Monday: I will be using the lesson I had planned for Friday. (again, the students took longer to complete something that I had planned. I thought one day of class would be enough to prepare for the trial, but it looks like it won’t be, and I want to make sure they are really prepared so that the trial is a success). Added homework: read chapters 7 and 8. Aly Rice West Side Story Week Five: Tuesday I. GENERAL OBJECTIVES a. Students will be able to explain what a literary theme is. b. Students will be able to identify themes in several mediums. II. BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES a. Students will view an animated short, listen to a song, and read a short story. They will record the themes in the videos. b. Students will compare these themes to the themes in West Side Story. III. MATERIALS a. Animated short: Oktapodi b. Song: Don’t Blink- Kenny Chesney c. Poem: You Musn’t Quit IV. PROCEDURE a. MOTIVATION AND INTRODUCTION (16 minutes) i. Take attendance (1 minute) ii. Short quiz from last night’s reading (5 minutes) iii. Students will be asked to respond to the following prompt: 1. What is a theme? (5 minutes) iv. Students will share their answers and we will discuss what a theme is in relation to literature: 1. A thought or message that runs through a story. 2. Often linked to a lesson. 3. There can be more than one theme in a story. 4. Some common themes are: a. Love b. Jealousy c. Prejudice d. Loyalty e. Courage f. Anything else the students come up with. (5 minutes) b. DEVELOPMENT (25 minutes) i. Students will be given a graphic organizer with three columns on it. One column will be the name of an animated short, one will be the name of a song, one will be the name of a short story. ii. The students will be asked to write down themes that they see/hear in each of the mediums as they experience them. (15 minutes) 1. We will watch the animated short, and the students will write down its theme/themes. a. Love b. Persistance 2. We will listen to the song and students will write down its theme/themes. a. Seize the day 3. Students will read the poem out loud and write down its theme/themes. a. Perseverance iii. Students will be asked to share themes they came up with for each medium. We will discuss the answers. Which are themes, which aren’t? Why? (10 minutes) c. SUMMARY AND CLOSURE i. As a class, we will come up with a list of themes that occur in West Side Story V. ASSIGNMENT a. Read Romeo and Juliet synopsis When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are high And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit, Rest! if you must - but never quit. Life is queer, with its twists and turns,As every one of us sometimes learns, And many a failure turns about When he might have won if he'd stuck it out; Stick to your task, thought he pace seems slowYou may succeed with one more blow. Success is failure turned inside outThe silver tint of the clouds of doubt And you never can tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems afar; So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit It's when things seem worst that you musn't quit. Aly Rice West Side Story Week Five: Wednesday I. GENERAL OBJECTIVES a. Students will be able to compare and contrast West Side Story with Romeo and Juliet. II. BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES a. Students will identify themes in Romeo and Juliet. b. Students will create Venn Diagrams to compare WSS to Romeo and Juliet. c. Students will identify themes that exist in both stories. III. MATERIALS a. Homework worksheet IV. PROCEDURE a. MOTIVATION AND INTRODUCTION (10 minutes) i. Take attendance (1 minute) ii. I will ask the class to verbally give me a summary of the story of Romeo and Juliet to make sure they all understood what they read last night. iii. I will ask the students if any of them noticed that this story is very similar to West Side Story. What are the similarities? (5 minutes) 1. Star crossed lovers 2. Lovers meet at a public event and share a romantic scene on a balcony/fire escape 3. Male lover tries to stop a fight 4. Male lover kills a relative of female lover 5. Male lover thinks female lover is dead and wants to die because of it iv. Ask students if they can identify themes in Romeo and Juliet that are also in West Side Story. We will list them (4 minutes): 1. Love 2. Betrayal 3. Hatred b. DEVELOPMENT i. The students will be broken up into three groups. Each group will receive a large Venn Diagram. Their jobs will be to compare and contrast WSS with Romeo and Juliet. I will give the students 15 minutes to come up with as many ideas as they can and write them on their diagram (15 minutes) 1. Ex. a. WSS Tony and Maria, R and J Romeo and Juliet b. WSS fire escape, R and J balcony c. WSS sharks and jets, R and J Montagues and Capulets d. WSS NYC, R and J Verona ii. Once all of the groups have a significant number of items on their diagrams, I will ask them to stop and listen to my directions. I will ask the students to look at their diagrams again, and find anything on them that relates to one of the themes we have been talking about. I will give them markers, and I will ask them to make a key for their diagrams. (5 minutes) 1. Ex. Pink = love, red= hatred, etc. 2. The students will circle all items that are connected to love in pink, all items connected to hatred in red, etc. iii. When the students have finished, I will ask each group to share the similarities they have found by presenting their diagrams to the rest of the class. (5 minutes) c. SUMMARY AND CLOSURE i. As a final activity to compare and contrast these two stories, the students will work as a class to complete a chart which shows the characters from WSS with their “partners” from Romeo and Juliet. The chart will be up on the Smart Board, and the students will need to figure out which character in Romeo and Juliet matches each character in West Side Story. The students will also have the chart in front of them. We will do the first few characters together, and the students will be asked to complete the chart as homework. V. ASSIGNMENT a. Complete character comparison chart b. Finish the novel! West Side Story Tony Maria Riff Chino Bernardo Doc Romeo and Juliet Romeo Juliet Mercutio (decides to fight Tybalt himself when Romeo won’t, is killed by Tybalt) Paris (set up to marry Juliet, but she’s not sure she wants to) Tybalt (Juliet’s cousin, killed by Romeo) Friar Lawrence (serves as a middle man for Romeo and Juliet. Allows them to meet at his place) West Side Story Romeo and Juliet Tony Maria