Irene McCormack Catholic College Semester 1 2014/2015 2014 -2015 1C R&L - UNIT OUTLINE SENIOR SECONDARY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION YEAR 12 SEMESTER ONE – 1C Unit description The focus for this unit is religion and lifestyles. The unit explores the choices people make to live different lifestyles and how religion influences the way they live out their chosen lifestyles. Students examine the lives of people who have made life choices based on religious ideals. They outline how religion has formed the beliefs and values of these people to follow a particular direction in their lives. They investigate the different ways people choose to live their lives and other key influences on lifestyle choices such as Australia. Students describe how religion offers guidance for the different lifestyle choices people make. They establish what guidance, structures and teachings religion offers people in their lifestyle choices. They collect and draw on source documents on religion and society to make conclusions about the role of religion in influencing lifestyle choices. Unit Learning Context The learning context for this unit is religion and lifestyles. It examines the influences on lifestyle choices: how world religions guide and support lifestyle choices, rituals and worship to do with lifestyle choices, valuing lifestyles and the influences on Australian lifestyles. Catholic Content The Catholic content will be presented in the following order: finding meaning and purpose in life Christians share in the work of Jesus the Church offers guidance for how to live relate and work The Holy Spirit guides and empowers the Church Sacraments of service and the mission of the Church. 1 Irene McCormack Catholic College Semester 1 2014/2015 Assessment Outline: Unit 1C Religion and Life Assessment type Investigate & Exposition SPRING TERM 2014 Investigation & Exposition SUMMER TERM 2015 Weighting 30% 25% Task Task 1 (Due week 6) Research and prepare a brief bibliography of the lives of Mother Teresa, Father Joseph and Kim Krishnan Include notes from interviews, reference Biblical connection and Church teachings linking motivation to these peoples desired life choices and actions Task 2 (Due week 5) A Gospel of Love: Investigation of the Gospel of Mark. Examine the Gospel of Mark. Outline four important messages about how to live, work and relate, find important Church teaching based on each message and explain how Catholics can apply these teachings in Australia today. Marks Available Outcome 1 IIRL Outcome 2 SMP Outcome 3 RIS / 30 / 25 Analysis SUMMER TERM 2015 25% Task 3 (Due week 9) How are people guided by the Holy Spirit in their lives? Document Analysis on the influence of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church and its people. / 25 Test AUTUMN TERM 2015 20% Task 4 (Due week 2) Reviewing the Key Understandings Multiple Choice, Document Analysis examining the Key Understandings of the course. / 20 2 Irene McCormack Catholic College Semester 1 2014/2015 Grade descriptors Religion and Life Stage 1 A Demonstrates a clear, detailed and accurate knowledge of the main features relevant to a study of religion. Gathers, organises and uses a range of relevant sources as evidence to support explanations, arguments and/or respond to problems/issues that are relevant to a study of religion, society or people. Provides explanations and/or arguments that are relevant to the study of religion; and are clear, concise and well structured. B Demonstrates some depth of knowledge of most of the main features relevant to a study of religion. Gathers, organises and uses evidence in support of explanations, ideas and/or arguments related to a study of religion, society or people. Provides explanations about religion and/or its place in society or what it means to individuals that can be followed, makes sense, and demonstrate thought that is relevant. C Demonstrates adequate knowledge of the main features involved in a study of religion. Gathers, organises or uses basic information to support explanations, ideas and/or arguments about religion and/or society. Provides explanations about religion and/or its place in society or what it means to individuals that are sound but may at times be simple and/or difficult to follow. D Demonstrates a minimal and/or superficial knowledge of the main features involved in a study of religion. Gathers, organises, and uses information related to a study of religion but shows significant errors and/or a lack of clarity about how information is to be used or related to this study. Provides explanations that are difficult to follow, lack sound reasoning or are limited either in terms of expression or detail. E Demonstrates little or no knowledge of the main features involved in a study of religion. Gathers information that is either: not useful, not organized, insufficient or used incorrectly in a study of religion. Provides explanations that are confused with little or no understanding communicated. 3 Irene McCormack Catholic College Semester 1 2014/2015 SENIOR SECONDARY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION YEAR 12 – SEMESTER TWO UNIT 1C OUTLINE CHAPTER ONE CONCERN FOR GOODNESS AND JUSTICE RELIGION AND LIFE CONTENT FOCUS OF LEARNING The nature of religion The search for meaning Questions people experience when considering lifestyle choices e.g. materialism Spiritual qualities reflected in lifestyle choices What is this unit about? religion and lifestyles the influences on lifestyle choices how world religions guide and support lifestyle choices rituals and worship to do with lifestyle choices valuing lifestyles the influences on Australian lifestyles. Religious belief systems How people express their relationship with the sacred Important religious beliefs that offer answers to the questions people ask about life and its meaning KU 1: Christians find meaning and purpose through how they live, relate and work Religious practices and structures Definitions of holiness Expression of holiness The influence of religion Religion in historical and cultural contexts The origin and development of particular religious beliefs that are related to different lifestyle choices e.g. marriage, celibacy The lives of key religious figures Contemporary issues for religion Social issues and the response of religion to social issues e.g. poverty What is work? 1. Why is work a basic human need? 2. What is the value of work? 3. What is the difference between employment and vocation? 4. What are four ways people have for recognising vocation? 5. Explain the weaknesses people have that make it difficult to discover their vocation? What is vocation? 1 What is the difference between vocation and Christian vocation? 2 How does God help to fulfil that vocation and how does a person become aware of it? 3 Why is rest so important? What is God’s plan for human work? 1 How do people live like God intended? 2 What was the purpose of Jesus’ work with humanity? 3 What does it mean to be God’s fellow-worker? 4 In what ways can the conscience of an individual and the ‘conscience’ of society affect each other? (Spring Term WEEKS 2 – 7) RESOURCES Unit Outline SR 1.1 – 1.3 Activity Sheets 1-4 Activity Sheets 5-6 Video search – what motivates people? Presentation by Fr Robert Presentation by Kym Krishnan Activity Sheets 7-10 4 Irene McCormack Catholic College Religious inquiry and process Investigative processes and research skills Techniques for collecting information from different types of evidence Semester 1 2014/2015 Assessment One : No Other Way Mother Teresa, Helen Prejean and Kym Krishnan Examples of life choices motivated by faith. Select 2 to research ( one an Australian)and write brief life accounts (biographies) linking researched findings to Biblical scripture (our Catholic faith) to the choices and actions of these people. Assessment One Resource Sheet 2 Interpreting, analysing and synthesising information Techniques for classifying information based on key ideas How to identify what important facts to include in a summary CHAPTER TWO CHRISTIANS SHARE IN THE WORK OF JESUS RELIGION AND LIFE CONTENT FOCUS OF LEARNING The nature of religion The search for meaning Spiritual qualities reflected in lifestyle choices KU 2: People develop through relating with others Religious belief systems How people express their relationship with the sacred Important religious beliefs that offer answers to the questions people ask about life (Summer Term : WEEKS 1-4) RESOURCES Why are relationships important to people? 1. What relationships do most people experience? 2. What characteristics are present in genuine and long-lasting relationships? Give examples to illustrate these characteristics. 3. What is sexuality? Explain the difference between sexuality and sex. 4. What is necessary for true and lasting relationships? What is the major characteristic of committed love? Give an example to illustrate this characteristic. Interview a Parent : Love of a Parent In order to gain some level of understanding of God’s Love Religious practices and structures Religious teachings in relation to lifestyles Important religious celebrations and events associated with lifestyles The influence of religion The place of religion in society Religious celebration of important life Changing Relationships Committed Love How does charity empower the Christian mission? 1. What is charity? 2. How does charity bring freedom to relationships? 3. How does charity empower people? SR 2.1-2.3 Activity Sheet 11-12 5 Irene McCormack Catholic College Semester 1 2014/2015 events in a society such as Australia KU 3: All Christians are called by Christ to share in his mission Religion in historical and cultural contexts The lives of key religious figures What is the work of Jesus? 1. Explain the mission of Jesus. 2. What are the different ways Christ calls Christians to share in his work? 3. Describe one contribution each of these make to the mission of Jesus. 4. Why would the single lifestyle be seen as a radical form of Christian love? 5. Why is marriage called a ‘communion of love’? Contemporary issues for religion Particular people who find religion relevant in their everyday lives and how religion relates to their life choices Religious inquiry and process Interpreting, analysing and synthesising information Techniques for classifying information based on key ideas CHAPTER THREE How can people share in the work of Christ? 