STAFF EMPLOYEE’S COUNCIL DATE: October 17, 2000 Melton Media Room, Journalism Building REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Camilla Allen, Janis Bennett, Val Chappel, Lisa Farmer, Kristy Forbes, Curtis Funk, Judy Hamilton, Jodie Helman, Kathy Hoffman, Helen Johnson, Lisa Johnson, Nezzera Kemp, Michele Krick, Diane Krutz, Ginger Miller, Michelle Palton, Maxine Steffens, Terry Torvinen, Peggy Troupe, Susan Warren, Diane Yohey ADVISORS: Bob Martin (present) and Stephanie Flatt (excused w/proxy) VISITORS: Rose du Plessis (Social Work Dept), Valerie Thomas (Chemistry), John Davis (EHS) REPRESENTATIVES ABSENT: Marianne Fuller (excused w/proxy), Liz Gadsden (excused w/proxy), Brenda Quihuis, Lucy Rice, Lori Rountree, Kendall Stagg, Linda Spezia, Emelita Weldon (excused) I. Minutes Val Chappel asked that the last paragraph of the September Food Service minutes be revised to reflect the following: The ground floor of the new Student Services building is designated as a new eating area similar to the Wolfs Den to accommodate everyone. Changes to the September 19, 2000 minutes were noted and approved with revisions. II. Guest Speaker Carole Anderson, Employee Development Specialist with the Office of Continuous Quality Improvement at UNR, spoke with us regarding her plans and asked for the councils input on new employee orientation. Carole came to us from the University of Colorado where she created a new employee orientation lasting most of the day that provided new employees with “survival” skills for their first six months on campus. Carole believes the more informed and familiar an employee is with the system and their work environment, the more likely they are to stay. She solicited ideas from the council to help her achieve the highest quality of new employee orientation possible. When brought up that several current employees were still uninformed on employment matters and asked if they would be able to attend her orientations, Carole stated her goal included current as well as new employees and encouraged attendance by all. While in Colorado, Carole worked with several campus employee councils. Her role was to organize retreats and to aid these councils with techniques to work together to focus on what to accomplish and set action plans. It was agreed by the SEC Executive Board (and approved by VP Ashok Dhingra) to begin next months meeting one hour early to allow Carole to come in and assist this council to do the same. VP Dhingra’s office will be sending out letters to council members’ supervisors approving the extra time to attend next months meeting. Meggin McIntosh, Director of Excellence in Teaching Program and Karen Coe-Shirley, Program Assistant for Excellence in Teaching Program, spoke to us regarding a Time Management Workshop that Dr. McIntosh is offering on Friday, November 17th from 8:30-4:30. Dr. McIntosh, along with her assistant, attended the workshop offered by Franklin Covey. The workshop impressed Dr. McIntosh so much that she became certified to teach the workshop and will now offer them on campus to staff and soon to administrators. The cost is $125 (an education institution discount) and Dr. McIntosh encouraged the council to contact staff to solicit support from departments to pay for the training. The cost of the training will cover lunch and workshop materials. Upon being asked who were eligible at the discount price to attend the workshop, Dr. McIntosh stated she had explained the varying types of employees and volunteers on campus and indicated all were welcome to attend the seminar under the discount price. III. Chair’s Report Chair Helman reported on her findings as to which committees were still considered active. The Child Care Committee is active, however, the name will be changing to Working Family Task Force with the contact person being Maggie Ressel. The University Security Committee will also be changing their name, but have yet to decide or announce the new name. NCAA is not meeting at this time as they are a committee that meets approximately every 2 years. The Faculty Staff club is not currently meeting due to lack of staff and faculty interest. Chair Helman is continuing to look into the Gender Relations and Status on Women committees IV. New Business Committee Reports Affirmative Action: Did not meet Arboretum Board: Hettich Garden: Motion raised and approved to complete project. Dedication to take place on 11/3/00 in front of Frandsen Humanities. Student Services Center: Motion raised and approved to complete project. Kleiner Grove: Project on hold to compare stone pavers vs. concrete. Linskie Garden: Project on hold. Motion to pursue further design for project. Classified Employee Recognition: Two awardees were selected for November. Bob Martin was asked to give this committee a replacement for clerical assistance as Alice from Personnel has left the university. The SEC committee was asked what they thought about the Employee Recognition Committee somehow recognizing the names of employees that did not make the final selections for Employee of the Month. Classified Employee of the Year: Will not meet again until later in the year. Classified Staff Development Fund: This committee is entirely composed of new SEC representatives. Lisa Farmer volunteered to chair the committee. Marianne Fuller and Kathy Hoffman supported the suggestion. The committee briefly discussed what functions the CSDF serves. Lisa Farmer had been in contact with Debi Dearman and Teena Tuttle. She