Tablet PC Basics

Tablet PC Basics
August 2008
NOTES .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
QUICK START ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Battery Life ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Removing and Installing Modular Devices (DVD and Battery) .................................................................................................. 4
Recharging Batteries ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Standby Mode .............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Traveling ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Basic Care.................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Terminology ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Rotating Your Display.................................................................................................................................................. 7
Tablet PC Buttons ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Left-Handedness .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
EMR Pen ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Installing a Pen Tether: ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Calibration ................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Pen Tip Sensitivity.......................................................................................................................................................10
Pen-Eye Coordination ................................................................................................................................................10
Tap ..............................................................................................................................................................................11
Double Tap .................................................................................................................................................................11
Right-click ...................................................................................................................................................................12
Volume Control ...........................................................................................................................................................12
INPUT PANEL ...................................................................................................................................................................13
Using the Input Panel Efficiently ................................................................................................................................14
Character Pad ............................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Multi-line Writing ..................................................................................................................................................................... 15
MAKING CORRECTIONS ...................................................................................................................................................16
Backspace and Delete .................................................................................................................................................16
Dragging and Dropping .............................................................................................................................................17
Tap and Drag Editing .................................................................................................................................................17
Swish Erasing .............................................................................................................................................................17
On-Screen Keyboard ...................................................................................................................................................18
Cut, Copy & Paste ......................................................................................................................................................18
Symbols Pad ................................................................................................................................................................19
Number Pad ................................................................................................................................................................20
Launch Journal ...........................................................................................................................................................21
Creating New Notes ....................................................................................................................................................21
Saving Notes ...............................................................................................................................................................21
Using Templates .........................................................................................................................................................22
Customizing a Call Sheet .......................................................................................................................................................... 22
Adding Pages ..............................................................................................................................................................22
Adding and Deleting Lines/Spaces..............................................................................................................................23
Writing ........................................................................................................................................................................24
Adding Flags ...............................................................................................................................................................24
Converting Handwriting to Text .................................................................................................................................25
Moving Ink ..................................................................................................................................................................25
Searching Notes ..........................................................................................................................................................26
Sending Notes via E-Mail (as Converted Text) ...........................................................................................................26
Sending Journal Notes via E-Mail ..............................................................................................................................27
Sending a Handwritten E-Mail Message ....................................................................................................................28
Organizing Saved Notes ..............................................................................................................................................28
Throughout this document you will find notes. Some notes are of great importance, while others are simply things to
look out for or keep in mind. The following symbols have been inserted to visually indicate a type of note.
This is a ‘Nice to Know’ topic that can be skipped. Please take time outside of class to review this
section if you are interested in expanding your knowledge.
Be aware, take an extra look, and notice that something happens, etcetera.
Um, you had better make sure you remember this!
Quick Start
Battery Life
You have been issued two (2) batteries. These batteries are Lithium Ion batteries. There is no memory effect on this type
of battery; therefore, you do not need to discharge the battery completely before recharging. Each, when fully charged,
will give you between 3 ½ and 4 hours. You will need to bring both batteries (fully charged) with you on campus.
Be sure to either place your Tablet PC in Standby mode or shut down your computer prior to
swapping out batteries. If you choose to use Standby mode, then you have a limited window of five
(5) minutes to complete the swap before your computer will shut down.
Removing and Installing Modular Devices (DVD and Battery)
There are two (2) ways to remove or
install modular devices (DVD drive or
Modular Lithium ion battery) in the
Flexible Bay:
Cold-Swapping: swapping devices
while your Tablet PC is powered
Hot-Swapping: swapping devices
while your system is active using
the Unplug/Eject icon from your
Close any open files.
Shut down your Tablet PC.
Pull out the Flexible Bay eject lever. This will push your device out slightly,
allowing you to remove it.
Slide your device out until it is clear of the bay. This will require light force.
Slide the device you are installing into your tablet until it clicks into place.
It is now safe to turn your tablet back on and access and use the device.
Your Tablet PC will automatically detect the new device and
activate it within your system. The drive letters associated with the device will
be created and listed under My Computer and Windows Explorer.
Hot-swapping is provided through the Unplug or Eject Hardware utility. The icon for the
utility appears on the taskbar. Tap on the icon and follow the on-screen instructions.
Tap the Stop command button.
Tap the OK command button.
Tap the Close command button.
Pull out the Flexible Bay eject lever. This will push your device out slightly, allowing you
to remove it.
Slide your device out until it is clear of the bay. This will require light force.
Slide the device you are installing into your tablet until it clicks into place.
It is now safe to turn your tablet back on and access and use the device.
Your Tablet PC will automatically detect the new device and activate it
within your system. The drive letters associated with the device will be created and listed
under My Computer and Windows Explorer.
Recharging Batteries
You can charge your batteries while your Tablet is plugged into an AC adapter. The charge time will be longer if your
Tablet PC is in use while battery is charging.
Standby Mode
When using a Tablet PC it is useful to use the standby
feature to manage battery power. This is simply a process of
putting your computer into a power-saving state after it first
saves everything in memory on your hard disk. When you
‘wake’ your Tablet PC everything comes back just the way it
was when you left.
Place Your Tablet in Standby Mode: Button
Lightly press the power button on your Tablet PC one (1)
Wake Your Tablet: Button
When you close your Tablet PC cover without shutting down
the Tablet PC your system automatically goes into Standby
Mode. As soon as you open the lid of the Tablet PC the
system will begin to resume full operation. It will take
approximately 6 seconds for this process to complete.
Lightly press the power button on your Tablet PC one (1)
Place Tablet in Standby Mode: Tablet Lid
Close the Tablet PC lid.
Wake Your Tablet: Tablet Lid
Open the Tablet PC lid.
Wait approximately 6 seconds for the system to resume full
Don’t check your Tablet PC as baggage and don’t let it go through a metal detector.
If you must pass through a metal detector with your Tablet PC, make sure that it has been shut down completely to
ensure that your Tablet PC will not be harmed in anyway.
Protect your pen when you travel so you don’t lose it. If you loose your pen, contact GSF Tech Support for a new
one. The cost of a new pen is approximately $40 (US).
Have a charged battery with you in case airport security ask you to start up your Tablet PC.
Don’t use the wireless operation while on a plane.
If you are going out of the country, bring adapters with you.
Basic Care
Don’t use a pen that’s not approved by the manufacturer.
Use only recommended screen-cleaning cloths or LCD Panel cleaning sprays. DO NOT use household cleaning
products such as Windex, Fantastic, etcetera.
Keep water away from your Tablet PC.
Don’t use a power cord that didn’t come with your Tablet PC.
Protect the computer screen by not leaving it lying around with no protection. Keep it in your computer bag.
Don’t leave your Tablet PC in direct sunlight or near a heat vent or radiator.
Don’t leave your Tablet PC out in the car when the temperature is going to be below 32 degrees. If condensation
forms on the screen then let it evaporate before you turn the computer on.
Don’t rest your Tablet PC on an uneven surface or stack things on top of it.
Keep dust and dirt away.
Do not put any stickers on your tablets
Do not remove your Micro Drive.
Handwriting is placed in a document instead of translated text.
A movement of your pen over the Tablet PC that invokes a common command.
Input Panel
A tool that allows you to input text into Windows applications by writing or speaking it instead of typing
A Windows application specifically designed for taking notes on your Tablet PC.
The Tablet PC pen takes the place of the mouse. It allows you to input text and select commands using
the tap, double-tap and right-click.
Equivalent to a single-click of a mouse button.
Equivalent to a double-click of a mouse button.
Smart Tag
Little green corners, or triangles that appear to the left of a word when you have tapped any point within
a text entry. Drop-down menus appear that allow selection of replacement text or other common editing
The documents that are created when working in the Journal application.
JNT File
Another way to refer to a Note created in Journal. This terms stems from the file extension that Journal
notes are assigned (.jnt).
Rotating Your Display
With the touch of a button you can
change the orientation of your display.
This enables you to hold your Tablet PC
in either a portrait or landscape
orientation when writing. There are four
(4) different orientations you can use:
Setup Display Options
Tap the Fujitsu Menu icon on your Windows Taskbar.
Tap Tablet and Pen Settings.
Primary Portrait
Tap the Display tab.
Secondary Portrait
Tap the Change… button to select the orientation sequences for your display.
Primary Landscape
Secondary Landscape
Use the drop-down arrows to set your orientation sequence settings as illustrated
Tap the OK command button.
