The Cricket in Times Square Placemat

Alliteration- pg 415 Tuckers nest was a jumble of papers
Text Complexity Analysis of
Vocabulary: somewhat complex sometimes unfamiliar, multiple meaning
Cricket In Times Square
Pg.419- forlomly pg.425 – leery, venturing
By George Seldan
Pg.424 -scornfully Pg.412- scuffling, peered pg 412-darted
Recommended Complexity Band: Upper 4th grade
pg 414- haunches, jumble, willow tree, liverwurst, eavesdropping
Text Description
pg 417- logical, tuffets
pg 418-swallow, shifted, subway
Briefly describe the text: Story of Chester Cricket, Tucker Mouse, Harry Cat and Boy Mario
who are friends in Times Square. Comical tale of friends and life experience where they try to
come up with a plan to help save Mario’s parents from bankruptcy of their newsstand.
pg 419-crouching, Times Square, forlornly, chirp, faint, spring
Qualitative Measures
Sentence structure very complex passive voice complex declarative sentence
Meaning/Purpose: (Briefly explain the levels of meaning (Literary Text) or purpose
(Informational text)
pg 419 - He dove headfirst into the matchbox
pg 420-forepaws, acquaintance, looming, hind, meadow
HE- is a personal pronoun and subject of sentence.
Very complex –Literary text meaning has multiple levels of meaning that is implicitly written
and may be difficult. Several themes may be interpreted and imagery
DOVE- is the past tense irregular verb.
Possible Themes:
HEADFISRT - is adverb describing how he dove
* Multicultural Friendships
INTO MATCHBOX - is prepositional phrase
*Life Experience
Text Structure: (Briefly describe the structure, organization, and other features of the text)
Very complex
Organization- Very Complex-organization subplots, time shifts
Graphics very few graphics in black and white pgs 416, 421,423, 427
Language Features: (Briefly describe the conventions and clarity of the language used in the
text, including the complexity of the vocabulary and sentence structures.)
Very complex- Conventionality abstract figurative language, unfamiliar language and sentence
Knowledge Demands: (Briefly describe the knowledge demands the text requires of
Very complex- Experiences may be uncommon to readers
Life Experiences explores themes life in America 50 years ago. Use of subway life
experiences varying levels.
Quantitative Measure
Complexity Band Level (provide range):
Conventionality: complex contains figurative language
Onomatopoeia-pg 412 “psst! he whispered”
Lexile or Other Quantitative Measure of the Text:
Created by: Maria Silva, Maria Ruvalcaba, Luis Alvarado
Reviewed by:
Considerations for Reader and Task
Below are factors to consider with respect to the reader and task (See attached guiding
questions to assist each teacher in filling out this section for his or her own class):
Potential Challenges this Text Poses:
Cognitive Capabilities: will the reader pay close attention to read text and make connections
Reading Skills- Need inference skill and visualization
Motivation Skills: will they understand the purpose
Prior Knowledge-do they have prior knowledge and experience with genre
Illustrations Black and white sketches
Dialogue difficult to follow
Major Instructional Areas of Focus (3-4 CCS Standards) for this Text:
RL 4.2 Determine Theme
RL 4.3 Describe Character
RL 4.4 Determine Meaning of words/phrases
Differentiation/Supports for Students
Read Aloud, vocabulary frontloading, chunking for focus, pre-reading strategies, background
information, help make connections, read alouds, inferences and visualize
Recommended Placemat: Briefly explain the recommended placement of the text in a
particular grade band.
This selection is recommended for an upper Fourth Grade level due to the complexity
and the text structure, the story line and the use of vocabulary. It is recommended for
mid year in fourth grade.
Created by: Maria Silva, Maria Ruvalcaba, Luis Alvarado
Reviewed by: