484 Building Practice Room Guidelines A committee of musicians, dancers, actors and singers created the following guidelines in order allow as many residents as possible fair and easy access. We will adjust them periodically. The Practice Room Committee meets regularly to address resident and Management concerns. Residents must read these guidelines thoroughly. Your signature on the sign-up sheet indicates that you understand and agree to follow these rules. Security Officers are not expected to clarify guidelines, reserve or cancel a rehearsal/time slot. Room “A” (large room) has a piano, sprung floor, dance mirrors, PS system, boom box, long table, chairs and drums. Room “B” (smaller room) has a piano, drums, boom box, speaker and amp equipment chairs. Monies collected from donations for group rehearsals will be used to upgrade equipment. (See “Groups and Group Rehearsal Rules”) The reservation book is located at 484 Bldg. Security Desk. Each Saturday at 11:00am new reservation sheets are made available for the following week (Mon. – Sun.). Solo Practice means one or two people (singer and accompanist, two actors, etc.). o Single time slots (1 ½ hours) are for solo practice. Group Rehearsal means three people or more. o Two consecutive time slots (3 hours) are for group rehearsals only. o No Groups allowed after 11:00 pm. Last slot group rehearsals must be gone by 11:00 pm. Time slots run from 8:00 am through 11:00 pm. You may NOT alter the time slots. After 11:00 pm rooms are first come/first served. Sign in on back of pink/blue sheets. Solo practice only. 1. RESERVING AND SIGN IN PROCEDURE a) Fill out the reservation sheet clearly with your name, Building/Apt. # and the number in your group. If your info is not complete or illegible, your name will be removed from reservation sheet. b) When you arrive for your slot you must sign the colored Arrival Sheet (blue for Room B, pink for Room A). c) Leave your Manhattan Plaza key card with the Security Officer who will give you the rehearsal room key. d) When your session is over, hand in the key and be sure to check the small box on white sheet. Security Officer will then return your key card. e) Same-day and/or Last-minute Sign-up procedure is exactly the same. 1) If a room is unreserved, you may sign-up by following the same procedure above. 2) If a room is reserved but that resident is more than 20 minutes late, you may use the room by following the procedure listed under “Lateness and No-shows” section of these guidelines. Usage Restrictions a) Do not reserve more than one room at a time for solo or group rehearsal. b) You may not continue rehearsing in another room when you finish in the first room. For example: You may not reserve Room A and then reserve Room B directly after your time in Room A. c) You may not reserve the same time slot more than two times per week. d) The same group may practice no more than 3 times per week. e) Residents must be present when reserving and signing in. You may not sign in or reserve for somebody else. 2. GROUPS AND GROUP REHEARSAL RULES If you wish to include non-resident guests in your group they are considered GUESTS OF YOUR APARTMENT. They will fill out all information on the Manhattan Plaza Visitor Registry at the Front Desk of the 484 Building. They will include the name of resident and apt. number (if resident lives in the 400 building have them indicate “400” next to your apt. number on the Registry). They will be buzzed in as any Manhattan Plaza guest and may either proceed to the resident’s apartment or wait in lobby. If you are gathering your group in the lobby please wait until your group is assembled before getting room key. Security will not send a late comer in your group to the Practice Rooms. No groups after 11:00 pm. NO GROUP CLASSES ALLOWED. Group Rehearsal Suggested Donation -- $10 per 3 hour group session. We request this voluntary donation of $10 per 3 hour session when including non residents in your group. Place an envelope marked “Practice Room” with your donation in the MPTA BOX in the lobby of the 484 Building or in Practice Room lobby. This is not a fee. Give what you can so we can upgrade our equipment. Cash or checks are accepted. Make checks payable to “MPTA” and note “practice rooms” in the memo field. 3. SUGGESTIONS / COMPLAINTS / CONCERNS Violations of Manhattan Plaza Policy such as vandalism or unsafe activity should be directed to Security Staff. Any other complaints or suggestions must be directed to the Practice Room Committee ONLY. DO NOT complain about guideline violations or give suggestions to the Security Officers. DO NOT complain to the MPTA. Notes to The Practice Room Committee may be put in the MPTA box near Practice Room or call 212-330-9285. 4. BATHROOMS THERE ARE NO BATHROOM FACILITIES AVAILABLE. The same is true in rehearsal room located in 400 Building. The responsibility of “toilet needs” falls to the resident hosting the group. 5. FOOD / DRINK / SMOKING ABSOLUTELY NO FOOD, DRINK OR SMOKING ALLOWED IN THE ROOM UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Bottled Water is allowed. Coffee, tea, soda, etc. is not permitted in the rooms AT ALL. If your guest(s) bring drinks, they must consume it in the lobby of the practice room before entering. They can leave drinks in practice room lobby and consume during a break. Food it is not permitted in the rooms AT ALL. It must be left in the lobby of the practice room, in a closed container or bag, while you rehearse. 6. CANCELLATIONS If you need to cancel your reservation, put a single line through your name and utilize the white correction tape (ask Security Officer if it is not in the front of the book). DO NOT BLACK OUT YOUR NAME. Do not ask the Security Officer to cancel for you. Repeated last-minute cancellations are considered a violation of the guidelines. 7. LATENESS, NO-SHOWS, CONTINUED REHEARSALS a) Lateness: Anyone who is 20 minutes late is considered a no-show and forfeits their time slot. If you wish to use the room and the person who has reserved the room is 20 minutes late, you get the room. 1) Write “no show” and the time next to the person’s name on the white sheet. 2) Print your name above the other person’s name. 3) Sign in on the blue/pink Arrival sheet and have Security Officer initial. b) “No Shows”: If a resident has a pattern of no-shows, they will no longer be allowed to reserve in advance. Warning notices will be issued before the resident loses this privilege. If the warnings are not heeded, the resident will be prohibited from reserving in advance. If the rooms are free, they may still use the rooms but will not be allowed to reserve in advance. c) Continued Rehearsal: If no one has reserved the next slot, you may sign on both white and colored sheet at the end of your slot (not before). Be sure to write the words “Continued Rehearsal” with your name. You may then continue rehearsal until end of the next single slot. If no one else has reserved the room after the end of that time slot you may repeat the procedure, using a single slot each time. OTHER HOUSE RULES 1. NO ARGUMENTS PERIOD. Should a monitor or security officer points out and infraction, do not argue. If you have a problem with the situation put a note in the MPTA suggestion box and the committee will take it up at the next meeting. Rudeness or “attitude” towards Security Staff, Monitors or anyone using the rooms will not be tolerated. 2. DO NOT CALL THE GUARD AND ASK THEM TO RESERVE OR CANCEL TIME SLOTS FOR YOU. 3. PLEASE RETURN EQUIPMENT to its original place in the room (piano & drums in “A” next to carpeted wall). 4. RESIDENT MUST BE PRESENT during rehearsal at all times. 5. RESIDENTS ARE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR GUESTS. Any violation of guidelines by residents OR guests will result in the resident being banned from using the rooms. 6. WATCH THE CLOCK! Each time slot ends 10 minutes before the next slot begins. You are expected to be packed up and walking out the door when the next person gets to the studio. 7. DO NOT coke or resin the floor. 8. TREAT EQUIPMENT WITH CARE. CLEAN UP ROOM AND LOBBY WHEN FINISHED These guidelines are specific in order to be as fair as possible. Ninety percent of the artists using the rooms truly appreciate their existence and have no trouble following the rules. The Practice Room Committee is committed not to allow the “other 10%” to diminish this benefit. Enjoy the rooms and help us keep them running smoothly.