Tap the Apply command button.
Tap the OK command button.
This means that without physically
rotating your Tablet PC you can adjust
the screen so it faces any one of four (4)
directions. Use the button that has four
different adjustment points on it.
Rotate Your Display
Best Practice:
Press the Rotate Display button on your Tablet PC shell (it is labeled with the
number 3) until the desired orientation is displayed.
Tablet PC Buttons
There are five (5) buttons on the Tablet PC that you can use and program to do a number of things for you. The
following outlines a few of the functions some of the buttons perform.
Press it twice to call up the Fujitsu Menu system.
Fn + 2
Press these two buttons together to launch Journal.
Fn + 1
Press these two buttons together to launch the Calculator.
Press this button to change the orientation of your screen.
This is the Windows Security button. If you press and hold this button this is the same as pressing the Ctrl + Alt +
Delete buttons on your keyboard.
Adjust Handedness
If you are left-handed, follow these
steps to change the Handedness setting
in the Tablet and Pen Settings dialog
Tap the Fujitsu Menu icon on your Windows Taskbar.
Tap Tablet and Pen Settings.
Tap the Settings tab.
Tap the Left-handed button to select it and OK to save the setting.
The EMR (electric-magnetic resonance) pen is designed to input handwriting and commands into your computer. It can
be used to drag & drop, click tool buttons, open menus, and accept double-clicks to open files and applications.
You can replace the tip of your pen using the little
white plastic rods and the metal ring that came with
your Tablet PC.
Replace a Pen Tip
Open part of the metal ring on the pen tip.
Squeeze it closed to grab the tip.
Pull Gently
Hold a new tip between your fingers, and slide it into
the opening until it won’t go any farther (it will stick
out about ¼ of an inch from the pen).
If you use any other kind of pen to touch your screen you will do serious and expensive damage to your
Tablet PC.
Don’t lose your pen because if you do you have lost your ability to write on your screen until you get
another one.
Jewelry (rings, watches, bracelets) can scratch the screen, so take care that you don’t do any damage.
Installing a Pen Tether:
To avoid dropping or losing your pen, you should
attach it to your system using the pen tether that is
included with the system.
Install a Pen Tether
Push the smaller loop end of the tether through the
hole in the pen then thread the opposite end of the
tether through the loop.
Insert the larger loop end of the pen tether through
the attachment point on your tablet then feed the pen
through the large loop in the tether.
Calibrating your pen means showing the Tablet PC
how you perceive the center of a set of crosshairs so it
can accommodate your on-screen taps more accurately.
You may consider calibrating your pen every time you
change your screen orientation. Thankfully, it only
takes a few seconds to do.
Tap the Fujitsu Menu icon on your Windows
Tap Tablet and Pen Settings.
On the Settings tab, tap Calibrate.
Tap in the center of the crosshairs.
Repeat Step 3 until you’ve tapped four crosshair sets.
Tap OK to close the Calibrate screen.
Tap OK again to close the Tablet and Pen Settings
dialog box.
If your Tablet PC seems to lockup when calibrating your pen, you will have to reboot your
Pen Tip Sensitivity
When using the pen, it may feel like you are pressing
too hard on the pen tip for the Tablet PC to recognize
the tap, or you may feel that the pen is a bit too
sensitive for your liking. You can adjust the sensitivity
as well as the Pen Button 2 functionality via the
Control Panel.
Adjust Pen Tip Sensitivity
Best Practice:
Tap the Fujitsu Menu icon on your Windows Taskbar.
Tap Control Panel.
Tap the Fujitsu Pen Settings option.
Adjust the Pen Tip Pressure as necessary.
Adjust the Pen Button 2 function as necessary.
Tap the Apply command
Tap the OK command.
Close the Control Panel dialog box.
Tap the Start button on your Windows Taskbar.
Tap the Settings command.
Tap the Control Panel command.
Tap the Fujitsu Pen Settings options.
Adjust the Pen Tip Pressure as necessary.
Adjust the Pen Button 2 function as necessary.
Tap the Apply command.
Tap the OK command.
Close the Control Panel dialog box.
Pen-Eye Coordination
When you move your pen near your Tablet PC screen (within 1/8 of an inch or so) you don’t have to touch the screen to
get a cursor to appear. The screen senses the pen as it hovers nearby, so you can move the cursor without having to drag
the pen stylus around the surface any more than necessary.
When you are trying to judge whether you’re in a position to take an action with the pen, use the position of the onscreen cursor – not the pen tip – as your guide.
It’s important to practice lining the pen and the onscreen element up. When you hold the pen over a Start
menu choice, for example, the pen tip and arrow
cursor are in close alignment, but from some other
positions alignment can vary.
Practice Aligning the Pen
Place the pen so it rests over the screen but isn’t touching it.
Move the cursor over the Windows Start button.
Tap the Start button.
Move the pointer around the Start menu without touching the
Submenus don’t open when you move the cursor over them, but if you keep the cursor on the selection for a
short time, they appear after a few moments.
Tapping with the pen is the same as clicking with the
mouse. You can select objects, work with fields in
software applications, place your cursor in documents,
open menus, choose commands, and follow hyperlinks.
Single taps are most commonly used and are a little
tricky to do the first few times you use your pen, but
you will soon get used to it.
Practice Tapping
Tap the Windows Journal icon on your Windows
Tap the View Recent Notes tool button.
Tap on the arrow to the right of the View Notes
Tap anywhere outside the list to close it.
Tap the Close button (X) on the right side of the
Tap the Pen Settings button drop-down list box.
Tap Medium Point on the Pen Settings tab.
Tap the File menu and the Exit command.
Sometimes your hand and your pen will get in the way of viewing menu choices. The following are a few things to try if
you are getting frustrated:
Hold the pen between your thumb and forefinger instead of wrapping your hand around the pen. Using this method
you will see more of the menu and less of your hand.
Move the pen straight down the list of commands in a menu instead of to the side of it.
Modify the Menu Location setting in the Tablet and Pen Settings dialog box (display this from the Control Panel).
Double Tap
A double-tap with a pen is equivalent to a double-click with
a mouse. If you don’t tap quickly enough the double-tap
will not register.
Practice Double-Tapping
Tap the Show Desktop icon on the Windows
Double-tap the My Computer icon on your
Double-tap the D:\ Drive.
Double-tap the My Documents folder.
Double-tap the My Pictures folder.
Tap the Close button on any/all open windows to
close them.
Adjust Double-Tap Speed
You may have to adjust your double-tap speed so that your
taps register properly.
Choose Start  Settings  Control Panel.
Double-tap Tablet and Pen Settings.
Tap the Pen Options tab to display it.
Tap Double-Tap Settings.
Tap the slider in the Double-tap Speed setting and move it.
To test the new setting, double-tap on the picture of the door
at the bottom of the dialog box.
When you are happy with your new setting, tap OK to save
your changes.
Best Practice:
You can right-click by pressing and holding the pen. Simply press the pen close to the object, keep holding your pen on
the screen, and then release it after you see a little picture of a mouse appear (a computer mouse, not a furry one). It will
take a couple seconds for the picture to appear as follows:
Adjust Right-Click Response Time
If your shortcut menus are taking too long to appear, then
use the Tablet and Pen Settings dialog box in the Control
Panel to adjust how long it takes.
Choose Start  Settings  Control Panel.
Double-tap Tablet and Pen Settings.
Volume Control
Adjust Volume
Since you will be actively using your Tablet PC to show
on-line demos you will need to know how to quickly
adjust the volume on your Tablet PC. This is a setting on
your Windows Taskbar.
Best Practice
Tap the ‘Show Hidden Items’ button on your Taskbar.
Tap the little speaker icon that appears.
Adjust the volume as necessary using your pen.
Hold the Fn key on your keyboard and press the F8 or F9 keys
to adjust the volume as necessary.
Input Panel
In order to enter text, you first display a document in
an application like Microsoft Word, and then input
your text via the Input Panel. You can send your input
to the document as text or as handwriting (which is
also termed ink).
Display the Input Panel: Docked
Tap the Input Panel icon on the Windows taskbar.
Display the Input Panel: Floating
Position your cursor in a document.
Tap the Input Panel icon that appears to ‘float’ on
your document.
You can also wave your pen over the screen rapidly (horizontally) and the Input Panel will display. This is
called a gesture.
As you are writing, a preview of how the Input Panel interpreted the handwritten text is shown beneath the written text.
If a word is recognized as incorrect simply tap the word to see correction options.
You can:
Select another word from a list of alternatives:
Correct the spelling of the word one letter at a time.
Save the word into your personal dictionary, or
Delete the text.
Using the Input Panel Efficiently
Character Pad
The Character Pad is great for entering text one letter at a time in these spaces. This can be useful when you want to
enter items such as e-mail or Web site addresses, abbreviations, passwords, or file names.
You can also easily correct individual letters. Simply point your pen to the incorrect character; an arrow appears beneath
the letter than, when tapped, will display a list of possible alternatives for the character.
Multi-line Writing
The Input Panel automatically expands and adds more lines to accommodate additional handwriting. This enables you to
continuously enter handwriting without having to repeatedly insert the text to start a new line.
Making Corrections
If you want your handwriting converted into text, then the neater your handwriting the better. There is always room for
error, but sloppy handwriting is not going to help. There are a few ways to make corrections when an error occurs.
To help you eliminate some of those errors you may want to keep the following in mind:
Whenever you pick up your pen it is assumed that you are done writing that character.
When writing characters with several lines (W, M, N, etcetera) avoid taking your pen from the screen
while writing the letter.
Try to practice writing letters with a single stroke.
For those letters with sets of lines (F, T, H, etcetera) be sure that the lines touch at some point.
Consider using script style for those letters if you can because your Tablet PC will read a combination
of script and print, even within the same word, without a problem.
May want to change the pen tip thickness. It seems that the thinner the pen tip, the better for
recognizing handwriting. To change pen thickness, tap the tools menu. Tap on the Options command.
Tap the Write Anywhere tab, and adjust the ‘pen thickness’.
Backspace and Delete
One of the easiest ways to correct text is to use the
backspace or delete keys.
Edit Text
Tap Enter to move down one line in the document.
Write the following text exactly as presented below:
Seeiaeing 15-20 Prof per day is impportiante
Tap Insert.
Ensure that your cursor is at the end of the line that appears
Tap the on-screen Backspace key to delete the last letter on the
Position your cursor to the right of the second letter “e” in
the word Seeing.
Tap the on-screen Delete key three times to delete “iae”.
Use your pen and the Delete key to correct the rest of the word
Dragging and Dropping
Dragging and dropping to move selected text is a
little more challenging than simply dragging to
select something. When dragging and dropping you
have to remove the pen from the screen at a couple
of points in the process.
Drag and Drop Text
On a new line, write the following text, using the input panel.
I books sample.
Tap and drag to select the word sample.
Lift the pen off the screen.
Move the pen pointer to somewhere within the selection
and then press the tip against the screen.
Drag the selection to the left of the word books.
To drop the selection, lift the pen off the screen.
Tap and Drag Editing
If you have input text in your document and would
like to replace the input text with new text, use the
tap and drag method.
Drag and Drop Text
Tap and drag over the word books to highlight.
In the Writing Pad, write the following text:
Tap Insert.
Swish Erasing
Swish Erase an Error
Sometimes you’ll make a mistake in the Writing
Pad window. If you want to eliminate the error
before it gets posted in your document you can
swish a few strokes across the errant word.
Write the following text:
technology demo
Scratch horizontally across the words three or four times
with swift, quick strokes.
Do not lift your pen off the screen while
Write the following text:
Would you like a demo?
Swish out the words Would you like.
Write in the words How about to replace the words
Would you like.
On-Screen Keyboard
Typing using the on-screen keyboard is easy, but slow. It isn’t very fun to do either. Keep in mind that there are times
which you’ll have to use the on-screen keyboard because using the pen is not an option.
In order for the keyboard to work, an application must be opened first.
Use the Keyboard option instead of the Writing Pad when entering a password. This ensures that your
password is entered correctly. The keyboard functionality is also useful when you desire to highlight more
than one record within the CRMS application (i.e. use the Ctrl or Shift key when you want to highlight
more than one product for sampling).
Open the Keyboard
Using the on-line keyboard is just like using a standard
keyboard. Use the pen to tap the letter, or function key you
are interested in pressing.
With the Input Panel open, tap the Keyboard tab in the
lower right corner of the panel.
Cut, Copy & Paste
Copy & Paste Text
If you are interested in executing a command that requires
pressing multiple keys at the same time (i.e. Ctrl + C to copy
text), then tap the first button in sequence. The button will be
“held” as you tap additional function buttons. The Tablet PC
is smart enough to know that Ctrl followed by X is the cut
command; Alt followed by Tab is the command to switch
from one application to another.
The following are some common keystroke combinations:
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + X
Ctrl + V
Ctrl + B
Ctrl + I
Ctrl + U
Choose the Start menu  New Office Document  Blank
Document  OK.
Type the following text:
Send info via ePromote.
Tap the Enter key on the keyboard.
Use the tap and drag method to select the text you just
Tap the Ctrl key on your keyboard.
Tap the letter C key on your keyboard.
Tap on the new line in your document
Tap the Ctrl key on your keyboard.
Tap the letter V key on your keyboard.
Alternative punctuation or symbols are accessed via the
Shift key on a traditional keyboard. Once the Shift key
on the Tablet PC is tapped all of the symbols on the
keys switch to the uppercase options. After you tap the
key you want to capitalize you are right back into
If you need to capitalize a series of letters, then you can
turn on the Caps Lock feature just as you would on a
standard keyboard.
Capitalize Text
Choose the Start menu  New Office Document
 Blank Document  OK.
Type the following text:
Have you seen the latest edition
Tap the Shift key and then type the following text:
Type the following text:
I use
Tap the Caps Lock key and then type the following
Tap the Caps Lock key and then type the following
to track opportunities.
When using the Caps Lock feature, numbers are not automatically switched to their uppercase alternatives
(#, $, @, &, etcetera) You will have to tap the Shift key in order to input these characters.
Symbols Pad
There are symbols that people use multiple times a day, but accessing these symbols will take a long time if you must
continually tap the Shift key on your keyboard to access the symbol. This is simply a way to speed things up.
You can access the Symbols Pad by tapping the Sym
button to the right of the writing pad entry area of the
Input Panel. The Symbols Pad stays on your screen until
you close it down.
Display the Symbols Pad
Tap the Sym button on the Input Panel title bar.
Number Pad
There is a numbers pad that makes input of numerals easier.
You can access the Number Pad by tapping the Num
button to the right of the writing pad entry area of the
Input Panel. The Number Pad stays on your screen until
you close it down.
Display the Number Pad
Tap the Num button on the Input Panel title bar.
The point of the journal is to allow for entry of handwritten notes and drawings into your Tablet PC. You’ll be able to
organize, search, and print these Journal notes as well as convert them to printed text and send as text e-mails. The
documents you create in Journal are called notes.
Launch Journal
The Journal looks like a lined pad of paper. There are many
tools that you can use and these are located at the top of the
Launch Journal
Tap the Windows Journal icon on your
Windows Taskbar.
Creating New Notes
Create a New Note
By default, a new blank note appears when Journal is
launched. You can open a new note at any time.
Tap File  New Note
Saving Notes
Save a Note
Saving your Journal notes is a very simple task. Your file
will be named for your automatically when you select the
save command. Don’t worry if your file name doesn’t look
correct as you save it because it will appear the way you
wrote it in your Journal entries list.
Tap the File button and tap Save.
Tap the Save button.
If you want to always view your most recent Journal files, you can choose the View option from the
Windows Journal menu. Next choose the Recent Notes option from the menu. Finally, flag the method
that you want to view your most recent Journal notes (i.e. ‘List’).
Using Templates
For those of you who are not interested in writing on
lined paper in Journal, you can open a template that will
provide an alternate format: to-do lists, calendar,
graphing, and etcetera.
If you would like to adjust the default template that
appears when you launch Journal you can use the
options menu.
Open a Template
Tap File  New Note from Template
Tap a template name.
Tap Open.
Change Default Template
Tap Tools  Options  and tap the Note Format Tab.
Select Note Template and then tap the Browse button.
Tap a template name and then tap Open.
Tap OK again to save the new default setting.
Customizing a Call Sheet
There will be a select group of people who do not wish to use the default Sales Representative Call Sheet that appears in
iSM. If you would like to substitute your own version of a call sheet, you can do so.
The default template is stored in the C:\SMP\Templates folder.
Adding Pages
Remember: Journal notes are not set in stone. There will be times at which you will need to insert lines and spaces as
well as add pages to your notes. This can be done quickly and easily.
There is a page counter at the bottom of the
Journal note that show you how many pages
are in the note and what page you are currently
If the page counter is not displayed at the
bottom of your Journal note, you can tap on
the View option in the menu, and tap on the
Page Bar option to turn this feature on.
Add a New Page
Display the page you want the new page to follow.
Tap Insert  New Page
- or Tap on the “New Page” icon located in the lower right corner of your
Journal note. This will insert a new page after the one that you are
currently writing on.
Delete a Page
Display the page you want to delete
Tap Edit  Select Page.
Tap Edit  Delete Page.
Adding and Deleting Lines/Spaces
Lines can also be added to a Journal note with
a tool called Insert/Remove Space. This can be
confusing. You are actually inserting a new
writing line on your virtual pad, not a space.
Insert a Line
Tap the Insert/Remove Space button on the Pen toolbar.
You are looking for two horizontal lines with arrows
pointing up and down from them. As you move your cursor, a
dotted line appears indicating where a new line in the pad would
appear if you were to tap and drag with your pen at that spot on
the page.
Tap the line above where you want to insert a new line, and
drag down with your pen to draw a new writing line.
Release the pen by lifting it from the screen to create the new line.
If you want to create multiple lines, you can drag down
by more than one line height on the page.
Although there is a way to delete lines, you
can only delete blank lines.
Delete a Line
Tap the Insert/Remove Space button on the Pen toolbar.
Tap the line below where you want to insert a new line, and drag up
with your pen to draw a new writing line.
Release the pen by lifting it from the screen to delete the line.
If you want to create multiple lines, you can drag upward by
more than one line height on the page.
Anything you write on a Journal note is searchable, even the entries in the margin of the note. Text that is input upsidedown can also be converted to right-side-up text. The only thing you need to do is write with your pen.
If you want to insert a space between lines, then just leave space where you want it. You can move the text around after
you write it to relocate it or add space between words.
When Writing:
You don’t need to place an insertion point in your document in Journal, so don’t tap on the spot where
you want text to appear; that little tap results in you drawing a squiggle on the page. If you want to insert
writing within existing writing, then you will have to move that writing around on the page or insert a
new writing line on the pad.
There are a few styles you can use when
writing with your pen (fine point, marker,
highlighter, etcetera). The default style is Fine
Point, but this can be changed easily to
accommodate your personal needs.
Changing Pen Styles
Tap the arrow on the Pen button on the toolbar.
Tap a style shown on the drop-down list.
Pen Settings
From the Pen drop-down list, tap Pen Settings
Tap a pen style in the Current Pens list to select it.
Tap the arrow on the Color field and select an ink color from the dropdown palette that appears.
Tap the arrow on the Thickness field and select a thickness.
In the Tip Style drop-down list, you can select either a Point style or a
Chisel style.
Tap OK to save the new settings.
Adding Flags
Flags in a Journal note are little markers that allow you to notate important parts of your Journal note. Each flag is a
colored tab that can be inserted in any part of a note. There are multiple colors to work with.
These flags can be listed together, can be used
to page through notes, are searchable, and
allow you to peruse all of your flagged notes
in one place.
Insert a Flag
Tap the Flag button on the Pen toolbar.
Tap and drag your pen on the page next to the text you wish to flag.
Converting Handwriting to Text
The text you wish to enter into Journal Notes does not have to be ink, or handwritten. Your handwriting can be translated
into text.
The idea of using a Tablet PC is to treat all
handwritten documents as searchable, editable, and
storable documents. The Journal helps you to take
some of those handwritten documents and easily
convert them to text. This is done via handwriting
recognition functionality.
This handwriting functionality is not perfect, but if
you write neatly, then you can convert documents
without too much trouble. It’s a good idea to keep
your translation efforts to about a page worth so you
won’t spend a lot of time correcting errors.
The process involves two steps: selecting the text
and then converting it.
Convert Handwriting to Text
Open a Journal Note.
Write the following text:
Opening Remarks
Sales Manual Page Accessibility
Tap the Selection button (Lasso) on the Pen toolbar.
Tap and drag to select one or more words you want to
Choose Actions  Convert Handwriting to Text
Questionable words are highlighted in the Ink
from Note box, and Alternatives listed.
Tap a word from the Alternative list to replace the word;
then tap Change.
After you finish making changes, tap OK.
Use the Input Panel to make any final
corrections you couldn’t make from the options presented
in the Text Correction process.
Tap an option; then tap Finish to complete the conversion.
Convert an Entire Page to Text
Open or create a document with a lot of handwritten notes.
Tap Edit  Select All  Select Page.
Choose Actions  Convert Handwriting to Text
Continue with the conversion process as directed.
Moving Ink
If you make a mistake in a Journal entry you can correct it. This can be done by using a simple cut and paste procedure
or by using a drag and drop method.
You can:
Use a scratch-out gesture, by rubbing your pen tip back and forth over a word or phrase until it’s covered with ink.
Journal will remove the text for you.
Use the Eraser button on the Pen toolbar to rub your pen over the word or words you want to erase.
Use the Selection tool to select a word or phrase and then use the Cut or delete commands found in the menu
Use the Quick Keys on the Input Panel to select a word or phrase and then tap the Delete command.
Move Text
Write the following text leaving space between the entries as illustrated below:
National Sales Meeting
Product Sessions
Computer Training
Management Survey
Tap the Selection button on the Pen toolbar.
Drag around the words Management Survey to select it.
Move your pen over the edge of the box until your cursor changes into a Move cursor.
Tap and drag the selection text above the text Computer Training.
Remove your pen from the screen, and the item has been moved.
Tap outside of the Selection box to unselect the selection.
Searching Notes
The notes you take and store can
be searched. Unfortunately, only
text items (no graphics or
drawings) are searchable. You’ll
use the Find feature to locate the
information you seek.
Search Notes
Create a new note by tapping File  New Note
Type the following text:
* Locate receipt for rebate on David’s computer.
* Send check to Julie for her trip.
* Ask David for extra set of keys.
Choose Edit  Find.
Tap the More button to expand it and display advanced search feature.
In the Look For box in the Find panel, enter the following text:
Select the notes you want to search.
Choose the options appropriate for your search, remembering to tap the Close
Matches check box.
Tap Find to find the next instance of the word.
Tap the Close button to close the Find panel.
Sending Notes via E-Mail (as Converted Text)
You can convert your handwriting
to text and insert it in an email
Send a Journal Note in an E-mail (converted text)
Tap Edit  Select Page.
Tap Actions  Convert Selection to E-mail.
Choose highlighted words one by one and change them as needed.
After you have finished correcting text, tap Convert.
Add the addressee information, and any other text.
Tap the Send button or menu command in your e-mail program to send the e-mail.
Sending Journal Notes via E-Mail
You can send a handwritten Journal note as
an attachment within an email.
Send a Journal Note via E-mail
Write your handwritten note within Windows Journal.
With the Journal note open, tap on the File option on the menu
Tap on the Send to Mail Recipient option.
Choose the Web page (.mht) option.
Tap on OK.
Microsoft Outlook will launch, and attach your handwritten
Journal note as an attachment.
Sending a Handwritten E-Mail Message
Within Microsoft Outlook, create a new email message.
Tap in the body of the email message.
The Ink Drawing Tool will change from a grayed out feature to an available feature.
Tap on the arrow next to the Ink Drawing icon, and choose a pen tip style.
A Drawing Canvas will display on the screen.
Write your personal email message inside the Drawing Canvas. This Drawing Canvas will expand as needed.
Once you have completed your handwritten email message, you can click on the Send button.
Organizing Saved Notes
The Journal Notes you create are stored, by default, in your D:\My Documents\My Notes folder.
You can organize them in many ways; saving to specific folders, using specific file naming conventions, and etcetera.
The following outlines some basic information on how you can organize your Journal notes, including how to
transfer/associate notes taken outside of the iSM application to contact records within CRMS.
One of the simplest methods is to create basic folders to better organize your Journal Notes. When saving a Journal note,
simply select the appropriate folder to store it in within the My Notes folder.
Create a New Folder
Double-tap the My Documents icon on your desktop.
Double-tap the My Notes folder.
Tap Make a New Folder in the File and Folder Tasks bar on the left side of the dialog box.
Type a new name in the folder name text box presented,
and press the Enter key on your keyboard to create the newly named folder.
Repeat steps 3-4 to create additional folders.
How about creating a folder for each account you service? For added convenience, create sub-folders
within each of those folders for the departments you visit. See the graphic below as an example.