendations regarding the Commission of Truth 1163/143 AMR 29/07/92 UA 260/92 - El Salvador: apparent extrajudicial execution: Salvador Ivan Ramirez 1163/144 AMR 29/09/92 UA 276/92 - El Salvador: possible extrajudicial executions / death threats: Jose Alejandro Jaco Perez, Salvador Ivan Ramirez, Miguel Angel Alvarenga, Mario Valiente, Juan Mangandi 1163/145 AMR 29/10/92 UA 359/92 - El Salvador: legal / medical concern: Adolfo Aguilar Payes 1163/146 AMR 29/11/92 1163/147 AMR 29/12/92 Further information on UA 359/92 (AMR 29/10/92, 17 November) - El Salvador: legal / medical concern: Adolfo Aguilar Payes Further information on UA 359/92 (AMR 29/10/92, 17 November and follow-up AMR 29/11/92, 23 November) El Salvador: legal / medical concern: Adolfo Aguilar Payes 1163/148 AMR 32/01/92 Grenada: Government Authorities list 1163/149 AMR 34/01/92 UA 03/92 - Guatemala: death threats / intimidation: Roberto Yancor, Jorge Ramirez, Jose Mercedes Sotz Cate 1163/150 AMR 34/02/92 UA 07/92 - Guatemala: fear of extrajudicial execution: Francisco Tziac 1163/151 AMR 34/03/92 UA 11/92 - Guatemala: fear of extrajudicial execution: Ernesto Rolando Corzantes Cruz, Jose Lopez Mendoza, Silvino Velasquez, Leonel Gutierrez 1163/152 AMR 34/04/92 Further information on UA 387/91 (AMR 34/45/91, 11 November) - Guatemala: threats / intimidation: Luisa Ruiz Saquic and, new names: Florencio Coj Garcia, Guadalupe Coj Garcia, Manuel Chingo de la Cruz, Mariano de la Cruz plus 11 other villagers from Tunaja 1163/153 AMR 34/05/92 UA 30/92 - Guatemala: ill-treatment of street children: Felipe Gonzalez ("Chiripa"), Jose Corrado Mendoza ("Olindo") 1163/154 AMR 34/06/92 CASA 01/92: Guatemala: 2nd anniversary of the killing of Nahaman Carmona Lopez 1163/155 AMR 34/07/92 UA 39/92 - Guatemala: threats / intimidation: Rosa Pu Gomez, Amilcar Mendez Urizar, Byron Morales, Armando Sanchez, Rosalina Tuyuc, Nineth Montenegro de Garcia, Juan Mendoza 1163/156 AMR 34/08/92 UA 41/92 - Guatemala: intimidation: members of the Asociacion de Estudiantes Universitarios, University Students Association of the Universidad de San Carlos, University of San Carlos 1163/157 AMR 34/09/92 UA 56/92 - Guatemala: possible extrajudicial execution: Manuel Estuardo Pena 1163/158 AMR 34/10/92 UA 72/92 - Guatemala: ill-treatment of street children: Karlo Antonio Contreras 1163/159 AMR 34/11/92 UA 85/92 - Guatemala: ill-treatment of street children and youths: Moises Rivas, Marvin Antonio Mejia, Manuel Lopez, Carlos Antonio Contreras, Boris Velasquez, Juan Lopez Gonzalez ("Tijuana"), Erick Mendoza Lopez ("Lepra"), Jose R Lopez, Luis Antonio Roldan and seven street youths 1163/160 AMR 34/12/92 UA 87/92 - Guatemala: threats / harassment: Pedro Us Soc, Floridalma Ixtahualan 1163/161 AMR 34/13/92 UA 91/92 - Guatemala: threats / harassment: David Estuardo Mejia Paiz, Axel Mejia Paiz 1163/162 AMR 34/14/92 UA 102/92 - Guatemala: ill-treatment of street children: Jose Vidal, Fernando Sarceno, Melvin Enrique Giron, Ana Maria Quiej, Juan Lopez Gonzalez (a.k.a. "Tijuana"), Mario Rene Hernandez Aguirre (a. k.a. "el Muerto"), Nelson Larios, Axel Belmin Tenas, Omar Francisco Moran 1163/163 AMR 34/15/92 Guatemala authorities list 1163/164/165 AMR 34/16/92 UA 123/92 - Guatemala: possible extrajudicial execution: Julio Cuc Quim, Julio Felipe Sajche, Otoniel Estuardo Moran Aldana, Axel Oswaldo Morales Gaitan, Alfonzo Aldana Perez, Maria Isabel Cabeiro, Otto Rene Perez Figueroa, Juan Armando Perez Lopez (includes correction) 1163/166 AMR 34/17/92 UA 124/92 - Guatemala: possible extrajudicial execution: Pedro Raguez 1163/167 AMR 34/18/92 UA 129/92 - Guatemala: fear of "disappearance": Maria Rosa Alfaro Perez 1163/168 AMR 34/19/92 CASA 03/92 - Guatemala: Targeting displaced people 1163/169 AMR 34/20/92 Guatemala: Targeting displaced people 1163/170 AMR 34/21/92 Further information on UA 294/90 (AMR 34/43/90, 10 July; and follow-ups AMR 34/45/90, 26 July; AMR 34/12/91, 27 March; and AMR 34/39/91, 22 August) Guatemala: beatings and threats against street children: Two street children 1163/171 AMR 34/22/92 Further information on UA 129/92 (AMR 34/18/92, 24 April) - Guatemala: fear of disappearance: Maria Rosa Alfaro Perez 1163/172 AMR 34/23/92 CASA 08/92 - Guatemala: Children in fear: street children and street educators continue to be targeted 1163/173 AMR 34/24/92 Guatemala: Children in fear: street children and street educators continue to be targeted 1163/174 AMR 34/25/92 UA 156/92 - Guatemala: death threats: Londy Urizar and Covenant House workers and children 1163/175 AMR 34/26/92 Further information on UA 289/91 (AMR 34/40/91, 28 August; and follow-ups AMR 34/14/91, 30 August and AMR 34/48/91, 12 December) - Guatemala: threats / intimidation: Amilcar Mendez Urizar 1163/176 AMR 34/27/92 UA 165/92 - Guatemala: possible extrajudicial execution: Andres Ramirez Lara, Juan Jose Arana Paz 1163/177 AMR 34/28/92 UA 177/92 - Guatemala: attempted extrajudicial execution / death threats: Jose Alberto Nerio Osorio, and other regional representatives of Centro de Investigacion, Estudio y Promocion de los Derechos Humanos (CIEPRODH), Centre for the Investigation, Study and Promotion of Human Rights 1163/178 AMR 34/29/92 UA 187/92 - Guatemala: threats / harassment: Marlon Paul Alvarez Juarez, Hugo Ricardo Alvarez Juarez, and their father: Victor Hugo Alvarez 1163/179 AMR 34/30/92 UA 189/92 - Guatemala: death threats: Doctor Carlos Leon Medrano 1163/180 AMR 34/31/92 UA 230/92 - Guatemala: possible extrajudicial execution: Rodnery Rodriguez Valdizon, Emilio Gonzalez Guerra, Luis Morales Zavala 1163/181 AMR 34/32/92 UA 233/92 - Guatemala: threats and intimidation: Luis Humberto Fuentes Morales and members of his family 1163/182 AMR 34/33/92 UA 239/92 - Guatemala: ill-treatment: indigenous peasants, Cajola, Quetzaltenango department (includes correction) 1163/183 AMR 34/34/92 Update to CASA 08/92 - Guatemala: Children in fear: street children and street educators continue to be targeted 1163/184 AMR 34/35/92 UA 243/92 - Guatemala: fear of "disappearance" / harassment: Maritza Urrutia Ruiz, and other members of her family 1163/185 AMR 34/36/92 Further information on UA 243/92 (AMR 34/35/92, 28 July) - Guatemala: fear of "disappearance" / harassment: Maritza Urrutia Ruiz, and other members of her family 1163/186 AMR 34/37/92 Further information on UA 243/92 (AMR 34/35/92, 28 July, and follow-up AMR 34/36/92, 30 July) - Guatemala: fear of "disappearance" / harassment: Maritza Urrutia Ruiz, and other members of her family 1163/187 AMR 34/38/92 UA 266/92 - Guatemala: ill-treatment / death threats against street children: Byron Geovanni Castillo, Jose Chicajua 1163/188 AMR 34/39/92 UA 270/92 - Guatemala: ill-treatment / harassment: David Lara, Olindo Orellana, Jaime Salvador Crispin Urias, Jose Alfredo Cornejo ("Cabellon") - street youths; Marco Tulio Silvestre, Evelyn Marisol del Cid Lima - workers with Casa Alianza; Francisco Hugo del Cid Jacobo, Hugo del Cid Lima, father and brother of Evelyn Marisol del Cid Lima 1163/189 AMR 34/40/92 UA 306/92 - Guatemala: ill-treatment: Daniel Estuardo Galan, Luis Fernando Ortiz Pineda, Luis Geronimo Calderon 1163/190 AMR 34/41/92 Further information on UA 243/92 (AMR 34/35/92, 28 July and follow-ups AMR 34/36/92, 30 July and AMR 34/37/92, 31 July) - Guatemala: fear of "disappearance" / harassment and (new concern) fear for physical safety: Maritza Urrutia Garcia and new names: Edmundo Rene Urrutia Castellanos, Maria del Pilar Garcia de Urrutia, Carolina Lissette Urrutia Garcia de Escobar, Julio Cesar Escobar Meza, Maria Gabriela Escobar Urrutia, Estuardo Rene Escobar Urrutia, Estela Aragon, Nora Barrientes Aragon, Telma Yaneth Barrientes Aragon, Ingrid Lorena Barrientes Aragon, Samuel, son of Estela Aragon 1163/191 AMR 34/42/92 Guatemala authorities list 1163/192 AMR 34/43/92 UA 313/92 - Guatemala: death threats / intimidation: members of the Asociacion de Estudiantes Universitarios (AEU) 1163/193 AMR 34/44/92 UA 319/92 - Guatemala: fear for physical safety: Members of the Grupo de Apoyo Mutuo por el Aparecimiento con Vida de Nuestros Familiares (GAM) 1163/194 AMR 34/45/92 UA 327/92 - Guatemala: threats / intimidation: Cristina Par, Matea Par 1163/195 AMR 34/46/92 CASA 10/92 - Guatemala: Apparent extrajudicial execution of Lucas Perez Tadeo 1163/196 AMR 34/47/92 Guatemala: Apparent extrajudicial execution of Lucas Perez Tadeo 1163/197 AMR 34/48/92 UA 358/92 - Guatemala: threats / harassment: Ronalth Ivan Ochaeta Argueta, Amilcar Mendez Urizar, Factor Mendez Doninelli and other human rights workers 1163/198 AMR 34/49/92 UA 374/92 - Guatemala: death threats / harassment: Maria Buthy Dardon Tejeda and members of her family 1163/199 AMR 34/50/92 CASA 11/92 - Guatemala: Continuing harassment against Amilcar Mendez Urizar and his family 1163/200 AMR 35/01/92 CARRAN 02/92: Guyana: Torture / ill- treatment in custody 1163/201 AMR 35/02/92 CARRAN 02/92 update: Guyana: torture/ill- treatment in custody 1163/202 1163/203 AMR 35/03/92 AMR 36/02/92 Guyana: New government authorities list Further information on UA 455/91 (AMR 36/38/91, 19 December) - Haiti: fear for physical safety: Antoine Izmery, Father Antoine Adrien, Father Samedi, Father Massacre, Jean Dominique, Idly Cameau, Bishop Willy Romelus, Dr Margareth Degand, Frantz Verella, Alix FilsAime, Peggy Coupet, Father William Smarth, Father Eddy, Liliane Pierre-Paul, Pierre Clitandre, Auguste Mesyeux, Father Jean Juste and many others 1163/204 AMR 36/03/92 Haiti: The human rights tragedy: human rights violations since the coup 1163/205 AMR 36/04/92 Rapid Response action: Human rights violations in Haiti and possible forcible return of asylum-seekers (includes provisional government authorities list) 1163/206 AMR 36/05/92 AI News Release: Haiti: call for international action on continuing human rights violations 1163/207 AMR 36/06/92 Follow-up to medical letter writing action (AMR 36/36/91): Haiti: Paul Laroche 1163/208 AMR 36/07/92 EXTRA 13/92 - Haiti: threats / harassment: Father Marcel Boussel, Father Yvon Joseph 1163/209 AMR 36/08/92 Further information on UA 393/91 (AMR 36/26/91, 12 November and follow-up AMR 36/30/91, 19 November) Haiti: legal concern: Jean-Mario Paul (previously given incorrectly as Paul-Jean Mario), Amos Antoine 1163/210 AMR 36/09/92 EXTRA 15/92 - Haiti: legal concern: Father Jean-Yvon Massacre 1163/211 AMR 36/10/92 Further information on EXTRA 15/92 (AMR 36/09/92, 18 February) - Haiti: legal concern: Father Jean-Yvon Massacre 1163/212 AMR 36/11/92 EXTRA 17/92 - Haiti: legal concern / fear of ill-treatment: Cadet Antoine 1163/213 AMR 36/12/92 EXTRA 34/92 - Haiti: death threats: Guy Telva 1163/214 AMR 36/13/92 Haiti: Update to Rapid Response action: Human rights violations in Haiti and forcible return of asylum-seekers (AMR 36/04/92, 17 January 1992) 1163/215 AMR 36/14/92 Further information on EXTRA 34/92 (AMR 36/12/92, 25 March) - Haiti: death threats: Guy Delva (note corrected name) 1163/216 AMR 36/15/92 EXTRA 44/92 - Haiti: legal concern / fear of ill-treatment: Harry Nicolas 1163/217 AMR 36/16/92 Further information on EXTRA 44/92 (AMR 36/15/92, 14 April) - Haiti: legal concern / fear of ill-treatment: Harry Nicolas 1163/218 AMR 36/17/92 CARRAN 03/92 (correction 04/92) - Haiti: Recent cases of human rights violations 1163/219 AMR 36/18/92 Further information on UA 393/91 (AMR 36/26/91, 12 November; and follow-ups AMR 36/30/91, 19 November; and AMR 36/08/92, 17 February) - Haiti: legal concern: Jean-Mario Paul, Amos Antoine 1163/220 AMR 36/19/92 UA 138/92 - Haiti: legal concern / fear of ill-treatment: Sulfrid Jeune Exime 1163/221 AMR 36/20/92 Haiti: Update to CARRAN action 03/92 (correction 04/92) - Recent cases of human rights violation (AI Index: AMR 36/17/92) 1163/222 AMR 36/21/92 Haiti: Second update to CARRAN 04/92 (previously mistakenly issued as CARRAN 03/92) - Recent cases of human rights violation (AI Index: AMR 36/17/92, and update AMR 36/20/92) 1163/223 AMR 36/22/92 UA 175/92 - Haiti: possible extrajudicial execution: Georges Izmery 1163/224/225 AMR 36/23/92 UA 180/92 - Haiti: fear of ill-treatment: Remy Amazan, Frantz Guillit and others (includes correction) 1163/226 AMR 36/24/92 1163/227 AMR 36/25/92 UA 182/92 - Haiti: legal concern / ill- treatment / possible extrajudicial execution: Patrick (Eric) Morisseau, Claire Edouard UA 186/92 - Haiti: fear of torture / legal concern: Denis Verdier, Sony Decoste, Jean- Baptiste Casseus, Marcel Bussels and Father Denis Verdier's driver (name unknown) 1163/228 AMR 36/26/92 Further information on UA 186/92 (AMR 36/25/92, 4 June) - Haiti: fear of torture / legal concern: Denis Verdier, Sony Decoste, Jean-Baptiste Casseus, Marcel Bussels and Father Denis Verdier's driver (name unknown) 1163/229 AMR 36/27/92 Further information on UA 180/92 (AMR 36/23/92, 1 June) - Haiti: fear of ill- treatment: Remy Amazan, Frantz Guillit and others 1163/230 AMR 36/28/92 UA 198/92 - Haiti: legal concern / ill- treatment: Valentin Villard 1163/231 AMR 36/29/92 Further information on UA 186/92 (AMR 36/25/92, 4 June; and follow-ups AMR 36/26/92, 12 June) - Haiti: fear of torture / legal concern: Denis Verdier, Sony Decoste, Jean-Baptiste Casseus, Marcel Bussels, and Father Denis Verdier's driver (name unknown); and members of the Mouvement Honneur et Respect Ballan (Ballan Movement of Honour and Respect) 1163/232 AMR 36/30/92 Further information on UA 182/92 (AMR 36/24/92, 2 June) - Haiti: possible extrajudicial execution: Patrick (Eric) Morisseau, Claire Edouard 1163/233 AMR 36/31/92 Further information on UA 138/92 (AMR 36/19/92, 1 May) - Haiti: legal concern / fear of ill-treatment: Sulfrid Jeune Exime 1163/234 AMR 36/32/92 UA 206/92 - Haiti: legal concern / ill- treatment: Altide Luisdor Mathieu, Belanot Augustin (includes correction) 1163/235 AMR 36/33/92 UA 215/92 - Haiti: fear of "disappearance" / fear of illtreatment: Milot Batista 1163/236 AMR 36/34/92 UA 219/92 - Haiti: threats / intimidation: Staff and children at the orphanage Lafanmi Selavi 1163/237 AMR 36/35/92 UA 220/92 - Haiti: fear of "disappearance": Morange Dejean 1163/238 AMR 36/36/92 Further information on UA 206/92 (AMR 36/32/92, 19 June) - Haiti: legal concern / ill-treatment: Altide Luisdor Mathieu, Belanot Augustin 1163/239 AMR 36/37/92 CARRAN 05/92 - Haiti: torture of Wilcena Dorleus 1163/240 AMR 36/38/92 Haiti: Torture of Wilcena Dorleus 1163/241 AMR 36/39/92 Further information on UA 198/92 (AMR 36/28/92, 12 June) - Haiti: legal concern / ill-treatment: Valentin Villard 1163/242 AMR 36/40/92 UA 236/92 - Haiti: mass arrests / ill- treatment: Esner Blaise, Canez Prevaud, Rosette Desire, Lionel Desir, Ronald Leon, Cheraud, Claude Lucien, Jerome Noel, Valery Bony Laguerre, Jean-Marie Gabriel 1163/243 AMR 36/41/92 Haiti: Human rights held to ransom 1163/244 AMR 36/42/92 AI news release: Haiti: Human rights held to ransom by torture, arbitrary arrest and extrajudicial execution 1163/245 AMR 36/43/92 Haiti: government authorities list 1163/246 AMR 36/44/92 UA 261/92 - Haiti: possible extrajudicial execution: Robinson Joseph 1163/247 AMR 36/45/92 UA 281/92 - Haiti: Fear of "disappearance" / ill-treatment: Wilson Sincere, Mousson Romero, Alix Mondesir 1163/248 AMR 36/46/92 Further information on UA 281/92 (AMR 36/45/92, 8 September) - Haiti: fear of "disappearance" / ill-treatment: Wilson Sincere, Mousson Romero, Alix Mondesir 1163/249 AMR 36/47/92 UA 289/92 - Haiti: possible extrajudicial execution: Marcel Fleurzile 1163/250 AMR 36/48/92 CARRAN 07/92 - Haiti: Human rights held to ransom 1163/251 AMR 36/49/92 UA 301/92 - Haiti: death threats / intimidation: Monsignor Willy Romulus, Father Alfred Doreseant 1163/252 AMR 36/50/92 UA 303/92 - Haiti: ill-treatment and possible extrajudicial execution: Jude Damus, Marcel Almonaty 1163/253 AMR 36/51/92 UA 334/92 - Haiti: legal concern / fear of torture: Innocent Merat and one other, name unknown 1163/254 AMR 36/52/92 Further information on UA 334/92 (AMR 36/51/92, 28 October) - Haiti: legal concern / fear of torture: Innocent Merat and one other (name now known -Jocelyn Jean) 1163/255 AMR 36/53/92 UA 372/92 - Haiti: fear for safety / possible extrajudicial execution: Justin Brezil, Wesner Luc 1163/256 AMR 36/54/92 UA 380/92 - Haiti: fear of torture / ill- treatment: about 12 students arrested, including: Antoine Wesner, Marilide Noel, Morancy (last name not known to AI); about 20 students beaten, including: Egalite Erlande 1163/257 AMR 36/55/92 UA 384/92 - Haiti: possible extrajudicial execution / fear of extrajudicial execution: Jacques Derenoncourt and other members of the Comite National des Congres des Mouvements Democratiques (KONAKOM) 1163/258 AMR 36/56/92 UA 386/92 - Haiti: legal concern / fear of ill-treatment: Antoine Augustin 1163/259 AMR 36/57/92 Further information on UA 380/92 (AMR 36/54/92, 2 December) - Haiti: fear of torture / ill-treatment and new concern: possible extrajudicial execution: about 12 students arrested including: Antoine Wesner, Marilide Noel, Morancy (last name not known to Amnesty International) and new name: Jean-Marc (or possibly JeanSony) Philogene; about 20 students beaten, including: Egalite Erlande 1163/260 AMR 36/58/92 Further information on UA 386/92 (AMR 36/56/92, 7 December) - Haiti: legal concern / fear of ill-treatment: Antoine Augustin 1163/261 AMR 36/59/92 UA 391/92 - Haiti: legal concern / fear of ill-treatment: Maurice Damucy, Jean Augustin, Ms Belizaire (first name unknown to Amnesty International) and thirty others 1163/262 AMR 36/60/92 UA 394/92 - Haiti: fear of "disappearance" / fear of torture: Jean Gardy, Patrice Joseph, Claudy Ganthier, Pika Buron and one other student, name unknown to Amnesty International 1163/263 AMR 37/01/92 Honduras: Government authorities 1163/264 AMR 37/02/92 "Disappearances" in Honduras: a wall of silence and indifference 1163/265 AMR 37/03/92 Honduras: Lack of investigation into the possible extrajudicial execution of Manuel de Jesus Guerra 1163/266 AMR 37/04/92 CASA 05/92: Honduras: Lack of investigation into the possible extrajudicial execution of Manuel de Jesus Guerra 1163/267 AMR 37/05/92 UA 104/92 - Honduras: fear of extrajudicial execution: Antonio Zelaya Reyes 1163/268 AMR 37/06/92 CASA 07/92 - "Disappearances" in Honduras: a wall of silence and indifference: recommended actions 1163/269 AMR 37/07/92 "Disappearances" in Honduras: a wall of silence and indifference: order form for photographs 1163/270 AMR 37/08/92 UA 244/92 - Honduras: possible extrajudicial execution: Juan Humberto Sanchez 1163/271 AMR 38/01/92 Jamaica: New government authorities list 1163/272 AMR 41/01/92 Mexico: Human rights violations against members of the Mixe and Zapotec indigenous community of La Trinidad Yaveo, Oaxaca 1163/273 AMR 41/02/92 CASA 04/92: Mexico: Human rights violations against members of the Mixe and Zapotec indigenous community of La Trinidad Yaveo, Oaxaca 1163/274 AMR 41/03/92 1163/275 AMR 41/04/92 Mexico: Torture and ill-treatment: Raul Vazquez Hernandez and others CASA 06/92 - Mexico: Torture and ill- treatment: Raul Vazquez Hernandez and others 1163/276 AMR 41/05/92 Mexico: Human rights violations against Ch'ol and Tzeltal Indian activists 1163/277 AMR 41/06/92 CASA 09/92: Mexico: Human rights violations against Ch'ol and Tzeltal Indian activists 1163/278 AMR 41/07/92 Follow-up to CASA 04/92: Mexico: Human rights violations against members of the Mixe and Zapotec indigenous community of La Trinidad Yaveo, Oaxaca 1163/279 AMR 41/08/92 UA 336/92 - Mexico: death threats: Maria Teresa Jardi 1163/280 AMR 41/09/92 Further information on UA 336/92 (AMR 41/08/92, 29 October) - Mexico: death threats: Maria Teresa Jardi 1163/281 AMR 43/01/92 Nicaragua authorities list 1163/282 AMR 45/01/92 UA 71/92 - Paraguay: possible extrajudicial execution: Bernardo Ramirez 1163/283 AMR 45/02/92 Paraguay: Government authorities address list 1163/284 AMR 45/03/92 PABRAN 03/92: Paraguay: Former senior police officials sentenced for past human rights violations 1163/285 AMR 45/04/92 UA 357/92 - Paraguay: death threats and harassment: Ramon Melgarejo Ortega 1163/286 AMR 46/01/92 UA 12/92 - Peru: "disappearance": Raul Naraza Salazar 1163/287 AMR 46/02/92 Further information on UA 445/91 (AMR 46/82/91, 17 December) - Peru: legal concern: Rodolfo Bernedo, Isaac Ortiz Matos, Jhon Huaroc, German Saldana Morales, Geremias Armas Cerron, Jose Macuri 1163/288 AMR 46/03/92 Peru: Summary of Amnesty International's concerns since 1983 1163/289 AMR 46/04/92 UA 53/92 - Peru: fear of "disappearance": Roberto Rojas Rodriguez, Anatolio Rojas Sanchez, Horacio Montenegro Ramos, Isabel Gomez Lucas, Fanol Rojas Sanchez UA 69/92 - Peru: possible extrajudicial execution: Magdalena Ramirez Medina, Arnulfo Acevedo Paucar, Nemecio Ramirez Medina, Manuel Palacios Gomero, Vicente Mejia Cruz; legal concern / fear of disappearance": Avelino Vega, President of the Challhuayaco Civil Patrol, Mansueto Asencio Solis 1163/290 AMR 46/05/92 1163/291 AMR 46/06/92 Peru: for response statement (killing of Maria Elena Moyano on 15 February 1992 by members of the Partido Comunista del Peru (Sendero Luminoso)) 1163/292 AMR 46/07/92 Peru: Declaraciones para respuesta 1163/293 AMR 46/08/92 Peru campaign: Third supplement to main action circular 1163/294 AMR 46/09/92 UA 83/92 - Peru: "disappearances": Carlos Vela Pizango, Javier Giron Poma, Jaime Trinidad Castro 1163/295 AMR 46/10/92 Government and press reaction to Peru: Human rights in a climate of terror (AMR 46/56/91) 1163/296 AMR 46/11/92 Further information on UA 69/92 (AMR 46/05/92, 25 February) - Peru: possible extrajudicial executions: Vilma Ramirez Medina, Arnulfo Acevedo Paucar, Paulina Ramirez Mejia, Manuel Palacios Gomero, Vicente Mejia Salazar (note corrected names); legal concern / fear of "disappearance": Avelino Vega Mautino, Manseuto Asencio Solis 1163/297 AMR 46/12/92 UA 96/92 - Peru: torture and ill-treatment: Jorge Nabid Leon Ramirez, Cesar Augusto Leon Ramirez 1163/298 AMR 46/13/92 UA 103/92 - Peru: death threat, attacks and intimidation: Manuel Antonio Cordova Polo, Luz Gladys Roque Montesillo, Cynthia Themys Quesada Montesillo, Elisa Montesillo Candelario de Roque, Ines Sinchitullo Barboza 1163/299 AMR 46/14/92 UA 120/92 - Peru: legal concern: Violeta Roque, Jose Balazar, Carlos Villanueva, Roberto Ramirez del Villar, Eugenio Chang, Felipe Osterling Parodi, Agustin Mantilla, Aurelio Loret de Mola, Olmedo Auris, Jose Barsallo Burga, Soledad Lozano, Juan Jose Salazar, Fernando Reyes Roca, Alberto Alfaro Beltran, Jorge Cartagena Vargas, Eduardo del Carpio Begazo, Manuel Ascensios Martel, Horacio Valladares Ayarza, Ricardo Astoquilaca Medrano 1163/300 AMR 46/15/92 Further information on UA 69/92 (AMR 46/05/92, 25 February; and follow-up AMR 46/11/92, 17 March) Peru: possible extrajudicial executions: Vilma Ramirez Medina, Arnulfo Acevedo Paucar, Paulina Ramirez Mejia, Manuel Palacios Gomero, Vicente Mejia Zalazar; legal concern / fear of "disappearance": Avelino Vega Mautino 1163/301 AMR 46/16/92 Further information on UA 120/92 (AMR 46/14/92, 10 April) - Peru: legal concern: Violeta Roque, Luis Salazar Castillo, Maria Luz Villanueva (please note corrected names), Roberto Ramirez del Villar, Eugenio Chang, Felipe Osterling Parodi, Agustin Mantilla, Aurelio Loret de Mola, Olmedo Auris, Jose Barsallo Burga, Soledad Lozano, Juan Jose Salazar, Fernando Reyes Roca, Alberto Alfaro Beltran, Jorge Cartagena Vargas, Eduardo del Carpio Begazo, Rodolfo Ascencios Martel (please note corrected name), Horacio Valladares Ayarza, Ricardo Astoquilaca Medrano 1163/302 AMR 46/17/92 UA 127/92 - Peru: "disappearance": Esteban Ramos Huaynay 1163/303 AMR 46/18/92 Peru: Human rights during the government of President Alberto Fujimori 1163/304 AMR 46/19/92 UA 137/92 - Peru: fear of "disappearance": Andres Reyes Rojas, Gaudencio Tolentino Romo, Walter Tolentino Romo, Alejandro Ventosilla Castillo, Paulino Ventosilla Castillo, Simon Ventosilla Castillo, Alfonso Ventosilla Pablo, Rafael Ventosilla Rojas 1163/305 AMR 46/20/92 UA 148/92 - Peru: fear of torture / fear of extrajudicial execution: Canto Grande prisoners 1163/306 AMR 46/21/92 UA 151/92 - Peru: fear of torture: Arturo Santander Joo, Luis Camargo, Eduardo Salazar, Juan Villafranca Carnero 1163/307 AMR 46/22/92 UA 154/92 - Peru: "disappearance": Jesus Noriega Rios, Pedro Lopez Gonzalez, Denis Castillo Chavez, Gilmer Leon Velasquez, Roberto Benitez Velasquez, Carlos Benitez Velasquez, Carlos Tarazona More, Jorge Tarazona More 1163/308 AMR 46/23/92 Further information on UA 148/92 (AMR 46/20/92, 7 May) - Peru: fear of torture / fear of extrajudicial execution: Canto Grande prisoners 1163/309 AMR 46/24/92 Further information on UA 120/92 (AMR 46/14/92, 10 April; and follow-up AMR 46/16/92, 23 April) - Peru: legal concern: Violeta Roque, Luis Salazar Castillo, Maria Luz Villanueva, Agustin Mantilla, Jorge Cartagena Vargas, Rodolfo Ascensios Martel, Ricardo Astoquilaca Medrano 1163/310 AMR 46/25/92 Peru: Human rights during the government of President Alberto Fujimori 1163/311/312 AMR 46/26/92 South Andean Action 03/92: Peru: "Disappearances" in Junin Department 1163/313 AMR 46/27/92 Further information on UA 151/92 (AMR 46/21/92, 8 May) - Peru: fear of torture: Arturo Santander Joo, Luis Camargo, Eduardo Salazar, Juan Villafranca Carnero 1163/314 AMR 46/28/92 UA 190/92 - Peru: fear of "disappearance" / fear of extrajudicial execution: Dionisio Rojas Quispe 1163/315/316 AMR 46/29/92 South Andean Action 04/92: Peru: Ill- treatment and death threats against peasant leaders 1163/317 AMR 46/30/92 UA 204/92 - Peru: Fear of torture / "disappearance" / extrajudicial execution: Yehude Simon Munaros, Luis Lora Muga, Armida Valladares, Rosa Neyra, Jose Antonio Alvarez, Mario Reupo, Edgar Rivadeneyra, Silvio Espinoza Garcia, Magno Fernandez, Fernando Valencia Osorio, Marco Burga, Eduardo Sihue, Gustavo Polanco, Carlos Rivera, and ten others whose names are unknown 1163/318 AMR 46/31/92 Peru: Extrajudicial execution by hanging 1163/319 AMR 46/32/92 UA 210/92 - Peru: fear for physical safety: Gustavo Gorriti Ellenbogen, Esther Delgado de Gorriti, Galia Gorriti Delgado, Dafna Gorriti Delgado 1163/320 AMR 46/33/92 Further information on UA 204/92 (AMR 46/30/92, 19 June) - Peru: fear of torture / "disappearance" / extrajudicial execution and new concern: legal concern: Yehude Simon Munaro, Luis Lora Muga, Armida Valladares, Rosa Neyra, Jose Antonio Alvarez, Mario Reupo, Edgar Rivadeneyra, Silvio Espinoza Garcia, Magno Fernandez, Fernando Valencia Osorio, Marco Burga, Eduardo Sihue, Gustavo Polanco, Carlos Rivera and ten others whose names are unknown 1163/321 AMR 46/34/92 UA 214/92 - Peru: fear for physical