Matters of Life and Death

Unit 1:
Matters of Life
and Death
Page 3
Unit over view
Page 4
Key words
Page 5
Non-religious ideas about life after death
Page 6
Arguments against life after death
Page 8
How to answer a (b) question
Page 9
Christianity and the afterlife
Page 11
How to answer a (c) question
Page 12
Islam and the afterlife
Page 13
How to answer a (d) question
Page 15
The sanctity of life
Page 17
Page 18
Arguments for and against abortion
Page 19
Christian teachings on abortion
Page 20
Muslim teachings on abortion
Page 21
Page 22
Arguments for and against euthanasia
Page 23
The Hospice Movement
Page 24
Christian teachings on euthanasia
Page 25
Muslim teachings on euthanasia
Page 26
The influence of the media on issues of life and death
Page 31
Revision questions
Page 32
Mark scheme
In this topic you will learn and need to know for your
 Why Christians and Muslim believe in life after death and
how beliefs about life after death affect their lives.
 Non-religious reasons for believing in life after death (neardeath experiences, ghosts, mediums, the evidence of
 Why some people do not believe in life after death.
 The nature of abortion, including current British legislation,
and why abortion is a controversial issue.
 Different Christian and Muslim attitudes to abortion and the
reasons for them.
 The nature of euthanasia including current British
legislation, and why euthanasia is a controversial issue.
 Christian and Muslim attitudes to euthanasia and the reasons
for them.
 Arguments for and against the media being free to criticise
what religions say about matters of life and death.
You must learn this list of key words for the (a) part of the
The removal of a foetus from the
womb before it can survive
Assisted suicide
Providing a seriously ill person with
the means to commit suicide
The painless killing of someone
dying from a painful disease
Immortality of the soul
The idea that the soul lives on after
the death of the body
Near-death experience
When someone about to die has an
out of body experience
Non-voluntary euthanasia
Ending someone’s life painlessly
when they are unable to ask, but
you have good reason for thinking
they would want you to do so
Unexplained things which are
thought to have spiritual causes eg
Quality of life
The idea that life must have some
benefits for it to be worth living
The belief that, after death, souls
are reborn in a new body
The belief that, after death, the
body stays in the grave until the end
of the world when it is raised
Sanctity of life
The belief that life is holy and
belongs to God
Voluntary euthanasia
Ending life painlessly when someone
in great pain asks for death
A recent survey in Britain showed that 70% of those questioned thought that there is
such a thing as life after death, even though most of them did not belong to a
religion. Below are some reasons why non-religious people may have this belief:
I am a medium so it’s not surprising
that I believe there is life after
death. I can contact the spirits of
people who have passed over. If I
concentrate hard, I can contact some
of these spirits and pass their
messages on to loved ones. There are
many people I have brought comfort
to, so that’s proof there is life after
I am not religious but I do believe in the
paranormal – things such as ghosts, as
do many people world wide. Many people
believe in things they have never
actually seen themselves (think about
electricity – we haven’t seen it but we
know it exists). Ghosts are spirits of the
dead. Because they are not bound by
earthly bodies they can walk through
walls and vanish at will. Many people
may have seen ghosts but just assumed it
was a living person who walked by.
I believe in reincarnation. To me it’s
common sense really. Haven’t you had a
feeling that you’ve been somewhere
before and yet you know you couldn’t
have been? That’s déjà vu. Most of the
time we can’t remember our previous
lives but occasionally it’s like the curtains
part and we get the odd glimpse. Also,
under proper hypnosis people have been
able to recall places accurately. Done
properly there is no way they could have
made it up.
Some have had near death
experiences. This is when
someone has died and before being
resuscitated they have experienced
floating near the ceiling and being
able to look down on what’s
happening. Some also report seeing
a bright light, or seeing member of
family who have died or a religious
figure e.g. Jesus
It is hard to believe that there is
nothing beyond the life of the
body. Humans sense that they
have significance beyond their
earthly existence. Also, it is
comforting to think that there is
something when we die, and we
can see loved ones who have
already died.
Of course, not everyone believes that there is a life after death. In the twenty-first
century we expect science to prove us with reliable answers. Despite all the tests
that have been done, science has certainly not proved that life after death exists
(but it hasn’t proved that it doesn’t either!).
Over the page are some arguments non-religious people give for not believing in a
life after death.
