Brookway High School and Sports College BTEC First Sport - Assessment Sheet Name: Unit 1: The Body in Sport Assignment Title Pass Assignment 1: Investigate the three body systems. Identify the major bones of the body using diagrams (i.e. structure) (P1). 2. Describe how bones grow (P1). 3. Describe the functions of the skeletal systems (P1). 4. Identify the structure of the cardiovascular system using diagrams (P5). 5. Describe the functions of the cardiovascualr system (P5). 6. Identify the structure of the respiratory system using diagrams (P5). 7. Describe the functions of the respiratory systems (P6). 8. Describe the different types of muscle (P3). 9. Identify the major muscles of the body using diagrams (P3). 10. Explain how muscles initiate movement (P3). Describe the structure and function of the skeleton and how bones grow (P1). Describe the different types of muscle, the major muscles in the body, and how the muscles move (P3). Describe the structure and function of the cardiovascular system and how it is affected by exercise (P5). Describe the structure and function of the respiratory system and how it is affected by exercise (P6). 1. How to Achieve a Higher Grade To achieve a __________________________________ grade you need to: Merit Distinction Brookway High School and Sports College BTEC First Sport - Assessment Sheet Name: Unit 1: The Body in Sport Assignment Title Pass Merit Distinction Assignment 2: Muscular Movements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Choose a sporting movement from four different sports. E.g. Chest Pass. Describe the movement in detail, broken down into three phases. For each movement, name the synovial joint allowing the movement (M1). Describe how the muscles are working referring to the types of movement and muscular contraction (P3, M1 M3, D1). Name the muscles which are contracting/ relaxing (P3, M3, D1). Explain why and how the muscoskeletal systems generate these movements (D1). Describe the different types of muscle, the major muscles in the body, and how the muscles move (P3). How to Achieve a Higher Grade To achieve a __________________________________ grade you need to: Identify the movement occurring at synovial joints during three different types of physical activity (M1). Give examples of different types of muscular contraction relating to four different types of physical activity (M3). Analyse four sporting movements, detailing the musculoskeletal actions occurring and the contractions necessary (D1). Brookway High School and Sports College BTEC First Sport - Assessment Sheet Name: Unit 1: The Body in Sport Assignment Title Pass Merit Distinction Assignment 3: Effects Of Exercise 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Describe what happens to the bones during exercise (P2, M2). Describe what happens to the joints during exercise (P2, M2). Describe what happens to the skeletal muscles during exercise (P4). Describe what happens to the heart and the blood during exercise (M4). Describe what happens to the respiratory system during exercise (M5). Describe the long term effects of exercise to the bones, joints, skeletal muscles, the heart, the blood and the respiratory system (P2, P4, P5, P6, M2, M4, M5). Analyse the effects of exercise on the musco-skeltal system (D2). Analyse the effects of exercise on the cardiorespiratory system (D3). Identify the effects of exercise on bones and joints (P2). Identify the effects of exercise on skeletal muscles (P4). How to Achieve a Higher Grade To achieve a __________________________________ grade you need to: Explain the effects of exercise on bones and joints (M2). Explain the effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system (M4). Explain the effects of exercise on the respiratory system (M5). Analyse the effects of exercise on the musculoskeletal system (D2). Analyse the effects of exercise on the cardiorespiratory system (D3). Brookway High School and Sports College BTEC First Sport - Assessment Sheet Name: Unit 1: The Body in Sport Assignment Title Pass Merit Assignment 4: Description of Energy Systems 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Choose two types of physical activity which use the aerobic system and two types of physical activity which uses the anaerobic system (P7). Describe the two types of physical activities chosen and name the energy system being used in each activity (P7). Describe how each energy system works (M6). Identify the number of calories needed for each activity (M6). Explain which activities require more energy, referring to the number of calories being consumed and the duration of the exercise. (M6). Identify two types of physical activity that use the aerobic energy system and two that use the anaerobic energy systems (P7). How to Achieve a Higher Grade To achieve a __________________________________ grade you need to: Explain the energy requirements of four different types of physical activity (M6). Distinction Brookway High School and Sports College BTEC First Sport - Assessment Sheet Name: Unit 2: Health, Safety and Injury in Sport Assignment Title Pass Merit Distinction Assignment 1: Identifying Risks and Hazards 1. 