Fu Jen Catholic University 粗框部分由系辦公室填寫 2010-2011 Department / Code (開課單位/單位代碼) Department of Business Administration/ Course Code (課程代碼) Course Name (課程名稱) F Credit Business Policy S (學分數) 1. Provides the opportunities for students to develop capability for strategic thinking. 2. Provides the opportunities for students to experience the organization learning. 3. Provides the opportunities for students to build up an integrated strategy concept. 4. Provides the opportunities for students to integrated related knowledge of business Course Objectives (課程目標) functions. Prerequisites (先修課程) Course Materials Barney, Jay B., 2007, Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage, Prentice Hall. (課程教材) 1. The Wealth of Nations (by Adam Smith) 2. Harvard Business Review on Managing the Value Chain 3. Vers un monde sans pauvrete (by Muhammad Yunus,and 4. The company: a short history of a revolutionary idea (by John Micklethwait andAdrian Alan Jolis) Reference (參考書目) Wolldridge) 5. The wealth and Poverty of Nations (by David S. Landes) 6. Strategic management ( by Dahhsian Seetoo). 課堂之前測(Pre-test) Evaluation (評量方式) % 期末報告/論文撰述(Team Paper/Theses Writing) % 課堂中的隨堂測試(Quiz) % 課堂參與(Class Participation) % 期中考(筆試)(Midterm Test) % 心得/作業撰寫(Assignment) % 課堂後測/期末考(筆試)(Final Test) % 專題發表(Presentation) % 學生表現側寫報告(Profile Report) % 課堂上實作演練(Role Playing) % 個案分析報告撰寫(Case Report) % 專業團體之證照檢定(Certification) % 個別面試或口試(Oral Exam) % 其他(Others) % 講授(Lecture) 競賽讀書會(Study Group) 個案教學(Case Study) 專題實作(Seminar on Field Research) Pedagogical Methods 電子教學(e-Learning) 產業實習(Internship) (教學方法) 體驗教學(Project Adventure) 服務學習實作(Service Learning) 角色扮演實境教學(Role Playing) 自主學習(Independent Study) 企業競賽遊戲(Business Simulation Game) 對話教學法(Dialogue Teaching) 管理電影(Theater Learning) 其他 Company performance 50% Project team performance 30% Personal performance 20% Course Web (課程網頁) http://www.ba.fju.edu.tw/sining Week Date Topic 1 Case: Excellent fodder Co. 2 Business Theater: Pirates of Silicon Valley 3 Chapter1: What is strategy? Case: Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream, Inc.: Keeping the Mission(s) Alive 4 Chapter2: Firm Performance and Competitive Advantage Case:Jumpstart 5 Barney(2007): Chapter3: Evaluating environmental Threat Case:Computer Reservation Systems: An Industry of Its Own 6 Chapter4: Evaluating environmental opportunities Case:Wal-Mart Stores' Discount Operations 7 Chapter5: Evaluating firm strength and weaknesses: The resource-base view Case:Matching Dell 8 Chapter 6: Cost leadership Case:Nissan Motor Co. Ltd.: Target Costing System Course Outline 9 (課程大綱進度) Chapter 7: Product differentiation Case:Wells Fargo Online Financial Services (A) 10 Chapter 8: Flexibility Case:Arundel Partners: The Sequel Project 11 Chapter 9: Tacit collusion: Cooperation to Reduce competition Case:Forever: De Beers and U.S. Antitrust Law 12 Chapter 10: Vertical integration Strategies Case:Merck-Medco: Vertical Integration in the Pharmaceutical Industry 13 Chapter 11: Diversification Strategies Case:Asahi Glass Co.: Diversification Strategy 14 Chapter 12: Implementing corporate diversification Case:Johnson & Johnson (A) 15 Chapter 13: Strategic alliances Strategies Case:Daewoo's Globalization: Uz-Daewoo Auto Project 16 Chapter 14: Mergers and Acquisitions Strategies Case:Kraft General Foods: The Merger (A) 17 Chapter 15: International Strategies Case:Philips vs. Matsushita: A New Century, a New Round 全人教育 做中學 Mission (Holistic Education) (Learning by doing) (本課程與管理學院 人本價值 整合資源 創新知識 國際視野 使命之關係) (Human-centric values) (Resource integration) (Innovative knowledge) (International view) Contribution to 厚植學生之基礎管理專業知識及解決問題的能力。 (Each student should be able to analyze and solve management problems. This learning goal is met through course embedded exams and a year long project course in the junior and senior years.) 培養學生理性分析及創新思維的能力。 (Each student should be able to perform a rational analysis and propose innovative ideas. This learning goal is met through a year long project.) Contribution to learning goals (本課程能達成開課 單位的哪些目標-院) 蘊育學生人本關懷及親身服務之實踐倫理的態度及意願。 (Each student should be willing to show human compassion and render professional services as an ethical practice. This learning goal is met through service-learning activities.) 奠定學生轉化理論於實際行動的能力。 (Each student should be able to put theory into practice. This learning goal is met through a year long project.) 養成學生之國際視野,並展現其國際化特性的能力。 (Each student should be able to cultivate a global view. This learning goal is met through English language courses, courses taught in English, and courses taught by foreigners.) 培養學生善用資訊科技以統整資源的能力。 (Each student should be able to use information technology to integrate resources. This learning goal is met through embedded exams in required IT courses.) 培養學生整合管理知識及解決問題之能力 (Each student should be able to use their management expertise to solve problems related to their specialty. This learning goal is met through a year long project.) 培養學生邏輯思考及創新之能力 (Each student should be able to think innovatively and independently. This learning goal is met through case studies and a year long project.) 蘊育學生人本精神及團隊合作之能力 Contribution to learning goals (Each student should be able use teamwork and collaboration in the accomplishment of group tasks. This learning goal is met through projects.) (本課程能達成開課 培養學生兼具理論及實務觀照的視野及能力 單位的哪些目標-系) (Each student should be able to explain management theory. This learning goal is met through course embedded exams.) 拓展學生國際視野及跨國經營之能力 (Each student should be able to view management problems with an international perspective. This learning goal is met through courses taught in English, and courses taught by foreigners) 培養學生善用資訊科技與整合資源的能力 (Each student should be able to make the best use of information technology. This learning goal is met through embedded exams.) Instructor Name: Zongying Zhou (老師資料) E-mail: tychou@mail.fju.edu.tw Phone: 29052649 Office Hour: Mon.-Wed. 9:00~16:00 Room: SL423