Benchmark #2 Review Worksheet

Benchmark #2 Review Worksheet
1. In which region would people more than likely choose to settle?
a. desert
b. fertile plain
c. mountain range
d. rainforest
2. The spreading of culture traits is called cultural __________.
a. diffusion
b. region
c. diversity
d. recession
3. Developed countries usually have _________ shaped population pyramids and
developing countries usually have ___________ shaped ones.
4. What can you conclude from looking at population pyramids?
a. GDP
b. literacy rate
c. infant mortality rate
d. all the above
5. Regions are areas with ________ traits or characteristics.
a. shared
b. different
c. varied
d. no
6. Resources that the environment continues to supply or replace are known as
___________ resources.
7. Which is an example of a non-renewable resource?
a. oil
b. water
c. wind
d. solar/sun
8. Dictatorship is an example of ____________.
a. oligarchy
b. representative democracy
c. autocracy
d. none of the above
9. _________ means people indirectly hold power to govern and rule by electing
representatives and officials.
a. oligarchy
b. representative democracy
c. autocracy
d. none of the above
10. An oligarchy that has a command economy best describes what type of system?
a. democracy
b. monarchy
c. communism
d. none of the above
11. The law of supply and demand says when supplies are plentiful, prices are ______
and when supplies are scarce, prices are ________. True or false: Price follows
demand. _________
12. Which economic system has competition and private ownership?
a. capitalism
b. market
c. free enterprise
d. all the above
13. What are some things people look for in deciding where to settle?
14. Population density is measured in number of _______ per square mile. Would it
probably be higher on a fertile plain or in a desert? __________
15. Which is true of a country with a diamond-shaped population pyramid?
a. low GDP, low literacy rate, low birthrate
b. high GDP, high literacy, high birthrate
c. high GDP, high literacy rate, low birthrate
d. none of the above
16. Physical regions are identified by what?
a. shared landforms
b. shared language
c. shared religion
d. all the above
17. Which is most likely true of communist countries?
a. command economy and democracy
b. command economy and oligarchy
c. market economy and oligarchy
d. traditional market and oligarchy
18. In what type of government system do people have more freedoms?
a. communist
b. autocracy
c. democracy
d. they are all the same
19. The ___________ branch of our government makes the laws.
20. The ___________ branch of our government interprets the laws.
21. The ___________ branch of our government signs laws into existence and
enforces them.
Use the word bank below to answer numbers 22-27.
culture traits
culture region
cultural diffusion
Cultural diversity
ethnic group
22. _____________ is an activity or behavior in which people often take part.
23. _____________ is a group of people who share common culture and ancestry.
24. _____________is a set of beliefs, values, and practices that a group of people
has in common.
25. _____________ is the state of having a variety of cultures in the same area.
26. _____________ is the spread of culture traits from one region to another.
27. _____________ is an area in which people have many shared culture traits.