conveyed the purpose of the CSDF as told to her by the previous committee members. Three applications were received via former Chair Pompei. After reviewing the applications, the committee approved reimbursement for two of the applications. The remaining application was denied because it could be covered under the Classified Fee Waiver in the future. Kathy Hoffman inquired as to whether or not the committee could post the application on the SEC website. Lisa Farmer will provide a document form of the application to add to the website before the next committee meeting. The committee is unsure about how the funds were generated to start the program and how they are replenished. Kathy Hoffman agreed to call Foundation to find out what some of the committee’s options may be. All agreed that the focus of the remaining semester for the committee should be to gain exposure throughout campus. Plans for future advertisement were discussed and will be further expanded at the next committee meeting scheduled for October 16. Compensation: Introduction of Committee members Choosing of Chairperson – Ginger Miller Overview of Committee provided by past chairperson, Joyce Duncan Roundtable discussion of past/present/future goals and upcoming legislative session Roundtable discussion of SNEA’s Legislative Program (Copy of program to be provided to each member by chair.) Pay Package – Retention bonus COLA for 2001 COLA for 2002 Increase in pay plan steps Special pay increase for certain job classes Insurance Longevity Flexible account for parking, license fees, etc. (Requested that chair find out if membership dues for professional organizations would/could be included) Setting of goal prioritiesSuggested that everyone think about what they feel should be the committee’s goals and then come to the November meeting prepared to discuss goals and set priorities. After goals are identified and agreed upon, they will be prioritized and each committee member will pick a priority to research, prepare background history, and present to the committee in December their suggestions and recommendations as to how to proceed in preparation for the upcoming legislative session. Education Leave Stipend: To meet later in the week Facilities Planning and Management: Action Items: From the Board meeting on September 12, 2000 Sanford Center - Request of Office Space: The board reviewed a request from the Sanford Center regarding need for additional office space. Jean Perry reported that Facilities Management had looked at the old classrooms in the Nelson Building to determine if one or more of these poorly-utilized, tiered classrooms might be renovated into office space for the center. Costs have been estimated at $25 - $50,000 to renovate the room into about eight small offices, including altering or removing the tiered flooring. The board asked Buzz to have his staff take another look at the rooms. Perhaps a specific renovation plan might be developed for the board to consider to make the room usable as office space for the center. The board tabled further discussion of the request until the next meeting of the Board when a preliminary plan might be available for review. From the Board meeting October 10, 2000 The Board is proposing that the old classrooms be converted to office space (renovated) for use by the Sanford Center, who say they still have seven people working out of their home or the trunks of their cars. Facilities Management will have more information regarding the rooms that are being requested for office space at the November Board Meeting. Action Items: From the Board Meeting September 12, 2000 History – Request to name Mack Social Science Room 242 for John and Marie Noble: The board discussed the request from the History Department to name a classroom (MSS 242) in honor of John and Marie Noble, who have been significant financial donors to the department. The board was unclear about the review and approval process regarding such a request, or the policy regarding dedication of specific rooms to specific donor. The board asked Patricia Richard to check with the development office and bring forward any policies that might be pertinent to this issue at the next meeting of the board. From the Board meeting October 10, 2000 Patricia Richard reported on information regarding requesting to name Mack Social Science room 242 for John and Marie Noble. The room they want to name is a classroom not assigned to the department. The Board wants the department to honor the donors in a room that “belongs” to them (assigned to them) to prevent any confusion about who has priority in the scheduling of classrooms in MSS. Action Items: From the Board meeting October 10, 2000 Advisement Center – Request for Space: Bill Cathey from the Advising Center came before the Board requesting space. Student Affairs and Student Services are establishing and Advising Center to serve students who have not declared a major and to coordinate undergraduate advising that is done by current groups in the colleges. Staffing for the Advising Center is expected to be complete within the next few months. Space is required for offices and a reception/computer area. The plan is to have an office for the Director, and office for the full-time academic advisor, and an office to be shared by faculty when they are assisting. The Board suggested the basement of Clark (where admissions and records were) for a temporary home for the Advisement Center. Student Services was mentioned as a home for the