Biag ni Lam-ang Summary

Don Juan, together with his wife Namongan lived in Nalbuan and had a son which was named
Lam-ang. Before Lam-ang was born, a group of Igorots attacked Don Juan’s tribe so he went to the
mountains to try and get revenge. In the absence of his father, Lam-ang was born. He chose his name
and who will be his godparents. He asked where his father was.
After waiting for a several months for his father’s return, he finally decided to go and look for
him. During his long journey, he decided to rest for a bit. He fell asleep and dreamt about his father’s
head plunged on a pole by the Igorots. He woke up and was very furious so he rushed towards the
Igorot’s village and rain down hell on them all. He spared one Igorot so that one can go and tell the
gruesome tales of what happened to their village. “Nobody messes with Lam-ang” -Editor’s note.
Upon returning to his homeland, he bathed by women in Amburayan river and because he was
so dirty, the fishes in that river died.
There was this particular woman that Lam-ang fancies, her name was Ines Kannoyan and she
lived in Calanutian. He got up and brought along his white rooster and gray dog to court her. On his way
to Ines he met with his, defeated, enemy Sumarang which is another of Ines’s suitors.
Upon arriving to Ines’s home, he saw that there are a lot of suitors trying to vie for her
attention. They’re no match of course since Lam-ang brought his pets, and these are just no ordinary
pets, these are magical pets. He made his rooster crow and afterwards a house nearby fell. This made
Ines curiously look at the vicinity of Lam-ang to see what’s up and then my boy Lam-ang made his gray
dog bark which then magically made the house rose up. Of course, Ines’s parents were watching and
they were amazed, I mean who wouldn’t? In any case, Ines’s greedy parents agreed to give her hand to
Lam-ang but only if Lam-ang would give them a dowry that’s valued double their wealth. Even though it
was a really greedy move, Lam-ang didn’t have any hard time fulfilling their condition because yo boy
has magical shenanigans up in his sleeve yo. So, Ines and Lam-ang were married.
There’s this wedding tradition that a newly married man needs to go in the river and find a
peculiar fish name ‘rarang’. Well, it can’t be all Christmas day, right? So, when Lam-ang dove into the
river, he, unfortunately, dove straight into the mouth of the water monster ‘Berkakan’. Ines asked
Marcos to get Lam-ang’s bones which she then covered with a piece of cloth. Out of nowhere, the white
rooster crowed and his gray dog barked then something supernatural (and a bit scary if I’m being
honest) happened. Lam-ang’s bones started to move and he was kind-of like resurrected in a way. Yo
boy has magical pets that can resurrect the dead, that’s some next level shenanigans. Anyways, with all
that happened Lam-ang and his wife live happily ever after along with his magical pets.
Should be renamed Wonder Pets.
Ms. Lagundino
Tumaob, Lorenz S.
BSIT – A51