Booklist - Hardy Detective Agency

Plot Summary
# 1 The Tower
Frank and Joe Hardy launch their careers as
detectives by solving the case of Hurd
Applegate’s missing treasure
When Mr. Hardy disappears while
investigating a mystery surrounding a vacant
house rumored to be either haunted or an
abode for criminals, the Hardy Boys search
for the truth.
Frank and Joe unravel two mysteries, one
involving a counterfeiting case and the other
concerned with a national security case their
father is working on. Determined to learn the
secret of the old mill, Frank and Joe employ a
clever ruse to gain entrance, only to find
themselves trapped.
Did the crooks mistakenly take Chet and Biff
(the Hardy's friends)instead of Joe and
Frank? When the Hardy Boys set out to solve
the mystery of their missing chums, they
discover a gang hide-out in a cave on an
island along the way.
In this book the Hardy Boys are in the west
searching for clues about gold that was lost
twenty-five years ago.
The Hardy Boys help Jack Dodd and his
father locate a missing treasure.
# 2 The House
on the Cliff
# 3 The Secret of
the Old Mill
# 4 The Missing
# 5 Hunting For
Hidden Gold
# 6 The Shore
Road Mystery
# 7 The Secret of Frank and Joe solve a mystery involving the
disappearance of a professor, a hot-tempered
the Caves
# 8 The Mystery
of Cabin Island
# 9 The Great
Airport Mystery
# 10 What
Happened at
# 11 While the
Clock Ticked
# 12 Footprints
Under the
# 13 The Mark
on the Door
hermit, sabotage at the new Bayport Coastal
Radar Station, and the Honeycomb Caves.
The Hardy Boys solve the mystery of Elroy
Jefferson's missing stamp collection while
camping on Jefferson's Cabin Island retreat
on their Christmas vacation.
The Hardy Boys thwart a mail robbery attempt
When Frank and Joe try to get hold of a top
secret invention, they are put on the trail of
jewel thieves and smugglers.
The Hardy Boys solve the mystery of the
secret locked room in Raymond Dalrymple's
spooky mansion.
The Hardy Boys break up a ring smuggling
and extorting illegal Chinese aliens.
The Hardy Boys and Mr. Hardy travel to
Mexico to locate a missing witness in an oil
rights trial.
Read Have Want
# 14 The Hidden
Harbor Mystery
# 15 The Sinister
# 16 A Figure in
# 17 The Secret
# 18 The Twisted
# 19 The
# 20 The Mystery
of the Flying
# 21 The Clue of
the Broken Blade
# 22 The
Flickering Torch
The Hardys are asked by a newspaper owner
to help him be proved innocent in a lawsuit.
When the Hardys get to Georgia they face
many dangers (including getting attacked by a
swamp monster).
It all starts when Fenton Hardy, is engaged by
an experimental race car and motor designer
to investigate a series of mysterious
accidents. Three of his drivers have crashed
because the windshields of their cars were
suddenly crazed, thus cutting off forward
vision. Frank and Joe uncover one slim clue.
Each of the drivers had seen a signpost
marked 'Danger' shortly before the accident.
The Hardy Boys foil the fake eye surgery "Eye
Syndicate" of quack Dr. Grafton.
Revision: The Hardy Boys smash the "Evil
Eye" theft ring.
The Hardy Boys go deep sea diving to
recover the treasure from the sunken Katawa
and foil the plans of the thuggish Gus Kuntz.
The Hardy Boys defeat "The Order of The
Twisted Claw" smuggling gang.
The Hardy Boys foil a robbery gang using the
weird inventions of Eben Adar.
A sleek new hydrofoil is scheduled to start
ferrying passengers between Bayport and
Cape Cutlass. But business enemies of the
hydrofoil owner have stirred up a hornet's
nest of violent opposition among small boat
owners. Fearing sabotage, he begs Frank
and Joe Hardy to guard the Flying Express on
her maiden trip. Startling developments
plunge the teenage-detectives into a
dangerous chase by sea, air, and land in
pursuit of a gang of hardened criminals who
operate by the signs of the Zodiac.
While searching for the guard end of a broken
saber that will solve one mystery, the Hardy
brothers become involved with a gang of bank
Two unexplainable plane crashes near an
airport on the East Coast plunge Frank and
Joe Hardy into a bizarre case. When their
famous detective father is called to New York
City by a group of insurance companies to
investigate air freight thefts at Kennedy
International Airport, Mr. Hardy asks Frank
and Joe to take over his current case of the
suspicious plane accidents.
Original: The Hardy Boys solve the mystery
of Asa Grable's missing silk moths and the
theft of construction materials.
# 23 The Melted
# 24 The ShortWave Mystery
# 25 The Secret
# 26 The
# 27 The Secret
of Skull Mountain
# 28 The Sign of
the Crooked
# 29 The Secret
of the Lost Tunnel
# 30 The Wailing
Siren Mystery
# 31 The Secret
of Wildcat Swamp
# 32 The
Frank and Joe Hardy suspect that their best
friend Chet Morton is the victim of a summer
school swindle and offer to help get his
money back.
Original: The Hardy Boys foil a coin
counterfeiting ring who are stealing valuable
rare coins and melting them down to make
counterfeits of circulating coinage.
When thieves hijack a collection of stuffed
animals from a country auction, Frank and
Joe Hardy pursue the getaway car and are
drawn into a thrilling mystery.
The Hardy Boys solve a kidnapping mystery
at the weird Mead House, which lacks both
door knobs and hinges. While working on this
mystery, the boys assist their detective father
in tracking down a highly organized ring of
thieves who are robbing warehouses of
television and stereo equipment.
The Hardy brothers embark on a freighter trip
under mysterious circumstances and find
themselves involved with a smuggling ring.
There is a crisis in Bayport! Soon the city will
be without water! Every night water strangely
disappears from the new reservoir near Skull
Mountain. Frank and Joe Hardy join forces
with a team of skilled engineers to solve the
baffling mystery.
With only the slender clue of an arrow-shaped
tie clasp, Frank and Joe Hardy pick up the
trail of a cunning gang of thieves responsible
for a wave of jewelry-store holdups.
The Hardy boys travel to the Deep South to
vindicate a long-dead Confederate general,
disgraced during the Civil War because he
was accused of stealing hidden gold
belonging to a bank.
When their SOS is ignored in a storm, the
Hardy boys find a wallet containing two
thousand dollars alongside their boat and are
launched into a mystery involving diverse
An invitation from Cap Bailey, science teacher
at Bayport High, to accompany him out West
to Wildcat Swamp on an archaeological
expedition triggers off a series of dangerous
events for Frank and Joe Hardy.
The Hardy boys find the missing deed to an
Indian's land, prevent a phony salesman from
carrying through a reckless scheme, and help
# 33 The Yellow
Feather Mystery
# 34 The Hooded
Hawk Mystery
# 35 The Clue in
the Embers
# 36 The Secret
of Pirate’s Hill
# 37 The Ghost at
Skeleton Rock
# 38 The Mystery
at Devil’s Paw
their father solve a top secret case.
The Hardy Boys go to the Woodson Academy
to solve the mystery of a missing will.
When their peregrine falcon brings down a
homing pigeon carrying rubies, the Hardy
brothers find themselves involved with
In solving the mystery of two medallions
missing from an inherited curio collection, the
Hardys wind up in a desolate area of
Guatemala at the mercy of dangerous thugs.
Hired to locate an old Spanish cannon, the
Hardy brothers uncover an even greater
treasure after perilous underwater
adventures. It all starts when Frank and Joe
are skin diving just for fun and the thrill of
exploring the undersea world. Suddenly, deep
in the waters that flow near the foot of Pirates'
Hill, a mysterious skin diver fires a spear
through Frank's air hose.
The Hardy Boys head to the Caribbean to
thwart a plot to fund a Cuban revolution and
build an atomic weapon.
The Hardy Boys head up to Alaska to solve
some mysterious disappearances and break
up a plot to steal a lost US moon rocket.
The Hardy Boys and Chet become owners of
the Chinese junk Hai Hau which contains a
hidden treasure.
# 39 The Mystery
of the Chinese
The Hardy Boys search the California desert
# 40 Mystery of
for a missing industrialist, and break up a
the Desert Giant
# 41 The Clue of
the Screeching
# 42 The Viking
Symbol Mystery
# 43 The Mystery
of the Aztec
# 44 The
Haunted Fort
gang of criminals.
Frank and Joe go to the Pocono Mountains to
investigate the mystery of a legendary witch
who stalks Black Hollow seeking vengeance.
Disappearances occur and strange screams
fill the night.
In the Northwest Territories of Canada, the
Hardy brothers and Chet Morton help to
recover a stolen Viking relic.
The handwritten will of a deceased worldtraveler is strange and mysterious. Its cryptic
instructions are to deliver 'the valuable Aztec
warrior to the rightful owner, a descendant of
an Aztec warrior.' What is the valuable object
and where is it? What is the name of the
owner and where is he? Frank and Joe Hardy
have only one slim clue to work with: the
name of a complete stranger who can help
find the answers.
Vicious traps and threats beset Frank, Joe,
and Chet as they search for two stolen,
famous paintings in an old fort said to be
inhabited by a ghost. One of the paintings is a
# 45 The Mystery
of the Spiral
# 46 The Secret
Agent on Flight
# 47 The Mystery
of the Whale
# 48 The Arctic
Patrol Mystery
# 49 The Bombay
# 50 Danger on
Vampire Trail
# 51 The Masked
# 52 The
Shattered Helmet
# 53 The Clue of
the Hissing
# 54 The
# 55 The
# 56 The Jungle
# 57 The
clue to the hiding place of a chain of gold.
The Hardy boys track down the saboteurs
who kidnapped their father. They and their
friends head to Kentucky to bring the
kidnappers to justice.
When their father fails to reappear after taking
part in a magician's act Joe and Frank Hardy
discover an international spy ring is involved.
While helping their father search for the "Ivory
Idol," Joe and Frank discover a connection
between their current case at a carnival in
town, a stuffed whale dug up at a local
construction site, and the "Ivory Idol."
While searching in Iceland for a missing sailor
sought by an insurance company, the teenage detective brothers uncover a plot
threatening the life of a United States
astronaut and the secrets of NASA's moon
Frank and Joe Hardy become involved in a
case affecting national security when Joe
dials a wrong telephone number and gets the
Pentagon. Two words--'Bombay Boomerang'-that the boys hear before the line goes dead
plunge them into a whirlpool of danger and
intrigue. In a race against time the three
Hardys foil a diabolical scheme to create
widespread havoc in the United States.
Chet, Biff and the Hardy Boys head to the
Colorado Rockies to smash a credit card
forgery syndicate.
The Hardy brothers' search for the missing
son of a wealthy industrialist leads them to
Brazil and great danger.
The Hardy brothers' visiting Greek pen pal
enlists their help in searching for a priceless
ancient Greek helmet loaned to and lost by a
Hollywood movie company years before.
Their efforts to recover a stolen ancient chess
piece lead the Hardy brothers to Hong Kong
where they help smash an international
criminal organization.
The Hardy Boys travel from Jamaica to
Morocco to solve the mystery of an ancient
bronze death mask and help Mr. Hardy break
up an airline ticket theft ring.
The Hardy Boys travel to England and the Isle
of Man and battle black magic to solve a
The search for missing gold takes the Hardy
boys to the Yucatan Peninsula where they
uncover a second mystery.
The launching of the Firebird Rocket is
endangered when a famous rocket scientist
Firebird Rocket
# 58 The Sting of
the Scorpion
# 59 Night of the
# 60 Mystery of
the Samurai
# 61 The
Pentagon Spy
# 62 The
Apeman’s Secret
# 63 The Mummy
# 64 Mystery of
Smugglers Cove
# 65 The Stone
# 66 The
disappears without a trace on his way to the
Woomera Monitoring Station in Australia.
Assigned to the case, Fenton Hardy tells his
sons he needs their help. And Frank and Joe
must turn down a request that they find the
missing son of a prominent senator.
During Mr. Hardy's investigation of a ruthless
gang of terrorists, Frank and Joe witness an
explosion in the sky near an airborne dirigible
owned by Quinn Air Fleet. They decide to
look into the matter. The first clue takes them
into a new animal park outside Bayport,
where they are lured into a trap by an
unknown enemy.
Frank and Joe are trying solve a big mystery
on a vacation to the Adirondack mountains.
There, they hear howls every night! Who is
making them?
A reclusive Japanese business tycoon that
Mr. Hardy has been hired to protect,
disappears shortly after arriving in the U.S.
With their father's reputation tarnished, Frank
and Joe set out to find the missing man and
to locate a stolen samurai sword that used to
belong to the tycoon's family.
The Hardys try to catch antique weathervane
thieves and their father tries to find a missing
Navy employee with a top secret document.
Mr. Hardy asks Frank and Joe to find a
teenage girl he believes has joined a religious
cult; also, a comic book publisher asks for
help when one of comic book characters
comes to life and starts terrorizing people.
Frank and Joe are asked to safeguard an
Egyptian mummy being transported from a
New York museum to Egypt and to locate five
valuable Egyptian statuettes stolen from the
museum. Also, Mr. Hardy asks the boys help
in stopping a gang of rebels on a small
Mediterranean island nation.
A Bayport art-collector, Raymond Wester,
suspects Frank and Joe of stealing one of his
paintings, but offers them the chance to prove
their innocence, so Frank, Joe Chet and Biff
head to Smuggler's Cove in the Florida Keys
to track down the painting and the real
Frank and Joe are hired to go to Chile to find
a stolen Easter Island stone idol and also go
to Antarctica to help their father catch a gang
of thieves.
Frank, Joe and Chet head to Los Angeles to
track down a ring of car thieves and to find a
rare, valuable coin stolen from Chet's cousin,
# 67 The
Outlaw’s Silver
# 68 The
Submarine Caper
[also called
Deadly Chase]
# 69 The FourHeaded Dragon
# 70 The Infinity
# 71 Track of the
# 72 The Voodoo
# 73 The Billion
Dollar Ransom
# 74 Tic-TacTerror
# 75 Trapped at
# 76 Game Plan
for Disaster
# 77 The
Crimson Flame
# 78 Cave-In
# 79 Sky
The Hardy Boys are given clues which send
them in search of the treasure hidden by the
Outlaw of the Pine Barrens.