advisement Center. Skip Records said he thought the Student Services Center space is all accounted for. Dave Hansen, who is working with Bill Cathey on this project was not present. After hearing Bill’s and Boards concerns about where the Advising Center should be housed, it was tabled to discuss this more at the next meeting when Dave Hansen was present. College of Education – Statue on West Lawn - American Education Week: Board tabled to discuss this issue at the next Board meeting. Need more information on what type of statue, permanent or removable. Action Items: From Board meeting of September 12, 2000 University Police Building and Military Science Trailer – Name Change: Gary Bishop reported a request to rename these two buildings so that their name no longer reflects that of the departments that previously occupied the building. The board approved recommendations to rename the University Police Building to the Evan Street Building, and to rename the Military Science Trailer, the Evans Street Annex. Update from September 12, 2000 Board meeting It was reported from members of the board that NYSP has moved into its assigned space in the Evans Street Annex, and that Extension is putting together its plans to move into its assigned space in the Evans Street Building in October. Buildings & Grounds is the process of renovating the remainder of the Evans Street Building to accommodate dry storage and offices for the Facilities Management Department. Action Items: From Board meeting of October 10, 2000 Evans Street Annex – Additional Space for Buildings & Grounds: Buzz requested to the Board for a request for additional space at the Evans Street Annex. Board approved that Buzz from Facilities Management be given ½ of the Evans Street Annex (formerly the Military Science Trailer). Updates: Cain Hall – Renovation and Occupancy Plan and Status – Carol Ort reported that the third phase of renovation will be completed during Christmas break and early spring semester for the Intensive English office and International Students and Scholars. Capital Projects Status: Buzz Nelson provided the Board with copies of the monthly Capital Project Status Report Project Cost. Discussion Items: Signage on Campus – More Needed, Getchell Library – Use after new library is completed, and the master plan are on the next agenda. Next meeting of the Facilities Management Planning and Management Board is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, November 14, 2000 from 2:30-4:30 pm. Food Services: Student Services Building Retail Food Area: Design is ready to go. They are waiting for the area in the building to be ready – floor, walls and utilities. Spring 2001 may be overly optimistic, but that would be the absolute earliest possibility! New Hall Dining Commons will be scheduled once Phase II is complete. Phase II involves completion of the second wing of the New Hall. Blimpies would like to have soup available during the winter months. Not enough space, but they are still considering various possibilities. Always trying for the perfect burger set-up in the Wolfs Den, Burger King seems to be working well. Wendy’s, McDonalds, In & Out Burger, and some others contacted are not interested because of low volume. Chartwells could provide an in-house brand of burgers, probably at a reduced price, but non-recognized brands of burgers do not appeal to consumers as much. Wolf Perk is doing okay. There is still slower traffic than they need, but it is early. Still to complete: Sound system, track lighting and art for walls – hopefully, this week. They are currently working on all three things. They have distributed coupons for specials: Smoothies for $1.00 (regular price $2.79); coffee and two cookies for 50 cents. They are planning a variety of specials to bring students, staff, faculty and others in, hoping they will want to come back. They currently serve salads, wraps, teas, lattes, espresso, croissants, muffins, bagels, sweet rolls, etc. and still hope to find the perfect balance for their menu. GSA and ASUN have been very supportive, both financially and by encouraging attendance. Feedback is encouraged to either of the following: Val Chappel 784-1815 Russ Meyer 784-1113 Gender Relations: Did not meet Parking and Traffic Board: To meet later in the week. Safety: The meeting began with the passing around of the Mission Statement for the Safety Committee. Copies are available for anyone interested. Each Department on campus is tasked with having a Contact Person in case of any catastrophic event that occurs on campus. This person would be contacted and advised any information to be passed along to all co-workers. Barbara Klipel, EHS 784-4524 should be notified of the applicable person in each department. It is the opinion of the Safety Committee that New Classified Employees are not receiving enough Safety Training. Two items that were discussed are: -Obtaining copies of PAF forms showing new employees’ job titles and work performed. -Contact Continuous Quality Improvement regarding offering training classes. It appears that everyone was pleased with the new stop sign on Evans. This sign was put up on a temporary basis because of construction. Facilities Management is working with the City of Reno to request that the sign stay. The Promise Card – “Look, Reach, Thank” was given out to 7,500 people. It only appears that 10% were returned. It was decided to approach Parking Services regarding giving out card with new parking permits. The accident report