Riff Bernardo Chino Doc Explanation Aly Rice West Side Story Week Five: Thursday I. GENERAL OBJECTIVES a. Students will be able to analyze the entire work of West Side Story. b. Students will be able to reflect on predictions. II. BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES a. Students will re-visit predictions they made at the beginning of the summer. b. Students will create and answer discussion questions about the final chapters of West Side Story. c. Students will write about their thoughts/feelings on West Side Story. III. MATERIALS a. Student predictions IV. PROCEDURE a. MOTIVATION AND INTRODUCTION (9 minutes) i. Take attendance (1 minute) ii. I will bring students’ attention to the predictions they made at the beginning of the summer which are hanging on the wall. We will read through the discussion and discuss which predictions were correct and which were not. In the case that a prediction was not correct, we will discuss how the situation did end up ending. (8 minutes) b. DEVELOPMENT i. Tell students that we’re going to be discussing the last part of the novel. Remind the students that these chapters are the falling action and resolution, and in order to really appreciate the story, we need to fully understand how the story ends. ii. The student will be broken up into three groups (chapter 7, chapter 8, and chapter 9/10). Each group will be asked to come up with a list (2-3) of discussion questions about their chapter to ask the rest of the class. (10 minutes) iii. We will go through the groups in order of their chapters and discuss the end of the novel. I will have discussion questions ready in case the discussion runs dry with the students’ questions (20 minutes): 1. Chapter 7 a. Do you think Maria’s sisters have any idea that she is feeling the way she does because of Tony? b. What did you think about the way Maria reacted when she found out Tony killed Bernardo? c. Why do you think Tony wants to turn himself in to the police? 2. Chapter 8 a. Baby-John wasn’t around much for the majority of the novel. Why do you think he was focused on so much in this chapter? b. How do you feel about the fact that some of the Jets want the Sharks to find Tony and kill him? Shouldn’t they be trying to help him? “Them lousy PR’s don’t let up! I don’t wanna hear nothing outa you that sounds like double crossing talk. I got no love for Tony, but if anybody fixes him it’s us. No spics. Do I hear any objections?” - Action 3. Chapter 9 a. What do you think of this reading from the book? “So she pitied Riff and she pitied her brother, and would have willingly, at that moment, given her life for either of them. But to what purpose? Eventually they had to die…If they had lived to grow a little older, they would never grow wiser.” b. What does Anita mean when she says, “I can’t understand and I don’t want to because then I might understand…” c. Why does Anita agree to go to Doc’s for Maria? d. Why does Maria tell Officer Shrank that the fight was over a Puerto Rican named Jose? e. After the Jet boys try to rape her, Anita says that Bernardo was right. What was he right about? 4. Chapter 10 a. Why does Tony want Chino to find him and kill him? (Doc told him Maria was killed by Chino because that’s what Anita told Doc) c. SUMMARY AND CLOSURE i. Tony saw Maria running towards him in her white dress right before he died. What do you think Maria was meant to represent here? V. ASSIGNMENT a. Write a journal entry (at least one page) discussing your closing thoughts/feelings on WSS. What did you like about it? What didn’t you like? How did it make you feel? Did you learn anything from it? What do you think happened to Maria after the story ended? Aly Rice West Side Story Week Five: Friday I. GENERAL OBJECTIVES a. Students will be able to relate the concepts of plot, characterization, theme, setting, and point of view to West Side Story. II. BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES a. Students choose and complete several activities from a “menu” III. MATERIALS a. Menu b. All worksheet that go along with the menu IV. PROCEDURE a. MOTIVATION AND INTRODUCITON i. Take attendance and collect homework (3 minutes) ii. Students will be asked to help me create a list of all the different parts of literature we have talked about this summer (plot, theme, characterization, setting, point of view) (3 minutes) b. DEVELOPMENT i. Students will each be given a “menu”. There will be categories on the menu (plot, theme, etc.). Under each category there will be several activities which relate to that category. The students will be asked to pick at least one activity from each heading to complete. The students will be told that they should do their best work on these activities, because many of them will be included in their portfolios. The students will have the entire period to work on these activities. ii. On the menu, some of the items say “worksheet needed” after them. I have worksheets made up for each of these activities. The worksheets will be in folders labeled by the category they are under. That is, the worksheets for the plot activities will be in a folder labeled “plot”. The students may help themselves to the worksheets they need. c. SUMMARY AND CLOSURE i. Before students leave class, they must write down one question they still have about an element of literature and/or West Side Story. I will use these exit slips to determine if there is anything I should try to cover in the final week with the students. West Side Café Please choose one item from each course. Circle your choice, and complete the work that goes with it. Appetizers (Plot) Roller Coaster: Complete a roller coaster chart to show the parts of the plot of West Side Story. (worksheet needed) DIY: Do it yourself! Create a new way to map the plot of West Side Story. You may use any supplies in the classroom. Creative Writing: Pretend you are the author of West Side Story. What would you like the climax of the story to be? Rewrite it! (worksheet needed) Main Entrees (Point of View) Change it Up: Choose a scene from West Side Story and re-write it in a different point of view. (worksheet needed) It’s All About Me: Choose a character from West Side Story and write a creative piece about them using first person point of view. (worksheet needed) Dessert (Setting) Cover Art: Create a new cover for West Side Story that accurately portrays the setting of the story. A Whole New World: Create a new setting for West Side Story. Draw a picture of it. How will the story be different in this setting? (worksheet needed)