Drugs and Alcohol Policy

Drugs and Alcohol Policy
Mission Statement / Aims
The UTC Plymouth aspires to give members of the UTC community the knowledge
necessary to appreciate the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and to develop the skills and
attitudes needed to relate this to their own actions, both now and in their future lives.
 To make students aware of the consequences of taking drugs
 To encourage students to actively follow a healthy lifestyle
 To provide students with opportunities to consider and develop a variety of
strategies which will help them lead a healthy lifestyle.
Definition of a Drug
For the purpose of this policy a drug is defined as "any substance taken into the body
(except food) which alters the functions of the mind or body".
This includes tobacco, alcohol, solvents, illegal drugs and recreation drugs.
The use of medicine is covered in the medication policy.
Regulations / Procedures
 Students must not bring any drug onto UTC premises.
 Students must not be in possession of or consume any drug whilst at UTC or on
the way to and from UTC.
 Students must not be in possession of or consume any drug whilst on any UTC
 Students must not arrive at UTC or for any UTC activity whilst under the influence
of any drug.
 The safety of students and staff is paramount.
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 Staff should be mindful of their professional responsibilities when in charge of or
teaching students and therefore should consider carefully the implication of
consuming any alcohol during the UTC day.
 No member of staff must be under the influence of alcohol whilst driving any
vehicle being used, or about to be used to transport students.
 Staff should only smoke in areas well clear of the premises and in their own time.
 Visitors must not remain on UTC premises if under the influence of illegal drugs
or alcohol.
 Visitors may not smoke on the premises.
 The procedure / regulations for visitors also apply to parents/carers.
 Parents/carers are expected to support this policy, mindful of their commitment to
support the UTC's aims in the Home/UTC agreement.
The statutory requirement of Drugs Education will be taught through the PSHE
programme and Science. The programme aims to educate students as individuals
capable of understanding themselves and of playing a responsible part as members of
families and of local and wider community.
In addition to providing information about the effects of drugs on body functions and on
health, drugs education will also include:
 Decision making
 Making choices
 Risk taking
 Self esteem
 Self perception
 Peer pressure
 The Law
Visitors from external agencies will be used to support aspects of the programme.
Violation of the regulations and procedures
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Any members of the UTC community in possession of or using illegal drugs will be
reported to the police.
Action in case of Students being found in breach of the Drugs Policy.
When a learner is caught in possession of, or using any drug, his/her parents/carers
will be notified.
In all cases the Principal will inform the Head of PSHE/ and will make the decision to
arrange a programme of Drugs Education in addition to any other action taken.
Any concern staff have about the possible involvement of students with drugs should
be reported to the Principal.
Any information about students suspected of using drugs out of UTC time should be
passed to the Principal, who will consult and decide upon appropriate action in
conjunction with the Head of PSHE.
In all cases the health and safety of an individual learner or other members of the UTC
community will take priority over confidentiality.
Learner caught in breach of Drugs Policy
Principal investigates to establish case for action
Principal records the incident and places all details into Student file. Action
taken in line with the drugs policy
Students caught smoking will be sanctioned by
 Removal of the cigarettes etc.
 Attending detention
 Parents/carers informed
 Forfeits of enrichment activities
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Possession and/or under the influence any legal drug affecting the mental state
- alcohol and solvents
If Students are found in the possession of or under the influence of any legal drug
affecting the mental state - alcohol and solvents:
The drug will be confiscated
Parents/carers will be informed
Students may also be considered for short term exclusion. If the learner is found to be
under the influence of any legal drug then parents/carers will be informed and asked to
collect their son/ daughter.
Persistent offenders may be considered for permanent exclusion.
Possession of or under the influence of illegal drugs
If a learner is suspected of being in possession of or under the influence of illegal
drugs, the matter will be reported to the Principal who will instigate an investigation into
the matter. The findings will be reported to the Principal expeditiously. This might mean
that staff and students need to be contacted after the end of the normal working day.
Where there is sufficient evidence of use or possession the parents will be informed
and then the police.
In all cases the students will receive a short-term exclusion and a meeting with learner
and parents/carers will consider further actions.
Dealing in or supplying illegal drugs
Learner suspected of dealing in supplying illegal drugs will be referred to the Principal
who will instigate an investigation. The findings will then be reported back to the
Principal expeditiously. This might mean that staff and students need to be contacted
after the end of the normal working day. At this point the Police will be informed.
Where there is sufficient evidence that any learner has supplied drugs to any members
of the UTC community with or without financial gain a permanent exclusion is the likely
Disciplinary measures will be taken against any member of staff in breach of the
regulations / procedures.
Visitors including parents/carers
Any visitor on UTC premises in possession of or supplying illegal drugs will be reported
to the police.
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If the visitor is on the premises as an employee of any contractor the management of
the company will be informed.
Note : Any member of staff who feels that the behaviour of any visitor appears to be
inappropriate, should report it to any member of the senior staff.
Links to other Academy policies
This policy should read in conjunction with the following related policies:Behaviour Management
POLICY NAME: Drugs Policy
Policy Prepared by: Julie Rae
Document Filename
April 2013
Summary of changes required
New Policy
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