EXPLICATING A POEM (modified from a list of explication questions from How Poetry Works) The Initial Experience 1. THE FIRST REACTION TO THE POEM What is your first response to the poem? Is there a specific image, line, word, sound, or section of the poem that strikes you as important or interesting? Is there anything in the poem that connects you to your own experience? 2. LITERAL MEANING Try to get at what is happening in the poem—line by line. Keeping in mind that most poems are written in complete sentences, try to re-state each sentence in the poem. 3. SETTING OF THE POEM Where does the poem take place? How do you know? 4. SPEAKER Differentiate between author and speaker (Is the speaker different from the author? Is this point important?). Is the speaker a part of the action of the poem, or is he a part of it? An Examination of Poetic Techniques—know them so that you can recognize patterns, but of equal importance is to see where the pattern is broken, because this is where the poet is speaking to the reader 5. IMAGES What are the specific images that are in the poem? Remember that images are based on any of the senses—sight, sound, taste, touch, smell, and movement. List as many as you can? Do you see any patterns? Figures of speech. Which, if any, figures of speech are represented in the poem? simile metaphor personification allusion symbolism 6. SOUND Read the poem aloud. Notice patterns according to sound in the poem. Word choice o Which words stick out in the poem as being important? o Repetition o Oxymorons o Puns Rhyme o Identify a rhyme pattern (ABAB, for instance) o End-rhyme and internal rhymes o Assonance Alliteration Meter o Iambic pentameter—how to scan a poem o Trochaic o Spondee Line structure o Length o Breaks enjambment 7. IMPORTANCE OF THE TITLE How does the title support what you see as the meaning of the poem? 8. BEGINNING AND END OF THE POEM Why does the poet begin and end here? The Culminating Experience 9. TONE/MOOD Tone (relates to the speaker) Based on your personal response and the effect of the poetic techniques, what is the tone of the speaker in the poem? Mood (relates to the reader) What is the mood of the reader as a result the speaker’s tone? What mood is created by the poem? 10. MEANING OF THE POEM What is the poet trying to say? Theme o A one-word theme or category for the poem o A one-sentence statement that expresses a universal or primordial truth represented in or by the poem Connections—Is this poem a metaphor? How is it a metaphor? o to other literature o to history course o to contemporary society o to personal experience A poem “begins in delight and ends in wisdom” (Frost)