While in Germany, Frank and Joe investigate
a case of sabotage on an inventor's minisubmarine and the theft of valuable medieval
paintings which had been lost after being
hidden during World War II.
Sam Radley has lost his memory, then he is
kidnapped from the hospital. What’s going
After receiving a mysterious message from
their father, Frank and Joe go to Washington,
D.C. and become the target of terrorists.
A teenage boy asks Frank and Joe to go
come to his home in Vermont to investigate a
series of forest fires which he believes have
been set by a zombie. Also, a circus owner
asks Frank and Joe for help when his Big Top
is plagued by accidents.
Frank, Joe and Chet go to New Orleans to
follow up a clue to a series of art gallery
robberies in the Bayport area. Also a friend
asks them to help his grandfather whose jazz
club has been targeted by a voodoo cult.
A magician's convention is being held in
Bayport and Frank and Joe are asked to help
ensure that everything runs smoothly. Also,
the old opera house, which is under
renovation, is plagued by a series of
accidents which are apparently caused by a
After developing film from a beach trip, the
Hardys find photos of six men they have
never seen before. It turns out they are all the
same person!
It’s a race against time to defuse a horrible
atom bomb plot and corner the elusive
Frank and Joe are hired as bodyguards for a
college football star who has been plagued by
a series of strange accidents.
Frank and Joe rescue an Arizona rancher
who is nearly mugged in a New York subway.
The thief is after a giant ruby which the
rancher had just purchased at an auction.
When strange things begin to happen at the
rancher’s home, Frank and Joe are on the
While in a former mining town near Lake
Tahoe to investigate the disappearance of a
movie actor, Frank and Joe become involved
in a decades-old feud between the town's
Frank and Joe go to Florida to help prevent a
# 80 The Roaring
River Mystery
# 81 The
Demon’s Den
# 82 The
Blackwing Puzzle
# 83 The Swamp
# 84 Revenge of
the Desert
# 85 The Skyfire
# 86 The Mystery
of the Silver Star
# 87 Program for
# 88 Tricky
ruthless communications firm from sabotaging
the launch of another firm's satellite and, also,
end up looking for two porpoises stolen an
employee of the space center.
Clues in a million-dollar bank robbery in
Washington, D.C. lead Frank, Joe and Chet
to the Maine wilderness where they join a
white-water raft race.
Frank & Joe investigate a cult that may be
producing a deadly bacteria during a vacation
in Vermont.
Occasionally there's a "ghost" in Hardy Boys
books. They never end up being real ghosts,
so why is there another one? Could it possibly
be a real ghost?
Greed for oil and timber, giant alligators,
killers, and death threats.
The Hardy boys help a young woman find her
way to her people in Africa in time to lead a
revolution against a tyrannical government of
rebels. Through dense jungles hiding armedto-kill enemies and over parched desert
with no protection from the blinding sun, the
boys and their friend Chet
Morton do whatever they must in order to
ensure Nikki's safety--putting
their own lives in terrible danger.
The gloomy mysterious marshes of
Okefenokee Swamp and the high-tech
splendor of America's space center at NASA
provide the setting for this action-packed
thriller of international - and universal! intrigue. Frank and Joe Hardy travel to
Florida for one of their most exciting, and
important, cases ever.
The Hardy brothers agree to help a bicyclist
riding an experimental bicycle--the Silver
Star--when Keith starts having too many
unexplained accidents. They agree just in
time--the Silver Star is stolen . . . and Keith
soon disappears!
Arnold Stockard has created the car of the
future - then the robotic assembly line of his
CompuCar Company is sabotaged, and he
offers the Hardys his latest model, a CC2000, to find out who is behind the suspicious
accidents. When the onboard computer
malfunctions, however, the Hardy Boys'
dream car turns into a death trap. The key to
the computer chaos lies back at the factory,
where Frank and Joe must put an end to the
robot madness before it puts Stockard AND
the Hardys out of business for good!
The Hardy boys infiltrate a business
organization called Trusty Teens and discover
# 89 The Sky
Blue Frame
# 90 Danger on
the Diamond
# 91 Shield of
# 92 The Shadow
# 93 The
Serpent’s Tooth
# 94 Breakdown
in Axeblade
# 95 Danger on
the Air
# 96 Wipeout
# 97 Cast of
# 98 Spark of
an explosive secret sideline.
Frank and Joe are framed when they're asked
to stage a fake crime at the Sky Blue Inn for a
mystery weekend. When the robbery
becomes real, the Hardy Boys are the prime
When Joe leads his fellow baseball campers
in a cheer at the day's end, the stands where
they all are perched come crashing down.
And that's just the first in a sinister chain of
events at the camp.
Frank and Joe travel to Philadelphia with their
father to assist the police commissioner with
two difficult cases. When Fenton Hardy is
kidnapped, Frank and Joe must go all out
against a sinister underworld gangster to
rescue their father.
Frank and Joe take up karate and are
plunged into a deadly mystery of the Orient.
Local karate tournaments are being
threatened, and the boys connect the cases
to an armory robbery investigation their father
is conducting.
When a rare, deadly snake is found missing
from the Bayport Zoo, all the clues point to
Phil Cohen, a friend of the Hardys. Frank and
Joe believe that Phil is innocent, even though
more snakes are found in Phil's basement.
The case turns deadly when a black market
lab that extracts venom for sale is discovered.
When their car breaks down, the Hardys must
travel to the small town of Axeblade to get
repairs. But something strange is happening.
When the brothers go camping in a nearby
National Park, they get ambushed!
Original reels of a popular '50s sitcom could
be the gold mine that a financially ailing local
television station needs. But a strange villain,
calling himself the Masked Marauder, wants
the station out of business. If Frank and Joe
don't find him, they may just have a real-life
crime series on their hands.
The international windsurfing competition for
the coveted Almanarre Cup is coming up, and
someone is trying to do in the top
competitors. The Hardys travel to Villa
Dombray in the South of France on this
dangerous mission.
When Frank and Joe take on bit parts in the
Bayport community theater production, they
get more drama--and mystery--than they
bargained for. Now, if they don't stop a
desperate thief, it could be curtains for the
Bayport Players.
The Hardys get an anonymous tip--someone
# 99 Dungeon of
#100 The Secret
of the Island
#101 The Money
#102 Terminal
#103 The
#104 Tricks of
the Trade
#105 The Smoke
Screen Mystery
#106 Attack of
the Video Villains
#107 Panic on
Gull Island
#108 Fear on
is out to sabotage Bayport's annual fireworks
celebration. Investigating the threat, they go
undercover as video filmmakers doing a
documentary on the Old Glory fireworks plant.
The Hardys have been invited to take part in
an action-packed game of Wizards and
Warriors. When one of the players turns up
missing, Frank and Joe set out to find him in
the Dungeon of Doom, an abandoned mine
just outside of town. But the Dungeon of
Doom has become an abyss of danger and
The Hardys go on a treasure hunt using a
map found in Tower Mansion
Strange things are happening at Steve
Johnson's newly inherited hunting lodge, and
when Frank and Joe Hardy agree to
investigate, they discover a band of bank
robbers who are searching for buried loot!
A crafty crook is determined to steal Jim
Lerner's computer disks. If the Hardy Boys
don't stop him, their friend could end up dead-and some high-tech secrets could end up in
the wrong hands!
The Hardys track down a man that
disappeared three years ago after being
accused of stealing a valuable racehorse.
When Frank and Joe attend a magic seminar,
coins and rabbits aren't the only things
vanishing into thin air. Valuable items start
disappearing from the hotel safes--and the
teen sleuths are in the middle of a magical
mystery. If they don't crack this case soon,
the Hardy Boys may vanish, too-permanently!
To track down an arsonist, Frank and Joe go
undercover as firefighters in this sizzling
mystery. Fires have ravaged three buildings
owned by Donald Pierce, and he asks the
Hardy to help him find the culprit.
Joe, Frank and Chet attend a national Hack
Attack tournament in New York City and get
involved in a deadly video game mystery!
Terror is sweeping across the peaceful resort
community of Gull Island, Florida, and Frank
and Joe may be too late to stop it. A rash of
robberies and acts of vandalism have sent
many residents fleeing, leaving a greedy real
estate agent to gobble up their properties at
low rates. And when Joe's girlfriend is
kidnapped, they know they're up against a
dangerous mob of gangsters.
The Hardys rev up for a showdown with
#109 The PrimeTime Crime
#110 The Secret
of Sigma Seven
#111 Three-Ring
#112 The
#113 Radical
#114 The Case of
the Counterfeit
#115 Sabotage at
Sports City
#116 Rock ‘n Roll
#117 The
Baseball Card
#118 Danger in
the Fourth
destruction when they go undercover in the
world of monster trucks, hot rods, and
motorcycle shows. With the help of a pretty
motorcycle stunt rider, Jessica, the Hardys
set out to snare an extortionist--before
anyone gets hurt . . . or worse.
Frank's high school trivia team makes the
championships, and just then the show's host
turns up missing.
When the only copies of director Simon
Devoreaux's latest blockbuster film are stolen,
the worlds of science fiction and fantasy
become dangerously real to Frank and Joe as
they investigate the crime.
Chet has finally found the perfect pastime: a
college for clowns. Bayport's Circus University
is in session, and Chet's one of the first
students in line. But the greatest show on
earth may turn out to be a carnival of crime.
The case catapults the Hardy boys to the
height of danger, and the fireworks are just
beginning to fly.
Invited to test-drive the prototype of a new
world-class sports car, Frank and Joe
unwittingly become involved in a lethal game
of demolition derby as someone plots to steal
the souped-up race car.
With someone trying to harm the star
skateboarder at the Thrashathon skateboard
competition, Frank and Joe Hardy are
determined to beat the skateboarding menace
at his own game.
Investigating the manufacture of defective
athletic equipment at a local sporting goods
store, Frank and Joe Hardy discover that
someone is out to make a killing passing off
defective sneakers.
When someone threatens to bring about the
deaths of fifty-three people at the upcoming
summer Olympics, Frank and Joe Hardy go
undercover to protect the athletes from the
unknown killer.
Bayport's hard rock station, WBBX, has a new
disc jockey, and he calls himself Joltin' Joe
Hardy. But a pirate broadcaster, Skull and
Bones Radio, is jamming the station's signal.
The Hardys trace the operation to an offshore
ship and discover that the pirate radio crew
has a secret stake in sabotaging WBBX.
When the Hardys' friend Biff falls victim to a
counterfeit baseball-card scheme, Frank and
Joe go undercover at a baseball memorabilia
convention in New York City.
While helping their father on an investigation
at a sci-fi theme park, Frank and Joe Hardy
#119 Trouble at
Coyote Canyon
#120 The Case of
the Cosmic
#121 The
Mystery in the
Old Mine
#122 Carnival of
#123 The Robot’s
#124 Mystery
With a Dangerous
#125 Mystery on
Makatunk Island
#126 Racing to
#127 Reel Thrills
#128 Day of the
are horrified when their father is kidnapped,
and soon they are drawn into the fight of their
When the Hardys sign up with a program
called Teen Trails West, their journey through
the wilderness outside Durango, Colorado,
turns into a showdown with a gang of crooked
Chet lands a job flipping burgers at a local
fast-food joint, but comes smack up against a
mystery, when a UFO swoops down and
snatches his boss right out of the parking lot!
Naturally, he turns to Frank and Joe for
help…but the mystery gets weirder by the
Frank and Joe Hardy travel to the coal mining
town of Ridge City, Pennsylvania, where they
try to find the reason for the kidnapping of Liz
Trimmer, a woman working to protect the city
from underground fires.
Come one! Come all! The carnival's in town.
But, Bayport, beware - a saboteur is on the
loose, determined to crash the party and bring
the big show to a crashing halt. The crowds
may have paid the admission, but for the
Hardys the danger comes free of charge. A
fun house transformed into a house of
horrors...a tunnel of love turned into a tunnel
of fire...a Ferris wheel spinning out of control.
The carnival is a catastrophe waiting to
While attending the Teen Inventors Club
competition in Chicago, Frank and Joe Hardy
discover that someone is trying to sabotage
Roger the Lobber, an automatic tennis ball
retrieval and return unit.
While on vacation in L.A., Frank and Joe
Hardy get jobs as bodyguards for Brian Beat,
the lead singer of a popular dance band, and
find themselves protecting Brian from a killer.
While vacationing with their friend Chet on
Makatunk, an island off the coast of Maine,
Frank and Joe Hardy discover that a group of
saboteurs threatens to destroy the island.
Frank and Joe brave gunfire, rock slides,
water rapids and brush fires as they pedal
their mountain bikes in pursuit of a reckless
cycler determined to win a Southern
California race at any cost.
Investigating incidents of sabotage on
location in Bayport, where producer Mort
Tannenberg is finding scenes from his own
scripts coming true, Frank and Joe take on
the starring roles in an all-too-real thriller.
When the Hardy Boys sign on to help prepare
#129 The
Treasure at
Dolphin Bay
Sidetracked to
#131 Crusade of
the Flaming
#132 Maximum
#133 Crime in
the Kennel
#134 CrossCountry Crime
#135 The
#136 The Cold
Cash Caper
#137 HighSpeed Showdown
#138 The
for opening day of the new Bayport museum's
dinosaur park, the teenage sleuths discover
that a deadly, high-tech saboteur is out to put
the museum out of business, forever.
The Hardys' Christmas in paradise, Hawaiistyle, could turn out to be one big wipeout.
Checking out the world-famous dolphin
research center at Nai'a Bay, the Boys
discover that one of the dolphins has suffered
a suspicious injury...and that one of the
researchers has vanished without a trace. All
the evidence points to kidnapping! The
Hardys are headed for treacherous waters-stirring up trouble and swimming with the
Frank and Joe Hardy end up on a crazed
locomotive ride when they investigate the
strange disappearance of an Indiana
millionaire's priceless model train set-up.
Joining in the fun of Avalon, a touring
medieval fair, the Hardy boys are alarmed by
a series of mysterious accidents that are
accompanied by ominous notes that threaten
to bring ruin to the fairgrounds.
When a popular game show comes to
Bayport, the Hardy Boys take on the
champions and learn that the opposing team's
leader hates to lose and is willing to go to any
length to stay on top.
When their friend Iola loses her job at the
Doghouse Pet Motel following the
disappearance of a purebred collie, Frank and
Joe discover that dognappings have occurred
all over Bayport.
Taking a skiing vacation in the Canadian
Rockies, Frank and Joe find themselves
investigating a local bank robbery and running
from a suspect when they accidentally
stumble on an isolated cabin.
