Freedom of Expression

Freedom of Expression - Com. 3070
Study Guide # 4. Featuring Gershon’s Greatest Hits – Solid Gold
Adams, John
Alien & Sedition Act
As revolutionary leader during Continental Congress
As Vice President
As President
Legal defense of British soldiers, Boston Massacre
Marriage to Abigail Adams
Relationship with Thomas Jefferson
Adams / Jefferson letters / 1826
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Apollo 11 Space Mission
Accomplishments and Significance
Archetype, definition, examples of
Jung, Carl
Atlantic Slave Trade
Attack on the World Trade Center, 911
Role of NYC Fire department, everyday heroes
Bill of Rights
First Amendment
Due Process
Bloc, Herb, political cartoonist and satirist
Civic Engagement
Canada, Geoffrey, educator
Harlem Children's Zone
Definition, examples of
CE and Heroes: Important Quotes:
Beckwith, Michael Bernard
Dylan, Bob
Nightingale, Earl
Gruwell, Erin, educator
Freedom writers
Lions for Lambs, film
Directed by Robert Redford
Contempt of Court, what is
Continental Congress, I. II. & III., purpose of
Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson
It’s main purpose and later significance
Due process, principle of
Almontaser, Debbie Case
Challenges associated with Guantanamo Bay detention camp
The Duke University Rape Case
Dylan, Bob, musician and songwriter
Ballad of Ruben Hurricane Carter
Like a Rolling Stone
The Times are a Changing
Federalists v. Democratic Republicans
Field, Sabra, artist,
Vermont landscapes, modern impressionistic style
First Amendment
Reason for its Creation
Five Stated Freedoms
Implied Rights
Franklin, Benjamin
Friedman, Thomas, reporter and columnist
Freedom of Information Act, 1966
Purpose of
Reasons for its creation
Signed into law, President Lyndon Johnson
French Revolution, 1789
As a contrast to the American Revolutionary War
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Rapprochement with the West
Gorman, R.C., artist,
Native American women
Grand jury, role and function of
Hate Speech
Fighting Words (and fighting words doctrine), principle of
Chaplinksi v. New Hampshire, 1942
National Socialist Party of America, v. Village of Skokie, 1977
RAV. v. The City of Minneapolis, MN., 1992
Hamilton, Alexander
As secretary of the Treasury
Differences between himself and Thomas Jefferson
Support of Federalist position
Hero’s Journey
Campbell, Joseph
Holland, Stephen, artist,
American sports figures
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Clear and Present Danger Standard
Schenk v. United States
Jefferson, Thomas
As Secretary of State under George Washington
As Vice President under John Adams
As 3rd President of the U.S.
Drafting the Declaration of Independence
Founder of the University of Virginia
Louisiana Purchase
Renaissance man
Relationship with John Adams
Relationship with Alexander Hamilton
Kent State Shootings, 1970
Compare and contrast with Boston Massacre, 1770
and Chicago Democratic convention demonstrations, 1968
King, Martin Luther
“I Have a Dream,” Address, March on Washington
“I’ve Been to the Mountaintop,” Address, Memphis, TN
Lexington and Concord, Battles of
Significance of
Lightfoot, Gordon, Canadian musician and songwriter
Canadian Railroad Trilogy
Carefree Highway
Don Quixote
Lin, Maya, artist and sculptor
Vietnam Memorial Sculpture
Surrounding controversy
Lincoln, Abraham
Emancipation Proclamation
Gettysburg Address
Madison, James
As colleague and protégé of Thomas Jefferson
U.S. Constitution
Bill of Rights
McCarthyism (Red Scare Period) 1951-1954
Hollywood 10
McCarthy, Joseph R.
Mandela, Nelson
African National Congress
Apartheid, problems associated with
Monuments, Memorials and Architectural Achievements
Arlington National Cemetery, history and symbolic significance
Ellis Island, origins, history and symbolic significance
Mt. Rushmore,
Robinson, Doane & Borglum, Gutzon
Statue of Liberty, history and symbolic significance
Bartholdi, Frederick
Vietnam Memorial, history and symbolic significance
Lin, Maya
News Media and Public Opinion
Almontaser, Debbie case, 2007, Significance of
Pretrial publicity, problems with
Role of the news media in covering high profile events
State of N.J. v. Richard Bruno Hauptman, 1935, Significance of
Sheppard v. Maxwell, 1966, Significance of
State of California v. O.J. Simpson, 1995, Significance of
The Duke University Rape Case, 2006, Significance of
Paine, Thomas
Common Sense, significance of
Political satire, what is
Barak and Michelle Obama, New Yorker magazine controversy
Sara Palin Newsweek controversy
Dave, film, produced by Ivan Reitman and Lauren Schuler-Donner
Presidential Speeches and Addresses
Clinton, Bill
Oklahoma City Bombing Address
Kennedy, John
Cuban Missile Crisis Speech
Inauguration Address
Obama, Barak
Acceptance speech as Democratic nominee
Acceptance speech of becoming President elect, Grant Park
Reagan, Ronald
Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster
Roosevelt, Franklin
Declaration of War Speech Before U.S. Congress
Prior Restraint, principle of
N.Y. Times v. U.S., 1971, (Pentagon Papers)
Nixon Administration’s position
Rockwell, Norman, artist
The 4 Freedoms
Sadat, Anwar
Definition, examples of,
Symbols and Symbolism
Super Heroes
Definition, examples of
Origins of Superman
Siegel, Jerry and Shuster, Joe
Super Heroes today, reasons for
Speech Codes
Doe v. The University of Michigan, 1989
Symbolic Speech
Texas V. Johnson, 1989, P&S
United States v. O’ Brien, 1968
O’ Brien Test, Purpose
U.S. Constitution
Bill of Rights, including 1st Amendment
Madison, James, role of
Ratifying the Constitution
Separation of Powers, reasons for
Branches of the Government
• Legislative
• Executive
• Judicial
U.S.A. Patriot Act, 2001, Purpose of
Washington, George
as military commander
as 1st President of the U.S.
foreign policy position – toward Britain and France
Yorktown, Battle of, significance of
Zakaria, Fareed, reporter and columnist
Important Dates:
April 19, 1775
July 4, 1776
1775 – 1781
July 4, 1826
1941-1945 (1939-1945)
July 20, 1969
September 11, 2001