1.7.10 Raphaella Mission Santa Ines.doc

The Spanish created missions in California because they
wanted to keep the Russians, and English out of California. They
also created mission because the Spanish wanted power and
wealth. The Spanish also created missions to convert Native
California Americans to Roman Catholic beliefs.
Who founded Santa Ines Mission? Father Estevan Tapis
founded Santa Ines Mission. How long ago was the Santa Ines
Mission founded? It was founded 205 years ago. What was the
location of Santa Ines Mission? Mission Santa Ines was located in
Chumash tribe lived on the Santa Ines Mission. Before
Mission Santa Ines was built the Chumash were hunter-gatherers.
That meant that they hunted for animals and they gathered seeds
and nuts.
Their houses were made of dome-shaped homes made
of willow, whalebone, and tile mats for roofing. Also hanging reed
mats created their rooms. Up to 50 could fit in one house!
Each village from the Chumash tribe had a star to lead
them so they would not get lost. Also each tribe had a
shaman/astrologer. They decided that in ceremonies.
After they built Mission Santa Ines, the Chumash tribes were
farmers and their herds of cattle grew to over 13,000.
The type of work the Native Americans did was get food for
their families, and take care of themselves. They also help their
young if they were sick. What the men did was go fishing or hunt
for wild animals. The men sometimes made new houses for their
family. The women washed clothes and cooked the food that the
men hunted. Also, the women made baskets to get reeds or roots
and they made clothes. Another thing the women did was bake
bread and make utensils. The men would sometimes take care of
the herds.
“In 1810, a priest named Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla gathered an
army of 50,000 to fight Spain! Hidalgo was soon killed, but Jose
María Morelos and Vicente Guerrero led the Mexican War for
independence to victory. By 1821, the Spanish were forced to
leave Mexico. All though there were many battles, the war was
fought in Alta California. Mountains and deserts cut off the
region.” (Social Studies book pg. L3 13 ¶2)
The missions closed because wealthy Californios and new settlers
received most of the land grants from the Mexican government
after the missions closed.
“The Santa Ines mission closed because in 1834, secularization
was put into effect. All the priests could no longer run the mission.
In Mexico they sent the first person to be in charge of the Santa
Ines mission, and he rented half of the mission.” (Santa Ines book
pg.15 ¶3)
Unlike Spain, Mexico encouraged people to trade with other
countries. Mexico did this to make their economy stronger.
Today mission Santa Ines is still a church and it is being restored.
Boule, Mary Null
Mission Santa Ines
Vashan: Marryont Publing, 1988
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