Chapter 9 – New Deal Roundtable Discussion Directions: Read through pages 284 – 314. You need to provide answers to all of these questions. I might not ask all of these questions during the roundtable discussion but you should be prepared to participate in the New Deal Discussion in class on Friday in most of the areas. The discussion will count as your summative assessment for this chapter. 1. How did FDR’s economic policies differ from those of Herbert Hoover? 2. How did the New Deal help solve the banking/finance problems of the Great Depression? Successful or not? Justify. 3. How did the New Deal try to solve mortgage and debt relief? Successful or not? Justify. 4. Discuss the positive and negatives of the AAA. Was the program successful? 5. Discuss the positive and negatives of the NRA (not the National Rifle Association). Was the program successful? 6. Identify and explain some initial New Deal relief agencies. What program do you feel helped the American people the best? Was the first New Deal successful? What were consequences (positive of negative) of the first New Deal? 7. Identify critics (opponents) of the New Deal and their opinions. Agree or disagree? Why? (page 290) 8. Was the New Deal socialistic (remember capitalism, socialism, communism?)? Provide justification for your reasoning. 9. What was the cause and the ruling of the Supreme Court case Schechter Poultry Company v. United States? Please provide your opinion on the ruling with justification. (page 298) 10. What all does the Social Security Act accomplish and do you feel that it helps or harms the United States? Explain possible solutions to today’s current Social Security funding problem (it accounts for almost 23% of the US total budget). 11. What was FDR’s Court Packing plan? Was it successful? Do you agree or disagree with FDR’s Court packing plan? Justify. 12. Was the New Deal successful? Did it end the Great Depression? Explain. 13. What are legacies of the New Deal today? Are these legacies positive for the country? Explain. Category 4 Four (4) times 3 Three (3) times 2 Two (2) times 1 One Time Total X2 Participation Question Number (I will write the Question number in this box above the correct box is corresponds with below) Question Responses Total Must include all of the following: 1.Answers all parts of question 2.Includes Specific responses (not generalities) 3.Write in complete sentences 4. Uses information beyond the textbook. Missing one (1) of the following: Missing two (2) of the following: Missing three (3) or more: 1.Answers all parts of question 2.Includes Specific responses (not generalities) 3.Write in complete sentences 4. Uses information beyond the textbook. 1.Answers all parts of question 2.Includes Specific responses (not generalities) 3.Write in complete sentences 4. Uses information beyond the textbook. 1.Answers all parts of question 2.Includes Specific responses (not generalities) 3.Write in complete sentences 4. Uses information beyond the textbook. Each question is worth three (3) points. /47