Investigating the disappearance of an air taxi
pilot, Frank and Joe uncover evidence of
sabotage that points directly to the missing
man's passenger, millionaire Ian Fairbanks,
who is connected to a national conspiracy.
Volunteering for undercover security work
during the Bayport Winter Festival, Frank and
Joe perform bodyguard duties for an Olympic
gold-medal figure skater and are forced to
ward off a pair of gun-wielding thugs.
Participants in a national boat race that
promises a $10,000 prize to the winners,
Frank and Joe learn that the race may be
rigged in life-threatening ways and find
themselves face-to-face with trouble.
Visiting Anchorage to support their friend
#139 The Search
for the Snow
#140 Slam Dunk
#141 The Desert
#142 Lost in
Gator Swamp
#143 The Giant
Rat of Sumatra
#144 The Secret
of Skeleton Reef
#145 Terror at
High Tide
#146 The Mark
of the Blue Tattoo
#147 Trial and
David, who is competing in the Iditarod, Frank
and Joe learn that David's uncle's hometown
has been attacked by an unknown saboteur
who is decimating the village with firebombs
Investigating the disappearances of Princess
Salamaji of Rashpah and her beautiful snow
leopard, the Hardy brothers are forced to beat
a culprit at his own game when they walk right
into a trap.
The Hardys and their high school basketball
team, the Bayport Bombers, are getting ready
to play for their championship. One more
victory will put them on top, but somebody's
got a different game plan: blast the Bombers
out of contention by knocking Frank and Joe
out of the way... for good. But more than a
basketball game is at stake. The boys are
convinced they're facing a big-league
Visiting the site of Arizona's organ pipe
cactus, Frank and Joe are astonished when
someone begins stealing the rare cacti and
selling them on the black market, and the
boys prepare for a desert showdown.
Attending a swampland rodeo in the
Everglades, Frank and Joe are targeted by a
would-be killer who places the Hardys in the
path of quicksand traps and man-eating
When a hot new musical production comes to
town, Frank and Joe become involved in an
investigation to stop someone who is creating
dangerous accidents to close the curtains
While searching for sunken treasure off the
Caribbean island of St. Lucia, the Hardys
stumble upon a young woman washed up on
the beach and expose a deadly secret lying in
the waters off the island, an explosive
mystery that could get them both killed.
Learning that the Ebony Pearl, which was
shipwrecked some forty years earlier, has
risen from the bottom of the sea near
Nantucket, the Hardys race to the scene to
discover its mystery and to prevent a murder.
The Hardys are out to bust a street gang, but
the gang is out to bust the Hardys' heads-with baseball bats and bicycle chains. A major
new threat is coming to town, and it's up to
Frank and Joe to fight for what's right--and
save the streets of Bayport.
In Manhattan to observe a criminal justice
case, the Hardys believe the accused is being
railroaded. From the upper floors of the
#148 The IceCold Case
#149 The Chase
for the Mystery
#150 The
Crisscross Crime
#151 The Rocky
Road to Revenge
#152 Danger in
the Extreme
#153 Eye on
#154 The
Cruise Caper
Empire State Building to the tunnels beneath
Grand Central Station, the Hardys throw
themselves on the fast track to justice-fighting for both an innocent man and their
Pineview Lake is the perfect place for some
serious ice fishing--and some chilling criminal
activity. With a rash of break-ins, the Hardys
vow to break up this burglary ring, but find
themselves in the line of fire.
Frank and Joe encounter a bizarre
phenomenon: the aftermath of a fierce twister
that defies scientific explanation. To get at the
truth, the Hardys will have to put themselves
in the path of destruction--and face the
explosive fury of a criminal mastermind!.
Bank alarms are going off all over Bayport,
but the robberies are actually happening at
banks on the other side of town. The Hardys
realize that the crooks are using a crisscross
plan as a diversion, but what they don't
realize is that the heist is much bigger than
they had imagined.
Joe and Frank are vacationing in a Rocky
Mountain resort when suddenly a strange
green light brightens up the sky. Three
kidnappings follow. Are they alien abductions
or the work of down-to-earth criminals?.
The Winter Max-Games have hit Bayport, and
danger is running wild. From snowboarding
to sky surfing, sabotage threatens nearly
every event, but Frank and Joe have landed
the most hazardous assignment of all:
safeguarding 16-year-old Neal Jordan, son of
the President of the United States. A plan
concocted by a gang of brazen kidnappers is
so crazy, it just might work.
After the Hardys' girlfriends are hypnotized at
the taping of a daily TV variety show, all
seems fine--until they are arrested the next
day for robbing a jewelry store. Even more
suspicious is the fact that this is the second
store robbery committed by teens in just two
days! Can the boys crack the case and clear
their girlfriends' names?.
Frank and Joe have the ultimate case on their
hands: to judge the sleuthing skills of five
teen detectives in a contest sponsored by
TEENWAY magazine. Even more cool - the
contest takes place on a Caribbean cruise
ship! But it's not long before suspicious
pranks threaten to ruin the contest. How can
the Hardys solve this mystery? With the help
of five teen detectives, of course - along with
their own expert investigating skills.
#155 The Hunt
for the Four
#156 A Will to
#157 The Lure of
the Italian
#158 The London
#159 Daredevils
#160 A Game
Called Chaos
#161 Training for
#162 The End of
the Trail
Summer is starting off swimmingly for Frank,
Joe and Chet as they land jobs at the Konawa
Lake Inn, a scenic resort in the mountains of
North Carolina. A series of mysterious breakins point to a local recluse and his two fiercelooking dogs. But as Frank and Joe
investigate, it seems that almost everyone at
the resort has something to hide. The
strange incidents are somehow connected to
the Four Brothers, a unique group of giant
gemstones recently stolen from a museum.
Frank and Joe go undercover at the
Shorewood Nature Center when Callie, an
intern at the center, asks for their help in
explaining a rash of night noises and
suspicious accidents.
Frank and Joe are spending the summer on
an archaeological dig on an Italian count's
property, and they get to stay in the count's
villa--along with Francesca, his attractive
teenage daughter. But no sooner does Joe
unearth a fabulous cache of jewelry than it
While on a student-exchange program in
England, Frank and Joe help out with the
dress rehearsal for a new murder-mystery
play. But suddenly Joe is nearly cooked by
exploding stage lights! An accident? Maybe.
But when "accidents" start happening all over
the production, a real mystery is in the air.
The Hardys get more than they bargain for
when they help a family friend who also
happens to be Terrence McCauley - one of
Tinseltown's most popular stuntmen.
Swerving sports cars, exploding dynamite,
and punch-throwing actors are all
occupational hazards - but this time they're for
real! Who is trying to kill Terrence? In
Hollywood, everyone's a suspect.
Frank and Joe Hardy aid their friend Phil
Cohen in trying to find a missing software
COST! The combat sports training facility has
just opened in Bayport, and the Hardys are on
hand to check it out. They can practice judo,
fencing, archery, and biathlon, and meet
aspiring athletes from all over.
Hiking the Appalachian Trail with their friends,
Chet, Phil, and Biff, the Hardys hit a snag
when daredevil Biff gets hurt. The old mining
town of Morgan's Quarry is the nearest place
for help. But even the run-down, isolated town
turns menacing when two tough locals drop a
#163 The Spy
That Never Lies
#164 Skin and
#165 Crime in
the Cards
#166 Past and
Present Danger
#167 Trouble
Times Two
bag full of money in front of the brothers!
Joe and Frank are stonewalled when they
ask about the money. The roads are washed
out, the phones are down, and a crumbling
mansion hides a gold mine of secrets. Every
fork in the road leads to more danger...and
everyone in Morgan's Quarry seems bent on
makng sure the boys don't make it out alive!
College student Jake Martins is in trouble,
and the Hardys volunteer to help out.
Securitech, the firm where Jake works, is
wiring the city to catch wrongdoers. But to
pass one of his courses, Jake may have to
reveal some secret information, and now he's
in a bind. When security cameras keep going
off-line and more criminal activity gets city
officials up in arms, Jake is the main suspect.
Cody Chang's San Francisco store could be
considered creepy -- Skin & Bones sells
animal skulls, fish skeletons, reptile skins, and
more. Business is booming, but when Frank
and Joe visit the shop, Cody tells them he's
been the victim of a string of burglaries,
computer thefts, and threatening messages.
The Hardy Boys Creature Cards are hot -and banned from Bayport High. But the
Hardys' friend Chet is really upset when his
confiscated deck is stolen from a teacher's
locked desk. With the big tournament coming
up, Joe and Frank do their best to catch the
thief, and uncover a web of Internet action,
trading, selling, and a criminal scheme to net
giant profits along the way.
Frank and Joe's Aunt Gertrude leads a pretty
quiet life -- until an old high school friend turns
up in Bayport. Clayton Silvers once had a
distinguished career as an investigative
reporter. Then he was accused of falsifying
some of his articles and even taking money to
expose his subjects. Now he's in town,
working on the explosive story that he says
will be his comeback. Aunt Gertrude
staunchly maintains her friend's innocence,
but the Hardys aren't so sure that Silvers is a
sterling character. Since he's been around,
the danger level has escalated.
A social studies project brings newcomer Tom
Gilliam into the Hardys' group. But Tom
doesn't cooperate with the others on the
project, gets into fights, and is even
suspended. Fenton Hardy thinks Tom's
father may be disposing of stolen goods in
Bayport! Then Tom disappears, and the
Hardys discover suspicious activities at the
shipping company where his father works.
Searching for Tom, the boys unearth a
#168 The Castle
#169 Ghost of a
#170 Kickoff to
#171 The Test
#172 Trouble in
Warp Space
#173 Speed
Times Five
network of thieves who mean business.
Hardy Boys Frank and Joe Hardy travel to the
south of France to help Teen Village
International rebuild a deserted town as a
center for refugee children. But local legend
has it that the castle nearby is haunted by the
centuries-old ghost of its lord, who his a
fortune in diamonds within its thick stone
walls. Strange doings are afoot, and the
Hardys are convinced that someone is out to
sabotage the project -- but every road to
solving this case is leading to a dead end....
Years ago Jake "Jumper" Herman bailed out
of a plane in the Great Smoky Mountains and
disappeared -- with a fortune in treasure. Now
Frank and Joe are helping out on a movie
about the escape, working with the animal
wranglers, who handle trained mountain lions
and bears for the film.
But the set seems jinxed. A pretty young
star's stunt leads to a hair-raising accident, a
Bigfoot menaces the crew and cast, and the
ghost of Jumper Herman seems to haunt the
woods. From a strange abandoned shack to
a wild mountain lion, the boys are busy trying
to bail out of big trouble
At Bayport High, Frank has left the football
team to focus on a computer course, and Joe
is trailing behind the team's newest star, Terry
Golden. College recruiters are after Terry,
and all the jocks are eager to join his clique,
called the Golden Boys.
But getting in means hazing, and soon the
pranks are spinning into the danger zone.
When the Hardys' friend Biff is seriously
injured, the brothers start investigating. But
Terry's future is at stake, and a surprise
suspect is out to clip the boys -- at any cost!
A new statewide test has all the students at
Bayport High on edge. Then Joe and his
friend Tony find one of the tests in Tony's
books bag. Joe knows Tony didn't steal it, but
the assistant principal isn't so understanding - he suspends them both!
A week on the set of a TV show should be a
week of fun, but accidents keep on coming,
and they’re not special effects. The Hardys
are there just to watch, but it isn’t long before
they’re part of the action.
Making it to the finish line of the highendurance Fire Creek Mountain Race is going
to be a real challenge for the Hardys. The five
demanding events include downhill mountain
biking, kayaking, cross-country hiking and
climbing, biking through the city streets of
#174 Hide and
#175 Trick or
#176 In Plane
#177 The Case of
the Psychic’s
#178 The
Mystery of the
Black Rhino
Montreal, and a high-speed SeaZoom race on
Lake Champlain. But when dangerous
accidents begin to interfere with the events,
the stakes get higher. The Hardys, along with
their friends and crew, Chet Morton and
Jamal Watkins, learn that they have a secret
competitor -- one who's using the race for a
very unsporting purpose and who will do
whatever it takes to win!
The Hardys' friend Chet answers an ad in the
paper for a role in a student film. There's just
one catch: all participants must have a boat,
so Chet persuades Frank and Joe to get their
motorboat, the SLEUTH, out of mothballs.
Soon the Hardys and the other actors are
chasing one another at high speed across the
bay, running afoul of the harbor patrol. But the
moviemakers aren't the only ones providing
the drama.
Bayport citizens are wild about the Merchant
Association's new Halloween mystery contest.
The prizes for winning include DVD players, a
classic motorcycle, a boat, and even flying
lessons! It's sure to be the biggest social
event of the fall season. When big prizes are
up for grabs, though, some people will do
anything to win -- and it's up to the Hardys to
keep the competition honest.
Attending an air show to help out their friend,
Jamal Hawkins and his dad's air taxi service
should be a nice break from the normal grind
for Frank and Joe Hardy. But when one of
the Hawkinses' planes is mysteriously stolen starting a whole wave of crime at the event the vacation ends, and the hunt for clues
There's a new family in Bayport: psychics
with visions of the past, present and future.
While lots of people are curious about the
psychics, Frank and Joe are skeptical; is this
psychic family for real? When Colin, one
member of the family, starts "seeing" truths
buried in a classmate's past, Frank and Joe
find themselves hunting for clues.
Frank and Joe Hardy follow their father on a
trip to Nairobi for an incredible vacation.
Intrigue has a way of finding the Hardys,
though, and in a short time they become
involved in a dangerous case. Someone's
hunting wild animals for prize skins and tusks,
angering the area's animal rights activists.
When Frank and Joe see some of the horrific
work of the hunters while on safari, they
become determined to help put an end to it.
#179 Passport to
Danger [please
note; there is a
Supermystery of
this same title]
#180 Typhoon
#181 Double
This criminal hunt is fierce. The Hardy boys
find themselves getting closer to danger than
ever before. And after a treacherous hunt for
the culprit, imagine their surprise when the
Hardys learn that they were never far from the
true criminals behind the vicious acts in
Frank and Joe Hardy can't resist an invitation
to volunteer with the crew for a soccer match
in Paris. They will be working at the same
stadium where the World Cup was held a few
years ago! From the moment the Hardys
arrive, though, strange things start happening.