safety: Nancy Valcarcel de Simon, and her three children 1163/322 AMR 46/35/92 UA 222/92 - Peru: extrajudicial execution / fear of extrajudicial execution / torture / "disappearance": Ricardo Salazar Ruiz, Wilger Saldana Cotrina, Jose Vega Riva, Gipson Tuanama Fasabi, Limber Tuanama Fasabi, Luis Alberto Gonzales Rucoba 1163/323 AMR 46/36/92 Further information on UA 137/92 (AMR 46/19/92, 1 May) - Peru: fear of "disappearance" and new concern: extrajudicial execution: Andres Reyes Rojas, Gaudencio Tolentino Romo, Walter Tolentino Romo, Alfonso Ventosilla Pablo, Rafael Ventosilla Rojas, Alejandro Ventosilla Castillo, Paulino Ventosilla Castillo, Simon Ventosilla Castillo and new names: Ruben Ventosilla Castillo, Marino Ventosilla Rojas 1163/324 AMR 46/37/92 UA 225/92 - Peru: "disappearance": Honorato Laura Lujan 1163/325/326 AMR 46/38/92 South Andean Action 05/92: Peru: Two teenage girls abused by the army 1163/327 AMR 46/39/92 UA 238/92 - Peru: "disappearance": Pedro Yauri Bustamante 1163/328 AMR 46/40/92 Peru: Prosecution calls for case of "disappeared" student to be closed 1163/329 AMR 46/41/92 UA 265/92 - Peru: death threats: Magno Sosa Rojas 1163/330 AMR 46/42/92 Peru: Human rights violations in the department of San Martin 1163/331 AMR 46/43/92 UA 274/92 - Peru: fear of "disappearance" / fear of extrajudicial execution: Juan Luna Rojas 1163/332 AMR 46/44/92 UA 283/92 - Peru: "disappearance": Ana Rosario Celis Laureano 1163/333 AMR 46/45/92 South Andean Action 07/92: Peru: "Disappearance" of a lecturer and nine students 1163/334 AMR 46/46/92 UA 304/92 - Peru: death threats / fear for safety: Magno Sosa Rojas, Necias Taquiri Yanqui, Juan Camborda Lodesma, Mario Cueto Cardenas, Daniel Quispe Perez, Carlos Condori Castillo, Severino Castillo Melgar, Donito Marmanillo, Carlos Valdes Medina (journalists); Marcial Molina, Victor Tenorio, Enrique Gonzales Carre, Virgilio Galdo, Alina Carrasco, Hector Vega, Pedro Villena, Profesor Tincco, Profesor Feria, Maximo Cardenas (University staff); and at least 20 others 1163/335 AMR 46/47/92 UA 305/92 - Peru: "disappearances": Sonia Aquino Orosco, Cirilo Rodriguez Landa 1163/336 AMR 46/48/92 South Andean Action 08/92 - Peru: legal concern: Angelica Mendoza Almeida de Ascarza 1163/337 AMR 46/49/92 UA 311/92 - Peru: fear for physical safety: Anne-Marie Parodi, Martin Heiming, Heriberto Ocasio 1163/338 AMR 46/50/92 Further information on UA 311/92 (AMR 46/49/92, 6 October) - Peru: fear for physical safety: Anne-Marie Parodi, Martin Heiming, Heriberto Ocasio 1163/339 AMR 46/51/92 Further information on UA 311/92 (AMR 46/49/92, 6 October and follow-up AMR 46/50/92, 9 October) - Peru: fear for physical safety: Anne-Marie Parodi, Martin Heiming, Heriberto Ocasio 1163/340 AMR 46/52/92 1163/341 AMR 46/53/92 UA 341/92 - Peru: extrajudicial execution: Josias Ramirez Angulo Peru: "Disappearances" and extrajudicial executions in the city of Huancayo 1163/342 AMR 46/54/92 UA 353/92 - "disappearance" / fear of torture / fear of extrajudicial execution: Miguel Jugo Viera (N.B. see further information on this UA, AMR 46/56/92) 1163/343 AMR 46/56/92 Further information on UA 353/92 (AMR 46/54/92, 12 November) - Peru: "disappearance" / fear of torture / fear of extrajudicial execution: Miguel Jugo Viera 1163/344 AMR 46/57/92 Further information on UA 204/92 (AMR 46/30/92, 19 June and follow-up AMR 46/33/92, 26 June) - Peru: illtreatment / death in custody (new concerns): Yehude Simon Munaro, Luis Lora Muga, Armida Valladares Jara, Rosa Neyra Samalvides, Jose Antonio Alvarez Pachas, Mario Reupo Bazalar, Edgar Rivadeneyra Macedo, Silvio Espinoza Garcia, Magno Fernandez Zegarra, Fernando Valencia Osorio, Marco Burga Valderrama, Eduardo Sihue Cano, Jorge Rivera Urbano (new name); Carlos Rivera Retis (died in custody); Gustavo Polanco (released) 1163/345/346 AMR 46/58/92 South Andean Action 09/92: Peru: Torture of community leaders 1163/347 AMR 46/59/92 South Andean Action 07/92 - Peru: "disappearance" and torture of "La Cantuta" student 1163/348 AMR 46/60/92 UA 404/92 - Peru: death threats: Rosa del Pilar de Pastor and her four children 1163/349 AMR 49/01/92 Trinidad and Tobago: New government authorities list 1163/350 AMR 49/02/92 UA 351/92 - Trinidad and Tobago: death penalty: Gayman Jurisingh, Peter Matthews, Faizal Mohammed 1163/351 AMR 49/03/92 EXTRA 103/92 - Trinidad and Tobago: death penalty: Brian Francois, Lal Seeratan 1163/352 AMR 49/04/92 Further information on EXTRA 103/92 (AMR 49/03/92, 4 December) - Trinidad and Tobago: death penalty: Brian Francois, Lal Seeratan 1163/353 AMR 49/05/92 Trinidad and Tobago: Possible resumption of hangings 1163/354 AMR 51/01/92 United States of America: death penalty developments in 1991 1163/355 AMR 51/02/92 Further information on UA 340/90 (AMR 51/34/90, 22 August and follow-ups AMR 51/40/90, 25 September and AMR 51/41/90, 13 November) - USA (Wyoming): death penalty: Mark Hopkinson 1163/356 AMR 51/03/92 Further information on UA 442/91 (AMR 51/68/91, 16 December) - USA (Arizona): death penalty: Donald Eugene Harding 1163/357 AMR 51/04/92 Further information on UA 444/91 (AMR 51/69/91, 17 December) - USA (Texas): Imminent execution of a juvenile offender: Johnny Frank Garret 1163/358/359 AMR 51/05/92 Further information on UA 423/91 (AMR 51/65/91, 6 December) - USA (North Carolina): death penalty: John Sterling Gardner, Anson Avery Maynard (includes correction) 1163/360 AMR 51/06/92 UA 10/92 - USA (Arkansas): death penalty: Ricky Ray Rector 1163/361 AMR 51/07/92 Further information on UA 444/91 (AMR 51/69/91, 17 December and follow-up AMR 51/04/92, 8 January) USA (Texas): imminent execution of a juvenile offender: Johnny F Garrett 1163/362 AMR 51/08/92 Further information on UA 304/91 (AMR 51/37/91, 9 September and follow-up AMR 51/64/91, 27 November) USA: prisoner of conscience / conscientious objector: Captain Yolanda Huet-Vaughn 1163/363 AMR 51/09/92 EXTRA 02/92 - USA (Texas): death penalty: Joseph Nichols, Delma Banks, Joe Angel Cordova 1163/364 AMR 51/10/92 Further information on UA 423/91 (AMR 51/65/91, 6 December and follow-up AMR 51/05/92, 8 January) USA (North Carolina): death penalty: Anson Avery Maynard 1163/365 AMR 51/11/92 Further information on EXTRA 02/92 (AMR 51/09/92, 10 January) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Joseph Nichols, Delma Banks, Joe Angel Cordova 1163/366 AMR 51/12/92 USCAN 11/91 update no. 2: USA: fair trial: Gary Tyler (clemency denied) 1163/367 AMR 51/13/92 Further information on EXTRA 02/91 (AMR 51/09/92, 10 January and follow-up AMR 51/11/92, 17 January) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Joe Angel Cordova 1163/368 AMR 51/14/92 Further information on UA 340/90 (AMR 51/34/90, 22 August and follow-up AMR 51/40/90, 25 September, AMR 51/41/90, 13 November and AMR 51/02/92, 3 January) -USA (Wyoming): death penalty: Mark Hopkinson 1163/369 AMR 51/15/92 Further information on UA 448/91 (AMR 51/70/91, 18 December) - USA (Virginia): death penalty: Herbert Bassett 1163/370 AMR 51/16/92 Further information on UA 10/92 (AMR 51/06/92, 8 January) - USA (Arkansas): death penalty: Ricky Ray Rector 1163/371 AMR 51/17/92 Further information on UA 442/91 (AMR 51/68/91, 16 December) - USA (Arizona): death penalty: Donald Eugene Harding 1163/372 AMR 51/18/92 Further information on UA 444/91 (AMR 51/69/91, 17 December and follow-ups AMR 51/04/92, 8 January and AMR 51/07/92, 10 January) - USA (Texas): Johnny Frank Garrett 1163/373 AMR 51/19/92 USCAN 01/92 - United States of America: conscientious objection: Tahan Jones 1163/374 AMR 51/21/92 Further information on UA 444/91 (AMR 51/69/91, 17 December and follow-ups AMR 51/04/92, 8 January, AMR 51/07/92, 10 January and AMR 51/18/92, 6 February) -USA (Texas): execution of juvenile offender: Johnny Frank Garrett 1163/375 AMR 51/22/92 Further information on EXTRA 50/91 (AMR 51/25/91, 7 August and follow-up AMR 51/29/91, 22 August) - USA (Texas): Leon Herrera, and new name: Bernard Amos 1163/376 AMR 51/23/92 Further information on EXTRA 50/91 (AMR 51/25/91, 7 August and follow-ups AMR 51/29/91, 22 August and AMR 51/22/92, 13 February) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Leonel Herrera, Bernard Amos 1163/377 AMR 51/24/92 EXTRA 19/92 - USA (Texas): death penalty: David M Clark 1163/378 AMR 51/25/92 EXTRA 22/92 - USA (Texas): death penalty: Edward Ellis, Raymond Kinnamon 1163/379 AMR 51/26/92 Follow-up to EXTRA 19/92 (AMR 51/24/92, 20 February) - USA (Texas): David M Clark 1163/380 AMR 51/27/92 Further information on EXTRA 22/92 (AMR 51/25/92, 28 February) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Edward Ellis, Raymond Kinnamon 1163/381 AMR 51/28/92 EXTRA 23/92 - USA (Oklahoma): death penalty: Olan Randle Robison 1163/382 AMR 51/29/92 Further information on UA 389/91 (AMR 51/56/91, 12 November and follow-up AMR 51/67/91, 6 December) USA (Oklahoma) - death penalty: Robyn Leroy Parks 1163/383 AMR 51/30/92 EXTRA 24/92 - USA (Delaware): death penalty: Steven Pennell 1163/384 AMR 51/31/92 USCAN 04/92: United States of America: Human rights and American Indians 1163/385 AMR 51/32/92 Further information on EXTRA 02/92 (AMR 51/09/92, 10 January; and follow-ups AMR 51/11/92, 17 January and AMR 51/13/92, 22 January) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Delma Banks 1163/386 AMR 51/33/92 EXTRA 25/92 - USA (Texas): death penalty: Joseph Faulder, Robert Madden 1163/387 AMR 51/34/92 United States of America: The death penalty in California: the case of Robert Harris 1163/388 AMR 51/35/92 Further information on UA 389/91 (AMR 51/56/91, 12 November and follow-ups AMR 51/67/91, 6 December and AMR 51/29/92, 5 March) - USA (Oklahoma): death penalty: Robyn Leroy Parks 1163/389 AMR 51/36/92 Further information on EXTRA 23/92 (AMR 51/28/92, 5 March) - USA (Oklahoma): death penalty: Olan Randle Robison 1163/390 AMR 51/37/92 Further information on EXTRA 25/92 (AMR 51/33/92, 9 March) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Joseph Faulder, Robert Madden 1163/391 AMR 51/38/92 UA 89/92 - USA (Virginia): death penalty: Roger Keith Coleman 1163/392 AMR 51/39/92 Further information on UA 63/90 (AMR 51/01/90, 23 February and follow-up AMR 51/09/90, 3 April) - USA (California): death penalty: Robert Alton Harris 1163/393 AMR 51/40/92 Further information on EXTRA 02/92 (AMR 51/09/92, 10 January and follow-ups AMR 51/11/92, 17 January, AMR 51/13/92, 22 January and AMR 51/32/92, 9 March) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Delma Banks 1163/394 AMR 51/41/92 Further information on EXTRA 24/92 (AMR 51/30/92, 6 March) - USA (Delaware): death penalty: Steven Pennell 1163/395 AMR 51/42/92 UA 98/92 - USA (Alabama): death penalty: Larry Gene Heath 1163/396 AMR 51/43/92 Follow-up to UA 442/91 (AMR 51/68/91, 16 December and follow-up AMR 51/17/92, 6 February) - USA (Arizona): death penalty: Donald Eugene Harding 1163/397 AMR 51/44/92 Further information on EXTRA 25/92 (AMR 51/33/92, 9 March and follow-up AMR 51/37/92, 16 March) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Joseph Faulder, Robert Madden 1163/398 AMR 51/45/92 Further information on EXTRA 50/91 (AMR 51/25/91, 7 August and follow-ups AMR 51/29/91, 22 August, AMR 51/22/92, 13 February and AMR 51/23/92, 20 February) USA (Texas): death penalty: Leonel Herrera 1163/399 AMR 51/46/92 EXTRA 40/92 - USA (Texas): STOPPED ACTION 1163/400 AMR 51/47/92 EXTRA 41/92 - USA (Texas): death penalty: seven executions scheduled in 15 day period: Leonel Herrera, Benjamin Boyle, David Gibbs, Billy White, Harold Lane, Lester Bower, Delma Banks 1163/401 AMR 51/48/92 Further information on UA 304/91 (AMR 51/37/91, 9 September; and follow-ups AMR 51/64/91, 27 November; AMR 51/08/92, 15 January) - USA: prisoner of conscience / conscientious objector: Captain Yolanda Huet-Vaughn 1163/402 AMR 51/49/92 Further information on EXTRA 25/92 (AMR 51/33/92, 9 March; and follow-ups AMR 51/37/92, 16 March and AMR 51/44/92, 30 March) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Joseph Faulder 1163/403 AMR 51/50/92 Further information on UA 442/91 (AMR 51/68/91, 16 December; and follow-ups AMR 51/03/92, 3 January; AMR 51/17/92, 6 February; and AMR 51/43/92, 24 March) - USA (Arizona): death penalty: Donald Eugene Harding 1163/404 AMR 51/51/92 EXTRA 43/92 - USA (Florida): death penalty: Edward Kennedy, Nollie Martin 1163/405 AMR 51/52/92 Further information on EXTRA 50/91 (AMR 51/25/91, 7 August; and follow-ups AMR 51/29/91, 22 August; AMR 51/22/92, 13 February; AMR 51/23/92, 20 February and AMR 51/45/92, 31 March) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Leonel Herrera 1163/406 AMR 51/53/92 Further information on EXTRA 41/92 (AMR 51/47/92, 7 April) - USA (Texas): death penalty: seven executions scheduled in 15 day period: Leonel Herrera, Benjamin Boyle, David Gibbs, Billy White, Harold Lane, Lester Bower, Delma Banks 1163/407 AMR 51/54/92 1163/408 AMR 51/55/92 AI News Release: USA: Amnesty International deplores "urge to kill" in California EXTRA 46/92 - USA (Arkansas): death penalty: Stephen Douglas Hill 1163/409 AMR 51/56/92 Further information on UA 63/90 (AMR 51/01/90, 23 February; and follow-ups AMR 51/09/90, 3 April; AMR 51/39/92, 17 March) - USA (California): death penalty: Robert Alton Harris 1163/410 AMR 51/57/92 Further information on EXTRA 41/92 (AMR 51/47/92, 7 April; and follow-up AMR 51/53/92, 21 April) - USA (Texas): seven executions scheduled in 15 day period: Leonel Herrera, Benjamin Boyle, David Gibbs, Billy White, Harold Lane, Lester Bower, Delma Banks (includes correction) 1163/411 AMR 51/58/92 EXTRA 47/92 - USA (Texas): death penalty: Justin Lee May 1163/412 AMR 51/59/92 Further information on EXTRA 43/92 (AMR 51/51/92, 14 April) - USA (Florida): death penalty: Edward Kennedy, Nollie Martin 1163/413 AMR 51/60/92 Further information on EXTRA 02/92 (AMR 51/09/92, 10 January; and follow-ups AMR 51/11/92, 17 January; AMR 51/13/92, 22 January; AMR 51/32/92, 9 March and AMR 51/40/92, 17 March) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Delma Banks 1163/414 AMR 51/61/92 Further information on EXTRA 41/92 (AMR 51/47/92, 7 April; and follow-ups AMR 51/53/92, 21 April and AMR 51/57/92, 24 April) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Seven executions scheduled in 15 day period: Lester Bower, Delma Banks, Billy White, Leonel Herrera, Benjamin Boyle, David Gibbs, Harold Lane 1163/415 AMR 51/62/92 Further information on EXTRA 25/92 (AMR 51/33/92, 9 March; and follow-ups AMR 51/37/92, 16 March; AMR 51/44/92, 30 March and AMR 51/49/92, 10 April) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Joseph Faulder 1163/416 AMR 51/63/92 EXTRA 48/92 - USA (Texas): death penalty: Ricardo Adalpe Guerra 1163/417 AMR 51/64/92 Further information on EXTRA 43/92 (AMR 51/51/92, 14 April; and follow-up AMR 51/59/92, 30 April) - USA (Florida): death penalty: Edward Kennedy, Nollie Martin 1163/418 AMR 51/65/92 Further information on EXTRA 46/92 (AMR 51/55/92, 24 April) - USA (Arkansas): death penalty: Stephen Douglas Hill 1163/419 AMR 51/66/92 Further information on EXTRA 47/92 (AMR 51/58/92, 27 April) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Justin Lee May 1163/420 AMR 51/67/92 Further information on EXTRA 48/92 (AMR 51/63/92, 7 May) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Ricardo Aldape Guerra (please note corrected name) 1163/421 AMR 51/68/92 Further information on EXTRA 43/92 (AMR 51/51/92, 14 April; and follow-ups AMR 51/59/92, 30 April and AMR 51/64/92, 7 May) - USA (Florida): death penalty: Nollie Martin 1163/422 AMR 51/69/92 Further information on UA 89/92 (AMR 51/38/92, 13 March) - USA (Virginia): death penalty: Roger Keith Coleman 1163/423 AMR 51/70/92 Further information on UA 403/91 (AMR 51/61/91, 20 November; and follow-up AMR 51/71/91, 20 December) USA: refoulement: Haitian asylum seekers 1163/424 AMR 51/71/92 Update to USCAN 08/91 - United States of America: Eric Larsen 1163/425 AMR 51/72/92 Further information on EXTRA 02/92 (AMR 51/09/92, 10 January; and follow-ups AMR 51/11/92, 17 January; AMR 51/13/92, 22 January; AMR 51/32/92, 9 March; AMR 51/40/92, 17 March and AMR 51/60/92, 30 April) USA (Texas): death penalty: Delma Banks 1163/426 AMR 51/73/92 Building bridges: how the rest of the world can help abolish the death penalty in the USA: strategy and plan for sections outside the USA, June 1992 1163/427 AMR 51/74/92 Further information on EXTRA 25/92 (AMR 51/33/92, 9 March; and follow-ups AMR 51/37/92, 16 March; AMR 51/44/92, 30 March; AMR 51/49/92, 10 April and AMR 51/62/92, 5 May) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Joseph Faulder 1163/428 AMR 51/75/92 EXTRA 56/92 - USA (Texas): death penalty: Karla Fay Tucker 1163/429 AMR 51/76/92 United States of America: Torture, ill- treatment and excessive force by police in Los Angeles, California 1163/430 AMR 51/77/92 AI News Release: USA: Police brutality in Los Angeles unchecked problem for years: Amnesty International's Secretary General criticizes USA record on police brutality, asylum-seekers and death penalty 1163/431 AMR 51/78/92 USA: Summary of Amnesty International's concerns 1163/432 AMR 51/79/92 USA: Highlights of Amnesty International's report on police brutality in Los Angeles, California 1163/433 AMR 51/80/92 UA 202/92 - USA (Utah): death penalty: William Andrews (includes correction) 1163/434 AMR 51/81/92 Further information on EXTRA 56/92 (AMR 51/75/92, 11 June) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Karla Fay Tucker 1163/435 AMR 51/82/92 USCAN 01/92 Update - United States of America: conscientious objection: Tahan Jones 1163/436 AMR 51/83/92 Further information on EXTRA 02/92 (AMR 51/09/92, 10 January and follow-ups AMR 51/11/92, 17 January, AMR 51/13/92, 22 January, AMR 51/32/92, 9 March, AMR 51/40/92, 17 March, AMR 51/60/92, 30 April and AMR 51/72/92, 2 June) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Delma Banks 1163/437 AMR 51/84/92 Human rights policy and practice in the United States of America: address to the Annual General Meeting of Amnesty International of the USA, 1992, by Ian Martin, Secretary General of Amnesty International 1163/438 AMR 51/85/92 EXTRA 60/92 - USA (Texas): death penalty: Carl Eugene Kelly 1163/439 AMR 51/86/92 EXTRA 61/92 - USA (Nebraska): death penalty: Harold Lamont "Wili" Otey 1163/440 AMR 51/87/92 EXTRA 62/92 - USA (Virginia): death penalty: Edward Fitzgerald 1163/441 AMR 51/88/92 Ratification of the ICCPR by the USA: Amnesty International's concerns 1163/442 AMR 51/89/92 Further information on EXTRA 43/92 (AMR 51/51/92, 14 April and follow-ups AMR 51/59/92, 30 April and AMR 51/64/92, 7 May) - USA (Florida): death penalty: Edward Kennedy 1163/443 AMR 51/90/92 Further information on UA 202/92 (AMR 51/80/92, 17 June) and correction to AMR 51/80/92 corr (19 June 1992) - USA (Utah): death penalty: William Andrews 1163/444 AMR 51/91/92 Further information on EXTRA 62/92 (AMR 51/87/92, 9 July) - USA (Virginia): death penalty: Edward Fitzgerald 1163/445 AMR 51/92/92 Further information on UA 202/92 (AMR 51/80/92, 17 June and follow-up AMR 51/90/92, 24 July) - USA (Utah): death penalty: William Andrews 1163/446 AMR 51/93/92 Further information on EXTRA 60/92 (AMR 51/85/92, 3 July) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Carl Eugene Kelly 1163/447 AMR 51/94/92 Further information on EXTRA 61/92 (AMR 51/86/92, 8 July) - USA (Nebraska): death penalty: Harold Lamont "Wili" Otey 1163/448 AMR 51/95/92 Follow-up to EXTRA 25/92 (AMR 51/33/92, 9 March and follow-ups AMR 51/37/92, 16 March, AMR 51/44/92, 30 March, AMR 51/49/92, 10 April, AMR 51/62/92, 5 May and AMR 51/74/92, 5 June) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Joseph Faulder 1163/449 AMR 51/96/92 1163/450 AMR 51/97/92 Further information on EXTRA 50/91 (AMR 51/25/91, 7 August and follow-ups AMR 51/29/91, 22 August, AMR 51/22/92, 13 February, AMR 51/23/92, 20 February, AMR 51/45/92, 31 March and AMR 51/52/92, 14 April) USA (Texas): death penalty: Bernard Amos, Leonel Herrera Further information on EXTRA 25/92 (AMR 51/33/92, 9 March and follow-ups AMR 51/37/92, 16 March, AMR 51/44/92, 30 March, AMR 51/49/92, 10 April, AMR 51/62/92, 5 May, AMR 51/74/92, 5 June and AMR 51/95/92, 6 August) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Joseph Faulder 1163/451 AMR 51/98/92 EXTRA 72/92 - USA (Virginia): death penalty: Willie Leroy Jones 1163/452 AMR 51/99/92 Further information on EXTRA 50/91 (AMR 51/25/91, 7 August and follow-ups AMR 51/29/91, 22 August, AMR 51/22/92, 13 February, AMR 51/45/92, 31 March, AMR 51/52/92, 14 April and AMR 51/96/92, 7 August) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Bernard Amos, Leonel Herrera 1163/453 AMR 51/100/92 Further information on EXTRA 02/92 (AMR 51/09/92, 10 January and follow-ups AMR 51/11/92, 17 January, AMR 51/13/92, 22 January, AMR 51/32/92, 9 March, AMR 51/40/92, 17 March, AMR 51/60/92, 30 April, AMR 51/72/92, 2 June, AMR 51/83/92, 30 June) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Delma Banks 1163/454 AMR 51/101/92 Further information on EXTRA 48/92 (AMR 51/63/92, 7 May, and follow-ups AMR 51/67/92, 12 May) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Ricardo Aldape Guerra, Mexican 1163/455 AMR 51/102/92 EXTRA 78/92 - USA (Texas): death penalty: eight executions scheduled in seven day period 1163/456 AMR 51/103/92 Further information on EXTRA 72/92 (AMR 51/98/92, 27 August) - USA (Virginia): death penalty: Willie Leroy Jones 1163/457 AMR 51/104/92 Further information on EXTRA 78/92 (AMR 51/102/92, 11 September) - USA (Texas): death penalty: eight executions scheduled in 7 day period 1163/458 AMR 51/105/92 Further information on EXTRA 78/92 (AMR 51/102/92, 11 September and follow-up AMR 51/104/92, 18 September) - USA (Texas): death penalty: eight executions scheduled in 7 day period (includes correction) 1163/459 AMR 51/106/92 Further information on EXTRA 48/92 (AMR 51/63/92, 7 May and follow-ups AMR 51/67/92, 12 May and AMR 51/101/92, 3 September) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Ricardo Aldape Guerra 1163/460 AMR 51/107/92 UA 298/92 - USA (Virginia): death penalty: Charles Stamper 1163/461 AMR 51/108/92 Further information on EXTRA 50/91 (AMR 51/25/91, 7 August and follow-ups AMR 51/29/91, 22 August, AMR 51/22/92, 13 February, AMR 51/23/92, 20 February, AMR 51/45/92, 31 March, AMR 51/52/92, 14 April, AMR 51/96/92, 7 August, AMR 51/99/92, 27 August) USA (Texas): death penalty: Bernard Amos, Leonel Herrera 1163/462 AMR 51/109/92 Further information on UA 423/91 (AMR 51/65/91, 4 December and follow-ups AMR 51/05/92, 8 January and AMR 51/10/92, 14 January) - USA (North Carolina): death penalty: John Sterling Gardner 1163/463 AMR 51/110/92 USCAN 03/92 - USA (Vermont): possible ill- treatment of prisoner resulting in death (David Carriger) 1163/464 AMR 51/111/92 Further information on EXTRA 50/91 (AMR 51/25/91, 7 August and follow-ups AMR 51/29/91, 22 August, AMR 51/22/92, 13 February, AMR 51/23/92, 20 February, AMR 51/45/92, 31 March, AMR 51/52/92, 14 April, AMR 51/96/92, 7 August, AMR 51/99/92, 27 August, and AMR 51/108/92, 25 September) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Bernard Amos, Leonel Herrera 1163/465 AMR 51/112/92 EXTRA 85/92 - USA (Illinois): death penalty: Lloyd Hampton 1163/466 AMR 51/113/92 Further information on UA 423/91 (AMR 51/65/91, 4 December, and follow-ups AMR 51/05/92, 8 January, AMR 51/10/92, 14 January, and AMR 51/109/92, 30 September) - USA (North Carolina): death penalty: John Sterling Gardner 1163/467 AMR 51/114/92 Further information on EXTRA 25/92 (AMR 51/33/92, 9 March, and follow-ups AMR 51/37/92, 16 March, AMR 51/44/92, 30 March, AMR 51/51/92, 10 April, AMR 51/62/92, 5 May, AMR 51/74/92, 5 June, AMR 51/95/92, 6 August, and AMR 51/97/92, 24 August) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Joseph Faulder 1163/468 AMR 51/115/92 Further information on UA 298/92 (AMR 51/107/92, 24 September) - USA (Virginia): death penalty: Charles Stamper 1163/469 AMR 51/116/92 Further information on EXTRA 02/92 (AMR 51/09/92, 10 January and follow-ups AMR 51/11/92, 17 January, AMR 51/13/92, 22 January, AMR 51/32/92, 9 March, AMR 51/40/92, 17 March, AMR 51/60/92, 30 April, AMR 51/72/92, 2 June, AMR 51/83/92, 30 June and /92, 3 September) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Delma Banks 1163/470 AMR 51/117/92 Further information on UA 298/92 (AMR 51/107/92, 24 September and follow-up AMR 51/115/92, 29 October) USA (Virginia): death penalty: Charles Stamper 1163/471/472 AMR 51/118/92 EXTRA 95/92 - USA (Alabama): death penalty: Cornelius Singleton (includes correction) 1163/473 AMR 51/119/92 Further information on EXTRA 85/92 (AMR 51/112/92, 22 October) - USA (Illinois): death penalty: Lloyd Hampton 1163/474 AMR 51/120/92 EXTRA 99/92 - USA (Virginia): death penalty: Timothy Bunch 1163/475 AMR 51/121/92 EXTRA 100/92 - USA (Missouri): death penalty: Robert Shaw (includes correction: scheduled date of execution is 3, not 1 December 1992) 1163/476 AMR 51/122/92 Further information on EXTRA 02/92 (AMR 51/09/92, 10 January and follow-ups AMR 51/11/92, 17 January, AMR 51/13/92, 22 January, AMR 51/32/92, 9 March, AMR 51/40/92, 17 March, AMR 51/60/92, 30 April, AMR 51/72/92, 2 June, AMR 51/83/92, 30 June, /92, 3 September and AMR 51/116/92, 3 November) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Delma Banks 1163/477 AMR 51/123/92 Further information on EXTRA 95/92 (AMR 51/118/92, 5 November) - USA (Alabama): death penalty: Cornelius Singleton 1163/478 AMR 51/124/92 Urgent limited medical letter writing action - USA: death penalty clemency hearing: Danny Doyle 1163/479 AMR 51/125/92 Further information on EXTRA 100/92 (AMR 51/121/92, 17 November) - USA (Missouri): death penalty: Robert Shaw 1163/480 AMR 51/126/92 Further information on EXTRA 02/92 (AMR 51/09/92, 10 January and follow-ups AMR 51/11/92, 17 January, AMR 51/13/92, 22 January, AMR 51/32/92, 9 March, AMR 51/40/92, 17 March, AMR 51/60/92, 30 April, AMR 51/72/92, 2 June, AMR 51/83/92, 30 June, /AMR 52/100/92, 3 September, AMR 51/116/92, 3 November and AMR 51/122/92, 20 November) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Delma Banks 1163/481 AMR 51/127/92 Further information on EXTRA 25/92 (AMR 51/33/92, 9 March and follow-ups AMR 51/37/92, 16 March, AMR 51/44/92, 30 March, AMR 51/51/92, 10 April, AMR 51/62/92, 5 May, AMR 51/74/92, 5 June, AMR 51/95/92, 6 August, AMR 51/97/92, 24 August and AMR 51/114/92, 26 October) - USA (Texas): death penalty: Joseph Faulder 1163/482 AMR 51/128/92 EXTRA 104/92 - USA (State of Washington): death penalty: Westley Allan Dodd 1163/483 AMR 51/129/92 Further information on EXTRA 99/92 (AMR 51/120/92, 17 November) - USA (Virginia): death penalty: Timothy Bunch 1163/484 AMR 52/01/92 Republica Oriental del Uruguay: Government authorities 1163/485 AMR 53/01/92 UA 36/92 - Venezuela: torture / legal concern: Hernandez Jose Barroso, Alberto Illich Delgado, Jose Gregorio Escalona Delgado, Jonathan Alexis Toro Marval, Carlos Alejandro Valerio, Julio Cesar Rojas Avila, Daniel Alvarado Alarcon, Luis Alberto Caballero, Jose Angel Rodriguez Macias, Luis Enrique Andrade, Lisandro Perez Hernandez, Orlando Jose Ramirez Paez, Jesus Enrique Gonzalez and Mark Flavio Zucchelli 1163/486 AMR 53/02/92 Further information on UA 36/92 (AMR 53/01/92, 31 January) - Venezuela: torture / legal concern: Hernandez Jose Barroso, Alberto Illich Delgado, Jose Gregorio Escalona Delgado, Jonathan Alexis Toro Marval, Carlos Alejandro Valerio, Julio Cesar Rojas Avila, Daniel Alvarado Alarcon, Luis Alberto Caballero, Jose Angel Rodriguez Macias, Luis Enrique Andrade, Lisandro Perez Hernandez, Orlando Jose Ramirez Paez and Jesus Enrique Gonzalez. 