IN-20051 Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Cadet Guide 2014-2015 Integrity, Service, Excellence Developing citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community Current as of August 2014 Required Daily for Class August 8, 2014 Welcome to Air Force Junior ROTC! The Aerospace Science Instructor and I look forward to working with you this academic year. Through hard work, commitment, and teamwork, we’ll succeed in “Developing Citizens of Character Dedicated to Serving Their Nation and Community.” You should be proud of your decision to take this citizenship class; by stepping out of your comfort zone to assume additional responsibility, you are improving yourself, your peers, your school, and your community. Most importantly, you are preparing yourself for the future, a future that may seem uncertain now, but one that will provide many opportunities for those who are ready. It is my privilege to share the classroom with you this year. Work hard, play hard, make a difference! Sincerely, Dave Allen, Lt Col, USAF (ret) Air Force Junior ROTC 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE Welcome from Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (Inside Front Cover) 1. MISSION AND OBJECTIVES 4 2. STANDARDS 8 3. AFJROTC UNIFORMS 11 4. AWARDS AND DECORATIONS 16 5. UNIT MANNING DOCUMENT, ORGANIZATIONAL CHART 20 6. IN-20051 CADET GROUP JOB DESCRIPTIONS 21 7. IN-20051 PROMOTION POLICY 26 8. MISCELLANEOUS TIPS 29 9. ATTACHMENTS 1—UNIFORM INSPECTION SHEET 2—AFJROTC BADGES 3—CADET RANK 4—PROPER WEAR OF UNIFORM 5—CHAIN OF COMMAND 6--Honor Code, Mission Statement, Core Values 32 33 34 35 42 43 The Cadet Creed (Inside Back Cover) AFJROTC RIBBON CHART (Back Cover) 3 CHAPTER 1 MISSION AND OBJECTIVES 1-1. GENERAL INFORMATION A. Air Force Junior ROTC consists of two parts: Aerospace Science and Leadership Education. Aerospace Science courses introduce historical, scientific, and technical aspects of aerospace. The Leadership Education goal is to help you develop discipline, responsibility, communication skills, physical health and wellness, and citizenship. In addition, Leadership Education will teach you proper wear of the uniform, Air Force customs and courtesies, drill and ceremonies, and how to give and receive instructions. You’ll learn how to be a positive follower, leader, and member of the IN-20051 Cadet Corps. YOU DO NOT INCUR A MILITARY SERVICE OBLIGATION BY PARTICIPATING IN THE PROGRAM. B. To be eligible for membership in the AFJROTC program, you must be: enrolled in a regular course of instruction at Owen Valley High School. in grade nine or above. A citizen or national of the United States or an alien admitted for permanent residence. Physically fit to participate in AFJROTC training (you are considered physically fit if you are qualified for the Owen Valley High School physical education program). IF YOU MEET THE ENROLLMENT CRITERIA LISTED ABOVE, YOU MAY TAKE ROTC I; HOWEVER, INSTRUCTOR APPROVAL IS REQUIRED TO ENROLL IN ALL OTHER AFJROTC COURSES OFFERED AT OWEN VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO OBTAIN THIS APPROVAL WHEN COMPLETING PROGRAMMING SHEETS WITH YOUR COUNSELOR! C. Students may transfer from Army, Navy, or Marine JROTC units and receive full credit for training that has been successfully completed and documented. (If you are transferring from another program, contact the SASI or ASI.) D. Disenrollment—The SASI can disenroll you, with no course credit, if you: 1. Fail to wear the uniform three or more unexcused times in any semester. 2. Fail to pass an aerospace course. Continued enrollment will be on a space available basis when approved by the SASI, with no certificate of training or completion credit for failed AFJROTC courses. 3. Fail to maintain personal appearance and uniform standards after repeated attempts to correct the deficiencies by the SASI, ASI, or senior cadets. 4 4. Do not follow Owen Valley High School student rules of behavior. A history of suspensions, Saturday school and any expulsion are reasons for disenrollment. 5. Disrupt the class frequently and/or do not: follow classroom rules, maintain a positive attitude towards training, comply with classroom procedures, and remain in control. 6. Fail to abide by the Cadet Honor Code or Code of Ethics. E. If you successfully complete at least three years of Aerospace Science courses you will be eligible to receive the Certificate of Completion. You must have this certificate in your possession when enrolling in a college level ROTC program, or when enlisting in the armed forces, in order to receive the benefits of successfully completing the program. 1. With this certificate you may be excused from one year of the General Military Course (GMC) of the college program. This privilege must be arranged with the Professor of Aerospace Science when enrolling at the college or university. 2. At their discretion, the military departments may award you the grade of E-3 for successful completion of three academic years of JROTC. (Enlistment in the Marine Corps will be in the pay grade of E-2). This not only provides increased pay but also places you ahead of other personnel enlisting at the same time and can make you eligible for promotion ahead of other enlistees who enter at the same time. F. A Certificate of Training is presented to you if you successfully complete two years of Aerospace Science courses. With this certificate you may be excused from one semester of the General Military Course (GMC) of the senior ROTC program. This privilege must be arranged with the Professor of Aerospace Science (PAS) at the time of enrollment. In addition, if you present evidence of successful completion of at least two academic years of JROTC you will be entitled to advanced promotion to the grade of no less than E-2 on initial enlistment in an Active or a Reserve component of the military service. 1-2. AFJROTC MISSION The mission of AFJROTC is to “develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community.” 1-3. GOALS The goals of the AFJROTC program are to instill in you and other high school cadets the values of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment. 1-4. CADET CONTRACT, HONOR CODE, AND CODE OF ETHICS A. Cadet Contract—You and other cadets will complete annually, or upon enrollment, the cadet contract which will be filed in the personnel binder maintained in the instructors’ office. 5 B. Cadet Honor Code—The Cadet Honor Code and Code of Ethics codes are closely related and supplement each other. They will guide you as you strive to become a productive citizen in a society with demanding and often conflicting standards and questionable role models. You should instill these values in yourself and your fellow cadets to the best of your ability at all times. Cadet Honor Code: “Cadets will not Lie, Cheat, or Steal nor Tolerate Among Them, Anyone who Does.” These simple words are the basis for a code to live by that will last the remainder of your life. These are simple but tough rules to live by as reflected by the troubling and alarming number of students who freely admit they cheat in school. However, these words are specific and clear in their demands and are still relevant in our society. You should be HONEST in both words and deeds. You should not make quibbling and evasive statements, should do your own work, and assist others in a sense of cooperation to meet the Corps’ goals. Trustworthiness is necessary for the welfare and continued existence of our civilized society. The code requires self-control and a conscious effort to not take the easy road to short term success, but to take the road that requires hard work for long-term success. Eventually living by the code will become an ingrained habit and a part of the your total lifestyle. The Honor Code is a noble, moral standard that is the essence of not only the Corps but also our civilized society. C. Code of Ethics—As a member of the Cadet Corps, you will: Respect your parents, school officials and staff, teachers, and community leaders. Refrain from any act or derogatory word(s) that would discredit you, family, school, Air Force, or Cadet Corps. Vulgar conduct and language is not socially acceptable and gets in the way of communication. Dedicate yourself to succeed in academics, athletics, extracurricular activities, and work. Perform all assigned duties and timely meet all obligations. Maintain self-respect, self-control, and good behavior. Be honest and understand that honorable failure is better than