Roneo and Juliet: scenes to study

The Merchant of Venice:
The scenes marked OK are to be read in English and known in detail:
 understand what is being said and translate it into Italian.
 Appreciate the poetry and explain the figures of speech.
 Comment on the importance of the scene for characterization and/or advancement of
the plot
Act I
Scene i.
In Venice, Antonio declares he is sad and does not know why.
His friends think it may be because he is worried about his “argosies” (his ships) which might be
destroyed by a storm. They try to amuse him by joking. They all leave him when Bassanio arrives.
O.K. I.i.114 to end of the scene.
Scene ii
In Belmont, Portia declares to Nerissa that she is sad. She is worried that she cannot choose her
husband because of her father’s will. She asks Nerissa to describe her various suitors. A survey of
national stereotypes and prejudices.
Scene iii O.K. Read the whole scene.Bassanio and Antonio borrow money from Shylock.
Act II
Scene i: O.K.. Read the whole scene Morocco’s declaration.
Scene ii Lancelot announces he is going to quit Shylock.
Scene iii OK Read the whole scene. Jessica is going to leave her father and marry Lorenzo.
Scene iv: Lorenzo and friends prepare Jessica’s elopement. OK from l. 28 to end .
Scene v. OK Read the whole scene Shylock recommends to Jessica to take care of the house
while he is having dinner at Bassanio’s.
Scene vi. Jessica’s elopement. OK from l. 27 to end.
Scene vii. M;orocco chooses the wrong casket.
Scene viii. OK Read the whole scene Solanio and Salarino describe Shylock’s reaction to his
daughter’s elopement and Antonio’s farewell to Bassanio.
Scene ix. Arragon chooses the wrong casket. The arrival of Bassanio is announced.
Scene i OK Read the whole scene Shylock comments on his daughter’s elopement and Antonio’s
Scene ii . OK Read the whole scene Portia and Bassanio in love.
Scene iii OK Read the whole scene: Antonio is in jail and Shylock rejoices that he will have his
Scene iv. OK ll. 1-34. . Portia prepares to leave with Nerissa.
Scene v Jessica, Lancelot and Lorenzo pass the time joking..
Act IV
Scene i O.K.. Read the whole scene The trial
Scene ii Portia and Nerissa prepare to return to Belmont.
Act V
Scene i Lorenzo and Jessica’s ecstatic enjoyment of moonlight and music. Portia and Nerissa
return and welcome home their husbands and Antonio. OK from l. 127 to end.