2. 3. Choose two different sports and describe at least six different risks and hazards associated with each sport (P1). For the risks and hazards which you have identified, explain why these hazards can cause injury (M1). Compare the two sports which you have chosen. Compare the seriousness of the risks and the injuries that can occur in the two sports. You need to look at the similarities and differences between the sports and make appropriate comments (D1). Describe six risks and hazards associated with sports participation. (P1). How to Achieve a Higher Grade To achieve a __________________________________ grade you need to: Explain risks and hazards associated with sports participation. (M1). Give a detailed account of why participants are at risk of injury whilst taking part in sport (D1). Brookway High School and Sports College BTEC First Sport - Assessment Sheet Name: Unit 2: Health, Safety and Injury in Sport Assignment Title Pass Merit Distinction Assignment 2: Minimising the Risk of Injury in Sport 1. 2. 3. Choose a sport and describe how specialist equipment can be used to minimise the risk of injury. (D2). Analyse the use of specialist equipment to minimise the risk of injury. You need to discuss how effective the equipment can be (D2). In your chosen sport describe at least three rules which are related to health, safety and injury (P2, M2). Describe prominent rules, regulations and legislation relating to health and safety and injury in sports participation (P2). How to Achieve a Higher Grade To achieve a __________________________________ grade you need to: Explain prominent rules, regulations and legislation relating to health and safety and injury in sports participation (M2). Analyse the use of specialist equipment to minimise the risk of injury (D2). Brookway High School and Sports College BTEC First Sport - Assessment Sheet Name: Unit 2: Health, Safety and Injury in Sport Assignment Title Pass Merit Assignment 3: Causes and Symptoms of Injuries 1. 2. 3. Choose two different sports and describe at least four different types of injury which can occur in those sports (P3). For each injury describe how the injury can be caused and the signs and symptoms of the injury (P3, P4). Explain why each injury is associated with that sport (M3). Describe four different types of injuries associated with sports participation and their underlying causes (P3). Describe types and signs of illnesses relating to sports participation (P4). How to Achieve a Higher Grade To achieve a __________________________________ grade you need to: Explain why certain injuries and illnesses are associated with sports participation (M3). Distinction Brookway High School and Sports College BTEC First Sport - Assessment Sheet Name: Unit 2: Health, Safety and Injury in Sport Assignment Title Pass Merit Assignment 4: Dealing with an Accident 1. Assess an accident, consisting of three casualties (P5, M4). Deal with casualties suffering form three different injuries and/or illnesses, with teacher support (P5). How to Achieve a Higher Grade To achieve a __________________________________ grade you need to: Deal with casualties suffering from three different injuries and/or illnesses (M4). Distinction Brookway High School and Sports College BTEC First Sport - Assessment Sheet Name: Unit 2: Health, Safety and Injury in Sport Assignment Title Pass Merit Assignment 5: Risk Assessment 1. 2. Choose a sport and complete a risk assessment relevant to the sport (P6). Describe contingency plans that can be used in a risk assessment (M5). Complete a risk assessment relevant to sport. (P6). How to Achieve a Higher Grade To achieve a __________________________________ grade you need to: Describe contingency plans that can be used in a risk assessment (M5). Distinction Brookway High School and Sports College BTEC First Sport - Assessment Sheet Name: Unit 4: Preparation for Sport Assignment Title Pass Merit Distinction Assignment 1: Lifestyle 1. 2. 3. 