PREPARING TEACHERS ON THE FACE OF MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY AND GLOBALIZATION Yeni Artanti PPS / Ilmu Pedidikan (S3) FBS UNY Abstrak The impact of globalization is such a rapid change in all fields, including education. Preparing educators or qualified teachers in the era of information technology development is an urgent and a challenge that must be answered by higher education institution in preparing teachers in any country including the State University of Yogyakarta. This article is the author's idea about multicultural education for higher education especially for student who are to be prepared as teachers in Indonesia. Multicultural education is always upholds the values, beliefs, heterogeneity, plurality and diversity, in any aspect of society. Education that can be accommodate many thousands of differences in harmonious, tolerant and respectful. This is expected to be one of the pillars of peace, prosperity, happiness, and harmony of life of Indonesian society. Multicultural education in Indonesia is of course different from education in the United States or Canada because of the peculiarities of the Indonesian nation. Multicultural education can be through by echoing back lifelong learning program or the Life Long Learning (LLL). It could be integrated to all the subject in higher education. The fact is that lifelong learning is a must for anyone in the face of changes that occur. That is because the teachers are now required to always learn and be willing to redefine the assumptions that have been understood and applied. In addition, teachers are also required to be able to adapt and flexibly to any changes. To that end, empowerment or empowerment becomes the key to successful learning. Empowerment in education allows (1) the ability to deal with changes in value and pluralism, (2) the ability to choose various alternatives, (3) the ability of learners to adapt to such rapid changes. Higher education is an institution that is expected to make all the academic community to always be able to think critically, into a cultural mediator, able to provide assistance or advocacy for students, as well as being an agent of change who are committed to achieving equitable multicultural education, fair, quality. Key words: teachers, education, multicultural and globalisation