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Open Quiz
Types of Government
Matching: Place the letter beside each definition in the blank to the left of the word(s) it defines.
_____1. Government
a. A government in which the people, together, rule themselves.
_____2. Autocracy
_____4. Democracy
b. A government that is limited by the law and that is synonymous to
representative democracy.
c. This is a group of people who make and enforce laws so that people may live
together within a country
d. This is a government controlled by a small group of powerful people.
_____5. Republic
e. This is a government that is controlled by a single individual.
_____3. Oligarchy
Each item refers to autocracy, oligarchy, or democracy. Place an A, O, or D next to each item based on the system to which it
_____1. free election with competing political parties
_____2. rule by many people
_____3. totalitarian dictatorship
_____4. power and authority to rule in the hands of a single individual
_____5. rule by a small group
_____6. individual liberty
_____7. the governments of Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Joseph Stalin
_____8. government limited by a constitution (the law)
_____9. direct and representative forms of majority rule
____10. oldest form of government
Multiple Choice: Place the letter of the best answer in the blank to the left of each prompt.
_____1. Totalitarian dictatorship is a form of this type of government
a. autocracy
b. oligarchy
c. democracy
d. republic
_____2. As in a dictatorship or autocracy, these communist governments (ruled by a small group of people) usually suppress political
a. republics
b. constitutional monarchy
c. oligarchies
d. democracies
_____3. The United States has this form of rule by the people
a. representative democracy
b. monarchy
c. direct democracy
d. oligarchy
_____4. In which form of government do individuals have the most freedom?
a. autocracy
b. monarchy
c. democracy
d. oligarchy
_____5. Any type of government in which a small group holds power is called:
a. a democracy
b. an oligarchy
c. a monarchy
d. an autocracy
Short Answer: How are direct and representative democracy alike? How are they different?