The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

The 24th Annual Book Report Competition For Secondary School Students
Junior Section
Title of the book: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Author: Mark Twain
Publisher: Commercial Press ( Black Cat Series )
No. of words : 665 words
I hope that everyone will treasure their freedom and friends after reading this book. At least I
can realize how important it is. Now, let me bring you to the adventures.
The story is about a boy called Huckleberry Finn. He lived with Widow Douglas and her sister,
Miss Watson. He needed to live with them because his mother was dead and nobody knew where
his father was. Once, he found a cave and there was $12,000 inside it. His friend, Tom Sawyer and
he each had $6,000. Because of the huge amounts of money, his father came back and wanted to get
the money. His father was really a bad guy so he decided to escape. And how did he escape? I think
you should read it yourself and it is one of the most interesting parts of the story. After he had
escaped from his father, he met another friend, Jim, the black guy. Jim also ran away because he
was going to be sold and he wanted to be free, just liked Huck who wanted to have freedom. So
they decided to get to North. On their way, they ran into two guys and they called themselves ‘king’
and ‘duke’. Of course, because of Huck’s smartness, he could find out they were frauds through
observing their talk and look.
And the next high tide is when the frauds planned to cheat their new target, the Wilks family.
This time he needed to go with the frauds and he saw all what the frauds did and he felt sorry about
that. So he decided to hide the money which he got from the Wilks family.
The next chapter ’Trouble for Jim’ really attracted me to keep on reading it. Because king and
duke needed money and they sold Jim. To save his friend, Huck went to Phelps Farm even he did
not know if he could see Jim again. When he arrived, a woman suddenly came out and she thought
Huck was Tom. Oh! She was Tom’s aunt. Huck really got into a trouble. By the time, a steamboat
arrived and he guessed Tom might have come here. So he made up an excuse to leave to meet Tom.
They started the mission of saving Jim. Jim was locked in a shed. When Jim saw them, he couldn’t
help crying happily. That night they ran away. There were some men with guns walking around so
they needed to be very careful. When they were running away, the men with guns began to shoot
them. Fortunately, they succeeded but they found out Tom was hurt in his leg. Although there was
not enough time, Huck decided to go to find a doctor and Jim stayed there to look after Tom. In the
next morning Huck got back to Phelps Farm and he found his friend there. And the good news was
Jim was free and he could enjoy his freedom again.
This book really makes me think more about friendship. In the adventures of Hulk, he was
not alone. And I admire him because of his loyalty to his friends. He went to save his friend, Jim
although he knew that it was dangerous. Not to fear the troubles but to face them. He was a smart
boy and he could think of many useful ideas to help solving the problems. And I think he can be a
model of each child. He is brave, clever and friendly. The characters were looking for freedom in
the whole story. Why is freedom so important? It is because they want to do what they like and not
to be controlled. I will treasure freedom. This book is not just an entertaining but an educational one.
It is worth reading! I enjoy freedom too so when I was reading this book, I was in sympathy with
Jim. I think you will agree with me after you read it. Friendship and freedom are very important in
our lives.