A .NET Framework for University Administration R.V.S.P.K. Ranatunga and R.G.N. Meegama Centre for Computer Studies, Sabaragamuwa University Belihuloya, Sri Lanka {spkr},{rgn}@sab.ac.lk Abstract: - Presently, all official work related to human resource management in a majority of Universities in Sri Lanka is done manually. This results in plenty of paper work, unavailability of information when required in a timely manner and conflictions spread over the staff and administration. An Executive Information System (EIS) is developed for the University Administration to establish an efficient, productive and a well-informed administration structure that will provide timely information to the decision makers to carry out administrative functions promptly and efficiently. Initially, the requirements are identified to investigate the existing administration procedures. Object oriented methodologies are used to analyze the system while Unified Modeling Language (UML) is utilized to modularize the system behavior. Then, the existing data in handwritten forms and letters in the files are entered into a database for the purpose of analysis. Subsequently, these analyzed data sets are fed into a computerized database using the software, based on VB.Net, ASP.Net and SQL Server technologies. The proposed system is web-based that can be accessed via the campus-wide local area network with access control permission. All administrative staff can interactively work and most of the paper documents are handled electronically. Key-Words: - .Net, EIS, TPS, University administration 1. Introduction Although the universities have a good information infrastructure, administration processes are conducted using the traditional paper-based manual system at the moment. Because of this manual system, administration often faces a lot of problems. The overall goal of this paper is to develop a functioning, well documented, web based Executive Information System (EIS) that meets almost all administration requirements, following current standards in software design, engineering and planning. There are three main problems that can be introduced by the University administration: They are: (a) maintaining employee details of both academic and non-academic staff (b) controlling their activities and (c) maintaining lecture schedules, non-academic work schedules, leave, increments, conformation and promotions, etc. The administration should provide necessary information to the University Senate and to the Council. In order to eliminate the existing problems, this .Net EIS framework is proposed for the administration of the University that will facilitate: (a) providing online information of establishment branch of the University (staff appointments, automating salary increments, automating promotion structure, generating reports of staff who have taken study leave, etc.), (b) providing online information on day-to-day activities of employee (daily lecture schedules, daily work schedules, daily overtime schedules, leave information, etc.), (c) providing necessary information and evidence for making decisions at the Senate and Council and (d) providing necessary information for making financial decisions. The administration staff will be the main users of the system who will have access to the information via the university intranet. Main database is handled by an authorized person and distributed through the intranet. The development process of dynamic webbased systems poses very specific problems that do not appear in other distributed software applications, such as the need for mechanisms to model sophisticated navigational structures, interactive behaviors, interfaces with external applications, security constraints, network and client server architecture, session management and state management. When implementing this type of systems distributed discrete-event simulation are becoming extremely important. Basically Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) provides much facilities to design such systems. User interactivity and ease of communication with the system is an essential requirement. Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology provides incremental and iterative process to carry out such functionality. 2. Requirements Analysis 2.1. Domain Analysis An analysis module will be used to generate various kinds of required reports in tabular as well as in graphical forms to the users. At the first stage, a web-based Transaction Processing System (TPS), is implemented to enter data into the SQL database where access rights have been granted to clerical staff. Subsequently, a Dashboard Interface (DS) for the EIS is programmed for all administrative and executive staff in the university. Top Executives get the information they need from many sources, including letters, memos, periodicals and reports produced manually as well as by computer systems. Other sources of EIS are meetings telephone calls, and social activities. A majority of executive’s information comes from non-computerized sources. The goal of a computer based EIS, as in Fig. 1, is to provide management with immediate and easy access to selective information about factors that are critical to accomplishing top level activities such as approving and monitoring. Therefore, an EIS is easy to operate and understand. The domain for this software, in terms of the software market, fits into the EIS which includes the capabilities of tailored to executive users, extract, filter, compress, and track critical data, provide online status access, reports, and drill down capabilities, access and integrated a broad range of data, user friendliness and require minimal training at all. The system consists of application software written in a visual programming language which forms most of the user interface, and a database which is used