Careers in Sociology Project

Careers in Sociology Project
Name_________________________________________ Period _______________________________
Over the next several days we would like to gain a better understanding of how
Sociology will impact your potential future career. We will be using the guidance
program Naviance to navigate through your post high school career and educational
We will be working for at least THREE days to get comfortable with the program
Naviance as well as compile a collection of information which will help you connect
Sociology and your future career. On the first day we will primarily work on getting
acclimated with Naviance and its resources. Ms. Mehlos will be on hand to help get
students logged in as well as familiar with the programs ins and outs. During the second
day we will begin seeking out colleges as well as careers that may include Sociological
aspects. You will need to find specific information on colleges as well as classes that
might help influence our sociological perspective. Finally on the third day we will be
putting together a collage of what our Life Course (p86-89) looks like as well as may look
like as we transition into transitional adulthood. You will need to have pictures of
experiences you have had in order to complete this task.
Day #1
How might Sociology be used in your chosen “career?” – Using Naviance
Ms. Mehlos to discuss the purpose and benefits of using Naviance
Logging in
Getting comfortable
What’s available to me?
Why might I use this?
How to find Careers?
Where are colleges listed? If I have already chosen where is my college?
Once Ms. Mehlos has thoroughly explained how to navigate Naviance you will
now need to complete the day one assignment on Careers in Sociology
Careers in Sociology Project
Naviance helps to connect what students do in the classroom to their life goals, including
finding colleges and careers based on their personal skills and areas of interests.
Connect Learning and Life
Through self discovery and collaboration with parents, teachers and school counselors, Naviance
enables students to find college and career pathways that are right for them. Students start by:
 Setting personal and individualized goals
 Learning about their skills and interests
 Exploring career options based on interests
 Searching for colleges
 Applying for scholarships
 Tracking their admissions status
Finally, Naviance helps students plan a course of action to reach their goals, find resources to prepare
academically, and discover their own path.
Personalized Learning Plans
Naviance lets students:
 Learn about their strengths and areas of interest
 Match their skills with college and career options that are the right
 Work directly with their school counselors
 Set personalized learning goals and manage all the tasks needed for post-secondary success
Career Exploration & Course Planning
Naviance empowers them to learn about what they want to be and how to get there by:
 The Roadtrip Nation Interview Archive features student conversations with accomplished individuals
who have defined their own road in life to achieve unique goals.
 Career Assessments that help students discover multiple career options, and plan their career paths
based on general areas of interest, and the level of education and training required to achieve their
individual goals and objectives.
College Search & Admissions
Naviance makes college research easy:
 Match colleges to a student's career interests
 Compare admissions rates at a student's top college choices
 Allow students and families to make informed decisions about their options by comparing colleges
and universities, exploring scholarship opportunities, tracking college applications
 Mobile app lets students do college research and plan college visits on the go
username: student’s arrowhead email address
password: student’s lunch account number
Careers in Sociology Project
Day #1: Careers in Sociology Assignment
List Three potential colleges/careers that you are interested in or were interested in as you are/were
narrowing down your potential future career choices. I have worded this as college or career because
some students may not choose post high school education and may enter the workforce immediately.
Normally these careers may still need some sort of technical school or vocational educational choices.
The blanks below are where those should be listed. (IE Harvard or UTI Universal Technical Institute – a
trade school) You must choose at least one college or university.
College/Career#1 – Where is this college/career? What is its cost? How difficult are its admissions?
College/Career#2 – Where is this college/career? What is its cost? How difficult are its admissions?
College/Career#3 – Where is this college/career? What is its cost? How difficult are its admissions?
Now choose three career paths from the above choices. Your career path should be where you end up
in 5-10 years with this College/Career. Use the following website to navigate potential outcomes.
US News and World Reports -
College/Career#1 List the following – Salary (Median, 25th percentile) Training, Reviews and Advice
College/Career#1 List the following – Salary (Median, 25th percentile) Training, Reviews and Advice
College/Career#1 List the following – Salary (Median, 25th percentile) Training, Reviews and Advice
Careers in Sociology Project
After completing your search for careers related to Sociology, answer the following question using your
background with where these colleges or careers. How might your choice of a college or career
influence your choices and decisions? Remember this from the video we watched in class with Juan
Battle and Victor Ayala. This could include where you go to school? Who you meet? Exposure?
Experience? Opportunities?
Day #2 How might Sociology be tied to your chosen career? – Post Secondary Education
Today you will be spending more time matching up Sociology specifically what you are interested in for
your career. You will be looking at different articles and websites in order to gain a greater
understanding as to what the most common connections between Sociology and your career.
Please navigate yourself to the following website. Read the Upsides/Downsides and Career
Watch the brief YouTube video on what Sociology is. This will help to convey the many levels Sociology
reaches and how you could become more knowledgeable of Sociology in your life.
Answer the following questions from using the college magazine site:
1. Briefly describe two characteristics that Sociologist Dustin Kidd would call the “Upside of
2. Briefly describe the “Downside” of being a Sociology major, according to Karen Beale a Sociology
student at Niagara University.
3. If you must choose one of the careers listed on the college magazine website which is best
suited for what you might want to participate in?
Careers in Sociology Project
Briefly describe what each of the following Applied Sociologist do with their degree in Socioogy.
