Weekly Schedule/ Eng 221/ Term 092 Introduction to Literature Dr. Orchida Fayez Ismail 27 – 31 March Origins of Literature & English Material covered Assignments Orientation Registration still on going Introduction to English Literature Buy text books Start Research work The history of English Literature and the terminology associated with it Old English/Texts Produced (Beowulf, Caedmon) Middle English (Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales) The Legend of King Arthur Literature Timeline Social, Stylistic, Political, …etc. 3–7 April Hand in CW 1 ____________________________________ Quiz 1 Characteristics of Greek Tragedy Characteristics of Greek Theatre The purpose of Theatre Research the myth of Oedipus Characteristics of the tragic hero Stylistic tools Hand in CW 2 Relation between nature and our world Start Reading The 10 – 14 April Notices Translate some lines of the Tales Oedipus Rex by Sophocles Drama (Tragedy 20 – 24 March 13 – 17 March 6 – 10 March 27Feb -3 march 20-24 Feb. Topics Women’s College Odd Couple Introduction to Comedy Midterm Exam _____________________________ Break Week9-10 Week 8 Week 7 Week 6 Week 5 Week 4 Week 3 Week 2 Week 1 Wk Prince Sultan University © Dr.Orchida Ismail/February. 2010/ Term 092 Weekly Schedule/ Eng 221/ Term 092 Prince Sultan University Introduction to Literature Dr. Orchida Fayez Ismail Comedy Poetry Epic (Beowulf) Sonnet (William Shakespeare & Milton) Ballad (William Wordsworth) Dramatic Monologue (Robert Browning) Notices Hand in CW#3 Washington Square by Henry James Novel 24 – 28 April 1–5 May 8 – 12 May Assignments The Odd Couple by Neil Simon Hand in CW#4 Is Catherine round or flat? Revision Week 5 – 9 June 29 –May – 2 June 22 – 26 May 15 – 19 May Week 11 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Material covered Dates Week 12 Week 11 Wk Women’s College FINAL EXAMINATION P.S. This Schedule is tentative Text Books: - Oedipus the king by Sophocles (the photocopying center) - The Odd Couple by Neil Simon (the photocopying center) - Washington Square by Henry James (Al Shegry Bookstore) - English Literature by Antony Burgess (Al Shegry Bookstore) © Dr.Orchida Ismail/February. 2010/ Term 092 Weekly Schedule/ Eng 221/ Term 092 Introduction to Literature Dr. Orchida Fayez Ismail Prince Sultan University Women’s College References: English Literature (Al Shegry Bookstore) The Norton Anthology of English Literature (Available in the library) The Norton Anthology of American Literature (Available in the library) Online References: BBC Animated English Timeline http://www.bbc.co.uk/history /british/launch_tl_ages_english http://www.socsdteachers.org/tzenglish/literature_timeline_htm http://itc.gsw.edu/faculty/bdavis/ENGL21210timeline.htm http://timerime.com/timeline/130293 http://ks.ac.kr/ycsuh/courses/engsurvey/engsurveyindex/timeline/timeline.htm http://www.google.com/search?q=timeline+of+english+literature&hl=en&rlz+IT4ADBF_e nSA Course Description: This course introduces the three major genres in English literature: poetry, novel, and drama. In addition a historical overview of the development of English as a language and a culture is important. Course Objectives: An in-class reading of selections of all three literary genres is necessary. The poetry selections should reflect its varied nature and various forms (Epic, elegy, ballad, Ode, Dramatic Monologue) The two types of Drama (Tragedy, Comedy) will be exemplified in reading Oedipus the King and The Odd Couple. Fiction will be introduced through reading a short novel (Washington Square by Henry James) Grade Distribution: Course Work and Assignments: 30 % Midterm 30 % Final Exam 40% © Dr.Orchida Ismail/February. 2010/ Term 092