success through unfair means. Be proud of your uniform and commitment to AFJROTC which sets you apart from others. Be an excellent role model with high standards of conduct. Respect other cadets and follow the directions of senior cadet officers. Place the good of the Corps ahead of personal gain. 6 1-5. GRADING POLICY Aerospace Science Instructors will use the following weighted grading system and assign a letter grade using the school’s published grading scale. You can request extra credit work which will be weighted into the academics category. Incomplete assignments and/or nonparticipation will not be tolerated and will result in a failing grade and possible removal from the cadet corps. Percent of Grade Final Exam 10% Quizzes 20% Communication Skills Assignments 10% *Leadership, Followership, Job Performance 25% Inspections, Preparation, and Uniform Wear 25% Wellness (sometimes referred to as E2C, PT, physical fitness, etc) 10% (*includes Drill & Ceremony) Total Possible: 100% If you experience problems in any Academics area (not just AFJROTC) you should contact your Flight Commander for tutoring assistance. Other cadets are always available to help you. As part of the Cadet Corps, you will be expected to help in areas that you excel, so don’t be shy about seeking or volunteering assistance! As part of the leadership and followership grade, you will be required to perform a minimum of 4 hours of community service during each grading period. This may be done as an individual or as a member of a flight (class). Service must be verified in writing by a school faculty member, religious or charity organization representative, and will not include events that the cadet receives credit for in another class, i.e., building trades construction of a house for the needy, etc. The Cadet Corps prides itself on helping others and making a difference in our community! Examples of community service may include participation in: Patriots Day (Sept.11) activities Veterans Day (Nov. 11) Parade Fall or Spring Cleanup Collecting funds, canned goods, or other items for charity organizations (Toys for Tots, homeless shelters, Bikes for Tikes, etc) Working in the School or Community Library Memorial Day activities Other events as requested by the community. Your flight commander or the Command Chief Master Sergeant (Community Service Manager) can provide additional information about this rewarding requirement. 7 CHAPTER 2 STANDARDS 2-1. STANDARDS OF CONDUCT Note: When a subject heading is underlined it applies only when the cadet is in uniform. A. General: You represent a select group looked upon as the best of America’s youth. This means that you should always conduct yourself in a manner that is favorable to your school, IN-20051 and the United States AFJROTC program. B. Addressing Other Cadets: A cadet officer is addressed by cadets of lower rank by his/her rank followed by his/her last name. (Example: Captain Smith) OR, a cadet officer may be addressed as “Sir” or “Ma’am”. NEVER address a cadet officer in uniform by his/her first name! Cadets of equal or lower rank will be addressed informally as “Cadet __________” or “Mr./Miss ___________(last name).” Respect for each other is extremely important! C. Active Duty, Reserve, and Retired Military Personnel: Military personnel are addressed by their rank, followed by their last name, or by “Sir” or Ma’am.” D. Saluting: 1. A salute is nothing more than a greeting. You are required to salute all cadet officers and the SASI. You are not required to salute cadets in the enlisted ranks. These cadets exchange a verbal greeting only. All officers must render a salute to officers of a higher rank. Remember you only salute outside the building in uncovered areas. The Flight Commander (acting Flight Commander) will salute the instructor when reporting the class ready for instruction. 2. Salute, in or out of uniform, whenever you are required to report to the SASI/ASI in the instructor’s office. 3. Except for formal reporting, you are not required to salute indoors. 4. When you are outdoors in uniform and the National Anthem is played, come to attention, face the flag (or the music if you can’t see the flag) and salute. If the flag is being raised or lowered at the same time, face the flag and salute. Hold the salute until the flag has stopped moving or the music stops playing. E. Pledge of Allegiance: Military personnel take an oath upon entering the armed forces. For this reason, they are not required to recite another oath since their uniform symbolizes their 8 pledge to defend the U.S. flag, the Constitution and country. However, since AFJROTC cadets have not taken an oath, the following guidelines will be followed: When you are outdoors and in uniform, stand at attention and render the hand salute while reciting the pledge. When you are indoors and in uniform, stand at attention, face the flag and recite the pledge. Do not salute. When you are in civilian clothes, stand at attention with the right hand over the heart, face the flag and recite the pledge. F. Reporting: When told to report to the SASI/ASI, you should stand at attention, salute and state: “Sir/Ma’am, Cadet (your last name) reports as ordered.” After the SASI/ASI has provided you the information, you will salute again, ask “Will that be all?” and drop the salute after the SASI/ASI has returned your salute. If you have information or a question for the SASI/ASI, you will follow the above guideline but will not include the phrase “as ordered.” Instead, you will state the reason you are there (i.e., “…to ask a question”, “with attendance,” etc.) G. Walking With Cadets and Military Personnel of a Higher Rank: When walking with a person of higher rank, always walk on his/her left and in step with him/her. When passing a person of higher rank, pass on his/her left if possible. When passing through a doorway, the person of lower rank holds the door and allows the person of higher rank to proceed through the doorway first. When boarding and leaving a vehicle, the person of lower rank gets in first and gets out last. H. Treatment of Cadets of a Lower Rank: At no time will hazing be tolerated in the cadet corps! Any hazing is to be reported to the flight commander of the cadet who was harassed and taken straight up the chain of command. No cadet is to be embarrassed or degraded in any manner. This includes public reprimands, public punishment, joking about difference in rank, etc. I. Calling Rooms to Attention: When the SASI, ASI, Principal, distinguished visitor, or a military officer enters the room, the room is called to attention. The occupants of the room remain at attention until the person entering says, “At ease,” or “As you were.” J. Courtesies Rendered to Non-Cadets: Faculty members and adults are addressed as “Mr.”/”Ms.” (last name) unless they ask you to address them in other forms (i.e. “Coach” (last name). In conversation, unless otherwise directed, they are answered “Yes sir/ma’am,” NOT “yeah,” “nope, yo” etc. 9 K. Public Display of Affection: No public display of affection will be tolerated when in uniform or at a JROTC function. This includes holding hands while in uniform. L. Quibbling: When an officer gives an order, it can be considered to be an order from the Commander. This means that orders should be followed. You have the right to disagree and present your ideas if time permits, but the officer has the final word. If you feel that an officer is treating you unfairly, see your flight commander, then see your squadron commander. Any problem can be worked out if it is done in an orderly fashion. M. Reasons for Strictness: If the Cadet Corps is to operate in a smooth manner, there must be procedures for everyone to follow. There must be discipline to carry out the unit’s everyday functions. Faculty members at our school look upon AFJROTC as a group of students that are on a higher level than other students. They expect us to be clean cut, role model American citizens. We must live not only to meet, but exceed, these expectations. You are a leader in training, the future of the United States. You must be willing to live with the discipline and be ready to accept responsibility. Even if you do not pursue a military career, you will learn the discipline that you need to be above and beyond your peers who have never had any military training. Remember: As long as you are with us, a part of America’s future is in your hands. N. Actions: Keep in mind that wherever you go, there is probably someone there who knows you are a part of IN-20051. Therefore, you must be careful that you represent the unit in a way that can make us all proud. You don’t have to be a “jarhead” and give up your complete outside life. We only ask you to act in a way that shows our elite status. 