Imperialism occurs when a powerful nation controls a weaker nation

Imperialism – An Overview
Imperialism: What Is It?
Imperialism occurs when a powerful nation controls a weaker nation. During the 1500’s,
many countries set up colonies in the Americas. Spain controlled most of Central and South
America and shared control of North America with France and Great Britain. Colonialism, or
the controlling of colonies, is very similar to imperialism.
By the beginning of the 1800’s,
however, wars like the American
Revolution had changed European
nations’ opinions about colonialism.
Colonies seemed to cause more
trouble than they were worth. This
all changed when these and other
countries industrialized. By the end
of the 1800’s, industrial nations
Industrial nations grabbing for important natural resources imperialism.
from Europe shared control of
much of the world with industrial
nations like the United States and Japan. How did this happen? There are many reasons.
How Did Industrialism Help Imperialism?
The Industrial Revolution was one reason why imperialism spread. Factory owners in the
industrialized nations needed natural resources of other countries. To keep the factories
running, they needed coal, iron, gold, silver, tin, copper rubber and cotton. They could get
these from colonies.
These same nations needed places to sell their manufactured goods. That is, they needed
markets. By taking control of colonies, they could control markets. Each nation let its
colonies buy only those goods manufactured in the mother country – the nation that controls
the colony.
How Did Nationalism Help Imperialism?
Some countries thought that an empire would make them look important in the eyes of the
world. Italy, Germany, Japan, and the United States thought colonies would make them look
as powerful as Britain and France. Many leaders agreed with the idea that there has never
been a great power without great colonies.
How Did Militarism Help Imperialism?
In the late 1800’s, many countries built up their military power. Industrial nations put lots of
their energy and resources into building large armies and navies. The leaders and people of
each nation took great pride in their powerful military equipped with devastating new
weapons, developed because of advances in technology and industry. This type of
nationalism or national pride is called militarism.
Sea power was especially important because it helped countries control trade routes. Mother
countries could use their colonies as military bases. Ships from these mother countries could
stop at colonial ports to get supplies for the military.
What Attitudes Helped Promote Imperialism?
Many people in Europe and the United States though that they were better than people from
other continents. They thought that these people – especially Africans and Asians – were
ignorant and uncivilized. Many Europeans and Americans believed that they should bring
Christianity and “western” (European-style) civilization to the people of these continents.
What Was the Effect of Imperialism on Asia?
By the early 1700’s, Britain was the greatest sea power in
the world. It would also go on to become the most
industrialized power and the country that did the most
trading. Because of all this, Britain wanted colonies in Asia
and in many other places in the world. Soon, the British
would brag that “the sun never sets on the British empire.”
Why Was India Important to Britain?
An empire called the Moguls ruled most of India in the 1500
and 1600’s, but that empire collapsed in 1707. India was
then divided into many weak, independent states. By the
mid-1700’s, France and Britain were fighting each other for
A British officer is waited on by
Indian servants.
control on India. Britain won. At first, the British ruled India
through a privately owned company – the British East India
Company. However, after a revolt by Indians in 1858, the British government took direct
control over it.
For nearly 100 years, India was the single most important colony in the British Empire. It
provided Britain with natural resources and raw materials for industry. Its large population
also provided an important market for British manufactured goods.
India was so important to Britain, that British leaders called it “the Jewel in the Crown” – a
reference to the crown jewels worn by the British monarch. Naturally, Britain did everything it
could to protect its claim on India from other imperialistic countries. In the late 1800’s Russia
threatened India on its northwest boundary. To protect India, Britain took over Afghanistan. It
also took over an area called Burma to the east of India to keep the French from moving into
India from that direction.
When Did Europe Insist on More Trade with China?
China lies east of India. For years Chinese rulers had allowed only limited trade with other
countries. By the late 1800’s, however, this limited trade no longer satisfied the Europeans.
They forced China to give them special trade rights. After 1842, Great Britain, France,
Germany, and Russia took over Chinese land and important sea ports. These nations
divided China up into four different trading areas. Historians call these areas spheres of
influence. The Europeans said that China was still an independent country. However, its
rulers had no say in the European-controlled trade.
What Happened in Japan in 1867?
For a while, people thought that Japan, too, might fall into Europe’s imperialism. This island
nation had cut itself off from contact with European nations for almost 200 years. It was a
country full of castles and knights (called samurai) and peasant farmers. It was using a feudal
system to organize its society. Then a fleet of modern American warships lead by
Commodore Matthew Perry, forced its way into Tokyo Bay. The Americans told the Japanese
to open their country for trade or be invaded.