was discussed. This is the report that is generated when staff/students fill out forms reporting accidents on campus. This report covered over 120 incidents. SEC By-Laws: Did not meet. Waiting for approval of last year’s by-laws. SEC Luncheon: The luncheon theme is 2001 A Space Odyssey. Every SEC member is encouraged to assist in decorating the day of the event. The next meeting is at the Little Wal on Friday, 11/17 at noon. SEC Open House: As the Public Relations Officer, Lisa Farmer was named Chair of the committee. A suggestion of doing a “Meet and Greet” with President Crowley before his departure from the President’s Office in December was brought up during the general SEC meeting. The committee was concerned about the President’s limited availability during the next couple of months and agreed that there was not enough time to put something worthwhile together in the limited time left. The committee will ask the SEC for help on the matter. The committee felt it was a good idea to find out what was already planned for the President’s departure and possibly borrow some time from another function that has already been planned. The two committee member (Jewell Radcliffe and Lisa Farmer) who attended the Open House discussed some of the pros and cons of the previous year’s event. The committee brainstormed to come up with ways to avoid some of the items seen as confusing or unclear at last year’s Open House. Members of the committee also came up with ideas or plans to draw people in to attending this year’s Open House. Following are some of the ideas: Affirmative Action provide information and/or speak UNR Police also speak or have booth Combine the Benefits Fair with the Open House Set up to have university ID cards made Include off campus vendors (Port of Subs, Credit Union, etc.) Provide “junk” (pens, post-its, etc.) Door prizes/Drawing Greeters at door, inform people of the “travel path” Short exit survey Contact last year’s speakers, what kind of questions were asked? How receptive were people? Advertise, advertise, advertise Provide bags (or vendors provide bags) for information collected Can we get sponsorship from on or off campus? More food, smaller plates Distribute flyers explaining “What’s In It For Me?”/”Why Should I Go To Open House?” More personalized invitations The number of people who attended the Open House last year was unavailable at the time, Lisa Farmer will get the information from Vice President Dhingra before the next committee meeting. The committee has been assigned to ask around to find out what would make their constituents attend Open House and report back at the next meeting. Special Interests: Did not meet Web Page: Draft of September minutes on Web HTML and downloadable Word format. Committee decided word format for archive meetings would be the best format. About SEC page changed to reflect Tuesday meeting day change SEC web “Maintained by” link changed to e-mail address changed to be sent to Chair Jodie Helman. Committee’s page changed to reflect committee member’s names and phone numbers. Please check your information for errors and notify Kathy Hoffman of changes. Updated Employee of the Month for August and September. E-mailed form to committee members to update Representative page. Please check your information for errors and notify Kathy Hoffman of changes. Photos to be taken before the October 17th SEC meeting. Need to update Past Officers page. Page only has chair name back to 1983. Working Family Task Force (Child Care): Introductions Kelly Bates is the new employee scheduling parent meetings, maintaining parent lists, etc. She works Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Sherry Waugh announced that she is currently the Acting Chair of Human Development and Family Studies. Future meeting dates were scheduled for the 3rd Friday of each month, Noon-1:00 in the Sandra Neese Conference room . (10/20, 11/17 and 12/15) Old Business 11th St. Oven – Some parents were concerned about the 11th St. oven and a burning smell. The oven has been looked at, and cleaned and the staff thinks the smell was from the baking of the play dough and some of it dripping onto the heating coils. Students (Who/What/Where?) – Some parents are concerned about the amount of students at the centers. They don’t know who is who, when they are there, etc. Sherry said that a staff member is taking photos and there will be an Illustrated Directory and Display Board posted at each site. Also, if they are “paid” students. As student’s schedules change, it is hard to have them at the same times. Sherry said they have a very high enrollment this year. Staffing Pattern (lead teachers & students) Sherry mentioned that last semester, the staff was working 4-10 schedules. This didn’t work out very good due to sick/annual leave and coverage. They have changed this semester and are still working with schedules, staff vs. students. Toddler Sleeping Mats It was suggested by Kelly that at the main center they try using floor mats for naps instead of cots. She was suggesting this for the age when a child goes from a crib to a bed. Sometimes the transition is hard and the child falls off the cot, not going back to sleep. The cots are only a couple inches high. The mat would be used all week and then taken home by the parent to wash. The parents would purchase these mats. A parent said she likes the cots, because they always have clean sheets on them each day. Kelly will do some more research on this. Parent Communication/Support