1) My mind map included: teaching the importance of recycling, the frameworks of poverty, gangs and violence in schools, learning more about all ethnic backgrounds. 2) I am interested in learning about multicultural and environmental issues in the community. I want to learn how as a teacher to help my students become successful in their personal goals. As a teacher I want to be more understanding of each student background experience. For example: poverty, gangs, single parent, abuse, and education. 3) I hope to learn from this course how to be a successful teacher and role model that can help educate our students in cultural and environmental issues. I want to help the students learn about the positive support systems they may have in their community. As a teacher I would like to teach my students positive life skills in order to become positive adults. I want to teach my students to become aware of the environmental issues. I want to teach my students various ethnic background (traditions, cultures) to be aware and not afraid by them. Activities may include reading books about various multicultural backgrounds. Perform a research study on the environmental issues in the community. 4) Receiving information Reading Material: a) Read books pertaining to multicultural and environmental issues b) Research these topics on the internet c) Read local newspaper/articles/magazines on environmental issues Direct Experience/Doing a) Interview leaders of multicultural groups in the community b) Interview ex-gang members c) Read books about different multicultural traditions d) Interview students about gangs, violence, drugs in the community e) Educated students about the importance of recycling f) Building or replant a flower garden around the school or in the community g) Implement recycling in the school district (paper, plastic, cans) h) Find out if there are any recycle dumpsters around the community Clarifying/Explaining a) Weekly journal writing b) Write a paper about multicultural issues in the community. (poverty, drugs, gangs) c) Write a paper about environmental issues and recycling in the community. d) Weekly peer learner discussions. Creating/Speculating a) Create a recycling club in the schools. (get other schools involved) b) Weekly journal writing.