1. Leslie Green
2. Stanley Capela
3. Laurie Banks
4. Daniel Knapp
5. Clara Rodriguez
Careers in Sociology Project
Next you will visit the University of Notre Dame! Congrats on your acceptance! This site is the
Sociology department career in Sociology page. Here you will find numerous resources on what you can
do with a degree in Sociology.
Look around, snoop a bit, and watch the video. Towards the bottom of the page there is a section titled
JOB TITLES FOR SOCIOLOGY MAJORS. Peruse through the different types and seclect one that you might
be interested in. List it below
1. Now take 3-5 minutes writing why you might be interested in this career and what it might take
to accomplish this.
Next I would like you to go back to the Naviance website and seek out a college or university that you
are interested in attending. List that college or university below.
2. Now take 3-5 minutes writing why you have chosen this particular institution and how this
decision will change your Sociological Perspective.
Finally I want you to go to the university website that you have chosen and enter into their course
selection area on their website. For the University of Notre Dame this is the example I found. This has all of the Sociology classes listed on it.
Search through them and pick three classes that you believe would be purposeful and important in your
future career. They can be entry level or higher more specific classes in Sociology. Remember choose
these from the university or institution you wish to attend not Notre Dame. On the spaces provided
below list which classes you are choosing to take as well as a brief description as to why?
Careers in Sociology Project
3. Course Title_____________________________________________________________________
Why Taking? ___________________________________________________________________
4. Course Title____________________________________________________________________
Why Taking? ___________________________________________________________________
5. Course Title_____________________________________________________________________
Why Taking? ___________________________________________________________________
Careers in Sociology Project
So we have been focusing on Sociology and your potential career so far within this assignment. The
article above comes from your text book and points out that even though you may not be using
Sociology for your job, Sociologist may be spending time studying what you’re doing at your job. Read
the above article and give an example of how this has taken place at your job or here at school. Answer
the following question: Do you think that employers have a right to check that prospective employees
have posted online? Or what their employees are doing with company computers on company time?
What about what their employees are doing on their own time?
Day #3 and 4 How might Sociology be tied to your chosen career? – Post Secondary Education
We are now going to shift gears and begin looking at what is
known as “Life Course.” During life course a person goes
through the various stages of our life from birth to death. In
your text on pages 86-89 each of the five stages of life course are
defined and studied. On this third and final day of our studying
the influence of Sociology we are going to create a visual display
which outlines each of the five stages of life course. We will be
displaying these in the room and conducting a Museum walk in
which we will visit each of the displays from class.
Here are the five Stages of Life Course to be included on your
1. Childhood (from birth to about age 12)
2. Adolescence (ages 13-17)
3. Transitional Adulthood (ages 18-29)
4. The Middle Years (ages 30-65)
5. The Older Years (about age 63 and on)
Careers in Sociology Project
What do you need to accomplish? For each of the five Stages of Life Course you will need to visually
display what these stages have meant for you and what they may mean in the future. So for Stages 1-2
you will need to find pictures and statements that describe how these stages have affected your life
course. Baby Pictures, Vacation Pictures, Personal Experiences, Growth, Struggles, Important People,
and Moments in your personal biography. For stage 3 you are almost there (18-29). Visually display
what your near future holds at age 18-29. Going to college, getting a job (hopefully using SOCIOLOGY)
somewhere, getting married, getting divorced (just kidding) having a baby, buying a home, getting a new
car, think of moments in time that occur from 18-29. For stages 4-5 you will need to be a bit more
creative. You cannot predict the future but you can find common activities or experiences such as
children off to college, grand children, retirement, the dreaded nursing home, these are all common
characteristics to your final two stages of Life Course.
How to do this?
Well I would prefer that you use Google docs, Microsoft Word, or any other art type program
you wish to put this visual collage together. That way you will limit the cutting out and
construction you will need.
Remember to be creative in how you can display these stages.
You can bring pictures in but remember you can get these off of Facebook, Twitter, etc. places
you visited, people who have influenced you during these stages of your Life Course.
Have you used aging booth? Try this to get a picture of what you will look like when your older?
Can be dangerously fun!
I will give 5 points extra credit if you print these off in color (Remember if you do this in the
library you will have to pay a small fee).
Be sure to have at least three pictures, statements, quotes. Include your Name in the visual
display. Put your period on the bottom right had corner of the assignment.
New for this portion of the assignment – the automatic “A” for those who WOW my eyes. This
is like on EBAY when you buy now! As soon as I see these I know this is great work!
Above all have fun while being a SOCIOLOGIST…kinda!
We are going to display these in the room against the West wall.
Over for options>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Careers in Sociology Project
Option 1:
 quicky use photos from facebook or instagram
 ability to organize photos into shapes
 finished product should be printed
Option 2: Google Drawings -- Go to drawing in your Drive.
 total freedom for text and image layout
 researcher tool allows drag-drop images
 finished product should be printed
Careers in Sociology Project
Life Course Collage Example
Careers in Sociology Project
Transitional Adulthood Ages 18-29
Childhood Birth – Age 12
The Middle Years Ages 30-65
Adolescence – Ages 13-17
The Older Years Age 65 and On
YOU’RE DONE!!!! Great Work!!!!