1163/487 AMR 53/03/92 UA 50/92 - Venezuela: legal / health concern: Carmen Alicia Gomez Potela 1163/488 AMR 53/04/92 Further information on UA 50/92 (AMR 53/03/92, 13 February) - Venezuela: legal / health concern: Carmen Alicia Gomez Potela 1163/489 AMR 53/05/92 Venezuela: Torture and other human rights violations 1163/490 AMR 53/06/92 North Andean Action 03/92: Venezuela: Torture and other human rights violations 1163/491 AMR 53/07/92 UA 203/92 - Venezuela: possible extrajudicial execution: Rommer Figueroa Lizardi, Pedro Jose Vasquez, Jose Gregorio Romero Uzcategui; victims of torture: Omar Uribe, Arnel Rodriguez, Jose Antonio Briceno, Julio Cesar Vera, Oswaldo Rodriguez 1163/492 AMR 53/08/92 Venezuela: Summary of Amnesty International's concerns 1163/493 AMR 53/09/92 UA 377/92 - Venezuela: possible extrajudicial executions / health concern: Ernesto Leal Hernandez, Atahualpa Perez, Johnny Vergara, Clara Ariza and more than 63 prisoners from the Reten de Catia Prison 1163/494 AMR 53/10/92 UA 378/92 - Venezuela: fear of torture / legal concern: Luis Alberto Arias Bellorin, Henry Hinojosa, Victor Martinez Nino, Benigno Valera, Arnoldo Guedez, Yolimar Sierra, Domingo Rivero, Francisco Escalona, Julio Escalona, Rolando Lugo, Orlando Chirinos, Alexis Campos Lovera, Jose del Carmen Rodriguez, Julio Rodriguez, Orangel Lopez Rodriguez, Nelson Viana, Rafael Castillo, Tony Gonzalez, Joel Gutierrez and many others 1163/495 AMR 59/01/92 EXTRA 06/92 - St Christopher and Nevis: death penalty: Bernard Richards, Ronald Browne 1163/496 AMR 59/02/92 Further information on EXTRA 06/92 (AMR 59/01/92, 28 January) - St Christopher and Nevis: death penalty: Bernard Richards, Ronald Browne 1163/497 ASA 11/01/92 Afghanistan: Reports of torture, ill- treatment and extrajudicial executions of prisoners, late April - early May 1992 1163/498 ASA 11/02/92 Afghanistan: New forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment 1163/499 ASA 11/03/92 UA 282/92 - Afghanistan: Death penalty / fear of further executions: Sayed Sakander, Mohammad Gul, Mohammad Rafit 1163/500 ASA 11/04/92 Further information on UA 282/92 (ASA 11/03/92, 8 September) - Afghanistan: death penalty / fear of further executions: Sayed Sakander, Mohammad Gul, Mohammad Rafit and (new name) Mohammad Qasim 1163/501 ASA 11/05/92 Afghanistan: Section level action: New forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment 1163/502 ASA 13/01/92 UA 54/92 - Bangladesh (Chittagong Hill Tracts): death in custody / disappearances: Abiran Chakma, Kanti Charan Chakma, Bandi Charan Chakma, Tungo Chakma 1163/503 ASA 13/02/92 Bangladesh: Reports of torture and possible extrajudicial executions 1163/504 ASA 13/03/92 Update to Rapid Response ASA 13/11/91, 12 December 1991: Bangladesh: Threat of forcible return of refugees to Myanmar (Burma) 1163/505 ASA 13/04/92 Bangladesh: Reprisal killings in Logong, Chittagong Hill Tracts, in April 1992 1163/506 ASA 13/05/92 EXTRA 49/92 - Bangladesh / Myanmar: fear of refoulement: Burmese Muslim refugees in Bangladesh 1163/507 ASA 13/06/92 Further information on EXTRA 49/92 (ASA 13/05/92, 14 May) - Bangladesh / Myanmar: fear of refoulement: Burmese Muslim refugees in Bangladesh 1163/508 ASA 13/08/92 DP/O5/92 - Bangladesh death penalty action 1163/509 ASA 13/08/92 UA 408/92 - Bangladesh: fear of forcible return (refoulement): Burmese Muslim refugees 1163/510 ASA 14/01/92 Bhutan: Government authorities list 1163/511 ASA 14/02/92 UA 218/92 - Bhutan: fear of "disappearance": H B Sapkota (includes correction: limited appeal) 1163/512 ASA 14/03/92 Further information on UA 218/92 (ASA 14/02/92, 30 June) - Bhutan: fear of "disappearance": H B Sapkota 1163/513 ASA 14/04/92 Bhutan: Human rights violations against the Nepalispeaking population in the south 1163/514 ASA 14/05/92 SARAN 04/92 - Bhutan: Human rights violations against the Nepali-speaking population in the south 1163/515 ASA 16/01/92 SEAMRAN 01/92: Myanmar (Burma): Recommended actions to be used in conjunction with the external document entitled "Union of Myanmar (Burna): Arrests and trials of political prisoners, January-July 1991" (ASA 16/10/91) 1163/516 ASA 16/02/92 Myanmar (Burma): government authorities 1163/517 ASA 16/03/92 Union of Myanmar (Burma): A long-term human rights crisis 1163/518 ASA 16/04/92 Myanmar (Burma): Government authorities 1163/519 ASA 16/05/92 AI News release - Myanmar: Human rights violations cause thousands to flee 1163/520 ASA 16/06/92 Union of Myanmar (Burma): Human rights violations against Muslims in the Rakhine (Arakan) State 1163/521 ASA 16/07/92 SEAMRAN 03/92 - Myanmar (Burma): Recommended actions in conjuction with external document - Union of Myanmar (Burma): Human rights violations against Muslims in the Rakhine (Arakan) State. (AI Index: ASA 16/06/92) 1163/522 ASA 16/08/92 1163/523 ASA 16/09/92 UA 229/92 - Myanmar: death in custody / fear of torture: Mohamed Ilyas, Fazal Ahmed Further information on UA 229/92 (ASA 16/08/92, 9 July) - Myanmar (Burma): death in custody / fear of torture: Mohamed Ilyas, Fazal Ahmed 1163/524 ASA 16/10/92 Myanmar: Limited section level action, to coincide with the report Myanmar: "No law at all", human rights violations under military rule 1163/524.3 ASA 16/11/92 Myanmar: "No law at all": human rights violations under military rule 1163/525 ASA 16/12/92 AI News Release: Myanmar: Thousands of people victims of human rights violations 1163/526 ASA 16/13/92 Further information on UA 229/92 (ASA 16/08/92, 9 July and follow-up ASA 16/09/92, 3 August) - Myanmar (Burma): death in custody / fear of torture: Mohamed Ilyas, Fazal Ahmed 1163/527 ASA 16/14/92 UA 299/92 - Myanmar (Burma): medical concern / prisoner of conscience: U Win Tin 1163/528 ASA 16/15/92 UA 379/92 - Myanmar (Burma): prisoner of conscience / health concern: Daw Aung San Suu Kyi 1163/529 ASA 16/16/92 Myanmar (Burma): Government authorities list 1163/530 ASA 17/01/92 The People's Republic of China: background to quick action files 1163/531 ASA 17/02/92 People's Republic of China: Amnesty International's concerns in Tibet 1163/532 ASA 17/03/92 Further information on UA 396/91 (ASA 17/67/91, 14 November) - People's Republic of China: medical / legal concern: Fan Zhe 1163/533 ASA 17/04/92 Further information on UA 377/91 (ASA 17/66/91, 8 November) - People's Republic of China: fear of illtreatment: Liu Gang, Tang Yuanjuan, Zhang Ming, Li Wei, Leng Wanbao, Kong Xianfeng 1163/534 ASA 17/05/92 UA 14/92 - People's Republic of China (Tibet Autonomous Region): solitary confinement / health concern: Jigme Sangpo and three other unnamed Drapchi prisoners 1163/535 ASA 17/06/92 Further information on UA 425/91 (ASA 17/72/91, 5 December) - The People's Republic of China (Tibet Autonomous Region): health concern / fear of illtreatment: Sonam Wangdu 1163/536 ASA 17/07/92 CHIRAN 02/92: People's Republic of China: Drugs and the death penalty in 1991 1163/537 ASA 17/08/92 CHIRAN 01/92: People's Republic of China: Recent trials and arrests connected to the 1989 pro-democracy movement 1163/538 ASA 17/09/92 UA 26/92 - People's Republic of China: "disappearance" / legal concern: Bishop Paul Li Zhenrong, Wang Gensheng 1163/539 ASA 17/10/92 UA 27/92 - People's Republic of China: death penalty: Li Wenhua, Liu Shulan, Hang (Huang? ) Xuncai (includes correction) 1163/540 ASA 17/11/92 UA 28/92 - People's Republic of China: legal concern: Bao Tong 1163/541 ASA 17/12/92 UA 29/92 - People's Republic of China: fear of illtreatment / legal concern: Gao Shuxiang 1163/542 ASA 17/13/92 People's Republic of China: List of government authorities 1163/543 ASA 17/14/92 People's Republic of China: List of target sectors 1164/1 ASA 17/15/92 The People's Republic of China: death penalty log: September to December 1991 1164/2 ASA 17/16/92 EXTRA 07/92 - People's Republic of China: legal concern: Qi Lin 1164/3 ASA 17/17/92 Further information on EXTRA 07/92 (ASA 17/16/92, 29 January) - People's Republic of China: legal concern: Qi Lin 1164/4 ASA 17/18/92 People's Republic of China: repression in Tibet, 1987 1992: Tibet limited campaign - background for action 1164/5 ASA 17/19/92 Peoples' Republic of China: Repression in Tibet, 19871992 1164/6 ASA 17/20/92 UA 43/92 - People's Republic of China: health / legal concern: Zhang Weiming 1164/7 ASA 17/21/92 UA 65/92 - People's Republic of China: medical concern / prisoner of conscience: Li Guiren 1164/8 ASA 17/22/91 Further information on UA 396/91 (ASA 17/67/91, 14 November and follow-up ASA 17/03/92, 9 January) People's Republic of China: medical / legal concern: Fan Zhe 1164/9 ASA 17/23/92 The People's Republic of China: Update to recent trials and arrests connected to the 1989 pro-democracy movement 1164/10 ASA 17/24/92 China: Repression in Tibet: appeal cases 1164/11 ASA 17/25/92 People's Republic of China: Repression in Tibet - limited campaign on Tibet, May - August 1992: action circular 1164/12 ASA 17/26/92 Tibet limited campaign May - August 1992: order form for photographs 1164/13 ASA 17/27/92 CHIRAN 03/92: The People's Republic of China: the 1989 pro-democracy movement: restrictions against released prisoners 1164/14 ASA 17/28/92 Tibet limited campaign, May - August 1992: appendix to action circular: Addresses in China for mailing and letterwriting 1164/15 ASA 17/29/92 Further information on UA 377/91 (ASA 17/66/91, 8 November; and follow-up ASA 17/04/92, 8 January) People's Republic of China: medical / legal concern: Liu Gang, Tang Yuanjuan, Zhang Ming, Li Wei, Leng Wanbao, Kong Xianfeng 1164/16 ASA 17/30/92 Further information on EXTRA 07/92 (ASA 17/16/92, 29 January; and follow-up ASA 17/17/92, 3 February) People's Republic of China: legal concern / health concern (new concern): Qi Lin 1164/17 ASA 17/31/92 AI News Release - People's Republic of China: Harsh repression leads to severe human rights violations in Tibet 1164/18 ASA 17/32/92 People's Republic of China: Continued patterns of human rights violations in China 1164/19 ASA 17/33/92 People's Republic of China: Repression in Tibet 1987 1992: questions and answers 1164/20 ASA 17/34/92 Medical letter writing action: People's Republic of China (Tibet): Dr Jampa Ngodrup 1164/21 ASA 17/35/92 UA 167/92 - The People's Republic of China: Ill-treatment of a former prisoner of conscience in the 1989 prodemocracy protests: Han Dongfang 1164/22 ASA 17/36/92 Medical letter writing action: People's Republic of China: Yu Dongyue, Yu Zhijian, Lu Decheng 1164/23 ASA 17/37/92 UA 185/92 - People's Republic of China: arbitrary detention / fear of ill-treatment: Wang Wanxin, and one other man, name not known 1164/24/25 ASA 17/38/92 CHIRAN 04/92 - People's Republic of China: Appeal on behalf of Hu Hai: a peasant sentenced to three years' imprisonment for using his constitutional right to make complaints 1164/26 ASA 17/39/92 Further information on UA 28/92 (ASA 17/11/92, 24 January) - People's Republic of China: legal concern and (new concern) medical concern: Bao Tong, Gao Shan, Wu Jiaxiang (includes correction) 1164/27 ASA 17/40/92 UA 235/92 - People's Republic of China: legal concern / fear of ill-treatment: Hu Shenglun, Kang Yuchun, Liao Jia'an, Liu Jingsheng, Shang Hongke, Wang Shengli, and at least four others 1164/28 ASA 17/41/92 Further information on UA 28/92 (ASA 17/11/92, 24 January and follow-up ASA 17/39/92, 7 July) - People's Republic of China: legal / medical concern: Bao Tong, Gao Shan, Wu Jiaxiang 1164/29 ASA 17/42/92 UA 245/92 - People's Republic of China: legal concern / fear of ill-treatment: Chen Wei, Wang Peizhong, Guo Shaoyan, Wang Guoqi, Wang Qishan, Gao Yuxiang, Chen Qinglin, Yu Lianqing, Huang Jinwan, Ma Lianggang, Tian Yang 1164/30 ASA 17/43/92 Further information on UA 185/92 (ASA 17/37/92, 3 June) - People's Republic of China: arbitrary detention / fear of ill- treatment: Wang Wanxin and one other man, name unknown 1164/31 ASA 17/44/92 Medical letter writing action: People's Republic of China: Ren Wanding 1164/32 ASA 17/45/92 People's Republic of China: Appeal on behalf of Chinese Communist Party official Bao Tong and researcher Gao Shan 1164/33 ASA 17/46/92 Further information on UA 28/92 (ASA 17/11/92, 24 January and follow-ups ASA 17/39/92, 7 July and ASA 17/41/92, 22 July) - People's Republic of China: legal / medical concern: Bao Tong, Gao Shan, Wu Jiaxiang 1164/34 ASA 17/47/92 People's Republic of China: death penalty log: January to June 1992 1164/35 ASA 17/48/92 Further information on UA 262/91 (ASA 17/46/91, 26 July 1991 and follow-ups: ASA 17/49/91, 6 August, ASA 17/51/91, 19 August, ASA 17/55/91, 9 September, ASA 17/57/91, 17 September and ASA 17/65/91, 30 October) People's Republic of China: solitary confinement / health concern / ill- treatment: Wang Juntao, Chen Ziming, Ren Wanding, Bao Zuxin, Wang Dan, Liu Gang 1164/36 ASA 17/49/92 Further information on UA 65/92 (ASA 17/21/92, 21 February) - People's Republic of China: medical concern / prisoner of conscience: Li Guiren 1164/37 ASA 17/50/92 People's Republic of China: Secret violence: human rights violations in Xinjiang 1164/38 ASA 17/51/92 Medical letter writing action: People's Republic of China: Li Guiren 1164/39 ASA 17/52/92 Further information on UA 377/91 (ASA 17/66/91, 8 November and follow-ups ASA 17/04/92, 8 January and ASA 17/29/92, 9 April) - People's Republic of China: medical / legal concern: Liu Gang, Tang Yuanjuan, Zhang Ming, Li Wei, Leng Wanbao, Kong Xianfeng 1164/40 ASA 17/53/92 People's Republic of China: Shen Tong, Qi Dafeng, Qian Liyun: prisoners of conscience 1164/41 ASA 17/54/92 Further information on UA 377/91 (ASA 17/66/91, 8 November and follow-ups ASA 17/04/92, 8 January, ASA 17/29/92, 9 April and ASA 17/52/92, 11 September) People's Republic of China: medical / legal concern and new concern: torture/ill-treatment: Liu Gang, Tang Yuanjuan, Zhang Ming, Li Wei, Leng Wanbao, Kong Xianfeng 1164/42 ASA 17/55/92 Torture in China 1164/43 ASA 17/56/92 People's Republic of China: Update on Shen Tong, Qi Dafeng, Qian Liyun: prisoners of conscience 1164/43.2 ASA 17/57/92 AI news release - China: Torture on the increase 1164/44 ASA 17/58/92 Summary of "Torture in China" 1164/45 ASA 17/59/92 Torture in China: action circular for CHIRAN and group level action, January -April 1993 1164/46 ASA 17/60/92 Torture in China: Section level action, January - April 1993 1164/47 ASA 19/01/92 EXTRA 76/92 - Hong Kong: fear of forcible return (refoulement): Liu Yijun, Lin Lin 1164/48 ASA 19/03/92 Further information on EXTRA 76/92 (ASA 19/01/92, 4 September) - Hong Kong: fear of forcible return (refoulement): Liu Yijun, Lin Lin 1164/49 ASA 20/03/92 SARAN 01/92: India: Deaths in custody alleged to have been a result of torture: VI: Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab 1164/50 ASA 20/04/92 India country campaign, March - June 1992: Police action circular 1164/51 ASA 20/05/92 India: Torture, rape and deaths in custody: fold-out brochure 1164/51.5 ASA 20/06/92 India: Torture, rape and deaths in custody 1164/52 ASA 20/07/92 India: Lawyers' action 1164/53 ASA 20/08/92 India 1992 Country Campaign: Address circular 2.: Outreach address list (in two parts: 1.: Legal, Police and Military; 2.: Civil Liberties, NGOs, Women, Economic and Financial Institutions, Educational and Academic Institutions, Medical, Journalists, Academics, Dalits, Trade Unions and Federations) 1164/54 ASA 20/09/92 Further information on UA 362/91 (ASA 20/45/91, 30 October) - India: death penalty: Raj Gopal Nayyar 1164/55 ASA 20/10/92 India Country Campaign 1992: order form for photographs 1164/56 ASA 20/11/92 UA 17/92 - India: unacknowledged detention: Ram Singh Biling 1164/57 ASA 20/12/92 India 1992 country campaign: address circular: 1. Government authorities list (includes addition) 1164/58 ASA 20/13/92 EXTRA 05/92 - India: fear of extrajudicial execution: Gurmeet Singh and Harpreet Singh 1164/59 ASA 20/14/92 India: Details of deaths in custody reported since 1985 1164/60 ASA 20/15/92 India country campaign: appeal cases 1164/61 ASA 20/16/92 India: Torture, rape and deaths in custody: medical group action for India Campaign 25 March - end June 1992 1164/62 ASA 20/17/92 Further information on EXTRA 05/92 (ASA 20/13/92, 21 January) - India: fear of extrajudicial execution: Gurmeet Singh and Harpreet Singh 1164/63 ASA 20/18/92 India: Torture, rape and deaths in custody: approaches to military personnel 1164/64 ASA 20/19/92 India: Torture, rape and deaths in custody: women's action (correct version) 1164/65 ASA 20/20/92 India: Participation by South Asian Groups in the 1992 India Campaign 1164/66 ASA 20/21/92 AI News Release: India: Police torture, rape routine, leading to hundreds of deaths 1164/67 ASA 20/22/92 India: Torture, rape and deaths in custody: questions and answers 1164/68 ASA 20/23/92 Further information on UA 362/91 (ASA 20/45/91, 30 October and follow-up ASA 20/09/92, 10 January) - India: death penalty: Raj Gopal Nayyar 1164/69 ASA 20/24/92 UA 75/92 - India: fear of torture: Harpal Singh Cheema, Paramjit Singh Sidhu and one other 1164/70 ASA 20/25/92 India: Examination of Second Periodic Report by the Human Rights Committee (includes corrected internal title page) 1164/71 ASA 20/26/92 UA 115/92 - India: illegal detention / fear of ill-treatment: Ajit Singh Bains 1164/72 ASA 20/27/92 India: Torture, rape and deaths in custody - India country campaign, March -June 1992: campaign update and follow-up advice (1) 1164/73 ASA 20/28/92 UA 122/92 - India: illegal detention / fear of ill-treatment: Colonel Pratap Singh 1164/74 ASA 20/29/92 Further information on UA 115/92 (ASA 20/26/92, 7 April) - India: illegal detention / fear of ill-treatment: Ajit Singh Bains 1164/75 ASA 20/30/92 India country campaign: update to appeal case: Mass rape of tribal women in Ujan Maidan village, West Tripura 1164/76 ASA 20/31/92 India country campaign: further government authorities addresses 1164/77 ASA 20/32/92 India: Torture, rape and deaths in custody: India country campaign, March - June 1992: campaign update and follow-up advice (2) 1164/78 ASA 20/33/92 UA 168/92 - India: death from suspected torture in custody: Mr Ganeshan 1164/79 ASA 20/34/92 UA 169/92 - India: death penalty: Laxman Nayak 1164/80 ASA 20/35/92 India: Government authorities list 1164/81 ASA 20/36/92 India: Press coverage of the Amnesty International Report "India: Torture, rape and deaths in custody" published on 25 March 1992 (ASA 20/06/92) 1164/82 ASA 20/37/92 India: Torture, rape and deaths in custody: India country campaign, March-June 1992: extension of the campaign, campaign update and follow-up advice (3) 1164/83 ASA 20/38/92 UA 231/92 - India: illegal detention: Rajendra Sail 1164/84 ASA 20/39/92 Further information on UA 231/92 (ASA 20/38/92, 10 July) - India: illegal detention: Rajendra Sail; new concern: illegal detention of 89 individuals 1164/85 ASA 20/40/92 UA 241/92 - India: possible extrajudicial execution: Dhanibai (N)awa Padvi 1164/86 ASA 20/42/92 UA 242/92 - India: death penalty: Sukhdev Singh alias Sukha and Harjinder Singh alias Jinda 1164/87 ASA 20/42/92 Further information on UA 231/92 (ASA 20/28/92, 10 July, and follow-up ASA 20/39/92, 20 July) - India: illegal detention: Rajendra Sail, and 89 individuals 1164/88 ASA 20/43/92 UA 263/92 - India: illegal detention / fear of torture: Sukhdev Singh 1164/89 ASA 20/44/92 Further information on UA 75/92 (ASA 20/24/92, 5 March) - India: fear of torture: Harpal Singh Cheema, Paramjit Singh Sidhu and one other 1164/90 ASA 20/45/92 Further information on UA 115/92 (ASA 20/26/92, 7 April and follow-up ASA 20/29/92, 15 April) - India: illegal detention / fear of ill-treatment: Ajit Singh Bains 1164/91 ASA 20/46/92 UA 278/92 - India: fear of torture: Malwinder Singh Malli 1164/92 ASA 20/47/92 UA 284/92 - India: death penalty: Auto Shankar, Eldin, Sivaji 1164/93 ASA 20/48/92 Further information on UA 263/92 (ASA 20/43/92, 11 August) - India: illegal detention / fear of torture: Sukhdev Singh 1164/94 ASA 20/49/92 UA 297/92 - India: illegal detention / "disappearance": Param Satinderjit Singh 1164/95 ASA 20/50/92 UA 300/92 - India: illegal detention / unacknowledged detention / fear of torture: Amarjit Singh Bittu 1164/96 ASA 20/51/92 EXTRA 80/92 - India: imminent execution: Sukhdev Singh, alias Sukha, Harjinder Singh, alias Jinda 1164/97 ASA 20/52/92 Further information on EXTRA 80/92 (ASA 20/51/92, 8 October) - India: death penalty: Sukhdev Singh, alias Sukha, Harjinder Singh, alias Jinda 1164/98 ASA 20/53/92 Further information on UA 242/92 (ASA 20/41/92, 28 July) - India: death penalty: Sukhdev Singh, alias Sukha, Harjinder Singh, alias Jinda 1164/99 ASA 20/54/92 UA 330/92 - India: illegal detention / fear of torture / fear of extrajudicial execution / harassment: Harjit Singh and his family 1164/100 ASA 20/55/92 UA 346/92 - India: extrajudicial execution: Abdul Ahad Magrey, Imtiaz Ahmed 1164/101 ASA 20/56/92 Further information on UA 330/92 (ASA 20/54/92, 22 October) - India: illegal detention / fear of torture / fear of extrajudicial execution / harassment: Harjit Singh 1164/102 ASA 20/57/92 UA 388/92 - India: possible extrajudicial execution: H N Wanchoo 1164/103 ASA 20/60/92 UA 397/92 - India: fear of "disappearance": Jagwinder Singh 1164/104 ASA 21/01/92 UA 04/92 - Indonesia / East Timor: death threats / fear of torture / legal concern: arrest and intimidation of suspected political activists in the wake of the Santa Cruz massacre 1164/105 ASA 21/02/92 Further information on UA 408/91 (ASA 21/26/91, 22 November and follow-ups ASA 21/28/91, 29 November, ASA 21/29/91, 10 December) - Indonesia / East Timor: legal concern / fear of torture: Jose Pompeia Saldanha Ribeiro, Fernando de Araujo, Clemente Soares, Antonio Matos, Metodio Moniz, Antonio Lopez, Felipe da Silva, Joao Sarmento, Fausto Bernardino, Joao "Travolta", Agapito Cardoso, Gregorio de Araujo, Jose Maria Belo, Avelino Maria Coelho da Silva, Mario Canelas, Egas Quintao Monteiro, Francisco Vasco Ramos, Jose Luis de Oliveira, Sergio Dias Quintao, Joao Freitas da Camara, Benevides Cabral, Domingos Barreto, Ilidio da Costa, Virgilio, Antonio Soares and one other; Antonio Goncalves; several students, Yogyakarta; Agus Jaya, Asep, Novi, Daniel, Nurdin, Pius 1164/106 ASA 21/03/92 Indonesia / East Timor: Santa Cruz: the Government response 1164/107 ASA 21/04/92 Further information on UA 408/91 (ASA 21/26/91, 22 November; and follow-ups ASA 21/28/91, 29 November; ASA 21/29/91, 10 December; and ASA 21/02/92, 9 January) - Indonesia / East Timor: legal concern / fear of torture: See earlier UAs for previous names, including: Agapito Cardoso, Domingos Barreto, Fernando de Araujo, Joao Freitas da Camara, Virgilio; and new names held at Dili: Bonifacio Magno, Carlos dos Santos Lemos, Filomeno da Silva Ferreira, Francisco Miranda Branco, Gregorio da Cunha Saldanha, Jacinto das Neves Raimundo Alves, Juvencio de Jesus Martins, Saturnino da Costa Belo (all reported to be facing trial) 1164/108 ASA 21/05/92 Further information on UA 408/91 (ASA 21/26/91, 22 November and follow-ups ASA 21/28/91, 29 November, ASA 21/29/91, 10 December, ASA 21/02/92, 9 January and ASA 21/04/92, 5 March) - Indonesia / East Timor: legal concern: East Timorese students and political activists on trial in Jakarta (22) and Dili (two facing trial, six awaiting trial); three student detainees returned from Jakarta to Bali; two students reported detained in Jakarta, not Yogyakarta; nine students released in Bandung (names given in text of UA) 1164/109 ASA 21/06/92 UA 109/92 - Indonesia / East Timor: prisoners of conscience / unfair trial: Fernando de Araujo, Joao Freitas da Camara: charged with subversion; Agapito Cardoso, Domingos Barreto, Virgilio da Silva Guterres: charged under Articles 154 and 155 of Criminal Code 1164/110 ASA 21/07/92 Indonesia / East Timor: Fernando de Araujo: prisoner of conscience 1164/111 ASA 21/08/92 Indonesia / East Timor: The suppression of dissent: section level action phase 1: July and August 1992 1164/112 ASA 21/09/92 Indonesia / East Timor: The suppression of dissent 1164/113 ASA 21/10/92 Indonesia / East Timor: The suppression of dissent: section level action phase II: August - September 1992 1164/114 ASA 21/11/92 Indonesia / East Timor: "In accordance with the law": statement before the United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization 1164/115 ASA 21/12/92 Indonesia / East Timor: Prisoner information and action dossier 1164/116 ASA 21/13/92 Indonesia / East Timor: prisoner information and action dossier: order form for photographs 1164/117 ASA 21/14/92 Indonesia / East Timor: Authorities address list 1164/118 ASA 21/15/92 UA 331/92 - Indonesia: legal concern: Dadang Trisasongko 1164/119 ASA 21/16/92 Further information on UA 331/92 (ASA 21/15/92, 23 October) - Indonesia: legal concern: Dadang Trisasongko 1164/120 ASA 21/17/92 UA 366/92 - Indonesia / East Timor: legal concern / fear of torture: Xanana Gusmao, Rufina Conceicao Araujo, Augusto Pereira, Alianca de Araujo, Ligia de Araujo, Jorge Manuel Araujo Serrano, Regina Conceicao Araujo Serrano, Francisco Almeida Araujo 1164/121 ASA 21/18/92 UA 367/92 - Indonesia / East Timor: arbitrary detention / fear of torture and ill-treatment: Abilio Baptista, Afonso Maria, Antonio, Avalino Baptista, Fernando Conceicao, Fernando, Francisco Goncalves, Henrique Guterres, Ildefonso Soares, Jorge Cortinnal, Mario Miranda, Pascal Soares, Rui Miranda, Vitor Viegas. 1164/122 ASA 21/19/92 Further information on UA 366/92 (ASA 21/17/92, 23 November) - Indonesia / East Timor: legal concern / fear of torture: Xanana Gusmao, Rufina Conceicao Araujo, Augusto Pereira, Alianca de Araujo, Ligia de Araujo, Jorge Manuel Araujo Serrano, Regina Conceicao Araujo Serrano, Francisco Almeida Araujo and new names: Armadina Gusmao, Gilman Exposto and two children aged 13 and 15. 