
Lesson Plan Template
Lesson Plan Template
Unit #_________ Title: Persuasive Essay
Lesson # within unit: 1
Lesson Title: “Persuasive Elements in Advertising” (collaborative technique)
By the end of the lesson, students should have a general knowledge of persuasive
elements (i.e. ethos, pathos, logos). They should comprehend how advertisements
are a visual way to persuade consumers. Then, they should be able to apply these
persuasive techniques within their own persuasive essay.
CA Standards
Writing Application 2.4
Listening and Speaking 1.1, 1.13
List of Materials
Rationale for each
 Magazine advertisements for
 Students will be analyzing a
small groups
magazine ad in groups
 “Argument in Advertising”
 The questions will guide how
questions handout for each
the students analyze the ad
 PowerPoint presentation
 To present elements of
(Anticipatory Set)
[Activity #1:
Introduction of
Ethos, Pathos,
Communicate academic learning goals
 Ask students: What is the
purpose of an advertisement,
whether print or t.v.?
Encourage them to lean
towards saying that they
persuade people.
 Inform students that they will
be analyzing persuasive
elements in advertising.
 Remind students that they will
be writing a persuasive essay
and that they should be
thinking about how to use
persuasive elements in
 To bring students into the
day’s topic. Get them curious
about what they will be doing
for the period.
Instructional Strategies
 Use persuasive elements
PowerPoint to introduce
ethos, pathos, logos
 This is so the students begin
to have a general
understanding of these
concepts. In addition, the
question handout asks them to
identify these elements within
the ad.
Student Activities
 Students will take notes as
needed during this time
 Notes can be used as a
reference during the ad
This encourages them to
remember what they learn, so
they can continue to apply it.
This lets them know that what
they are doing today will be
applicable to when they write
their persuasive essay.
Instructional Strategies
 Divide students into small
[Activity #2:
Argument in
 Pass out “Argument in
Advertising” handout to each
student and a magazine ad to
each group
 Read over the handout
 Analyze a sample ad as a class
before students work alone
 As students work together,
walk around the room
monitoring work progress
 It is better for the instructor to
pick the groups, than the
 Each student is responsible for
writing down the answers
This will allow for any
clarifications that need to be
This will assure that students
are on task, and it will give
groups a chance to ask
questions of the teacher
Student Activities
 Students work together as a
group to answer the handout
questions about the magazine
 Working together provides for a
variety of ideas, and improves
the students’
social/communication skills
Student Activities
 Students will choose one
member from their group to
present their findings and
provide a summary of their
magazine ad
 They are held accountable for
their work and other groups
can see a variety of ads
Description of assessment task
 The assessment is the
“Argument in Advertising”
handout and the group
 The handout and the
presentation allow me to
comprehend how well they
understood the activity. It will
tell me how much more in
depth I need to go into the
elements of persuasion.
Argument in Advertising
Directions: As a group analyze your magazine ad by answering the following questions in complete
sentences. Be prepared to share some of your findings with the rest of the class.
1. What is the product or company that your ad is for? (ex. Lucky Brand Jeans)
2. What is the content matter of your ad? Describe what your ad looks like?
3. Who would be the audience for your ad?
How do you know this is the audience? What specific clues tell you this is so?
4. What background information (if any) do you need to know to understand this ad?
5. Is your ad logical (logos)? Is it supported by concrete and specific data? Explain.
6. Is your ad ethical (ethos)? Does it appear fair, honest, and well informed? Explain.
7. Is your ad emotional (pathos)? Does it use emotion to affect the consumer? Explain.
8. How is your ad persuading its audience? What is the ad’s main argument?
9. Now, change the audience for your ad. Think, who is your new audience and how must your ad
change in order for the new audience to be persuaded?