Crete-Monee High School Lesson Plan Format Da te: 8 /2 4 - 8 /2 8 Monday Curriculum Learning Objective(s): The student(s) will: To build schema for the life and times of William Shakespeare and his play Othello. STANDARD: Wednesday Tuesday To build schema for the life and times of William Shakespeare and his play Othello. STANDARD: Co ur se : S en io r Eng li s h BR/QCR and Agenda BW: Journal-Explain any prior knowledge you have regarding William Shakespeare and any of his work. Students will take Cornell notes on the Background of Shakespeare and Othello PPT BW: Journal-Name another example of a Shakespearean tragedy and provide details that demonstrate why it fits the structure of a Shakespearean tragedy. Students will continue taking Cornell notes on the Background of Shakespeare and Othello PPT To assess knowledge on Shakespearean and Othello background information. To build vocabulary through context clues. *Anticipation Guide BW: Journal-It can be sometimes difficult to determine the honesty of a friend. . Do you agree/disagree? Explain. Reading Activity Revised: 03/03/16 Un it: 1 Sha k esp ea rea n Dra m a Writing Activity Journal-Explain any prior knowledge you have regarding William Shakespeare and any of his work. (3 to 5 complete sentences) Journal-Name another example of a Shakespearean tragedy and provide details that demonstrate why it fits the structure of a Shakespearean tragedy. (3 to 5 complete sentences) Journal-It can be sometimes difficult to determine the honesty of a friend. . Do you agree/disagree? Explain. Tea c he r: Wo jtk ie w ic z, Wya t t, & We lc h Guiding and Essential Questions *What role does family play in relationships? In st ru cti o na l St ra teg ie s U ti liz ed: Cornell Notes *Where does an individual’s duty lie? BDA *How do themes and symbols in literature add deeper meaning to the text? *What role does family play in relationships? Vocab Strategy *Where does an individual’s duty lie? *How do themes and symbols in literature add deeper meaning to the text? *What role does family play in relationships? *Where does an M T X X W T F X X X X X Parallel Review Think Pair Share Student Use of Technology Socratic Seminar Time in Text Quiz Quick X X X X Crete-Monee High School Lesson Plan Format STANDARD: Thursday To read and interpret Shakespeare’s language through the reading of Othello. To analyze the play Othello for elements of Shakespearean tragedies, literary devices, and themes. STANDARD: Quiz on Background information *Complete Act I vocabulary context clues, discuss, and add to word wall. BW: Journal- The consequences of jealousy are often detrimental to a relationship. Do you agree/disagree? Explain. Revised: 03/03/16 (3 to 5 complete sentences) Begin reading Act I scene 1 and 2, discuss and take Cornell notes Discuss anticipation guide Journal- The consequences of jealousy are often detrimental to a relationship. Do you agree/disagree? Explain. (3 to 5 complete sentences) Begin reading Act I scene 1 and 2, discuss and take Cornell notes individual’s duty lie? *How do themes and symbols in literature add deeper meaning to the text? *What role does family play in relationships? Write/Journal Homework: *Where does an individual’s duty lie? *How do themes and symbols in literature add deeper meaning to the text? Monday Complete study guide questions Friday To read and interpret Shakespeare’s language through the reading of Othello. To analyze the play Othello for elements of Shakespearean tragedies, literary devices, and themes. Homework: Reference to the Moor BW: Journal-During Iago’s opening conversation with Roderigo, Iago explains why he hates Othello. Provide and evaluate all the reasons he provides and decide if they are sufficient. Explain your Read Act I scene 2 and 3, discuss and take Cornell notes Journal-During Iago’s opening conversation with Roderigo, Iago explains why he hates Othello. Provide and evaluate all the reasons he provides and decide if they are sufficient. Explain your *What role does family play in relationships? *Where does an individual’s duty lie? *How do themes and symbols in literature add Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Crete-Monee High School Lesson Plan Format STANDARD: reasoning. Continue reading Act I scene 2 and 3, discuss and take Cornell notes Complete study guide questions *Alliteration ws Revised: 03/03/16 reasoning. (3 to 5 complete sentences) deeper meaning to the text?