English 9

Ms. Shields
Syllabus, Supplies, Class Rules, & Grading
Welcome to English! Please read all of the following information carefully so that
you will know how to prepare and be successful in this class!
English is comprised of several different “mini-subjects,” such as literature, grammar,
spelling, vocabulary, writing, etc. I try to plan each class period in such a way that you are
doing something different approximately every 30 minutes. This class gives you much of
the knowledge you must have to pass the state test you will take in English 10 next year.
You will need the following supplies no later than _______________.
 One inch or larger three-ring binder for ENGLISH only with five dividers. Label and
place in your notebook in the following order: DOL/TEST PREP, SPELLING/VOCAB,
 Loose-leaf paper (no wire notebooks)
 Yellow highlighter
 Two packs of index cards, small or large, lined or unlined
 Blue or black ink pens AND pencils for scantron tests
 Paperback thesaurus, to be kept at home
 One composition book, to be kept in class
 According to your last name, please bring one of the following:
o A-L: One roll of paper towels
o M-Z: One box of Kleenex
Grading will occur on most assignments, including classwork, writing, quizzes, projects, etc.
You will receive timely feedback on all graded work. You are expected to keep up with
anything returned to you by placing it in the proper area of your notebook. Most major
tests are not returned to you; however, you will be able to see your grade and what you
missed. Essays are kept in class and are sent home at the end of the semester for parents
to view. Breakdown of grading is as follows:
Weekly spelling/vocabulary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20%
Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35%
Projects/Essays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25%
Homework/Classwork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20%
Freshman English is a critical class because you learn many of the skills needed to pass the
English Subject Area Test in the 10th grade. You cannot be successful in this class if you
do not come to school regularly. Make sure you read and understand this section as
you will be signing for it at the end of this syllabus.
Two (2) absences per 9 weeks may be excused with a parent note
Doctors’ excused absences have no limit
If a student is over his parent excused notes or comes to school with no note, the
absence is unexcused. Any work done that day and/or any projects and assignments
due will receive a grade of zero.
Students have two (2) days for each day missed to get make-up work completed
and/or schedule a time for a missed test. If work is not completed within that time,
a grade of zero will be given for the assignment(s).
Field trips require that any work you may miss be done BEFORE you leave on the
field trip.
 It is the student’s responsibility to get the work out of the folder
 Students must schedule a time other than class time to make up a missed test or
to receive additional help. Allowing you to make up work during class only puts you
further behind since you are missing a current lesson to work on something missed.
Schedule a time—don’t tell me, “I need to make this up.”
No eating/drinking in class with the exception of bottled water.
Be in your seat with pencils sharpened ready to work BEFORE the tardy bell rings.
Have all required materials with you each day.
Talk when given permission to do so.
NO putting your head on the desk at any time.
DO NOT leave your seat or line up at the door in anticipation of the bell!
Hoodies are NOT to be worn in class.
 Verbal warning
 Name and check—current week’s vocab words and definitions 10x each
 Name and 2 checks—current week’s vocab words 20x each; parent contacted
 Name and 3 checks—current week’s vocab words 30x each; parent contacted
 Name and 4 checks—referral to the office
Openly defiant or seriously disruptive behavior will result in immediate
referral to the office.
A parent’s signature is required to watch any movie in my class. Assignments are given for
most of these movies, so if you are unable to view a certain movie, or if you fail to return
the signature slip, you will go to the library and work on an alternate assignment. Parents,
please read descriptions and ratings carefully so that you may sign the appropriate
place at the end of this syllabus.
SIMON BIRCH: The inspirational story of a young boy who struggles not with the handicap
he was born with but with living a life of meaning and purpose. Used with short story unit.
Rated PG-13. Some mild language.
ROMEO AND JULIET: We will watch this film after we read the play in class. The 1997
Baz Luhrman production stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Clare Danes. Rated PG-13 for violence.
KILLING MR. GRIFFIN: We will watch this film after reading the novel in class. A story
of peer pressure and regret. Rated PG.
Short 30-minute episodes taken from MTV’s critically
acclaimed series, “Fight for your Rights: Take a Stand Against Discrimination.” The
episodes document teenagers and the dangers that come from stereotyping and cliques.
