Name: Date: Antigone Prologue and Scene 1 Reading Guide How

Prologue and Scene 1 Reading Guide
1. How does Creon plan to dishonor Polyneices’ corpse? (Clarify)
2. What contrast between Antigone and Ismene is suggested by the conversation between them?
3. Pg. 1023 lines 55-61. What do these lines reveal about Antigone’s feelings for her brother and
the gods’ laws?
4. Pg. 1025 lines 21-26 Zeus, the king of the gods, threw a thunderbolt, which killed the first Argive
attacker. What type of conduct was Zeus punishing?
5. Why does Antigone decide to bury her brother Polyneices? What punishment does she face for
this act?
6. Who does Antigone ask to help her bury Polyneices? Why?
7. How are Antigone and Ismene alike? How are they different?
Scene 1
1. Explain the metaphor of the ship on pg. 1027 lines 8-10.
2. Read pg. 1027 line 10. What can you predict about Creon’s future actions as a ruler from his
3. Pg. 1027 line 18-30. According to Creon, what deserves the highest loyalty? How do you feel
about Creon’s principles?
4. Pg. 1027 lines 31-42. Do you think Creon is justified in treating Polyneices’ corpse in this way?
What do you think his motive is?
5. Pg. 1028. In the conversation between the sentry and Creon, what does the sentry’s behavior
suggest about Creon’s reputation?
6. What has happened to Polyneices’ body?
7. Is there any evidence at the scene of the “crime” to suggest who may have done this deed?
8. Pg. 1028. Who does Creon assume has tried to bury the body?
9. What is Creon’s tragic flaw?
10. Pg. 1030 lines 115-131, what is ironic about Creon’s outburst?
11. Who has defied Creon and buried Polyneices?
12. What principles does Creon live by?
13. What is the sentry’s attitude toward Creon?
14. What does Creon ask the sentry to do?
15. Pg. 1031, what does this ode convey about human greatness and tragic limitation?
16. What purpose do the lines made by the choragus at the beginning serve?
17. Lines 3-4. To who does the pronoun him in line 4 refer?
18. Lines 7-13 How might his statement “A man should never be too sure of anything” apply to
19. Cause-and-effect. Because the body was now stinking what did the sentries do? What was
ultimate result of this action?
20. What time of day do the sentries see Antigone trying to bury Polyneices’ body? How do you
21. What could have caused the dust storm?
22. Lines 35-45 How does the sentry’s speech create sympathy for Antigone?
23. So far, who do you believe is the protagonist/antagonist in the play?
24. Lines 57-63 What law does Antigone recognize as the supreme one?
25. Lines 64-70 What is Antigone’s attitude toward death?
26. So far, what is the primary conflict in the play?
27. What has Antigone done since the play began?
28. Look at lines 75-92 explain the dramatic irony in the comments that the choragus and Creon
29. Lines 99-104 What does Antigone assume about the attitude of the chorus? Do you think she is
right? Why or why not?
30. Lines 131-143 What do you think of Antigone’s treatment of her sister?
31. Infer. Why may Ismene want to accept equal blame for the crime of burying Polyneices?
32. What does Antigone mean when she says, “Words are not friends.”?
33. Lines 155-156 How does Creon feel about the bond between Haemon and Antigone?
34. Lines 65-66 What can you infer from these two lines.
35. Pg. 1040 Line 28. Do you think this line could apply to Creon? Why or why not?
Scene 3
36. Lines 11-19 What do Creon’s words suggest about this relationship with his son?
37. How are Antigone and Creon related?
38. Lines 26-44 What do Creon’s words tell you about his views of government and his role as king?
39. What does the idiom “keep his house in hand” mean?
40. Lines 51-60 In what ways does Haemon’s speech reflect the ideals of democracy?
41. Lines 84-85 What does the word sheets mean here?
42. Lines 141-149 What do you make of Creon’s decision to bury a person who is still alive when he
has steadfastly refused to bury a dead one?
Scene 4 (Pay attention to how Antigone faces the prospect of death.)
43. Lines 15-20 Why might Antigone compare herself to Niobe?
44. Look at line 45-46, what might the chorus mean in those two lines?
45. During Antigone’s long speech on pg. 1050, what is Antigone asking the gods to do?
46. Lines 75-80 What do these lines suggest about what Antigone values the most?
47. Where does Antigone exhibit self-control, pride, or excellence, and why?
48. What words describe Antigone in this scene?
49. Why does the chorus recount tales of horror in Ode 4?
Scene 5
50. How are the gods involved in the plot?
51. Lines 18-32 What do these lines suggest about how the gods view Creon’s refusal to allow
Polyneices to be buried?
52. Read lines 36 and 37 aloud. What do you think Teiresias means?
53. Lines 44-48 What do these lines suggest about Creon’s view of himself and the gods?
54. Lines 49-53 What does Creon assume is the motive behind Teiresias’ prophecies?
55. On pg. 1057, line 15 How does the messenger compare with the sentry who appeared in Scenes
1 and 2?
56. Why do you thing Creon decides to give Polyneics’s body a proper burial?