Research Proposal AbstractThis proposal is designed to allow the participants of the project to objectively identify, organize, and comprehend information and opinions on alternative fuels. Participants will research alternative fuels through use of resources such as books, periodicals, and internet sources. Alternative fuel is a much talked about issue and there is a lot of information to sort through. This proposal will help participants with this by giving specific objectives to meet that will help them separate relevant information into easy to follow charts and organized formats. This proposal asks for participants to take an objective look at the benefits and downsides to using alternative fuels like hydrogen and ethanol while understanding the complex impact these fuels will have on daily life. Proponents and critics of alternative fuels have many valid points on both sides and it is vital to comprehending and understanding the topic to ask direct questions that call for easy to analyze answers that can be understood by everyone involved. This proposal is intended to raise awareness about alternative fuels and their impact on our world and human life. IntroductionAlternative fuels offer a new way to protect the environment. There are many alternative fuels available and more being developed. Some of the more promising of these fuels are hydrogen, ethanol, and electric. Alternative fuels give mankind a better way to live life without having such a negative impact on the world around us. Alternative fuels differ greatly from one another and each type requires different technologies and infrastructures to implement on a scale large enough to make a big enough improvement on humanity’s impact on Earth. Hydrogen fuel will require processing plants and fuel stations to be built. Ethanol will need the same. The effects these fuels have on the environment are largely beneficial; most often there is little to no pollution when compared to gasoline and diesel. There are varying economic considerations involved with alternative fuels and they must be carefully weighed against the advantages given by the new fuels. Some useful references pertaining to the economic and environmental impact of alternative fuels and fossil fuels can be found in the “Opposing Viewpoints” book series published by Greenhaven Press titled “Energy Alternatives”. This book series have papers written by authors with opposing views over the topic of alternative fuels and can allow for easy checking of facts and assumptions. Protecting the environment isn’t something that can be done only on weekends or just some of the time. To be fully involved in this issue one must be completely committed to the facts, science, and life changes involved with the task. One of the relatively easy changes for the average American is running on alternative fuels instead of fossil fuels. By purchasing and driving hybrid vehicles or other energy efficient alternatives it becomes easier to help the planet. Earth is the only planet humans have, and it is vital to its and our survival to keep it safe. This study is intended to locate, organize, and analyze information regarding alternative fuels and any potential benefits or consequences, environmental or economic, of their use. Alternative fuels are a hotly debated topic. The best way to understand issues such as this is to get above all the talk and gather all the objective information available, analyze the information, and come to one’s own conclusions. This study is designed to allow the participants to come to their own conclusions by following the guidelines given and answering the questions posed by the issue. Objectives/Hypotheses Hypothesis: Do alternative fuels have a positive effect on the environment and human life? Objective 1: Research the pollutant output of alternative fuels on the air quality (i.e. Hydrogen fuel, Ethanol) thoroughly Objective 2: Research the pollutant output of fossil fuels on the air quality (i.e. Gasoline, Crude Oil derivatives) Objective 3: Document the differences between alternative fuels’ effects and fossil fuels effects on air quality Objective 4: Document the economic impact of switching to alternative fuels (i.e. The costs involved in changing the infrastructure and economy to run on the new fuels, how using these new fuels will raise or lower prices in the average American’s life such as higher corn prices with the use of Ethanol) Methods & Materials Method 1: Locate materials (i.e. web documents, print references) with information concerning alternative fuels and their effects on air quality Method 2: Locate materials with information concerning fossil fuels and their effects on air quality Method 3: Compare and contrast the two fuel types (Fossil and Alternative) and chart out the pros and cons of using each type of fuel concerning pollution, human impact, and environmental impact Method 4: Chart the price of the materials needed to produce the alternative fuels, graph the cost to drive cars that run on Gasoline, Hydrogen, Ethanol, Electric, and any other alternative fuel you choose for three (3) hours at sixty (60) miles per hour with the following Miles Per Gallon values for the Gasoline cars: Twenty (20) MPG, Thirty (30) MPG, and Forty (40) MPG. Estimate the cost of replacing one Gasoline powered car, truck, or van from every home in America with a hydrogen, ethanol, or electric car (do this by subtracting the average car’s sales price from the price to buy a car that runs on an alternative fuel) Materials – Required materials: Writing Utensils, Paper. Recommended materials: Computer able to word process, access to internet. Literature Cited or References- Berinstein, Paula Alternative Energy Facts, Statistics, and Issues Westport, CT: Oryx Press, 2001 Cothran, Helen Energy Alternatives San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 2002 Engler, Robert America’s Energy New York: Pantheon Books, 1989 Keeler, Barbara Energy Alternatives San Diego, CA: Lucent Books, 1990 Egendorf, Laura Energy Alternatives Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2006 Friedman, Lauri Energy Alternatives Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2006 TimelineMonday – Organize materials and assign people to different objectives. Begin working on meeting objectives. Tuesday – Continue researching and working on objectives. Wednesday – Continue research and working on objectives. Thursday – Begin organizing research into charts, documentations, and papers. Friday – Compile documentation, papers, and research with all objectives met and methods used. Supporting Documentation-