1164/123 ASA 21/20/92 Further information on UA 366/92 (ASA 21/17/92, 23 November and follow-up ASA 21/19/92, 24 November) Indonesia / East Timor: arbitrary detention / fear of torture: Xanana Gusmao, Rufina Conceicao Araujo, Augusto Pereira, Alianca de Araujo, Ligia de Araujo, Jorge Manuel Araujo Serrano, Regina Conceicao Araujo Serrano, Francisco Almeida Araujo, Armandina Gusmao (note corrected name), Gilman Exposto and their children aged 13 and 15, and new names: Olandina Caceiro Alves, Oscar Lima, Americo 1164/124 ASA 21/21/92 Further information on UA 366/92 (ASA 21/17/92, 23 November and follow-ups ASA 21/19/92, 24 November and ASA 21/20/92, 26 November) - Indonesia / East Timor: legal concern / fear of torture: Xanana Gusmao, Rufina Conceicao Araujo, Augusto Pereira, Alianca de Araujo, Ligia de Araujo, Jorge Manuel Araujo Serrano, Regina Conceicao Araujo Serrano, Francisco Almeida Araujo, Armandina Gusmao dos Santos and Gilman Exposto dos Santos (note full names), Olandina Caceiro Alves, Oscar Lima, Americo 1164/125 ASA 21/22/92 Further information on UA 367/92 (ASA 21/18/92, 23 November) - Indonesia / East Timor: arbitrary detention / fear of torture / new concern: fear of "disappearance": "disappeared": Abilio Baptista, Afonso Maria da Cruz, Antonio, Avalino Baptista, Fernando Conceicao, Fernando de Costa, Francisco Goncalves, Henrique Guterres, Ildefonso Soares, Jorge Cortinal, Mario Miranda, Pascal Soares, Rui Miranda, Vitor Viegas and new name: Afung Chong; new names: arrested and possibly "disappeared": Abel Fernandes, Cipriano Mesquita, Enrique Belmiro, Mateus, Vasco 1164/126 ASA 21/23/92 Further information on UA 366/92 (ASA 21/17/92, 23 November and follow-ups ASA 21/19/92, 24 November, ASA 21/20/92, 26 November and ASA 21/21/92, 30 November) - Indonesia / East Timor: legal concern / fear of torture / new concern: death in custody: Xanana Gusmao, Rufina Conceicao Araujo, Augusto Pereira, Alianca de Araujo, Ligia de Araujo, Jorge Manuel Araujo Serrano, Regina Conceicao Araujo Serrano, Francisco Almeida Araujo, Armandina Gusmao dos Santos, Gilman A. Exposto dos Santos, Olandina Caeiro Alves, Oscar Lima, Americo; and new names: Joachim Gusmao Reis, Sandra Gusmao Reis, Victor, Macario and at least three others. 1164/127 ASA 21/24/92 Further information on UA 366/92 (ASA 21/17/92, 23 November and follow-ups ASA 21/19/92, 24 November, ASA 21/20/92, 26 November, ASA 21/21/92, 30 November and ASA 21/23/92, 4 December) - Indonesia / East Timor: legal concern / fear of torture / fear of "disappearance": Xanana Gusmao, Rufina Conceicao Araujo, Augusto Pereira, Alianca de Araujo, Ligia de Araujo, Jorge Manuel Araujo Serrano, Regina Conceicao Araujo Serrano, Francisco Almeida Araujo, Armandina Gusmao dos Santos, Gilman A Exposto dos Santos, Olandina Caeiro Alves, Oscar Lima, Americo, Joachim Gusmao Reis, Sandra Gusmao Reis, Victor, Macario and at least 3 others 1164/128 ASA 21/25/92 UA 403/92 - Indonesia / East Timor: arrested in Manatuto: Apisa, Candido, Eduardo, Felipe, Geraldo, Joao, Joao Faria, Kancio, Manuel Constancio, Manuel de Costa, Mario Santa, Serilo, Tomas de Rosario Cabral, Vicente, Vitor; arrested in Dili: Arnaldo Borges, Constancio Guterres, Leandro and Manuel Isaac (brothers), Manuel Mercario, Maria Lourdes Alves Araujo, Octavio Jordao de Araujo; arrested in Same: Elsa, Graciana, Luis 1164/129 ASA 21/26/92 Further information on UA 112/91 (ASA 21/05/91, 26 March and follow-ups ASA 21/08/91, 25 April, ASA 21/13/91, 31 July and ASA 21/17/91, 16 October) Indonesia: fear of imminent execution: Kamjai Khong Thavorn 1165/1 ASA 22/01/92 Japan: death penalty: section level action 1165/2 ASA 22/02/92 KOTARAN 06/92 - Japan: the death penalty: options for action 1165/3 ASA 22/03/92 Japan: Death penalty action 01/92 1165/4 ASA 22/04/92 Japan: Debating abolition of the death penalty 1165/5 ASA 22/05/92 Japan: The case against capital punishment 1165/6/7 ASA 22/06/92 Japan: List of Government Authorities and Political Parties (includes two updates) 1165/8 ASA 23/01/92 State of Cambodia: Killings of demonstrators 1165/9/10 ASA 23/02/92 State of Cambodia: Human rights developments: 1 October 1991 to 31 January 1992 (includes 77-page appendices listing prisoners released and still detained) 1165/11 ASA 23/03/92 Cambodia: Government authorities 1165/12 ASA 23/04/92 State of Cambodia: Update on human rights concerns 1165/13 ASA 25/01/92 KOTARAN 01/92: South Korea: Unconverted political prisoners: background information and recommended actions 1165/14 ASA 25/02/92 KOTARAN 02/92: South Korea: Cases of imprisoned army conscripts - recommended actions for groups 1165/15 ASA 25/03/92 South Korea: Letters from prisoners 1165/16 ASA 25/04/92 Republic of Korea (South Korea): Government authorities list and list of political parties 1165/17 ASA 25/04/92 Republic of Korea (South Korea): Update to Government authorities list and list of political parties 1165/18 ASA 25/05/92 South Korea: Action files: background information and options for actions 1165/19 ASA 25/07/92 KOTARAN 03/92: South Korea: Letters from prisoners: optional action for KOTARAN groups 1165/20 ASA 25/08/92 South Korea: Statement of Amnesty International delivered at a seminar on South Korea at the European Parliament, Strasbourg, on 13 February 1992 1165/21 ASA 25/09/92 South Korea: Appeal for the release of Chang Ui-Gyun 1165/22 ASA 25/10/92 KOTARAN 04/92: South Korea: Reported ill- treatment of teachers 1165/23 ASA 25/11/92 South Korea: Reported ill-treatment of teachers 1165/24 ASA 25/12/92 South Korea: Appeal for the release of Kim Song-man 1165/25 ASA 25/13/92 South Korea: Appeal on behalf of Kang Ki-hun 1165/26 ASA 25/14/92 South Korea: Amnesty International's concerns 1165/27 ASA 25/15/92 South Korea: "Unconverted" political prisoners 1165/28 ASA 25/16/92 KOTARAN 07/92 (follow-up to KOTARAN 01/92): South Korea: Unconverted political prisoners: activities for groups 1165/29 ASA 25/17/92 South Korea: Appeal on behalf of Park Dong- oon 1165/30 ASA 25/18/92 KOTARAN 09/92 - South Korea: National Assembly action 1165/31 ASA 25/19/92 South Korea: Appeal for the release of Korea Labour Party members 1165/32 ASA 25/20/92 KOTARAN 08/92 ("quick action"): South Korea: Arrests of Korea Labour Party members 1165/33 ASA 25/21/92 South Korea: Appeal on behalf of Ham Ju- myong 1165/34 ASA 25/22/92 South Korea: Summary of Amnesty International's concerns and recommendations 1165/35 ASA 25/23/92 South Korea: Appeal for the release of Pang Yang-kyun 1165/36 ASA 25/24/92 South Korea: Concern about the treatment of alleged spies 1165/37 ASA 25/25/92 KOTARAN 10/92 ("quick action"): South Korea: AI concern about the treatment of four prisoners accused of espionage 1165/38 ASA 25/26/92 UA 310/92 - South Korea: legal concern / fear of torture / fear of ill-treatment: Mass arrests: at least 60 people including: Hwang In-oh, Song Hae-suk, Kim Nak-jung, Hwang Ik-uk, Lee Sol-woo, Chun Hee-shik 1165/39 ASA 25/27/92 South Korea: Appeal on behalf of Chong Yong 1165/40 ASA 25/28/92 KOTARAN 11/92: South Korea: Mass arrests: concern about incommunicado detention and torture 1165/41 ASA 25/29/92 Further information on UA 310/92 (ASA 25/26/92, 6 October) - South Korea: legal concern / fear of torture / fear of ill- treatment: mass arrests: at least 60 people including: Hwang In-oh, Song Hae-suk, Kim Nak-jung, Hwang Ik-uk, Lee Sol-woo, Chun Hee-shik and new names: Chang Ki-pyo, Cho Mu-ha 1165/42 ASA 25/30/92 South Korea: Prison / Christmas card action 1165/43 ASA 25/31/92 South Korea: Reported illegalities and ill- treatment in the latest "spy" case 1165/44 ASA 25/32/92 KOTARAN 12/92 - South Korea: Concern about illegalities and ill-treatment in the latest "spy" case 1165/45 ASA 25/33/92 South Korea: Open letter to all presidential candidates 1165/46 ASA 25/34/92 South Korea: Appeal on behalf of Baik Tae- ung 1165/47 ASA 26/01/92 UA 179/92 - Laos: fear of forcible return (refoulement): Huang Guisheng 1165/48 ASA 26/02/92 Further information on UA 179/92 (ASA 26/01/92, 1 June) - Laos: fear of forcible return (refoulement): Huang Guisheng 1165/49 ASA 26/03/92 UA 405/92 - Laos: fear of torture / legal concern: Khamsone Vongnarath 1165/50 ASA 28/01/92 EXTRA 08/92 - Malaysia: death penalty: Tan Cheong Hock 1165/51 ASA 28/02/92 EXTRA 09/92 - Malaysia: death penalty: See Hee Meng, Chun Soon Eng, Rozami Yaakob 1165/52 ASA 28/03/92 UA 49/92 - Malaysia: legal concern / health concern: Anderson Mutang Urud (Andy Mutang) 1165/53 ASA 28/04/92 Further information on UA 49/92 (ASA 28/03/92, 13 February) - Malaysia: legal concern / health concern: Anderson Mutang Urud (Andy Mutang) 1165/54 ASA 28/05/92 Further information on UA 256/91 (ASA 28/04/91, 24 July and follow-up ASA 28/11/91, 25 September) Malaysia: death penalty / legal concern: Asidin Iting, Hassim Iskandar, Talib Sahijuan, Anthony Najali, Edjing Abdullah, Antoni Julkani, Kullah Lawari, Rudi Jamjali, Khairullah Khan, Shorin Khaita Khan (8 Filipinos and 2 Pakistanis - please note corrected spelling of names) 1165/55 ASA 28/06/92 Further information on UA 49/92 (ASA 28/03/92, 13 February; and follow-up ASA 28/04/92, 24 February) Malaysia: legal concern / health concern: Anderson Mutang Urud (Andy Mutang) 1165/56 ASA 28/07/92 Further information on UA 256/91 (ASA 28/04/91, 24 July and follow-ups ASA 28/11/91, 25 September and ASA 28/05/92, 4 March) - Malaysia: death penalty: Asidin Iting, Hassim Haji Escandar, Talib Sahijuan, Anthony Naqjali, Edjing Abdullah, Antoni Julkani, Kullah Lawari, Rudi Jamjali, Khairullah Khan, Shorin Khaita Khan (Eight Filipinos and two Pakistanis) 1165/57 ASA 28/08/92 EXTRA 50/92 - Malaysia: death penalty: Michael Dennis McAuliffe 1165/58 ASA 28/09/92 UA 217/92 - Malaysia: fear of forcible return: 43 asylumseekers from Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia 1165/59 ASA 28/10/92 UA 255/92 - Malaysia: death penalty: Tan Bee Lee 1165/60 ASA 28/11/92 UA 257/92 - Malaysia: fear of forcible return: asylumseekers from Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia 1165/61 ASA 28/12/92 Further information on UA 217/92 (ASA 28/09/92, 29 June) - Malaysia: fear of forcible return: asylum-seekers from Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia 1165/62 ASA 28/13/92 Further information on UA 256/91 (ASA 28/04/91, 24 July and follow-ups ASA 28/11/91, 25 September, ASA 28/05/92, 4 March and ASA 28/07/92, 3 April) -Malaysia: death penalty: Assidin Itting, Hassim Haji Escandar, Talib Sahijuan, Anthony Najali, Edjing Abdullah, Antoni Julkani, Kullah Lawari, Rudi Jamjali, Khairullah Khan, Shorin Khaita Khan 1165/63 ASA 28/14/92 Malaysia: Prison / Christmas card action 1165/64 ASA 28/15/92 UA 387/92 - Malaysia: death penalty: L Lingam 1165/65 ASA 29/01/92 Republic of Maldives: Government Authorities 1165/66 ASA 30/01/92 Mongolia: Continuing legislative reform 1165/67 ASA 31/01/92 Nepal: Government authorities list 1165/68 ASA 31/02/92 Nepal: A summary of human rights concerns 1165/69 ASA 31/03/92 SARAN 03/92: Nepal: action accompanying document "Nepal: A summary of Human Rights concerns" (ASA 31/02/92) 1165/70 ASA 33/01/92 EXTRA 39/92 - Pakistan: fear of imminent execution: Mohammad Riaz Ahmed 1165/71 ASA 33/02/92 Further information on EXTRA 39/92 (ASA 33/01/92, 31 March) - Pakistan: fear of imminent execution: Mohammad Riaz Ahmed 1165/72 ASA 33/03/92 Pakistan: Arrests of political opponents in Sindh province, August 1990 - early 1992 1165/73 ASA 33/04/92 Recommended actions to accompany ASA 33/03/92: Pakistan: Arrests of political opponents in Sindh province, August 1990 - early 1992 1165/74 ASA 33/05/92 AI News Release: Pakistan: Government opponents face harassment through arrests, detentions and torture 1165/75 ASA 33/06/92 UA 207/92 - Pakistan: fear of torture / extrajudicial execution: Anti-crime campaign in Sindh Province 1165/76 ASA 33/07/92 Pakistan: Unlawful detention and torture of journalists 1165/77 ASA 33/08/92 SARAN 04/92: Pakistan: Unlawful detention and torture of journalists 1165/78 ASA 33/09/92 UA 344/92 - Pakistan: prisoner of conscience / unfair trial / death penalty: Gul Masih 1165/78 p.3 ASA 35/01/92 Philippines: The killing goes on 1165/79 ASA 35/02/92 Philippines: The killing goes on: limited campaign: recommended actions for sections and groups 1165/80 ASA 35/03/92 Philippines: The killing goes on: cases for appeals 1165/81 ASA 35/04/92 Philippines: The killing goes on: order form for photographs 1165/82 ASA 35/05/92 AI news release - Philippines: Hundreds brutally killed since 1988: military still major force 1165/83 ASA 35/06/92 Questions and answers: Philippines: the killing goes on 1165/84 ASA 35/07/92 Philippines: limited campaign: the killing goes on: update - the government response and media coverage: proposals for action 1165/85 ASA 35/08/92 UA 88/92 - Philippines: harassment / death threats: Marcelo Fakilang 1165/86 ASA 35/09/92 UA 116/92 - Philippines: fear of "disappearance": David Lagarde 1165/87 ASA 35/10/92 UA 140/92 - Philippines: legal concern / arbitrary arrest: Danilo Amyon, Olipio Yangyang, Edgar Nicor, Benny Buenaflor, Jimmy Culamis 1165/88 ASA 35/11/92 UA 142/92 - Philippines: fear of "disappearance": Jaime Cabohocan, Felimon Cabanatan 1165/89 ASA 35/12/92 UA 143/92 - Philippines: fear of "disappearance": Marcos Domanog, Julius Bagsaway, Mikhael Bagsaway, Samuel Cabebe, Cesar Dogas 1165/90 ASA 35/13/92 UA 144/92 - Philippines: fear of "disappearance": Ruben de Vera 1165/91 ASA 35/14/92 UA 157/92 - Philippines: "disappearance" / extrajudicial execution: Enriquito Jarito, and his brother (name unknown) 1165/92 ASA 35/15/92 UA 166/92 - Philippines: fear of "disappearance": Andres y Bitong Friginal 1165/93 ASA 35/16/92 UA 184/92 - Philippines: fear of "disappearance": Ricardo Lirasa 1165/94 ASA 35/17/92 Limited campaign: Philippines: The killing goes on: campaign end 1165/95 ASA 35/18/92 1165/96 ASA 35/19/92 UA 192/92 - Philippines: Harassment / fear of extrajudicial execution: Clovis Nazareno UA 268/92 - Philippines: fear of "disappearance": Domingo Limbangan, Ernesto Kalan 1165/97 ASA 35/20/92 UA 272/92 - Philippines: fear of "disappearance": Felipe Cabagsican Cabanting 1165/98 ASA 35/21/92 UA 361/92 - Philippines: death threats / harassment: Eduardo Faelnar 1165/99 ASA 36/01/92 Further information on UA 394/91 (ASA 36/07/91, 13 November and previously UA 203/88, ASA 36/08/88) Singapore: Death penalty: Sim Ah Cheoh 1165/100 ASA 37/01/92 Sri Lanka: Summary of human rights concerns during 1991 1165/101 ASA 37/02/92 UA 01/92 - Sri Lanka: "disappearance" / unacknowledged detention: Markandu Mahadevan Kumar (alias Shankar) 1165/102 ASA 37/03/92 Further information on UA 01/92 (ASA 37/02/91, 2 January) - Sri Lanka: "disappearance" / unacknowledged detention: Markandu Mahadevan Kumar (alias Shankar) 1165/103 ASA 37/04/92 UA 94/92 - Sri Lanka: "disappearances" / fear of extrajudicial execution: Thuraisamy Rajalingam, Sinnathamby Vinayagamoorthy, Kasubathy Wijayakumar, Kanapathipillai Chandrakumar, Nagalingam Sundarsan, Shanthalingam Komaleswaran, Mailvaganam Selvarajah, Manikkam Sivendren, Arumainathan Thavarajah, Murugapathy Pathmanathan, Viramuthu Thaya, Murugeshapillai Rathinam, Periyathamby Nadarajah, Sinnathamby Sivanandarajah 1165/104 ASA 37/05/92 UA 130/92 - Sri Lanka: death threats: W C Neal Rajapakse, W Charles 1165/105 ASA 37/06/92 UA 132/92 - Sri Lanka: Extrajudicial executions: Thambimuttu Suppiah, P Karunayamma, Suppiah Kopalan, Suppiah Saroja, Suppiah Sasikala, Suppiah Rajanayakam, Suppiah Neela, Vadivel 1165/106 ASA 37/07/92 UA 153/92 - Sri Lanka: "disappearance" / unacknowledged detention: Krishnapillai Thangarajah, Thangarajah Suresh, Sinnathamby Sivanesarajah, Sivanesarajah Sitharan, Arumugam Karunakaran, Manoharan Rajanikandan, Kanagasuriyam Nanthan, Samithamby Nesarajah, Nesarajah Chantharamohan, Pillaiyan Chitravel, Arumugam Kanagaratnam, Ganesharajah Kamalaraja, Kadaravelu Mahalingam, Kadanamathamby Sivanathan, Palaniyanthy Chelliah, Suppiah Sukalingam, Nadesan Vengadasalam 1165/107 ASA 37/08/92 Further information on UA 94/92 (ASA 37/04/92, 20 March) - Sri Lanka: "disappearance" / fear of extrajudicial execution: Thuraisamy Rajalingam, Sinnathamby Vinayagamoorthy, Kasubathy Wijayakumar, Kanapathipillai Chandrakumar, Nagalingam Sundarsan, Shanthalingam Komaleswaran, Mailvaganam Selvarajah, Manikkam Sivendren, Arumainathan Thavarajah, Murugapathy Pathmanathan, Viramuthu Thaya, Murugeshapillai Rathinam, Periyathamby Nadarajah, Sinnathamby Sivanandarajah 1165/108 ASA 37/09/92 Further information on UA 94/92 (ASA 37/04/92, 20 March; and follow-up ASA 37/08/92, 14 May) - Sri Lanka: "disappearance" / fear of extrajudicial execution: Thuraisamy Rajalingam, Sinnathamby Vinayagamoorthy, Kasubathy Wijayakumar, Kanapathipillai Chandrakumar, Nagalingam Sundarsan, Shanthalingam Komaleswaran, Mailvaganam Selvarajah, Manikkam Sivendren, Arumainathan Thavarajah, Murugapathy Pathmanathan, Viramuthu Thaya, Murugeshapillai Rathinam, Periyathamby Nadarajah, Sinnathamby Sivanandarajah 1165/109 ASA 37/10/92 Sri Lanka: Deliberate killings of Muslim and Tamil villagers in Polonnaruwa 1165/110 ASA 37/11/92 UA 224/92 - Sri Lanka: death threats: Kalyananda Tiranagama, Mohan Seneviratne 1165/111 ASA 37/12/92 UA 398/92 - Sri Lanka: fear of "disappearance" / unacknowledged detention: Vishwanathan Pathmanathan 1165/112 ASA 38/01/92 Taiwan: Death penalty action 01/92 1165/113 ASA 38/02/92 1165/114 ASA 38/03/92 KOTARAN 05/92 ("quick" action): Taiwan: Article 100 of the criminal code: options for group activities Taiwan: Amendment of Article 100 of the Criminal Code 1165/115 ASA 38/04/92 Medical letter writing action: Taiwan: Executions and organ transplantation 1165/116 ASA 38/05/92 Further information on medical letter writing action (ASA 38/11/91, 8 July and ASA 38/04/92, 20 March) - Taiwan: Executions and organ transplantation 1165/117 ASA 38/06/92 Further information on medical letter- writing action (see ASA 38/11/91, 8 July, ASA 38/04/92, 20 March and ASA 38/05/92, 17 July): Taiwan: Executions and organ transplantation 1165/118 ASA 38/07/92 Medical letter writing action: Taiwan: Introduction of execution by lethal objection 1165/119 ASA 39/01/92 Further information on SEAMRAN 03/91 - Thailand: Concerns about treatment of Burmese refugees (update to action ASA 39/16/91, August 1991) 1165/120 ASA 39/02/92 Thailand: Government authorities 1165/121 ASA 39/03/92 EXTRA 51/92 - Thailand: legal concern / prisoner of conscience: Chamlong Srimuang, and others arrested or killed during protest demonstrations 1165/122 ASA 39/04/92 Further information on EXTRA 51/92 (ASA 39/03/92, 18 May) - Thailand: legal concern / prisoner of conscience: Chamlong Srimuang, and others arrested or killed during protest demonstrations, including new names: Prateep Ungsongtham Hata, Prinya Tewanaruemitrkul, Jittravadi Vorachai, Veng Tojirakarn, Dr Sant Hatirat, Somsak Kosaisuk, Siriluk Srimuang 1165/123 ASA 39/05/92 Further information on EXTRA 51/92 (ASA 39/03/92, 18 May; and follow-up ASA 39/04/92, 19 May) - Thailand: legal concern / prisoner of conscience: Chamlong Srimuang, and others arrested or killed during protest demonstrations, including: Prateep Ungsongtham Hata, Prinya Tewanaruemitrkul, Jittravadi Vorachai, Veng Tojirakarn, Dr Sant Hatirat, Somsak Kosaisuk, Siriluk Srimuang 1165/124 ASA 39/06/92 Further information on EXTRA 51/92 (ASA 39/03/92, 18 May; and follow-ups ASA 39/04/92, 19 May and ASA 39/05/92, 21 May) - Thailand: legal concern: Possible amnesty for those responsible for killing demonstrators 1165/125 ASA 39/07/92 UA 181/92 - Thailand: fear of "disappearance" / deaths in custody: Than Soe, Aung Kyaw, Raphee, Wa Toke 1165/126 ASA 39/08/92 UA 256/92 - Thailand: death penalty: Thongchai Tikham 1165/127 ASA 39/09/92 EXTRA 69/92 - Thailand: fear of refoulement / legal concern: Li Maolong (also known as Na Tiansheng), Li Suwen, Sun Guohua, Lin Jinquan, Zhang Zhiping, Liu Kaiming, Han Xiao (also known as Wang Guoping), Chen Zhang, Han Daichun, Zhang Yan 1165/128 ASA 39/10/92 Thailand: The massacre in Bangkok 1165/129 ASA 39/11/92 SEAMRAN 05/92 - Thailand: the massacre in Bangkok 1165/130 ASA 39/12/92 Thailand: Government authorities list 1165/131 ASA 39/13/92 Further information on UA 256/92 (ASA 39/08/92, 6 August) - Thailand: death penalty: Thongchai Tikham 1165/132 ASA 41/01/92 Viet Nam: Arrests of political prisoners, 1990-1991 1165/133 ASA 41/02/92 Viet Nam: Nguyen Dan Que: Prisoner of conscience sentenced to 20 years 1165/134 ASA 41/03/92 SEAMRAN 02/92: Viet Nam: Nguyen Dan Que: prisoner of conscience sentenced to 20 years 1165/135 ASA 41/04/92 Viet Nam: Continued detention of members of religious organizations 1165/136 ASA 41/05/92 Viet Nam: Continued detention of members of religious organizations 1165/137 ASA 41/06/92 Socialist Republic of Viet Nam: Government authorities 1165/138 ASA 41/07/92 Viet Nam: Doan Viet Hoat: forthcoming trial of prisoner of conscience 1165/139 ASA 41/08/92 SEAMRAN 04/92 - Viet Nam: Doan Viet Hoat: forthcoming trial of prisoner of conscience 1165/140 ASA 41/09/92 Medical letter writing action: Viet Nam: Do Ngoc Long 1165/141 ASA 41/10/92 UA 296/92 - Viet Nam: health concern: Nguyen Si Binh 1165/142 ASA 41/11/92 Viet Nam: Government authorities 1165/143 EUR 01/01/92 Europe: Moving towards complete abolition of the death penalty 1165/144 EUR 01/02/92 Europe: Death penalty action (April - June 1992) 1165/145 EUR 01/03/92 Concerns in Europe: November 1991 - April 1992 1165/146 EUR 01/04/92 Concerns in Europe: May 1992 - October 1992 1165/147 EUR 03/01/92 Racist torture and ill-treatment by police in Western Europe: appeal cases 1165/148 EUR 03/02/92 Action on Racist torture and ill-treatment by police in Western Europe 1165/149 EUR 03/03/92 Racist torture and ill-treatment by police in Western Europe: appeal cases: order form for photographs 1165/150 EUR 04/01/92 List of useful addresses in the Commonwealth of Independent States and Georgia 1165/151 EUR 04/02/92 List of useful addresses in the Commonwealth of Independent States and Georgia 1165/152 EUR 04/03/92 List of useful addresses in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Georgia 1165/153 EUR 01/01/92 Further information on UA 66/91 (EUR 11/02/91, 26 February) - Albania: death sentence: Ylli Mema (Oltion Ylli Mema) 1165/154 EUR 11/02/92 EXTRA 21/92 - Albania: death sentences: Zamir Loci, Hamit Bitri 1165/155 EUR 11/03/92 EXTRA 28/92 - Albania: death penalty: Hajdar Niman Gjuriqi 1165/156 EUR 11/04/92 EXTRA 31/92 - Albania: death penalty: Arben Elmaz Haxhiu 1165/157 EUR 11/05/92 EXTRA 45/92 - Albania: death penalty: Arjan Boja 1165/158 EUR 11/06/92 1165/159 EUR 11/07/92 UA 216/92 - Albania: death penalty: Ditbardh Cuko, Josef Cuko EXTRA 66/92 - Albania: death penalty: Petrit Mema 1165/160 EUR 11/08/92 Further information on EXTRA 21/92 (EUR 11/02/92, 26 February) - Albania: death sentences: Zamir Loci, Hamit Bitri 1165/161 EUR 11/09/92 Further information on EXTRA 28/92 (EUR 11/03/92, 17 March) - Albania: death penalty: Hajdar Niman Gjuriqi 1165/162 EUR 11/10/92 Further information on EXTRA 31/92 (EUR 11/04/92, 24 March) - Albania: death penalty: Arben Elmaz Haxhiu 1165/163 EUR 11/11/92 Further information on EXTRA 45/92 (EUR 11/05/92, 16 April) - Albania: death penalty: Arjan Boja 1165/164 EUR 11/12/92 Further information on EXTRA 66/92 (EUR 11/07/92, 17 July) - Albania: death penalty: Petrit Mema 1165/165 EUR 13/01/92 WERAN 08/92: Austria: Case of Ahmet Dikme, a Turkish Kurd allegedly ill-treated by police officers 1165/166 EUR 13/02/92 Austria: update to lawyers' group action: Case of Qani Halimi-Nedzibi 1165/167 EUR 13/03/92 WERAN 12/92: Austria: Case of Werner Nosko 1165/168 EUR 13/04/92 WERAN 26/92 - Austria: alleged ill-treatment of Werner Hirtmayr by two police officers in Vienna, 18 February 1992 1165/169 EUR 17/01/92 Advice to editors: Cyprus: Amnesty International condemns jailing of conscientious objector 1165/170 EUR 17/02/92 Adoption Network for Conscientious Objectors in Western Europe: Cyprus 01/92: imprisonment of conscientious objectors resumes 1165/171 EUR 17/03/92 Adoption network for conscientious objectors in Western Europe: Reimprisonment of conscientious objector Christakis Jonathan Christoforou 1165/172 EUR 17/04/92 Adoption network for conscientious objectors in Western Europe: Cyprus 03/92 (reactivation of Cyprus 09/90): Reimprisonment of conscientious objector Kyriakos Kyriakou 1165/173 EUR 17/05/92 Adoption network for conscientious objectors in Western Europe: Cyprus 04/92 (reactivation of Cyprus 07/91): Reimprisonment of conscientious objector Sotiris Kyriakou Florentzou 1165/174 EUR 17/06/92 Adoption network for conscientious objectors in Western Europe: Cyprus 5/92 (reactivation of Cyprus 6/90): Reimprisonment of conscientious objector Georgios Irodotou 1165/175 EUR 17/07/92 Adoption network for conscientious objectors in Western Europe: Cyprus 06/92: Imprisonment of conscientious objector Antonis Kousoulos 1165/176 EUR 21/01/92 Adoption Network for Conscientious Objectors in Europe: France: New adoption cases: Erik Lechardoy, JeanFrancois Lefort, Nikolas Padrones 1165/177 EUR 21/02/92 Adoption network for conscientious objectors in Western Europe: France: Jeremy Bernardi 1165/178 EUR 21/03/92 WERAN 21/92 - France: The alleged ill- treatment of Jacques Cherigui by officers of the Police nationale (National Police) after he was arrested in Argenteuil, a town north of Paris, in June 1992 1165/179 EUR 21/04/92 WERAN 24/92 - France: the alleged ill- treatment of Michel Garnier in January 1992 by officers of the Gendarmerie nationale in Macon 1165/180 EUR 21/05/92 Adoption network for conscientious objectors in Western Europe: France: adoption of prisoner of conscience: Christophe "Kittu" Lascaray 1165/181 EUR 23/01/92 WERAN 09/92 - Federal Republic of Germany: case of Mehmet Sekerdag 1165/182 EUR 23/02/92 1165/183 EUR 23/03/92 WERAN 10/92: Federal Republic of Germany: Case of Puran Singh, Jaswinder Singh, Parwinder Thapar, Arpinder Singh, Tarlochan Singh, Sohan Singh and others Federal Republic of Germany: Case of Iskender Abdul Masih Amo, Hannah Gyli, Igor Koschkin, Abdul Masich Hannah Amo, Mohammed Nawaz, et al 1165/184 EUR 23/04/92 WERAN 33/92 - Federal Republic of Germany: alleged inadequacy of police response to racist attack 1165/185 EUR 25/01/92 WERAN 03/92 - Greece: International Women's Day Action 1992 1165/185 p. 2 EUR 25/02/92 WERAN 04/92 - Greece: the death of prisoner Elevtherios Komiakidis in Larisa Prison in October 1991 1165/186 EUR 25/03/92 Greece: Religious discrimination: minister imprisoned Tasos Georgiades 1165/187 EUR 25/04/92 WERAN 05/92: Greece: Imprisonment of Tasos Georgiades as a result of religious discrimination by the military authorities (includes update and closure: release) 1165/187 p. 6 EUR 25/05/92 UA 119/92 - Greece: legal concern: Anastasios (Tasos) Georgiades 1165/187 p. 8 EUR 25/06/92 Greece: Torture and ill-treatment 1165/188 EUR 25/07/92 Further information on UA 119/92 (EUR 25/05/92, 9 April) - Greece: legal concern: Anastasios (Tasos) Georgiades 1165/189 EUR 25/18/92 AI News Release: Greece: torture and ill- treatment pattern continues in prisons, police stations 1165/190 EUR 25/09/92 Section level action: Torture and ill- treatment in Greece 1165/191 EUR 25/10/92 Group level action on torture and ill- treatment in Greece 1165/192 EUR 25/11/92 Further information on UA 119/92 (EUR 25/05/92, 9 April and follow-up EUR 25/07/92, 27 May) - Greece: legal concern: Anastasios (Tasos) Georgiades 1165/193 EUR 25/12/92 WERAN 05/92 closure: Greece: Tasos Georgiades 1165/194 EUR 25/15/92 Greece: Violations of the right to freedom of expression 1165/195 EUR 25/16/92 WERAN 30/92 - Greece: restrictions on the right to freedom of expression in Greece (accompanies external paper "Greece: Violations of the right to freedom of expression", EUR 25/15/92) 1165/196 EUR 29/01/92 WERAN 02/92: Republic of Ireland: The cases of Nicky Kelly and Osgur Breatnach 1165/197 EUR 30/01/92 WERAN 01/92 (follow-up to WERAN 24/91): Italy: allegations of ill-treatment by prison guards made by inmates of Sollicciano Prison, Florence, in May 1991. 