Lion King Anticipation Guide.doc

Anticipation Guide for Disney’s The Lion King
Before reading: In the space to the left of each statement, place a check mark if you agree or think the statement
is true.
During and/or after reading: Add new check marks or cross through those about which you have changed your
mind. Keep in mind that this is not like the traditional “worksheet.” This is a critical thinking exercise, so it
will require some work. Use the space under each statement to note the pages where you are finding
information to support your thinking.
_____ 1. We can see a lot of ourselves within animals.
_____ 2. Animals can see a lot of themselves in us.
_____ 3. Disney does a good job teaching diverse audiences—with Aladdin and The Princess and the Frog.
_____ 4. Disney films are for entertainment only—nothing more.
_____ 5. Disney can brainwash children to believe certain ideas.
_____ 6. A holy, religious, faith-filled life is better than the opposite.
_____ 7. It is fine to hold stereotypes—as long as the people being stereotyped are not present.
_____ 8. Capitalism is the absolute best system for human beings.
_____ 9. Incest is among the worst behaviors people can commit.
_____ 10. Your dad should be a stern disciplinary force; otherwise, you will not learn valuable lessons.
_____ 11. If gay marriage is legalized prevalently, our society will crumble.
_____ 12. Mankind is the cruelest of all beasts, because when we hurt other people, we realize they are being
hurt; when cats play with and eat mice, the cat has no idea that the mouse is in pain. This makes people the
least respectable of all species (concept from Mark Twain’s The Damned Human Race).
_____ 13. Good filmmakers can provide endless thinking opportunities; without them, life would be dull.
_____ 14. The Almighty likes people who work hard for their family.
_____ 15. The Almighty likes good-looking, strong, healthy, wealthy people.
_____ 16. Seeing traumatic events will never leave your psyche.
_____ 17. Art is essential in schools and in life.
_____ 18. People who were abused are far more likely to become abusive.
_____ 19. Disney films teach solid American values.
_____ 20. Hyenas should be loved for how much cleaning they do; without them, buzzards, and flies, the
savanna would be putrid.
_____ 21. People who are born athletic are valued more by society than those who are gifted in other ways.
_____ 22. People who are better looking—according to cultural norms; in some places, super long necks are
sexy—always have it better than those who are not considered handsome or gorgeous by a culture.
_____ 23. If a Disney imagineer did not intend for us to analyze something, we should not analyze it—and we
should not infer anything about its meaning.
_____ 24. Emotional scars affect us much more than physical scars.
_____ 25. In our minds, a constant battle is waged between good (superego) and bad (id).
_____ 26. People are irrationally obsessed with animals: our children’s books, our stuffed toys, our mascots,
our pets, our television programs and characters...