2-2. DISCIPLINARY ACTION You will be held accountable for school rules and policies, as well as those of AFJROTC and the corps. Failure to comply with these rules will result in appropriate disciplinary action. Any school suspensions may result in loss of staff position. 10 CHAPTER 3 AIR FORCE JUNIOR ROTC UNIFORMS 3-1. THE UNIFORM The AFJROTC cadet uniform is, with certain exceptions, the same as that worn by active duty enlisted personnel. The reputation of the United States Air Force as a professional military organization is known worldwide and has no equal. The uniform you wear is a symbol of that reputation. WEAR IT CORRECTLY AND PROUDLY! You will keep your uniform clean, neat, correct in design and specifications, and in good condition. The IN-20051 weekly uniform day is normally Thursday. Exceptions to this policy will be announced in advance by the SASI/ASI. You are required to remain in uniform the entire day, unless excused by the SASI/ASI. A. Uniform items not issued by the ASI are considered optional items. Wear them only when authorized by the SASI/ASI. B. A uniform will be issued to each eligible cadet at no cost. However, you will be required to reimburse the Air Force if you lose or damaged uniform items. C. After being issued the Air Force uniform, you will acknowledge receipt for items by signing a uniform issue receipt. By signing this receipt, you agree to use all reasonable caution and care to assure that all Air Force property items are cared for and not damaged due to carelessness, neglect, improper cleaning and/or laundering methods. Further, you are required to return all uniform items to the ASI upon demand or at which time you no longer are enrolled in the AFJROTC program at Owen Valley High School. D. You must wear the uniform as prescribed in AFI 36-2903 and AFJROTCI 362001. Attachments to this guide outline authorized uniform combinations. When participating in field trips, you are required to wear the uniform combination prescribed by the SASI. E. If you are currently on the Color Guard team, you are authorized to wear the white shoulder cord as an addition to the regular uniform, when designated by the Special Teams Commander. (An individual is considered a member of a team if they attend practices on a regular basis. This determination is made by the Special Teams commander.) Other items such as white berets, chrome helmets, boots, gloves, ascots, and belts will be worn only during performances or competitions and are not authorized for regular wear. All special uniform items must be approved by the SASI or ASI before wear. F. Your issued service dress uniform must be worn when directed by the SASI. Prior to inspection days, you will be told which uniform combination to wear as prescribed in AFI 36-2903 and the attachments to this guide. You will be graded on appearance and general knowledge on all inspection days. Categories will 11 include uniform appearance and condition, placement of insignia, condition of shoes, military bearing, grooming, chain-of-command, rank structure, and the contents of this cadet guide. (See Attachment 1, “Uniform Grading Sheet.”) G. It is your responsibility to insure that your uniform is available and in inspection condition on Thursday, or the designated uniform day. If you do not have an approved excuse from the SASI/ASI, and do not wear the uniform on inspection day or the designated makeup day, the following will occur: 1st offense—a zero grade for inspection 2nd offense—possible reduction in rank, a zero for inspection and a phone call home. 3rd offense—a zero grade for inspection, loss of ALL rank and a referral for removal from class. H. If absent on the designated uniform day, you must wear the uniform on the next school day attended (if unsure which combination has been designated, wear the service dress uniform). If you do not wear the uniform on the designated day, you will receive a zero for that uniform inspection. Cadets failing to wear the uniform three times (unexcused) during the first academic semester will not be allowed to continue in the Air Force JROTC program in the second semester. You may be excused from uniform wear on the designated day with permission of the SASI/ASI if you coordinate an alternate uniform day prior to the weekly uniform wear day (i.e., doctor’s appointment, etc). Uniforms not picked up from the laundry will NOT be considered a valid excuse for missed uniform wear days. (If lost at cleaners, a parent/guardian must send in a note, along with the receipt from the cleaners.) I. You will not combine uniform items and civilian clothing items. If you have a legitimate excuse (medical) for not wearing certain uniform items (shoes, for example), you must have a SASI waiver of uniform requirements. J. The standard U.S. Air Force, blue, clutch-design nametag will be worn by IN-20051 cadets on the short sleeve and long sleeve shirts only. Ribbons will be worn on the service coat or if service coat is not required, on the shirt. K. You must turn in all uniform items and textbooks at the end of your last JROTC semester or the end of the school year, or when directed by the SASI/ASI, whichever comes first. L. Do not carry bulky items or put your hands in your uniform pockets. Do not walk while eating, drinking or talking on a cell phone while in uniform. Do not place articles under the shoulder strap of the shirt or coat. Carry books or other objects in your left hand to free the right arm for saluting. 12 M. You may not hitch hike, perform hard labor, or engage in sports activities while wearing the uniform. Cadets taking Area 30 classes will be excused from wearing the uniform during Area 30 classes only. N. Remember, when you wear the official United States Air Force uniform, bad behavior in public can create unfavorable reaction toward AFJROTC and the United States Air Force. On the other hand, proper conduct, actions and attitude can create and sustain favorable public reactions that will enhance the cadet corps image. O. As an AFJROTC cadet, you must constantly strive to present a neat, clean and well groomed appearance. You will comply with the following standards of appearance while in uniform: 1. Males You will not wear or carry exposed on the uniform, articles such as handkerchiefs, pencils and pens, watch chains, pins, jewelry, wallets, combs, and sunglasses. You may wear conservative wristwatches, identification bracelets, and no more than three rings. You may wear conservative sunglasses, but not in military formations. Earrings are not to be worn while in uniform. Your hair must be neat, clean, trimmed, and present a conservative wellgroomed appearance. You are authorized neatly trimmed block haircuts for the back of the head as long as a tapered appearance is kept. However, your hair will not touch the ears or the collar except the closely cut hair on the back of the neck. Your hair in front must be groomed so that it does not fall below the eyebrows and will not protrude below the band of properly worn headgear. Hair must not exceed 1¼ inches in bulk, regardless of length, and must not exceed ¼ inch in a natural termination point. Braided hairstyles are not authorized. In no case will the bulk or length of hair interfere with the proper wear of any Air Force headgear. Your sideburns must be neatly trimmed in the same manner as the hair, must not extend beyond the bottom of the ear opening, must be straight and even in width, and end with a clean shaven, horizontal line. Your face must be clean-shaven except that a mustache is permitted. Mustaches must be neatly trimmed, must not extend downward beyond the lip line of the upper lip and may not extend sideways beyond a vertical line drawn upward from the corner of the mouth. When a physician prescribes that a patient not shave, the beard must be kept trimmed symmetrically and all beard hairs must be kept trimmed so they do not protrude more than one quarter inch from the skin surface of the face. You will not wear wigs and hairpieces except for cosmetic reasons to cover natural baldness or physical disfigurement. When worn, they will conform with above instructions. You will keep your fingernails neat, clean and trimmed. 