Theme Analysis Essay Requirements

Theme Analysis Essay
The theme of a work of literature is the comment the author makes about
his subject matter, a revelation about the behavior of human beings or the
conduct of society; an insight into the human condition. It is the insight we gain
from thinking about what we have read. The theme of a literary work is its
underlying central idea, or the generalization it communicates about life. At
times, the author’s theme may not confirm or agree with your own beliefs, but
even then, if it is skillfully written, the work will still have a theme that
illuminates some aspects of true human experience.
Questions for Theme Analysis (Things to think about as you are reading)
1. What important idea or theme does this literary work convey? Is there
message about human nature?
2. What do characters do that helps illustrate this idea?
3. What do characters say that helps to illustrate this idea?
4. What events take place in the text that help to illustrate this idea?
5. Are there any recurrent images or clusters of images? Do these images
support the idea or theme that you find in the work?
6. What does the narrator say that helps to illustrate this idea?
Writing your Essay
Choose one theme to write your analysis (question #1). Next, you need to
form your thesis statement (See your Literary Analysis Thesis Handout).
Provide at least three examples (text evidence) from the novel to illustrate the
theme, which will be the components of each of your three body paragraphs.
Incorporate at least two quotes per body paragraph to support your examples.
You must lead into the quote, and also provide an explanation as to why the
quote is relevant or significant after you quote it. Effectively show how the quote
helps to prove your point.
Follow the outline below--
Introductiono Use one or two sentences to “hook” the reader.
o Describe in general, how the author expresses the theme, i.e. by
using characterization, symbolism, setting or conflicts, etc. (refer to
your Literary Devices Handout).
o State the theme you conclude from the book(your thesis)
Body-Write three paragraphs to explain how the author expresses the
theme in his book. To describe each example, you need to include the
following information.
o What happened? What did the character do related to the theme?
o What did the character say or think (quotes from the character, or
the narrator)?
o What is the consequence of his/her action? What is the significance
or underlying meaning?
o Paraphrase the thesis statement and give an overall review of your
analysis. Your conclusion gives your reader something to take
away that will help them see things differently or appreciate your
o Play the “So What” Game; why is this topic/analysis important or
worth considering?
What you need to know:
I must see your rough draft before you begin your final essay.
After you complete your final essay, carefully proofread it, or have
someone else proofread it.
Your paper should be 1-2 pages typed, double-spaced, use Times New
Roman font, and 12pt. size.
Follow MLA formatting for your header (see next page).
Parenthetical Citation