Bleachers collapse during practice, fireworks
are tampered with, and the stadium lighting
system is sabotaged. The stadium -- and
soon most of Paris -- is under attack.
Despite the extreme danger that lies directly
in their path, the Hardys are hot on the case.
Using spy gear like night-vision goggles and
digital voice changers, can Frank and Joe
trap the mastermind behind these crimes?
Visiting San Esteban is supposed to be a
vacation for Frank and Joe Hardy and their
friends, but it doesn't take long for them to
realize that the island is no paradise. Some of
the local inhabitants aren't very friendly to
tourists, and the island itself is crawling with
dangerous wild animals -- some of which take
up residence in the Hardys' bungalow.
As if this isn't enough to worry about,
someone starts dogging the Hardys every
step of the way. Is this person responsible for
most of the "bad luck" they've had? Not even
the worst villain, though, could arrange the
typhoon that turns all of San Esteban into a
death trap. Can the Hardys solve the mystery
of Typhoon Island before they're wiped off the
Frank and Joe Hardy can't believe their good
luck: The Bayport Herald has given them
press passes to cover the Formula One
championship in Indianapolis. They soon
realize, though, that the competition between
the top two racers has gone into overdrive.
After one of the racers lands in the hospital
and the other's garage is burned, Frank and
Joe step in to help find the culprit.
The race is on to solve the mystery, but soon
the brothers find themselves under attack too.
Will Frank and Joe be left in the dust by a
criminal mastermind? Or will they manage to
#182 The Secret
of the Soldier’s
#183 Warehouse
#184 The
#185 Wreck &
crack the case before there's more trouble on
the tracks?
The Hardy Boys and their family are headed
to Lisbon, Portugal and when a friend asks
them to search for gold hidden there by a
relative during World War II, they agree.
While hunting for the hidden gold, they are
pursued and almost captured by neo-fascists
and corrupt police and almost killed during a
thrilling motorboat chase.
A reality-based game show called Warehouse
Rumble has come to Bayport, and Frank and
Joe Hardy are hoping to be among the first
contestants. But when someone finds a
skeleton on the set, production comes to a
screeching halt.
Once filming can begin again, the show is
plagued with problems -- and the Hardys and
their friends are doing so well that jealous
competitors start to blame them for all the
trouble. Frank and Joe are suddenly on
double duty. They have to convince their
fellow contestants that they're playing a clean
game, and solve the mystery so the show can
go on!
While on holiday in London, Frank and Joe
Hardy learn that a new invention -- a voice
transmitter that can be implanted in a tooth -has been stolen. The prime suspect is a
notorious spy who has recently been spotted
in London, but shortly after the Molar Mike is
stolen, the Hardys catch a trespasser in the
lab where the transmitter originated. The
suspect list is growing, and there's little time
to spare.
To catch this wily criminal, Frank and Joe
need to hunt all over London -- from back
alleys to the Tower of London. With new
suspects popping up at every turn, and
disaster threatening the teens, can they
manage to sink their teeth into the crook
before it's too late?
Vette Smash, one of the hottest new rock
bands in Bayport, is playing a gig -- and
thanks to their friend Phil's backstage passes,
Frank and Joe are in the center of the action!
But within minutes of meeting the band
members, the stage lights short-circuit and a
threatening message is left on the band's
answering machine. Soon it's clear that
someone is trying to crash Vette Smash.
Frank and Joe start hunting down suspects. Is
it Vette Smash's rival band, Green Machine?
Could it be the jealous agents competing for
the band's attention? Or is a member of Vette
Smash behind the mess? One thing's certain:
Time's running out. The band's threatening to
break up. Can the Hardys root out the culprit
before the final number?
#186 Hidden
Frank and Joe have gone hunting -- but
instead of sniffing out wildlife, they're out to
find the Wilkersons. Darren Wilkerson, the
Hardys' classmate, and his family were living
in Bayport under the safety of the Witness
Protection Program -- until someone found
them out. Unable to get in touch with the
government, the Wilkersons were forced to
flee without its assistance. Now Darren and
his family have made it to Canada, but they're
not yet out of the woods.
The Hardys quickly arrive on the scene to
help. But just when they're hot on the
Wilkersons' trail, they get caught in a trap.
Can Frank and Joe escape in time to save the
Wilkersons from their predators?
#187 No Way
Out [note: there
is a Casefile by
the same title]
Frank and Joe are thrilled to be taking part in
the grand opening celebration of a new maze
in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. By solving
puzzles -- their specialty -- they could win a
valuable prize! But once they arrive, the teens
soon have a new puzzle to solve:
The owner and designer of the maze,
Chezleigh Alan Horton, suddenly disappears.
#188 Farming
As the boys make their way through a
labyrinth of suspects, they face a new twist.
Can Frank and Joe unravel a decade-old
riddle to save the renowned mazemaster?
It's winter in Bayport, but things are heating
up at the Morton family farm. It looks like
someone is wreaking havoc with the property,
and Chet and Iola Morton are worried that
their grandparents are in danger of losing it!
With their parents out of reach, the Mortons
call on Frank and Joe Hardy for help. They
need to figure out who's behind the trouble -and fast. The Hardys are hot on the trail, but
the Mortons' grandparents do something
unexpected -- and the boys are stopped in
their tracks. Can Frank and Joe plow through
this mystery before the farm is snowed
#189 One False
#190 Motocross
Frank, Joe, and their friends head to
Philadelphia to catch a performance of
Aerocirque, an amazing circus act with a twist
-- the acrobats swing and flip from helicopters
high in the air! But all is not well in the City of
Brotherly Love. The other show in town is a
series of robberies, and no one knows how
they're being pulled off.
Frank and Joe are soon jumping through
hoops to find the clues they need to catch the
culprits. But will they be too late? It looks like
this mystery may come right down to the wire!
The Hardy boys and their friend Jamal are
thrilled to be participating in a motorcycle
exhibition. It's going to be an exciting
weekend, with many talented cyclists heating
up the competition and a valuable prize for
the winner -- a classic motorcycle! But when
burglaries and suspicious accidents send the
benefit skidding out of control, Frank and Joe
find themselves racing to crack another case.
As the Hardys make their way through the
long list of possible saboteurs, danger gains
on them. Can they cut the criminal off before
the finish line, or is this race speeding toward
Hardy Boys/Nancy
Drew Supermystery
# 1 Double Crossing
# 2 A Crime For
Plot Summary
Nancy Drew is enjoying a luxury cruise
aboard the ship where her friend
George is the new social director. It
seems like great fun until Nancy
overhears a plan to sell CIA secrets to
another country. Meanwhile . . . the
Hardy Boys are working undercover on
the same cruise ship trying to track
down a dangerous group of thieves
who prey on rich passengers.
Nancy Drew teams up with the Hardy
boys in New York to find a pair of big-
Read Have Want
# 3 Shock Waves
# 4 Dangerous Games
# 5 The Last Resort
# 6 The Paris
# 7 Buried in Time
# 8 Mystery Train
time cat burglars who are expected to
hit a museum next.
Nancy Drew and her boyfriend, Ned,
are among the guests invited to plush
Padre Island, on the Gulf Coast.
Everyone's geared up for spring break,
including Frank and Joe Hardy. The
brother detectives happen to be staying
at the home of wealthy friend Buck
Calhoun. While scuba diving, Buck
makes a play for Nancy, which Ned
intercepts. But the games end when
Buck finds a sunken wreck - and a very
dead body.
An urgent message draws Nancy Drew
and her friends to the International
Championship Games in California. It
seems a mysterious figure called the
Black Knight wants to force star
athletes off the track and into the
hospital. Meanwhile, the Hardy Boys
show up at the games to help beef up
security – and uncover a scandal.
Along with acts of sabotage, there’s
evidence of illegal steroid use by
certain athletes. But Frank and Joe’s
most critical problem is the Black
Somebody at Mt. Mirage, the superritzy winter playground for the rich and
famous, is playing dastardly pranks.
Nancy Drew, and Frank and Joe Hardy,
are there to solve the mystery!
Nancy Drew flies to Paris to help rock
idol Johnny Crockett. As soon as
Nancy arrives she finds that the
problem may be more than a simple
case of dirty tricks. The tour’s financial
records have been stolen – and the
handsome rock star could be facing a
career-ending scandal. Frank and Joe
Hardy are in Paris for a conference on
art thefts. After bumping into Nancy at
the airport, the brother detectives run
into a bundle of heavy trouble. They
spot their old nemesis Fiona Fox and
realize that the City of Light is about to
be hit by a one-girl crime wave.
Nancy helps an archeologist
investigate a series of thefts at an
Indian Burial site while Frank & Joe
investigate a series of thefts from an air
force base that seem to tie-in with
Nancy's case.
Nancy Drew and Frank and Joe Hardy
join some of the best minds in the
# 9 Best of Enemies
#10 High Survival
#11 New Year’s Evil
#12 Tour of Danger
#13 Spies and Lies
#14 Tropic of Fear
mystery field to help crack a famous
unsolved case: the theft of the
Comstock diamond. A private train will
take the elite group from Chicago to
San Francisco, the same route taken
by the jewel thief fifteen years before.
But someone is out to derail the search
for clues and send Nancy on a chilling
cross-country ride to terror.
When the Berlin Wall comes down, a
major American agent wants to come
home. Meanwhile an Elvis fan in
Memphis becomes a prime suspect in a
murder. Nancy Drew and the Hardy
Boys rendezvous to tie the two cases
together in a stunning revelation.
Nancy Drew and a small group of
adventurers hike into the Wyoming
wilderness to sharpen their survival
skills. But the higher they climb into the
remote and rugged Rockies, the more
perilous the risks become. Meanwhile,
Frank and Joe Hardy, responding to
Nancy's call to help, confirm her worst
suspicions. The mountain is the focus
of a million-dollar criminal enterprise,
and a gangland mob has cut the
expedition off from the outside world.
An accomplice inside the group is
leading them on a true trek to terror,
and it's up to the three intrepid sleuths
to blaze a trail to safety
Nancy and Bess go to Quebec to try
and find who is trying to sabotage the
filming of a movie with auto ice-racing.
Frank and Joe, meanwhile try to find
out who is trying to kill a famous auto
ice-racing driver.
The teen sleuths team up in Tokyo,
Nancy investigating the smuggling
frame-up of an elderly lady, the boys
looking into the counterfeiting of Amsa
electronic devices, and the young
detectives soon realize the cases are
Nancy Drew is at an F.B.I. training
camp to be a bodyguard for agent Judy
Noll. She runs into Frank and Joe
Hardy who are there on an top secret
case for the Network.
While on vacation in Hawaii, Nancy
Drew meets up with Frank and Joe
Hardy, who are working undercover in
the islands, and together they
investigate a murder with sinister
implications for the Honolulu's
#15 Courting Disaster
#16 Hits and Misses
#17 Evil in
#18 Desperate
#19 Passport to
#20 Hollywood Horror
#21 Copper Canyon
#22 Danger Down
#23 Dead on Arrival
legendary Grand Hawaiian Hotel.
While Nancy races to protect her video
jockey friend, Terry, from a masked
intruder, Frank and Joe Hardy try to
keep tennis superstar Pat Flynn from
falling prey to an unknown assailant
Through a mugging that happened
when Nancy & Bess are sight-seeing,
they become acquainted with a young
woman who has lost her memory and
they try to help her find out who she
really is. Frank & Joe on the other hand
are trying to investigate losses to a
recording star's profits.
Nancy and George travel to Amsterdam
to attend George's friend's wedding to a
prince, but when they arrive they find
that she has mysteriously disappeared.
Meanwhile Frank and Joe are also in
Amsterdam to find out who is fencing
gold bullion the Nazi supposedly stole
from the Dutch Resistance.
When an old friend summons Nancy
Drew to Arlington, Virginia, to help her
locate her missing father, a top
scientist, Nancy teams up with Frank
and Joe Hardy to solve the perplexing
While Nancy investigates a plot to
produce counterfeit green cards, the
Hardys are also in Mexico searching for
the thief who stole a priceless Mayan
mask from an art gallery, and the
young sleuths soon discover a link
between their separate cases
Nancy Drew and the Hardy boys find
unexpected mystery and terror in
Hollywood as they cope with deadly
sabotage, crazed fans, and an
obsessed stalker targeting television
star Marla Devereaux.
When Tasio Humada receives death
threats while running the Cactus
Marathon with some of their friends,
Nancy and the Hardys investigate his
people's dispute with lumber mills in
Mexico and expose a maze of greed,
bribery, and corruption.
Trying to determine who has stolen a
sacred ancient artifact belonging to an
Australian Aborigine tribe, Nancy,
Frank, and Joe become entangled in a
land dispute feud between the tribe and
the owners of an opal mine.
Nancy is called upon to investigate the
#24 Target for Terror
#25 Secrets of the Nile
#26 A Question of
#27 Islands of Intrigue
#28 Murder on the
Fourth of July
disappearance of an ace reporter, but
is unable to prevent the missing girl's
murder, while the Hardy Boys go
undercover to find out who has been
holding up ambulances and stealing
Nancy Drew has come to San
Francisco at the urgent request of Tim
An, president of the small island nation
of Philonesia. His beloved niece,
Soong An, a promising violinist, has
bee the target of several kidnapping
attempts. Meanwhile… A violent
outbreak of sabotage has drawn Frank
and Joe Hardy to the campus of San
Francisco University. Posing as visiting
student activists, the Hardys infiltrate
Ethics Now, an animal rights group
threatening to disrupt laboratory
The Hardy Boys travel to Egypt to pose
as a wealthy banker's two sons,
allegedly targeted for kidnapping by a
terrorist group. Nancy and Bess agree
to pose as their wives. Soon, they all
become pawns in a high-stakes game
of international intrigue, deception, and
Nancy Drew attends a meeting of the
Vidocq unsolved-crime Society in
hopes of clearing a client's name of a
murder charge, while Frank and Joe
Hardy, attending the same meeting,
seek to prove the same client's guilt.
Nancy and her friend Bess happen to
be vacationing in Greece at the same
time Frank and Joe Hardy are there to
investigate an American renegade
suspected of stealing missiles, and
Nancy teams up with the Hardys to set
off on a spine-tingling investigation.