13 2. Females You will wear appropriate undergarments to present a conservative, feminine appearance. You will not wear, or carry, exposed on the uniform, pencils, pens, handkerchiefs and jewelry, including ankle bracelets. You may wear conservative wristwatches, identification bracelets, pearl, silver, diamond, or gold stud earrings, and no more than three rings. Only one earring is permitted to be worn in the lower ear lobe of each ear and no more than two rings may be worn on one hand. You may wear conservative sunglasses, except in military formations. Your hair must be styled to permit proper wear of any military headgear. You do not have to cut your hair. However, hair can not be worn in any style that extends below an invisible line drawn parallel to the ground at the bottom edge of the shirt collar, regardless of length. Hair pins and bands must match hair color. Long hair will be secured with no loose ends. You may not wear ornaments such as ribbons, beads, jeweled pins, or hair scrunchy. Exaggerated or faddish styles (no less than 1 inch or more than 3 inches in bulk) or extreme heights are prohibited. Hair may be visible in front of the women’s flight cap. If you wear a hairpiece, it must conform to the same regulations governing natural hairstyles. Your cosmetics must be conservative and in good taste. Shades of lipstick and nail polish may not distinctly contrast with your complexion; for example, you may not wear purple, gold, blue, black, bright (fire-engine) red, and fluorescent colors. Hose must be in a shade that compliments the uniform (skin tone or off-black). Your fingernails must be kept neat and clean and nail polish, if worn, must be in good taste and of a conservative color without ornamentation. Nails may not exceed ¼ inch. French manicures are authorized. P. First-year cadets are no longer exempt from the Air Force blue uniform wear requirements. 1. First-year cadets will be issued the Air Force blue uniform and need to fully comply with uniform wear requirements. 2. A first-year cadet will be issued the Air Force blue uniform only when he/she passes a written test (see test schedule in paragraph S); meets grooming standards (haircuts, shaves, jewelry wear, etc.) and passes a “heads-up” inspection AND has demonstrated understanding of the AFJROTC Honor Code and Code of Ethics. 3. First-year cadets without a blue uniform will participate in weekly uniform inspections and be expected to meet Air Force grooming standards (haircuts, shaves, jewelry wear, etc). 14 4. Only those cadets who meet grooming standards will be allowed to participate in public performances (i.e., Apple Butter Festival Parade) and field trips. Q. All first-year cadets will be issued Physical Training gear for wear on Fridays. The PT uniform will consist of t-shirt and shorts (issued once to all new cadets); sweatpants and sweatshirt (issued 2nd and 3rd quarter only). The PT uniform does not have to be returned, but take care of it! It can only be issued to you once! R. Your uniform and equipment items are loaned to you and remain the property of the United States Air Force. You must be able to account for all items at all times. If you lose or willfully destroy a uniform or equipment item, you will be required to pay for it at the cost in effect when the account is scheduled to be cleared. Grades may not be released and the AFJROTC Certificate of Training or Certificate of Completion will not be awarded until all uniform and equipment items have been turned in or paid for. S. Uniform test schedule (first year cadets). The uniform test taken by first year cadets will consist of Air Force JROTC organization, rank, grooming standards, and uniform wear. This information may be found in this Cadet Guide and Leadership Education I, Chapters 1, 2 and 3. The test will be given twice during the 1st quarter and three times during the 2nd and 3rd quarters as noted below. Uniform issue will begin the following Wednesday during Study Hall/Cadet Jobs, provided cadet passes and has met other requirements as noted in paragraph P2 on previous page: 1ST QUARTER: 1st test: Week 6 2nd test: Given in addition to final exam 2ND AND 3RD QUARTERS: 1st test: Mid-term 2nd test: Week 6 3rd test: Given in addition to final exam 4TH QUARTER: NO UNIFORM TEST WILL BE GIVEN. Uniforms will NOT be issued during 4th quarter except at ASI/SASI request. 15 CHAPTER 4 AWARDS AND DECORATIONS The Cadet Awards and Decorations Program fosters morale, esprit de corps, and recognizes achievements of AFJROTC cadets. All devices will be worn in accordance with this instruction and AFJROTC Uniform and Awards Guide. The order of precedence (order of importance) is displayed on AFJROTC VA 36-4 and listed in the AFJROTC Uniform and Awards Guide. A copy of this instruction is available in the classroom. Uniform items, accouterments, devices or awards not specifically mentioned in AFJROTC guidance are not authorized to be worn on the AFJROTC uniform. Each item must be placed in correct order and location on the uniform. See the back cover “Ribbon Chart” of this guide and AFJROTC Guide, Chapter 6 “Uniform and Awards” for more information. 4-1. OUTSTANDING FLIGHT AWARD Recognizes the flight that works as a team to excel in AFJROTC academics, uniform wear and personal appearance, attendance and behavior. Other criteria may be added by the SASI, such as community service and drill competition. The overall academics, uniform wear, and personal appearance score will be the average for all flight members. Points will be deducted from the flight’s score for suspensions, tardies and absences. The drill sequence for the drill competition will be given to each flight commander early in the semester and practice times will be set aside during the semester. The SASI and ASI will select the outstanding flight at the end of each semester. Each member of the flight will receive the Outstanding Flight ribbon. 4-2. AFJROTC VALOR AWARDS 1. Gold Valor Award—presented for voluntary acts of self-sacrifice and personal bravery by a cadet involving conspicuous risk of life above and beyond the call of duty. (#1 on chart) 2. Silver Valor Award—presented for a voluntary act of heroism which does not meet the risk-of-life requirements of the Gold Valor Award. (#2 on chart) 4-3. AFJROTC CADET HUMANITARIAN AWARD—recognizes humanitarian effort and/or performance involving actions above and beyond the call of duty. (#3 on chart) 16 4-4. COMMUNITY SERVICE WITH EXCELLENCE AWARD—recognizes those individual cadets who provide significant leadership in the planning, organizing, directing, and executing of a major unit community service project that greatly benefits the local community. This is not an award given to participants but to the key leader(s) of the project. (#4 on chart) 4-5. NATIONAL ORGANIZATION-SPONSORED AWARDS The AFJROTC Uniform and Awards Guide contains a list of the requirements for the awards sponsored by national organizations. To be eligible, a cadet must meet all requirements of that particular award. A copy of the AFJROTC Uniform and Awards Guide is maintained on the bookshelf in the classroom. (The awards listed below are numbered to correspond to the Ribbon Chart.) The National Awards are: 5. Air Force Association (AFA) Award 6. Daedalian Award 7. American Legion Scholastic Award 8. American Legion General Military Excellence Award 9. Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Award 10. American Veterans (AMVETS) Award 11. Reserve Officers Association (ROA) Award 12. The Military Order of World Wars (MOWW) Award 13. The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) Award 14. Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Award 15. National Sojourners Award 16. Sons of the American Revolution Award 17. Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction Award 18. Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH) Award 19. Air Force Sergeants Association Award 20. Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War Award 21. Sons of Confederate Hunley Award 22. Tuskegee Airman AFJROTC Award 23. The Retired Enlisted Association Award 24. Celebrate Freedom Foundation 25. National Society United States Daughters of 1812 26. Air Commando Association 27. (Non Funded National Award) 4-6. AIR FORCE JUNIOR ROTC SPONSORED AWARDS The AFJROTC Guide dated March 2012 also explains each of the following awards and the criteria to be eligible for receiving them. See the ribbon chart on the back cover for identification and proper placement of these awards. (Ribbons are listed below as they appear on the Ribbon Chart.) 17 28. Distinguished Unit Award 29. Outstanding Organization Award 30. Outstanding Flight Ribbon 31. Top Performer Award 32. Outstanding Cadet Ribbon 33. Leadership Ribbon 34. Achievement Ribbon 35. Superior Performance Ribbon 36. Academic Ribbon 37. Leadership School Ribbon (not awarded at IN-20051) 38. Special Teams Competition (not awarded at IN-20051) 39. Orienteering Ribbon (not awarded at IN-20051) 40. Cocurricular Activities Leadership Ribbon 41. Drill Team Ribbon (not awarded at IN-20051) 42. Color Guard Ribbon 43. Sabre Team Ribbon (not awarded at IN-20051) 44. Marksmanship Ribbon (not awarded at IN-20051) 45. Good Conduct Ribbon 46. Service Ribbon 47. Health and Wellness 48. Recruiting Ribbon 49. Activities Ribbon 50. Attendance Ribbon 51. Dress and Appearance Ribbon 52. Longevity Ribbon The order of precedence (order of importance) is displayed on the back page. The highest award is the Air Force JROTC Valor Award (Gold), followed by the Air Force JROTC Valor Award (Silver). The AFJROTC ribbon with the lowest importance is the Longevity Ribbon. The remaining five ribbons on the chart are Civil Air Patrol awards. They may only be worn by AFJROTC cadets who have earned these CAP ribbons while members of Civil Air Patrol. Idea: Circle the awards you have received or list them here for reference. You may also wish to keep track of those awards such as Attendance, Longevity, Academic, Dress and Appearance, etc. that you feel you are currently eligible for and list them here. Awards I have earned: Awards I am working on: 18 4-7. SPECIAL UNIT AWARDS The following awards will be discussed and the criteria explained during classroom instruction (Feel free to take notes here.): Recruiting Ribbon Activities Ribbon Outstanding Flight Local VFW Awards Outstanding Cadet Trophy Cadet of the Week 19 CHAPTER 5 UNIT MANNING DOCUMENT IN-20051 Cadet Group FUNCTION POSITION TITLE MAX GRADE COMMAND CORPS COMMANDER C/LT COL DEPUTY COMMANDER/IG C/MAJ COMMAND CHIEF MASTER SERGEANT C/CMSGT SPECIAL PROJECTS/PROTOCOL OFFICER C/1LT COMPTROLLER C/1LT KITTY HAWK/CC C/1LT # AUTHORIZED 1 1 1 1 1 1 OPERATIONS SQUADRON COMMANDER DEPUTY COMMANDER FLIGHT COMMANDER RESERVE FLIGHT COMMANDER FLIGHT SERGEANT PROMOTION/AWARDS & DECS NCO CHIEF, ACADEMIC REMEDIATION NCO FLIGHT SAFETY NCOIC SERGEANT AT ARMS CADET HEALTH/WELLNESS DIRECTOR FLIGHT HEALTH/WELLNESS NCO C/CAPT C/1LT C/1LT C/1LT C/MSGT C/MSGT C/MSGT C/SSGT C/SSGT C/MSGT C/SSGT 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 4 4 1 4** SPECIAL TEAMS SPECIAL TEAMS COMMANDER DEPUTY COMMANDER COLOR GUARD COMMANDER C/CAPT C/1LT C/1LT 1 1 1 MISSION SUPPORT SQUADRON COMMANDER DEPUTY COMMANDER CHIEF PUBLIC AFFAIRS FLIGHT PUBLIC AFFAIRS REP. CHIEF OF PERSONNEL/ADMIN. FLIGHT PERSONNEL NCO FLIGHT ADMIN NCO C/CAPT C/1LT C/MSGT C/TSGT C/MSGT C/TSGT C/TSGT 1 1 1 4 1 4* 4* LOGISTICS SQUADRON COMMANDER DEPUTY COMMANDER FLIGHT SUPPLY NCO SPECIAL TEAMS EQUIPMENT NCO C/CAPT C/1LT C/TSGT C/TSGT 1 1 4** 1 *Flight personnel and Flight Admin positions may be combined for smaller flights **Two NCOs may be designated for a flight if class size exceeds 18 cadets. 20 CHAPTER 6 IN-20051 CADET JOB DESCRIPTIONS/RESPONSIBILITIES 6-1. Cadet Group Commander: a. Establish and enforce appearance, discipline, academic, training, and conduct standards b. Advise the SASI/ASI on corps operations policies and procedures c. Recommend cadets for jobs, awards, and promotions d. Provide Cadet Focus to SASI/ASI each Monday e. Conduct weekly senior staff meeting on Tuesday f. Develop cadet corps goals for the academic year g. Attend all cadet extracurricular activities 6-2. Cadet Deputy Group Commander: a. Command the group and accomplish commander responsibilities in his/her absence b. Assist group commander as directed c. As Inspector General, handle cadet suggestions and complaints 6-3. Cadet Command Chief Master Sergeant: a. Act as liaison for community service projects b. Establish and enforce appearance, discipline, academic, training, and conduct standards c. Attend group staff meetings and prepare meeting room d. Assist group and deputy group commanders as needed 6-4. Cadet Operations Squadron Commander: a. Establish and enforce appearance, discipline, academic, training, and conduct standards b. Attend group staff meeting on Tuesday c. Conduct squadron staff meeting on Wednesday d. Plan and coordinate activities within the squadron e. Perform other duties as assigned by the Cadet Group Commander f. Coordinates with Cadet Command Chief Master Sergeant to ensure flights are performing community service g. Ensure cadets are wearing the uniform on Uniform Day h. Ensure cadets are receiving required academic assistance from AFJROTC mentors i. Ensure E2C program has 100% participation and activities are standardized j. Track flight competition for Outstanding Flight 6-5. Cadet Mission Support Squadron Commander: a. Establish and enforce appearance, discipline, academic, training, and conduct standards b. Attend group staff meeting on Tuesday c. Conduct squadron staff meeting on Wednesday d. Plan and coordinate activities within the squadron e. Perform other duties as assigned by the Cadet Group Commander 21 f. Provide cadet promotion recommendations to Cadet Group Commander g. Ensure “Cadet Gazette” is published every other month (Sep, Nov, Jan, Mar, May) h. Coordinate articles for publication in local newspaper 6-6. Cadet Logistics Squadron Commander: a. Establish and enforce appearance, discipline, academic, training, and conduct standards b. Attend group staff meeting on Tuesday c. Issue and secure AFJROTC uniform items d. Issue and secure AFJROTC books and work books e. Keep uniform room clean and orderly f. Ensure uniforms are documented in CIMS and all cadets have signed a hand receipt for all uniform items issued to them g. Perform other duties as assigned by the Cadet Group Commander 6-7. Cadet Special Teams Commander: a. Establish and enforce appearance, discipline, academic, training, and conduct standards b. Attend group staff meeting on Tuesday c. Attend all Color Guard meetings, Tuesday, 3:30 – 4:30 pm d. Oversee Color Guard, Awareness Presentation Team and Rocketry Club activities e. Plan and execute Veterans Day Program at OVHS 6-8. Special Projects Officer a. Attend group staff meeting on Tuesday b. Plan and execute unique AFJROTC functions to include Dining In, Military Ball, and Awards Night c. Assist SASI/ASI in planning for distinguished visitors and field trips d. Assist SASI/ASI with AFJROTC web site e. Support Cadet Group Commander as required 6-9. Cadet Financial Management Officer: a. Conduct all financial operations within the cadet corps b. Ensure all activities are budgeted for, fundraisers are planned, and all income is accounted for c. Responsible for the accurate accounting of all group-raised funds 6-10. Kitty Hawk Air Society Commander: a. Determine requirements to activate the organization b. Brief SASI/ASI on activation plans c. Invite cadets to join; requirements include “B” average in AFJROTC courses, an overall “B” average in all classes, and no failing grades d. Determine service and patriotic activities e. Plan and execute indoctrination ceremony and badge presentation 22 6-11. Cadet Flight Commander/Flight Sergeant: a. Establish and enforce appearance, discipline, academic, training, and conduct standards b. Appoint and manage element leaders c. Plan and execute flight service project d. Perform other duties as assigned by the Cadet Operations Squadron Commander 6-12. Cadet Personnel/Administrative Chief: a. Responsible for the timely and accurate initiation of cadet records and for all personnel actions b. Initiate personnel records on all cadets to include information entered into the computerized Cadet Information Management System (CIMS) c. Maintain a complete and accurate cumulative record of cadet assignments, promotions, awards d. Initiate and maintain performance evaluation records on all cadets e. Ensure items are posted in classroom as required. f. Ensure deadlines are met 6-13. Cadet Flight Personnel NCO: a. Responsible for the timely and accurate initiation of all personnel actions as directed by Cadet Personnel/Administrative Chief b. Maintain a complete and accurate cumulative record of cadet assignments, promotions, awards c. Input cadet information in CIMS database as required d. Initiate and maintain performance evaluation records on all cadets within the flight e. Ensure deadlines are met 6-14. Cadet Flight Administration NCO: a. Responsible for the timely and accurate initiation of administrative records b. Maintain administrative records as required by Chief of Personnel/Administration c. Collect required flight paperwork at the beginning of each class d. Assist SASI/ASI by distributing handouts as required e. Ensure deadlines are met 6-15. Cadet Public Affairs Chief: a. Report the activities of IN-20051 to the high school newspapers and local news media b. Publish “Cadet Gazette” every other month (Sep, Nov, Jan, Mar, May). c. Maintain the Corps scrapbook d. Take pictures at Corps activities e. Maintain and update bulletin boards in high school hallways 6-16. Cadet Public Affairs Flight NCO: a. Provide flight articles and photos to Chief, Public Affairs b. Assist with publishing “Cadet Gazette” every other month (Sep, Nov, Jan, Mar, May). 