To Kill a Mocking Bird – Chapters 6 and 7 Questions

To Kill a Mocking Bird – Chapters 6 and 7 Questions
Chapter 6
Q1. Atticus’s most severe lesson so far comes just before the climax
point which takes us halfway through the first part of the novel; The
children being shot at by Nathan Radley and Jem losing his shorts.
Notice how the contacts with Boo Radley have become progressively
more serious. The game has got out of control. On page 59 there is a
terrifying description of Radley’s shadow moving towards Jem.
Quote it and comment on how skilfully Lee moves from humour “I
made perhaps one step per minute” to fear. (Style)
 “then I saw the shadow…. Returning as it had come”
 Ghostly appearance
 Adds to the mystery
 Suggests a proximity
 Imagination runs wild
 Shadow appears larger than the figure itself
 Adds to the suspense
Q2. Notice how Jem thinks of Scout as they run away (P59) “hurry,
Scout!” This is important as before (P15) Scout joked about how
Jem’s sense of responsibility left him. This is a crucial experience for
Jem in his growing up process. It is touching to see how he addresses
his little sister before he goes to collect his shorts (p62) Can you find
the quote. This is the first time he has spoken to her in such
endearing terms. (Jem’s character)
 “sleep little three-eyes”
 Says it lovingly
 Deep down Jem loves Scout
Q3. Quote Scout’s words from P62 that illustrate that she is, of
course, affected by the values of her community. (The common view
that black people somehow belong to the night and are not part of
civilised society.) We’ll see a different view of the black community
after this important turning point in the plot. (Racial prejudice and
 “every passing negro laughing in the night was Boo Radley
loose and after us”
 The community believe that black people are to be feared and
this has engendered itself into scouts thinking
Q4. Quote and analyse from the top of (P62) how Lee shows Scout’s
fear. (Style)
 “insects splashing against the screen were boo radleys insane
fingers picking the wires to pieces the, chinaberry trees were
malignant, hovering, alive. I lingered between sleep and
wakefulness until I heard Jem murmur”
 Her fear is manifested into everyday occurrences
 She’s so scared she cant sleep
 She was imagining horrible things
Q5. Quote two lines from Jem’s speech (P62) to show Jem does not
want the shame of having Atticus find out what has happened and
that he knows what he did was wrong. (Character – Jem, structure
and theme of education)
 “Atticus ain’t ever whipped since I can remember, I wanta
keep it that way”
 “mabey so but I just wana keep it that way scout. We
shouldna done that tonight scout”
Q6. What hint is there right at the end of the chapter to suggest that
Jem is suffering in silence? Notice this stoicism is more like the way
Atticus would behave. (Jem’s character and theme of education)
 He goes straight to bed, and doesn’t say anything, we are just
told that his cot is trembling “wordlessly he held up his
pants. He lay down and for a while I heard his cot
Chapter 7
Q7. Quote from page 64 to show how Scout has learned Atticus’s lesson about understanding
people from (P33). (Scout’s character and theme of understanding)
Q8. Notice Lee’s technique of withholding crucial information on page 64. Jem reveals that
someone mended and laid out his trousers for him. Why would Lee have Jem reveal this to Scout
later? (Jem’s character, style and structure)
Q9. By doing this for Jem Boo Radley shows the kind of understanding that Atticus is trying to
teach his children Why is this ironic? (think about how he is treated by the community) (Setting
and theme of understanding)
Q10. What is the significance of Boo’s next gift to the children? (p65) (Symbolism)
Q11. Why does Jem cry at the end of this chapter? He did so at the end of the previous chapter. Is
there any connection? (Jem’s character and structure)