The idea of life after
death is contradictory. A
person is either dead or
alive. Scientists would
say that nothing can
survive death.
There is no scientific
proof that there is an
afterlife and there is no
evidence proof a soul
When people die,
their bodies decay
and nothing else
happens to them.
How could it?
Near death experiences can be
medically explained. Lack of
oxygen causes hallucinations or
they could be dreams or
subconscious memories.
Discussion Point
Below is a picture of a ghost at Hampton Court. What do you think?
A reminder of how to answer a (b) question:
This is where you are asked for your opinion and you have to give 2 reasons for why you
agree or disagree. It must be one-sided rather than a yes and no answer.
Step 1
Decide whether your
response it going to be
‘Yes’ or ‘No’. There
are no marks for
saying this, but it is
important to be clear
in your mind what
view you are going to
Step 2
When giving your reasons try to give
full reasons rather than brief ones.
For example:
Q: ‘Do you think beliefs about life
after death are only for religious
A: No, the paranormal is proof (1
mark) and déjà vu isn’t religious (1
This answer is a bit brief and so only
gets 2/4 marks.
Step 3
Go in to more detail/develop your reasons to get full marks.
For example:
I don’t think you have to be religious to believe in life after death. Some people
with out a belief have paranormal experience such as seeing ghosts or having
near death experiences. (2 marks)
Another reason is because under hypnosis some non-religious people remember
what they did in a former life or at other times experience a sense of déjà vu.
Both prove that there is life after death and plenty of people who aren’t
religious believe they have a former life. (2 marks)
Now try these (b) questions:
1. Do you agree that there is no such thing as life after death?
Give two reasons for your point of view. (4)
2. Do near death experiences prove that there is life after death?
Give two reasons for your point of view. (4)
All Christians agree that there is life after death however there are 3 different views
on what form this takes, and different ideas with in those opinions. This is based on
either the idea of resurrection or the immortality of the soul.
1. Resurrection – Some Christians believe that when the body dies nothing
happens as the soul waits until when God will end the world at some point in
the future. Both the dead and the living will then face God and will be judged
on their faith and actions while living. Good Christians will go to heaven, the
bad and those who are not Christians will go to hell.
1. The Bible St. Paul said “But the truth is that Christ has been raised
from the dead, as the guarantee that those who sleep in death will
also be raised” (1 Corinthians 15:20).
2. In the Creed (the statement of Christian belief) it says “I believe in the
resurrection of the body and the life everlasting.”
3. Jesus’ body was resurrected
2. Immortality of the soul – Many other Christians believe that when people
die, souls live on in a spiritual realm after being judged by God on their good
and bad deeds. The good will go to heaven, the bad to hell.
1. The Bible frequently refers to there being an afterlife e.g “For God loved
the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who
believes in him may not die, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
2. Jesus said the criminal on the cross would be in paradise straight after
3. the communion of saints teaches that living and dead Christians can
communicate with each other
4. Things like near-death experiences when people say their soul has left
their body and gone down a tunnel of light to God show the immortality of
the soul.
3. Roman Catholic Christians think that souls which have not sinned since their
last confession to a priest will go straight to heaven and those who have been
deliberately evil and not repented (said sorry) will go straight to hell.
They also believe in the existence of a 3rd place called purgatory. Those who
have sinned but are not evil will go to purgatory which is like a waiting room.
Souls stay in purgatory to be cleansed and then they go up to heaven.
1. It is the teaching of the Church in the Catechism
2. This teaching makes sense of the biblical teachings of resurrection of
the body and immortality of the soul.
Good = Heaven
Purgatory will always
lead to heaven
Bad = Hell
HOWEVER, not all Christians believe in hell. Many modern Christians think
that the after life is for all people regardless of religion and that hell is not a
literal place. They believe in an all-loving God and so the idea that He would
allow people to have an appalling eternity is unacceptable.
A reminder of how to answer the (c) question:
This questions tests that you know reasons for things, and not just what people think
etc. It is also the question that your written English will be tested.
Step 1
Underline the most
important words.
For example:
Step 2
Explain why some
people believe in life
after death and others
do not.
Think of at least 2 reasons why some people
think that there is a life after death and at least 2
reasons why some may not.
Note that this question
is asking for 2
contrasting reasons.
You must give at least 4 reasons in the (c)
questions, 2 on one side and 2 on the other if
this is what the question asks for.
Step 3
Write your ideas up in full sentences, one sentence for each reason.