Nancy Drew is in Seattle to join in a
whale-saving campaign. But the
celebration is short-lived. Nancy has
learned that the group itself is in danger
of extinction. Meanwhile, Frank and
Joe Hardy have just arrived in Seattle
from Bayport. They’ve come at the
request of a fireworks manufacturer
preparing the city’s Fourth of July
exhibition: A saboteur has targeted the
stage for an Independence Day
disaster. Although Nancy and the
Hardys may be working different cases,
they seem to be working with the same
#29 High Stakes
#30 Nightmare in New
#31 Out of Control
#32 Exhibition of Evil
#33 At All Costs
#34 Royal Revenge
#35 Operation Titanic
Nancy's visit to Eileen's posh horse
farm is interrupted when Eileen's
fiancé, who has been accused of theft,
suddenly disappears, and the Hardy
boys' horse-sitting job is disrupted by a
Celebrating the opening of her friend's
restaurant in New Orleans, Nancy
struggles to outwit a saboteur, while
Frank and Joe investigate the theft of
half a million dollars from a riverboat
Frank and Joe Hardy are working
undercover on an Indy 500 pit crew, to
find out who’s sabotaging a racing
team. A sniper’s bullet, a flash fire, and
finally a deadly discovery, bring Joe,
Frank and Nancy together in the
America's top teen detectives team up
when an old war takes a deadly new
toll. During a full-dress reenactment of
the Battle of Yorktown, Frank's friend,
Colin MacDonald, is murdered,
prompting the Hardy brothers to follow
a centuries-old trail of treachery and
While Nancy visits a friend at the
University of Utah, Frank and Joe
Hardy are working undercover just
outside Salt Lake City at the site of the
2002 Winter Olympics. Together, they
team up to investigate acts of sabotage
by eco-terrorists, and are led into a
tangled web of financial intrigue,
political corruption, and explosive
An agent of the U.S. State Department
dispatches the Hardys on an ultrasecret mission to track an international
hit man in the Little Panaslava section
of River Heights. But the Hardys don't
know the identity of the assassin, or of
his target, the exiled prince of
Panaslava. Joined by Nancy Drew,
Frank and Joe Hardy must slowly
penetrate a wall of silence surrounding
Little Panaslava -- to make a shocking
Nancy has a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity to witness the raising of the
"Titanic". But when her ship suffers
some disruptions, Nancy suspects that
someone is trying to sabotage the
raising. Meanwhile, Joe has
#36 Process of
mysteriously vanished from a nearby
ship--and Frank and Nancy must wade
through dangerous waters to uncover
the truth. .
Nancy Drew has come to Los Angeles
with her friend Bess to attend an
international conference of
environmentalists. But Nancy soon
finds that there are even more urgent
issues to address, such as the
apparent murder of one of the
conference coordinators.
Casefile Title
Plot Summary
# 1 Dead on Target
The Hardy Boys tangle with an
international terrorist killer and
a secret government agency
called the Network.
The Hardy Boys find
themselves on their own in
France, fighting the largest
organized crime ring in the
High in the untamed
Adirondack Mountains lurks
one of the most fiendish plots
Frank and Joe Hardy have
ever encountered. On a
mission to rescue their good
friend Holly from the cult of the
lunatic Rajah, the boys
unwittingly become the main
event in one of the madman's
deadly rituals--human sacrifice.
Camped out in the Maine
woods, the Hardy boys get a
real jolt when they glimpse
Joe's old girlfriend, Iola Morton.
Can it really be the same girl
who was blown to bits before
their eyes by a terrorist bomb?
Frantically searching for her,
Frank and Joe are trapped in
the lair of this most diabolical
team of scientists ever
Dealing with the underworld is
# 2 Evil, Inc.
# 3 Cult of Crime
# 4 The Lazarus Plot
# 5 Edge of
Read It
# 6 The Crowning
# 7 Deathgame
# 8 See No Evil
# 9 The Genius
# 10 Hostages of Hate
# 11 Brother Against
# 12 Perfect Getaway
# 13 The Borgia
# 14 Too Many
deadly business. In the middle
of a gala political banquet,
Fenton Hardy is kidnapped.
Then a mysterious caller
outlines his terrifying demand:
unless he receives twenty
million dollars, Fenton Hardy -along with many thousands of
innocent victims -- will be
infected with a fatal virus. New
York City will turn into a ghost
When spy meets thief,
mayhem needs no introduction.
The boys suddenly find
themselves in deep trouble
with a U.S. espionage unit. To
complicate things, a beautiful
mystery woman called Charity
is also on their uncle's trail.
Where is Biff Hooper? The
Hardy's friend secretly went off
to a survival game camp in
Georgia -- and never came
back. But before leaving he did
tell Joe. So when Orville Brand,
the camp director, claims Biff
was never there, the Hardy
boys suspect foul play.
Frank Hardy's girlfriend Callie
mistakenly recovers a topsecret codebook and involves
them in a network of fraud,
corruption, and murder
Frank and Joe are dealing with
a million dollar scandal coming
from a computer genius at a
A planeload of people is
hijacked by real terrorists at an
anti-terrorism seminar. Frank
and Joe go undercover and
infiltrate the terrorists, in search
of their leader.
Joe suddenly loses his memory
from a head injury and now
thinks that his brother is his
Frank and Joe set out to crack
a ring which provides the
perfect getaway for criminals.
The Borgia Dagger is full of
fast paced action and
attempted murder.
On a trip to Spain, the Hardys'
# 15 Blood Relations
# 16 Line of Fire
# 17 The Number File
# 18 A Killing in the
# 19 Nightmare in
Angel City
# 20 Witness to
tour guide is murdered and
they are blamed. Furthermore,
they are hunted by spies by the
KGB and traitors by the
Frank and Joe are asked to
investigate a case for some of
their friends. What they don't
know is that Greg and Mike
Rawley have something else
planned for them, and the
Hardys don't know what is
Frank and Joe take on the
case of Denny Payson, a friend
who suspects that his father
was murdered in a chemical
plant fire five years ago.
Frank and Joe are soaking up
some sun in Bermuda and
doing a little sleuthing on the
side. Their father wants them
to check out a shady character
named Bernhard Krugar, the
suspected kingpin of a big
credit card scam. When the
Hardy's spy on Krugar's villa,
one of his thugs spots them.
Before they know it, they're
being tailed by a black sedan
and run off the road into the
After Cyril Bayard stops a thief
from stealing Frank and Joe's
aunt's purse, Aunt Gertrude
and Cyril fall in love. One day,
Cyril is found dead at the
docks. All of the police's
evidence leads them to believe
that Aunt Gertrude killed Cyril.
Frank and Joe are determined
to prove that Gertrude is
Callie Shaw disappears while
shooting a video for her
summer class at UCLA. Frank
and Joe drop everything and fly
out to look for her. The moment
they start to investigate, the
situation explodes.
While trying to help Annie
Shea, the pretty new girl in
town, Joe accidentally runs
down her old boyfriend, Phil.
Joe's in a tight spot, but Annie
seems afraid to help. Then the
# 21 Street Spies
# 22 Double
# 23 Disaster For
# 24 Scene of the
# 25 The Borderline
# 26 Trouble in the
# 27 Nowhere to Run
Hardy' s learn that Phil is the
prime suspect in a milliondollar diamond robbery and
Annie may be involved.
Frank and Joe go undercover
as big-city bicycle messengers
to crack a gang of high-tech
thieves. Zipping through New
York traffic at top speeds is
dangerous enough, but one of
their fellow messengers is out
for their blood.
A long-lost brother is always a
mystery. When Frank and Joe
decide to meet their father's
latest contact on their own,
they get more than they
bargained for. The young
detectives come face-to-face
with their long-lost brother,
Chris Hardy!
When the Hardy Boys race to
Seattle to help their dad,
they're met by men trying to
gun them down.
Frank and Joe go undercover
as apprentice stuntmen on a
major movie. But the young
detectives find the real drama
is off the set when they
become involved in a bizarre
plot to steal a fortune.
The Hardys are on a student
exchange program, and run
into the Gray Man. It turns out
an agent needs to be rescued,
and the Hardys are the ones to
do it.
Trouble in the Pipeline is chock
full of espionage, slick saves,
and lousy pick-up lines of
Joe's. The scene where Joe is
hooked up to the lie-detector
which is connected to a bomb
on Frank's stomach is classic
Taking the case of Bob
Conway, a ne'er-do-well biker
accused of hijacking, against
their father's commands, the
Hardys soon find themselves
on the wrong side of the law,
because Conway had recently
escaped from jail. In this
Casefile, the brothers find
# 28 Countdown to
# 29 Thick as Thieves
# 30 The Deadliest
# 31 Without a Trace
# 32 Blood Money
# 33 Collision Course
themselves up against a
ruthless motorcycle gang and a
desperate bounty hunter.
Frank and Joe fly to Halifax,
Canada, to check out an
insurance scam. But as they
leave the airport their car is
sprayed with bullets. Soon the
brother detectives discover
they're number one on
somebody's hit list.
Charity is one of the only
crooks who’s ever escaped the
Hardys. Now they've spotted
her in Bayport, and they're
determined to stop her from
escaping again.
When Bayport is hit by a rash
of vicious pranks, Frank and
Joe investigate. Soon the
young sleuths find themselves
playing straight men for a
deadly practical joke -- where
the punch line is murder.
Rancher Roy Carlson asks
Frank and Joe to visit his
spread in New Mexico after
one of his cowboys disappears.
While searching the area in an
ultralight plane, the Hardys are
forced to land. Suddenly the
brother detectives are fighting
to survive in a vast wilderness - and along with rattlesnakes
and tornadoes a deadly enemy
is on their trail.
Frank and Joe are investigating
a series of gangland killings.
Crime kingpin Josh Moran is
dead and buried, but his
murderous legacy lives on. In
his will, he left $10 million to be
divided among his enemies.
The catch is that the money will
be paid in three months -- to
those who survive! The
Hardys find themselves in a
deadly race against time, for
one of the beneficiaries of
Moran's blood money is a
former detective for the NYPD - their own father, Fenton
Bayport is hosting its first
Grand Prix race, and former
world-champion driver Angus
# 34 Final Cut
# 35 The Dead
# 36 Running on
# 37 Danger Zone
# 38 Diplomatic
# 39 Flesh and Blood
McCoy is on hand. But during
his qualifying run, McCoy
misses a hairpin turn, and his
car plunges into the bay. When
Frank and Joe try to help
investigate, they are beset by
violent" accidents," including
the destruction of a vital clue.
When Frank and Joe visit a
local movie and TV studio they
stumble across a real-life
drama -- someone has
murdered screenwriter Bennett
Fairburn. To track the killer the
brother detectives go
undercover as gofers at the
Callie Shaw invites Frank and
Joe to Runner's Harbor, a hotel
in Barbados run by her
cousins. It seems Runner's
Harbor has a skeleton in every
closet -- and they're all out to
put the brother team into an
early grave.
Chet is kidnapped! It's not the
first time this has happened to
Chet Morton, but that doesn't
make much difference. Can the
Hardys save their friend?
When an ultra-secret project
takes Fenton Hardy to
Massachusetts, the Hardy
Boys come home one
afternoon to find that
kidnappers have taken their
mother. The kidnappers
demand to talk to Frank and
Joe's father within twenty-four
hours -- or the boys may never
talk to their mother again!
Callie finally has the chance to
meet her Parisian pen pal,
Madeleine Berot, whose
parents have been assigned to
the French embassy. But when
Maddy is caught shoplifting,
Frank and Joe suspect that
there's something rotten in the
state of French diplomacy.
Could it be? Is Chet Morton
actually the son of a criminal
that Mr. Hardy sent to prison
years ago? And does he want
#40 Fright Wave
#41 Highway
#42 The Last Laugh
#43 Strategic Moves
#44 Castle Fear
# 45 In Self-Defense
# 46 Foul Play
# 47 Flight Into
# 48 Rock ‘n Revenge
Someone wants to kill a
champion surfer. In step Frank
and Joe.
A local trucking company has
been hit by a series of
hijackings, and the Hardy Boys
are enlisted to get to the
bottom of the crime. They go
undercover as truck drivers
and quickly discover that life
behind the wheel is full of
A San Diego comic book
convention turns into a real
blast when guest speaker
Barry Johns, legendary
publisher of Zenith Comics, is
In a game of international
intrigue, you can't always play
by the rules. Chess champs,
spies, and plenty of fast-paced
Jed Shannon, a young
American movie star on
location in England, has
received a threat against his
life. When the Hardy Boys set
out to investigate, they are led
to a medieval mansion on the
moors and are drawn into a
case worthy of Sherlock
Holmes--and into a conspiracy
as thick as the London fog.
Joe and Frank take on an
unknown enemy who is trying
to run a martial arts school out
of business.
Frank and Joe face a
dangerous lineup of hoods and
henchman when they
investigate a baseball
embezzling operation.
Frank's old friend Ray Adamec,
former ace navy pilot, has been
hired to test pilot a super-hot,
super-sleek jet -- the MAX 1.
But then Ray disappears, and
the MAX 1 is nowhere to be
When Buddy Death brings his
heavy metal band to Bayport,
danger takes center stage. For
while hard rock fans would kill
for a ticket, someone's out to
# 49 Dirty Deeds
# 50 Power Play
# 51 Choke Hold
# 52 Uncivil War
# 53 Web of Horror
kill the star of the show! The
Hardys, hired to help set up the
concert, soon find themselves
working overtime as Buddy
Death's bodyguards.
Frank, Joe, and Callie are off to
Virginia City, Nevada, heart of
the Comstock Lode, to visit
Callie's friend Kerry, whose
father Ted has developed a
system to extract new gold
from old mines. But the deeper
Ted digs, the more danger he
finds. Gold fever is running
high, and lives are at stake. But
the Hardys head for a
showdown 80 feet
underground, where they
discover just how wild the Wild
West can be.
Bright Futures Development
has announced the invention of
a powerful new solar energy
cell, and the Hardy boys have
gone undercover to protect it
from industrial spies. Frank and
Joe follow a trail of deceit and
double-dealing and discover
that the truth behind the solar
power source is much darker
than they suspected.
Professional wrestler Sammy
"The Kung Fu King" Rand is in
trouble up to his triceps. He's a
marked man -- the victim of a
series of suspicious ringside
accidents. Frank and Joe
decide to go undercover to find
out who wants to put Sammy
down for the count -- for good!