1165/198 EUR 30/02/92 WERAN 06/92: Italy: alleged ill-treatment of Alessandro Ruver by a prison guard in Regina Coeli prison, Rome, during the last week of January 1992 and his subsequent death on 6 February 1992 1165/199 EUR 30/03/92 Italy: Ill-treatment: November 1991 - March 1992 1165/200 EUR 30/04/92 Italy: Torture and ill-treatment: a summary of Amnesty International's concerns 1165/201 EUR 30/05/92 WERAN 15/92 - Italy: alleged ill-treatment of Carmelo La Rosa by prison guards in Grazzi Prison, Messina (Sicily) in June 1992 and the circumstances surrounding his subsequent death, apparently by suicide 1165/202 EUR 30/06/92 WERAN 16/92 - Italy: alleged ill-treatment of Ciro Esposito while in the custody of carabineri in Naples on 25 June 1992 1165/203 EUR 30/07/92 WERAN 18/92 - Italy: The alleged ill- treatment of up to 200 or more prisoners by prison guards in Poggioreale Prison, Naples, in July 1992 1165/204 EUR 30/08/92 WERAN 19/92 - Italy: The alleged ill- treatment of Umberto Colombo by officers of the railway police at Milan Central Station on 22 and 26 August 1992 1165/205 EUR 30/09/92 WERAN 22/92 - Italy: alleged ill-treatment of Mauro Pallassini by police officers during his arrest in Civitavecchia, February 1992 1165/206 EUR 30/10/92 WERAN 27/92 - Italy: the alleged ill- treatment of Gian Carlo Ragnoli by prison guards in Canton Mombello Prison, Brescia, in July 1992 1165/207 EUR 30/11/92 WERAN 29/92 - Italy: the alleged ill treatment of Biagio Mazzara by one or more prison guards while undergoing hospital treatment in Padua District Prison, northern Italy, in October 1992 1165/208 EUR 30/12/92 WERAN 34/92 - Italy: the alleged ill- treatment of 79 or more prisoners by prison guards in Buoncammino Prison, Cagliari (Sardinia) in July 1992 1165/209 EUR 30/13/92 WERAN 35/92 - Italy: the alleged ill- treatment of Giordano Otello Galati and other prisoners in Asinara Prison during September and October 1992 1165/210 EUR 32/01/92 Luxembourg: Prolonged isolation of detainees in Schrassig Prison 1165/211 EUR 36/01/92 Adoption network for conscientious objectors in Western Europe: Norway: Torbjorn Nordgard 1165/212 EUR 38/01/92 WERAN 13/92 - Portugal: alleged ill-treatment of Joaquim Jose de Jesus Matoso 1165/213 EUR 38/02/92 WERAN 17/92 - Portugal: alleged ill- treatment of Jose Paulo Ferreira Portugal, a 36-year-old butcher from Charneca da Caparica, by officers of the Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR) on 13 August 1991 1165/214 EUR 38/03/92 WERAN 20/92 - Portugal: Alleged assault of Alexandre Luis Marques Pires Gravanita by an officer of the Public Security Police in a police station in Setubal 1165/215 EUR 38/04/92 WERAN 25/92 - Portugal: the alleged ill- treatment of Orlando Correia by officers of the Judiciary Police (PJ) at Guarda Prison and the PJ police station in Guarda on 9 September 1992 1165/216 EUR 41/01/92 1165/217 EUR 41/02/92 WERAN 11/92 (Follow-up to WERAN 45/91, EUR 41/02/91): Spain: alleged ill-treatment of Mohamed Amer Hegazy and Emad Raed Shibli by officers of the Civil Guard in Antonio, Ibiza, September 1991 Adoption Network for Conscientious Objectors in Western Europe: Spain: updated case information and follow-up action: Jose Antonio Escalada Fernandez, Manuel Blazquez Solis: conscientious objectors to military service 1165/218 EUR 41/03/92 WERAN 28/92 - Spain: the alleged ill- treatment of Antonio Copete Gonzalez by officers of the Civil Guard during his arrest and later while detained in the headquarters of the Civil Guard in Palma Nova, Mallorca 1165/229 EUR 43/01/92 Adoption of prisoner of conscience: Switzerland: Stefan Hasinger 1165/220 EUR 43/02/92 Adoption network for conscientious objectors in Western Europe: Switzerland: Nicolas Carron 1165/221 EUR 44/01/92 Further information on Extra 76/91 (EUR 44/147/91, 6 November) - Turkey: fear of torture: Ferzende Baris, Abdurrahman Sugut, Abdurrahman Cihan, Saadettin Aslan, Husnu Saygili, Emin Aslan, Hasan Bozkurt, Mehmet Serif Cetin, Mahmut Oral, Hasan Bozdemir, Zinaver Ayaz (from Nusaybin); Muhittin Yildiz, Mahmut Gunduz, Ahmet Fidan, Mehmet Emin Isik, Halil Isik, Ekrem Yildiz (from Guremara); Adem Seyhan, Musa Seyhan (from Karatas) and (new names) Hikmet Cetin, Nezir Cetin (Headman of Yolindi village) Faysal Yavuz 1165/222 EUR 44/02/92 Further information on EXTRA 89/91 (EUR 44/160/91, 19 December) - Turkey: fear of torture: Ilyas Ersoz, Mehmet Uzun, Vedat Demir, Burhan Demir, Ubeydullah Demir, Bahattin Cicek, Husamettin Demir, Ramazan Gumus 1165/223 EUR 44/03/92 EXTRA 01/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Mehmet Celik 1165/224 EUR 44/04/92 TURKRAN 09/91 update no. 1 and closure: Turkey: The case of Sinami Orhan, editor of Ak-Dogus 1165/225 EUR 44/05/92 TURKRAN 03/91 update no. 1 and closure: Turkey: torture and ill-treatment of minors: two cases 1165/226 EUR 44/06/92 1165/227 EUR 44/07/92 TURKRAN 01/92: Turkey: Alleged rape and torture in Adana Police Headquarters TURKRAN 02/92: Turkey: Huseyin Toraman "disappeared" in Istanbul 1165/228 EUR 44/08/92 EXTRA 03/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Fahri Tirpan, Haydar Emrah, Coskun Kilickaya, Bektas Ozkan, Ali Ozkan, Gazi Koksal, Ali Haydar Emre, Ercan Karatas and his wife (name unknown) 1165/229 EUR 44/09/92 UA 20/92 - Turkey: fear of extrajudicial execution: Mehmet Demir 1165/230 EUR 44/10/92 UA 25/92 - Turkey: possible extrajudicial execution: Abdurrahman Sogut 1165/231 EUR 44/11/92 Medical letter writing action: Turkey: torture: Mediha Curabaz 1165/232 EUR 44/12/92 TURKRAN 03/92: Turkey: Alleged extrajudicial executions in the southeast: three cases: Hasan, Isa and Zore Erdinc, Haci Berekat Acun, Ramazan Aslan 1165/233 EUR 44/13/92 UA 33/92 - Turkey: possible extrajudicial execution: Harbi Arman 1165/234 EUR 44/14/92 TURKRAN 04/92: Turkey: Alleged extrajudicial executions in the Southeast: three further cases: Ismail Yigit; M. Selim Aslan, Suleyman Aslan and Abdulaziz Guclu; Besir Algan 1165/235 EUR 44/15/92 Further information on EXTRA 01/92 (EUR 44/03/92, 8 January) - Turkey: fear of torture: Mehmet Celik 1165/236 EUR 44/16/92 EXTRA 11/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Ali Hidir Polat, Ekrem Gumusboga 1165/237 EUR 44/17/92 TURKRAN 05/92: Turkey: alleged extrajudicial executions in the Southeast: four further cases: Ibrahim Sarica, Hamit Temel, Ali Erdem, Hayrettin Demir 1165/238 EUR 44/18/92 Further information on Medical Letter Writing Action (EUR 44/11/92, 23 January): Turkey: Mediha Curabaz 1165/239 EUR 44/19/92 Further information on UA 209/92 (EUR 44/81/91, 14 June and follow-ups EUR 44/82/91, 17 June; EUR 44/84/91, 21 June; EUR 44/91/91, 5 July; EUR 44/94/91, 10 July; EUR 44/121/91, 17 September) - Turkey: fear of torture: Cavidan Kocaacar, Murat Demir, Bedii Yarayici, Deniz Teztel, Tulay Avci, Fatma Onalan (not Ocalan), Hatice Suna, Ummet Suna, Necmi Suna, Lutfu Topal, Fethiye Peksen, Yakup (not Yusuf) Sahin 1165/240 EUR 44/20/92 EXTRA 16/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Mehmet Hadi Savas 1165/241 EUR 44/21/92 TURKRAN 06/92: Turkey: Returned political exile alleges torture in Ankara 1165/242 EUR 44/22/92 TURKRAN 01/92 update no. 1: Turkey: alleged rape and torture in Adana Police Headquarters 1165/243 EUR 44/24/92 UA 66/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Hasan Durna 1165/244 EUR 44/25/92 EXTRA 20/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Kemal Altun 1165/245 EUR 44/26/92 Further information on EXTRA 03/92 (EUR 44/08/92, 14 January) - Turkey: fear of torture: Fahri Tirpan, Haydar Emrah, Coskun Kilickaya (new name), Bektas Ozkan, Ali Ozkan, Gazi Koksal, Ali Haydar Emre, Ercan Karatas and his wife 1165/246 EUR 44/27/92 Further information on EXTRA 20/92 (EUR 44/25/92, 26 February) - Turkey: fear of torture: Kemal Altun 1165/247 EUR 44/28/92 EXTRA 26/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Burhan Serikli (died in custody), Mehmet Emin Can, Omer Yavuz, Ali Yildirim, Mustafa Yildirim, Ibrahim Yildirim, Ahmet Yildirim, Mehmet Sait Yildirim, Aydin Yilmaz, Yusuf Yilmaz, Sukru Yilmaz, Nuri Ozkan, Haci Isa Gok 1165/248 EUR 44/29/92 EXTRA 27/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Cengiz Akkurt, Bedri Aslan, Recep Karac, Abdullah Demir and several unnamed others 1165/249 EUR 44/30/92 EXTRA 29/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Kasim Asutay, Seyfettin Asutay, Muzafer Asutay, Cafer Asutay, Enver Asutay, Gulle Asutay, Ramazan Onat, Selahattin Onat, Muhittin Onat, Yasar Onat, Latif Keskin, Ozcan Kavak, Ahmet Kavak, Nimetullah Sozen, Rahime Abayay, Ayten Uzumcu, Medeni Goktepe, Izzettin Gornu, Mahmut Oguz, Emin Ergin, Hatip Bagriyanik, Abdullah Ekinci, Suleyman Ekinci, Murat Ekinci, M Hadi Tekin 1165/250 EUR 44/31/92 EXTRA 30/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Genco Celik, Celebi Ata, Kazim Kovaci, A Rahman Civak, Semsi Deyar, Ilhan Bilen (from Yardere village); six unnamed people from Aytepe village; Suleyman Kanat, Suleyman Ildem, Fikret Ildem (from Alicli village) 1165/251 EUR 44/32/92 Further information on EXTRA 26/92 (EUR 44/28/92, 13 March) - Turkey: fear of torture: Burhan Serikli (died in custody), Mehmet Emin Can, Omer Yavuz, Ali Yildirim, Mustafa Yildirim, Ibrahim Yildirim, Ahmet Yildirim, Mehmet Sait Yildirim, Aydin Yilmaz, Yusuf Yilmaz, Sukru Yilmaz, Nuri Ozkan, Haci Isa Gok 1165/252 EUR 44/33/92 EXTRA 32/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Ayla Pekoz, Emine Gungor, Nurettin Gecit, Hakan Baran, Huseyin Capartas, Mehmet Akbas, Songul Sartli 1165/253 EUR 44/34/92 EXTRA 35/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Biseng Anik, Halil Ugur, Hisyar Uysal, Sait Uysal, Iskan Uysal, Faysal Uysal, Agit Ayan, Adem Ozcan, Sabri Barkin (detained 25 March 1992); Mehmet Batmaz (detained 24 March); Mehmet Ayan, Sabri Ayan, Sabri Ucar, Sukru Ucar (detained 23 March) 1165/254 EUR 44/35/92 EXTRA 36/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Naif Yasar 1165/255 EUR 44/36/92 EXTRA 37/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Hatice Duman, Haydar Duman, Ali Riza Duman, Deniz Duman 1165/256 EUR 44/37/92 EXTRA 38/92 - Turkey: fear of torture / health concern: Sevgi Saymaz 1165/257 EUR 44/38/92 Further information on EXTRA 35/92 (EUR 44/34/92, 26 March) - Turkey: fear of torture / death in custody: Biseng Anik, died in custody; Halil Ugur, Hisyar Uysal, Sait Uysal, Iskan Uysal, Faysal Uysal, Agit Ayan, Adem Ozcan, Sabri Barkin, Mehmet Batmaz, Mehmet Ayan, Sabri Ayan, Sabri Ucar, Sukru Ucar 1165/258 EUR 44/39/92 Turkey: Torture, extrajudicial executions, "disappearances" 1165/259 EUR 44/40/92 UA 108/92 - Turkey: medical / health concern: Mehdi Zana 1165/260 EUR 44/41/92 EXTRA 42/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Hatice Ozer, Erdal Simsek, Mahfus Zengin, Mekin ..., Mehmet Tarih... (full names unknown) 1165/261 EUR 44/42/92 UA 126/92 - Turkey: fear of "disappearance" / torture: Nazmiye Sevgin 1165/262 EUR 44/43/92 UA 134/92 - Turkey: fear of extrajudicial execution: M Selim Mert 1165/263 EUR 44/44/92 UA 149/92 - Turkey: death threats / fear of extrajudicial execution: Leyla Zana, Sedat Yurttas, Hatip Dicle, Zubeyir Aydar, Dogu Perincek, Yalcin Kucuk, Musa Anter, Mahmut Alinak, Ahmet Turk, Sedat Edip Bucak, Salih Sumer, Mahmut Uyanik, Sirri Sakik, Muzaffer Arikan, Adnan Ekman, Orhan Dogan, Selim Sadak, Nizamettin Tonguc, Abdulkerim Zilan, Mehmet Sincar, Yavuz Binbay, Cabbar Laygara Sekvan Aytu, Baris Mustakhan, Hasim Hasimi, Faik Tunefan, Omer Hazar, Dr Ata Soyer 1165/264 EUR 44/44/92 UA 149/92 - Turkey: death threats / fear of extrajudicial execution: Leyla Zana et al. CORRECTION 1165/265 EUR 44/45/92 TURKRAN 07/92: Turkey: Death in custody of girl aged 16: Biseng Anik 1165/266 EUR 44/46/92 Further information on UA 126/92 (EUR 44/42/92, 23 April) - Turkey: fear of "disappearance" / torture: Nazmiye Sevgin 1165/267 EUR 44/47/92 EXTRA 52/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Sekvan Aytu 1165/268 EUR 44/48/92 EXTRA 54/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Huseyin Demir, Hasan Demir, Ridvan Unal, Nihat Aydogdu 1165/269 EUR 44/49/92 1165/270 EUR 44/50/92 Medical letter writing action: Turkey: Dr Ata Soyer: death threats EXTRA 55/92 - Turkey: fear of torture / health concern: Nihal Aslanturk 1165/271 EUR 44/50/92 EXTRA 55/92 - Turkey: fear of torture / health concern: Nihal Aslanturk. CORRECTION 1165/272 EUR 44/51/92 Further information on UA 108/92 (EUR 44/40/92, 1 April) - Turkey: medical / health concern: Mehdi Zana 1165/273 EUR 44/52/92 TURKRAN 08/92: Alleged rape and torture of midwife / nurse Nazli Top in Istanbul police custody 1165/274 EUR 44/53/92 Medical letter writing action: Turkey: Nazli Top 1165/275 EUR 44/54/92 TURKRAN 09/92: Turkey: Sevki Akinci - boy aged 16 tortured by burning 1165/276 EUR 44/55/92 EXTRA 57/92 - Turkey: fear of torture / torture: Murtaza Gok, Ali Seyidi Gok, Haydar Cuce, Mustafa Cuce, Cevdet Demir, Apo..., Mehmet... (surnames unknown), Abidin Tasci, Riza Gok, Ozcan... (surname unknown), Ibrahim Coskun, and Ali Sigirtmac, Efendi Oner 1165/277 EUR 44/56/92 EXTRA 58/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Adem Kepeneklioglu 1165/278 EUR 44/57/92 UA 221/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Abdullah Arisoy, Sait Arisoy, correspondents for Ozgur Gundem, and Halil Arisoy 1165/279 EUR 44/58/92 EXTRA 59/92 - Turkey: fear of torture / health concern / death in custody: Cemal Cakmak, Ismail Bulut 1165/280 EUR 44/59/92 Further information on UA 221/92 (EUR 44/57/92, 1 July) - Turkey: fear of torture: Abdullah Arisoy, Sait Arisoy (released), Halil Arisoy 1165/281 EUR 44/60/92 EXTRA 63/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Yahya Kandemir, Abdulvahap Kandemir, Sait Kazancik, Izzettin Celik, Seyithan Elik, Ismail Elik, Mehmet Akan, Ismail Ozmen, Mehmet Bicer, Ramazan Koruman, Mehdi Tanrikulu 1165/282 EUR 44/61/92 Further information on EXTRA 57/92 (EUR 44/55/92, 26 June 1992) - Turkey: fear of torture / torture: Murtaza Gok, Ali Seyidi Gok, Haydar Cuce, Mustafa Cuce, Cevdet Demir, Apo ..., Mehmet ..., Abidin Tasci, Riza Gok, Ozcan ... (all from Domuzdere); Ibrahim Coskun (from Kizilciksuyu) and Ali Sigirtmac, Efendi Oner 1165/283 EUR 44/62/92 EXTRA 65/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Asiye Bikim 1165/284 EUR 44/63/92 TURKRAN 06/91 update no. 1 and closure: Southeast Turkey: Attacks on human rights activists and killings of local politicians 1165/285 EUR 44/64/92 TURKRAN 10/92: Turkey: Killing of human rights activist in Batman: Siddik Tan 1165/286 EUR 44/65/92 Further information on UA 221/92 (EUR 44/57/92, 1 July and follow-up EUR 44/59/92, 2 July) - Turkey: fear of torture: Abdullah Arisoy, Sait Arisoy, Halil Arisoy and new names: Ali Komak, Erdal Gecit, Ahmet Dagli, Abdulkadir Bingol, Abdurrahman Aksoy, Melle (Imam) Abdulhamit, Emin Sores, Mahmut Kirmizigul, Faruk Sakik, Abdullah Yasin, Salih Baykara, Yusuf Sen, Aziz Sen, Nimet Elki, Ihsan Ogan 1166/1 EUR 44/66/92 TURKRAN 11/92 - Turkey: Killing of the Mayor of Hilal, Yakup Kara, and four other villagers 1166/2 EUR 44/67/92 Further information on UA 108/92 (EUR 44/40/92, 1 April, and follow-up EUR 44/51/92, 5 June) - Turkey: health concern and new concern: fear of torture: Mehdi Zana, and new names: Savas Buldan, Alican Buldan, Bahattin Dagli 1166/3 EUR 44/68/92 UA 251/92 - Turkey: fear of torture / "disappearance": Hasan Gulunay 1166/4 EUR 44/69/92 Further information on EXTRA 58/92 (EUR 44/56/92, 1 July) - Turkey: fear of torture: Adem Kepeneklioglu 1166/5 EUR 44/70/92 UA 258/92 - Turkey: fear of extrajudicial execution / health concern: Burhan Karadeniz 1166/6 EUR 44/71/92 Section level action on Turkey: 4 November 1992 - 31 December 1992 1166/7 EUR 44/72/92 UA 262/92 - Turkey: possible extrajudicial execution: Huseyin Deniz 1166/8 EUR 44/74/92 Further information on UA 258/92 (EUR 44/70/92, 6 August) - Turkey: fear of extrajudicial execution / health concern: Burhan Karadeniz 1166/9 EUR 44/75/92 Turkey: Walls of glass 1166/10 EUR 44/76/92 Further information on UA 108/92 (EUR 44/40/92, 1 April and follow-ups EUR 44/51/92, 5 June, EUR 44/67/92, 30 July) - Turkey: health concern / fear of torture: Mehdi Zana, Savas Buldan, Alican Buldan, Bahattin Dagli 1166/11 EUR 44/77/92 Section Level Action on Turkey 4 November 1992: appeal cases 1166/12 EUR 44/78/92 EXTRA 70/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Ali Fadil Celepsoy, Aylin Tanrikulu, Ramazan Tanrikulu (her husband), Mete Nezihi Altinay and a woman whose name is not known 1166/13 EUR 44/79/92 EXTRA 71/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Fatma Gulten Sesen, owner, Mucadele newspaper and president of Istanbul branch of TAYAD, Sultan Celik, Ufuk Demirkaya, Solmaz Dartan, Sirin Celik, Gulay, Turan, Yasar (surnames unknown) 1166/14 EUR 44/80/92 Further information on EXTRA 71/92 (EUR 44/79/92, 24 August) - Turkey: fear of torture: Fatma Gulten Sesen, Sultan Celik, Ufuk Demirkaya, Solmaz Tartar (note corrected name), Sirin Celik, Gulay Tan, Turan, Yasar Guzel and new name Ayten Celik 1166/15 EUR 44/81/92 EXTRA 73/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Saadik Cilik, Nuray Erdem, Mehmet Karabulut, Nurdan Odabas, Serdar Akat, Ozkan (surname unknown to AI), Attila Sabanci, Fatma Cicek, Latif Tiftikci, Nuri Eryuksel, Etem Elma, Siral Demiral, Ayce Idil Erdem 1166/16 EUR 44/82/92 Further information on EXTRA 71/92 (EUR 44/79/92, 24 August and follow-up EUR 44/80/92, 25 August) Turkey: fear of torture: Fatma Gulten Sesen, Sultan Celik, Ufuk Demirkaya, Solmaz Tartar, Sirin Celik, Gulay Tan, Turan (surname unknown to AI), Yasa Guzel, Ayten Celik 1166/17 EUR 44/83/92 EXTRA 74/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Diyadin Koc 1166/18 EUR 44/84/92 EXTRA 75/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Kazim Ceylan, Zahide Honca, Filiz Tezerdi, Sevim Sener, Songul Demir, Kenan Guler, Sayit Gecit, Kucuk Ali Oruz, Dervis Molan, Nurettin Gedik, Mehmet Zeki Sad and six others whose names are not known 1166/19 EUR 44/85/92 UA 279/92 - Turkey: killing and wounding of civilians / fear of torture: Hezni Erkol, Zehra Koval, Halime Kurtel, Suleyman Kurtel, Abdulaziz Besin, Haci Kilic, Yusuf Vatan, Yusuf Yaman, Guler Sokmen, Veysi Sokmen, Sema Sokmen, Kumru Gungen, Gulum Gungen, Menive Gungen, Ibrahim Artuc (all killed, including 5 children); Abdullah Atsiz, Salih Altan, Ahmet Yildirim, Ahmet Vatan, Abdurahman Balta, Fatma Balta, Orhan Uysal, Abdurahman Dure, Suleyman ..., Gule Artuc, Ayse Artuc, Remziye Artuc, Mehdi Artuc, Vesile Artuc, Kadriye Artuc, Haci Gungen, Saadet Gulec, Meryem Beter (wounded, including 6 children) 1166/20 EUR 44/86/92 Further information on EXTRA 73/92 (EUR 44/81/92, 27 August) - Turkey: fear of torture: Saadik Cilik, Nuray Erdem, Mehmet Karabulut, Nurdan Odabas, Serdar Akat, Ozkan (surname unknown), Attila Sabanci, Fatma Cicek, Latif Tiftikci, Nuri Eryuksel, Etem Elma, Siral Demiral, Ayce Idil Erdem 1166/21 EUR 44/87/92 Further information on EXTRA 71/92 (EUR 44/79/92, 24 August) - Turkey: fear of torture: Fatma Gulten Sesen, Sultan Celik, Ufuk Demirkaya, Solmaz Tartar, Sirin Celik, Gulay Tan, Turan (surname unknown), Yasar Guzel, Ayten Celik 1166/22 EUR 44/88/92 Further information on UA 149/92 (EUR 44/44/92, 8 May) - Turkey: death threats / fear of extrajudicial exection: Leyla Zana, Sedat Yurttas, Hatip Dicle, Zubeyir Aydar, Dogu Perincek, Yalcin Kucuk, Musa Anter, Mahmut Alinak, Ahmet Turk, Sedat Edip Bucak, Salih Sumer, Mahmut Uyanik, Sirri Sakik, Muzaffer Arikan, Adnan Ekman, Orhan Dogan, Selim Sadak, Nizamettin Tonguc, Abdulkerim Zilan, Mehmet Sincar, Yavuz Binbay, Cabbar Laygara, Sekvan Aytu, Baris Mustakhan, Hasim Hasimi, Faik Tunefan, Omer Hazar, Dr Ata Soyer 1166/23 EUR 44/89/92 Turkey: Order form for photographs 1166/24 EUR 44/90/92 Medical letter writing action: Turkey: Memli Gungor 1166/25 EUR 44/92/92 Further information on UA 149/92 (EUR 44/44/92, 8 May and follow-up EUR 44/88/92, 11 September) - Turkey: death threats / fear of extrajudicial execution: Leyla Zana, Sedat Yurtdas, Hatip Dicle, Zubeyir Aydar, Dogu Perincek, Yalcin Kucuk, Musa Anter, Mahmut Alinak, Ahmet Turk, Sedat Edip Bucak, Salih Sumer, Mahmut Uyanik, Sirri Sakik, Muzaffer Arikan, Adnan Ekmen, Orhan Dogan, Selim Sadak, Nizamettin Toguc, Abdulkerim Zilan, Mehmet Sincar, Yavuz Binbay, Cabbar Laygara, Sekvan Aytu, Baris Mustakhan, Hasim Hasimi, Faik Tunefan, Omer Hazar, Dr Ata Soyer and (new name) Orhan Miroglu 1166/26 EUR 44/93/92 TURKRAN 12/92 - Turkey: Kurdish writer Musa Anter, 74, murdered 1166/27 EUR 44/94/92 Section-level action on Turkey 11 November 1992: additional appeal cases 1166/28 EUR 44/95/92 TURKRAN 06/92 - update no 1 and closure: Turkey: Returned political exile alleges torture in Ankara 1166/29 EUR 44/96/92 UA 308/92 - Turkey: arbitrary killings / fear of torture / fear of ill-treatment: scores of people in Kulp, including Vahit Narin 1166/30 EUR 44/97/92 EXTRA 79/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Sehmus Yanalak, Mehmet Urun, Abbas Elci, Halil Elci, Bilal Elci, Talip Elci, Abdullah Elci, Zinnet Elci, Nusret Oktem, Sait Yakiemir, Suleyman Balta, Haci Yagbasan, Mehmet Yagbasan, Cemil Yasar, Omer Yasar, Ibrahim Yildiz, A Halim Yildiz, Yasin Yildiz, Meryem Fidan, Feysi Fidan, Mehmet Fidan, Saliha Yavuc, Omer Olge, Abdurrahim Olge, Mehmet Olge, Hamit Olge, Abdullah Onan, Sait Yakaman 1166/31 EUR 44/98/92 Medical letter writing action: Turkey: Kaya Unsalan 1166/32 EUR 44/99/92 EXTRA 81/92 - Turkey: death threats: Ismail Yilmaz 1166/33 EUR 44/100/92 EXTRA 83/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Ihsan Kurt and scores of people in Adana 1166/34 EUR 44/101/92 UA 322/92 - Turkey: fear of "disappearance" / fear of torture: Cengiz Uguz 1166/35 EUR 44/102/92 UA 324/92 - Turkey: alleged ill-treatment / hunger-strike: Faruk Tarla, Huseyin Kurt, Huseyin Akduman, Ismet Kalabaktas, Ercan Karatas, Deniz Sarikaya, Kadir Aksu, Aysel Erdem 1166/36 EUR 44/103/92 Further information on EXTRA 83/92 (EUR 44/100/92, 15 October) - Turkey: fear of torture: Ihsan Kurt 1166/37 EUR 44/104/92 Further information on UA 322/92 (EUR 44/101/92, 16 October) - Turkey: fear of "disappearance" / fear of torture: Cengis Uguz and 27 others (names unknown) 1166/38 EUR 44/105/92 Further information on UA 324/92 (EUR 44/102/92, 21 October) - Turkey: alleged ill-treatment / hunger-strike: Faruk Tarla, Huseyin Kurt, Huseyin Akduman, Ismet Kalabaktas, Ercan Karatas, Deniz Sarikaya, Kader Aksu, Aysel Erdem 1166/39 EUR 44/106/92 Medical letter writing action: Turkey: Investigation of torture complaint: Ihsan Kurt 1166/40 EUR 44/107/92 Further information on EXTRA 83/92 (EUR 44/100/92, 15 October and follow-up EUR 44/103/92, 21 October) Turkey: fear of torture: Ihsan Kurt 1166/41 EUR 44/108/92 EXTRA 86/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Mohammed Ali Akgul, Hasan Aldur 1166/42 EUR 44/109/92 1166/43 EUR 44/110/92 AI News Release: Turkey: Turkish Government fails to tackle deteriorating human rights situation EXTRA 88/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Hatice Toraman, Hasan Polat and fourteen other people (names not known to Amnesty International) 1166/44 EUR 44/111/92 EXTRA 89/92 - Turkey: fear of torture / death in custody: Mustafa Yasar, Metin Ozturk, Remzi Basalak 1166/45 EUR 44/112/92 Further information on EXTRA 88/92 - (EUR 44/110/92, 29 October) - Turkey: fear of torture: Hatice Toraman, Hasan Polat and 14 other people, names not known to Amnesty International 1166/46 EUR 44/113/92 Further information on EXTRA 89/92 (EUR 44/111/92, 29 October) - Turkey: fear of torture / death in custody: Mustafa Yasar, Saban Budak (name previously given as Metin Ozturk), Remzi Basalak 1166/47 EUR 44/114/92 EXTRA 96/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Methiye Elci, Kemal Elci, Bahrettin Elci and scores of villagers whose names are not known to Amnesty International 1166/48 EUR 44/115/92 UA 342/92 - Turkey: fear of "disappearance" / torture: Tugrul Ozbek 1166/49 EUR 44/116/92 UA 343/92 - Turkey: fear of "disappearance" / torture: Ayhan Efeoglu 1166/50 EUR 44/117/92 EXTRA 97/92 - Turkey: fear of torture / death in custody: Sukru and Habip Yilmaz, Irfan and Salih Solak, Bahri Gitmez, Serhat Baytar, M Sirin Dogan, Resul Balta, Ebubekir Gunes, Nuri, Tahsin and Haci Adlik and Ramazan Altunsoz (died in custody on or about 30 October 1992) 1166/51 EUR 44/118/92 TURKRAN 13/92 - Turkey: Killing of Resul Sakar in Cizre 1166/52 EUR 44/119/92 1166/53 EUR 44/120/92 EXTRA 98/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Ahmet Erkan, Zeki Gurbuz, Mustafa Pekoz, Ufuk Tan, Hasan Polat (students); Celal Meral, Yildiz Meral, Ziya Ulusoy, Duriye Sezgin, Mehmet Ustundag, Meryem Temur (from Camlica district); Ali Bolat, Huseyin Kilic, Tulay Mercan, Guler Mercan, Imam Huseyin Demir, Ibrahim Isik, Naci Uzun, Hulya Uzun (from Bahcelievler district) Further information on EXTRA 98/92 (EUR 44/119/92, 10 November) - Turkey: fear of torture: Ahmet Erkan, Zeki Gurbuz, Mustafa Pekoz, Ufuk Tan, Hasan Polat (students); Celal Meral, Yildiz Meral, Ziya Ulusoy, Duriye Sezgin, Mehmet Ustundag, Meryem Temur (from Camlica district); Ali Bolat, Huseyin Kilic, Tulay Mercan, Guler Mercan, Imam Huseyin Demir, Ibrahim Isik, Naci Uzun, Hulya Uzun (from Bahcelievler district) and new name: Kalender Maden 1166/54 EUR 44/121/92 Further information on EXTRA 89/92 (EUR 44/111/92, 29 October and follow-up EUR 44/113/92 of 3 November) - Turkey: fear of torture / death in custody: Mustafa Yasar, Saban Budak, Remzi Basalak 1166/55 EUR 44/122/92 Further information on EXTRA 96/92 (EUR 44/114/92, 5 November) - Turkey: fear of torture: Methiye Elci, Kemal Elci, Bahrettin Elci and about 12 other villagers from Altinova whose names are not known to Amnesty International 1166/56 EUR 44/123/92 Further information on EXTRA 98/92 (EUR 44/119/92, 10 November and follow-up EUR 44/120/92, 10 November) - Turkey: fear of torture and (new concern) fear of "disappearance": Ahmet Erkan, Zeki Gurbuz, Mustafa Pekoz, Ufuk Tan, Hasan Polat (students); Celal Meral, Yildiz Meral, Ziya Ulusoy, Duriye Sezgin, Mehmet Ustundag, Meryem Temur (from Camlica district); Ali Bolat, Huseyin Kilic, Tulay Mercan, Gulay Mercan, Imam Huseyin Demir, Ibrahim Timur Isik (note full name), Naci Uzun, Hulya Uzun, Kalender Maden plus seven others whose names are not known to Amnesty International 1166/57 EUR 44/124/92 UA 355/92 - Turkey: fear of torture / "disappearance" / extrajudicial execution: Mehmet Akan, Mehmet Akkum, Ahmet Akkum, Selahattin Akkum, Selahattin Akelma, Zulfu Aktut, Mehdi Ceylan, Zulkuf Cansever, Abdurrahim Akay, Ismail Celik, Nuri Karakaplan, ... Altun (first name not known), ... Altun (first name not known) 1166/58 EUR 44/125/92 Further information on EXTRA 98/92 (EUR 44/119/92, 10 November and follow-ups EUR 44/120/92, 10 November and EUR 44/123/92, 13 November) - Turkey: fear of torture: Ahmet Erkan, Zeki Gurbuz, Mustafa Pekoz, Ufuk Tan, Hasan Polat (students); Celal Meral, Yildiz Meral, Ziya Ulusoy, Duriye Sezgin, Mehmet Ustundag, Meryem Temur (from Camlica district); Ali Bolat, Huseyin Kilic, Tulay Mercan, Gulay Mercan, Imam Huseyin Demir, Ibrahim Timur Isik, Naci Uzun, Hulya Uzun, Kalender Maden plus six others whose names are not known to Amnesty International 1166/59 EUR 44/126/92 Further information on UA 355/92 (EUR 44/124/92, 13 November) - Turkey: fear of torture / "disappearance" / extrajudicial execution: Mehmet Akan, Mehmet Akkum, Ahmet Akkum, Selahattin Akkum, Selahattin Akelma, Zulfu Aktut, Mehdi Ceylan, Zulkuf Cansever, Adburrahim Akay, Ismail Celik, Nuri Karakaplan, ... Altun (first name not known), ... Altun (first name not known) 1166/60 EUR 44/127/92 EXTRA 102/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: fifty people in Viransehir including: Mahmut Ozkan, Halil Ozkan, Omer Ozkan, Lokman (son of Mahmut), Abdullah and Cengiz (sons of Halil), Mahmut (son of Omer) and the children of a fourth brother: Rusen, Nezan, Cuco 1166/61 EUR 44/128/92 Further information on EXTRA 97/92 (EUR 44/117/92, 6 November) - Turkey: fear of torture / death in custody: Sukru Yilmaz, Habib Yilmaz, Irfan Solak, Salih Solak, Bahri Gitmez, Serhat Baytar, M Sirin Dogan, Resul Balta, Ebubekir Gunes; three brothers: Nuri Adlik, Tahsin Adlik, Haci Adlik; Ramazan Altunsoz (died about 30 October 1992); and new names: Serif Argun, Tahsin Adibelli, Yahsin Adibelli 1166/62 EUR 44/129/92 Further information on EXTRA 102/92 (EUR 44/127/92, 25 November) - Turkey: fear of torture: fifty people in Viransehir, including: Mahmut Ozkan, Halil Ozkan (apparently not detained), Omer Ozkan, Lokman (son of Mahmut), Abdullah and Cengiz (sons of Halil), Sehmuz (note corrected name, son of Omer), Rusen (niece of Omer, not the daughter of a fourth brother as previously stated) and children of a fourth brother: Nezan, Cuco 1166/63 EUR 44/130/92 EXTRA 105/92 - Turkey: fear of torture / fear of "disappearance": Ekrem Kas 1166/64 EUR 44/131/92 EXTRA 106/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Gulay Toraman 1166/65 EUR 44/132/92 UA 400/92 - Turkey: health concern / torture: Abdullah Ipek, president of the local People's Labour Party (HEP), Faik Kizilok, Ibrahim Ozpinar, Resul Tekin 1166/66 EUR 44/133/92 EXTRA 107/92 - Turkey: fear of torture: Hulya Ozcan and three other girls whose names are not known to Amnesty International 1166/67 EUR 44/134/92 Further information on EXTRA 106/92 (EUR 44/131/92, 17 December) - Turkey: fear of torture: Gulay Toraman 1166/68 EUR 45/02/92 United Kingdom: Fair trial concerns in Northern Ireland: the right of silence 1166/69 EUR 45/03/92 WERAN 23/92 - United Kingdom (Northern Ireland): Lack of sufficient safeguards to protect the rights of detainees in pre-trial detention highlighted by the recent appeals of four members of the Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR) 1166/70 EUR 46/01/92 Further information on UA 436/91 (EUR 46/87/91, 12 December) - Russian Federation (former USSR): fear of imminent execution: Sergey A Boldyrev 1166/71 EUR 46/02/92 Further information on UA 432/91 (EUR 46/85/91, 11 December) - Russian Federation (former USSR): fear of imminent execution: Mikhail N Tyrnikov 1166/72 EUR 46/04/92 Update to SURAN 24/91 - Russian Federation: Vladimir Mironov and proposed changes in legislation on homosexuality 1166/73 EUR 46/05/92 SURAN 01/92: Russian Federation: Andrey Gennadiyevich Kapitonov 1166/74 EUR 46/06/92 Russian Federation: Vladimir Vorontsov 1166/75 EUR 46/07/92 Russian Federation: Vladimir Petrovich Levchenko 1166/76 EUR 46/08/92 Russian Federation: Mikhail N. Tyrnikov 1166/77 EUR 46/09/92 Update to SURAN 01/92 - Russian Federation: Andrey Kapitonov: change of status 1166/78/79 EUR 46/10/92 Russian Federation: Valery Vasilyevich Parshin 1166/80 EUR 46/11/92 UA 92/92 - Russian Federation: death penalty: Oleg V Starkin 1166/81 EUR 46/12/92 Update to SURAN 24/91 - Russian Federation: Aquittal of Vladimir Mironov 1166/82 EUR 46/13/92 Update to SURAN 25/91 - Russian Federation: Official confirmation of Viktor Bogdanov's release 1166/83 EUR 46/14/92 Russian Federation: Aleksandr Timofeyev 1166/84 EUR 46/15/92 UA 159/92 - Russian Federation: death penalty: Alexander Solovyov, I.V. Govorukhin 1166/85 EUR 46/16/92 UA 161/92 - Russian Federation: death penalty: Vladimir Levchenko, Nikolay Klepcha 1166/86 EUR 46/17/92 Russian Federation: Vladimir Sergeyevich Muzurov 1166/87 EUR 46/18/92 Russian Federation: Dmitry Sokolov 1166/88 EUR 46/19/92 Russian Federation: Oleg Lepin 1166/89 EUR 46/20/92 Further information on UA 92/92 (EUR 46/11/92, 18 March) - Russian Federation: death penalty: Oleg V Starkin 1166/90 EUR 46/21/92 Russian Federation: Valery Vasilyevich Snegirev 1166/91 EUR 46/22/92 Further information on SURAN 10/91: Russian Federation: Alexander Kopitsyn case and proposed amnesty of prisoners in Russian Federation 1166/92 EUR 46/23/92 Russian Federation: Valery Asratyan 1166/93 EUR 46/24/92 1166/94 EUR 46/25/92 Further information on SURAN 20/91: Russian Federation: Vladimir Lebedev - case closure SURAN follow-up: Russian Federation: Vladimir Mulek: case closure 1166/95 EUR 46/26/92 Russian Federation: S Polotsky 1166/96 EUR 46/27/92 Russian Federation: V Sakovtsev 1166/97 EUR 46/28/92 Russian Federation: Oleg Sorokotyagin 1166/98 EUR 46/29/92 Russian Federation: A Knyazev 1166/99 EUR 46/30/92 Russian Federation: N Islamov 1166/100 EUR 46/31/92 Russian Federation: G Korzhenek 1166/101 EUR 46/32/92 Russian Federation: V Ivashina 1166/102 EUR 46/33/92 Russian Federation: V Ots 1166/103 EUR 46/34/92 Russian Federation: S Kulagin 1166/104 EUR 46/35/92 Russian Federation: A Vakhrushev 1166/105 EUR 46/36/92 Russian Federation: Aleksandr Alekseyevich Agafonov 1166/106/107 EUR 46/37/92 SURAN 22/92 - Russian Federation: S A Boldyrev 1166/108 EUR 46/38/92 Russian Federation: Andrey Chikatilo 1166/109/110/111 EUR 46/39/92 SURAN 25/92: Russian Federation: Vasily Vitalievich Anufrienko (includes update) 1166/112 EUR 46/40/92 SURAN 10/91 closure: Russian Federation: Alexander Kopitsyn - case closure 1166/113 EUR 46/42/92 SURAN 27/92 - Russian Federation: Kazbek Alexandrovich Kokayev 1166/114 EUR 46/43/92 Russian Federation: Raoul Wallenberg and Vilmos Langenfelder 1166/115 EUR 46/44/92 Russian Federation: Igor Viktorovich Kulinsky 1166/116 EUR 46/45/92 Russian Federation: Vladimir Aleksandrovich Ivanchenko 1166/117 EUR 46/46/92 Russian Federation: Nikolay Alekseyevich Leonov 1166/118 EUR 46/47/92 Update to SURAN 01/92 - Russian Federation: Andrey Kapitonov - case closure 1166/119 EUR 46/48/92 Russian Federation: Dmitry Pikalov 1166/120 EUR 46/49/92 SURAN update: Russian Federation: Sergey Livanov's death sentence commuted 1166/121 EUR 48/01/92 Further information on EXTRA 74/91 (EUR 48/22/91, 5 November and follow-up EUR 48/32/91, 16 December) Yugoslavia: arrest and ill-treatment: Father Josip Bogovic, Nikola Nikolic, Drazen Rendulic 1166/122 EUR 48/02/92 EXTRA 04/92 - Yugoslavia: legal concern: Mentor Kaci, Sokol Dobruna, Zenel Cadiku, Delija Hagjocaj, Nuhija Bytyqi, Palusha Palushaj, Naim Krasniqi, Afrim Morina, Qerkina Peci, Sadik Mual, Sejdi Vesili 1166/123 EUR 48/03/92 Further information on UA 417/91 (EUR 48/29/91, 28 November and follow-up EUR 48/31/91, 11 December) Yugoslavia: arrest and ill-treatment concerns: Dr Vesna Bosanac, Dr Juraj Njavro, Sinisa Glavasevic, Branimir Polovina, Marin Vidic-Bili and others 1166/124 EUR 48/04/92 Further information on EXTRA 88/91 (EUR 48/33/91, 18 December) - Yugoslavia: trial of conscientious objectors to military service: Dusan Brankovic and Goran Stankovic 1166/125 EUR 48/05/92 EERAN 01/92: Yugoslavia: Sanije Gashi 1166/126 EUR 48/06/92 EERAN 02/92: Yugoslavia: Dr Ejup Emina Statovci 1166/127 EUR 48/07/92 1166/128 EUR 48/08/92 Further information on EXTRA 04/92 (EUR 48/02/92, 14 January) - Yugoslavia: legal concern and new concern: torture: Mentor Kaci, Sokol Dobruna, Zenel Sadiku, Deli Hagjocaj, Nuhi Bytyqi, Palush Palushaj, Naim Krasniqi, Afrim Morina, Qerkin Peci, Sadik Mula, Sejdi Veseli (please note corrected names) Further information on EXTRA 74/91 (EUR 48/22/91, 5 November and follow-ups EUR 48/32/91, 16 December and EUR 48/01/92, 9 January) - Yugoslavia: arrest and illtreatment: Father Josip Bogovic, Drazen Rendulic, Nikola Nikolic 1166/129 EUR 48/09/92 EXTRA 10/92 - Yugoslavia (Kosovo): possible extrajudicial execution: Bajram Hoxjaj 1166/130 EUR 48/10/92 Further information on UA 371/91 (EUR 48/21/91, 1 November) - Yugoslavia: arrest and disappearance: Drago Eterovic and others 1166/131 EUR 48/11/92 EXTRA 14/92 - Yugoslavia: legal concern and fear of torture: Xhavit Gubetini, Faton Gajtani, Nazmi Bajrami, Sami Tahiraj, Shkelzen Gjonaj, Xhafer Zejna, Sali Zeqiri, Deme Tolaj 1166/132 EUR 48/12/92 EXTRA 18/92 - Croatia (former constituent republic of Yugoslavia): legal concern / health concern: Vasilje (Vaso) Kovac 1166/133 EUR 48/13/92 Yugoslavia: Further reports of torture and deliberate and arbitrary killings in war zones 1166/134 EUR 48/14/92 Further information on EXTRA 18/92 (EUR 48/18/92, 20 February) - Croatia (former constituent republic of Yugoslavia): legal / health concern: Vasilje (Vaso) Kovac 1166/135 EUR 48/15/92 EERAN 03/92: Yugoslavia: Appeal for the Vukovar hospital patients detained by the Yugoslav National Army in November 1991 1166/136/137 EUR 48/16/92 EERAN 04/92: Yugoslavia: Patients from Vukovar hospital arrested in November 1991 (includes update dated 15 June 1992: 10 releases) 1166/138/139 EUR 48/17/92 EERAN 05/92 - Yugoslavia: Further allegations of police abuses in Kosovo province (includes update dated 26 October 1992: reply from Serbian Ministry of Justice) 1166/140 EUR 48/18/92 Yugoslavia: Ethnic Albanians - victims of torture and illtreatment by police in Kosovo province 1166/141 EUR 48/19/92 UA 223/92 - Yugoslavia: death penalty, fair trial concern: Martin Sabljic, Zoran Sipos, Nikola Cibaric (sentenced to death); Jure Marusic, Ante Vrankovic, Domazet Bartol, Slavko Madjarevic (sentenced to terms of imprisonment) 1166/142 EUR 48/20/92 UA 237/92 - Yugoslavia (Serbia): death penalty: Zdenko Stefancic 1166/143 EUR 48/21/92 Former Yugoslavia: questions and answers 1166/144 EUR 48/22/92 Further information on UA 223/92 (EUR 48/19/92, 3 July) - Yugoslavia (Serbia): death penalty / fair trial concern: Martin Sabljic, Zoran Sipos, Nikola Cibaric (sentenced to death); Jure Marusic, Ante Vrankovic, Domazet Bartol, Slavko Madjarevic (sentenced to terms of imprisonment) 1166/145/146 EUR 48/23/92 EERAN 06/92 - Former Yugoslavia (Serbia): Desimir Randjelovic and Zoran Jonic (includes update - prisoners released) 1166/147 EUR 48/24/92 Further information on UA 237/92 (EUR 48/20/92, 22 July) - Former Yugoslavia: death penalty: Zdenko Stefancic 1166/148 EUR 48/25/92 Action on former Yugoslavia 1166/149 EUR 48/26/92 Former Yugoslavia: Recommended actions relating to "Bosnia-Herzegovina: Gross abuses of basic human rights" (EUR 63/01/92) 1166/150 EUR 48/27/92 Intergovernmental initiatives to protect human rights in the former Yugoslavia 1166/151 EUR 48/28/92 Further information on EXTRA 04/92 (EUR 48/02/92, 14 January, and follow-up EUR 48/07/92, 27 Januar) Yugoslavia: legal concern / torture: Mentor Kaci, Sokol Dobruna, Naim Krasniqi, Afrim Morina, Deli Hagjocaj, Qerkin Peci, Sejdi Veseli, Zenel Sadiku, Sadik Mula, Palush Palushaj, Nuhi Bytyqi; and new names: Fatlik Lila, Gezim Efendiu, Selajdin, Nazim Kepuska, Sali Dahsylaj, Shukri Xerxa, Sali Caka, Mehdi Hasi 1166/152 1166/153 EUR 48/29/92 EUR 48/30/92 (Former) Yugoslavia action: address circular for leaflets Further information on EXTRA 14/92 (EUR 48/11/92, 7 February) - Former Yugoslavia (Kosovo): legal concern / fear of torture: Xhavit Gubetini, Faton Gajtani, Nazmi Bajrami, Sami Tahiraj, Shkelzen Gjonaj, Xhafer Zejna, Sali Zeqiri, Deme Tolaj 1166/154 EUR 48/31/92 Gross human rights abuses in the Former Yugoslavia 1166/155 EUR 49/01/92 Belarus: Summary of Amnesty International's concerns 1166/156 EUR 50/01/92 Ukraine: Vadim Petrenko 1166/157 EUR 50/03/92 Ukraine: Leonid Ivanovich Kupriyanov 1166/158/159 EUR 50/04/92 Ukraine: Yevgeny Vladimirovich Berestovsky 1166/160 EUR 50/05/92 UA 150/92 - Ukraine: death penalty: Vladimir Gurtovoy 1166/161/162 EUR 50/06/92 SURAN 16/92: Ukraine: Vladimir Gurtovoy 1166/163 EUR 50/07/92 Ukraine: Viktor Petrovich Gorokhov 1166/164 EUR 50/08/92 EXTRA 77/92 - Ukraine: fear of imminent execution: Viktor Petrovich Gorokhov 1166/165 EUR 50/09/92 SURAN closure: Ukraine: Alexey Skopin - case closure 1166/166/167 EUR 50/11/92 SURAN 28/92 - Ukraine: Igor Petrovich Ostash 1166/168 EUR 50/12/92 SURAN 16/92 - case closure: Vladimir Gurtovoy 1166/169 EUR 51/01/92 EXTRA 67/92 - Estonia: death penalty: Mr Talyschanov (first name unknown) 1166/170/171 EUR 51/02/92 SURAN 21/92 - Republic of Estonia: Talyschanov (first name not known) 1166/172 EUR 51/03/92 EXTRA 91/92 - Republic of Estonia: death penalty: Oleg Pyatnicky 1166/173 EUR 51/05/92 Further information on EXTRA 91/92 (EUR 51/03/92, 4 November) - Estonia: death penalty: Oleg Pyatnicky 1166/174 EUR 52/01/92 Republic of Latvia: Death sentence passed on Aleksey Ivanovich Volkov 1166/175 EUR 52/02/92 UA 164/92 - Republic of Latvia: death penalty: Aleksey Volkov 1166/176 EUR 52/03/92 Further information on UA 164/92 (EUR 52/02/92, 19 May) - Republic of Latvia: death penalty: Aleksey Volkov 1166/177 EUR 52/04/92 EXTRA 92/92 - Republic of Latvia: death penalty: Andres Sergunts 1166/178 EUR 52/05/92 EXTRA 93/92 - Republic of Latvia: death penalty: Imants Punenovs, Andris Alksars 1166/179 EUR 53/01/92 UA 259/92 - Republic of Lithuania: death penalty: male, name unknown 1166/180 EUR 53/02/92 Further information on UA 259/92 (EUR 53/01/92, 7 August) - Republic of Lithuania: death penalty: A Novadkis (name previously unknown to Amnesty International) 1166/181 EUR 54/01/92 SURAN 12/92: Republic of Armenia: Sevak Misakovich Yedigaryan, Vagarsh Agvanovich Ovanyan, Zaven Nikolaevich Sargsyan 1166/182 EUR 55/01/92 EXTRA 33/92 - Azerbaydzhani Republic: fear of imminent execution: Grachik Petrosyan, Gagik Arutyunyan, Arno Mkrtchyan, Arvid Mangasaryan, Garnik Arustamyam 1166/183 EUR 55/02/92 Further information on EXTRA 33/92 (EUR 55/01/92, 25 March) - Azerbaydzhani Republic: fear of imminent execution: Grachik Petrosyan, Gagik Arutyunyan, Arno Mkrtchyan, Arvid Mangasaryan, Garnik Arustamyam 1166/184 EUR 55/03/92 Further information on EXTRA 33/92 (EUR 55/01/92, 25 March and follow-up EUR 55/02/92, 27 March) Azerbaydzhani Republic: fear of imminent execution: Grachik Petrosyan, Gagik Arutyunyan, Arno Mkrtchyan, Arvid Mangasaryan, Garnik Arustamyan 1166/185 EUR 55/04/92 Further information on EXTRA 33/92 (EUR 55/01/92, 25 March and follow-ups EUR 55/02/92, 27 March and EUR 55/03/92, 31 March) - Azerbaydzhani Republic: fear of imminent execution: Grachik Petrosyan, Gagik Arutyunyan, Arno Mkrtchyan, Arvid Mangasaryan, Garnik Arustamyan (includes correction) 1166/186 EUR 55/05/92 Further information on EXTRA 33/92 (EUR 55/01/92, 25 March; and follow-ups EUR 55/02/92, 27 March; EUR 55/03/92, 31 March and EUR 55/04/92, 6 April) Azerbaydzhani Republic: fear of imminent execution: Grachik Petrosyan, Gagik Arutyunyan, Arno Mkrtchyan, Arvid Mangasaryan, Garnik Arustamyan 1166/187 EUR 55/06/92 SURAN 09/92: Azerbaydzhan: Salman Farmanov 1166/188 EUR 55/07/92 Further information on EXTRA 33/92 (EUR 55/01/92, 25 March; and follow-ups EUR 55/02/92, 27 March; EUR 55/03/92, 31 March; EUR 55/04/92, 6 April and EUR 55/05/92, 28 April) - Azerbaydzhani Republic: fear of imminent execution: Grachik Petrosyan, Gagik Arutyunyan, Arno Mkrtchyan, Arvid Mangasaryan, Garnik Arustamyan 1166/189 EUR 55/08/92 SURAN 11/92: Azerbaydzhani Republic: Yury Osipovich Dzhangiryan, Armen Avanesyan 1166/190 EUR 55/09/92 Further information on EXTRA 33/92 (EUR 55/01/92, 25 March; and follow-ups EUR 55/02/92, 27 March; EUR 55/03/92, 31 March; EUR 55/04/92, 6 April; EUR 55/05/92, 28 April and EUR 55/07/92, 20 May) Azerbaydzhani Republic: fear of imminent execution: Grachik Petrosyan, Gagik Arutyunyan, Arno Mkrtchyan, Arvid Mangasaryan, Garnik Arustamyan 1166/191 EUR 55/10/92 Further information on EXTRA 33/92 (EUR 55/01/92, 25 March; and follow-ups EUR 55/02/92, 27 March, EUR 55/03/92, 31 March, EUR 55/04/92, 6 April, EUR 55/05/92, 28 April, EUR 55/07/92, 20 May and EUR 55/09/92, 18 June) - Azerbaydzhani Republic: death penalty: Grachik Petrosyan, Gagik Arutyunyan, Arno Mkrtchyan, Arvid Mangasaryan, Garnik Arustamyan 1166/192/193 EUR 55/11/92 Further information on SURAN 11/92 - Azerbaydzhan: Yury Dzhangiryan (includes addition) 1166/194/195 EUR 55/12/92 SURAN 18/92: Azerbaydzhani Republic: Grachik Petrosyan, Gagik Arutyunian, Arno Mkrtchyan, Arvid Mangasaryan, Garnik Arustamyan 1166/196/197 EUR 55/13/92 SURAN 20/92: Azerbaydzhani Republic: Arkady Abramovich Ayriyan 1166/198/199 EUR 55/14/92 SURAN 23/92 - Azerbaydzhani Republic: Yevgeny Lukin 1166/200/201 EUR 55/15/92 SURAN 29/92 - Azerbaydzhani Republic: Vilik Ilich Oganesov and Artavaz Aramovich Mirzoyan 1166/202 EUR 55/16/92 Azerbaydzhani Republic: Saltanat Zulal gyzy Mamedova, Lyatifa Ibad gyzy Mamedova, Sabukhi Dzhakhangir ogly Aliyev, Salim Dzhakhangir ogly Aliyev, Shovket Ibad gyzy Dzhafarova and Samir Tadzhir ogly Dzhafarov 1166/203 EUR 55/17/92 Azerbaydzhani Republic: Lev Vaganovich AvakovLeonov 1166/204 EUR 55/18/92 Azerbaydzhani Republic: Vladimir Artashovich Danielyan 1166/205 EUR 56/01/92 Update to SURAN 17/91 (EUR 46/57/91) and SURAN 18/91 (EUR 46/58/91): Georgia: Georgy Chanturiya, Georgy Khaindrava, Dzhaba Ioseliani (includes addition) 1166/206 EUR 56/02/92 Update to Suran 05/91: Georgia: Torez Kulumbegov 1166/207 EUR 56/03/92 SURAN 26/91 update: Georgia: Teimuraz Zhorzholiani 1166/208 EUR 56/04/92 Update to SURAN 23/91 - Georgia: Ivan (Mamulka) Giorgadze 1166/209 EUR 56/05/92 Update to SURAN 16/91 - Georgia: Vladimir (Gocha) Abzianidze 1166/210/211 EUR 56/06/92 EXTRA 101/92 - Republic of Georgia: fear of imminent execution: Gia Khachirashvili (includes correction) 1166/212 EUR 56/07/92 Further information on EXTRA 101/92 (EUR 56/06/92, 19 November) - Republic of Georgia: fear of imminent execution: Gia Khachirashvili 1166/213 EUR 57/01/92 UA 125/92 - Kazakhstan: death penalty: Yury Burlakov, Gennady Konstantinov, Vladimir Slednev 1166/214/215 EUR 57/02/92 SURAN 06/92: Kazakhstan: Aleksandr Kokh 1166/216 EUR 57/03/92 Kazakhstan: Aleksandr Ivakhnenko 1166/217 EUR 57/04/92 Kazakhstan: Aleksei Chistyakov 1166/218 EUR 57/05/92 UA 178/92 - Kazakhstan: death penalty: Abduvakhad Kenzhebayevich Temirov, Kabylzhan Kenzhebayevich Temirov 1166/219 EUR 57/06/92 SURAN 13/92: Kazakhstan: Yury Anatoliyevich Burlakov 1166/220 EUR 57/07/92 SURAN 14/92: Kazakhstan: Gennady Konstantinov 1166/221 EUR 57/08/92 SURAN 15/92: Kazakhstan: Vladimir Slednev 1166/222 EUR 57/09/92 Kazakhstan: V Bagaidin, A Kovalyov 1166/223/224 EUR 57/10/92 SURAN 17/92: Kazakhstan: Abduvakhad Kenzhebayevich Temirov, Kabylzhan Kenzhebayevich Temirov 1166/225 EUR 57/11/92 SURAN 13/92, 14/92, 15/92 updates: Kazakhstan: Further information on cases of Yury Burlakov, Gennady Konstantinov and Vladimir Slyadnev (note new spelling) 1166/226/227 EUR 57/12/92 SURAN 26/92 - Kazakhstan: Karishal Asanov 1166/228 EUR 57/13/92 Medical letter writing action: Kazakhstan: Karishal Asanov 1166/229 EUR 57/14/92 SURAN O6/92, 13/92, 14/92, 15/92: case closures: Kazakhstan: Yury Burlakov, Alexey Chistyakov, Alexandr Ivakhnenko, Alexandr Kokh, Gennady Konstantinov, Vladimir Slyadnev 1166/230 EUR 58/01/92 SURAN 10/92: Kyrgyzstan: Batyrbek Kyyazov and Taalaibek Kalmatov 1166/231/232 EUR 60/01/92 UA 413/92 - Tadzhikistan: possible extrajudicial executions / fear of extrajudicial executions: suspected members of the opposition from the Pamir and Garm regions (includes correction) 1166/233 EUR 60/02/92 Further information on UA 413/92 (EUR 60/01/92, 23 December and correction of same date) - Tadzhikistan: possible extrajudicial executions / fear of extrajudicial executions: Akhmed Shakh Kamil, Mubarak Shakhov Khushbakht and "Sultan" 1166/234 EUR 61/01/92 Update to SURAN 19/91 (EUR 46/60/91) - Turkmenistan: Release of Shirali Nurmuradov 1166/235 EUR 61/02/92 UA 226/92 - Turkmenistan: death penalty: Bayramgeldy Charyyev 1166/236/237 EUR 61/03/92 SURAN 19/92: Turkmenistan: Bayramgeldy Charyyev 1166/238 EUR 61/04/92 EXTRA 87/92 - Turkmenistan: house arrest: Akhmukhamed Velsapar, Khudayberdi Khali, Nurberdi Nurmamedov, Yarmammed Klych 1166/239 EUR 61/05/92 Further information on SURAN 19/92: Turkmenistan: Bayramgeldy Charyyev 1166/240 EUR 61/06/92 Further information on UA 226/92 (EUR 61/02/92, 6 July) - Turkmenistan: death penalty: Bayramgeldy Charyyev 1166/241 EUR 61/07/92 Further information on EXTRA 87/92 (EUR 61/04/92, 27 October) - Turkmenistan: house arrest: Ak-Mukhammed Velsapar, Khudayberdi Khalli, Nurberdi Nurmamedov, Klych Yarmammedov (previously given as Yarmammed Klych) and new names: Yusup Kadyrov, Aman Gurshayev, Tuvak Takhatov, Akbabek Atayev 1166/242 EUR 61/08/92 UA 371/92 - Turkmenistan: death penalty: Aymurad Nuryyev, Mikhail Chirkunov, Saparbay Garakhanov 1166/243 EUR 61/09/92 Further information on EXTRA 87/92 (EUR 61/04/92, 27 October and follow-up EUR 61/07/92, 10 November) Turkmenistan: house arrest: Ak-Mukhamed Velsapar, Khudayberdi Khali, Nurberdi Nurmuradov, Aman Gurshayev and new names: Mukhamed Salamatov and at least five others (names not known to Amnesty International) 1166/244 EUR 61/10/92 Further information on EXTRA 87/92 (EUR 61/04/92, 27 October and follow-ups EUR 61/07/92, 10 November and EUR 61/09/92, 7 December) - Turkmenistan: house arrest: Ak- Mukhammed Velsapar, Khudayberdi Khalli, Nurberdi Nurmamedov, Aman Goshayev, Mukhamedmurat Salamatov and at least five others including (new names) Akbabek Atayeva, Amana Govshudova, Shokhrat Kadyrov 1166/245 EUR 61/11/92 Further information on UA 371/92 (EUR 61/08/92, 27 November) - Turkmenistan: death penalty: Aymurad Nuryyev, Mikhail Chirkunov, Saparbay Garakhanov 1166/246 EUR 62/01/92 Update to SURAN 21/91 - Uzbekistan: Closure of Shovruk Ruzimuradov case 1166/247 EUR 62/02/92 Uzbekistan: Babur Alikhanovich Shakirov 1166/248/249 EUR 62/03/92 SURAN 24/92 - Uzbekistan: Pulat Akhunov 1166/250 EUR 62/04/92 UA 390/92 - Uzbekistan: fear of torture / extrajudicial execution: Abdumanob Pulatov 1166/251/252 EUR 62/05/92 SURAN 30/92 - Uzbekistan: Abdumannob Pulatov 1166/253 EUR 62/06/92 Further information on UA 390/92 (EUR 62/04/92, 10 December) - Uzbekistan: legal concern (please note change of concern): Abdumannob Pulatov 1166/254 EUR 62/07/92 Uzbekistan: Khazratkul Khudayberdi 1166/255 EUR 63/01/92 Bosnia-Herzegovina: Gross abuses of basic human rights 1166/256 EUR 63/02/92 AI News Release: Human rights violations in BosniaHerzegovina and Kosovo 1166/257 EUR 63/03/92 Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo province: questions and answers 1166/258 EUR 63/04/92 Bosnia-Herzegovina: questions and answers 1166/259 EUR 70/01/92 UA 323/92 - Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro): illtreatment / legal concern: Sabrie Rustaj, Samile Pupovci 1166/260 EUR 70/02/92 UA 356/92 - Yugoslavia (Serbia): hostage- taking / fear of deliberate and arbitrary killings: Ramiz Begovic, Hajrudin Sajtarevic, Mithad Softic, Dervis Softic, Mustafa Bajramovic, Mujo Alihodzic, Sejo Pecikoza, Medredin Hodzic, Ramahudin Catovic, Zafer Hodzic, Mehmed Sebo, Alija Mandal, Nedo Hodzic and his wife (name unknown), Nusret Dzinic, Esad Dzinic, Sabahudin Catovic 1166/261 EUR 70/03/92 UA 406/92 - Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro): Ethnic Albanians in Kosovo Province in the Republic of Serbia 1166/262 MDE 11/01/92 Government Authorites in the State of Bahrain 1166/263 MDE 12/01/92 Egypt: Security police detentions undermine the rule of law 1166/264 MDE 12/02/92 Egypt: Security police detentions undermine the rule of law: Lawyers' action 1166/265 MDE 12/03/92 Government authorities in the Arab Republic of Egypt 1166/266 MDE 12/04/92 UA 197/92 - Egypt: fear of torture: More than 200 people arrested 1166/267 MDE 13/01/92 Iran: Imprisonment, torture and execution of political opponents 1166/268 MDE 13/02/92 Medical letter writing action: Iran: Nezameddin Movahed 1166/269 MDE 13/03/92 Iran: Written statement to the 48th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights 1166/270 MDE 13/04/92 MERAN 01/92: Iran: Executions and unfair trials 1166/271 MDE 13/05/92 Further information on UA 248/90 (MDE 13/09/90, 15 June and follow-ups MDE 13/10/90, 27 June, MDE 13/11/90, 13 July, MDE 13/02/91, 18 January, MDE 13/07/91, 29 April, MDE 13/08,91, 23 July, MDE 13/09/91, 28 August, and MDE 13/10/91, 20 September) Iran: health