Start the first paragraph:
‘Some people believe in life after death because …… . Another reason is
because …..’
Then begin a new paragraph:
‘Other people do not believe in life after death because …. . Another reason
is because ….’’
Step 4
Double check your spelling, punctuation and
grammar. Make sure that you have not used bullet
points or slang.
Now try these (c) questions:
1. Explain why there are different attitudes to life after death in
Christianity (8).
2. Explain why some people believe in life after death and others do
not (8).
Akira (the belief in the afterlife) is a central part to Muslim belief and influences
what a Muslim will do as they will not want to go to hell. Muslims share the view of
some Protestant Christians as they believe in resurrection and the Day of
The process has 5 parts:
1. The angel of death will take the soul to barzakh, the waiting stage between
the moment of death and judgment.
2. On the Day of Judgment 2 angels will open a book which contains a record of
everyone’s actions.
3. If a person’s name is on the right-hand side, they will be sent to jannat
(paradise) forever. This is described as a green garden, full of beautiful
flowers and with the sound of birds and running water. People there enjoy
wonderful food.
4. If a person’s name is on the left-hand side, they will be sent to janannam
(hell). This is described as a place of awful torment, fires, boiling water,
scorching wind and black smoke. Those condemned to stay there are chained
up to suffer eternal punishment.
5. Everyone will try to reach jannat by going over the Assirat Bridge however
those destined for janannam will fall off.
Muslims can avoid janannam by following the Qur’an and the teachings of the
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Some Muslims also believe that non-Muslims who have
led good lives may also go to jannat. Muslims are always buried, never cremated, so
that their body is ready for resurrection. Muslims believe that those who do good
things are rewarded; those who do bad things are punished.
Reasons Muslims believe there is a life after death:
1. Every Muslim prophet, including Muhammad, taught that there was an
2. It is reasonable to expect Allah to reward good behaviour and so there must
be an afterlife
3. It is part of the Shahadah (the 7 main beliefs all Muslims have) that there is a
life after death
4. The Qur’an says that there is. In Qur’an 30 it says:
“All things shall in the end return to you Lord; that is He who moves to laughter
and tears, and He who ordains death and life”
“He brings forth the living and the dead, and the dead from the living: He
resurrects the earth after its death. Likewise you shall be raised to life.”
A reminder of how to answer the (d) question:
This question gives a statement and wants you to evaluate it. You must give at least
2 reasons why you and others would agree, 2 reasons why some may disagree, and
have made sure that you gave a religious reason.
Step 1
Step 3
Think of reasons for and against
and decide which side you agree
with the most. To be honest it
really doesn’t matter as no one
will check. You just have to pick
on side.
Then tackle part (ii). Start
this by saying ‘Some people
may disagree with me
because …’ Once again you
need to write in detail to
get full marks.
Then, double check you
Step 2
Start with ‘I think …’and then go on to
express as fully as you can 2 reasons
you and others would agree/disagree
with the statement. As with the (b)
question, use detail/quotes to expand
your ideas. You need to do this to get
3/3 for this.
given 2 reasons for
the statement
2 reasons to disagree
with the statement
Give at least 1
religious point of
view and reason
Now try these:
1. “Religion is the best preparation for the afterlife.”
In your answer you should refer to at least one religion.
(i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3)
(ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you (3)
2. “Your soul will never die.”
In your answer you should refer to at least one religion.
(i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3)
(ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you (3)
Test your knowledge so far:
1. What does resurrection mean? (2)
2. Do you agree there is a heaven? Give two reasons for your point of
view (4)
3. Explain why Muslims believe there is a life after death (8 marks)
4. ‘There can’t be an afterlife.’
In your answer you should refer to at least one religion.
(i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3)
(ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you (3)
Christians and Muslims believe that life is special and holy and it is set apart for
God’s purpose. This means that God gives life and so only God should take life
This is important when thinking about the issues involved in abortion,
contraception, euthanasia, suicide, genetic engineering, medical treatment and
Any question about Christianity and Islam and these subjects should
refer to the sanctity of life and the belief that God is the only one
who should take life away for some easy marks!
The sanctity of life comes from the belief that life is holy as it is created by God, so
therefore all life belongs to him. Christians believe humans belong to God in a
special way because they are made to be like God.