The Hardy boys are in
Tennessee reenacting the
Battle of Shiloh. We're in for
some history, not to mention
mystery and excitement when
the historian that invited them
gets shot down with real bullets
The Hardys are working
security on the set of the latest
film in a cult classic series,
Horror House V. Frank and Joe
get the chance to appear onscreen as victims of the
movie's psycho murderer -- the
dreaded Reaper. But the fake
fun soon turns to true terror.
# 54 Deep Trouble
# 55 Beyond the Law
# 56 Height of
# 57 Terror on Track
# 58 Spiked!
# 59 Open Season
# 60 Deadfall
# 61 Grave Danger
# 62 Final Gambit
# 63 Cold Sweat
Frank and Joe search for
sunken treasure in the
Bahamas, and meet a deadly
foe who may send them to the
depths of a watery grave!.
This time the tables are turned
- Chief Collig needs the Hardy
boys to help him evade the
law!! Frank & Joe face issues
of Loyalty vs Law
Frank and Joe head for the
Austrian Alps to find out who
trying to sabotage the current
American snowboard
Frank and Joe join Andrew
Driscoll, the son of a professor,
on a critical cross-country train
ride. They are acting as decoys
in a top-secret plan to transport
a deadly virus from San
Francisco to Chicago.
A vacation in Laguna Beach,
California, together with a bigtime volleyball tournament in
the sun and sand, has put the
Hardys in seventh heaven.
Skiing in the Rockies. Plenty
of action, a wounded woman,
and someone that tried to kill
When an explosion at a mill
claims the life of its owner, the
police charge Callie Shaw's
uncle, environmentalist Stan
Shaw, with the murder! Frank
and Joe refuse to let Stan take
the fall.
In Mexico to locate the hidden
secrets of the land and its
dwellers, Frank and Joe Hardy
search for clues to stolen
In Las Vegas to take part in the
National Computer Chess
Championship, Frank and Joe
soon find themselves the prime
suspects in the kidnapping of a
ruthless businessman's
daughter, and the two must
free the girl to clear their
While working out in Bayport's
new super-spa, Frank and Joe
Hardy begin to suspect that an
# 64 Endangered
# 65 No Mercy
# 66 The Phoenix
# 67 Lethal Cargo
# 68 Rough Riding
# 69 Mayhem in
# 70 Rigged for
# 71 Real Horror
underworld gang is trying to
take control of the business.
Undercover in the African wild
with their father, Frank and Joe
Hardy investigate a
multimillion-dollar smuggling
operation that could have
something to do with a missing
U.S. Customs official.
On the trail of the group of
international super-smugglers
responsible for their father's
death, Frank and Joe Hardy
are led on by a beautiful
woman, pursued by a trained
assassin, and face danger
Traveling the world in search of
their father's killers, Frank and
Joe Hardy uncover a shocking
piece of evidence that leads
them to believe that Fenton is
not dead after all.
Asked to sail a friend's yacht
from Saint Martin's to the
Florida coast, Frank and Joe
Hardy escape a collision with a
mysterious cargo ship whose
presence on the ocean in the
middle of the night arouses
their curiosity.
Invited to stay at a ranch in the
Texas Panhandle, Frank and
Joe Hardy are back on the
investigative trail when the star
rider at the Dry Valley Rodeo is
hit by a sniper's bullet.
When newcomer Vanessa
Bender's tires are slashed in
the parking lot of Bayport High
School, the Hardy boys
investigate and uncover a plot
to sabotage her mother's new
animation studio.
Undercover on the Lone Star
Oil Company's rig in the Gulf of
Mexico, Frank and Joe Hardy
are inadvertently left alone on
the rig with a storm closing in
and a hidden bomb ticking
Mark Stevens is America's king
of horror writers, but now
someone is trying to knock him
off the throne. He's invited two
# 72 Screamers
# 73 Bad Rap
# 74 Road Pirates
# 75 No Way Out
# 76 Tagged for
# 77 Survival Run
# 78 The Pacific
# 79 Danger
of his biggest fans, Frank and
Joe Hardy, into his home -Nightmare House -- to
investigate a bizarre series of
threats against his life.
While attending a meeting of
computer experts at Chicago's
Evanco building, Frank and
Joe Hardy must put their
detective skills to the test when
a gang of gunmen bursts in
and kidnaps the owner of
Evanco's daughter.
When a two-bit hustler turns up
dead and rap star Randy Rand
is arrested for the crime, the
Hardy boys step in to find the
real killer before he can strike
Posing as expert thieves,
Frank and Joe Hardy hope to
break up the high-risk car
hijacking ring that is terrorizing
New York, a job that takes
them all the way to the
The Hardys travel to Idaho to
learn the wilderness sport of
orienteering, but Frank, Joe,
and their instructor, Rob Niles,
run into some treacherous
terrain, and their courage and
resourcefulness are stretched
to the limit.
Working undercover as
baggage handlers in order to
nab a ring of luggage thieves,
Frank and Joe Hardy are
drawn into a labyrinth of
sabotage and deceit.
While working undercover for
an Atlanta airline, Frank and
Joe Hardy uncover an
international terrorist ring, and
they set off to Alaska to find out
more about the group.
Trapped in the Indonesian
jungle without reinforcements,
the boys must penetrate the
camp of an evil terrorist
network--the Assassins--before
the worldwide group can carry
out its deadly scheme.
Joe and Frank investigate
charges that someone is trying
# 80 Dead of Night
# 81 Sheer Terror
# 82 Poisoned
# 83 Toxic Revenge
# 84 False Alarm
# 85 Winner Take All
# 86 Virtual Villainy
to sabotage the flight of
daredevil pilot Brett Cooper,
and the boys enter a world
filled with death-defying stunts,
blackmail, and murder.
Halloween turns into a night of
unspeakable terror for Frank
and Joe Hardy when they
witness three shocking
murders and must stop the evil
that is loose in the town of
Summoned to northern Arizona
by their father's friend, Sam
Gentle, Frank and Joe Hardy
arrive to find Sam murdered, a
death that they suspect was
caused by Sam's research at
Titan Chemical Industries.
The Hardys head for the
jungles of South America in
order to help their friend Ed
Yanomana, the son of a
Venezuelan tribal chief and an
environmentalist, who is
framed for the kidnapping of an
American businessman.
When someone develops a
sinister plan to poison the
entire planet and a United
Plastics security guard is
crushed in a factory machine,
Frank and Joe Hardy must
investigate dirty dealings at the
large corporation.
Frank and Joe Hardy have
their hands full when they must
keep a multimillion-dollar
jewelry exhibit from thieves and
keep a new brother team from
stealing their girlfriends right
from under their noses.
When the sister of their friend
Ben Martin, a recent lottery
winner, is kidnapped, Frank
and Joe Hardy find numerous
shady suspects as they try to
rescue Ben's sister before
tragedy strikes.
While in San Francisco to
attend VidCon, a video game
convention, Frank and Joe
Hardy uncover a case of hightech industrial espionage in the
form of dangerous new video
# 87 Dead Man in
# 88 Inferno of Fear
# 89 Darkness Falls
# 90 Deadly
# 91 Hot Wheels
# 92 Sabotage at Sea
# 93 Mission:
Attending the annual Wild West
Week in the South Dakota
town of Deadwood, the Hardy
boys find themselves in the
middle of a smoldering feud
pitting the Black Hills Sioux
against a ruthless local land
Frank and Joe are enjoying the
awesome beauties of Alaska's
Denali National Park when a
series of potentially disastrous
forest fires--deliberately set--pit
them against more than nature.
The Hardys go to Hawaii to see
a total eclipse. But as soon as
the sun is covered by the
moon, a murder takes place.
Searching for Sanjay, the son
of a New York City jeweler, the
boys learn that Sanjay is
planning to elope with the
niece of his father's
archenemy, and that ten
thousand dollars in gold is also
Competing in the Suntex Solar
Challenge, a race across the
Arizona with solar-powered
cars that offers $100,000 to the
winners, the boys encounter a
ruthless terrorist who is
determined to win at any cost.
After signing on as
crewmembers of a replica of a
century-old schooner, Frank
and Joe find their sailing skills-and their sleuthing talents-tested to the limits by ghostly
apparitions and sabotage at
The Hardys have taken the
ultimate challenge: a rigorous
pre-astronaut training program
at the Space and Rocket
Center in Huntsville, Alabama.
But in a course designed to
simulate the actual conditions
of space flight, the boys
discover that the risks are
dangerously real. Someone on
the team is out to scuttle the
mission...with potentially
deadly consequences!
# 94 A Taste for
# 95 Illegal
# 96 Against All
# 97 Pure Evil
# 98 Murder by
# 99 Frame-Up
#100 True Thriller
#101 Peak of Danger
Frank and Joe, in Tunisia for
the anniversary of the
Explorer's Guild, search for a
killer in their midst when Thor
Sonderstrom, who funds the
expeditions, is mysteriously
poisoned and secrets, hatreds,
and dangers lurk in every
The Hardys have come to the
West Coast for Christmas
break, and they're about to
tackle a case of pro football
foul play.
Frank and Joe Hardy
investigate the mysterious
disappearance of a champion
race horse, a case that leads
the teenage sleuths on a
pursuit of a desperate and
murderous villain.
Accompanying Callie on a
spring break vacation to her
uncle's maple farm in New
Hampshire, Frank and Joe's
skiing plans are interrupted by
a bomb-throwing and chain
saw-wielding gang's plot to
destroy the syrup crop.
Helping out during an annual
magic show, the Hardy boys
are alarmed when Gideon the
Great's assistant is murdered
and her disguised killer
disappears, opening up
investigations on a long list of
rival magician suspects.
Visiting New Orleans for the
annual computer convention,
the Hardy Boys watch things
go from bad to worse when Joe
gets into a fight at a local club
and then is arrested when the
guy he fought with is killed the
next day.
Hoping to feature Frank and
Joe in his latest actionadventure novel, writer Oliver
Richards sets off a series of
events that bring the infamous
Assassins back to town, and
the Hardy Boys fear that the
Gray Man has turned traitor.
Frank and Joe are on the
scene when Bayport High's
#102 Wrong Side of
the Law
#103 Campaign of
#104 Wild Wheels
#105 Law of the
#106 Shock Jock
#107 Fast Break
#108 Blown Away
newest soccer player, Carlos,
is nearly killed, and when they
discover that Carlos's father
has been abducted, the Hardy
boys become involved in a
South American political
Witnessing a bank robbery,
Frank and Joe are baffled by
the masked gang's nearperfect heists, and when
Vanessa offers a surprising
source of information, the
Hardy boys must protect her
from the gang.
Eagerly listening to the
campaign speeches of an
admired computer scientist
turned independent
presidential candidate, Frank
and Joe become bodyguards
when the campaign is
threatened by a bomb scare.
Befriending beautiful, daredevil
motorcyclist Lindsey Nichols,
Frank and Joe learn that
Lindsey's father is planning to
put a classic bike back on the
market in a high-stakes
corporate dispute that soon
reaches explosive proportions.
Following a cryptic map
through the jungles of Borneo,
Frank and Joe are terrified to
learn that their father has been
injected with a lethal strain of
anthrax-B and they have only
seven days to find the antidote.
Investigating the murder of a
controversial radio personality,
Frank and Joe come face-toface with a gang of skinhead
thugs known as the
Bootstompers and are forced
into multiple ugly
When their friend is
aggressively targeted by two
colleges that want him for his
basketball talents, Frank and
Joe find themselves in the
middle of a deadly mystery
when Bayport U's basketball
coach is murdered.
Shortly after their friend lands
#109 Moment of
#110 Bad Chemistry
#111 Competitive
#112 Cliff-Hanger
#113 Sky High
#114 Clean Sweep
#115 Cave Trap
an exciting but dangerous job
with a military electronics
manufacturer, Frank and Joe
are dismayed when he is
kidnapped, and their search is
complicated by the arrival of a
high-ranking Network
Attending a friend's bullfighting
demonstration while on
vacation at South Padre Island,
the Hardy brothers are horrified
when the triumphant matador
is kidnapped by his rich uncle's
greedy enemies.
Falling for the pretty new
chemistry teacher at Bayport
High, Joe Hardy is called upon
to clear her name when she is
charged with murdering her
former supervisor by
deliberately mislabeling an
important chemical.
With someone out to sabotage
the 1996 Summer Olympics in
Atlanta by turning the
competition fields into a
terrorist battleground, the
Hardy boys chase after them in
a deadly race to catch a
dangerous saboteur.
Anticipating the thrilling
challenges of climbing the
Himalayan mountain ranges,
Frank and Joe are alarmed
when they learn that a pair of
climbers recently died under
suspicious circumstances.
The upcoming Lift Challenge,
organized by the International
Ballooning Club, is
overshadowed by a dangerous
extortionist who demands
$100,000 in exchange for his
not causing a terrible accident.
Helping a friend move into his
dorm, Frank and Joe Hardy are
astonished when the friend's
roommate is kidnapped at the
height of a campus war
involving eco-terrorists and a
visiting American diplomat.
Exploring caves during a
Kentucky expedition with
Frank, Joe accidentally
#116 Acting Up
#117 Blood Sport
#118 The Last Leap
#119 The Emperor’s
#120 Survival of the
#121 Absolute Zero
#122 River Rats
stumbles into an uncharted
cavern and witnesses
something that places the lives
of both brothers in danger.
Investigating sabotage on a
movie set in India, the Hardy
brothers find themselves
outmaneuvering explosives,
machetes, and a deadly cobra
while trying to figure out who
does not want the movie
Selected to participate in an
important fencing tournament,
Frank becomes alarmed when
the competition proves deadly,
and after a top contender
vanishes, the Hardy brothers
suspect that a kidnapper is on
the loose.
When a parasail daredevil
stunt in Manhattan ends in
tragedy, the Hardys discover
that the fatal fall was not an
accident and must catch a killer
before a second high-stakes
jump is to take place.
Assisting archaeologist John
Maxwell in his search for a
priceless artifact, Frank and
Joe become alarmed when he
disappears, and their
subsequent investigation
brings them up against several
deadly hazards.
Testing their wilderness skills
on the mountains of Utah,
Frank and Joe experience a
series of deadly accidents and
realize that someone is trying
to kill them, sending them on
the trail of Butch Cassidy and
his outlaw gang.
Investigating the death of
Irene's father, whose body has
never been found, the Hardys
learn about his research with
highly profitable
superconductors and begin an
adventure that takes them from
Los Alamos to Antarctica.