It was mentioned by a parent at the 11th Street Center that parents don’t know how their children’s day went. At the Comstock Center they always received a daily report. Sherry will see to some type of sheet or white board indicating what the children did during the day and some type of parent/teacher communication on how well each individual child did that day. Halloween Festival The Halloween Festival was discussed briefly. It will be on Oct. 30 at JTSU, with dinner. Other Items: Parents also wanted to remind everyone not to bring their children to daycare if they are sick. The center will post the guidelines at each site to remind others. One parent was wondering why at the Comstock site the children brush their teeth after lunch and the other sites don’t. Sherry said that it is a requirement by Head Start and since that site has Head Start children, they provide the toothbrushes. It was also requested that at the Comstock site the snacks be put on plates or napkins, not directly on the table. Sherry assumed this was already being done and will speak with the lead teachers. Election Committee: Did not meet V. Open Discussion Shirley Boyd (Controllers Office) approached the Executive Board in regards to a Blanket Drive on campus for the poor and homeless in the area this winter season and the possible participation by the SEC. The Executive Board approved the matter and also discussed the possibility of a contest between divisions to be tracked on the SEC website. Questions as to the tracking, delivery and drop-off/holding area for the blankets were going to be addressed by Lisa Farmer who stated she may be able to hold the blankets in the Printing Services building. Dr. Shirley Chater, Senior Consultant, Academic Search Consultant Service contacted Chair Helman and asked that she recruit five SEC representatives (including herself) to meet with her in regards to the search for a new president for the university. Dr. Chater is looking for staff insight on the future of the university, and views on the kind of leadership we are seeking. Chair Helman asked, Ginger Miller, Cami Allen, Victor Atkocaitis, and Peggy Troupe to attend the meeting with her. Cami Allen brought up the idea of a SEC scholarship for students. Having two bake sales a year to fund the project was suggested. Due to the number of visitors wishing to speak on specific matters, a motion was made and seconded to table the matter for the next meeting. The matter of the change in healthcare coverage for employees under Hometown Health Plan was brought before the council by Rose du Plessis (Social Work) , and the possible detrimental effect on employees was expressed. Rose stated she was able to obtain information stating that Hometown Health Plan will be switching over to St. Mary’s Health Plan. Rose made reference to contacting the Teamsters Union for support and as a way to obtain collective bargaining for classified staff. Bob Martin stated that while he had also heard the possibility of the Hometown Health Plan changing, he had not received official word at that point. He did explain that periodically, the State of Nevada initiates a health insurance positive enrollment for state employees. Positive enrollment requires staff to re-enroll in their insurance plan of choice rather than it being assumed that if you are happy with your plan, you will continue on that plan. Failure to enroll in a plan may cause you to be placed into a plan that would cover you alone, not your dependents. At the request of Rose du Plessis, Bob Martin stated he would look into the matter further and report back any findings. Rose also encouraged council members to keep in contact with their constituents as she, until recently, was not aware of the happenings or existence of the SEC. Rose suggested e-flyers with announcements to constituents. Ginger Miller stated she had also heard of the change to the Hometown Health Plan and subsequently contacted Jan Marie Reid, Executive Director, Public Insurance Board. In a letter Ginger brought from Ms. Reid, confirmed that Hometown Health will no longer be offered as an HMO network and that St. Mary’s will be the replacement. The letter also went on to say that several changes will take effect at the beginning of the year to our health plan. Several questions regarding the details of the changes being made were asked. It was recommended that each representative notify their constituents immediately to attend the meeting benefits meeting scheduled for Tuesday, October 24 th. It was also suggested that the representative relay the information given to us about the changes being discussed. Valerie Thomas approached the council and asked if something could be done to open up parking spaces in the Silver 8 parking area. The area has been used a “dumping ground” for building supplies and has limited the number of spaces available to park in for some time. Valerie was referred to the Parking Committee (Judi Hamilton and Diane Yohey) for review. Ginger Miller asked about the procedure of getting a handicapped parking permit for a silver permit holder. Ginger was told by Parking Services that DMV issued handicapped parking permits and asked where those having these permits were allowed and not allowed to park. Michelle Palton, Parking Services, offered to speak with Ginger after the meeting. VI. Meeting adjourned at 4:10 pm Prepared by: Approved by: ___________________________ Cami Allen, Secretary ____________________________ Jodie Helman, Chair