23 c. Help maintain the Corps scrapbook d. Take pictures of flight during class, field trips, wellness, etc. e. Maintain and update bulletin boards in high school hallways as required by Cadet Chief, Public Affairs 6-17. Cadet Health and Wellness (E2C) Director: a. Plan activities for every Wellness Day on the academic schedule; provide complete plan to SASI/ASI by 31 August. b. Train Flight E2C NCO’s and ensure standardization between flights c. Coordinate with Personnel Officer to ensure required paperwork is complete and information is input in the system correctly d. Plan and execute Field Day activities in May. 6-18. Cadet Health and Wellness (E2C) Flight NCO: a. Lead the flight during Wellness Day activities b. Know the proper way to do each exercise c. Execute Wellness Day activities planned by the E2C Director d. Monitor activities to ensure cadets perform exercises correctly e. Document flight performance and input into computer database f. Assist E2C Director as required 6-19. Cadet Color Guard Commander: a. Conduct weekly Color Guard practice every Tuesday, 3:30 – 4:30 pm. b. Train cadets to perform a variety of duties to ensure flexibility c. Plan, organize, and direct practices d. Train Supply NCO to maintain uniforms and gear 6-20. Rocketry Club President a. Conduct monthly Rocketry Club meetings during Club Days b. Plan and execute Rocketry activities c. Attend all monthly meetings d. Determine requirements for award of Rocketry Badge e. Provide SASI/ASI with list of cadets who have earned the Rocketry Badge no later than May 5th 6-21. Orienteering Club President a. Conduct monthly Orienteering Club meetings, Thursday, 3:30—5 p.m. b. Plan and execute Orienteering activities c. Attend all monthly meetings d. Gather information and coordinate with ASI for orienteering competitions, if entered. d. Determine requirements for Orienteering Competition Ribbon (if applicable) e. In May, provide SASI/ASI with list of cadets who have earned awards. 6-22. Awareness Presentation Team Leader a. Train team to brief elementary and middle school students about drug and alcohol abuse, staying in school, and AFJROTC 24 b. Maintain briefing materials and tri-fold c. Plan visit schedule d. Provide SASI/ASI with after-action report for each visit 6-23. Promotions, Awards & Decorations Chief: a. Understand requirements for cadet promotion b. Create written promotion test for enlisted cadets and officer cadets c. Provide Mission Support Squadron Commander with list of potential promotees d. Print award certificates for presentation. e. Print and post all copies of award orders in Decorations and Awards binder f. Provide Mission Support Squadron Commander with list of quarterly award winners e. Maintain database to ensure cadet rank and awards are accurate 6-24. Academic Remediation Chief: a. Determine study plan for AFJROTC tests b. Identify flight members to act as AFJROTC mentors c. Ensure SASI/ASI –identified cadets receive assistance during study hall d. Determine cadets who can act as mentors for other classes (Math, English, etc) 6-25. Sergeant-At-Arms: a. Call the room to attention when instructors or adult visitors enter/leave the room b. Assist Flight Commander and Flight Sergeant in maintaining discipline c. Ensure classroom is clean and in good order at the end of class d. Responsible for releasing flight by element at the end of class 6-26. Cadet Safety NCO: a. Ensure classroom and outdoor locations are free of hazards b. Brief flight each month on relevant safety issues c. Provide a consolidated safety article for the Cadet Gazette (Sep, Nov, Jan, Mar, May) 6-27. Reserve Flight Commander a. Maintain contact with Operations Squadron Commander for Cadet Corps activities and uniform requirements. b. Attend Operations Squadron staff meetings and brief on concerns of Reserve Flight. c. Maintain Uniform Inspection Sheets to ensure Reserve Flight members are wearing uniform properly. (Reserve Cadets may not participate in corps activities if not actively participating in uniform wear). d. Assist in uniform inspection of Reserve Flight members before school on uniform days. Report findings of improper wear of uniform, improper conduct of Reserve Flight members to ASI/SASI. e. Keep each member of the Reserve Flight informed of policies, activities and other information through use of written or verbal communication and/or meetings. 25 CHAPTER 7 IN-20051 PROMOTION POLICY 7-1. GENERAL INFORMATION Promotions indicate not only a cadet’s performance but also his/her potential for increased responsibility. The surest path to promotion is to do your job to the best of your ability, volunteer for additional duties, work hard for the cadet corps, and demonstrate consistent, intelligent leadership and personal discipline. 7-2. RANKS The promotion system consists of permanent, and temporary ranks. Permanent Rank is established in accordance with AFROTCI 36-2001 and is based on longevity and performance in the JROTC program. Temporary Rank is based on the level of responsibility and cadet job as assigned by the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI). 7-3. PERMANENT PROMOTIONS (ENLISTED) FIRST YEAR CADETS Upon successful completion of the: First Quarter, promotion to Cadet Airman. First Semester, promotion to Cadet Airman First Class. Second Semester, promotion to Cadet Senior Airman (End of First Year) SECOND YEAR CADETS Upon successful completion of the: Third Semester, promotion to Cadet Staff Sergeant. Fourth Semester, promotion to Cadet Technical Sergeant. (End of Second Year) THIRD YEAR CADETS Upon successful completion of the: Fifth Semester, promotion to Cadet Master Sergeant. Sixth Semester, promotion Cadet Senior Master Sergeant. (End of Third Year) FOURTH YEAR CADETS Upon successful completion of the: Seventh Semester, promotion to Cadet Chief Master Sergeant. *Successful completion is defined as maintaining a “C” or better in his/her AFJROTC class, performing at least 5 hours of documented community service, no adverse actions involving school or civil authorities, and adherence to AFJROTC principles and the Code of Ethics. For 26 the first promotion only, the requirements are a “passing” grade in his/her AFJROTC class and no adverse actions. Promotion to Senior NCO rank (Top 3)/Officer requires 10 hours of community service. OFFICER APPOINTMENTS Cadets are appointed to officer rank based on past overall performance and vacancies within the corps. In filling vacancies, primary consideration will be given to those cadets we feel can and will fulfill the requirements of that position. Following are the cadet officer positions, with authorized rank: SENIOR STAFF Group Commander - C/Lieutenant Colonel Deputy Group Commander - C/Major Special Projects Officer – C/First Lieutenant Command Chief Master Sergeant – C/Chief Master Sergeant Squadron Commander – C/Captain Special Teams Commander – C/Captain Flight Commander – C/First Lieutenant Reserve Flight Commander—C/First Lieutenant Flight Sergeant – C/Staff Sergeant OTHER LEADERSHIP POSITIONS Personnel/Administrative Officer – C/Second Lieutenant Public Affairs Officer – C/First Lieutenant Finance Officer – C/Second Lieutenant Color Guard Commander – C/Second Lieutenant Wellness Officer – C/Second Lieutenant *Cadets serving in officer positions can and will be removed by the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor for nonperformance in the classroom and/or failure to meet the responsibilities of the position held. If removed from an officer position, your rank will revert to that which you are authorized by your years in AFJROTC. After you have held an officer position for 2 successive semesters, you may continue to wear that rank for as long as you remain in the corps and continue to meet standards. Promotion to subsequent officer rank requires maintaining a “C” or better in his/her AFJROTC class, performing at least 10 hours of documented community service, no adverse actions involving school or civil authorities, and adherence to AFJROTC principles and the Code of Ethics. 