The Hardys have come to
Montana to enjoy the
challenges of the Big Bison
River. Owen runs a river rafting
#123 High Wire Act
#124 The Viking’s
#125 Stress Point
#126 Fire in the Sky
#127 Dead in the
outfit, and Frank and Joe are
eager to test their skills. But
their first day out on the fierce
white waters turns into a lifeand-death struggle when Owen
falls victim to a sniper's bullet!
Becoming suspicious when
their circus clown friend,
Freddie, experiences a nearfatal accident, the Hardys go
undercover and uncover
sinister secrets and dirty deals.
When visitors are assaulted by
an ax-wielding villain at the
theme park known as Viking
Village, Frank and Joe Hardy
find themselves face-to-face
with a deadly Viking warrior.
The Hardys' summer
construction job on a
skyscraper is threatened by
thugs who would threaten the
multi-million-dollar skyscraper
project as well as untold lives.
A narrow escape from a plane
crash sends the Hardys on a
high stakes, high altitude
investigation. Their discovery:
The accident was no accident.
The planes--and bullets--begin
to fly as the boys head from
Bayport down to Louisiana,
where they uncover a shocking
conspiracy of corruption
leading to cold-blooded
On a salvage operation off the
coast of Florida, the Hardys
plunge into the rusting hull of a
Nazi U-boat and discover
deadly secrets lie hidden on
the ocean bottom. They also
face off against a brutal
adversary armed with knives,
spearguns, and more--an
enemy determined to blow
them out of the water.
Time Bomb (A Hardy
Boys and Tom Swift
Ultra Thriller)
When an attack force of
techno-thugs under the
command of the evil genius,
the Black Dragon, seizes
control of a top-secret time-
Alien Factor (A
Hardy Boys and Tom
Swift Ultra Thriller
warp trigger, Frank and Joe
Hardy team up with Tom Swift
to halt the destruction.
Tom Swift has caught a falling
star - a visitor from outer space
who is as beautiful as she is
strange. But his secret
encounter has set off alarms at
the highest levels of
government. A top-secret
intelligence agency believes
he's involved in an espionage
and smuggling ring. To check
Tom out, the Network sends
two of its top operatives: Frank
and Joe Hardy. The fate of the
country and the planet could
rest on uncovering the
shocking truth about the girl
from another world!
The Gross Ghost
Clues Bros #1
Frank Hardy is 9, his brother
Joe is 8, and they're the new
kids on the block in Bayport.
They're looking for new friends
and found one – Chet Morton.
But they're also finding plenty
of mystery, fun and adventure.
Frank and Joe are learning
some awesome new moves in
karate class. But one move is
no good at all. Brian Ludlow
brought to class a black belt
signed by action-movie hero
Jimmy Han – and somebody
stole it!.
It's the first day of school, and
that's what all the kids are
saying. Joe's older brother,
Frank, knows it's one big
mistake, but it's turned into one
big pain – because now
nobody wants to be friends
with Joe.
When Frank tries out for the
basketball team, it's Joe's job
to videotape the tryouts for the
coach. But somebody takes the
tape and steals the whole
show! So what's Frank and
Joe's game plan?
How hard can it be to find a
missing dinosaur? Well, it's not
exactly a real dinosaur, but it's
The Karate Clue,
Clues Bros #2
First Day, Worst Day,
Clues Bros #3
Jump Shot Detectives,
Clues Bros #4
Dinosaur Detectives,
Clues Bros #5
Who Took the Book?
Clues Bros #6
The Abracadabra
Clues Bros #7
The Doggone
Clues Bros #8
The Pumped-Up Pizza
Clues Bros #9
The Walking Snowman,
Clues Bros #10
the next best thing: an
awesome dinosaur model...a
fierce iguanodon that went
totally wild in the movies.
The guy who made the model
was supposed to show it at the
Hardys' school, but now the
iguanodon's gone!
Is Frank Hardy a thief? No
way! But somebody's making it
look as if he is. A really cool
book of baseball statistics was
stolen from the school library.
Now it's made a sudden and
surprising comeback – in
Frank's backpack!
Brian Ludlow's birthday party
should be a real blast. First the
Great Merlino magic
show...then a chance to watch
the latest kung fu video starring
Jimmy Han. So why isn't
anybody having any fun?
Because the video vanished
into thin air!
Mike Mendez is one crazy
inventor. First he devised the
automatic stamp-licker. Then
the incredible shoelace
untangler. Now he's come up
with the unbelievable Beast-omatic, which turns people into
But it may have turned Frank
and Joe's friend Chet into
man's best friend-a dog! Have
the boys found a lost mutt...or
lost a good buddy?
Imagine you could invent your
own perfect pizza...then enter it
in a contest to get on your
favorite TV show! That's what
the Hardy boys and Chet are
doing-and they are positive
they're going to win....Until their
recipe vanishes!
It's the first snowfall of winter,
and Fran and Joe Hardy have
built the most awesome
snowman. Only one problem:
there's a snowman contest in
the park and the snowman is
too huge to move.
But when the boys wake up the
next day, their snowman is
The Monster in the
Clue Bros #11
King For a Day, Clues
Bros #12
Pirates, Ahoy!
Clues Bros #13
All Eyes on First
Clues Bros #14
Slip, Slide and Slap
Clues Bros #15
Frank and Joe can hardly wait
for their weekend camping trip
with their friend Chet Morton
and his family. They're going to
Lake Arrowhead for some
swimming and fishing.
But once they set up camp,
strange things start to happen.
The boys see a slimy, black
tentacle slithering into the
An awesome theme park called
Dragon Days has opened in
Bayport - and Frank, Joe, Chet
and Tony try a cool game
called the Sword in the Stone.
Whoever pulls out the blade
becomes King for a Day.
That's what Captain Sid, the
owner of the souvenir shop,
says. When Frank, Joe, and
Chet meet Sid on their way to
go sailing, he tells them about
a pirate ship that sank off the
coast of Bayport four hundred
years ago.
As the boys head to the boat,
they find a strange silver coin
on the ground...then an old
bottle with a treasure map
inside...then a rusty musket
ball--the kind pirates used in
Bayport Elementary School is
holding a science fair, and first
prize is a gift certificate to a
cool store called The Nature
Place. The Hardys have
projects only a detective could
dream up- a fingerprint
collection and a special spyscope. But when two of the
best projects get smashed,
bully Zack Jackson blames
Billy McGee, the new kid in the
fourth grade.
It's not easy playing hockey
when you can barely skate. But
Frank and Chet are determined
to keep Joe on the team. Even
after Joe accidentally slams a
slap shot straight into Jamie, a
star figure skater. Jamie's
furious. Then she accuses Joe
of stealing her good-luck
charm, a fuzzy white seal!
The Fish-Faced Mask
of Mystery, Clues
Bros #16
The Bike Race
Ruckus, Clues Bros
Hardy Boys:
#1 Extreme Danger
#2 Running on Fumes
It's Career Week at school. Mr.
Frobish the animal trainer is
bringing Miles the Cleanup
Chimp. Dr. Zekey the
anthropologist is showing his
Fish of Plenty mask from a
faraway island. And Awesome
Abe, the chocolate chip cookie
king, has goodies for everyone.
Lots of kids are planning to
enter the Bike Jamboree.
There will be cross-country
riding, an obstacle course, and
even a contest for funniest
bike. Bully Zack Jackson and
his buddy Brett call the Hardys
Frank and Joe are determined
to be good sports, but it's no
Plot summary
Mission: To find the
mastermind behind a possible
attack at the Big Air Games.
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Potential Victims: Top
extreme athletes in the country.
Thousands of spectators.
Suspects: There may be a
group of extremists working
together. There may be just
Mission: Investigate and
determine the power behind a
possibly dangerous Utopian
community with potential plans
for criminal activity within the
oil industry.
Location: Between the San
Bernadino and San Jacinto
Mountains, CA.
Potential Victims:
Undetermined. Could be
thousands of innocents who
use oil to generate electricity.
Suspects: Arthur Stench,
leader of the community. Other
members could be involved.
Read it
#3 Boardwalk Bust
MISSION: Investigate and put
a halt to the recent rash of
jewelry store robberies.
Potential danger on the ground
and in the air.
LOCATION: Ocean Grove,
jewelry store owners in and
around Ocean Grove.
#4 Thrill Ride
SUSPECTS: Undetermined.
Ocean Grove is full of tourists
who are just passing through.
Mission: Investigate a
woman's death and other
mysterious events surrounding
Uncle Bernie's Fun Park.
Location: Uncle Bernie's Fun
Park, MA.
Potential Victims: All Fun
Park patrons.
#5 Rocky Road
Suspects: Disgruntled
employees. Unhappy
customers. Enemies of Bernie.
Someone is suspected of
planning the destruction of
Niagara Falls. Find and detain
the culprit before any damage
is done.
LOCATION: Niagara Falls,
Tourism in the area. Tourists.
#6 Burned
SUSPECTS: No further
information at this time.
MISSION: To smoke out the
mastermind behind and learn
the structure of an illegal
international CD-burning
operation that employs
LOCATION: Local and global.
Start close to home.
Musicians. Record companies.
Unsuspecting customers who
are unaware that they are
participating in illegal activity.
#7 Operation
SUSPECTS: Start with Julian
Sanders, your classmate. Work
from there.
Determine the
cause of recent injuries and
deaths at a camp for troubled
LOCATION: The wilderness
surrounding Moosehead Lake
in Maine.
boys in the program.
#8 Top Ten Ways to
SUSPECTS: We have reason
to suspect that the founder of
the camp, Linc Saunders, is
behind this.
MISSION: Someone is
suspected of trying to murder
young rock star Madison Vee.
You must stop her killer before
her killer stops her.
LOCATION: Los Angeles,
from Ms. Vee, any number of
crew members, fans, and
#9 Martial Law
SUSPECTS: Her agent,
jealous relatives...Ms. Vee has
no shortage of possible hidden
enemies ready to pounce.
Keep your ears to the ground.
MISSION: To determine
whether there's a connection
between injuries sustained by
two students at the Rising
Phoenix Martial Arts Center.
One student was beaten; the
other simply collapsed on the
floor of the school.
LOCATION: Holtsville. Just
south of Bayport.
two students are currently in
the hospital recovering. More
students could be at risk.
#10 Blown Away
#11 Hurricane Joe
#12 Trouble in
SUSPECTS: Sensei Paul
Huang or any of the students.
Further investigation is
the Billington
Resort has two high-profile
events on Saturday: a vintage
car auction and a celebrity
wedding. But they also have a
bomb threat. You have EIGHT
HOURS to find the bomb and
bust the bad guys.
LOCATION: Phoenix, AZ.
Everyone staying at the
Billington, as well as the resort
SUSPECTS: Top suspects
right now are the group running
the car auction and the owner
of the resort.
MISSION: To investigate a
string of false hurricane
warnings -- and subsequent
burglaries -- that are terrorizing
the citizens of Bayport.
LOCATION: Bayport.
Anyone who trusts storm
warnings from seemingly
reliable sources at the peak of
Bayport's hurricane season. In
other words, about every other
person in Bayport.
SUSPECTS: We have two
suspects at this time...
MISSION: The son of Don
Ricardo, the UN Ambassador
from St. John, has gone
missing -- and we are sending
you to locate him.
Esteban Calderon, the son of
the ambassador, and whoever
else his kidnappers have
#13 The Mummy’s
SUSPECTS: We have very few
clues. The police on St. John
have hit a wall in their
MISSION: Good thing you're
in Egypt, because we have a
mystery on our hands. A man
has been murdered, possibly
over a map to a precious
golden mummy. Could there be
a curse surrounding the
ancient mummy and his
LOCATION: Cairo, Egypt, and
the surrounding area.
Anyone in pursuit of the
#14 Hazed
SUSPECTS: Several people
on an expedition are suspects.
Find them before they find the
mummy and the money.
MISSION: Investigate possible
hazing at Eagle River
Academy, and find the truth
behind a student's death.
LOCATION: A town near
new students, including Frank
and Joe.
#15 Death and
#16 Bayport
SUSPECTS: Seniors. Dorm
monitor Mr. Diehl. The
girlfriend of the dead student.
MISSION: Attend fashion
show and keep valuable
selections of diamonds in sight
at all times. LOCATION:
VICTIMS: Jewelry model
Naomi Dowd. SUSPECTS:
Jewels worth millions -everyone's a suspect.
MISSION: Investigate
sabotage on the set of a piratethemed, action-packed reality
television show.
contestants and crew
members. SUSPECTS: The
surly mechanic on the set
seems out for revenge, but
there are also more
#17 Murder at the
#18 Pushed
Investigate threats sent by an
extremist environmental group
— STEMM — to the owner of
the local mall. These fanatics
may resort to drastic measures
to protect nearby wetlands.
That is, if members of STEMM
are really the ones behind the
Eastside Mall.
Chet, Iola, and other teens who
work and hang at the mall.
The slightly wacky hippie who
manages a store at the mall.
The seedy night watchman
who seems busier guarding
secrets than stores.
MISSION: Investigate the
murder of Evan Davis, a
runaway teen who was pushed
off a subway platform.
LOCATION: New York City.
teens living at the Haven, a
shelter for runaways in the
#19 Foul Play
SUSPECTS: Everyone from
another resident of the shelter
who ended up with Evan's
jacket to Evan's own dad, a
politician who wanted to keep
his son a secret.
MISSION: Infiltrate Pinnacle
College's top-seeded football
team to investigate rumors that
someone on the inside is being
#20 Feeding Frenzy
bribed to throw the
championship game.
LOCATION: Pinnacle College.
committed to nabbing the
championship trophy.
SUSPECTS: The star
quarterback is in the best
position to cause an upset, but
everyone seems to have
motive - even the coach!
MISSION: To uncover the truth
behind a mysterious death at
the first qualifying round for
Football Frank's Super Bowl
hot dog eating contest.
LOCATION: The qualifying
rounds are in Miami; the final
competition takes place during
the Super Bowl halftime show.
teen finalists know that the next
hot dog could be their last.
#21 Comic Con Artist
SUSPECTS: Any of the
contestants--they all have
reason to knock off the
MISSION: To discover the
criminal responsible for forging
versions of valuable original
comic-book art.
LOCATION: A huge comics
convention in San Francisco,
major comic-book artist stands
to lose a lot of money, but
thousands of fans at the
convention could lose their
lives if the culprit gets
#22 Deprivation
SUSPECTS: Rival artists,
obsessed fans, and even a coowner of the local art gallery
are all possibilities.
