GCSE Personal Exercise Plan (PEP) Student Guide

Student Guide for GCSE Personal Exercise Plan (PEP)
GCSE Physical
Student Guide
Student Guide for GCSE Personal Exercise Plan (PEP)
You must complete a 6-week exercise plan in one of your four activities.
You do not have to choose your O&A activity, but you may find it easier if
you do.
Design a front cover
Relate to your sport.
Use a digital camera to get a picture of yourself performing in your
chosen sport.
Check that the front cover shows your
i. Name
ii. School
iii. Centre Number (17308)
Contents Page
Explain why you have chosen to write training program for a
specific sport, i.e your reasons for participation- Why you like the
sport. What experiences have you had? How long have you been
playing? Which Club or School Team do you/have you played for?
What are you main achievements?
Measuring Physical Fitness
Which HRF and SRF components of fitness are key for your
Test these components and use a table to show your test results
You do not need to explain how you have tested
NB: HRF E.g. MSFT/Coopers Test/Yo-Yo test, Press-ups/ Sit-ups in 30 sec,
Weight, BMI, Sit & reach, Back Hyper extension, Ankle plantar flexion.
NB: SRF E.g. Flamingo, 5-10-5, Tennis ball catch in 30 sec, Standing broad jump,
Sergeant jump, 20m sprint, Plate tapping test, Ruler drop test.
Student Guide for GCSE Personal Exercise Plan (PEP)
Evaluation of practical performance:
How skilled are you? What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Talk to your Coach, a Team mate, your Captain, your Teacher or
complete a video analysis of yourself.
Summarise your findings in a paragraph.
6. Use a table or bullet points to
summarise your strengths and
Combine information from your Physical fitness tests and your
self/peer/coach analysis of your performance.
Be accurate in your observations
Use the rating values to compare yourself to others.
Be specific to the demands of your sport, e.g. your flexibility may
be rated as very good but if you are a Gymnast it should be
From your weaknesses pick the component of fitness, which if
improved, would make the most difference to your practical
Set yourself a SMARTER target
focusing on this weakness
Specific- to your Individual Needs and to your sport
Measurable- how will measure your improvement, e.g. resting
heart rate, distance run in coopers test, sit and reach test, etc
Agreed- the target is seen as valuable by yourself an your coach
Realistic- to the time and resources you have available to you
Time related –you aim is to achieve it in 6 weeks
Student Guide for GCSE Personal Exercise Plan (PEP)
Exciting- you would be motivated to complete the training to
improve it
Recorded- write it down so you don’t forget it!
8. Consider how you will improve this aspect of performance.
Design a six week training programme to
improve your fitness target.
Methods of Training
Use appropriate
Circuit , Weight, Continuous, Interval, Fartlek, Plyometrics and
NB: Explain how the type(s) of training chosen can help improve your
fitness results
Principles of Training
Apply the
Specificity, Progression, Overload, Reversibility, Training Variation,
Individual needs, Frequency, Intensity, Type of training and Time.
NB: explain how these affect the content of your plan
State how you will measure your training intensity, Overload
(PRE/HR values) and how you will achieve progression during your
programme (increase resistance, distance, time).
Include your HR values:
Maximum Heart rate? 220-your age (bpm)
What is your resting Heart Rate (in bpm)
What are your target zones for training?
Consider how often you will
NB: you do not need to write out your plan x6 weeks. Show week one
of your plan and then state how you will then maintain overload
through progression over the next 5 weeks. Include diagrams or
photographs and any specific exercise that you plan to do
Student Guide for GCSE Personal Exercise Plan (PEP)
Keep a training diary.
After each session record a brief comment on whether it went to
plan or not.
Record any results such as HR and increased distance, resistance,
level or time.
10. Evaluation
Relate it back to your target. Was your training programme
successful, i.e. did you improve your results?
Insert table of results/graph/photograph to show improvement
Did you effectively plan the intensity or time of sessions to achieve
overload and progression?
How has your training affected your performance in your sport?
Did you have any problems during your plan that may have affected
your results -e.g, weather, illness, injury, let down by your training
How could you have improved your training programme?
What will you work on next?!
NB: a concise and precise plan is much
more effectively than a lengthy novel!
Remember a picture says a thousand