4. Describe at least four lifestyle factors that may affect the performance of your athletes (P2). Explain how these lifestyle factors can have a negative affect on performance (M1). Give possible recommendations to help the athletes to achieve a more positive lifestyle (D1). Explain how these recommendations will have a positive effect on performance (D1). Describe four different lifestyle factors that can affect sports performance (P2). How to Achieve a Higher Grade To achieve a __________________________________ grade you need to: Explain the effects of fitness and the lifestyle of sports performers on sports performance (M1). Evaluate the effects of lifestyle factors on sports performance, providing recommendations for changes (D1). Brookway High School and Sports College BTEC First Sport - Assessment Sheet Name: Unit 4: Preparation for Sport Assignment Title Pass Merit Distinction Assignment 2: Fitness Testing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Choose a sport that takes place at your Sports Centre. Describe the components of physical fitness needed for that sport and explain why each component of fitness is important for that particular sport (P1). Choose three components of fitness and describe three tests which will test each component of fitness (P3). Conduct the tests correctly and record the results accurately (P3, M3). Comment on the results of each test (M2). Critically analyse the fitness test results by commenting on the strengths/weaknesses and drawing valid conclusions. Provide recommendations for future training activities (D2). Describe the components of fitness and their effect on sports performance (P1). Select and conduct three suitable tests, related to different areas of fitness, in order to assess the fitness of a selected sports performer, with teacher support, recording results accurately (P3). How to Achieve a Higher Grade To achieve a __________________________________ grade you need to: Independently select and conduct three suitable tests, related to different areas of fitness, in order to assess the fitness of a selected sports performer, accurately recording and interpreting results (M2). Analyse the fitness test results drawing valid conclusions and making recommendations for future sports performance (D2). Brookway High School and Sports College BTEC First Sport - Assessment Sheet Name: Unit 4: Preparation for Sport Assignment Title Pass Merit Assignment 3: Training Programme 1. Choose a sport that takes place at your Sports Centre. Plan a six week training programme for an athlete within this sport. Make sure that you choose at least one component of fitness that the athlete wishes to improve, relative to the sport. You should identify the training to be carried out each day and the time/ intensity. Remember the training programme must be progressive, i.e. it must get harder as the weeks go by (P4, M3). Plan with teacher support, a six week training programme for a selected sports performer. (P4). How to Achieve a Higher Grade To achieve a __________________________________ grade you need to: Independently plan a six week training programme for a selected sports performer. (M3). Distinction Brookway High School and Sports College BTEC First Sport - Assessment Sheet Name: Unit 4: Preparation for Sport Assignment Title Pass Merit Assignment 4: Dietary Guidelines 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Choose a sport that takes place at your Sports Club. Produce an information sheet that presents dietary guidelines for an athlete within this particular sport (P5). You should include the recommended intake from the different food groups (P5). You should produce daily meal plans over a two week period (P5). On the plan you should indicate which food group is being eaten and the timing of the food intake (e.g. referring to training and competition) (M5). You should refer to hydration and nutritional supplements (P5). You need to explain why the athlete is eating what they are, when they are (M5). Prepare and present dietary guidelines for a selected sports performer, providing suitable daily meal plans over a two week period (P5). How to Achieve a Higher Grade To achieve a __________________________________ grade you need to: Explain dietary guidelines and meal plans (M5). Distinction Brookway High School and Sports College BTEC First Sport - Assessment Sheet Name: Unit 4: Preparation for Sport Assignment Title Pass Merit Distinction Assignment 5: Psychological Factors 1. 2. 3. Produce a leaflet for athletes and parents that describe the basic psychological factors that can affect training and performance. You should include motivation, arousal and anxiety, personality and concentration (P6). Describe how each of these factors affect training or performance (M5). Critically analyse psychological factors that affect training and performance indicating both positive and negative affects of these factors (D3). Identify psychological factors that can affect sports training and performance and what the effects on sports training and performance could be (P6). How to Achieve a Higher Grade To achieve a __________________________________ grade you need to: Describe psychological factors that can affect sports training and performance and what the effects on sports training and performance could be (M5). Analyse psychological factors that affect sports training and performance (D3).