On joint motion of all Councilmembers present, the following resolution was offered: RESOLUTION NO. A resolution ratifying the License Agreement with the New Orleans Zephyrs Baseball Club, LLC to allow Elks, Jefferson Trucks and the Irish-Italian parade to assemble in its parking lot for the 2013 parade season at no cost to the Parish. (Parishwide) WHEREAS, The Department of Citizens’ Affairs, Office of Carnival and Special Events has requested permission to use the parking lot of the New Orleans Zephyrs Baseball Club, LLC for Elks, Jefferson Trucks and the Irish-Italian parade to assemble for the 2013 parade season: and WHEREAS, Mr. Nathan McNair, Directors of Operation of the New Orleans Zephyrs Baseball Club, LLC has requested that the Parish execute this License Agreement. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Jefferson Parish Council, Jefferson Parish, and Louisiana acting as governing authority of said Parish: SECTION 1. That the License Agreement with New Orleans Zephyrs Baseball Club, LLC to allow Elks, Jefferson Trucks and the Irish-Italian parade to assemble in their parking lot for the 2013 parade season is hereby ratified. SECTION 2. That the Chairman of the Jefferson Parish Council, or in his absence, the Vice-Chairman, is authorized to sign and approve the License Agreement with the New Orleans Zephyrs Baseball Club, LLC to allow Elks, Jefferson Trucks and the Irish-Italian parade to assemble in their parking lot for the 2013 parade season. SECTION 3. That there is no cost associated with execution of this License Agreement with the New Orleans Zephyrs Baseball Club, LLC. The foregoing resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: YEAS: NAYS: ABSENT: The resolution was declared to be adopted on this the 10th day of October, 2012.