Visitors Survey Report: Isabella Plantation visitors survey – Broomfield gate and Disabled parking lot gate – March Thursday 14th and Saturday 16th, May Thursday 16th and Saturday 18th, and May Sunday 26th 2013 Overall interviews March May Thursday 42 70 Saturday 24 89 Sunday N/A 18 T 66 177 243 1. General Information Weather: March: Thursday 14th – very cold but sunny Saturday 16th – Cloudy, very cold, most of day very heavy rain May: Thursday 16th– mild, some showers Saturday 18th – Mild, overcast Sunday 26th – Sunny and warm General responses: Hard to get people with kids to stop. Building works going on in plantation during surveys meant people were less inclined to be positive. Many comments along the lines of ‘usually it’s lovely but with all the building work going on it’s not very nice now’. A very cold very wet March and some rain in May meant people much less willing to stop. March: Thursday – More elderly people in IP, very few young people. Saturday – Much higher percentage of single adults – rain meant few children and far fewer elderly people that seen previously. Higher percentage of dog walkers. May: Thursday – Lots of non-English speakers in plantation. Saturday – Lots of children and families in IP. Sunday – Very sunny day, meant good footfall in IP. As it was last year the general response was that people love IP and don’t want it changed – people liked the work done around pond, and appreciated that thing had not changed to drastically. Interim toilet situation was upsetting to people, and many people did not find new toilet block when it was installed. 2. Profile of visitors Generally more females than males. By observation approximately ¾ of people under 16 were under 10. An overwhelming percentage of visitors to IP are white British (approximately 87%) Broomfield Gate Tally March (14th and 16th) Disabled Car Park Gate May (16th and 18th) May (26th) March (14th and 16th) May (16th and 18th) Gender Female Male 115 89 1125 823 1745 1379 62 64 469 491 Age -24 accompanied -24 independent 24 – 50 Over 50 36 2 95 71 333 55 559 1001 410 528 1603 583 6 0 76 44 112 62 426 495 Ethnicity White BME 178 26 1697 251 2783 341 119 7 883 77 Disability/ mobility issues 8 29 32 8 57 Broomfield gate March (14th and 16th) May (16th and 18th) Disabled car park gate May (26th) March (14th and 16th) May (16th and 18th) Gender Female Male 22 13 67 38 13 5 15 17 30 24 Age Under 24 accompanied Under 24 independent 24 – 50 50+ 0 2 18 16 0 9 40 56 0 0 9 9 0 0 7 3 0 0 19 35 Ethnicity White 27 2 1 0 1 2 1 0 83 0 0 1 1 4 3 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 18 4 0 1 0 3 3 1 37 0 2 0 0 1 6 1 Asian British English Irish Scottish Welsh European Other white Asian British Bangladeshi Pakistani Indian Chinese Other Asian Black Black British Caribbean African Other Black Middle Eastern Mixed White/Black Caribbean White/African White/Asian Other mixed 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 2 8 1 4 0 2 7 Mobility issues 3 4 0 1 7 Employment Employed Unemployed Retired Student Full-time carer 12 1 10 9 3 59 0 40 4 2 10 1 4 0 3 23 2 26 1 1 15 2 11 2 0 Country of residence UK 34 101 18 53 29 Other 1 4 0 1 1 Richmond 8 18 6 12 12 Kingston Wandsworth 5 3 22 14 3 2 11 1 11 1 Merton 2 6 2 3 3 Hounslow Other 2 12 2 4 28 10 1 0 4 2 12 12 2 13 17 Disability/ mobility issues Within London Within UK, outside London 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Considers self to have a disability Registered disabled 3. Questionnaire breakdown How many people including yourself are in your party today? March (14th and 16th) May (16th and 18th) May (26th) Broomfield Adult 16+ Children under 5 Children 6-10 Children 11-15 53 4 0 0 282 16 3 2 36 3 7 0 Disabled Adult 16+ Children under 5 Children 6-10 Children 11-15 48 5 0 0 130 7 3 0 N/A Frequency of visits to IP? March (14th and 16th) Broomfield Several times a week Weekly Monthly Several times a year Less frequently First visit 5 8 7 12 3 0 Disabled Several times a week Weekly Monthly Several times a year Less frequently First visit 2 3 10 15 1 1 In which Season do you visit IP? Broomfield Spring Summer Autumn May (16th and 18th) May (26th) 4 4 10 51 41 13 0 1 3 8 3 3 2 4 7 20 10 12 n/a March (14th and 16th) May (16th and 18th) May (26th) 16 10 2 81 54 5 8 2 1 Disabled Winter All year round 0 17 0 16 0 7 Spring Summer Autumn Winter All year round 26 9 9 0 5 27 22 2 1 18 N/A How did you find out about IP? March (14th and 16th) May (16th and 18th) May (26th) Broomfield Local Word of mouth Park user Other 18 12 5 0 51 47 7 0 7 5 4 2 Disabled Local Word of mouth Park user Other 21 4 6 0 26 19 9 4 N/A May 26th (broomfield) Royal parks employee. Photo on facebook. May 16th and 18th (Disabled) Book about Richmond Park. Book about gardens. Radio 4 programme about 20 years ago. Royal Parks volunteer Are you aware of the IP project? March (14th and 16th) May (16th and 18th) May (26th) Broomfield No Yes 11 24 49 56 7 12 Disabled No Yes 20 12 34 20 N/A How did you find out about the project? March (14th and 16th) May (16th and 18th) May (26th) Broomfield Notices in IP Word of mouth Other 22 1 1 53 2 4 8 1 3 Disabled Notices in IP Word of mouth Other 9 1 0 17 1 2 N/A March (14th and 16th) May (16th and 18th) May (26th) Broomfield March (14th and 16th) Survey last year Broomfield May (16th and 18th) Read about it in the paper. Survey last year Website (2 people) Broomfield May (26th) Read about it in the paper. Saw work in IP (2 people) Disabled car park May (16th and 18th) Website Royal How did you get to the park? Broomfield Car Walk Bike Public Transport Other 31 4 0 0 0 82 15 2 6 Minibus Motorbike 15 2 1 0 0 Disabled Car Walk Bike Public Transport Other 26 3 1 1 0 31 14 4 5 0 N/A How long did your journey take you? March (14th and 16th) May (16th and 18th) May (26th) Broomfield Less than 10 mins 10 to 20 mins 20 to 30 mins More than 30 mins 6 20 5 4 1 25 33 33 3 10 2 3 Disabled Less than 10 mins 10 to 20 mins 20 to 30 mins More than 30 mins 4 11 9 8 5 16 10 23 N/A March (14th and 16th) May (16th and 18th) May (26th) Broomfield less than half an hour Half an hour to an hour 1 to 2 hours More than 2 hours 13 17 5 2 6 31 44 24 4 7 7 0 Disabled 16 14 2 0 7 22 30 5 N/A How long did you stay in IP on this visit? less than half an hour Half an hour to an hour 1 to 2 hours More than 2 hours Once in the park was IP easy to find and get to? March (14th and 16th) May (16th and 18th) May (26th) Broomfield 1 Easy 2 3 4 5 Difficult 25 7 3 0 0 75 22 5 2 1 15 0 1 2 0 Disabled 1 Easy 2 3 4 5 Difficult 19 7 5 0 0 19 4 10 6 15 N/A The Isabella Plantation rated overall March (14th and 16th) May (16th and 18th) May (26th) T T/A % 1 3 9 63 166 .4 1.2 3.7 26 68 Broomfield 1 Poor 2 3 4 5 0 2 3 14 16 0 0 0 33 72 0 0 0 0 18 0 2 3 47 106 Disabled 1 2 3 4 5 Excellent 1 1 5 9 14 0 0 1 7 46 N/A 1 1 6 16 60 Aspects of the plantation Signposting maps and finding your way Peace and quiet Rated 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) March (14th and 16th) May (16th and 18th) May (26th) Broomfield Gate 1 2 3 4 5 1 9 8 8 9 1 11 18 32 33 0 2 7 3 6 Disabled Gate 1 2 3 4 5 1 7 6 9 8 3 8 17 17 8 N/A Broomfield Gate 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 3 11 20 0 0 1 10 82 Disabled Gate 1 0 2 2 3 5 0 1 6 1 1 7 9 N/A Upkeep and landscaping General tidiness and cleanliness Quality and quantity of seating Quality and number of toilets 4 7 5 17 16 30 Broomfield Gate 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 8 10 16 0 0 2 25 67 0 0 0 1 17 Disabled Gate 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 5 9 15 0 0 2 10 42 N/A Broomfield Gate 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 5 8 21 0 0 2 15 77 0 0 0 1 17 Disabled Gate 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 4 8 18 0 0 0 10 44 N/A Broomfield Gate 1 2 3 4 5 0 3 11 12 9 1 4 29 30 40 0 1 2 5 10 Disabled Gate 1 2 3 4 5 1 4 10 7 8 0 4 15 16 16 N/A Broomfield Gate 1 2 3 4 5 0 5 11 10 9 0 7 20 31 36 0 3 5 3 5 Disabled Gate 1 2 3 4 3 9 8 5 3 20 14 11 N/A 5 6 4 Broomfield Gate 1 2 3 4 5 0 2 7 7 19 0 4 14 32 38 0 0 2 6 8 Disabled Gate 1 2 3 4 5 2 2 5 9 12 1 2 3 12 23 N/A Broomfield Gate 1 2 3 4 5 0 3 14 3 3 0 2 9 12 27 0 0 7 2 2 Disabled Gate 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 4 4 7 0 1 5 8 13 N/A How easy or difficult was it to get around the plantation? March (14th and 16th) May (16th and 18th) May (26th) Broomfield 1 Difficult 2 3 4 5 Easy 0 0 4 7 24 0 1 5 8 91 0 0 0 3 15 Disabled 1 Difficult 2 3 4 5 Easy 0 1 7 12 12 0 0 3 6 45 N/A Car parking facilities including disabled parking Cycle parking What specific aspects of the plantation were problematic? Quality and upkeep of paths Quality and width of bridges Weights and width of gates Rated 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) March (14th and 16th) May (16th and 18th) May (26th) Broomfield Gate 1 0 0 0 2 3 4 5 0 3 1 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Disabled Gate 1 0 0 N/A 2 3 4 5 2 4 0 0 0 1 2 0 Broomfield Gate 1 0 0 0 2 3 4 5 0 0 2 2 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 Disabled Gate 1 0 0 N/A 2 3 4 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 2 1 Broomfield Gate 1 0 0 0 2 3 4 5 0 0 3 1 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 Disabled Gate 1 0 0 N/A 2 0 3 2 0 0 4 4 5 0 2 1 If mobility scooters or wheelchairs March (14th were available would you have and 16th) used them? May (16th and 18th) May (26th) Broomfield Yes No 1 34 2 103 0 18 Disabled Gate Yes No 0 32 2 52 N/A Why did you come to IP today? Broomfield Disabled Gate March (14th and 16th) May (16th and 18th) May (26th) T A For peace and quiet Exercise Bring children Walk Walk the dog See plants, trees, wildlife See the azalea collection 7 2 3 8 11 5 17 3 15 21 8 25 3 0 1 7 3 8 27 5 19 36 22 38 41 21 22 62 27 61 17 9 9 26 11 25 4 37 8 49 92 38 Spending day in park 2 6 5 13 24 10 Other 0 0 0 8 3 For peace and quiet Exercise Bring children Walk Walk the dog See plants, trees, wildlife See the azalea collection Spending day in park Other 4 7 0 9 3 4 10 9 3 17 2 19 N/A 4 39 43 2 3* 9 5 ** 11 8 * March Disabled Gate: To see work in progress 2 To take photos 1 ** May Disabled Gate: To take photographs 1 Picnic 1 14 16 3 26 5 23 Bring a friend to IP 2 Would you use any of the following…? March (14th and 16th) May (16th and 18th) May (26th) Broomfield Internet resources Maps at entrances Leaflets about plants Leaflets with walks Signage by plants Audio Guide Other 22 15 15 7 24 2 0 21 31 26 16 59 5 1* 10 6 7 6 13 1 0 Disabled Gate Internet resources Maps at entrances Leaflets about plants Leaflets with walks Signage by plants Audio Guide Other 15 17 12 7 29 2 0 18 13 18 14 24 3 0 N/A * May Broomfield Natural play things for children. Have you looked at the plantation March (14th notice boards? and 16th) May (16th and 18th) May (26th) Broomfield Yes No 29 6 66 39 13 5 Disabled Gate Yes No 27 5 38 16 N/A Would any of the following activities interest you? March (14th and 16th) May (16th and 18th) May (26th) Broomfield Guided walks Horticultural events Children’s events Other 13 7 11 0 17 15 21 3 9 4 3 0 Disabled Gate Guided walks 13 13 N/A Horticultural events Children’s events Other 12 5 0 8 6 0 CAR PARK – Car parks should be like the bushy park car parks. CAR PARK - Heavy use of Pembroke car park spoils day out. CAR PARK - More car parking would be detrimental to experience. CAR PARK - Potholes in car park are not good! (6 people said this) CONCERNS/WORK – Leaflets would cause litter and costs.(2 people said this) CONCERNS/WORK - Mobility scooters would spoil the place. CONCERNS/WORK – No events! CONCERNS/WORK – Too much artificial timber by pond and bare terrain/pond looks artificial. (2 people said this.) CONCERNS/WORK – Work made it a less pleasant visit (3 people said this) CONCERNS/WORK – IP should have been left as it was. CONCERNS/WORK – Fallen branches are good for insects CONCERNS/WORK – Where are the fish?/I miss the fish/Bring the fish back! (4 people said this) OTHER - Could do with more cycle parking OTHER – I get around ok but my elderly mother/father/grandparent struggles sometimes (4 people said this) OTHER - More seats would be good. OTHER - Couldn’t find any seats. OTHER - Coffee shop would be nice. (2 people said this) OTHER - Donated benches to family and friends would be nice. OTHER - Love IP, but it depends on time of year. It isn’t a desirable place to visit in holidays. PRAISE - IP is better than the Chelsea flower show. PRAISE - Steel pond is beautiful this time of year. PRAISE - The change is really noticeable; it’s lovely. PRAISE – I like the improvements so far. PRAISE – It’s perfect. PRAISE - New toilets are very good! (2 people said this) RESOURCES/INFORMATION - A water fountain would be good. RESOURCES/INFORMATION - Paid for leaflets would prevent littering. RESOURCES/INFORMATION - Info app (2 people said this) RESOURCES/INFORMATION - Info on what’s in bloom. RESOURCES/INFORMATION - Plenty of resources no need for more. (2 people said this) RESOURCES/INFORMATION - Colour coded walks according to map would be good. RESOURCES/INFORMATION - Common names for trees on signs. RESOURCES/INFORMATION - Plant signs in English please! RESOURCES/INFORMATION - Some IP history would be good. (3 people said this.) RESOURCES/INFORMATION - Themed walks/scavenger hunts for kids would be good (2 people said this.) RESOURCES/INFORMATION - Plantation will be nicer when works done. SIGNS/MAPS - Couldn’t find lake or azaleas. SIGNS/MAPS - More signs would be good. (2 people said this) SIGNS/MAPS - No more signs! They’d spoil the place.(3 people said this.) SIGNS/MAPS - Richmond park map to download would be great. SIGNS/MAPS - Signs pointing to toilets would be good. (3 people said this) SIGNS/MAPS - Small signs like Kew gardens – not huge signs. SIGNS/MAPS - Some signage in middle of plantation would be good; signs to toilets, exits, azaleas, seasonal planting etc. SIGNS/MAPS - Steel pond was hard to find. SIGNS/MAPS - Temporary signs are poor. SIGNS/MAPS - We knew where IP was but signage isn’t very good. (3 people said this) TOILETS – Do not want toilets. TOILETS – Area around loos is not attractive. TOILETS - More toilets would be good. (2 people said this) TOILETS - Toilets were of poor quality and difficult to find. (2 people said this)