1. What essential roles did Jesus fulfil in his work? Explain each. 2. How do followers of God live as God calls? 3. How can teenagers today share in the mission of Jesus? SR 3.1-3.3 Activity Sheet 13-15 (WEEKS 5 – 8) THE CHURCH OFFERS GUIDANCE FOR HOW TO LIVE, RELATE AND WORK RELIGION AND LIFE CONTENT FOCUS OF LEARNING The nature of religion The search for meaning Questions people experience when considering lifestyle choices e.g. materialism Spirituality as part of the human condition Spiritual qualities reflected in lifestyle choices KU 4: Catholics seek guidance for how to live, relate and work Religious practices and structures Religious teachings in relation to lifestyles The influence of religion The place of religion in society How do people find their calling in life? 1. How do personal vocations become clear? 2. What choice is required in following a personal vocation? 3. What is the Christian response to vocation? 4. What does it mean to be a companion of Jesus? 5. How do people respond to the Christian vocation? RESOURCES SR 4.1-4.3 Activity Sheets 16-18 How do Christians show charity?? 1. What does charity to others require of people? 2. What is Christian charity? 3. How can Christians express charity? How does the Holy Spirit help believers? 1. How is the promise of the Holy Spirit fulfilled in the lives of Christians? 2. How is the strength of the Holy Spirit nourished in Christian life? 3. What is the Holy Spirit’s particular task? 6 Irene McCormack Catholic College Cultural expression of religion found in such things as the customs, language, dress and social structures of particular religions Contemporary issues for religion Particular people who find religion relevant in their everyday lives and how religion relates to their life choices Social issues and the response of religion to social issues e.g. poverty Religious inquiry and process Investigative processes and research skills Techniques for collecting information from different types of evidence Interpreting, analysing and synthesising information Techniques for classifying information based on key ideas Forms of communication that present findings and conclusions Techniques for citing and referencing evidence and supporting sources Semester 1 2014/2015 KU 5: Scripture provides guidance for how to live, work and relate How do people read and interpret Scripture? Read SR 5.1 and answer the following questions: 1. What does God’s inspiration reveal in the Scriptures? 2. How is God’s revelation communicated? 3. What is the Catholic approach to interpreting the Bible? SR 5.1 How does Scripture support the life of the Church? 1. How is Scripture used in the following: Liturgical calendar - Lectionary – yearly cycles - focus for the year - links between readings 2. Explain how Scripture informs the Liturgy. 3. Explain how Liturgy informs Scripture. What guidance is found in the Bible for how to live, relate and work? 1. What is the Decalogue and how does it guide people? 2. Which commandments relate to the family? What guidance do they give? 3. How do Christians promote the rights of the family in society? 4. Why do Christians promote chastity in society? 5. What are the responsibilities of Christian marriage? Assessment Two: Investigation Examine the Gospel of Mark (Activity Sheet 19) and create a presentation/response which outlines: The date and context of Mark’s Gospel. The intended audience of the Gospel. The intention of the Author. Three important messages about how to live, work and relate. Important Catholic Church teaching concerning each message Examples of how this might be useful for Australians today. SR 5.2-5.3 Activity Sheets 20-22 Assessment Two Activity Sheet 19 7 Irene McCormack Catholic College CHAPTER FOUR Semester 1 2014/2015 (WEEKS 9 – 12) THE HOLY SPIRIT GUIDES AND EMPOWERS THE CHURCH RELIGION AND LIFE CONTENT FOCUS OF LEARNING The nature of religion Religious belief systems The concept of religion and how this can be defined and described Spiritual qualities reflected in lifestyle choices Religious belief systems How people express their relationship with the sacred Religious practices and structures Religious teachings in relation to lifestyles Important religious celebrations and events associated with lifestyles 1. 2. 3. 4. The influence of religion The place of religion in society Cultural expression of religion found in such things as the customs, language, dress and social structures of particular religions Religion in historical and cultural contexts The lives of key religious figures Contemporary issues for religion Particular people who find religion relevant in their everyday lives and how religion relates to their life choices Social issues and the response of religion to social issues e.g. poverty Different points of view about the role of religion in society RESOURCES KU 6: The Holy Spirit guides and empowers the Church in its mission to proclaim Jesus Christ to the world How does the Holy Spirit help and guide the Church? 