The Japanese did open their country, and the problems
this caused led to a revolution in 1867. This revolution
ended the rule of “the shogun” (a military dictator) and
gave political power to Emperor Meiji. Even greater
changes were coming to Japan.
After 1867, new leaders governed Japan in the
emperor’s name. They introduced reforms, and Japan
set out to become a modern, industrialized nation. It
adopted western ideas about transportation and
education. It got rid of the feudalism. Then the Japanese
leaders wrote a constitution based on the German
How Did the Japanese Become Imperialistic?
Next, Japan began to develop a western-style army. In
1876, its leaders passed a law that ordered all young
men to serve in the army. Soon Japan had a modern
army and navy. The Japanese used their new military
power to push into weaker countries like China,
searching for raw materials to use in its new industries.
From 1894 to 1895, Japan went to war with China. China
lost and had to give up some of its territory to Japan.
A French political cartoon from the
period which shows Great Britain,
Germany, Russia, France and Japan
dividing up China, who protests in the
In 1904, Japan went to war with Russia and won again. It took over Korea and gained
important trading rights in Russian-controlled areas in China. Like many European nations,
Japan had become an imperialistic world power.
What Effect Did Imperialism Have on Africa?
As discussed above, Europeans wanted colonies in Asia. They wanted them in Africa, too, for
the same reasons. In the 1870’s, Europeans raced one another to claim colonies there. The
race to claim colonies came to be known as the “Scramble for Africa.”
What Colonies Did Britain Control in Africa?
By the end of the 1800’s, Great Britain controlled what now the nations of Sudan, Nigeria,
Ghana, Kenya and Uganda. In 1900, it took over Nigeria. South Africa became a British
colony in 1909.
In 1859, Egyptian workers began to build the Suez Canal across the desert in Egypt. When it
was finished over 10 years later, it connected the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea. The
canal made the trip from Europe to such places as India and China much shorter. In 1875,
Britain took control of the canal.
A few years later, Egypt became a British protectorate. As a protectorate, Egypt stayed
independent, but Britain controlled it interactions with other countries (its “foreign policy”). In
return, Britain protected Egypt from attacks by other countries.
What Was France and Germany’s Role in the “Scramble for Africa?”
France established the largest European empire in Africa. It stretched 2,500 miles from the
Atlantic Ocean to Sudan in the East. France’s claims in Africa were large but not rich. Much
of what it claimed was the Sahara Desert. Still, other countries respected France for having
such large African claims.
Because Germany had only united as a country in 1871, it entered the race for African
territory late. Still, its military strength worried other European countries. When the German
government asked other European countries to come to Berlin for a meeting about Africa in
1884, they came. The Germans and other were concerned about setting boundaries and
keeping the peace between European countries. The meeting came to be known as the
Berlin Conference. Even though it concerned the continent of Africa, no African nations were
Many other nations were involved in this scramble, too. Spain and Portugal had the oldest
colonies. They had been involved in the buying and transporting of slaves to the Americas
since the 1500’s. Belgium controlled a large colony in central Africa. Belgian traders forced
Africans there to harvest sap from trees for making rubber. Italians also came late to Africa
because they had only recently unified as a country. Italy had little success claiming territory
in Africa at this time.
Many European countries scrambled for empires, but some nations got little or nothing of
value. These countries felt angry at those who got wealth from their colonies. This led to
Was Imperialism Good or Bad?
Europeans said that imperialism was good. It brought hospitals, railroad lines, and schools to
Africa and Asia. It introduced the idea of constitutional government. It also brought jobs and
industry to the colonies.
However, many of the colonial people thought that imperialism was bad. They felt that
Europeans got more out of imperialism than they did. Factories in Africa and Asia supplied
cheap goods to Europe. But these factories – owned by Europeans – destroyed native
industries and trades. Many Africans and Asians lost their traditional jobs.
Also, the colonial people had no control over their government or their country’s natural
resources. Europeans took the best land and the richest sources of gold, silver, copper, or
other valuable natural resources found in the ground.
How Did Europeans Treat Native People?
Europeans thought they were better than the native people of Africa and Asia. They tried to
change the religion, the language, and the ways of life of these colonized people. This
showed that they had little respect for native beliefs and customs. In time, this led to a wave
of nationalism among the people of Africa and Asia who struggled for their independence.