to store and analyse the data. The software is installed on the web server and users are able to interactively use it on the web browser. It follows the standard database pattern of data entry, editing of data, administration of users and data type tables, and output in the forms of reports and graphs. Users can dynamically carry out database activities through the local area network. Figure 1: Sample EIS 2.2 Requirement Specifications of the Product The software product performs the following activities: employee registration, on time increment approvals and calculations, on time promotion approvals, calculating carder provision for the whole university, generating various kinds of reports and letters pertaining to the university administration, retrieve summarized information that is tailored to the users, which directly helps administration purposes. Except for these functions, includes drilldown capabilities of the information, various cross tabulations and graphic presentations of the information, interchange that information among the top level administration and interactive work environment. Since the University does not maintain a computerized information system, according to the literature survey, this product includes not only the EIS but also a part of the system containing the Transaction Processing System. 2.3 User Characteristics and Objectives 2.3.1 High Level Users High Level Users have their own rights to access the system and are limited to access, edit, update, and delete the data of the system. They are Council Members, Vice Chancellor, Registrar, Senior Asst. Registrar and Asst. Registrars, Bursar, Senior Asst. Bursar Asst. Bursars, Deans, Directors, and Heads. 2.3.2 Low Level Users Low Level Users too have their own rights to access the system and are limited to access, edit, update, and delete the data of the system. They are clerk (data entry operator) and authorized employees of the establishment branch. 2.3.3 Methods of Requirement Capturing Used <<communicate>> In order to capture the requirements, the following methods have been used to sample existing documents: observations of the work environment, research and site visits, interviews, questionnaires, joint requirements planning, and prototyping [2, 12]. Autorization Low Level Users <<include>> <<include>> <<communicate>> Login to System Profile Selecting <<include>> 3. Modelling and Logical System Design The Unified Process is a software development technique that transforms a user’s requirements into a software system [7]. The Unified Process uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML) [3,4] when preparing all blueprints of the software system [13]. According to the requirements specifications of the system, three Use Case diagrams specify the software requirements logically. 3.1. Login Use Case Model Security is an increasingly prominent and critical concern for all software systems. Compared to traditional software, new Internet applications face new security issues which are too complex to deal with without effective models and decision support tools. When relevant actors for a given software system belong to a closed community, security is comparatively easy to enforce and control. For flexible sharing among members of dynamic and open groups such as those on the Internet, different parts of networks and systems may be operated by parties with conflicting interests or even malicious intent. Threats of varying technical difficulty targeting different levels of a network infrastructure exist everywhere [10]. This model specifies the authorization profile, as in Fig. 2, selecting and log recording requirements of the system that protects the security and correctly updates the information in the database. 3.1.1 Use Cases with Descriptions Each Use Case should be documented with a flow of events. The flow of events for a Use Case is a description of the events needed to accomplish the required behaviour of the Use Case. It is written in terms of what the system should do, not how the system does it [8,13]. High Level User Update Login Figure 2. Authorization Use Case Model 3.1.2 Low Level User Use Case model This should include when and how the Use Case starts and ends, what interaction the Use Case has with the actors, what data is needed by the Use Case, the normal sequence of events for the Use Case, the description of any alternative or exceptional flows. 4. IMPLEMENTAION Since this research was to initiate on an iterative, incremental framework, the best RAD tool in the industry "Visual Studio.Net” was selected in the application development process. The .NET framework is the plumbing of .NET. It provides the services necessary to develop and deploy applications for the loosely coupled, disconnected Internet environment [1,9]. It was identified from the available versions in the market that Windows XP to be the most appropriate operating system for the implementation process. Embedded web-server with Windows XP, IIS 5 is used as the web server to implement the system. Microsoft SQL Server was chosen as the Database Management System for the system. The key reasons for this selection were the reliability, security and its compatibility with the development tool and the operating system selected. MS SQL server provides sophisticated interfaces for implementing databases and gives more facilities to manipulate data. Stored procedures, user defined data structures, query analysers are the very essential features for developing this type of systems. 4.1 Implementation Framework A framework was developed initially to implement the basic functionality of a user interface. The framework was tested thoroughly before implementation within all user interfaces [5]. 