Indians and Europeans: Cultural Conflict



結案報告( 2 ): 1. 課程單元介紹 Unit Description

第一單元 Unit Two


Unit Title Indians and Europeans: Cultural Conflict (1 week)


Unit Introduction

This unit introduces the “Indian Savages” Jefferson mentions in the Declaration of

Independence. It gives students some indication of what Indian life was like and what their experience was during colonization by Europeans. Combined with material from the following week, this unit also allows students to compare the different approaches to colonization by the three main countries operating in North America, the French, the

Spanish, and the English.

使用教材 The Text(s) Used


Black Robe (film)


Cultural Conflict (AFH) (Includes a brief introduction to and 3 eye witness accounts— one Spanish and two Indian—of the seventeenth-century Pueblo revolt in New Mexico.)


結案報告( 2 ):課程單元內容 Unit Content


Unit Two


Text 1

教材名稱 Text Title

Cultural Conflicts (AFH)


一般教學講義 General Teaching Notes

1. 概論 General Introduction

See the questions below. The three texts provide a basis for talking about the reasons for the revolt. Ask students purely on the basis of the different testimonies and introduction to suggest differences in the Indian and Spanish perspectives. Point out the intentions of the Spanish to rule the Indians as new subjects in their empire. This is different from the

French who were more interested in trade, and the English who wanted the land for their own purposes. This meant different attitudes toward and relations with Native Peoples.

The Spanish conquered and ruled large areas by military force, but also through religious conversion. They were looking for obedient, tax paying subjects. French settlement followed the rivers whereby they gained access to more Indians with whom to trade.

They were not as invested in conquest or conversion. In the film, Jesuits gets minimal support from French officials (represented by Champlain) who had no real interest in changing the lives of their trading partners and saw the missionaries as something of a nuisance. The English, thirdly, looked to the New World for new land to settle. Their approach was to adopt strategies to dispossess Native Peoples, which often involved campaigns of outright extermination.


Further Details about Historical Background, Vocabulary, Language and Style.

時代背景字彙、語言或文體介紹 (Full Text or URL)

There are many web sites devoted to the Pueblo Revolt and an internet web search will pick them up. One that provides useful summary information are:

Another that provides a more extensive account:

Another Spanish first hand account:

A general site on the Puebla Indians, including material on the Revolt:



Discussion Questions or Important Issues

甲、 What is the difference between the Spanish and the French (from Black Robe ) in their approach to the New World and the Indians who lived there?


From your reading, what are the differences between the Spanish and the Indians, and

how did their differences cause the rebellion?

丙、 What are the religious differences between the Spanish and French who are Catholic, and the Indians who are trying to follow traditional beliefs? Why do the Indians in

Black Robe reject the French priest’s religion? Why do the Pueblos want to return to their traditional religion even though they long ago accepted the faith of the Spanish?

What other differences between Indian and European culture appear from the film and readings?

丁、 There are two testimonials from Indians, but they are different. How are they different and how can you explain their difference? A hint: How old are they?

戊、 How can the differences between the two Indian testimonies help us to understand why the Indians finally allowed the Spanish back? How else can we explain the failure of the Indians to succeed in their rebellion, or succeed generally in resisting the Europeans who, with very few men, conquered and destroyed so many Indian cultures in North


己、 What would you say the filmmaker’s attitude is toward the Jesuits and the Indians? Are there differences? Are there similarities? Why do you think the film includes the initial sequence in Montreal before they set out on the journey? Note that one of the characters in this part of the film is Samuel de Champlain. Who is he, what is his attitude toward the Jesuits and Indians, and why is it important that he is present?

2. 多媒體輔助教材之運用 Description of the Use of Multimedia

Multimedia Text I


教材名稱 Title

Black Robe (film)


出版、採購資訊或網址 Publication and purchasing reference or web site URL) dvd:


用途與教學法 Supportive functions & Teaching methods

Black Robe is useful in many ways. For one, it is shot primarily in the Canadian wilderness and so give students some idea of the environment Europeans encountered in attempting to settle in the New World. The film also represents Indian life with unparalleled realism that never fails to enthrall students. More substantively, Black Robe illustrates again and again the differences between Indian and European cultures: religious orientation, attitudes toward nature, ownership of property, technology, and sex. The movies can be used to emphasize differences between the French and Spanish too—and later the English. These can be developed with considerable nuance, especially in the French case where what would seem to be grounds for a less invasive treatment of the Indians—they just wanted to trade—is countered by the evangelism of the

Jesuits, and exploitative paternalism of Champlain. Easy to overlook in the film is the opening sequence in which Champlain appears. I ask students to consider this part quite carefully as it helps explain the sorrow that pervades the lives of the Indians and Jesuits alike. Both, I point out, are locked in a struggle they are destined to loose as the world is being transformed into one dominated by materialism, rationalism, and governmental bureaucracy.


注意事項 Special notes:

Website constructed by students that critiques Black Robe as history:

A Map of the Seneca Villages and the Jesuit and French Contacts 1615-1708:

Brief History of the Jesuits:

Jesuits in the Southern US:

Biographies of Missionaries and Religious Leaders:

Multimedia Text II


教材名稱 Title


出版、採購資訊或網址 Publication and purchasing reference or web site URL)



Supportive functions & Teaching methods


注意事項 Special notes:

(More Multimedia Texts….)

3 相關網站 Online Resources

網站名稱 Title1

American Indian History 網址


簡介 Introduction

網站名稱 Title 2



簡介 Introduction

Index of Native American Resources on the Internet

網站名稱 Title 3

網址 URL

簡介 Introduction

Native Americans - Internet Resources