MISSION: To join the cast of a
new reality show called
Deprivation House - featuring a
group of teens competing to
see who can survive the
longest without modern
luxuries - and to determine
who's behind the death threats
received by other contestants.
LOCATION: A huge villa in
Beverly Hills, CA.
contestants and crew of the
#23 House Arrest
SUSPECTS: The show's
million-dollar prize offers strong
motivation to each contestant,
and some members of the
crew are hiding big secrets.
MISSION: To stay undercover
on the Deprivation House
reality show and discover
who's behind the continued
"accidents" before someone
else turns up dead.
LOCATION: A huge villa in
Beverly Hills, CA.
remaining contestants and
crew of the show.
#24 Murder House
SUSPECTS: The list has been
narrowed now that the culprit
behind the initial crimes was
caught, but someone living in
that house still has murder on
the mind.
MISSION: To finally get to the
bottom of the ongoing deadly
scares taking place on the set
of the reality TV show
Deprivation House.
LOCATION: A huge villa in
Beverly Hills, CA, without a
single luxury left inside.
contestant on the reality show
is in extreme danger.
SUSPECTS: It's possible one
of the new contestants has a
#25 Double Trouble
devious agenda, or else
someone who's been there all
along is hiding a huge secret.
MISSION: To Shadow teen
superstar Justin Carraway and
figure out the identity of his
mystery stalker before the
stalker’s intentions turn deadly.
LOCATION: Right at home in
Bayport, where Justin’s latest
movie is filming.
the clear target, but his twin
brother, Ryan, could be at risk,
too, as could anyone else who
gets close.
#26 Double Down
SUSPECTS: Way too many
people could be going from fan
to fanatic….
MISSION: Continue working
undercover as part of teen
movie start Justin Carraway's
entourage to find out more
about the unsolved murder of
the celeb's least favorite
paparazzo and other
mysterious happenings.
LOCATIONA: Atlantic City, NJ.
murder has already taken
place. If the suspect isn't
caught soon, anyone could be
the killer's next victim.
#27 Double
SUSPECTS: Everyone seems
to go crazy when it comes to
teen screen superstars - but
now there really is a crazy
person running around...and he
or she may be closer than
anyone thinks!
MISSION: To located Ryan
Carraway, who has
mysteriously gone missing
while his movie star brother,
Justin, was filming on location
in Bayport. And to find out
what, if anything, Justin is
LOCATION: New York City.
POTENTIAL VICTIMS: Ryan and anyone who comes too
close to finding out who was
involved in his vanishing act.
SUSPECTS: Movie star Justin
has been acting stranger and
stranger, and now there's
evidence that points to the fact
that he might be involved in his
own brother's disappearance...
#28 Galaxy X
MISSION: To find out who is
trying to sabotage the opening
of the brand-new X Games
theme park, Galaxy X.
LOCATION: Galaxy X, a new
theme park in sunny California.
producer and Galaxy X owner
Tyrone McKenzie and his
family, as well as anyone who
shows up to the GX premiere
SUSPECTS: There are
protestors outside the gates,
but are there people on the
inside who have a motive to
sabotage the opening?
#29 X-Plosion
Mission: To find out who blew
up Mount McKenzie, the
centerpiece of Galaxy X, and to
keep the saboteur at bay
before he or she kills again!
Location: Galaxy X, a new
theme park in California.
Potential Victims: Pro boarder
Cody Zane, and any other Alister invited to the grand
opening of Galaxy X.
Suspects: Too many people
have motives to keep Galaxy X
from opening to the public, and
one of them will stop at nothing
to keep it from happening....
Description: Frank and Joe
must trail pro skater Cody
Zane, brought to Galaxy X for
the grand opening, and find out
who would want to end his
career just as it's about to
#30 The X-Factor
MISSION: To find out who is
responsible for Bret Johnston's
death, and save Galaxy X from
another tragedy!
LOCATION: Galaxy X, a new
theme park in California.
number of A-list celebs invited
to the grand opening of the
#31 Killer Mission
SUSPECTS: Tyrone McKenzie
and his family seem to make
enemies by the second. But is
it a new enemy that wants to
keep the park shut down? Or
someone from the McKenzie
family's past who has suddenly
MISSION: To investigate the
shady goings-on at the
exclusive private boarding
school Willis Firth Academy.
LOCATION: The mountains of
New England.
brothers of Gamma Theta
Theta, the most elite fraternity
on campus, seem to be on the
receiving end of all of Firth's
biggest (and most dangerous)
#32 Private Killer
SUSPECTS: The members of
the frat may seem like brothers
to everyone else, but Gamma
Theta Theta insiders know that
within the ivy-covered walls the
boys are definitely not one big
happy family...
MISSION: To find out more
about the dangerous, recently
uncovered secret society at
Willis Firth Academy.
LOCATION: The Academy is
an exclusive private school in
New England.
Darity, the headmaster's
meddlesome, troublemaking
daughter -- and anyone who
might be close to her!
#33 Killer
The Children of the
SUSPECTS: All members of
Gamma Theta Theta, and the
secret society within it. Not to
mention some of the faculty
who seem to stop at nothing to
keep Firth out of the public
No info, not yet released
No info, not yet released
Plot Summary
MISSION: Two guys are
running around the state,
committing crimes left and right
-- and they're leaving a clear
trail for the police. They'd be a
Read It
cinch to catch, but the thing is,
the police are too busy running
after you. You've been framed.
Kidnapped at the
LOCATION: Around Bayport.
innocent bystanders caught
between you and the guys who
clearly want to see you busted.
SUSPECTS: You tell us. Who
are your enemies? Who do you
MISSION: Look into the
disappearance of Kathy Boutry,
a college reporter who was hot
on the trail of several huge
LOCATION: Atlantic City, NJ.
longer Kathy's missing, the
more danger she's in. And if
one of you gets too close to the
truth, you could be the next
SUSPECTS: Kathy was about
to reveal secrets that would put
a number of very important
people in serious hot water -seems like everyone in Atlantic
City has something to hide!
MISSION: Investigate possible
supernatural disturbances at
the Undercliff House of
Detention, formerly an insane
asylum in the 1800s.
LOCATION: Juvenile detention
center in Glastonbury, CT.
of the inmates appear to be
dying from pure terror!
SUSPECTS: Lara Renner
claims to be a psychic with a
direct line to the spirit behind
the hauntings, but perhaps her
motives are more down-toearth. Then there's the
cafeteria worker with a major
grudge. Or could it be the
culprits are truly ghosts?
#1 The Ocean of
#2 Identity Theft
#3 Mad House
#4 Malled
#5 Sea You, See Me
#6 Hyde and Shriek
Plot Summary
In The Ocean, Joe and Frank,
return to fight a new generation
of foes. Here, the young
sleuths travel around the world
in an attempt to recover a
stolen artifact and save their
best friend, who has been
framed for the theft.
Frank and Joe Hardy, are
assigned a fantastic case of
stolen identity -- literally! Joy
Gallagher claims another girl is
now living her life, with her
parents, and in her body! Is
she insane? Is that why those
men in white suits are after
her? Or can her story actually
be true?
Frank and Joe must go
undercover on a new reality TV
show called 'Madhouse,' to
discover how far the producers
are willing to go risking the
contestants' lives for the sake
of huge ratings. The plot
thickens when the producer of
Madhouse turns up murdered!
ATAC sends Frank and Joe
undercover to investigate a
new Mall opening in Bayport,
due to several suspicious
accidents there. But things get
exciting when the night before
the big
opening, Joe, Frank, and
seven others are mysteriously
locked in the mall – with a
murderer on the loose.
Something's fishy when Frank
and Joe go undercover aboard
the "Silver Lining," an old
fishing boat, to find out why
teen crew members
keep mysteriously vanishing.
When a visiting dignitary’s
daughter is scheduled to attend
a party at a horror-themed
restaurant in New York City,
ATAC agents Joe and Frank
Hardy are enlisted as
undercover protection! But in a
building where anything can
Read It
#7 The Opposite
#8 Board to Death
#9 To Die or Not to
#10 A Hardy’s Day
happen – where the walls
literally have ears – can the
Hardy Boys find and stop the
assassin before it is too late?
Traveling across the country on
the maiden voyage of a sleek
new modern train, the Hardy
Boys find themselves framed
for murder! But they can't
depend on ATAC. to help them
– because every indication is
that it is a super secret spy
organization that framed them!
The undercover brothers,
Frank and Joe Hardy, go
undercover at a major
skateboarding contest in
Venice, California to find out
which competitor is trying to kill
off the competition-literally! The
list of suspects includes Dex
Thom, a skilled skateboarder
whose parents wanted him to
be a musical prodigy, the Pink
Shadow, a girl of mystery, and
her equally secretive trainer,
Mr. Miyagi, and the Wraith, a
dark and brooding young man.
Will Frank and Joe solve the
mystery before the killer
discovers their real missionand eliminates them?!
At a nationwide drama
competition, Frank and Joe
Hardy must go undercover to
discover which contestant has
been knocking off the
competition by any means
possible – including deadly
force! While Joe keeps an eye
on all of the backstage drama,
Frank, posing as a competing
drama student, may be
distracted from his mission by
the romantic attentions of a
beautiful acting student named
Erin. Things get further
complicated when Erin
becomes the only eyewitness
to the red-haired woman who is
their number one suspect! Will
Frank’s stage debut be the
Hardy Boys final bow?
In this change of pace
adventure, Frank and Joe
#11 Abracadeath
#12 Dude Ranch o’
#13 The Deadliest
#14 Haley Danelle’s
Top Eight
#15 Live Free, Die
Hardy discover a rogue mentor
agent within A.T.A.C.
(American Teens Against
Crime) -- when that agent tries
to kill them! But it's soon
discovered he was being
manipulated by malevolent
forces who kidnapped his child
-- and now the Hardy Boys
have only until dawn to find the
man's son!
When some of the world's most
amazing magicians start
disappearing (and not in a
magical way) Frank and Joe
Hardy pit themselves against a
trio of powerful young masters
of illusion!
When several teens from a
'tough love" western camp turn
up missing, Frank and Joe
Hardy go undercover on the
open range. But what happens
when the undercover brothers
are surrounded by kids that like
being bad with corrupt
administrators that intend to
keep them that way?
When a mysterious saboteur
infiltrates the Miss Teen
Stunt Americana competition,
Joe and Frank are assigned to
back up one of the
contestants... Lind'Z Rider, the
most flamboyant and impulsive
A.T.A.C. agent ever! As if the
competition stunts weren’t
dangerous enough, Frank and
Joe must stop the saboteur
before someone dies!
This is one of the rare cases
that aren't assigned by ATAC
(American Teens Against
Crime).... when Joe and
Frank's friend, Haley Danelle
learns the friends on her
MyFacePlace page's Top Eight
are disappearing one at a time,
she turns to the Hardy Boys for
help in finding them.
When the top secret training
facility on the grounds of
A.T.A.C. headquarters is setupon by Poppa Noir's antijustice organization, the
#16 Shhhhhh!
#17 Word Up!
#18 D.A.N.G.E.R.
Spells the Hangman!
#19 Chaos at 30,000
Hardy Boys must battle their
opposite numbers, the
Sisters Noir, to free the
captured adult A.T.A.C.
Joe and Frank find themselves
on the strangest bodyguard
duty ever--protecting the five
children of a visiting dignitary
during a field trip to the
National Library of Education in
Washington, D.C. It might
sound easy, but before this
assignment is done, they’re
going to need help from the
most unexpected ally of
all…their mom, librarian Laura
Someone has made death
threats against a high school
talk radio host... and it’s up to
Joe and Frank Hardy to find
out who is making these
threats and why. Before they
can focus on that however,
they’ve got to make sure their
radio host stays alive and on
the air! They may not agree
with the boy's bombastic and
bellicose style, but the brothers
will risk life and limb to protect
his right to say it!
Frank and Joe go undercover
at a national spelling bee
where a mysterious madman
known as the Hangman is
determined to erase the
competition! Teens from
across the globe have been
invited to attend, and A.T.A.C.
and the Hardy Boys have to do
everything they can to keep the
Hangman from spelling
To be released in 2-2010
MYSTERIES with Nancy
Terror on Tour
"So, Joe, what do you make of
ATAC sending us on a mission
without telling us what we're
supposed to be looking for?"
"Frank, it's Rockapazooma!
Who cares? We can handle
"I don't know."
"So, George, are you coming
to Rockapazooma with me, or
"How could I miss a chance to
see my fave band, Lethal
Injection, live? Even Bess
wants in. But we're only going
on one condition: If a case
crops up, you'll leave it to one
of the security guards. Just this
once, Nancy? So we can
actually listen to the music?"
"Where's the mystery in that?"
Danger Overseas
One rock concert.
One big crime.
Three of the best teen
detectives of all time.
"Wow, Joe, I can't believe there
are actually people out there
who would mess around with
all these awesome ancient
"Yeah, but Frank, it's because
of them that ATAC sent us
here to Rome, and nothing
beats this Italian food!"
"Nancy, I can't believe it. When
Aunt Estelle invited you to
come on this trip to Italy with
Bess and me, I figured it would
give you a break from
mysteries, and you've still
managed to find one!"
"I know, George, but isn't it
strange to find an American girl
in the middle of Rome with no
memory of how she got here?"
"Something tells me you'll get
to the bottom of it all soon...."
One foreign city. One big
Club Dread
Three of the best teen
detectives of all time.
Sometimes, being an ATAC
agent doesn’t seem so bad.
When Frank and Joe are sent
to a eco-resort in paradise to
investigate a string of thefts,
they’re not complaining. But
once they get there, something
seems off about the mission . .
. soon the brothers feel like
missing jewelry is the least of
their concerns. Meanwhile
Nancy Drew, Bess, and
George are staying at the hotel
as guests. They, too, sense
something off about this
particular paradise, and when
they run into Frank and Joe it
seems that no one--not even
an old friend--is above
The Hardy Detective Agency would like to extend thanks to everyone who
helped with this project – and there are many of you, whether you knew it or
Special thanks go to the staff at the HDA, to SkyWarp’s site, where many of the
Casefiles descriptions were obtained; to Austin J for the back-cover
information he sent; to The Bayport Connection for information gotten there;
and grateful acknowledgement of several online bookstore sites, which
contained editorial reviews of many of the books, i.e., Amazon, Barnes &
Noble, Powell’s Books, and Borders.