concern: Ali Ardalan, Dr Habibollah Davaran, Abdolali Bazargan, Khosrow Mansourian, Akbar Zarinehbaf, Mohammad Tavassoli Hojati, Hashem Sabbaghian, Nezameddin Movahed, Abol Fazl Mir Shams Shahshahani 1166/272 MDE 13/06/92 Iran: further information on medical concern (MDE 13/02/92, 10 January): Nezameddin Movahed 1166/273 MDE 13/07/92 UA 80/92 - Iran: fear of torture: Sardar Yousef Naroui, Amir Naroui 1166/274 MDE 13/08/92 1166/275 MDE 13/09/92 Further information on UA 80/92 (MDE 13/07/92, 6 March) - Iran: fear of torture: Sardar Yousef Naroui, Amir Naroui UA 145/92 - Iran: legal concern: Naser Arabha, and three others 1166/276 MDE 13/10/92 UA 160/92 - Iran: fear of execution: Hassan Zolfaghari 1166/277 MDE 13/11/92 Further information on UA 248/90 (MDE 13/09/90, 15 June and follow-ups MDE 13/10/90, 27 June, MDE 13/12/90, 13 July, MDE 13/02/91, 18 January, MDE 13/07/91, 29 April, MDE 13/08/91, 23 July, MDE 13/09/91, 28 August, MDE 13/10/91, 20 September and MDE 13/05/92, 3 February) - Iran: prisoners of conscience: Ali Ardalan, Dr Habibollah Davaran, Abdolali Bazargan, Khosrow Mansourian, Akbar Zarinehbaf, Mohammad Tavassoli Hojati, Hashem Sabbaghian, Nezameddin Movahed, Abol Fazl Mir Shams Shahshahani 1166/278 MDE 13/12/92 Further information on medical letter writing action (MDE 13/12/91, 7 November and follow-ups MDE 13/02/92, 10 January and MDE 13/06/92, 6 March): Iran: Ali Ardalan, Nezameddin Movahed and seven other prisoners of conscience 1166/279 MDE 13/13/92 UA 188/92 - Iran: legal concern / fear of torture: Mass arrests in Mashhad 1166/280 MDE 13/14/92 Further information on UA 188/92 (MDE 13/13/92, 5 June) - Iran: legal concern / fear of torture and new concern: fear of execution: mass arrests in Mashhad 1166/281 MDE 13/15/92 Iran: Unfair trials of political detainees 1166/282 MDE 13/16/92 Further information on UA 188/92 (MDE 13/13/92, 5 June and follow-up MDE 13/14/92, 10 June) - Iran: legal concern / fear of torture / fear of execution: Mass arrests in Mashhad, Shiraz, Arak and Bukan 1166/283 MDE 13/17/92 Iran: Lawyers action: Unfair trials of political detainees 1166/284 MDE 13/18/92 Iran: Executions of prisoners continue unabated 1166/285 MDE 13/19/92 Iran: Death Penalty Action 04/92 (October - December 1992) 1166/286 MDE 13/20/92 Further information on UA 80/92 (MDE 13/07/92, 6 March and follow-up MDE 13/08/92, 27 April) - Iran: fear of torture and (new concern) unfair trial: Sardar Yousef Naroui 1166/287 MDE 13/21/92 Further information on UA 145/92 (MDE 13/09/92, 7 May) - Iran: legal concern: Naser Arabha and three others 1166/288 MDE 13/22/92 UA 382/92 - Iran: fear of torture / death penalty: Abdollah Bagheri 1166/289 MDE 14/01/92 UA 252/92 - Iraq: death penalty: Ra'ad Tabra, Mahmud alRahmani, Salim Hamra Abd al-Hadi Hamra, Tareq Hamra, Hazem Hamra, Najah Mahdi Saleh Kubba, Qassem 'Arab, Ahmad Malallah, Ahmad Muhyi al-Haj Radi, Jassem Mir 'Ali, Taha Hussain al-Gat, Saffar Jamal Abul-Jubn, Mustafa Buniyya 1166/290 MDE 14/02/92 Further information on UA 252/92 (MDE 14/01/92, 3 August) - Iraq: death penalty: Ra'ad Tabra, Mahmud alRahmani, Salim Hamra Abd al-Hadi Hamra, Tareq Hamra, Hazem Hamra, Najah Mahdi Saleh Kubba, Qassem 'Arab, Ahmad Malallah, Ahmad Muhyi al-Haj Radi, Jassem Mir 'Ali, Taha Hussain al-Gat, Saffar Jamal Abul-Jubn, Mustafa Buniyya and (new executions) 25 other merchants and traders 1166/291 MDE 15/01/92 Israel and the Occupied Territories: Ahmad 'Abd al-Qader Muhareb: Administrative detention 1166/292 MDE 15/02/92 Israel and the Occupied Territories: Noam Cohen, Barak Adorian and Yaron Zellig: Selective objectors to military service 1166/293 MDE 15/03/92 Israel and the Occupied Territories: Ibrahim Ya'qub Sulayman Sa'd -Administrative detention 1166/294 MDE 15/04/92 Israel and the Occupied Territories: Oral statement to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights on the Israeli Occupied Territories 1166/295 MDE 15/05/92 Israel and the Occupied Territories: Fear of torture or illtreatment 1166/296 MDE 15/06/92 MERAN 03/92: Israel and the Occupied Territories: fear of torture or ill- treatment (accompanies external paper MDE 15/05/92) 1166/297 MDE 15/07/92 Limited medical letter writing action: Israel / Occupied Territories: Sami Salib Hanna Khadar 1166/298 MDE 15/08/92 Israel / South Lebanon: The Khiam detainees: torture and ill-treatment 1166/299 MDE 15/09/92 Further information on UA 457/90 (MDE 15/42/90, 13 November 1990) -Israel and the Occupied Territories: torture / detention without trial: Rami Fakhri 'Abdullah Muslah 1166/300 MDE 15/10/92 AI News Release: Israel / South Lebanon: Khiam detainees tortured and isolated 1166/301 MDE 15/11/92 Israel / South Lebanon: Khiam detainees tortured and isolated: questions and answers 1166/302 MDE 15/12/92 Further information on UA 454/90 (MDE 15/41/90, 12 November) - Israel and the Occupied Territories: torture: Ahmad 'Abd al-Rahman Kabaha 1166/303 MDE 15/13/92 Medical letter writing action: Israel and the Occupied Territories: Dr Rabah Hasan 'Abd al-'Aziz Mohanna 1166/304 MDE 15/14/92 Israel and the Occupied Territories: David Ish Shalom prisoner of conscience 1166/305 MDE 15/15/92 Israel and the Occupied Territories: Nayef 'Ali Nayef Sweitat - prisoner of conscience 1166/306 MDE 15/16/92 Israel and the Occupied Territories: Husnia 'Abd al-Qader - administrative detention 1166/307 MDE 15/17/92 Further information on UA 122/89 (MDE 15/09/89, 4 May) - Israel and the Occupied Territories: torture: Ra'ad Ahmad Mustafa 'Adwan, Nidal Darwish Qa'bi 1166/308 MDE 15/18/92 List of government authorities in Israel and the Occupied Territories 1166/309 MDE 15/19/92 Israel/Occupied Territories: Further information on limited medical letter writing action (see MDE 15/07/92, 19 March): Sami Salib Hanna Khadar 1166/310 MDE 15/20/92 Israel and the Occupied Territories: Walid Zaqut prisoner of conscience 1166/311 MDE 15/21/92 Update to MERAN 05/91: Israel and the Occupied Territories: Update to recommended actions for Sections and Groups: The military justice system in the Occupied Territories: detention, interrogation and trial procedures (MDE 15/35/91) 1166/312 MDE 15/22/92 UA 288/92 - Israel and the Occupied Territories: torture / ill-treatment: Ahmad Sulayman Musa Qatamesh 1166/313 MDE 15/23/92 Israel and the Occupied Territories: Sami Abu Samhadanah - prisoner of conscience 1166/314 MDE 15/24/92 Further information on UA 288/92 (MDE 15/22/92, 11 September) - Israel and the Occupied Territories: torture/ill-treatment and (new concern) legal concern: Ahmad Sulayman Musa Qatamesh and (new name) Suha Barghouthi 1166/315 MDE 15/25/92 Further information on UA 288/92 (MDE 15/22/92, 11 September and follow-up MDE 15/24/92, 25 September) Israel and the Occupied Territories: torture / ill- treatment and legal concern: Ahmad Sulayman Musa Qatamesh, Suha Barghouthi 1166/316 MDE 15/26/92 Further information on UA 288/92 (MDE 15/22/92, 11 September and follow-ups MDE 15/24/92, 25 September, MDE 15/25/92, 9 October) - Israel and the Occupied Territories: torture / ill-treatment: Ahmad Sulayman Musa Qatamesh 1166/317 MDE 15/27/92 Israel and the Occupied Territories: Update on 'Abd alRa'uf Ghabin - 30th Anniversary Campaign 1166/318 MDE 15/28/92 1166/319 MDE 15/29/92 Further information on Medical letter writing action (see MDE 15/67/91, 16 December 1991 and MDE 15/13/92, 2 June 1992) - Israel and the Occupied Territories: Dr Rabah Hasan 'Abd al-'Aziz Mohanna Further information on UA 288/92 (MDE 15/22/92, 11 September and follow-ups MDE 15/24/92, 25 September, MDE 15/25/92, 9 October and MDE 15/26/92, 22 October) - Israel and the Occupied Territories: torture/illtreatment: Ahmad Sulayman Musa Qatamesh and new names: Ahmad al-Batsh, Ahmad Sa'dat 'Abd al-Rasul 1166/320 MDE 15/30/92 Further information on UA 288/92 (MDE 15/22/92, 11 September and follow-ups MDE 15/24/92, 25 September, MDE 15/25/92, 9 October, MDE 15/26/92, 22 October and MDE 15/29/92, 13 November) - Israel and the Occupied Territories: torture / ill- treatment: Ahmad Sulayman Musa Qatamesh, Ahmad al-Batsh, Ahmad Sa'dat 'Abd al-Rasul 1166/321 MDE 15/31/92 Further information on UA 288/92 (MDE 15/22/92, 11 September and follow-ups MDE 15/24/92. 25 September, MDE 15/25/92, 9 October, MDE 15/26/92, 22 October, MDE 15/29/92, 13 November and MDE 15/30/92, 3 December) - Israel and the Occupied Territories: torture / ill-treatment and new concern: legal concern: Ahmad Sulayman Musa Qatamesh, Ahmad al-Batsh, Ahmad Sa'dat 'Abd al-Rasul 1166/322 MDE 15/32/92 EXTRA 108/92 - Israel / South Lebanon: deportation / fear for safety: over 400 Palestinians 1166/323 MDE 15/33/92 Further information on EXTRA 108/92 (MDE 15/32/92, 21 December) - Israel / South Lebanon: deportation / fear for safety: over 400 Palestinians 1166/324 MDE 15/34/92 Medical letter writing action: Israel / South Lebanon: more than 400 Palestinians 1166/325 MDE 17/01/92 Medical letter writing action: Kuwait: Jamil Ra'uf Hashim al-Kadhimi 1166/326 MDE 17/02/92 Kuwait: Cases of "disappearance", incommunicado detention, torture and extrajudicial execution under martial law 1166/327 MDE 17/03/92 MERAN 10/92 - Kuwait: Cases of "disappearance", incommunicado detention, torture and extrajudicial execution under martial law: recommended actions 1166/328 MDE 18/01/92 UA 280/92 - Lebanon: mass arrest of suspected supporters of General Michel 'Aoun 1166/329 MDE 18/02/92 UA 385/92 - Lebanon: legal concern / fear of torture: further arrests of suspected supporters of General Michel 'Aoun, including Antoine Samieh 1166/330 MDE 18/03/92 Further information on UA 385/92 (MDE 18/02/92, 7 December) - Lebanon: legal concern / fear of torture: further arrests of suspected supporters of General Michel 'Aoun, including Antoine Samieh and new names: Jose 'Afif, Emile al-Hachem, Nu'man Antoine, Fadi Baroud, Jean Abi Rad, Shukrallah Salameh, Michel Abu Nassar, Antoine Saqr, Jirjis Shamaleh, Mansour Sfeir, Emily Azzi, Dib Flouti 1166/331 MDE 19/01/92 Medical letter writing action: Libya: Prisoners needing medical care 1166/332 MDE 19/02/92 Medical letter writing action: Libya: imprisonment without fair trial: medical students and health professionals in prison 1166/333 MDE 19/03/92 Libya: Further information on political detention 1166/334 MDE 19/04/92 MERAN 08/92 - Libya: recommended actions to accompany "Libya: Further information on political detention" (MDE 19/03/92) 1166/335 MDE 19/05/92 UA 352/92 - Libya: death penalty: six men, names not known to Amnesty International 1166/336 MDE 23/01/92 UA 112/92 - Saudi Arabia: fear of imminent flogging / legal concern: Maha Sa'ad-ul-Din Banat, Ahmed Hussein al-Zahrani 1166/337 MDE 23/02/92 1166/338 MDE 23/03/92 Further information on UA 112/92 (MDE 23/01/92, 3 April) - Saudi Arabia: fear of imminent flogging / legal concern: Maha Sa'ad-ul-Din Banat, Ahmed Hussein alZahrani Medical letter writing action: Saudi Arabia: Abdullah Abbas 1166/339 MDE 23/04/92 UA 232/92 - Saudi Arabia: death in custody: Muhammad bin Fahd al-Mutayr 1166/340 MDE 23/05/92 EXTRA 109/92 - Saudi Arabia: death penalty: Oswaldo Magdangal, Renato Posedio 1166/341 MDE 23/06/92 Further information on EXTRA 109/92 (MDE 23/05/92, 22 December) - Saudi Arabia: death penalty: Oswaldo Magdangal, Renato Posedio 1166/342 MDE 24/01/92 UA 13/92 - Syria: torture / incommunicado detention: Aktham Nu'aysa and six others 1166/343 MDE 24/02/92 Further information on UA 13/92 (MDE 24/01/92, 9 January) - Syria: torture / incommunicado detention: Aktham Nu'aysa and six others 1166/344 MDE 24/03/92 Further information on UA 13/92 (MDE 24/01/92, 9 January and follow-up MDE 24/02/92, 17 January) Syria: torture / incommunicado detention: Aktham Nu'aysa and six others and new name: Samir Nu'aysa 1166/345 MDE 24/04/92 UA 45/92 - Syria: incommunicado detention / fear of torture: 'Abd al-'Aziz al-Khayyir, Bahjat Sha'bu, Khadija Dib 1166/346 MDE 24/05/92 Further information on UA 45/92 (MDE 24/04/92, 11 February) - Syria: incommunicado detention / fear of torture: 'Abd al-'Aziz al-Khayyir, Bahjat Sha'bu, Khadija Dib (released) and five others 1166/347 MDE 24/06/92 Further information on UA 13/92 (MDE 24/01/92, 9 January; and follow-ups MDE 24/02/92, 17 January and MDE 24/03/92, 29 January) - Syria: prisoners of conscience (please note change of concern): Aktham Nu'aysa, Muhammad 'Ali Habib, 'Afif Muzhir, Samir Nu'aysa; and new names: Nizar Nayyuf, Bassam alShaykh, Thabit Murad, Hassan 'Ali, Hussam Salama, Jadi' Nawfal, Ya'qub Musa, Yasser Askif, Nazim Husayn, Nabil Na'us, Amjad Bahbuha 1166/348 MDE 24/07/92 New list of government authorities in Syria with names in Arabic 1166/349 MDE 24/08/92 Further information on UA 385/91 (MDE 24/08/91, 11 November) - Syria: prisoners of conscience and new health concern: Dr Nour al-Din al-Atassi and 15 others, Yusuf al- Burji - released 1166/350 MDE 24/09/92 Further information on UA 45/92 (MDE 24/04/92, 11 February; and follow-up MDE 24/05/92, 24 February) Syria: incommunicado detention / fear of torture: 'Abd al'Aziz al-Khayyir, Bahjat Sha'bu, 'Abdallah Fadil, Muhammad Ghanim, Mahmud Khadhur, Nadim Mazlum, Munzir Jum'a, and new names: Mahmud al-Khatib, Amjad Kallas, Jamal Salih Sa'id, 'Abd al-Karim Darwish, Jaffan Humsi, Salama George Kila 1166/351 MDE 24/10/92 Further information on UA 385/91 (MDE 24/08/91, 11 November; and follow-up MDE 24/08/92, 1 May) - Syria: prisoner of conscience / health concern: Dr Nour al-Din al-Atassi, and 15 others 1166/352 MDE 24/11/92 Medical letter writing action: Syria: Dr Nour al-Din alAtassi and 15 others 1166/353.11 MDE 24/12/92 Syria: Long-term detention and torture of political prisoners 1166/353 MDE 24/13/92 Syria: Indefinite political imprisonment: recommended actions for section-level action, group-level action and lawyers' action (includes amendment) 1166/354 MDE 24/14/92 Syria Section Level and Group Level Action: order form for photographs 1166/355 MDE 24/15/92 Medical letter writing action: Syria: Aktham Nu'aysa, Nizar Nayyuf, 'Afif Muzhir, Muhammad 'Ali Habib, Bassam al-Shaykh, Thabit Murad, Hassan 'Ali, Hussam Salama, Jadi' Nawfal and Ya'qub Musa 1166/356 MDE 24/16/92 Further information on UA 13/92 (MDE 24/01/92, 9 January and follow-ups MDE 24/02/92, 17 January; MDE 24/03/92, 29 January; MDE 24/06/92, 20 March) - Syria: prisoners of conscience / incommunicado detention / medical concern: Aktham Nu'aysa, Muhammad 'Ali Habib, 'Afif Muzhir, Samir Nu'aysa, Nizar Nayyuf, Bassam al-Shaykh, Thabit Murad, Hassan 'Ali, Hussam Salama, Jadi' Nawfal, Ya'qub Musa, Yasser Askif, Nazim Husayn, Nabil Na'us, and Amjad Bahbuha 1166/357 MDE 24/17/92 Further information on UA 45/92 (MDE 24/04/92, 11 February, and follow-ups MDE 24/05/92, 24 February and MDE 24/09/92, 7 May) - Syria: incommunicado detention / fear of torture and new concern: unfair trial: 'Abd al'Aziz al-Khayyir, Bahjat Sha'bu, 'Abdallah Fadil, Muhammad Ghanim, Mahmud Khadhur, Nadim Mazlum, Munzir Jum'a, Mahmud al-Khatib, Amjad Kallas, Jamal Salih Sa'id, 'Abd al-Karim Darwish, Jaffan Humsi, Salama George Kila 1166/358 MDE 24/18/92 MERAN 07/92 - Syria: "Indefinite political imprisonment" (accompanies recommended actions contained in MDE 24/13/92) 1166/359 MDE 24/19/92 AI News Release: Syria: Political prisoners still detained and tortured despite mass releases 1166/360 MDE 24/20/92 Syria: Questions and answers 1166/361 MDE 24/22/92 UA 267/92 - Syria: death penalty: Wajih Fares 'Azzi, Muhammad Bin Ahmad al-Jarrah, Kamal Bin 'Ali alMsitif, 'Umar Bin 'Ali al- Nashar, 'Abd al-Fattah Bin 'Umar al-'Assani 1166/362 MDE 24/23/92 UA 269/92 - Syria: incommunicado detention / fear of torture: Akram Salim Ishti, Dani Mansurati, Rozit 'Isa, Marwan Ghazi, Ahmad Hassu, Tammam al-Amin, 'Abd al-Naser Hassu 1166/363 MDE 24/24/92 Further information on UA 13/92 (MDE 24/01/92, 9 January and follow-ups MDE 24/02/92, 17 January, MDE 24/03/92, 29 January, MDE 24/06/92, 20 March and MDE 24/16/92, 9 June) - Syria: Prisoners of conscience / incommunicado detention / medical concern: Aktham Nu'aysa, Muhammad 'Ali Habib, 'Afif Muzhir, Nizar Nayyuf, Bassam al-Shaykh, Thabit Murad, Hassan 'Ali, Hussam Salama, Jadi' Nawfal, Ya'qub Musa 1166/364 MDE 24/25/92 Follow-up to medical letter writing action (MDE 24/11/92, 12 May) - Syria: Dr Nour al- Din al-Atassi 1166/365 MDE 24/26/92 Further information on UA 385/91 (MDE 24/08/91, 11 November and follow-ups MDE 24/08/92, 1 May, MDE 24/10/92, 12 May) - Syria: Prisoner of conscience / health concern: Dr Nour al-Din al-Atassi, Muhammad Rabah alTawil: released; 14 others still detained 1166/366 MDE 24/27/92 UA 383/92 - Syria: torture / possible prisoners of conscience: more than 200 Syrian Kurds including: 'Ala'uddin Hamam Ahmad, Ibrahim Wiso Buzan, Muhammad 'Ali Ousman 'Ali, Khalil Mustafa Musta, 'Umar Haj 'Ali 'Ammo, Musa Hassan Hyssain, Sharif Ahmad Shukri, Muhammad Saleh Hamo, Muhammad Hanifa 'Abrash, Muhammad 'Ali Muhammad, Muhammad 'Ali Basus; Mahmoud 'Ammo (released) 1166/367 MDE 24/28/92 Further information on UA 385/91 (MDE 24/08/91, 11 November and follow-ups MDE 24/08/92, 1 May, MDE 24/10/92, 12 May and MDE 24/26/92, 1 September) Syria: death of former prisoner of conscience: Dr Nour alDin al-Atassi 1166/368 MDE 24/29/92 Further information on medical letter writing action (MDE 24/11/92, 12 May and follow-up MDE 24/25/92, 1 September) - Syria: Dr Nour al-Din al-Atassi and others 1166/369 MDE 28/02/92 UA 146/92 - Algeria: death penalty: Aissa Messaoudi (also known as Tayeb El Afghani), Lazhar Amar, Mohamed Nguia, Bechir Rezig, Bachir Osman, Kamel Rukhe, Hakim Chena, Tayeb Sennouga, Khalid Kessous, Amrar Atmani-Terat, Jamal Bou Djelkha, Belqacem Tlili, Abdelnacer Saidani 1166/370 MDE 28/03/92 UA 152/92 - Algeria: death penalty: Noureddine Rahmoune, Ahmed Fodhil, Sid Ahmed Lahrani 1166/371 MDE 28/04/92 MERAN 06/92: Algeria: administrative detention and illtreatment 1166/372 MDE 28/05/92 Algeria: Government authorities list 1166/373 MDE 28/06/92 Further information on UA 152/92 (MDE 28/03/92, 8 May) - Algeria: death penalty: Noureddine Rahmoune, Ahmed Fodil, Sid Ahmed Lahrani 1166/374 MDE 28/07/92 UA 339/92 - Algeria: health concern / fear of ill-treatment / incommunicado detention: Nadir Hammoudi 1166/375 MDE 28/08/92 Further information on UA 339/92 (MDE 28/07/92, 3 November) - Algeria: health concern / fear of ill-treatment / incommunicado detention: Nadir Hammoudi 1166/376 MDE 28/09/92 UA 410/92 - Algeria: fear of torture: Ahmed Bentchikou 1166/377 MDE 28/10/92 Further information on UA 410/92 (MDE 28/09/92, 22 December) - Algeria: fear of torture: Ahmed Bentchikou 1166/378 MDE 29/01/92 Morocco: Long-term "disappearances" of trade unionists 1166/379 MDE 29/02/92 MERAN 04/92 - Morocco: Long-term "disappearances" of trade unionists 1166/380 MDE 29/04/92 Morocco Campaign: March to September 1991: evaluation 1166/381 MDE 29/05/92 Morocco Campaign 1991: action and impact 1166/382 MDE 29/06/92 Morocco: Continuing human rights violations 1166/383 MDE 29/07/92 Morocco: Tazmamert: official silence and impunity 1166/384 MDE 29/08/92 MERAN 11/92 - Morocco: Secret detention and deaths in custody at Tazmamert detention centre 1166/385 MDE 29/09/92 Morocco: Government authorities 1166/386 MDE 30/01/92 Further information on UA 374/91 (MDE 30/26/91, 4 November) - Tunisia: death in custody: Rachid Chammakhi 1166/387 MDE 30/02/92 Further information on UA 352/91 (MDE 30/25/91, 21 October) - Tunisia: death in custody: Faisal Barakat 1166/388 MDE 30/03/92 Medical letter writing action: Tunisia: deaths in custody 1166/389 MDE 30/04/92 Tunisia: Prolonged incommunicado detention and torture 1166/390 MDE 30/05/92 AI News Release: Tunisia: Thousands held illegally, torture routine in crackdown on Islamic opposition 1166/391 MDE 30/06/92 Tunisia: lawyers action: prolonged incommunicado detention and torture 1166/392 MDE 30/07/92 UA 62/92 - Tunisia: fear of torture: Noureddine Masdi 1166/393 MDE 30/08/92 Further information on UA 62/92 (MDE 30/07/92, 20 February) - Tunisia: fear of torture: Noureddine Masdi 1166/394 MDE 30/09/92 Tunisia: Section level action March - May 1992 1166/395 MDE 30/10/92 MERAN 02/92: Tunisia: Prolonged incommunicado detention and torture 1166/396 MDE 30/11/92 Tunisia: Questions and answers 1166/397 MDE 30/12/92 Further information on UA 352/91 (MDE 30/25/91, 21 October and follow-up MDE 30/02/92, 10 January) Tunisia: death in custody: Faisal Barakat 1166/398 MDE 30/13/92 UA 79/92 - Tunisia: fear of torture: Noureddine Mabrouk 1166/399 MDE 30/14/92 UA 81/92 - Tunisia: legal concern / fear of torture: Azzeddine Hadj Belgacem 1166/400 MDE 30/15/92 Further information on UA 79/92 (MDE 30/13/92, 6 March) - Tunisia: fear of torture / legal concern / health concern (note new concerns): Noureddine Mabrouk 1166/401 MDE 30/16/92 Further information on UA 81/92 (MDE 30/14/92, 6 March) - Tunisia: legal concern / medical concern / fear of torture: Azzeddine Hadj Belgacem 1166/402 MDE 30/17/92 Further information on UA 81/92 (MDE 30/14/92, 6 March; and follow-up MDE 30/16/92, 26 March) Tunisia: legal concern / fear of torture: Ezzedine Hadj Belgacem 1166/403 MDE 30/18/92 UA 128/92 - Tunisia: fear of torture: Jamal Rizki, Habib Khmila and ten others 1166/404 MDE 30/19/92 UA 133/92 - Tunisia: prolonged incommunicado detention / fear of torture: Zouhair Mhiri 1166/405 MDE 30/20/92 Further information on UA 133/92 (MDE 30/19/92, 28 April) - Tunisia: prolonged incommunicado detention / fear of torture: Zouhair Mhiri 1166/406 MDE 30/21/92 Further information on UA 81/92 (MDE 30/14/92, 6 March, and follow-ups: MDE 30/16/92, 26 March, MDE 30/17/92, 10 April) - Tunisia: legal concern / fear of torture: Ezzedine Hadj Belgacem 1166/407 MDE 30/22/92 Further information on UA 128/92 (MDE 30/18/92, 24 April) - Tunisia: fear of torture: Jamal Rizki, Habib Khmila, and ten others 1166/408 MDE 30/23/92 Tunisia: Heavy sentences after unfair trials 1166/409 MDE 30/24/92 MERAN 12/92 - Tunisia: Heavy sentences after unfair trial 1166/410 MDE 30/25/92 UA 332/92 - Tunisia: incommunicado detention / fear of torture: Abderrazak Hamzaoui 1166/411 MDE 30/26/92 Tunisia: government authorities 1166/412 MDE 31/01/92 UA 47/92 - The Republic of Yemen: flogging and amputations / legal concern: new Penal Code / Code of Criminal Procedure 1166/413 MDE 31/02/92 Medical letter writing action: Republic of Yemen: corporal punishment 1166/414 MDE 31/03/92 Yemen: Mansur Rajih: Prisoner of conscience under sentence of death 1166/415 MDE 31/04/92 MERAN 05/92 - Yemen: Mansur Muhammad Ahmad Rajih, prisoner of conscience under sentence of death (accompanies MDE 31/03/92) 1166/416 MDE 31/05/92 Further information on UA 47/92 (MDE 31/01/92, 13 February) - Yemen: flogging and amputations / legal concern: new Penal Code / Code of Criminal Procedure 1166/417 MDE 31/06/92 Medical letter writing action: Republic of Yemen: Death in custody and prison conditions 1166/418 MDE 31/08/92 UA 401/92 - Yemen: death penalty: 'Abdul- Karim Muhammad 'Alwan, 'Ali Muhammad Hussein Maghiniz, Yahya Naji Muhammad al-Asadi, 'Ali 'Abdullah al-Faqih, 'Ali Saleh 'Abdullah, Suleiman Haydar Jaber Qabis, Ahmad Yahya Shalfan, Ahmad 'Abdul-Jalil Ahmad Qasim, Muhammad Saleh Mu'awad, Hadi 'Ali al-Qadimi, Muhammad Hammoud al-Darrab, Muqbil 'Amer Ahmad Raha, Ahmad Qa'id al-Hubayshi, 'Abdul- Wahab Ahmad Hussein al-Faqih, Ahmad Ahmad Mazeed, 'Abdullah Hussein 'Ayqan Qasim, Muhammad Ahmad 'Ali Yahya, 'Amer Ahmad Muhammad al-Sahmi, Salah 'Ali Ahmad alSa'idi, Naji Muhammad al-Sambali, Muhammad 'Adbullah al-Sha'iri, Heza' 'Abdul-Karim al- Janid, Ahmad 'Abdul-Wali al-Ruri, Isma'il 'Ali Abu-Zayd, 'AbdulWahhad Nather Silan 1166/419 MDE 31/09/92 Medical letter writing action: Yemen: 'Ali 'Abdul-Fattah Hashim (corrected version) 1166/420.4 POL 10/01/92 Amnesty International Report 1992 1166/420 POL 10/02/92 Amnesty International Report 1992: order form 1166/420.319 POL 10/03/92 Amnesty International Report 1992: order form (leaflet) 1166/421 POL 10/04/92 Annual Report summaries 1992: an overview of Amnesty International's annual report 1166/422 POL 10/05/92 AI news release: Governments let torturers, state assassins get away with abuses - Amnesty International's Annual Report details violations in 142 countries 1166/423 POL 10/06/92 Annual Report updates: selected events covering the period from January to May 1992 1166/424 POL 10/07/92 Annual Report 1992: questions and answers 1166/425 POL 10/08/92 Planning the Amnesty International Report 1993 1166/426 POL 10/09/92 Update on planning the Amnesty International Report 1992 1166/427 POL 21/01/92 Implementation of the Yokohama Mandate decisions 1166/428 POL 30/01/92 Amnesty International: Independence and impartiality (leaflet) 1166/428.2 POL 30/02/92 Amnesty International: Against abuses by opposition groups (leaflet) 1166/429 POL 32/01/92 Human Rights Education: bibliography 1166/430 POL 32/02/92 List of AI human rights education coordinators and contacts 1166/431 POL 32/03/92 Calling notice for nominations to the Human Rights Education Advisory Group 1166/432 POL 32/04/92 List of AI human rights education coordinators and contacts 1166/433 1166/434 POL 40/01/92 POL 40/02/92 Review of Amnesty International's research (draft report) Rough costings of recommendations in the draft review of AI's research 1166/435 POL 40/03/92 Review of AI's research: extension of deadline for comments 1166/436 POL 40/04/92 Review of AI's research: short summary of some key issues and questionnaire 1166/437 POL 41/01/92 Prisoner data questionnaire (in Russian) 1166/438 POL 50/01/92 International objectives agreed at the 1991 ICM 1166/439 POL 50/02/92 1992 Plan and budget implementation report 1166/440 POL 50/03/92 Questionnaire for the development of a new international plan format 1166/441 POL 51/01/92 Monthly bulletin on action planning: January 1992 1166/442 POL 51/02/92 Monthly bulletin on action planning February 1992 1166/443 POL 51/03/92 Monthly bulletin on action planning: March 1992: incorporating the Quarterly Action Plan for the third quarter of 1992 1166/444 POL 51/04/92 Monthly bulletin on action planning: April 1992 1166/445 POL 51/05/92 Monthly bulletin on action planning May 1992: incorporating the Quarterly Action Plan for the fourth quarter of 1992 1166/446 POL 51/06/92 Monthly bulletin on action planning June 1992 1166/447 POL 51/07/92 Monthly bulletin on action planning: July 1992 1166/448 POL 51/08/92 Monthly bulletin on action planning August 1992 1166/449 POL 51/09/92 Monthly bulletin on action planning September 1992: incorporating the Quarterly Action Plan for the first quarter of 1993 1166/450 POL 51/10/92 Monthly bulletin on action planning: October 1992 1166/451 POL 51/11/92 Monthly bulletin on action planning November / December 1992: incorporating the Quarterly Action Plan for the second quarter of 1993 1167/1 ACT 10/01/92 Report of the International Meeting of Campaign Coordinators 25-27 June 1992 1167/2 ACT 11/01/92 Challenges in techniques and strategies: a discussion paper for Amnesty International 1167/3 ACT 11/02/92 SYSTEC workshop outline: challenges in techniques and strategies for Amnesty International 1167/4 ACT 11/03/92 A report on challenges and possible trends for the future of Amnesty International: a study prepared for the Committee for the Systematic Evaluation of Techniques (SYSTEC) 1167/5 ACT 11/04/92 Deadline for initial section responses to SYSTEC discussion paper: letter from Chairperson of SYSTEC and questionnaire 1167/6 ACT 11/05/92 Report of the meeting of the Committee for the Systematic Evaluation of Techniques (SYSTEC) held on 28-29 March 1992 1167/7 ACT 21/01/92 Transition to one type dossier for long-term group work 1167/8 ACT 31/01/92 AI Week 1992: Children and young people 1167/9 ACT 31/02/92 AI News Release: Children around the world targeted for human rights violations 1167/10 ACT 33/01/92 Campaign against "disappearances" and political killings: introduction for groups 1167/11 ACT 33/02/92 Amnesty International: Declaration of the International Conference on "Disappearances" and Political Killings, Amsterdam, 6 September 1992 1167/12 ACT 33/03/92 Report on the Amnesty International meeting on political killings and "disappearances" (7 September 1992) 1167/13 ACT 33/04/92 Summary report on the Amnesty International International Conference on "Disappearances" and Political Killings, 4-6 September 1992 in Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, by Laurie S Wiseberg, Rapporteur. 