Used with a non-fiction unit the second nine weeks. Films are not rated.
NO ONE WOULD TELL: A made for television movie that chronicles the cycle of an
abusive teen relationship. Used with a non-fiction unit the second nine weeks. Not rated.
THE ODYSSEY: This film is used after we read an excerpt of the Greek epic in class.
Chronicles the journey of Odysseus, a Trojan War hero whose journey home was cursed by
the gods. Distributed by the Hallmark channel. Rated PG.
DEAD POET’S SOCIETY: Robin Williams stars as a teacher at an all-boys’ prep school who
uses unconventional methods to get his students interested in poetry. Rated PG.
SUPERNATURAL: As rewards on occasion, students will watch episodes from this critically
acclaimed television series. Reviews and information can be found at Amazon.com.
 Grammar—Heath Grammar and Composition
 Literature—Prentice Hall, Gold Edition
 Killing Mr. Griffin by Lois Duncan (an ALA best book for young adults)
You may call the school at 875-8418, and I will try to return your call the same day. You
may also e-mail me at cshields@jaco.k12.ms.us with your child’s name in the subject line.
You can also reach me on my cell phone at 861-0174 after school hours. Students, you may
text as long as your questions are directly related to class assignments. Please do not call
or text after 9 p.m.
 Homework: Homework is frequently graded on completion; however, at times it is
graded for accuracy. We will check homework in class so that you will have the
opportunity to ask questions about anything you missed.
Homework Pass: You will receive one homework pass each nine weeks. Homework
passes are only good on HOMEWORK, not projects or essays. You will also have the
opportunity to earn extras throughout the term.
Calendar: Organization is an absolute must for this class. Keep your calendar at
the very front of your notebook and use it!
Late Work: I do not accept late work. Period.
Extra Credit: When extra credit is given, it is offered to the entire class. If you
are interested in extra credit, take advantage of it when it is given.
Vocabulary Tests: Every Thursday, expect a vocabulary test. You have been given
the words in advance for the entire nine weeks; therefore, an absence the day
before a test does NOT excuse you. Insurance: Making flashcards with the word
on one side and the definition on the other will guarantee you a 60/D on your
test. If you complete insurance and make 100 on your quiz, ten points will be
added to your score. Flashcards are due on test day.
Spelling Tests: Every Tuesday, expect a spelling test. You have been given the
words in advance for the entire nine weeks; therefore, an absence the day before a
test does NOT excuse you. Insurance: Writing the spelling words 10 times each
will guarantee you a 60/D on the test. If you complete insurance and make
100 on your quiz, ten points will be added to your score. Due on test day.
Every TUESDAY and THURSDAY, you will have a short journal
assignment. You are not graded on spelling and grammar; you are graded on how
thoroughly you responded to each topic. To receive ANY credit, your response must
be at LEAST a paragraph long. Journals are kept in the classroom.
DOL and Test Prep: On MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY of the first nine
weeks you will complete DOL. TEST PREP will be completed on MONDAY,
WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY of the second nine weeks.
Bathroom: You are NOT allowed to leave class unless you are ill or have a
documented medical condition.
Tutoring: Tutoring is offered every Tuesday and Thursday after school. You may
use this time to make up missed assignments, receive extra help, or retake certain
assignments that you have scored poorly on. Assignments eligible for retake will be
announced to you.
Please read this page carefully and sign in ALL of the appropriate places. Return this
entire page to me.
By signing below, I state that I have fully read and understand the procedures for
Student’s Name: (please print) __________________________________________
Student’s signature: ________________________________
Date: ___________
Parent’s Signature: _________________________________
Date: ___________
VIDEO PERMISSION SIGNATURE: (please check one and sign)
My child has permission to watch EVERY movie listed
My child does not have permission to watch ANY movie listed
My child can watch EVERY movie except for _______________________
Parent: I will be in touch with you throughout the term regarding your child’s progress
in English class. Please provide your contact information and list the order (1, 2, etc)
in which you would like me to attempt to contact you.
_____ Cell phone:
_____ Work:
_____ E-mail:
_____ Home:
_____ Other:
If there is any additional information you would like me to know about your child or if
you would like me to stay in contact with you for any specific reasons, please state: