A good coach is a role model first - and he plays by

A good coach is a role model first - and he plays by the rules
Because we could use some reminders:
1. Good coaches show the path, not the shortcuts.
2. A good coach is someone his players can respect. Every day.
3. A good coach may make excuses for players, but players should never have to
make them for the coach.
4. A good coach convinces you that you can do something you never believed you
could, and then teaches you how.
5. A good coach may lie to you ... for your own good. (Honesty is overrated when
facing overwhelming opposition or when counseling an athlete with more desire
than talent).
6. A good coach may yell at you ... mostly to get your attention.
7. A good coach may curse ... but he's usually creative about it.
8. Good coaches may put up corny sayings in the locker room because, well, tradition
9. A good coach says he has an open-door policy, and then actually keeps his door
open when he's inside.
10. A good coach accepts blame. Sometimes he invites it intentionally.
11. A good coach knows that sometimes you have to treat the pros like preps and the
preps like pros.
12. A good coach, we've been reminded, makes it the "big time" wherever he is.
13. A good coach understands that every athlete has different thresholds for criticism,
embarrassment and pain.
14. A good coach never says, "I didn't know that rule." Even if he didn't know the rule.
15. And a good coach certainly knows that "I was so drunk I don't know what
happened" isn't a workable excuse, even if he was too drunk to know what
16. If a good coach makes more money than the governor of his state, he should
consider that ample compensation for containing his urges as they may pertain to
strippers, frat parties and friendly wagers.
17. A good coach doesn't have to understand the difference between "sanction" and
"censure." Or between bylaw and buyout.
18. A good coach signs his contract and then follows its letter.
19. A good coach understands the value of second chances and the danger of thirds.
20. Coaches who are truly committed to their programs never see their names arise
when vacancies open elsewhere. People just know they're not leaving and don't
21. Coaches who are lying about their commitment to the program are always
mentioned in job hunts, regardless how much they proclaim their loyalty.
22. Good basketball coaches always know these: Who has the hot hand, which
opponent is the weakest free-throw shooter, and which refs have the worst hearing.
23. And for heaven's sake, he knows how many timeouts he has.
24. A good coach is accountable, because he knows it's one of the most important traits
he must teach his athletes.
25. A good coach doesn't have to worry if his cell-phone conversations are overheard.
26. Good coaches haven't forgotten what it is like to be exhausted, frustrated and in
pain. Or that players hate to lose just as the coaches do.
27. Good coaches remember that college players have to go to school. And that school
can be difficult.
28. A good coach understands that putting on the uniform is as important to the thirdteam player as it is for the All-American. Sometimes more so.
29. Good coaches spend more time serving as character builders than character
30. A good coach never has to see his wife cry in front of cameras at a press
31. Good coaches don't need to have off-season press conferences.
32. Good coaches are human and make mistakes. But not ones that appear in the
headlines on a monthly basis.
33. Good coaches don't have to ask for a second chance.
34. Good coaches teach you how to win.
35. Not how to cheat.