THORNVILLE ELEMENTARY AUGUST 2014 Visit our website at: This is updated daily and has the latest school information and events. Back to School…It doesn’t matter if you are grocery shopping, browsing the internet or simply watching television, everywhere you turn you see those three words. That simple statement brings up a variety of emotions. For some Back to School makes a person feel sad or anxious. Most of the time it is the students who have those feelings. However, my mother is at least one adult that has always felt sad to have the kids back to school. She never liked the end of summer. For others, Back to School is a happy, exciting time. Some are happy to get back into an established routine and excited for a new beginning. Maybe you are excited to have a break from the noise and chaos that comes with having brothers and sisters around each other for far too long. This year I have all these emotions at once. With one daughter moving on to first grade and a second starting kindergarten I am sad to realize just how fast they are growing. Back to School reminds me of that. However, I am thrilled to be starting my second year here at Thornville. I guess as a parent I am like my mother. As an educator I am excited about “Back to School” and all that comes with it. This year we have new staff members to welcome to the Thornville team. Mrs. Sheridan will be teaching first grade as Mrs. Culbertson has moved to the second grade team. Joining Mrs. Sheridan at first grade will be Ms. Simmons. In fifth grade, we welcome Mrs. Barrera who will be teaching math. Finally, we are glad to welcome Mrs. Hall as our new Intervention Specialist. We are very excited to have these great teachers joining our staff. As we begin this school year we want to continue to improve procedures that keep our students safe. One change we will be making this year is the dismissal process. The 3:30 bell will mark the end of our school day and students will begin getting ready for home. At 3:40 we will dismiss our walkers and then the students being picked up by car. Parents who are picking their children up will continue to sign them out in the office as in years past. We will then be dismissing students to the cafeteria. From the cafeteria families may exit through the gym. Dismissing from the cafeteria allows our staff to keep a better eye on the process and improves your child’s safety. Students who ride a bus will continue to be dismissed as busses arrive. I ask for your patience as we begin this new process. We may need to make adjustments as we move forward. But just like everything else we do at Thornville, we put what is best for the students first. Thank you in advance for all your hard work and dedication to make your child’s year a successful one. I am extremely grateful to work with all of you and to be part of this community. Please feel free to contact me via phone at 740/246-6636 or e-mail me at if you have any questions. Sincerely, Mr. Clint Rhodes Thornville Principal NON-BUS STUDENTS MORNING DROP OFF: Please pull forward as much as possible, if cars are behind you. Do not park in the fire lane. AFTERNOON PICK UP: Please park in the parking lot. You will be able to pick up your child at 3:40 pm in the gym. Do not park in front of the school. LUNCH PRICES Lunch prices are $2.00 per student. Reduced lunch prices are $.40 SCHOOL FEES School fees are due by the end of the 1st nine weeks, Friday, October 17. Fees are: $25.00 for each student. Please make checks payable to: Northern Local School District. ABSENTEES School starts at 9:00 am. Students that arrive after 9:10 are considered tardy. If the tardiness continues to be a problem, the truant officer will be notified. If you child will be absent, you must notify the office by phone or a note. If not, the absence will be considered unexcused. If unexcused absences continue to be a problem, the truant officer will be notified. Does your child have a dental or doctor appointment? Don’t forget to get an excuse from their office. ABSENTEE HOMEWORK When calling to report your child absent, don’t forget to ask for homework. It can be picked up after 1:00 in the office. OAA TEST RESULTS OAA results for last year’s 3rd and 4th graders are available in the office. Please take a close look at them and contact Mr. Rhodes if you have any questions. NOTE FROM THE CAFETERIA It is very helpful to the cooks if each student knows their student ID number. Our machine is the exact replica of your touch tone phone. They can practice on a phone! NEW STAFF MRS. SHERIDAN-1st GRADE My name is Mrs. Sheridan and this is my first year teaching at Thornville. I taught first grade at Reynoldsburg for the past two years and am excited to continue teaching first grade here at Thornville. This summer has been quite busy as I got married at the end of June to Mr. Sheridan. We also just moved into a new house. I am looking forward to a fun year! MS. SIMMONS-1ST GRADE I have A Bachelor of Arts in Piano Performance from Miami University and a Master of Arts in Teaching from Muskingum University. I’ve been teaching piano privately for the last 12 years. I met my husband while working at Walt Disney World and we have two kids, Grant (7) and Claire (4). MRS. BARRERA-5TH GRADE This is the start of my 9th year of teaching and 8th with Northern Local School District. My husband, Jason, and I have two children. Our son, Brody, is 6 years old and will be in Kindergarten at Thornville Elementary. Our daughter, Kolie, turned 2 in May. MRS. HALL-INTERVENTION SPECIALIST I attended Ohio State where I received my Bachelor’s degree and continued my education at Mount Vernon Nazarene where I earned my Master’s degree in Early Childhood Education. I’ve been teaching for 6 years including working as a behavior therapist for 2 years for children with autism, teaching kindergarten and first grade and subbing full time for Northern Local. I am married with a 10 month old, Kenadee and have two dogs, Spencer and Walker and one cat, Benelli. I am BEYOND excited to start this year off as an Intervention Specialist for Thornville and the Middle School!!!! MRS. ROBERTSON-PRESCHOOL I received my Bachelor’s degree at Ohio University and My master’s degree through the University of Phoenix, both in Early Childhood Education. My first position out of college was a preschool teacher position at the Goddard School in Pickerington. I have taught Kindergarten for the past 7 years at Holy Trinity School. My husband, Mikel, and I live in Somerset with our four children: Connor (2), Evan (7), Regan (6) and Drew (3). I am excited to begin my career with Muskingum Valley ESC and to be working for Northern Local Schools! MRS. CULBERTSON-2ND GRADE Mrs. Culbertson is moving from the 1st grade to the 2nd grade this year. 18 29 First day of School Waiver Day (no school for students)