“God created man in his own image.” (Genesis 1:27)
“The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.” (Job 1:21)
Christians believe that life has special value and that all human life must be treated
with care because they believe that God became human in the form of Jesus and
then in spirit form (the Holy Spirit). Therefore the body should be treated with care
and respect.
Muslims also share similar views, based on the belief that Allah created life and that
He continues to be interested and involved in it. Birth is seen as a gift from Allah
and so death is only something that happens because He commanded it.
“Nor can a soul die except by God’s leave, the term being fixed as if by
writing.” (Qur’an 3:145)
NOTE! Both religions share the idea that the taking of another life is wrong, even if
it is sometimes unavoidable.
Discussion point
Look at the pictures below. When do you think life begins?
30 hours
14 weeks
23 weeks – a premature
baby which survived.
6 weeks
8 weeks
18 weeks
24 weeks
20 weeks
9 months
1. Write a paragraph explaining why the sanctity of life is important to
religious people.
2. Write down how you feel about abortion and why. If you agree with it,
up to how many weeks do you think a foetus could be aborted?
An abortion is the deliberate termination of the foetus in the womb.
Until 1967 abortions in the UK were illegal. This forced many women who did not
want their babies to have illegal, back street abortions which were very dangerous.
Abortion was made legal by the Abortion Act 1967 (amended in 1990). It allows
abortion up to 24 weeks in pregnancy as long as 2 doctors agree on one of the
following 4 conditions:
The mother’s life is at risk
The mother’s physical or mental health is at risk
The child might be born severely handicapped
There is a risk to the health of the mother’s existing children
Abortions past 24 weeks are allowed to happen but only if there is a risk to the
mother’s life and for no other reason.
Abortion is a very difficult dilemma. Opinion is largely dependant on personal
opinion as to when life begins. Legally a foetus does not have the rights of born
Below is the abortion statistics for 2006. What do you notice?
Number and percentage of abortions by gestation weeks, 2006
Gestation in weeks
Per Cent
20 and over
Total 193,737 100
Number and percentage of abortions by statutory grounds, 2006
Ground for abortion
Suspected abnormality of unborn child
Risk to mother’s life/emergency
Prevent grave permanent injury to mother’s health 1,059
Risk to health of existing children
Other risk to mother’s health
Total 193,737 100
Per Cent
There are many arguments put forward for and against abortion:
Arguments for abortion
Arguments against abortion
It is the woman’s right to choose. Her
decision can impact on other areas in
her life. It is her life and up to her what
happens to her body
If the baby is likely to have a poor
quality of life then abortion may be the
kindest thing to do. Charlotte Wyatt
was born at 26 weeks with severe organ
damage. She was blind and said to be in
great pain before she finally died
months later
In some countries abortion can help
control over population e.g. Brazil is
over crowded and so many suffer from
poverty and in China, financial
penalties are placed on people with
more than 1 child. Abortion is not only
acceptable but an obligation
Conception may take place under
violent circumstances e.g. rape and so
allowing the pregnancy to continue
could traumatise the mother even more
The foetus should be valued for the life
that it is
Many people with disabilities lead
happy and productive lives. This can
not be estimated while the foetus is in
the womb
Abortion can too often be treated as
contraception, especially as now there
is an abortion pill that does not require
surgical procedures.
Even if a woman is raped it is not the
fault of the foetus. It is still part of the
woman and does not deserve to pay for
what the father did
Many non-religious people have strong feelings about abortion and there are
organizations which demonstrate about their feelings on the subject.
Pro-life organizations are against abortion such as SPUC (Society for the Protection
of the Unborn Child
Pro-choice organizations are for a woman’s right to choose what happens to her
1. Find out about these different groups
2. Explain why abortion is such a controversial issue (8 marks)
Viewpoint 1
Some Christians such as the Roman Catholics are against abortion in every
circumstance. They believe that life starts at conception and so they see abortion as
1. They follow the Commandment “Do not kill” (Exodus).
2. Roman Catholics, like all Christians, believe in the sanctity of life (the idea
that life is special).
3. They believe that all life belongs to God and so only God should take life
4. The Roman Catholic Catechism teaches that it is wrong and that “From the
first moment of his or her existence, a human being must be recognized as
having the rights of a person – among which is the inviolable right of every
innocent being to life.”
Roman Catholics accept that not all pregnancies are wanted and that some are
conceived in awful circumstances however they maintain that there are other
options available to mothers who do not want to look after their children.