7-4. ON-SPOT PROMOTIONS The SASI may promote deserving cadets to a higher rank at any time based on academic performance, demonstration of exceptional leadership skills, and exemplary conduct as a cadet. 27 7-5. RANK AUTHORIZATIONS The Unit Manning Document lists the number of leadership positions authorized. To give as many cadets as possible the opportunity to perform in a leadership role, a rotating system or rotation may be employed. Normal rotation to lateral or lower positions is NOT considered a demotion. The Cadet Corps Commander, Deputy Commanders, and Squadron Commanders, as well as key staff and subordinate commanders, will normally serve one term; however, cadets assigned project responsibilities that last more than one term may be retained in their position, at the discretion of the SASI. 28 CHAPTER 8 MISCELLANEOUS TIPS 8-1. BASIC UNIFORM TIPS Since you are reading this it is safe to assume you have agreed to wear the uniform on inspection days (normally Thursdays) all day, and on special occasions. It is your responsibility to maintain your uniform in a CLEAN condition and to properly display all devices (such as name tag, rank, ribbons, and patches). The following guidelines are provided to help you. 1. The dark blue items of the uniform must be dry cleaned. You may use drycleaning sheets or take the uniform to a business that does drycleaning. When ironing the dark blue items, use a pressing cloth between the iron and the uniform item to prevent shiny creases/spots. 2. Light blue items such as the shirt, may be washed. The shirt can be washed with like colors on the gentle cycle. DO NOT use bleach! Shirts need to be ironed. Creases down the middle of the sleeve are authorized and will make the shirt look much sharper! If you aren’t sure of the proper way to iron your uniform, ASK!! Improper cleaning and ironing of the uniform can damage it and you will have to pay to replace it! 3. Device Placement: See Attachments 1 through 5 and back cover for proper placement of devices. 4. Cords are worn by cadets to show membership on a special team, outstanding achievements or to signify certain cadet jobs and responsibilities. Only one cord at a time may be worn; it is worn on the left shoulder. The colors of the cords represent various organizations or awards: a. Yellow—Cadet Corps Commander b. Royal Blue—Deputy Corps Commander c. Green—Command Chief Master Sergeant d. Red—Kitty Hawk Air Society Commander e. Grey—Squadron Commander f. Teal Blue—Flight Commander g. White—Special Team member h. Blue and Gold—Special Assistant to SASI i. Silver—Cadet Student of the Week 5. Shoes—should always be kept clean and polished. Scuff marks, dull shoes, or dirty shoes do not reflect a positive image. A general guide of materials and how to shine shoes is provided for your use: DO NOT USE KIWI WAX POLISH IN CLASS! (You may only use buffing sponge in classroom) 29 a. Materials: KIWI (or similar) black shoe polish Horse-hair shoe brush Clean linen towel or rag Water Cotton balls Sole/edge dressing b. How to shine your shoes: 1. Use the brush to clean dust and dirt from shoes. 2. Apply light coat of polish in a circular motion using cotton ball. 3. Lightly brush shoes free of any excess polish. 4. Apply a little water to a cotton ball, and again use circular motions to shine the shoes. 5. Use the clean towel/rag to buff the shoes. The towel should not become black—if it does, too much polish was used. 6. Finish the shoes with sole/edge dressing—if the dressing gets on the leather wipe away or it will ruin the shine of the leather. 8-2. CLASS RULES You are expected to know these rules and follow them. 1. No chewing of gum, at any time while in the classroom or on the drill pad. 2. No food or drinks in the classroom unless permission given by SASI/ASI. 3. No items except writing materials, notebook, or instructional material should be on the desks during instruction. All other items should be under the desk. 4. Confiscated items will be returned at the discretion of the SASI/ASI. 5. There will be no slouching, talking, sleeping, or heads on desktop during instruction, or while addressed by the SASI/ASI/or supervising cadet. 6. No cadet will enter the supply room or the instructors’ office without requesting permission to enter. 7. Only cadets on the “access” list may enter the cadet office freely. 8. The JROTC room must be kept neat and clean at all times. Scraps of paper or other trash on the floor should be picked up and put in the wastebasket. The cadet office must also be kept clean as well, and unnecessary items removed. 9. Male cadets will not wear earrings while participating in 30 AFJROTC uniform (to include PT uniform). 10. Females will meet grooming standards when wearing the PT uniform. (Exception: Hair may be in ponytail but can not hang loose for safety reasons.) 8-3. IN-RANKS RULES At any time while in ranks: 1. There will be no talking among cadets unless told otherwise by the instructor or cadet in charge. 2. There will be no insubordination or horseplay. 3. Cadets who are unable to drill or participate in Wellness Training must report to the SASI/ASI with their doctor’s excuse or note from parent/guardian. 4. Headgear must be worn when outdoors and military protocol followed at all times. 8-4. CONSEQUENCES/DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS The following consequences will result for failure to follow the above instructions: 1. Standing at Attention in the Back of the Room (Tardy) 2. Loss of rank 3. Loss of position 4. Action taken by SASI or ASI (Points taken off grade) 5. Removal from AFJROTC program by SASI Only the SASI/ASI may enforce all of the above consequences! 31 ATTACHMENT 1--UNIFORM INSPECTION SHEET 32 ATTACHMENT 2—CADET BADGES 33 ATTACHMENT 3—CADET RANK 34 ATTACHMENT 4—PROPER WEAR OF THE UNIFORM * Enlisted Ranks will have no hat insignia on the flight cap Note 1 35 * Enlisted Ranks will have no hat insignia on the flight cap Note 1 36 Note 1 Note 4 Note 5 Note 2 Note 6 Note 3 Note 2 Note 7 Note 4 Note 1 LIGHTWEIGHT BLUE JACKET COLLAR INSIGNIA Outer edge Note 8 Outer edge Inner edge Inner edge 1. (Officers only) When placing rank on epaulet instead of collar, use standard size metal rank, center on epaulet 5/8 in from shoulder seam. 2. Shoulder tabs are centered between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1” below shoulder seam. 3. Unit patch on right sleeve ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam and centered. 4. Grade insignia (officer and enlisted) is worn on both left and right collar. Airman Basic have no collar insignia. 5. 1. Optional item: worn centeron vertically between thecentered. shoulder seam and where the underarm side seam joins the armhole sleeve Unit patch right pocket and and center horizontally between the center zipper and the sleeve armhole seam. 2. Tapes grounded and centered on pockets. 6. AFJROTC patch on left sleeve ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam and centered. Grade or the enlisted) worn on both left and right collars, centered on collar and parallel 7. 3. Jacket willinsignia be closed(officer to at least halfwayispoint. with bottom of collar. Airman Basic have no collar insignia. 4. AFJROTC patch worn on left pocket and centered. 8. Center insignia horizontally on collar. Place 1 inch from bottom of collar and parallel to the outer edge of the collar. 37 Note: Cadets may wear the rank on both coat and shirt at the same time or only on the coat. The cadets must be in proper uniform at all times. If they have the coat on, the rank insignia must be on the coat. If they remove the coat, the rank must be on the shirt. Note 8 Note 7 Note 6 Note 5 Note 9 Note 10 Note 4 Note 11 Note 3 Note 12 Note 2 Note 13 Note 14 Note 1 1. Awareness Presentation Team (APT) badge: Center on welt pocket 3 inches below the top. 2. Name tag: Center between arm seam and lapel with bottom edge parallel to top of welt pocket 3. Kitty Hawk Badge: see note 15. 4. Unit patch: Placed ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam and centered. 5. Shoulder tabs: Center between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1 inch below shoulder seam. 6. Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge: see note 15. 7. Distinguished Cadet Badge: see note 15. 8. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both lapels. Place insignia halfway up the seam, resting on but not over it. Bottom of insignia is horizontal with the ground. *(The lapel insignia (eagles non-chrome) will no longer be worn on the lapels by Airmen Basics.) 9. AFJROTC Patch: Placed ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam, and centered. 10. Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge: see note 15. 11. Ground School Badge: see note 15. 12. Ribbons: Center, on but not over edge of pocket. Wear 3 or 4 in a row. Wear all or some. 13. Academy of Model Aeronautic Wings: worn 1 inch below pocket. 14. Model Rocketry Badge: worn 2 inches below AMA Wings or 3 inches below pocket if no AMA Wings are worn. 15. First badge placed ½ inch above name tag or ribbons and is centered horizontally. Additional badges placed ½ inch above previous badge. 38 Note: Cadets may wear the rank on both coat and shirt at the same time or only on the coat. The cadets must be in proper uniform at all times. If they have the coat on, the rank insignia must be on the coat. If they remove the coat, the rank must be on the shirt. Note 8 Note 6 Note 9 Note 7 Note 10 Note 5 Note 11 Note 4 Note 3 Note 12 Note 2 Note 13 Note 1 Note 14 1. Name tag: authorized for wear and is to be centered on right side, even with to 1 1/2 inches higher or lower than the first exposed button. 2. Awareness Presentation Team Badge: see note 15. 3. Unit patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam. 4. Shoulder tab: centered between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1 inch below shoulder seam. 5. Kitty Hawk Badge: see note 15. 6. Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge: see note 15. 7. Distinguished Cadet Badge: see note 15. 8. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both lapels. Place insignia halfway up the seam, resting on but not over it. Bottom of insignia is horizontal with the ground. *(The lapel insignia (eagles non-chrome) will no longer be worn on the lapels by Airmen Basics.) 9. Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge: see note 15. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Ground School Badge: see note 15. AFJROTC Patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam. Academy of Model Aeronautic (AMA) Wings: see note 15. Model Rocketry Badge: see note 15. Ribbons: center ribbons resting on but not over edge of welt pocket. Wear 3 or 4 in a row. Wear all or some. 15. First badge placed ½ inch above name tag or ribbons (whichever is appropriate) and is centered horizontally. Additional badges placed ½ inch above previous badge. 39 Note 8 Note 6 Note 7 Note 9 Note 5 Note 4 Note 10 Note 11 Note 3 Note 12 Note 2 Note 13 Note 14 Note 1 1. Awareness Presentation Team (APT) and Model Rocketry Badge are centered on the pockets on the appropriate sides as displayed above. 2. Name tag: authorized for wear and is to be grounded and centered over wearer’s right pocket. 3. Unit patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam. 4. Shoulder tab: center between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then place 1 inch below shoulder seam. 5. Kitty Hawk Badge: see note 15. 6. Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge: see note 15. 7. Distinguished Cadet Badge: see note 15. 8. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both left and right collar, centered side to side and top to bottom. Enlisted rank’s bottom point of torch points toward the point of the collar. Officer top point of rank aligned with point of collar. Airman Basic have no insignia of any kind on the collar. 9. (Officers only) When using officer cloth rank on epaulets versus miniature metal rank on collar, place as close as possible to shoulder seam. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge: see note 15. Ground School Badge: see note 15. Academy of Model Aeronautic (AMA) Wings: see note 15. AFJROTC Patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam. Ribbons: ground and center on pocket. 15. First badge placed ½ inch above name tag or ribbons and is centered horizontally. Additional badges placed ½ inch above previous badge. 40 Note 8 Note 7 Note 5 Note 6 Note 4 Note 9 Note 10 Note 3 Note 11 Note 12 Note 13 Note 2 Note 14 Note 1 Note 15 1. Name tag: authorized for wear and is to be centered on right side, even with to 1 1/2 inches higher or lower than the first exposed button. 2. Awareness Presentation Team Badge: see note 16. 3. Unit patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam. 4. Shoulder tab: centered between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1 inch below shoulder seam. 5. Kitty Hawk Badge: see note 16. 6. Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge: see note 16. 7. Distinguished Cadet Badge: see note 16. 8. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both left and right collar, centered side to side and top to bottom. Enlisted rank’s bottom point of torch points toward the point of the collar. Officer top point of rank aligned with point of collar. Airman Basic have no insignia of any kind on the collar. 9. (Officers only) When using officer cloth rank on epaulets versus miniature metal rank on collar, place as close as possible to shoulder seam. 10. Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge: see note 16. 11. Ground School Badge: see note 16. 12. Academy of Model Aeronautic (AMA) Wings: see note 16. 13. AFJROTC Patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam. 14. Model Rocketry Badge: see note 16. 15. Ribbons: Center, parallel with ground. Align with bottom of name tag. Or, if no name tag, align bottom of ribbons even with to 1 ½ inches higher or lower than the first exposed button. 16. First badge placed ½ inch above name tag or ribbons (whichever is appropriate) and is centered horizontally. Additional badges placed ½ inch above previous badge. ATTACHMENT 5 CHAIN OF COMMAND PRESIDENT/COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF _________________________________ SECRETARY OF DEFENSE _________________________________ SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE _________________________________ CHAIRMAN, JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF _________________________________ AIR FORCE CHIEF OF STAFF _________________________________ AETC COMMANDER _________________________________ AIR UNIVERSITY COMMANDER _________________________________ HOLM CENTER COMMANDER _________________________________ AFJROTC DIRECTOR _________________________________ SR. AEROSPACE SCIENCE INSTR. _________________________________ AEROSPACE SCIENCE INSTR. _________________________________ IN-20051 CHAIN OF COMMAND CADET CORPS COMMANDER _________________________________ CADET CORPS DEPUTY COMMANDER _________________________________ CADET OPERATIONS SQ COMMANDER________________________________ CADET LOGISTICS SQ COMMANDER _________________________________ CADET SUPPORT SQ COMMANDER _________________________________ CADET SPECIAL TEAMS COMMANDER________________________________ CADET RESERVE SQ COMMANDER _________________________________ (YOUR) FLIGHT COMMANDER _________________________________ (YOUR) FLIGHT SERGEANT _________________________________ OTHER CORPS COMMAND CHIEF MASTER SGT________________________________ (YOUR) POSITION _________________________________ 42 Cadet Honor Code: A Cadet Will Not Lie, Cheat, or Steal, Nor Tolerate Among Them, Anyone Who Does Air Force Junior ROTC Mission: To develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community Air Force Core Values: Integrity First Service Before Self Excellence In All We Do 43 The Cadet Creed I am an Air Force Junior ROTC Cadet I am connected and faithful to every Corps of Cadets who serve their community and nation with patriotism. I earn respect when I uphold the Core Values of Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do. I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, school, Corps of Cadets, community, and to myself. My character defines me. I will not lie, cheat, or steal. I am accountable for my actions and deeds. I will hold others accountable for their actions as well. I will honor those I serve with, those who have gone before me, and those who will come after me. I am a Patriot, a Leader, and a Wingman devoted to those I follow, serve and lead. I am an Air Force Junior ROTC Cadet. 44 45