4.1.2 Security Frame Work A well-structured security system is an essential for this application. The system uses its inbuilt security system other than the operating system or server provided security, because of the following reasons: 1. the web and the database servers are running on the same machine, it is technically easy to maintain Integrated Security with Windows Authentication to access the SQL Server [14]. 2. University local area network is the implementation environment of the system and it should use the facilities given by the network. Thus, the system uses Windows Authentication facility other than the Anonymous Users to provide the web services. 4.1.3 User Access to the system Any user who needs access to the system gets the user name and the password provided by the system administrator. The user name and the password is generated by the system using encryption method with the provided information by the system administrator. Once a user receives the password from the system administrator, he is able to change the password by using change password option in the user profile. The server identifies the appropriate profile and displays it, if the username and the password is correct. 4.1.4 Access to Web Pages Any unauthorized person is not allowed to use other web page addresses in the system, directly typing on the browser other than the login.aspx web page. When implementing this security details, session variables are used to transfer the variables to the pages from the login.aspx. Without the required session state variable values, pages do not open up with established functionality on the browser. Web controls defined in the pages are used to edit or change when the user has no rights to change it. The annual increment form, as an example, the head or dean is not allowed to change values that the user had already filled and submitted without the approval of the Vice Chancellor. The officer at the Establishment branch is not authorized to update the increment of the employee without the approval of the Vice Chancellor. An Asp label web control is used to achieve this where an unauthorized user is restricted from modifying the control values when displayed it in the browser. 4.1.5 Profile Framework As mentioned in the design phase, users can be divided as high level users and low level users. Profiles too are categorized as low level profiles and high level profiles. All employees and clerks fall into low level profiles and all administrative staff (academic and non academic) belong to high level profiles. The system first checks the user authentication with login page and then automatically selects the profile according to the given user name and password. Higher degree of user friendliness and interaction with other users are applied with the user profiles. 4.1.6 Forms Framework University employees use standard form sets to request their increments, promotions, and confirmations manually. Since these formats are created in accordance with rules and regulations mentioned in government circulars, the administration is not empowered to change its formats. These standard forms are implemented in the system in the same format with a higher degree of user friendliness. The user needs to fill only very few data items and the system automatically fills most of the fields in the standard forms. In order to display the submitted form on a high level user profile (administration staff), the system will provide necessary proofing tools such as tables, charts to verify the entered data by the submitted person. 4.1.7 Message/Letter Framework The system has an inbuilt message and a mail system. All users are able to send or receive messages or letters. A maximum 8 Kb texts can send to the registered users within the system. The user-friendliness in this scenario is attributed to the fact that a user need only to type his message or letter. Other fields, such as sender name, recipient name and date will be automatically filled by the system or the user can select them. The other important facility given by this framework is automation of retrieving standard letter formats in to the message or letter body without typing it in the body [6]. 4.1.8 Report Framework Although Visual Stdio.NET provides embedded report generating facilities for its applications, the Crystal Report software system does not support this functionality since it uses Integrated security to login to the SQL Server and does not use any user name password. One of the technical problem that arises with this technique is that VB.NET Crystal Report Viewer requires the user id and password to read data from the SQL Server [11]. To avoid this technical problem, the system uses Crystal Report 9.0 version. When a user requests a report from the web server, it first selects the appropriate data into the dataset and writes in the temporary XML file. The built in crystal report function retrieves data from USER DSN pertaining to the written XML file. 5. Conclusion Most of the universities use manual information systems for administration purposes in Sri Lanka. Manual information systems do not support the proper decision making structure and as a result, these systems often come across severe administration problems with the increased number of students and staff members. This paper provides the solution for this problem with a web based executive information system that works in a campus-wide local area network. This framework mainly divides into two: TPS and EIS. All data generated by the university administration is stored in the data base using TPS and other administration activities are saved in the EIS. Most of the documents are delivered electronically and it is more useful to minimize wastage of time. The system has the capabilities of a modern EIS such as drill down facilities, user friendliness, dash board concepts, and interactively work. [1] B. Evjen and J. 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