Viewpoint 2
Other Christians such as the Church of England and Methodist Church are also
against abortion however they do accept it in extreme circumstances e.g. rape or
when the mother is at risk.
1. This is because abortion may be the lesser of 2 evils and so the most loving
thing to do which is what Jesus taught that people should try to do.
2. Allowing an abortion in some cases may be act of love and Christians believe
that they should “Love thy neighbour.”
3. The Church of England recently said that abortion was allowed “In situations
where the continuation of pregnancy threatens the life of the mother”
and in occasions where “serious foetal handicap” would result in survival of
only a short period of time.
There are different attitudes to abortion in Islam. Like Christians, Muslims also hate
abortion, but some argue that it could be allowed in some circumstances.
Attitude 1
For most Muslims abortion is not allowed, even more so if it is for a social reason
such as poverty or a child would be inconvenient. Abortion is hated because:
1. Muslims believe in the sanctity of life – the idea that life is sacred (special)
2. As life is special it is something only Allah can take away
3. Murder is forbidden by the Qur’an and punishable with hell and Muslims
believe that Allah will provide for the child so social reasons are not allowed.
“Kill not your offspring for fear of poverty; it is We who provide for them
and for you. Surely killing them is a greater sin.”
4. The Qur’an says that those who kill their children will be questioned by them
on the Day of Judgement
However, Muslims do allow abortion but only 1 circumstance – if the mother’s life is
at risk as this is considered the lesser of two evils and because the Qur’an says that
the woman’s life is more important than that of the unborn child’s.
Attitude 2
However, there are some Muslims who argue that abortion should be allowed before
120 days. The reason for this is because they think that the soul does not enter the
body before that. This is called ensoulment and until this point the mother has
greater rights than the foetus does.
However, other Muslims say that it is impossible to say anything about the soul with
certainty; therefore the foetus must be protected from conception and people will
be protected from facing Allah on Judgment Day.
1. What is meant by the term ‘abortion’?’ (2)
2. Do you agree that Christians are against abortion? Give two reasons for
your viewpoint. (4)
3. Explain why some Muslims are against abortion ( 8 marks)
4. ‘Any woman should be able to have an abortion if she wants one.’
In your answer you should refer to at least one religion.
(i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3)
(ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you (3)
The word ‘euthanasia’ literally means a ‘good’ or ‘happy’ death; it usually refers
to a mercy killing or prematurely ending the life of a terminally ill patient.
There are 4 types of euthanasia which you need to learn:
 Active euthanasia is the result of positive action i.e. lethal injection, on
the part of a carer, usually a medical professional.
 Passive euthanasia is the termination of treatment that is prolonging the
patient’s life. This may take the form of withdrawing the life support from
a coma patient. Sometimes patients can give instructions for their life not
to be prolonged at all costs in given circumstances. Even in these cases
doctors do not have to follow these instructions.
 Involuntary euthanasia is the ending of a patient’s life who is not able to
make the decision for themselves e.g. someone who is in a coma
 Assisted suicide is the provision of means and/or opportunity whereby a
patient may terminate their life themselves e.g. giving someone immobile
pills for them to take an overdose
Currently euthanasia is illegal in the UK although the courts may allow passive
euthanasia in some special cases e.g. if someone has been in a coma for a long time
and is not thought to ever come out of it. People can and are still prosecuted for
taking the law in to their own hands and helping a friend or relative to die, even if it
is what the patient wanted.
There have been a few cases of people wishing to obtain euthanasia traveling to
foreign countries, including the Netherlands and Switzerland, in which euthanasia is
legal under strict conditions however the relatives who assist them may be liable to
prosecution in the UK.
This issue of legalizing euthanasia was discussed again in 2004 in Parliament
although as yet it is still not legal. The main concern is that the law could be abused
and would not protect people at a vulnerable time from people with unworthy
Discussion point
Do you think it is morally right to keep alive people in pain?
There are many arguments for euthanasia, but equally there are many people with
concerns about what may happen if euthanasia was made legal in the UK. Many
people think that it would be a slippery slope if it became legal and that it would be
impossible to stop it, and it could be abused by some people wanting financial gains.
Arguments for euthanasia
Arguments against euthanasia
It allows the patient a gentle, pain free
The hospice movement in Britain aims to
give excellent palliative care (pain
relief) and so a painful death is not
always the norm. There are alternatives.