1. What is the Tradition of the Church? 2. What teachings are handed on from the Apostles? 3. How did Jesus challenge the culture of his time? SR 6.1-6.4 How does the Holy Spirit guide each person? What is discernment? Why is this process of discernment so important? As a believer, how should a person respond to the Holy Spirit? What does a Christian need to do to experience the effects of re-creation? How does the Spirit draw believers into Communion? 1. Why did Jesus institute his Church? 2. What does it mean to be Communion? 3. What is the role of the Spirit in being Communion? How does Mary support the mission of the Church? 1. Explain the statement: ‘Mary – Mother of Christ, Mother of the Church’. 2. How did Mary cooperate with God? 3. Why does the Catholic Church have such devotion to Mary? Activity Sheet 23 Assessment Three: Analysis Examine how people are guided by the Spirit Document Analysis on the Holy Spirit Assessment Three Document Analysis Pack 8 Irene McCormack Catholic College Religious inquiry and process Interpreting, analysing and synthesising information Techniques for classifying information based on key ideas How to describe a particular point of view Techniques for recognising bias Forms of communication that present findings and conclusions A range of techniques and styles to communicate information and ideas about religion and life Techniques for editing a draft body of work Semester 1 2014/2015 SR 7.1-7.3 KU 7 :The mission of the Church is expressed in the work of the Second Vatican Council Activity Sheet 24 What was the Second Vatican Council? 1. Outline the aims of the Second Vatican Council 2. Which documents, produced by Vatican II, give guidance on how to live the mission of the Church? 3. How do the documents of Vatican II continue to challenge Catholics today? Why is the Tradition of the Church so important? 1. How does the Church define Tradition? 2. How did the Apostles hand on the teachings of Jesus? 3. How does the Catechism of the Catholic Church help believers to understand the Church’s mission? Why is employment so important to humanity? 1. What are the rights related to employment? 2. What is meant by a just wage? 3. Why are unemployment benefits a right? CHAPTER FIVE (WEEKS 13 – 15) SACRAMENTS OF SERVICE AND THE MISSION OF THE CHURCH RELIGION AND LIFE CONTENT FOCUS OF LEARNING The nature of religion The search for meaning Spirituality as part of the human condition Spiritual qualities reflected in lifestyle choices KU 8: Sacraments of Service support the mission of the Church Religious belief systems How people express their relationship with the sacred Religious practices and structures Definitions of holiness Expression of holiness Religious teachings in relation to lifestyles How do the Sacraments of initiation help people? 1. What are the Sacraments of Initiation and how do they help followers of Christ? 2. What trends and attitudes in today’s society make it difficult for living as Christ calls? 3. How are Christians called to respond to re-creation by God? How does the Sacrament of Holy Orders empower service to others? 1. How is the priesthood of the Old Testament different to the priesthood of Jesus? 2. In what ways do all baptised people share in the function of Jesus as Priests of the New Covenant? 3. What today is the role of: • a bishop? RESOURCES SR 8.1-8.3 Activity Sheet 25 9 Irene McCormack Catholic College Important religious celebrations and events associated with lifestyles The influence of religion The place of religion in society Religious celebration of important life events in a society such as Australia Religion in historical and cultural contexts The origin and development of particular religious beliefs that are related to different lifestyle choices e.g. marriage, celibacy The lives of key religious figures Contemporary issues for religion Social issues and the response of religion to social issues e.g. poverty Different points of view about the role of religion in society Semester 1 2014/2015 • a priest? • a deacon? How does the Sacrament of Marriage contribute to the mission of the Catholic Church? 1. What are the qualities of married love as God intends it to be? 2. Why do the Commonwealth and Church insist on certain requirements for marriage? 3. What are the spiritual gifts received through the Sacrament of Marriage and what do these gifts empower the married couple to do? Activity Sheet 26 Assessment Four: Unit Test Multiple Choice and Exposition questions reviewing our understanding of the 8 Key Understandings of the 1C R&L Course. Religious inquiry and process Investigative processes and research skills How to construct a range of questions to guide the gathering of information Techniques for collecting information from different types of evidence Interpreting, analysing and synthesising information How to describe a particular point of view How to identify what important facts to include in a summary Forms of communication that present findings and conclusions A range of techniques and styles to communicate information and ideas about religion and life 10 Irene McCormack Catholic College Semester 1 2014/2015 11