1167/14 ACT 50/01/92 The death penalty: list of abolitionist and retentionist countries (December 1991) 1167/15 ACT 50/02/92 Amnesty International: against the death penalty (leaflet) 1167/16 ACT 50/04/92 The death penalty: list of abolitionist and retentionist countries 1167/17 ACT 50/05/92 Reported support for the death penalty in the new Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church: request for action 1167/18 ACT 50/06/92 Request for action on reported support for the death penalty in the new catechism of the Roman Catholic Church: additional advice and updates 1167/19 ACT 51/01/92 Death sentences and executions in 1991 1167/20 ACT 52/01/92 Corresponding with prisoners on death row 1167/21 ACT 53/01/92 Death penalty news: February 1992 1167/22 ACT 53/02/92 Death penalty news April 1992 1167/23 ACT 53/03/92 Death Penalty News June 1992 1167/24 ACT 53/04/92 Death Penalty News September 1992 1167/25 ACT 53/05/92 Death Penalty News: December 1992 1167/26 ACT 60/01/92 Urgent Action Manual 1167/26.36 ACT 60/03/92 How to start and develop an Urgent Action Network in your own country 1167/26.44 ACT 60/04/92 Developing a computerized Urgent Action network 1167/27 ACT 60/05/92 Urgent Action Newsletter July 1992 1167/28 ACT 61/01/92 Urgent Actions issued during 1991 1167/29 ACT 73/01/92 Trade Unionists' Action 1992 1167/30 ACT 73/02/92 Trade Unionists targetted for human rights violations 1167/30.4 ACT 73/03/92 Amneh 'Abd al-Jabbar Rimawi: Trade Unionists Action 1992 1167/30.10 ACT 74/01/92 Lawyers' groups questionnaire 1167/30.14 ACT 75/01/92 Codes d'ethique et declarations concernant les professions medicales: recueil de textes deontologiques 1167/31 ACT 75/02/92 Report on medical cases issued in 1991 1167/32 ACT 75/03/92 Ethical Codes Relevant to the Medical Professions (French): order form 1167/33 ACT 75/05/92 Doctors and torture (order form) 1167/34 ACT 76/02/92 Report on children and rehabilitation requested by 1989 ICM 1167/35 ACT 77/01/92 AI News Release: Amnesty International calls for end to rape and sexual abuse by government agents 1167/36 ACT 77/02/92 Amnesty International concert in Madrid 1167/37 ACT 77/03/92 Women in the front line: appeals cases 1992 1167/38 ACT 77/04/92 Women in the front line appeal cases: order form for photographs 1167/39 ACT 78/01/92 Writers and journalists action 1992: update 2 1167/40/41 ACT 79/01/92 Religious Action 1993 (includes correction) 1167/42 ACT 79/02/92 Religious Action 1993: further cases 1167/43 ACT 80/01/92 Plan to invoice sections for certain costs relating to publications 1167/44 ACT 80/02/92 Amnesty International Worldwide Media Program: 1992 1167/45 ACT 83/01/92 Updating basic Amnesty International leaflets 1167/46 ORG 10/01/92 Facts and figures about Amnesty International and its work for human rights 1167/47 ORG 10/03/92 General information leaflet on Amnesty International (in Mongolian) 1167/48 ORG 10/04/92 Facts and figures about Amnesty International and its work for human rights (includes correction) 1167/49 ORG 11/01/92 Amnesty International in action: January 1992 update 1167/50 ORG 11/02/92 Amnesty International in action: February / March 1992 update 1167/51 ORG 11/03/92 Amnesty International in action: April 1992 update 1167/52 ORG 11/04/92 Amnesty International in action: May 1992 update 1167/53 ORG 11/05/92 AI in action: June 1992 update 1167/54,-1 ORG 11/06/92 Amnesty International in action: July 1992 update 1167/55,-1 ORG 11/07/92 Amnesty International in action: August 1992 update 1167/56 ORG 11/08/92 Amnesty International in action: September 1992 update 1167/57 ORG 11/09/92 Amnesty International in action: October 1992 update 1167/58 ORG 11/10/92 Amnesty International in action: November 1992 update 1167/59 ORG 11/11/92 Amnesty International in action: December 1992 update 1167/59.10 ORG 20/01/92 Amnesty International handbook and policy manual: order forms 1167/59.15 ORG 20/02/92 Amnesty International Handbook 1167/59.166 ORG 20/03/92 Amnesty International Policy Manual 1992 1167/59.234 ORG 20/04/92 Amnesty International: Work on your own country (leaflet) 1167/60 1167/61 ORG 20/05/92 ORG 30/01/92 Work on your own country: AI leaflet (in Mongolian) Development cooperation bulletin: issue 2 1167/62 ORG 30/02/92 Actas de la Reunion Regional de la Secciones y Coordinadoras de Grupos Latino Americanos, Yokohama, Japon, 30 de Agosto de 1991 1167/63 ORG 30/03/92 Letter from Chair of Section Development Committee: Inter-Section financial transfers 1167/64 ORG 30/04/92 Asia / Pacific news bulletin 1167/65 ORG 30/05/92 Amnesty International: Asia / Pacific news bulletin 1167/66 ORG 30/06/92 Development cooperation bulletin: issue 3 1167/67 ORG 30/08/92 Asia / Pacific news bulletin: issue no. 68 1167/68 ORG 30/09/92 Amnesty International in Asia (video transcript and order form) 1167/69 ORG 30/10/92 Asia / Pacific news bulletin: issue no. 69 1167/69.24 ORG 30/11/92 AI development: the foundation of sections 1167/70 ORG 30/12/92 Asia / Pacific News bulletin no. 70 1167/71 ORG 30/13/92 SDC budget and miscellaneous development assistance matters: letter from Section Development Committee 1167/72 ORG 33/01/92 Language grants: applications for 1992/1993 1167/73 ORG 40/01/92 AI statistics: a questionnaire 1167/74 ORG 40/02/92 Annual reports from Sections to the IEC (1991) 1167/75 ORG 40/03/92 AI membership statistics 1167/76/77 ORG 41/01/92 List of sections and other AI offices (includes 2 additions) 1167/78 ORG 41/02/92 Update of section records 1167/79 ORG 41/03/92 Section liaison 1167/80 ORG 41/04/92 Legal registration of AI in your country 1167/81 ORG 41/06/92 List of Sections and other AI offices (includes addition) 1167/82 ORG 50/01/92 Letter to sections from the IEC Chairperson regarding proposals for the 1993 ICM venue 1167/83 ORG 50/02/92 Letter from International Executive Committee re: Nomination Preparatory Committee (ICM) 1167/84 ORG 50/03/92 21st International Council 1993: circular 1 1167/85 ORG 50/04/92 21st International Council 1993: Circular II 1167/86 ORG 50/05/92 IEC decisions for the 1993 ICM 1167/87 ORG 50/06/92 Implementation of 1991 ICM decision 65 1167/88 ORG 50/07/92 Letter to all Sections from ICM Chair giving names of Chairs for Working Parties A, B, C, D 1167/89 ORG 51/01/92 Proposed standing orders for the 1993 International Council 1167/90 ORG 51/02/92 Proposed Statute amendments to be presented to the 1993 International Council 1167/91 ORG 52/01/92 Report and decisions of the 20th International Council of Amnesty International, Yokohama, Japan, 31st August 7th September 1991 1167/92 ORG 60/01/92 Letter to all Sections from former Secretary General Ian Martin 1167/93 ORG 61/01/92 Units and departments within the International Secretariat 1167/94 ORG 63/01/92 Recruitment: Information Officer (Moscow) (12 months contract) 1167/95 ORG 63/02/92 Recruitment: Membership Development Coordinator (Anglophone) Africa 1167/96 ORG 63/03/92 1167/97 ORG 63/04/92 Recruitment: Membership Development Assistant (Francophone) Africa Recruitment of a new Secretary General: letter from the International Executive Committee 1167/98 ORG 63/05/92 Recruitment: Secretary General. Letter from IEC - SGRC 1167/99 ORG 63/06/92 Recruitment: Membership Development Coordinator (Organizational Development) 1167/100 ORG 63/07/92 Recruitment: Campaigning Coordinator (themes) - (fixedterm contract: 21 months) 1167/101 ORG 63/08/92 Recruitment: Campaigning Coordinator (Groups and Individuals) 1167/102 ORG 63/09/92 Recruitment: Executive Assistant: Central Africa 1167/103 ORG 63/10/92 Letter from SC Recruitment Committee 1167/104 ORG 63/11/92 Recruitment: Director of Administration and Services (Fixed term contract up to 3 years) 1167/105 ORG 63/12/92 Letter from Secretary General: appointment of Director of Finance; recruitment of Director of Administration and Services; decision not to proceed with appointment of Movement, Planning and Liaison Coordinator 1167/106 ORG 63/13/92 Recruitment: Membership development assistant (Anglophone Africa) 1167/107 ORG 63/14/92 Letter from IEC Secretary General Recruitment Committee Coordinator: brief update on SG recruitment process 1167/108 ORG 63/15/92 Recruitment: Executive Assistant - Europe 1167/109 ORG 63/16/92 Letter from IEC Secretary General Recruitment Committee Coordinator concerning the appointment of the new Secretary General 1167/110 ORG 63/17/92 Recruitment: UN office assistant (Geneva) 1167/111 ORG 63/18/92 Recruitment: Personnel Officer (Policy and Industrial Relations) 1167/112 ORG 63/19/92 Recruitment: Membership Development Assistant Americas 1167/113 ORG 63/20/92 Recruitment: Researcher - Former Yugoslavia and Albania 1167/114 ORG 70/01/92 Letter to SC chairpersons from Sofia Macher on behalf of the IEC concerning the death of Anette Fischer 1167/115 ORG 72/01/92 Letter from the International Executive Committee about the meeting of the IEC held 12-15 December 1991 1167/116 ORG 72/02/92 Review Committee Report: disputes resolutions mechanisms: letter from Chair of the International Executive Committee 1167/117 ORG 72/03/92 Report of the meeting of the International Executive Committee which took place at the International Secretariat 12-15 December 1991 1167/118 ORG 72/04/92 Principal decisions and actions resulting from the meeting of the IEC which took place in Richmond, 16 - 18 October 1991 1167/119 ORG 72/05/92 Report of the meeting of the International Executive Committee which took place at the International Secretariat 2-5 April 1992 1167/120 ORG 72/06/92 Decisions of the IEC meeting 18-21 June 1992 1167/121 ORG 72/07/92 Report of the meeting of the International Executive Committee which took place at the International Secretariat 18-21 June 1992 1167/122 ORG 77/08/92 Report of the meeting of the International Executive Committee which took place at the International Secretariat 2 August 1992 1167/123 ORG 72/09/92 Letter to all Sections: The outcome of the IEC meeting 2 August 1992 1167/124 ORG 72/10/92 1167/125 ORG 72/11/92 Report of the meeting of the International Executive Committee which took place at the International Secretariat on 21 September 1992 Letter to Section Chairpersons from the Chairperson of the International Executive Committee 1167/126 ORG 81/01/92 Report of the International Meeting on Home Government Approaches, Woudschoten, Netherlands, 12-14 April 1991 1167/127 ORG 82/01/92 Decision making structures: implementation of Decision 63 of the 1991 ICM: Decisions of the December 1991 meeting of the IEC (includes addition) 1167/128 ORG 82/02/92 Decision making structures: implementation of decision 63 of the 1991 ICM decisions of the April 1992 meeting of the IEC 1167/129 ORG 82/03/92 Letter to Sections and Groups from Chairpersons of Standing Committees (includes overview of workplans for Standing Committees) 1167/130 FIN 30/01/92 Financial consultative meeting 1167/131 FIN 30/02/92 Annual report of the Financial Control Committee to Sections: September 1991 to October 1992 1167/132 FIN 40/02/92 Accounts for the nine months to 30 September 1991 1167/133 FIN 40/03/92 Amnesty International financial supplement 1992 1167/134 FIN 40/04/92 Audited accounts to 31 December 1991 and Treasurer's report 1167/135 FIN 40/05/92 Accounts for the three months to 31 March 1992 1167/136 FIN 40/06/92 Accounts for the six months to 30 June 1992 1167/137 FIN 40/07/92 Accounts for the nine months to 30 September 1992 1167/138 FIN 50/01/92 AI relief work: May 1992 update 1167/139 FIN 50/02/92 Section relief activities: report form 1167/140 FIN 50/03/92 Relief policy review: discussion paper 1167/141 FIN 60/01/92 Financial assistance for inter-section relations 1167/142 FIN 60/02/92 Re: Standardized financial report 1167/143 FIN 61/01/92 AI's current finances: section contributions urgently needed 1167/144 FIN 61/02/92 Emergency meeting of representatives from major funding sections 1167/145 FIN 61/03/92 Report of emergency meeting of major funding Sections 25-26 July 1992 1168/10 NWS 10/01/92 Amnesty International announces appointment of new Secretary General 1168/11 NWS 11/01/92 Weekly Update Service 01/92 1168/12 NWS 11/02/92 Weekly Update Service 02/92 (includes addition) 1168/13 NWS 11/03/92 Weekly Update Service 03/92 1168/14 NWS 11/04/92 Weekly Update Service 04/92 1168/15/16 NWS 11/05/92 Weekly Update Service 05/92 (includes addition) 1168/17 NWS 11/06/92 Weekly Update Service 06/92 (includes addition) 1168/18/19 NWS 11/07/92 Weekly Update Service 07/92 (includes addition) 1168/20 NWS 11/08/92 Weekly Update Service 08/92 1168/21 NWS 11/09/92 Weekly Update Service 09/92 1168/22/3 NWS 11/10/92 Weekly Update Service 10/92 (includes two additions) 1168/24-26 NWS 11/11/92 Weekly Update Service 11/92 (includes two additions) 1168/27/28 NWS 11/12/92 Weekly Update Service 12/92 (includes addition) 1168/29/30 NWS 11/13/92 Weekly Update Service 13/92 (includes addition) 1168/31/32 NWS 11/14/92 Weekly Update Service 14/92 (includes addition) 1168/33 NWS 11/15/92 Weekly update service 15/92 1168/34 NWS 11/16/92 Weekly update service 16/92 1168/35/36 NWS 11/17/92 Weekly update service 17/92 (includes addition) 1168/37/38 NWS 11/18/92 Weekly Update Service 18/92 (includes addition) 1168/39/40 NWS 11/19/92 Weekly Update Service 19/92 (includes addition) 1168/41 NWS 11/20/92 Weekly Update Service 20/92 1168/42/43 NWS 11/21/92 Weekly Update Service 21/92 (includes addition) 1168/44/45 NWS 11/22/92 Weekly update service 22/92 (includes addition) 1168/46-48 NWS 11/23/92 Weekly Update Service 23/92 (includes two additions) 1168/49 NWS 11/24/92 Weekly Update Service 24/92 1168/50/51 NWS 11/25/92 Weekly Update Service 25/92 (includes addition) 1168/52/53 NWS 11/26/92 Weekly Update Service 26/92 (includes addition) 1168/54-56 NWS 11/27/92 Weekly Update Service 27/92 (includes 2 additions) 1168/57/58 NWS 11/28/92 Weekly update service 28/92 (includes addition) 1168/59/60 NWS 11/29/92 Weekly Update Service 29/92 (includes addition) 1168/61-63 NWS 11/30/92 Weekly Update Service 30/92 (includes 2 updates) 1168/64/65 NWS 11/31/92 Weekly Update Service 31/92 (includes addition) 1168/66/67 NWS 11/32/92 Weekly Update Service 32/92 (includes addition) 1168/68 NWS 11/33/92 Weekly Update Service 33/92 1168/69/70 NWS 11/34/92 Weekly Update Service 34/92 (includes addition) 1168/71/72 NWS 11/35/92 Weekly update service 35/92 (includes addition) 1168/73-75 NWS 11/36/92 Weekly Update Service 36/92 (includes 2 updates) 1168/76/77 NWS 11/37/92 Weekly Update Service 37/92 (includes addition) 1168/78 NWS 11/38/92 Weekly Update Service 38/92 1168/79-81 NWS 11/39/92 Weekly Update Service 39/92 (includes two additions) 1168/82/83 NWS 11/40/92 Weekly Update Service 40/92 (includes addition) 1168/84/85 NWS 11/41/92 Weekly Update Service 41/92 (includes addition) 1168/86 NWS 11/42/92 Weekly Update Service 42/92 1168/87 NWS 11/43/92 Weekly Update Service 43/92 1168/88-91 NWS 11/44/92 Weekly Update Service 44/92 (includes three additions) 1168/92/93 NWS 11/45/92 Weekly Update Service 45/92 (includes addition) 1168/94-97 NWS 11/46/92 Weekly Update Service 46/92 (includes two additions) 1168/98/99 NWS 11/47/92 Weekly update service 47/92 (includes addition) 1168/100-103 NWS 11/48/92 Weekly Update Service 48/92 (includes three additions) 1168/104 NWS 11/49/92 Weekly Update Service 49/92 1168/105/106 NWS 11/50/92 Weekly Update Service 50/92 (includes addition) 1168/107 NWS 11/51/92 Weekly Update Service 51/92 1168/1 IOR 41/01/92 Report on the 46th regular session of the United Nations General Assembly (New York, September-December 1991) 1168/2 IOR 41/02/92 Statements to the 48th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (Geneva, 27 January to 6 March 1992) 1168/3 IOR 41/03/92 Report on the 48th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (Geneva, 27 January to 6 March 1992) 1168/4 IOR 41/04/92 Report on the 43rd session of the UN Sub- Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities 1168/5 IOR 41/05/92 The UN World Conference on Human Rights - June 1993: current status of preparations 1168/6 IOR 41/06/92 Amnesty International's concerns at the 47th Regular Session of the United Nations General Assembly, New York, September - December 1992 1168/7 IOR 41/07/92 Preparations for the UN World Conference on Human Rights: June 1993 1168/8 IOR 41/08/92 Statements to the 44th session of the UN Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities 1168/9 IOR 41/09/92 49th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights: Section representation 1168/108 IOR 41/10/92 Amnesty International's concerns at the 49th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights 1168/109 IOR 41/11/92 Supplement to Amnesty International's concerns at the 49th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights (IOR 41/10/92): model letter, document list for sections and selected voting / cosponsorship records from the 48th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights 1168/110 IOR 41/12/92 UN Commission on Human Rights: briefing for Sections' meetings with their ministries of foreign affairs (second supplement to IOR 41/10/92: AI's concerns at the 49th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights) 1168/111 IOR 41/14/92 UN World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, 14-25 June 1993: two oral interventions by AI at the Regional meeting for Africa, Tunis 2-6 November 1992 1168/112 IOR 41/15/92 Lobbying your government on AI's concerns at the UN Commission on Human Rights: a workshop for sections 1168/113 IOR 41/16/92 World Conference on Human Rights: facing up to the failures: proposals for improving the protection of human rights by the United Nations 1168/114/115 IOR 41/17/92 Our world: our rights: UN World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, 14-25 June 1993: strategy circular (includes correction) 1168/116 IOR 41/19/92 Our world: our rights: UN World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna 14-25 June 1993 1168/117 IOR 42/01/92 The ILC and the Committee on Application of Standards 1168/118 IOR 52/01/92 The Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE): the road to Helsinki II 1168/119 IOR 52/02/92 AI News Release: CSCE: AI calls for implementation and openness 1168/120 IOR 52/03/92 The Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE): Human rights in the new Europe: the CSCE in search of a role 1168/121 IOR 61/01/92 Refugee protection and the need for fair and satisfactory asylum procedures 1168/122 IOR 62/01/92 Amnesty International's concerns at the 22nd regular session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States 1168/123 1168/124 IOR 63/01/92 African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights: action update IOR 63/02/92 African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (trilingual): order form 1168/125 IOR 63/03/92 Lobbying action to urge the Organization of African Unity Assembly of Heads of State and Government to promote human rights 1168/126 IOR 63/04/92 Action to promote the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights: evaluation questionnaire 1168/127 IOR 63/05/92 African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights: suggestions for action for 1992-1993 1168/127.8 IOR 63/06/92 Campaign for the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights 1168/128 IOR 63/07/92 Update on the ratification of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights 1169/1 DOC 10/01/92 AIDOC database on GeoNet 1169/2 DOC 10/02/92 AIDOC on GeoNet - update 1169/3 DOC 10/03/92 Information management program review 1992 1169/4 DOC 10/04/92 Publishing AI external documents on CD-ROM 1169/5 DOC 20/01/92 Update to the Amnesty International (AI) Index 1169/6 DOC 20/02/92 Update to Information Handling Dossier 1169/7 DOC 20/03/92 Update to the Amnesty International (AI) Index (please note corrected index number) 1169/8 DOC 22/01/92 Draft EC directive on data protection: update to AI concerns 1169/9 DOC 23/01/92 Survey of section computer and telecoms equipment 1169/10 DOC 23/02/92 Summary report of meeting of the Computer Communications Working Group, held 12-13 March 1992 at the International Secretariat 1169/11 DOC 23/03/92 International Coordination of Information Technology 1169/12 DOC 23/04/92 Telecommunications strategy: summary 1169/13 DOC 23/05/92 Telecommunications strategy (full version) 1169/14 DOC 23/06/92 Guidelines on purchasing computer equipment for small offices 1169/15 DOC 24/01/92 IT News (advance information) 1169/16 DOC 24/02/92 IT News no 1, July 1992 1169/17 DOC 24/03/92 IT News (second issue) 1169/18 DOC 30/01/92 Country dossier lists and regional lists of Urgent Actions: six-monthly updates no longer being produced 1169/19 DOC 31/01/92 List of IS documents and publications issued during December 1991 1169/20 DOC 31/02/92 List of IS documents and publications issued during January 1992 1169/21 DOC 31/03/92 List of IS documents and publications issued during February 1992 1169/22 DOC 31/04/92 List of IS documents and publications issued during March 1992 1169/23 DOC 31/05/92 List of IS documents and publications issued during April 1992 1169/24 DOC 31/06/92 List of IS documents and publications issued during May 1992 1169/25 DOC 31/07/92 List of IS documents and publications issued during June 1992 1168/129 DOC 31/08/92 List of IS documents and publications issued during July 1992 1168/130 DOC 31/09/92 List of IS documents and publications issued during August 1992 1168/131 DOC 31/10/92 List of IS documents and publications issued during September 1992 1168/132 DOC 31/11/92 List of IS documents and publications issued during October 1992 1168/133 DOC 31/12/92 List of IS documents and publications issued during November 1992 1168/134 DOC 32/01/92 Africa country dossier list 1991 1168/135 DOC 32/02/92 Americas country dossier list 1991 1168/136 DOC 32/03/92 Asia and the Pacific country dossier list 1991 1168/137 DOC 32/04/92 Europe country dossier list 1991 1168/138 DOC 32/05/92 Middle East and North Africa country dossier list 1991 1169/43 DOC 33/01/92 Amnesty International documents and publications December 1991 1169/44 DOC 33/02/92 Amnesty International documents and publications: January 1992 1169/45 DOC 33/03/92 Amnesty International documents and publications February 1992 1169/46 DOC 33/04/92 Amnesty International documents and publications March 1992 1169/47 DOC 33/05/92 Amnesty International documents and publications April 1992 1169/48 DOC 33/06/92 Amnesty International documents and publications May 1992 1169/49 DOC 33/07/92 Amnesty International documents and publications June 1992 1169/50 DOC 33/08/92 Amnesty International documents and publications July 1992 1169/51 DOC 33/09/92 Amnesty International documents and publications: August 1992 1169/52 DOC 33/10/92 Amnesty International documents and publications September 1992 1169/53 DOC 33/11/92 Amnesty International documents and publications October 1992 1169/54 DOC 33/12/92 Amnesty International documents and publications November 1992 1169/55 DOC 34/01/92 Amnesty International Urgent Actions December 1991 1169/56 DOC 34/02/92 Amnesty International Urgent Actions: January 1992 1169/57 DOC 34/03/92 Amnesty International Urgent Actions February 1992 1169/58 DOC 34/04/92 Amnesty International Urgent Actions: March 1992 1169/59 DOC 34/05/92 Amnesty International Urgent Actions April 1992 1169/26 DOC 34/06/92 Amnesty International urgent actions May 1992 1169/27 DOC 34/07/92 Amnesty International Urgent Actions June 1992 1169/28 DOC 34/08/92 Amnesty International Urgent Actions July 1992 1169/29 DOC 34/09/92 Amnesty International Urgent Actions August 1992 1169/30 DOC 34/10/92 Amnesty International Urgent Actions September 1992 1169/31 DOC 34/11/92 Amnesty International Urgent Actions October 1992 1169/32 DOC 34/12/92 Amnesty International Urgent Actions November 1992 1169/33 DOC 35/01/92 Amnesty International public documents and publications in Arabic 1991-1992 1169/34 DOC 36/01/92 Amnesty International Urgent Actions: Africa 1991 1169/35 DOC 36/02/92 Amnesty International Urgent Actions: Americas 1991 1169/36 DOC 36/03/92 Amnesty International Urgent Actions: Asia and the Pacific 1991 1169/37 DOC 36/04/92 Amnesty International Urgent Actions: Europe 1991 1169/38 DOC 36/05/92 Amnesty International Urgent Actions: Middle East and North Africa 1991 1169/39 DOC 40/01/92 Duplication and distribution of photographs to sections 1169/40 DOC 40/02/92 Audiovisual database: a resource for the movement 1169/41 DOC 41/01/92 Catalogue of audiovisual materials available from the International Secretariat: update 1169/41.47 DOC 51/01/92 Amnesty International publications catalogue March 1992 1169/42 DOC 63/01/92 Glosario interno de Amnistia Internacional (inglesespanol): para uso de traductores e interpretes de Amnistia Internacional: 2a edicion, Junio de 1992