It allows the patient to die with dignity,
Not all diagnosed terminally ill patients
rather than suffering a slow death,
die. If euthanasia was easily available
facing increasing mental and physical
the decision to die may be made too
deterioration in some cases
It saves on hospital and medical
If euthanasia was openly practiced some
expenses and frees beds for non-terminal patients may fear their doctors rather
than trust them
It relieves the emotional and financial
It may put pressure on patients who do
burden on families
not wish to die but feel that they are too
much of a burden to their relatives
The Hospice Movement
One argument that is given against euthanasia is that there is a hospice
movement to help care for terminally ill people and their families. The hospice
movement can provide care and pain relief in people’s own homes or admits
patients in to its centres. It cares for people and their families until the patient
dies and does its best to make sure that the death is as comfortable as possible.
The Christian Hospice Movement made this statement on euthanasia:
“We are now always able to control pain in terminal cancer patients sent to
us … euthanasia as advocated is wrong … it should be unnecessary and is an
admission of defeat.”
Discuss the rights and wrongs of the following cases:
1. A doctor treating an elderly, bed-ridden patient at home deliberately
leaves powerful sleeping tablets by the bed with strict instructions
that no more than two must be taken on any account. The patient has
already told the doctor that she wants to die.
2. A badly deformed baby is born and needs immediate maximum
intensive care to survive. The mother also needs urgent medical care,
and the doctor deliberately deals with her needs first.
3. A brother and sister try to administer a potentially fatal overdose
of powerful painkiller after their terminally ill mother begs them to
end her suffering. They immediately tell hospital staff what they
have done and the mother is brought back from the brink of death
only to die in terrible pain 12 days later.
Many Christians are strongly against any euthanasia and believe that it is wrong to
take any action to kill a patient or to fail to take action that would help them to
survive, even if the action is intended to relieve suffering.
1. The sanctity of life – life is special and holy
2. The idea that all life belongs to God and so only God should take life away
3. The Commandment “Do not kill”
4. In the Bible 1 Samuel 2:6 says “The Lord kills and restores to life; he sends
people to the world of the dead and brings them back to life.” This means
that Christians should accept that God is omniscient and he may have a plan
for us all, and that it is only up to God who lives and dies, and when this
should happen.
However, some Christians may agree with switching off life-support machines if
there is no chance of recovery
1. At times it may be the most loving thing to do and Jesus taught that love and
compassion are the most important things.
2. Turning off a life support machine is not actually killing and it still leaves the
decision about life and death to God.
3. The idea of “Love thy neighbour”.
4. Some abortions prevent more suffering from occurring and an aim of
Christianity is to reduce the amount of suffering in the world
(a) What is meant by assisted suicide? (2)
(b) Do you agree that euthanasia should never be allowed? Give two reasons
for your point of view (4)
(c) Explain why Christians are against euthanasia (8)
(d) ‘Euthanasia is just another name for murder.’
In your answer you should refer to at least one religion.
(i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3)
(ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you (3)
Muslims believe that all forms of euthanasia are wrong and religious teaching says
that life must be protected.
1. Muslims believe that any form of euthanasia is wrong because of their belief
in the sanctity of life – life is special and holy.
2. They believe that all life belongs to Allah and so only he can take life away
3. Muslims also believe that it encourages murder and suicide which is strictly
forbidden in the Qur’an. Non-voluntary euthanasia would be classed as
4. Muslims believe that life is a test from God and this includes suffering. They
believe that it is not up to people to know what God has planned and so we
should not try to get out of, or avoid, any trials that he has planned for us.
5. Muhammad told a story about a soldier who was injured in battle with no
chance of survival. He killed himself to avoid the agony of a drawn out death
and Allah sent him to hell for doing so as he had not shown courage or faith in
his overall plan – he had not passed the test.
Some Muslims are even against the turning off of a life support machine as they feel
that this is just as bad as other forms of euthanasia – it is allowing someone to die
However, some Muslims now allow life-support machines to be switched off but
only if there are no signs of life.
 This is because Muslims believe that religious law can be relaxed in some
circumstances to relieve pain and suffering. The pain and suffering caused by
terminal illness is not included under this law but the withdrawal of
treatment is acceptable if it is causing unbearable hardship and it is done to
relieve the pain and suffering of the patient and their family.
(a) What is meant by quality of life? (2)
(b) Do you agree that Muslims should never allow euthanasia? Give two
reasons for your view point (4)
(c) Explain why some people think that euthanasia should be allowed. (8)
In this part you must study arguments for and against the media being free to
criticise what religions say about matters of life and death. What you will be asked
to comment on is the way the media handled the religious element of the story. Ask
yourself; was it a one-sided approach designed to make the religious person appear
stupid for following their beliefs?
Newspapers: these
have different styles
of presentation and
can indicate their
own opinions on
possible changes in
the law
comedies: the
main aim of
these is to make
people laugh but
because they
take place in
situations the
audience can
relate to the
TV dramas: these
are similar to
soaps and some
may specifically
focus on matters of
life and death
Internet: this
makes available
news and opinions,
but often it is not
regulated or
checked for
There are several
forms of the media
that allow issues of
life and death to
be presented to
the public:
Soap operas: The use
on going storylines to
examine issues in
depth in a way which
is accessible to the
general public. Often
a helpline is given at
the end for the
audience to call if
they have been
affected by the issue
Radio: some
radio stations
play features
dealing with
issues of life and
death e.g. Radio
1’s late night
these offer the
opportunity to
focus on major
issues at length,
different points
of view e.g
Films: these use a
detailed plot to
examine an issue in
depth, often based
on a novel that has
already introduced
the idea to a smaller
An example:
Look at the following newspaper report from November 2007.
Twenty-two-year old Emma Gough died just
hours after giving birth to twins at the Royal
Shrewsbury Hospital. As a Jehovah’s Witness,
she had signed a form refusing a blood
transfusion before the birth and the hospital was
powerless to intervene.
After a normal delivery, Emma suffered a
massive loss of blood. Medics begged her
husband and family to over rule her decision and
let her have blood, but they refused.
Part of the Jehovah faith says the Bible prohibits
the “consumption, storage and transfusion of
blood” and quotes the book of Acts. Some
Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that to have a
transfusion is the same as consuming or eating
After just reading this bit what do you think Emma Gough’s husband should
have done? What should the medical team have done? Why?
Background to the issue
Witnesses believe that God has forbidden this in Bible passages such as:
“Only flesh with its soul-its blood-you must not eat” Genesis 9:3-4
“Abstain from ... fornication and from what is strangled and from blood” Acts
Accepting a blood transfusion willingly and without regret is seen as a sin. The
Witness concerned would no longer be regarded as one of Jehovah's Witnesses .
Witnesses are willing to absolve doctors of responsibility by signing forms with
appropriate wording such as:
“As a member of the religious body of Jehovah's Witnesses, I categorically refuse
the use of foreign blood or blood components during my surgery. I am aware that
the planned and needed procedure thus has a higher risk due to bleeding
complications. After receiving thorough explanation particularly about that, I
request that the needed surgery be performed without using foreign blood or
blood components.”
Doctors generally feel that respect for the patient's autonomy requires that this
wish should be obeyed. They have sound legal reasons for this too, as to
administer blood in the face of refusal by a patient may be unlawful and could
lead to criminal and/or civil proceedings.
What different people said:
 A neighbour said: “She was selfish. She should have thought of her
babies first, not herself. She’s left those little tots without a mother.”
 A spokesman for the British Medical Association said: “It’s a tragic case
but its cut and dried from where we are standing. The doctor’s hands
are tied. Competent adults have the right to refuse any medical
treatment, even if that refusal results in permanent physical injury or
death. I am sure the doctors would have done all they could to try to
persuade this woman or her family to allow the blood transfusion but
you can’t force someone to. To do so would be against the Human
Rights Act.”
 By email: ‘It’s her life, no one else has a right to tell her what she can
and can’t do with it.’
 A Dublin court recently overruled a mother in a similar situation and
said that the doctors must give her blood because her child has a right
to a mother.
 A spokesman for the local Kingdom Hall, where Emma and Anthony
worshipped, said: “This is a terrible time for the whole family. They are
all grieving terribly. The entire Witness community is distraught and
including them in their prayers.”
After just reading this bit does this extra bit of fact change your mind?
Why? What considerations need to be taken in to account before a
newspaper prints a story or picture concerning a tragic death?
1. Who do you think the media are likely to cast as the hero and
2. Make a list of as many different issues as you can think of that are
raised by this story. A few areas could be: life and death; personal
freedom; family responsibilities; whether the state should tell you
what to do.
Freedom or interference?
