Essay Question choices from Mr. J

Many cultures use architecture to express or reinforce power and authority.
Choose two works of art from different cultures, identifying each of the works as fully as possible. At least one
work must be from beyond the European tradition. Discuss how each work conveys power and authority.
Colossal Head of Constantine, Roman, #10-78
Forbidden Palace, Beijing, China, #26-5
Palace of Versailles, Baroque France, #24-67
Citadel of Sargon II, #2-20
Augustus of Primaporta, Roman, #10-25
Virtually all of the world’s cultures have designed sacred spaces for religious purposes. The design and
appearance of these spaces vary greatly. Fully identify two specific sacred spaces, at least one of which must
be from beyond the European tradition. For each choice, discuss the appearance of the space and its
religious function.
Chartres Cathedral, Gothic, #18-4, 11, 12
Great Stupa at Sanchi, India, #6-5
Ziggurat at Ur, #2-14, 2100 bce
In order to understand works of art fully, one must understand their original or intended settings. For
example, most of works of art in museums have been removed from their original settings. Often a work’s
original setting has been altered or destroyed or was never completed as planned.
-Fully identify two works of art that have been removed from their original settings. Each example must come
from different original or intended settings. Discuss how knowledge of the original or intended settings
contributes to a more complete understanding of each work.
Lamassu from Citadel of SargonII, #2-21
Nike of Samothrace (it's in the Louvre) #5-82
Frequently in the history of art, artists and architects have challenged established traditions.
Select and fully identify two works that challenged established traditions. One example must have been
produced before 1800 CE. Discuss how and why each work constituted a significant challenge to accepted
artistic conventions of its time.
Conversion of St. Paul by Caravaggio, Baroque, 24-18
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon by Picasso, #33-9
• Most cultures have made use of art’s narrative function.
Select and fully identify two works of art that visually convey a narrative. At least one of your choices must be
from beyond the European tradition. Identify the subject of each narrative and discuss the means used to
convey the narrative
Column of Trajan, Roman, #10-42
Tribute Money by Masaccio, Early Ital Renaissance
Victory Stele of Naram Sin, Akkadian, #2-13
Ancient Mesopotamia
Throughout history, technological developments have enabled artists and architects to express ideas
in new ways.--Choose and fully identify two works of art or architecture and the specific technological
development that made each work possible. One of your choices must date before 1800 CE and one
must date after 1800 CE. For each work, analyze how the technological development enabled the
artist or architect to express ideas in new ways.
Chartres Cathedral, first Gothic designed with flying
Buttresses, #18-4,/11/12 -
Crystal Palace by Paxton, 1850, #28-62
Glass & iron
• This asks you to explore the stylistic relationships between form and content of figurative art.
How a culture is perceived is often expressed in depictions of the human figure. Choose two specific
representations of the human body from different cultures. Only one of your choices may be from a European
artistic tradition. Discuss significant aspects of each culture that are revealed by the way in which the human
body is depicted.
Spearbearer, Greek culture, #5-38
Dogon Seated Couple, Mali, Africa, #32-6
The relationship between an artist or architect and a patron very often shapes the form and content of
a work of art or architecture.--Identify two works, each from a different art historical period, and name
the specific persons who commissioned them. Discuss how the specific interests and intentions of the
particular patrons are revealed in each
Mr & Mrs. Kaufman/FL Wright, House of Falling Water
Medici Family/Donatello, David, Early Renaissance
Works of art often combine images with text.--Choose and fully identify two specific works made after
500 C.E. that combine images with text. The work must come from different art historical periods.
Note: Do not choose works with text consisting only of names, labels, or artists’ signatures. Discuss the
relationship between text and image in the two works you have chosen.
Chi Rho Iota Page, Book of Kells, #16-8
Still Life with Chair Caning, Picasso, #33-12
In many cultures, artists have produced images for religious use. Name two images, such as wall
decorations, sculptures, or other objects, each from a different culture. At least one image must be from a nonEuropean or non-European-based culture. Discuss how the images conform to the beliefs of the culture in
which they were produced, and in what ways each contributed to reinforcing those beliefs.
Shiva, Lord of the Dance, c.1000 CE, #6-24
Gero Crucifix, 16-26
Many cultures designate spaces or create structures for religious devotion. Choose two specific examples,
each from a different culture. At least one culture must be non-European or non-European based. Identify your
examples and their cultures. Discuss the ways in which your examples create places approprite for religious
devotion in each culture. Consider (if applicable) plan, orientation, site, structure,ornamentation, etc
Chartres Cathedral
Hagia Sophia, #12-3,4,5
Great Stupa, #6-5
Angor Wat, #6-29
Great Mosque, #13-7
Select two portrait paintings (NOT SELF-PORTRAITS), each of a single individual by different artists, and
from different periods. Identify each work by title and artist. How does each work reflect the stylistic tendency of
the artist’s own time? Compare and contrast how each artist portrays the person’s individuality.
King Philip IV of Spain by Diego Velazquez, Baroque
Mona Lisa, da Vinci, High Renaissance, #22-4
Many artists radically transform actual observation and experience in order to express their unique artistic
vision. Select two works, each by a different artist -Discuss ways in which each artist has radically transformed
observed reality in order to achieve a personal vision.
Les Demoiselles by Picasso
Starry Night, Vincent van Gogh
Challenging Tradition: breaking away from previous forms and ideas
Color: how is color an important aspect of expression/symbolism
Cultural Values: ex. the body as conveying values of a culture
Drawing upon another culture for inspiration: how do cultures look outside themselves for inspiration
Funerary Art: placement, materials, symbolism
Genre/Everyday Life: how is ordinary life recorded
Healing: how is art used for healing
History: how does a culture record history
Landscape/Nature: how and what does a culture used to engage the natural world
Light: what are the various functions of light or ways it is expressed
Materials/Medium: how do materials or the medium play an important role
Narrative: how do works of art tell stories
Patrons: how do patrons influence art
Portraiture: portraits, group portraits, self-portraits
Power: how is power and authority expressed in building, sculptures, and paintings
Religion: how is art used in religion
Ritual: how are objects used in rituals
Sacred Space: how do cultures create sacred spaces
Scale: how is scale used to express ideas
Siting: site specificity as land, symbolism, elevation, orientation
Transforming Visual Reality: how do artists transform visual reality to create internal ideas
Transitional: works of art that bridge periods or styles