Abortion: ‘the deliberate ending of a pregnancy before its natural term.’
Activity 1:
Tina is a 15 year old school girl, in her last year at school. She has discovered that she is pregnant and she is no longer with the father. What arguments are there for her having an abortion, and what arguments would be against this? Use the table below. ‘For’ on one side, ‘Against’ on the other.
You must have at least two on each side.
Thinking Point: Some babies born at 22 or 23 weeks have survived
(with help). What do you think of the law?
The Law
An abortion is legal in this country up to 24 weeks in to a pregnancy.
Two GPs must agree that the woman’s mental, physical or emotional state would be damaged if she were to continue with the pregnancy.
Activity 2: The above quote is taken directly from the Bible. It explains that Christians believe God made ALL people to be a bit like Him. Think about what this means and fill in the gaps below:
If _____________ believe god creates all
___________, Christians will treat it with
_____________. Roman Catholics believe a
____________ is a ____________ life. Therefore,
____________ is seen as ___________because it goes against __________.
Christians human abortion life respect wrong
God foetus
All Christians believe life is ‘sacred’ or special because it’s a gift from God. This idea is called ‘the Sanctity of Life’.
Note: ‘foetus’ means
‘an unborn human baby’
Roman Catholics believe this makes abortion wrong. They are
However, other Christians, such as some Protestants, believe a woman should have the right to choose. They are ‘PRO-CHOICE’.
Pr otestants tend to use the idea of…
This means ‘unconditional love’. It is the idea that
people should look at any situation and try to do whatever will bring about the most love, or joy.
Activity 3: Can you think of a situation where having an abortion might be the most loving thing for someone to do? Write it in the box below:
Step 1: Look at the ‘Key Words’ opposite. For each one, produce a
‘Key Kard’ with the word on the front and the meaning on the back,
PRO-LIFE as it applies in this topic.
Step 2: Use the Kards to test your neighbour.
Activity 5:
Time to practise! This question is worth 8 marks – more than any other in your exam. Remember to include as much information as you can about what you have learned so far, and do n’t give your opinion.
The question doesn’t ask for it, and it will become relevant later on.
Question: Describe Christian beliefs about abortion.
Complete this in your books, or on the paper provided. Write the question out first so that you can revise later.
Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer and show that you have considered other points of view. You must mention Christianity in your answer. [5 marks]
Artificial Contraception: ‘the use of a chemical or barrier to stop a woman becoming pregnant as a result of having sex.’
Activity 1: Look at the definition above. How many kinds of artificial contraception can you think of?
Divide them in to two groups, as below.
Does protect against STIs Doesn’t protect against STIs
Activity 2
In the Bible, Christians believe God encouraged people to have children (see first quote). They also believe that God knows all people before they are even conceived
– before the pregnancy starts. Many Roman Catholics believe that this means that artificial
contraception is wrong. Use the box on the next page to try to explain why. You may discuss this with a partner first.
Therefore, Contraception is wrong because
The second quote suggests that
Therefore, Contraception is wrong because
St. Thomas Aquinas’ Natural Law
• God designed all things for a purpose.
• Human beings were designed to reproduce.
• To go against God’s design is wrong.
• Therefore, to stop the possibility of reproduction is wrong.
• This is a Roman Catholic idea.