3. Should the media be free to say what they like about these issues?
Some people would say that the media have every right, not only to report
life and death stories but also, to pass an opinion. After all, we live in a
free society where everyone has the right to their opinion. Those who
read a newspaper or listen to the media are equally free to agree or
disagree with the approach that was taken.
Others claim the media interfere in people’s private lives and they don’t
care what harm they do. Only the stories that are likely to sell papers, or
increase viewing figures, get reported. Sometimes the ‘facts’ selected, or
the way they are reported, only half tell the story. This is fair because it
can prejudice people’s views. Overnight heroes and villains are created
out of ordinary people struggling in a crisis.
Another example:
In 2009 Eastenders covered the issue of abortion. Danielle, a girl in her
late teens became pregnant by accident after a one night stand. She goes
with Ronnie to the abortion clinic and has an abortion. Ronnie also got
pregnant at an early age and regretted giving her baby up for adoption
and she questions whether Danielle is doing the right thing or not.
You can watch relevant clips of the episodes on YouTube. Type in ‘Ronnie
and Danielle Eastenders Clips’.
Do you think the issue was handled well?
Was it one-sided?
Did it make the audience think?
Was it fair to Danielle’s and Ronnie’s position or was she or Ronnie
made out to be villains?
Could you give examples to back up your ideas in an answer?
How would you explain how this issue was handled with out only
describing what happened?
When answering a question on the influence of the media which asks
about how fair issues are treated:
Step 1
Write a sentence saying what issue was featured e.g.
abortion, euthanasia etc and where it was featured e.g.
abortion in Eastenders, blood transfusions in a newspaper.
This tells the examiner what you are focusing on.
Don’t be tempted to describe what happened in detail e.g
this happened then that happened – you will not be able
to get full marks.
Step 2
Write a sentence about
how the media handled
the issue. Was it fair?
Did they praise one side
more than the other?
Or were they too
Step 3
Why do you think it is
good for people to be
informed about issues
like this?
Now try these:
(b) Do you agree that there should be no news censorship. Television
programmes should show things exactly as they happen. Give two
reasons for your view point. (4)
(c) Choose ONE issue of life and death that was dealt with in the media
and explain whether you thought it treated religious beliefs fairly. (8)
(d) ‘Religious views about death are a personal matter; the media have
got no right to criticize.’
In your answer you should refer to at least one religion.
(i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3)
(ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you (3)
Revision – remember that you can use the online revision materials on the School
website too. Double check that you are answering the different questions correctly
by referring back to p7 for the (b) question, p10 for the (c) question and p12 for the
(d) question.
(a) What does sanctity of life mean? (2)
(b) Do you agree with assisted suicide?
Give two reasons for your point of view (4)
(c) Choose ONE religion other than Christianity and explain why there
are different attitudes to abortion in that religion. (8)
(d) “When you’re dead, you’re dead and that’s the end of you.”
In your answer you should refer to at least one religion
(i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer (3)
(ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you (3)
(a) What is voluntary euthanasia? (2)
(b) Do you think ghosts prove there is life after death?
Give two reasons for your point of view (4)
(c) Explain why there are different attitudes to euthanasia in the UK (8)
(d) ‘The media always makes fun of religious beliefs about life after
In your answer you should refer to at least one religion
(i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer (3)
(ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you (3)
The mark scheme
The (a) question:
1 mark
Partly correct answer
2 marks
Correct answer
The (b) question:
1 mark
Your opinion + brief reason
2 marks
• Your opinion + 2 brief reasons
• Your opinion + one expanded
3 marks
• Your opinion + 1 brief reason AND 1
expanded reason
4 marks
• Your opinion + 2 expanded reasons
The (c) question:
1-2 marks
• 1 attitude + brief reason
• 2 attitudes
3-4 marks
• 1 attitude + 2 brief reasons
• 1 attitude + 1 expanded reason
• 2 attitudes + 2 brief reasons
5-6 marks
• 1 attitude + 2 brief reasons AND another
attitude + 1 brief reason
• 1 attitude + expanded reason AND another
attitude + 1 brief reason
7-8 marks
• 2 attitudes + 2 brief reasons and 1 expanded
• 2 attitudes + 2 expanded reasons
The (d) question: For (i) and (ii)
1 mark
• 1 brief reason
2 marks
• 2 brief reasons
• 1 expanded reason
3 marks
• Two expanded reasons
• 1 well explained reason