Grapes of Wrath Paper 30 Points Due: Monday, Feb. 1 * Write a one-page response paper, typed, Times New Roman, 12-point font, concerning your thoughts about Chapter 5 of the Grapes of Wrath. * In an essay format with paragraphs, include with introductory paragraph sentences and linking sentences. Answering this “main question” of … - What should have happened during this chapter? Was this story fair? * But make sure you address many of these following questions in answering this “main question” … - Who are the "owners of the land"? - Why do the owners speak "as though the Bank or the Company were a monster"? - Why is it said that "When the monster stops growing, it dies. It can't stay one size"? - What are the effects of increased productivity (due to technology) on the lives of farmers and laborers? How are tractors characterized? - What farming lifestyle is portrayed as no longer possible? What seems to be the only alternative? - What arguments do the tenants use against the repossession of their lands by the owners, that is, against the tenants being kicked off the land? - Why do they repeatedly point out that "Grampa took up the land, and he had to kill the Indians and drive them away ... and he killed weeds and snakes"? Is this ironic? Rubric for Response Essay Purpose of the Assignment Total Points = 30 Points * Sufficiently Answer the Questions Above (21 Points) * Mechanics (3 Points) * Syntax (3 Points) * Length Requirement & Organization (3 Points) The purpose of this activity is to sympathize with what people endured during the Great Depression, looking at one chapter from a classic in American Literature, the Grapes of Wrath. ** Did you sufficiently answer the “main question,” while addressing many of the other questions above? Full Credit: There are few errors in punctuation or verb/noun agreement; it looks as if much effort was put into this paper Full Credit: The sentences flow nicely together and this paper is very well typed Full Credit: The paper is created with paragraphs, is in essay format, and satisfies the length requirement. 1 Half Credit: There are many errors in punctuation or verb/noun agreement; it looks as if this paper was created rather quickly without much effort Half Credit: The sentences are very haphazardly organized; the sentences do not flow well together Half Credit: The paper is not created with paragraphs, is not in essay format, or does not satisfies the length requirement. 2