Lilies of the Field

English 1 H
Lilies of the Field by William Barrett (Essay) and reading log due January 11.
Reading Log
As you read Lilies of the Field, you should keep a reading log. This will build your vocabulary and help you
review the novel quickly for exams and discussions.
Please use a bound notebook for your reading log. Use blue or black ink only. Your reading log is due on
the same day as your paper, January 11..
Your reading log should be divided into the following sections for each chapter:
Briefly discuss the important events of each chapter.
Write the names and a brief description of any new characters introduced in the chapter, and discuss how
characters, who have appeared earlier in the novel, have changed or not changed.
As you read each chapter, write comments or questions you have about the novel.
For each chapter write down words of which you are unfamiliar. Later look them up and write the definition
and the part of speech for each word—a minimum of five words per chapter is required.
Lilies of the Field
Choose one of the topics below and write a two to three* page essay in which you:
 Use specific details and examples to fully support your ideas.
 Include 2-3 direct quotations from the novel with page numbers in parentheses, MLA format.
 Organize your writing with a strong introduction, body, and conclusion.
 Vary your sentences to make your writing interesting to read.
 Proofread to check for mistakes in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence formation.
 Be sure to follow the MLA directions and set up your paper correctly.
 Do not use contractions or slang
 Do not use first (I, we, us, etc) or second (you, your) person
1. Both Homer Smith and Mother Maria Marthe have strong personalities, yet they are different.
Compare and contrast their personalities, noting the importance of these similarities and differences.
2. Describe and analyze the significance of “culture” in Lilies of the Field.
3. The title, Lilies of the Field, is from a passage in the Bible. What is the meaning of this verse? How
does it pertain to the novel, and why is it important?
4. Analyze Homer’s attitude about allowing the Mexican community to help. Why does Homer relent
and allow them to help? Why is this significant to the story?
5. Why does Homer leave and why does he come back? What is the significance of his leaving and
returning, and what does it tell us about his character?
6. If you can, view the old movie (Sidney Poitier) version of Lilies of the Field. Comment on the
successes and failures of novel-to-movie.
*Your paper MUST be two full pages minimum; this means to the bottom of the second page with correct
margins. Don’t just trust your computer, make sure you measure your margins with a ruler, so you can be sure
they are 1” all around—header (last name and page number) should be ½”.